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Copywriting today: The Consumer is

100 % Different Today

The consumer has changed. Microsoft completed a case study, and it says the attention span of an
individual these days is less than that of a goldfish and it’s only 8 seconds.

The world is in the palms of our hands now. If you want to be a successful copywriter, you must write
copy that engages and captures the reader’s attention fast. The crux of what is happening in this
modern age is simply that the consumer wants control. (1:20)

The consumer can get control of social networking in just a few seconds with Facebook. You can
communicate with the masses via Snapchat, Twitter, and Facebook. The consumer wants full control
when it comes to making any buying decisions. People want to buy but don’t want to be sold.

The consumer wants you to help them or lead them. Storytelling is imperative in this process. It’s the
job of the copywriter not to be a salesperson but to be more of a friend who is making a great
suggestion. (2:28).

You must learn the difference between that of a salesperson selling and a friend making a great
suggestion. There’s no doubt the consumer today lacks initial trust and wants to know that you gave a
suggestion and this allowed them to make the buying decision.

Points about today’s consumer

Control – One of the most important things to remember is the person you’re trying to sell to wants to
be in total control of the buying process. Make the consumer think the entire idea to buy is their

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Copywriting Academy – Lesson Summary

Research - In the past people read a sales letter that came in the mail. There wasn’t any other way to
get information and may contact a friend or family member for input. Now, you can turn to the Internet
to get any information you need fast. This helps the consumer be much smarter these days.

One good example of this is if you’re buying a car, the last thing you may want to do is go to the
dealership. It’s likely you’ll do extreme amounts of research before going in, and you may know what
you want before you walk through the doors of the dealership. The dealer is more insignificant than
ever these days because of the Internet and all the research you can do yourself.

It’s easier to be a copywriter today because you’re not talking at a high level. You just have to be
specific. You don’t have to use fancy words, but you do need to get to the point and be precise.

Prove it mentality – Consumers are coming into a relationship with a lot of baggage. They want to know
what are you going to sell me? What’s in it for me? You need to sell through value because people are
going to compare you to your competitors and it’s easy to do so these days with the Internet. (6:42)

Creating a yes funnel

When you work to create a yes funnel; you need to have a checklist. The yes funnel allows the consumer
to feel like they are in full control. (12:52)

Below are things you should do:

 Work on building a relationship.

 You have to build trust by telling stories.
 Connect at different levels where the consumer feels they know you.
 Make the customer feel they are in total control.

You get to have more control because you control the journey. The consumer wants to buy. (13:44)
There is an endorphin rush in the brain when you buy things.

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Copywriting Academy – Lesson Summary

By creating value, proving it, telling stories, talking to the subconscious and building a relationship you
can have success. One thing you shouldn't do is hard sale. You have to think different and talk differently
as a copywriter these days for results.

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