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Seawater flue gas desulfurization: Its technical implications and performance


Article  in  Environmental Progress · April 2003

DOI: 10.1002/ep.670220118

66 13,060

4 authors, including:

Chaturong Yongsiri
KUBOTA KASUI Corporation


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Seawater Flue Gas Desulfurization:
Its Technical Implications and
Performance Results
Katsuo Oikawa, a Chaturong Yongsiri, b Kazuo Takeda, a and Takayoshi Harimoto a
a Fujikasui Engineering Co., Ltd., 4-3, 1-Chome, Higashi-Gotanda, Shinagawa-Ku, Tokyo 141-0022, Japan;
b Dept. of Environmental Engineering, Aalborg University, Sohngaardsholmsvej 57, DK-9000 Aalborg, Denmark;

Increasingly, flue gas desulfurization (FGD) systems are An effective approach to controlling SO2 emissions
being installed to control sulfur dioxide emissions in power is use of a flue gas desulfurization (FGD) system. Vari-
plants utilizing coal or oil. For power plants located on an ous types of FGD systems are currently available. They
ocean coast, utilization of seawater from the cooling system of can be categorized as either wet, dry, or semi-dry
the plant to scrub sulfur dioxide has become a promising and p rocesses. Worldwide statistics for the installation of
attractive alternative to using other alkaline chemicals, such FGD systems at power plants in 1998 revealed that wet
as limestone and magnesium hydroxide. Sulfur dioxide is limestone processes were the dominant technology,
absorbed and subsequently oxidized to sulfate, which is a accounting for 83% of wet FGD systems, and 72% of
native constituent of seawater. Prior to discharge, the acidi- total systems installed (226,819 MWe) [2]. To date, FGD
fied seawater effluent undergoes neutralization using the systems have undergone extensive research and devel-
natural alkalinity present in seawater (the carbonate-related opment to improve SO2 removal efficiency, reliability,
system). Compared to the conventional wet limestone system, and reduced capital and operating costs [3].
the seawater FGD system offers many advantages in terms of A new development in FGD technology for power
process, design, operation and cost effectiveness. plants located along the coast has been the utilization
This paper describes the technical and environmental aspects of seawater from the plant’s cooling system to scrub
of a seawater FGD system. The performance test results of an S O 2 f rom flue gas. Dating back to the early 1970s,
existing seawater FGD system employed at a 600-MWe power re s e a rch conducted at the University of Californ i a ,
plant in China are also presented, focusing on the desulfuriza- Berkeley, showed the feasibility of using seawater to
tion efficiency and the seawater effluent quality. Diff e re n t absorb SO2 from stack gas [4]. In Japan, the seawater
design configurations for a seawater FGD absorption system are FGD process was first installed in 1978 at a chemicals-
compared. processing plant. This plant reused seawater from the
production line of a factory. The effluent was neutral-
INTRODUCTION ized with magnesium hydroxide prior to its discharge.
An increase in energy demand due to population A seawater FGD system was also utilized at a refinery
growth has led to the construction of many fossil fuel- plant in Norway in 1988 [5].
fired power plants, e.g., coal/oil-fired power plants [1]. Despite being a promising technology, the U.S. Envi-
Combustion of coal and oil results in emissions of sulfur ronmental Protection Agency (EPA) reported that, in
dioxide (SO2), which can harm human health, depend- 1998, seawater FGD systems installed worldwide
ing on its concentration and duration of exposure. In accounted for only 0.6% of the total systems in use [6].
addition, SO2 contributes to the formation of acid rain, Current development of seawater FGD is still focused
which is considered a transboundary problem. Acid rain on maximizing its performance as well as minimizing
is clearly linked to acid deposition in the environment, its costs. Basically, this development involves simpler
giving rise to acidification of receiving waters (e.g., lakes, design and improved operation.
streams and waterways), as well as deterioration of soil This paper contains a description and performance
and forests. Consequently, stringent environmental regu- test results of an existing seawater FGD system applied at
lations on SO2 emissions have been promulgated in sev- a 600-MWe coal-fueled power plant in China. The focus
eral countries. of the performance test is on desulfurization efficiency
and seawater effluent quality. Technical and economic

Environmental Progress (Vol.22, No.1) April 2003 67

Table 1. Major constituents of seawater (salinity ≈ 3.5%).

Constituent (as Dissolved Ion) Conc. in Seawater (g/kg)

Chloride 19.35
Sodium 10.76
Sulfate 2.71
Magnesium 1.29
Calcium 0.411
Potassium 0.399
Bicarbonate 0.142
Bromide 0.067
Strontium 0.008
Boron 0.0045
Fluoride 0.0013

Figure 1. Simplified schematic diagram of a seawater FGD system.

considerations concerning different types of seawater System Characteristics

FGD are also presented. Figure 1 shows a simplified schematic diagram of a
seawater FGD system. Flue gas is introduced to an
PROCESS DESCRIPTION AND MECHANISM absorber and contacted with seawater. The most com-
monly employed flow regime of flue gas and seawater is
Seawater countercurrent. Scrubbed flue gas then passes through a
Seawater is normally used as a medium in the cool- mist eliminator to prevent carryover of droplets before
ing systems of power plants located along the coast. It being released to a stack. The SO2 in flue gas reacts with
has a typical pH of 7.6 to 8.4, with an alkalinity of seawater in the absorption section, which contains either
a p p roximately 100-110 mg/l as CaCO 3. The natural perforated plates or packings to promote vigorous gas-
alkalinity of seawater, in terms of carbonate ions liquid transfer and larger gas-liquid interfacial are a ,
( C O 3 2 - ) and bicarbonate ions (HCO 3 - ), can be depending on its design.
employed to neutralize acidified seawater re s u l t i n g F i g u re 2 depicts the chemistry of a seawater FGD
from scrubbing flue gas. The major constituents of sea- system. The chemistry mainly consists of the sulfur-
water are shown in Table 1. Every ton of seawater con- related system (Equations 1 and 2) and the carbonate-
tains approximately 0.9 kg of sulfur, which is an essen- related system (Equations 3 and 4). The SO2 in flue gas
tial substance to the marine environment. is absorbed in water to form bisulfite (HSO 3 - ), as
described in Equation 1. This reaction takes place in

68 April 2003 Environmental Progress (Vol.22, No.1)

Figure 2. Chemistry of the seawater FGD system.

Table 2. Characteristics of coal.

Description Value
Calorific Value 25,500 kJ/kg
Sulfur Content (as received) 0.62% (wt.)
Ash Content 11.24% (dry)
Total Moisture Content 11.53% (dry)

turn, oxidized rapidly to sulfate (SO42-) as shown in

Equation 2.
H o w e v e r, the amount of oxygen from those
sources is generally not sufficient for complete oxida-
tion toSO42-. Forcing oxidation of HSO3- and SO32-
to SO42- by blowing air into the sump of the absorber
is, therefore, considered important (Figure 1). In addi-
tion to reducing COD originating from SO32- , SO42-,
which typically exists at relatively high levels in seawa-
ter (See Table 1), is less toxic than SO32-, and a small
increase in the dissolved solid concentration in seawater
does not harm marine life [4]. On the whole, the absorp-
tion process of SO2 is viewed as an environmental short-
cut as it precludes possible sinks for sulfur in the atmos-
phere by transferring it directly into the seawater body.
This process also avoids production of slightly soluble salt
solids—calcium sulfate—because its solubility is increased
when present with sodium chloride in seawater.
According to Equations 1 (the absorption step), and
Figure 3. Example of an existing seawater FGD system 2 (the oxidation step), shown in Figure 2, hydro g e n
for a 600-MWe power plant. ions (H+) are produced and acidify the seawater efflu-
ent. Since the effluent is returned to the seawater body,
the acidified effluent (H+) must undergo neutralization
the absorption section. Bisulfite can also be converted before discharge, utilizing HCO 3- and CO32- already
to sulfite (SO32 - ) which is known to be a source of available in the seawater (as natural alkalinity). Equa-
chemical oxygen demand (COD) in the seawater efflu- tions 3 and 4 describe the neutralization step that is
ent. Thus, COD measurements in this case must be chiefly performed in a separate basin by adding more
based on only SO32- ions. Owing to oxygen in flue gas seawater from the cooling system of the power plant to
and seawater, HSO 3- (and also SO 32 -) formed is, in obtain the excess alkalinity required. Furthermore, it is

Environmental Progress (Vol.22, No.1) April 2003 69

Table 3. Design data and performance test results of the seawater FGD system (for a 600-MWe power plant).

Description Design Data Performance Test Results

Load of Boiler Operation
600 MWe 450 MWe 350 MWe
Flue Gas
Flue Gas Flowrate (Nm3/hr) 1,916,000 2,220,000* 1,848,000 1,609,000
Flue Gas Temperature (° C) 130 120 120 120
O2 (dry vol. %) 4.7 - - -
H2O (wet vol. %) 8.5 - - -
SO2 (dry 6% O2) at Inlet (ppm) 820 500-700 500-700 500-700
Dust (dry 6% O2) at Inlet (mg/Nm3) 32 n/a 10.2 n/a
Absorber (Perforated Plates)
SO2 Removal Efficiency (%) ≥ 90 92-97 92-97 92-97
Dust (dry 6% O2) at Outlet (mg/Nm3) 25 n/a 3.7 n/a
Pressure Drop in Absorber (mm H2O) 150 n/a 110 97
Temperature at Absorber Inlet (° C) 38 30-33 30-33 30-33
Temperature Change Between Absorber
Inlet and Basin Outlet (° C) ≤1 ≤1 ≤1 ≤1
Alkalinity at Absorber Inlet (mg/l) 110 107 n/a 104
Alkalinity at Basin Outlet (mg/l) n/s 43 51 64
pH at Absorber Inlet 8.0-8.2 8.0-8.1 8.0-8.1 8.0-8.1
pH at Absorber Sump 3.0-4.0 3.4 3.8 4.6
pH at Basin Outlet > 6.0 > 6.5 > 6.5 > 6.5
SO32- at Absorber Sump (mg/l) n/s 17.3 12.1 7.1
SO32- at Basin Outlet (mg/l) n/s 0.83 0.50 0.50
DO at Basin Outlet (mg/l) n/s > 6.2 > 6.2 > 6.2

* The flowrate condition was approximately 16% higher than that of the design value during the test.
n/a = not available; n/s = not specified.

essential to blow air into the basin as shown in Figure with reference to the flue gas, absorber, and seawater
1. This process has significant technical and environ- conditions are given in Table 3.
mental benefits, including: The absorption section of this seawater FGD system
1. Oxidation of HSO3 - and SO 3 2 - to SO 4 2 - can be has perforated plates (with no downspouts set aside for
assured. seawater flow by vertical plates). Seawater used for the
2. Aerating the seawater effluent results in stripping of absorber is obtained from the cooling system. The rest
carbon dioxide (CO2) and increasing the efficiency of cooling system seawater is supplied to the basin to
of neutralization (Equations 3 and 4). neutralize the effluent.
3. Dissolved oxygen (DO) in the seawater effluent is Only desulfurization efficiency and the quality of the
replenished. seawater effluent are of concern in this study. Therefore,
other acidic gases found in flue gas, e.g., NOx (nitrogen
Description and Performance of an Existing System oxides), HCl (hydrogen chloride gas), HF (hydrogen fluo-
A performance test of an existing seawater FGD sys- ride gas) and Cl2 (chlorine gas), were not considered in
tem (Figure 3) designed for a 600-MWe power plant uti- the design of the system because they have no significant
lizing coal was conducted. This power plant is situated effect on the efficiency of seawater FGD. Since the exist-
in the southeastern part of China. The test was carried ing system is not equipped with a prescrubber, in which
out at different boiler loadings, i.e., 600, 450, and 350 chlorides and fluorides can be considerably removed with
MWe. This performance test utilizing seawater FGD was p rocess water, these chemicals are, to some extent,
conducted at the same time as the power plant per- removed in the prequenching part and subsequent sea-
formed the test on its boiler. The characteristics of coal water absorber. In general, the seawater FGD system
used in this power plant are given in Table 2. To removes 90% of HCl and HF, and 20-30% of the Cl2.
achieve a high SO2 removal efficiency and cost effec- The seawater FGD system does not significantly
tiveness, the concentration of sulfur in the coal for seawa- remove NOx . In spite of the fact that NO 2 ( n i t ro g e n
ter FGD should not be higher than 1%. The design values, dioxide) can be reacted with SO32- and, hence, con-

70 April 2003 Environmental Progress (Vol.22, No.1)

verted to N2 (nitrogen gas) in the absorber, most of the increased amount of SO42- in the seawater body has a
NOx in flue gas is in the form of NO (nitric oxide) that practically negligible effect because the content is
is less reactive and not readily absorbed [4, 7]. insignificant (less than 5%) when compared to the
Typical pH values found in the seawater absorber are native amount present. Chemodynamics within the
3.0-4.0 (Table 3). The selection of materials that can resist three primary phases of the environment, i.e., air, sea-
highly acidified seawater effluent is important for both water, and sediments, on the chemical reactivity of SO2
capital costs and system reliability. Both materials, coated (i.e., hydration and oxidation) will, in the long term,
with non-metallic substances (e.g., polypropylene and play a role in the movement and fate of the SO 2
fiberglass-reinforced plastic) and high-quality stainless removed from flue gas by the seawater absorber.
steels (e.g., SUS316L: 18Cr-12Ni-2.5Mo-C and SUS329J1: The low pH of the acidified seawater effluent (Table
25Cr-4.5Ni-2Mo), are used for the construction of the 3) necessitates the neutralization process, which takes
a b s o r b e r. For parts that are exposed to highly place in the basin. By controlling the amounts of seawa-
corrosive/erosive environments in the absorber, high- ter and air added, the pH of the seawater effluent can
quality stainless steels are recommended. p roperly be adjusted. Oxidation and neutralization
Table 3 shows the perf o rmance test results of the processes are operated to ensure an effluent pH value of
seawater FGD system. It can be seen that the system over 6.5 at the outlet of the basin. After being returned to
has shown excellent perf o rmance in terms of SO 2 the seawater body, this discharge pH increases toward
removal efficiency (92-97%) and environmental aspects ambient values in a zone whose area and magnitude are
of the seawater effluent under all loads investigated. Its governed by mixing and diffusion processes. The critical
performance was very stable under different loads dur- pH value for marine and estuarine animals is, in general,
ing the test even though the flue gas flowrate, when 6.5 [4, 8].
operating the boiler at 600 MWe, was approximately The temperature diff e rence of less than 1° C
16% greater than the design value. This high perform- between the seawater and the effluent, and the effluent
ance should be due to low SO2 concentrations com- DO of higher than 6 mg/l can be expected. These con-
pared to the design value, thus compensating for the ditions are primarily caused by aeration in the basin,
i n c reased flowrate. One of the system advantages is where oxidation and neutralization are continuously
withstanding variations of the flowrate, and concentra- performed. Although variations in pH, temperature and
tion within practical limits. DO are within natural variations, further research on
The concentration of dust was examined at 450 their long-term effects on the ecology and seawater
MWe. Its inlet concentration was approximately three chemistry should be studied by taking specific sites
times lower than that of the design value as it was into consideration.
mostly removed in a preceding electrostatic precipitator
had a dust removal efficiency of about 60% compared As an alternative for power plants located along the
to the guarantee value of 20%. coast, the seawater FGD system offers a simpler alterna-
Further tests were conducted to investigate whether tive to the conventional system, wet limestone processes,
complete oxidation of SO32- to SO42- in the absorber in process, design, and operation since it requires no
sump could be achieved. The results show some addition of chemicals. A comparison of system character-
remaining levels of the SO32-, for example, 17.3 mg/l istics between seawater FGD and wet limestone FGD is
at the 600-MWe load, (Table 3), indicating that oxida- given in Table 4. The comparison is based on a 600-MWe
tion was not complete. However, almost complete power plant utilizing coal having 1% sulfur. Based on the
oxidation subsequently takes place in the basin, as information presented in Table 4, it is obvious that the
shown by low SO32- concentrations at the basin outlet. seawater FGD system is technically and economically
Although SO32- not oxidized will theoretically result in better than the wet limestone system. When planning
p recipitation in the sump, this process is unlikely to power plants, site-specific conditions must be taken into
cause an operation problem in practice because of 1) the account in the selection of the FGD systems. For exam-
very low pH of the seawater in the sump (3.0-4.0), which ple, in terms of the operations, management of very large
does not favor precipitation and 2) a short retention time amount of generated gypsum can be considered a limit-
and high turbulence originating from aeration, which will ing factor for the wet limestone FGD system, whereas
not allow solids to settle in the sump. Other possible availability of seawater is a limitation for the seawater
salt precipitates are SO42- salts (e.g., calcium sulfate), FGD system.
which are slightly soluble. However, the presence of Typically, the absorption section of the seawater FGD
sodium chloride in seawater normally increases the sol- system is designed with either perforated plates or pack-
ubility of calcium sulfate. The potential of scaling in the ings. Systems with perforated plates benefit fro m
absorber, as well as piping systems is, therefore, not extremely vigorous gas-liquid transfer, whereas the pack-
expected. ings make use of a larger gas-liquid interfacial area. Tak-
From an environmental point of view, the pH, tem- ing full advantage of these characteristics to achieve a
perature, and DO of the seawater effluent before dis- greater degree of reliability, higher removal efficiency,
c h a rge to the sea are of concern, particularly with and cost-effectiveness, the absorption section was re-
respect to the local ecology. The very low COD of the designed using both perforated plates and packings.
seawater effluent is confirmed by low SO32-concentra- Table 5 demonstrates a technical comparison of these
tions at the basin outlet (less than 1 mg/l). The three design configurations for seawater FGD. The sys-

Environmental Progress (Vol.22, No.1) April 2003 71

Table 4. Comparison between seawater FGD and wet limestone FGD systems for large power plants.

Description Seawater FGD Wet Limestone FGD

SO2 Removal Efficiency 90-98% 80-95%
By-Product - Gypsum (Large Amount)
Effluent Characteristics Slightly Increased SO42- Increased Suspended Solids
Required Supporting Systems Seawater Supply and Wet Limestone Preparation,
Neutralization Oxidation and Dewatering
Process Water Consumption Extremely Low High
Electricity Consumption Medium Low
Capital Cost (as %) 75-80% 100%
Operating Cost Low Medium

Note: Based on a 600-MWe power plant utilizing coal having 1% sulfur.

Table 5. Comparison of seawater FGD designed with different absorption sections.

Description Packings Perforated Plates Combined Packings and

Perforated Plates
Gas Velocity (m/s) 1.0-1.5 3.0-3.5 1.6-1.8
Seawater Volume Small Large Small
Pressure Drop in Absorber Small Large Small
Absorber Size Large Small Medium
SO2 Removal Efficiency 95-98% 90-98% 95-98%
Clogging Very Likely Unlikely Unlikely

Table 6. Economic comparison of a seawater FGD system designed with two different absorption sections (for a
600-MWe power plant utilizing coal having 0.6-0.7% sulfur).

Description Perforated Plates Combined Packings

and Perforated Plates
Flue Gas Flowrate (Nm3/hr) ------------------------------1,916,000--------------------------
SO2 at Inlet/Outlet (ppm) ------------------------------700/50------------------------------
Temperature at Inlet/Outlet (° C) ------------------------------130/40------------------------------
Capital Cost a, b (USD) 39,000,000 42,000,000
Operating Cost c (USD)
(Operated 6,312 hr x 10 years) 19,000,000 12,000,000
Total Cost 100% 93%
a Based on Japanese conditions.
b Excluding an electrostatic precipitator, gas-gas heat exchanger, stack and civil work.
c Applied for electricity 65%, maintenance 30% and process water 5%.

tem with combined packings/perforated plates has a high packings/perforated plates being 7% lower than that of
SO2 removal efficiency, while reducing the absorber size the system with only perforated plates.
and seawater consumption.
Measurements of cost-effectiveness for different sea- CONCLUSIONS
water FGD design configurations are shown in Table 6. Utilization of seawater to remove sulfur dioxide from
At the same flue gas conditions for a 600-MWe power flue gas has technically and economically proven to be
plant utilizing coal containing 0.6-0.7% sulfur, the system a promising alternative to alkaline chemicals for power
with combined packings/perforated plates had lower plants located along the coast. A performance test on
operating costs (approximately 35% lower) over a 10- an existing seawater flue gas desulfurization (FGD) sys-
year period compared to the perforated plate system. The tem employed at a 600-MWe power plant (utilizing coal
lower operating cost is mainly due to decreases in elec- containing 0.62% sulfur) showed excellent desulfuriza-
tricity and maintenance, e.g., smaller seawater pumps. tion efficiency, high reliability, as well as acceptable
When the capital cost is taken into consideration, this environmental impacts. In comparison to a convention-
results in the total cost of the system with combined al wet limestone system, the seawater FGD system

72 April 2003 Environmental Progress (Vol.22, No.1)

offers a number of remarkable advantages, such as the 3. Soud, H.N. and M. Ta k e s h i t a, FGD Handbook,
simplicity of the process, design, and operation IEACR/65, International Energy Agency, IEA Coal
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ACKNOWLEDGMENTS EPA, National Risk Management Research Laborato-
The authors are grateful to Natalie Nottage and Dr. ry, Research Triangle Park, NC, EPA/600/R-00/093,
Thatchavee Leelawat for their critical comments on the November 2000.
manuscript. They also thank the personnel involved in 7. Ando, J., “SO2 and NOx Removal Technology in
this study at the Fujikasui Group for their assistance. Japan (1976),” Environmental Technical Information
Finally, comments from the anonymous reviewers are C e n t e r, Japan Management Association, To k y o ,
also greatly appreciated. Japan, 1976.
8. Batten, S.D., and R.N. Bamber, “The Effects of
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Control and Coal-Fired Power Generation,” IEAC- 1996.
CC/06, International Energy Agency (IEA), IEA Coal
Research, London, UK, June 1998.
2. Srivastava, R.K., et al., “SO2 Scrubbing Technolo-
gies: A Review,” Environmental Progress, 20, 4, pp
219-227, AIChE, December 2001.

Environmental Progress (Vol.22, No.1) April 2003 73

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