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Annotated Bibliography, Declan Bell, 11/19/22

“Discourse Communities in Nursing.”,

In this article it helps me to understand the history of ER nurses. I found it really helpful
because it gave me a lot of background information that I will need to help me with this
project. I learned about what exactly ER nurses do, aside from the basic definition that I
already knew. It also told me how their practice gets them involved in their discourse
community, and how their community as ER nurses is constantly developing while their
roles as ER nurses require more responsibility and learning about what their
responsibility is as an ER nurse in a hospital.

Kristen Smith, R.N. “20 Nursing Slang and Code Words.” Nurseslabs, 19
Feb. 2019,

In the reading there are a lot of examples of ‘slang’ words that ER nurses use. It gave
both the term and the definition and also made it easier to follow for someone who
doesn't understand hospital vocabulary and dialect. I think this website will be helpful for
me later in my project when I am giving examples of common slang words used by ER
nurses. It could also help me while I create questions for people to think about more,
which is some feedback I got on my peer review.

Abstract - UC Davis.

In this essay I got a better understanding of discourse communities and, specifically,

what goes into making a discourse community such. It also gave me information on ER
nurses and helped me gain more information on how ER nurses could be deemed as a
discourse community and went in depth by giving me specific examples of their goals
and interests as ER nurses.

MBA, Rada Jones MD. “Do You Speak Er?” Medium, Medium, 28 Feb. 2019,
In this article the writer explains nurse dialect for people on the outside of the medical
community. Also, it goes into detail to help doctors understand and relate to their nurses.
Though this website may not directly be helpful in writing my slideshow presentation, it gives me
good background knowledge and helps me understand better what exactly I am talking about.

i4 Search Group. “5 Qualities of a Great Emergency Room Nurse.” i4 Search

Group, 27 July 2021,

This website was really helpful for me when I was drafting my presentation because it
gave me an idea on how nurses should act/be. Similar to the essay linked above, I
enjoyed this website because it walked me through what it takes to get through there
day to day. I was able to use the information in the reading and connect it to discourse
communities to ER nurses and their community that they share among each other.

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