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PET04 - 1º ANO – TURMA : 102



04/2021 NOME DA


Recepção e Produção de Textos Orais e Escritos de Gêneros Textuais variados em Língua
Tema 1: Compreensão escrita (leitura) / Tópico: 7. Inferências na compreensão do texto
escrito de gêneros textuais diferentes.

7.2 Inferir os efeitos de sentido a partir das escolhas de itens lexicais feitas pelo autor.

Simple Past; Comparative Form; Future; Simple Present.

Sociologia e Biologia.

Conheça sobre as gerações. Disponível em:
-gen-y-gen-z>. Acesso em: 14 ago. 2021.

1 - Have you ever heard about baby boomers, Generation X, millennials, and
Generation Z? Do some quick research (online or in the school library) and match
these names to the characteristics below.

a) People born between 1996 and 2016. They are surrounded by technology and
considered ambi- tious, digital-natives, and confident. GENERATION Z
b) People born between 1965 and 1981. They live between the digital and non-digital
world; are considered resourceful, logical, and good problem solvers. GENERATION X
c) People born after the WWII, between 1946 and 1964. They are considered committed,
self-sufficient, and competitive. BABY BOOMERS
d) People born between 1982-1995. They are the first generation to be “digital natives;”
are con- sidered confident, curious, and authority-questioning. MILLENNIALS
Based on: <>. Accessed on: Feb.
17, 2020.

2 - In 2018, the British newspaper “The Guardian” published an article on the

results of a report about Generation Z. Read the article title on the next page and tick
(✔) the topics you expect to find in it.

Social media and technology.

Health and wellbeing.



School problems.

Conflicts with the older generation.


Future expectations.

Teenage pregnancy.

3 - Before reading the excerpt, look up the following words in an English or

bilingual dictionary to make your own glossary. Check the “Learning Strategy” box to
support your use of the dictionary.

Nouns clubbing gig kickback stuff

Verbs achieve hang out harm own
CLUBBING → juntar com alguém para fazer alguma coisa, balada
GIG → show de músico
KICKBACK → suborno
STUFF → objeto inespecífico, coisa
ACHIEVE → ter sucesso em fazer algo
HANG OUT → sair, relaxar
HARM → ferir, machucar
OWN → ser dono de algo ou admitir que fez algo
Algumas palavras em inglês, assim como em português, possuem diferentes classes
gramaticais. Por isso, é importante observar atentamente o contexto em que a
palavra se encontra e sua relação com os outros elementos da frase. Veja, por
exemplo, como o Michaelis Dicionário Inglês apresenta o ver- bete sense:
Sense [sens] n 1. os sentidos. 2. percepção. 3. compreensão, inteligência, sabedoria.
4. sentido, significado.
Vt 1. sentir, perceber 2. COLL entender Expressões Common sense: bom senso.
Figurative sense: sentido figurado. In a sense: de certo modo, até certo ponto.
Literal sense: sentido literal. The five senses: os cinco sentidos. The sixth sense: o
sexto sentido. To come to someone’s sense: recobrar o juízo. To make sense: fazer
MICHAELIS moderno dicionário inglês-português/português-inglês. São Paulo: Companhia Melhoramentos,
2000. p. 582-583.

4 - Now read the excerpt with some of the young people’s answers in the report.
Check your predictions and match the paragraphs to the topics you saw in activity.


Post-millennials have very different attitudes to older age groups, says a new
So, are the kids all right?
“We have so much more to do than [just] drink and take drugs,” says Demi Babalola, a
19-year-old philosophy and sociology student. “I’m not surprised those [statistics] show
that’s the case: it makes sense. We have a lot more to distract us now.” G
“Going out takes a lot of effort: it’s boring, repetitive and expensive,” she says. “Obviously, I
used to go out a lot in my first year [at university], but now we do more kickbacks.”G [...]
“We hang out, we listen to music, make our own food, and play games,” she says. “We’ll
probably organise it a couple of days before.” G
Lewis Allely, 14, from Cornwall, agrees: “We’re quite different [from your generation]
because there’s more stuff to do at each other’s houses and we have more technology – like,
we have video games.” A,C
Clara Finnigan, 22, student at the University of Arts, London, points out: “The whole anxiety
of not having sta- bility in your future is something that is definitely very present. I won’t
probably ever own my own house, unless I get really lucky.” [...] H
“I don’t expect to have one full-time gig; my career won’t be defined by one job. I know I’ll
have to do stuff I don’t enjoy to be able to do passion projects that I do.” D
Amelia Colthart, a 22-year-old graduate from Leicester, and Myesha Owen Munro, a
17-year-old student from north London, both agree: “At my age, my parents and my
grandparents owned their own home,” says Colthart. “I don’t go out clubbing – I know my
limits. I go to friends’ houses [for kickbacks], but I have to prioritise my ca- reer goals
because it’s a lot harder to achieve what I want.” D
“We’re more inclusive,” says Babalola. “You can do what you want as long as you don’t harm
anyone and stay safe. It’s about freedom.” C
Do monogamous relationships hold any appeal? “Well, I don’t know anyone who wants to get
married as a life goal. Why would you spend the whole of your life with one person?”, says
Owen Munro. C “Self-care is a much bigger deal for us”, says Colthart. Generation Z-ers will,
after all, be living longer and more healthily, and looking better for it. B
So what is the new going out? The Generation Z idea of fun that is inexplicable to older
adults? [...] “[Commu- nicating through social media] is kind of documenting your life, but
you have an audience and you immediately know who’s interacting. I enjoy it – it makes me
feel important that 100 people are watching what I’m eating.” A

Available at:
Accessed on: Dec. 31, 2019.
5 - Say if the sentences below are true (T) or false (F) according to the young
people’s answers. After, identify and write in the space provided the passage that
justifies your choice.
The young people say that…

a) … the kickbacks are usually unplanned. ( F )

b) … they respect differences and diversities. ( T )
c) … their lives are quite different from the previous generations. ( T )
d) … marriage is important for them( F )

Passages that justify the false sentences :

a) They organize it some days before.

d) They don’t have marriage as a life goal.

6- Answer the following questions according to the text.

a) Which aspects are compared between Generation Z and millennials?

Drugs, drinks, pregnancy, future and marriage.

b) How does Clara Finnigan feel about her future career? Why?

She feel’s hopeless and frustrated.

c) Who is Lewis Allely comparing when he says “We’re quite different?”

He is comparing generation Z and millennials.


Recepção e Produção de Textos Orais e Escritos de Gêneros Textuais variados em Língua
Tema 2: Produção escrita / Tópico: 9. Elementos não-verbais e saliências gráficas.

9.1 Fazer uso, nos textos produzidos, de recursos não-verbais e saliências gráficas, tendo
em vista as condições de produção sob as quais se está escrevendo.

Giving opinion.

Vida e sociedade.


Durante nossa caminhada, nos deparamos com várias situações nas quais precisamos
nos posicionar, quer seja explícita ou implicitamente, de modo direto ou
indiretamente, mas é certo que constante- mente expomos a nossa opinião, e como
somos seres dados ao diálogo, também pedimos a opinião do outro e, mais importante
ainda, aprendemos a ouvi-la e acolhê-la, quer concordemos, quer não. Nesta semana
você verá formas que você pode dar a sua opinião e terá a chance de fazê-lo em
Inglês. Tenha um ótimo estudo!


How to give and ask for opinions. Disponível em:
< vTY>. Acesso em: 14 ago 2021.

1 - What’s your opinion about generational differences? Write your answers and
share them with a friend or a classmate. Do you have similar opinions?

a) Do more or less people own their houses where you live? Do you agree with
Clara and Amelia that it’s more difficult to own a place nowadays?
Less people. Yes, i do.

b) What about jobs? Do you agree with Clara that your generation will have a
variety of jobs? What is your expectation in this area?
Yes, i do. I wanna be a Doctor or a Vet.

c) How similar is your reality to that of British students? How do you see those
aspects in your generation?
My reality is similar to their. I agree with miss Amelia.

2 - In an online forum thread, someone asked the question: “What’s it like to be a

teenager in the 21st century?” Here’s one of the answers, by Walter Cesarski.
GLOSSARY: What is it like? Como é?

a) Read his answer and circle the appropriate forms of the verbs in parentheses.

It (is | are) really good. (...) Adults (think | thinks) that our generation (is | are)
becoming limited with being social with the heavy use of technology, but we (is
|are) more connected than ever before! We (have | has) social media and
FaceTime to talk to people that (isn’t | aren’t) with us. Relationships (is |are)
easier to have with social media.
So all in all, I (love | loves) being a teenager, it (is | are) just like any other
generation but with smart- phones. And I (have | has) faith that my generation can
change the world for the better in the future.
Available at: <>. Accessed
on: Jan. 9, 2020.

b) b) Do you agree or disagree with Walter? Why?

I disagree. Relationships are not that easier and the pressure is higerer on us, specially when
it comes to carreers.
Writing Practice
Do you remember the young people’s comments in the news article on Semana 1
about the topics below? Try to remember and go back to the text to check.
• Hanging out with friends.
• Relationship.
• Technology, games, and social media.

4 - What’s your personal experience and opinion about these topics? Write a short
comment explaining them. Follow the steps below.

a) Write a list with some of your experiences and preferences in your notebook.
Use a bilingual dictionary to help you. For example:
Hanging out with friends; watching TV; friend’s house; games

Hang out with friends, single, books.

b) Connect the ideas in your list and produce sentences giving more details. For
On the weekend, I like hanging out with my friends. We usually play video

I don’t go out with friends very often. I am single. I prefer reading books than playing games.

c) Now connect your sentences in a short comment about yourself to be published

on a social network. Follow the tips by using the connectors presented on the “Production
Strategy” box.

I don’t go out with friends very often and I am single. I like reading books,
actually, I prefer reading books than playing games.

Production Strategy
Ao escrever um texto, lembre-se de usar conectores como and, but, so e because.
Eles estabelecem relações entre as ideias (de adição, de oposição, de consequência
etc.) e, por isso, dão coesão, coerência e fluidez ao texto.
Recepção e Produção de Textos Orais e Escritos de Gêneros Textuais variados em Língua
Tema 3: Compreensão Oral (escuta). / Tópico: 14. Condições de produção do texto oral de
gêneros textuais diferentes.
14.1. Identificar o tema geral do texto.
Routine; Simple Past.
História; Arte.


Iniciamos esta semana com a apresentação de uma tirinha norte-americana - Baldo -
que representa o cotidiano social da comunidade hispânica em tom humorístico.
Posteriormente, vemos dois exemplos de atitudes de jovens com vistas à preservação
de sua história e cultura local. Por fim, estudaremos sobre História e Identidade,
quando iniciaremos uma série de estudos sobre a história da África, nossas raízes.
Ótimos estudos!


Conheça mais da história da África de uma forma interativa. Disponível em:
<https://mappinghistory.> Acesso em: 17 jul.
1 - Read the cartoon below. Complete the gaps with the words/expressions from the

six months later – pick up – cleaning my


Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 19 jul.


2 - The cartoon in activity 1 portrays the life of a Latin American teen called Baldo.
What is funny about it? Do you identify yourself with him? Why?

The funny part is that he cleans his room once in 6 months. I don’t like cleaning, but I don’t
wait for six months.

3- Think about the following questions and, then, discuss with a classmate or a friend.

a) How do you see yourself? I am intelligent, a good student, charming and shy.

b) What influenced your identity? How was it formed, in your opinion? Explain.
My parents, my sisters and God, because they’re the main people in my life and I
live with them. It was formed by relationship.
c) How do you think other people see you? Why?
People see me as a good person, good daughter, intelligent and talented.
4 - Examine these images and read the texts related to them. Then, discuss the following

target audience: público-alvo; we grew up: nós crescemos; what they went
through: pelo que eles passaram
a) How do you connect the texts to the previous discussion? The texts talk about
Generations and their battles / dreams in life.
b) Consider your family and/or community traditions and history. Which aspects
do you think are important to preserve? Why do you think it is important to keep them
alive? Explain. The importance of the family and the love for God, because these aspects
guide our lives.

c) How can you help to preserve those traditions? Practicing them and teaching them to
my sons or daughters.
Nos textos anteriores,
refletimos sobre a importância
de se reconhecer a necessidade
de resgatar e valorizar sua
própria história e tradições
enquanto forma de constituição
da própria identidade - o
indígena norte-americano
apresentando-se como exemplo
a outros indígenas, e a
adolescente que aprendeu e
tece a renda como forma de se
conectar com um ente querido.
Pensando na importância do
conhe- cimento de nossa
história, leia um excerto de uma
entrevista com o historiador
Laurentino Gomes:
Autor das premiadas obras
“1808”, “1822” e “1889”, que
resgatam detalhes da história
brasileira, o escritor paranaense
Laurentino Gomes se deu conta
de que o assunto mais
importante do passado nacional
não eram os ciclos econômicos,
as revoluções, o império ou a
monarquia. Era a es- cravidão.
“Tudo o que nós já fomos no
passado, o que somos hoje e
o que seremos no futuro tem
a ver com nossas raízes
africanas e o modo como nos
relacionamos com elas”,
Disponível em:

-e- incapaz-de-entender-si-mesmo.html.
Acesso em: 29 de ago. 2021.

Considerando a fala de
Laurentino Gomes, o que você
conhece sobre suas raízes
africanas? Como você se
relaciona com elas?

Eu nasci em um país onde a

miscigenação das raças está
muito presente, tenho orgulho
de ser brasileira, sou
descendente da mistura de
africanos, indígenas e italianos.

Ao lado está apresentada uma

linha do tempo com alguns
pontos principais dos Primeiros
Registros da História da
Africa - Part I. para te ajudar
a preencher muitas das lacunas
que te ajudarão a compreender
sua própria identidade. Boa
Disponível em: Acesso em: 19
jul. 2021.
5- Read the “Africa’s History Timeline: Part I” and answer the following questions.

a) Be an active reader! Insert an emoji, an icon or symbols of “like”, “dislike” and

“share” on the circle of each card to show your reaction to the information or
to call attention to the subject.

Disponível em:───moji-2762568_960_720.png

Acesso em: 17 ago. 2021.

b) What happened in South Africa in 500 (ca.)? Narrate using the Simple Past.

Bantu speakers arrived in South Africa.

c) When and where did the gold trade start?
It started in West Africa ( Mali ) in 500 (ca.).
d) What is the connection between slavery and the Roman Empire?
Slavery was a major feature in the Roman Empire.

e) What do you learn about slavery in Europe?

The majority of slaves como from Russia and eastern Europe.
f) Where did slaves come from in Europe?

Russia, Eastern Europe and some from Africa.

g) What is the connection between the Arabs, Europe, Asia and slavery?
They used to sell and buy slaves from each other.

Recepção e Produção de Textos Orais e Escritos de Gêneros Textuais variados em Língua
Tema 3: Compreensão Oral (escuta) / Tópico: 14. Condições de produção do texto oral de
gêneros textuais diferentes.

14.2. Identificar a função comunicativa do texto.

Reading; listening.

História oral.


Hello, there! Nesta semana, você irá reconhecer o processo de criação de narração

Nesta semana, você verá a atitude tomada por uma jovem menina diante da crescente
modernização causando demolição de prédios históricos na capital da Malásia, Kuala
Lumpur, com o objetivo de preservação da memória local. A história é vista no formato
de narração pessoal. Logo depois, será a sua vez de fazer uma produção escrita. Bons


Vá além em sua habilidade escrita. Disponível em:
< writing> Acesso em: 17 jul. 2021.
O depoimento abaixo foi extraído de um vídeo disponível online gratuitamente. Se
possível, assista ao vídeo! Assim, você irá desenvolver sua habilidade auditiva.

1 - Read or Listen / Watch to Pui Wan’s narrative and choose (✔) the best answer to the
questions below.
a) Why does she make miniatures?

I. To sell them as souvenirs. II. To preserve the memory.

b) Why does she make miniatures of old buildings?

I. Because they are being demolished. II. Because they are being remodeled.
c)How does she define “miniature art?”

I. An object only for decoration. II. The recreation of something in 3-D.

d) Where does she expect her miniatures to be in the future?

I. In a museum. II. In her private collection.

2- Read the following questions and explain your point of view.

a) Pui Wan says that “a development of a country is unavoidable.” In your

opinion, does the deve- lopment of a city/country necessarily mean the
demolition of old buildings? Can you observe this in your city or in Brazil?
No, the development of a country doesn’t mean the demolition of old
buildings. Yes, I do. In Belo Horizonte there are old buildings and a lot of them
are protected by the government.

b) She thinks “miniature art can be so meaningful [...] for preserving memories.”
What are other ways to preserve memory?

Pictures, videos, songs, recordings.

3 - The text you studied is an example of a personal narrative: a text in which

someone shares some personal experience. What is the purpose of this text? Tick the
correct one (✔).

a) To instruct someone on how to do something.

b) To tell someone about a specific event in the author’s life.

4 - Reflect on the characteristics of Pui Wan’s text and write the items that define a personal

a) Uses the first person (I/me – we/us). ( x )

b) Describes the author’s personality. ( x )
c) Focuses on one particular event in the author’s life. ( x )
d) Includes the author’s thoughts and feelings. ( x )
e) Includes details about the time, place, and people involved. ( x )
f) Seeks to persuade the others to do something. ( )

5 - Explore the following sentences from the text/video and relate them to the
characteristics of a personal narrative you chose above. Each sentence may be
associated with more than one characteristic.
• “For me it’s important to make miniatures for preserving memories.” D
• “I make miniatures for a living.” C
• “Early in the morning you can see a lot of uncles and aunties, they love to go to
the old kopitiam to have a typical breakfast.” E
WRITING: 6.1 Recall Pui Wan’s narrative about her art and consider the structure of a
personal narrative.
6.2 You are going to write a personal narrative about some experience related to a
tradition or history from your family or community. Your text will be published in a
public forum. Follow the steps.

a) Decide what you want to learn about or to do: some part of the family or
community history, some traditional craftwork, food, etc.
b) Decide how you are going to learn about it: ask someone to teach you; watch
or read a tutorial on the internet; research in books, historical documents,
magazines; look for pictures in pu- blic or personal archives, etc.
c) Go for it! Learn what you want and, if necessary, spend some time practicing it.
d) Write a short text describing your experience. Consider:
° what you learned;
° why you decided to learn about it, and its relevance;
° how you learned it, who taught you;
° your feelings about it.

Useful Language
I wanted/decided to learn about…/to make… I learned about…/to make… from my
In my opinion, this is important because… grandfather/friend/the internet/a book in
the I think it is difficult/easy/ fun/interesting/

I decided to learn how to make a dish of the culinary art, very important for Minas Gerais,
famous among miners and tourists, the cheese bread. I learned with my mother. In my opinion
this is important, as the recipes are passed on to other generations, and it is also my favorite
snack, I really enjoyed learning and in the end it was very good .

Recepção e Produção de Textos Orais e Escritos de Gêneros Textuais variados em Língua
Tema 3: Compreensão Oral (escuta) / Tópico: 14. Condições de produção do texto oral de
gêneros textuais diferentes.

14.3. Reconhecer o gênero do texto.

Simple Past; Prepositions of time.

História da África.


Hello! Nesta semana, você conhecerá as raízes da escravidão no mundo. Você

também poderá iden- tificar o processo de sistematização da escravidão no
continente africano.

“A história é uma ferramenta de construção de identidade, olhando o passado
sabemos quem somos hoje” (Laurentino Gomes. Disponível em: Acesso em: 29 de ago. 2021.) Por
isso, nesta semana vamos estudar sobre as origens da escravidão. Depois, veremos
um pouco mais sobre a história da África durante a Idade Média. Ótimo estudo!


Get to know about the African American History through an interactive timeline. Disponível
<>. Acesso em: 17 jul. 2021.

Read the text about The History of Slavery and answer the following questions.
History of Slavery Timeline
c. 3000 BC Slavery arrives as part of the package of civlization,
along with armies, public works and social hierarchies
c. 1720 BC The Code of Hammurabi is the first surviving document
to record the law relating to slaves
c. 1700 BC The biblical account suggests that around this period
the Hebrews are a captive tribe in Egypt
c. 350 Frumentius, brought to Ethiopia as a slave, becomes the
kingdom’s first Christian bishop
c. 700 The African slave trade through the Sahara is so extensive
that a new town,
Zawila, is established as a trading station
c. 850 The caliphs in Baghdad begin to employ Turkish slaves, or
Mamelukes, in their armies
c. 950 So many Slavs are captured and sold, in the movement
eastwards of the Germans, that their name becomes the European
word for a slave
1446 Portugal claims ownership of the region of Guinea,
subsequently the centre of their slave trade on the west African
1547 John Knox is captured in St Andrews and is sent to serve in
the French fleet as a galley slave
Disponível em:
conid=timeline&event_number=20 Acesso em: 10 jul. 2021.

1 - According to the timeline, when and how did slavery start in the world?
It started in 3000 BC, along with armies, public works and social hierarchies.

2- According to the timeline, what is the origin of the word slave? Explain it.
When slavs wer captured and sold, their name became the europlan word for “ slaves “.

3 - It is said that in 1466, the Portuguese settlers are granted a monopoly on the
“new slave trade”. If that slave trade in Cape Verde was a new one, which other slave
commerce examples are mentioned in the timeline? Specify when they happened,
where they were, and who were the people involved in it.


HEBREWS ( 1700 - EGYPT )
4 - A escravidão está extinta no mundo contemporâneo? Pesquise dois exemplos
atuais de escravidão. Escreva-os abaixo e sugira possíveis formas que a sociedade
pode fiscalizar e retificar esses contextos.

Não. Muitos trabalhadores rurais são mantidos como escravos, caseiros, imigrantes e
pobres. O governo deve proteger essas pessoas e as pessoas devem ser conscientizadas.

Ao lado está apresentada uma linha do

tempo com alguns pontos principais dos
Primeiros Re- gistros da História da
África – Parte II.
Disponível em:
african- history-timeline/ Acesso
em: 19 jul. 2021.

6 – Read the timeline and answer:

6.1 True or False? If false, write the
correct sentence.
a) According to evidence, the
Europeans were the first travelers to
come to the Americas. ( F )
b) The only kingdom in Africa was Egypt.
c) Back in 420 we could hear people
defen- ding and fighting for the equality
of all human beings. ( T )
d) There is no register of slavery in
Europe before 1500. ( F )
e) A great number of empires
emerged along the History of the African
Continent. ( T )
f) The slaves in Italy in 1400 were
composed of people from many African
kingdoms. ( F )
g) Between 1414 and 1423, 10.000
Nigerian slaves were sold in Venice. ( T )
g) The beginning of the direct
involvement of Eu- rope with the African
slave trade dates back to 2700 BCE.
Now, correct the sentences that were false:
a) African travelers.
b) The Kingdom of Songhai.
d) In 1200 there was slavery.
f) They were Greeks and eastern europeans.
g) The direct involvement of Europe with African slave trade happened because of Portugal in
6.2 Is there any surprising fact to you in this timeline? Explain.

Yes. I already knew there were a lot of slaves but I found out that in 1450, 1000 slaves per
year were transported to Europe.
Recepção e Produção de Textos Orais e Escritos de Gêneros Textuais variados em Língua
Tema 3: Compreensão Oral (escuta) / Tópico: 14. Condições de produção do texto oral de
gêneros textuais diferentes.
14.4. Reconhecer o local onde se passa o evento comunicativo. 14.5. Identificar a autoria do
Food; Culture; Thanksgiving; Harvest Festivals.


Hello, there! Nesta semana, você irá entender a expansão marítima e sua relação
com o tráfico hu- mano estabelecido na África. Você também reconhecerá a forma
que o feriado de Ação de Graças - o Thanksgiving - é celebrado entre muitos povos
do continente africano.

Nesta semana, daremos seguimento à linha do tempo da história da África. Iniciamos
pelos primeiros registros do continente, seguimos ao estudo da África na Idade Média,
e chegamos agora ao início da Idade Moderna, quando se estabeleceu a
sistematização do tráfico humano do continente africano. Ao final, veremos como é
celebrada a Festa da Colheita ou Thanksgiving entre muitos dos países africanos nos
dias atuais. Você também será levado a considerar os motivos pelos quais você é grato
neste ano. Bons estudos!


1 - Read “Africa, Modern Age” and answer the following questions.

a) What happened to the African gold trade in 1550?

Enslaved people have replaced gold as the principal object of European trade with

b) When and where is the first slave insurrection registered? Is there any other
slave insurrection presented on the table? If so, where did they happen?

In Peru ( 1550 ). Yes, there is, In Venezuela ( 1552 ) and In Panama ( 1552 ).
c) How did emancipation start to happen in Mexico? What does the scholar
Bartolome de Albor- noz say about the slave trade?
Gaspar Yanga led colonial Mexico’s first successful slave uprising and later
established one of the New World’s first black settlements. Bartolome de
Albornoz writes against the enslavement and sale of Africans.

d) What was Brazil’s position in this scenario during that time? What was
happening in Brazil in those years?

Portuguese settlers, including African slaves, found Rio de Janeiro.

e) According to the table, how did African countries react when Portugal tried to
settle in their land?

African countries tried to fight against the enslavery of their people is in 1590,
the Portuguese are defeated by the combined African armies of Matamba and
Ndongo and in 1592, Portuguese forces are defeated by the Zimba in the
Zambezi Valley.


Yea Event Subjec Country

r s t
By this date enslaved people have
155 replaced gold as the principal object of The Slave Trade n.a.
0 European trade with Africa.
The first slave insurrection is recorded in
155 Anti-Slavery Nicaragua
0 Resistance
155 The first slave insurrection is recorded in Anti-Slavery Peru
0 Peru. Resistance
155 Venezuela records its first slave Anti-Slavery Venezuela
2 insurrection. Resistance
Panama experiences its first slave
insurrection. The resistance led by
155 Bayano (or Vaino) leads to the founding Anti-Slavery Panama
2 of a maroon colony in eastern Pana- ma. Resistance
In 1570 the colonists established the
town of Santiago del Principe.
Englishman John Hawkins begins trading
sla- ves across the Atlantic when he
leaves what is now Sierra Leone with a Dominican
156 The English Slave
shipment of 300 ensla- ved people Republic
2 bound for Hispaniola. This is the first Trade
major example of English participation in
the slave trade.
Portuguese settlers, including African
156 Colonial Conquest Brazil
slaves, found Rio de Janeiro.
Spanish trade between Mexico and the
156 Phi- lippines introduces enslaved Spanish Slavery Philippines
8 Africans to the Philippines.
Year Event Subjec Country
s t
Gaspar Yanga, Known as the Primer
Libertador de America or the first
157 liberator of the Americas, led colonial Emancipation Mexico
0 Mexico’s first successful slave upri- sing
and later established one of the New
World’s first black settlements.
Professor Bartolome de Albornoz of the
157 Univer- sity of Mexico writes against the Spanish Slavery Mexico
3 enslavement and sale of Africans.
The Portuguese are defeated by the Anti-Colonia
159 Angola
combined African armies of Matamba l Resistance
0 and Ndongo.
Portuguese forces are defeated by the Anti-Colonia
159 Mozambiqu
Zimba in the Zambezi Valley. l Resistance
2 e
Dahomey emerges as the first of a
161 West African Benin
series of sla- ve-trading states along the
0 West African coast. Empires

The Portuguese are exporting

approximately 10,000 enslaved people Portuguese Brazil
5 per year to its Brazilian colony. Slavery
The town of San Lorenzo de los Negros
receives a charter from Spanish colonial Africans in Colonial
161 Mexico
officials in Me- xico and becomes the New Spain
7 first officially recognized free settlement
for blacks in the New World.
Disponível em: Acesso em: 19
jul. 2021.

2 - Ao longo da história, existia uma sistematização do comércio de escravos de

modo que todos os reinos sempre tomassem escravos do mesmo local? Explique
apresentando dados à sua resposta.

Os países deixavam forças tomando conta dos escravos, tanto que em 1590 os
portugueses foram derrotados em Angola e em 1592, em Moçambique, de acordo
com a tabela

3 - Reflita sobre as razões por trás da busca por incorporação de novas terras
como também sobre a motivação subjacente à coisificação do ser humano ao torná-lo
em um escravo. Agora, responda: Qual é a relação da expansão marítima europeia
com a diminuição do comércio de ouro na África e aumento do tráfico humano?

Os europeus precisavam de novas terras para explorar e enriquecer além de acreditar

que precisavam expandir e tornar - se poderosos de tal forma que com a diminuição
do comércio de escravos na África, comercializar forças de trabalho humano gratuita
para servir a seus propósitos se tornou mais lucrativo e parte da expansão territorial
de poder europeia.

4 - Leia o texto a seguir e responda:

a) What are the harvest festivals? Why do people celebrate it?

African people have always had festivals at the time of harvest. In some parts of
Africa good grain harvests are a cause of celebration.
b) Which examples does the text mention?
The text mentions the Yam Festival and the Homowo Festival.

c) Choose one of the harvest festivals in the text and explain what they are to a
friend. After, illustrate the celebration with a drawing or an image on your

Eu escolhi o “ Homowo Festival “, A palavra Homowo pode significar “piar (ou

zombar) da fome” na língua Ga. A tradição de Homowo começou com um período de fome
levando à fome devido ao fracasso das chuvas sazonais necessárias para as plantações na
região da Grande Accra , onde o povo Ga habita predominantemente. Quando as chuvas
voltaram ao normal, o povo Ga comemorou criando o festival Homowo, daí seu nome e

d) Se você fosse em um desses festivais, quais seriam os seus motivos de

gratidão? Escreva abaixo, “I’m thankful for ...”.

I’m thankful for my family, for my life, for my friends, for my home and for
having a God who is always with me.

Harvest Festivals in African Countries

African people have always had festivals at the time of harvest. In some parts of
Africa good grain har- vests are a cause for celebration. In other parts of Africa there
is the Festival of Yams. Tribes of West Africa, for example, celebrate the yam
harvest with days of ceremonies and offerings of yams to their ancestors and to the
The Yam Festival is usually held in the beginning of August at the end of the rainy
season. A popular holiday in Ghana and Nigeria, the Yam Festival is named after
the most common food. Yams are the first crops to be harvested. People offer yams
to the gods and ancestors first before they distribute them to the rest of the village.

Esquerda: Yam Festival. Imagem Disponível em: Acesso

em: 17 ago. 2021. Direita: Homowo Festival. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 ago. 2021.
DESPEDIDA: Chegamos ao final de mais um bimestre. Assim é a vida, precisamos
fechar ciclos, cum- prir etapas e não pulá-las, porque é cumprindo cada uma delas
que conseguimos ter a autoconfiança, coragem e competência de bater em novas
portas para, então, adentrar naquilo que nos é novo e tão desejado para, mais uma
vez, completar novas belas etapas. See you!

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