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 Developed Country:

A developed country is a country with high industrial and economic development. That’s
why it is also called an industrialized country. Countries are categorized by the relative
terms developed, developing, or underdeveloped based on multiple criteria, but generally
speaking the categories are based on the economy and the standard of living in each country.
A developed country has a has a mature and sophisticated economy, usually measured
by gross domestic product (GDP) and/or average income per resident, a technological
infrastructure, and its citizens have a high quality of life overall. Their citizens typically
enjoy access to quality health care and higher education.
A country is called a developed country only when she is fully developed by economy.
Generally, a developed economy automatically makes a country developed. And an
improved economy is one of the first feature or characteristics of a developed country. All
these countries have a high level of economic growth as well as their security.

 Features Of a developed country:

The general criteria for measuring the development of a state are like per capita income, per
capita gross domestic product, industrialization level, the standard of living of people, the
level of technology and infrastructure etc. They are called features as well. Here is has been
describe in brief.

 Human Development Index: HDI measures how this income has turned into social
development standards like health or education. When talking of HDI, it is considered the

i. Good health care

ii. The low child mortality rate
iii. Quality and Free education
iv. Literacy Rate

 High income per capita:  Developed countries have high per capita incomes each
year. By having a high income per capita, the country’s economic value will be boosted.
Therefore, the amount of poverty can be overcome.

 Gross Domestic Product: This is perhaps the most common measure of an

economy’s development. GDP is an essential determiner of a country’s rate of
development. Gross domestic product refers to the total value of goods and services
produced within a country. Developed countries have a high GDP.

 Security: The level of security of developed countries is more secure compared to

developing countries. This is also a side effect of sophisticated technology in developed
countries. With sophisticated technology, security facilities and weapons technology also
develop for the better.

 Guaranteed Health:  In addition to ensuring security, health in a developed country is

also guaranteed. This is characterized by a variety of adequate health facilities, such as
hospitals and medical staff who are trained and reliable. Therefore, mortality rates in
developed countries can be suppressed and the life expectancy of the population can be
high. In addition, with adequate health facilities, population development in developed
countries can also be controlled.

 Low unemployment rate: In developed countries, the unemployment rate is relatively

small because every citizen can get a job.

 Mastering Science and Technology: The inhabitants of developed countries tend to

have mastered science and technology from which new useful products such as the
industrial pendant lights were introduced to the market. Therefore, in their daily lives, they
have also used sophisticated technology and modern tools to facilitate their daily lives.

 The level of exports is higher than imports: The level of exports in developed
countries is higher than the level of imports because of the superior human resources and
technology possessed.
Moreover, the role of the Government, the role of the household, total fertility rate, better living
Standards etc. work to make a country developed economically.

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