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Business name: “Hapit anay Street Food”

“Business Goals”
 Financial goals:
To create and accomplish financial goals, we need to collaborate with our group .
Each member can help to identify strategies that trim costs, such as supplies or
facility expenses. Our group will expertise and also extend to implementing ideas
that accomplish revenue and profitability goals.

 Growth goals:
To develop growth goals, we need a clear vision statement that we can segment
into achievable steps. Whether it’s reaching new markets, launching new
products, increasing our customer base, or raising brand recognition, it’s
important to establish a realistic number of goals, actionable tasks, and our group
will complete those growth goals.

 Customer goals:
We don’t need to Improve our relationships with our target audience we need
only to serve our customers appropriate and give their expectations in our
products. Enhanced customer service also helps our company develop respect
among all stakeholders, which promotes additional business growth. And also To
set goals for customers, we need to identify roadblocks that inhibit exceptional
customer experiences.

 Group Developmental goals:

To set group development goals, we need to collect regular feedback from each
other about the types of incentives we want. Include these goals in performance
reviews by aligning development actions like training and ongoing learning
opportunities with business objectives like increasing engagement or converting
new customers.

 Social goals:
Our social goals don’t have to be financial. In-kind donations of products, services,
or our thought leadership often make more of a positive impression than
charitable donations. For example, if this our small business isn’t yet in the
position to donate a certain percentage of the profits from each sale, we can
focus on having the group volunteer for our project or donate products to those
in need.

“Target Customers”

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