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Government: People
● Adolf Hitler- had extreme views on the superiority of the Aryan race and had a vision of great German
civilization; led him to persecute Jews and other minorities to systematically seize land
● Neville Chamberlain- British prime minister argued that a policy of appeasement would keep the peace
and end Hitler’s demands for more land
Government: Geography
● Weimar Republic-replaced the monarchical rule of the kaiser by being democratically elected
● Sudetenland- mountainous region in the N Czech Republic, annexed by Germany 1938
● Danzig- a Polish port near the mouth of the Vistula River on a gulf of the Baltic Sea
Government: Policies
● Nuremberg Laws- passed in 1935, forbade marriage between Jews and Gentiles, stripped Jewd of their
citizenship, and unleashed series of subsequent decrees effectively pushing Jews to German margins
● Lebensraum- living space, Hitler wanted this to be acquired for the new German empire
● Anschluss- political union that allowed Austria to officially become a part of the Third Reich in March
● Munich Agreement - allowed Hitler to annex the Sudetenland in return for a promise that Germany
would not take over any more of Czech territory.
Government: Alliances
● Rome-Berlin Axis - a military pact with Fascist Italy that was formed in October of 1936
● Anti-Comintern Pact-a military alliance Germany created with Japan based on mutual distrust
● Axis Powers- alliance that were among the 3 nations of Germany, Italy, and Japan
● German-Soviet Nonaggression Pact- when signed on August 23, 1939, the 2 nations. Germany and
the Soviets, pledged to not attack on another
Government: Organizations
● Nazis- “The National Socialist German Woker’s Party”, came to power legally after foing well in the 1932
parliamentary elections
● Reichstag- the German parliament building
● Third Reich- Hitler felt confident about taking another step in his creation of this new German empire
Culture: Beliefs and Ideas
● Mein Kampf- (My Struggles) Hitler’s book that declared his extreme anti-Semitic views that he had began
writing in 1924 in a Barvarian Prison after a failed coup attempt
● Scientific racism- a pseudoscientific theory that claimed that certain races were genetically superior to
● Anti-Semitism- hostility toward the Jews
● Aryans- purged of “outsiders” that the Nazi propaganda emphasized a need for a “pure” German nation
● Appeasement- an action or process of appeasing
● Kristallnacht- “the Night of the Broken Glass” which produced anti-Jewish riots that began on a night in
early November of 1938

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