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How to get a band (7 --> 9) in Vocab:

 Paraphasing
 Idiomatic expressions
 Less common words
(How much can you get depend on how precise you “apply” these ways)
 Paraphasing the first part of the question
 Or paraphrasing all the question (even the full answer=))) (for who has
the aim of 8.0 --> 9.0)
Idiomatic expressions:
 Must go with emotion
 Don’t cram them
 Use in right context (please=)))

 Some useful idioms:

 It all boils down to sth... ~ the key thing here is....
 At the end of the day... ~ Ultimately,….

Less common vocabulary:

 Precision
 And paraphrase..... (with advanced vocab=)))

Go to band 8 speaking with method to practice:

 Fluency:
Band 6 be like: speak at length...but too much um....uh
Band 7 be like: speak at length + ease
Band 8 be like: speak with a suitable length + ease + more specific ideas
(develop ideas)
 Pronunciation:
Practice your intonation – exact pronunciation
 Vocabulary:
Using less common words (search for editorial)
Idiomatic expressions
 Grammar:
Don’t try too much on using complex structure
*More about generating ideas:
- Use various type of grammartical structures
- Provide a better link between each answer
- Take attention on the “invisible” requirement of the questions
- Widen your answer regarding to “depth”

*Tips for you:

- Use frequency verb (such as may, might, should...)
- Have a proper structure and organisation of your answer
- Use advanced vocabulary

Speaking part 1:
The questions:
1. Do you work or study?
Your previous answer: I am currently a student in a secondary school. I am
gifted student in English as well.

Modified answer: Currently, I am studying at a secondary school, to be more

specific I am now an 8th grader. Additionally, I have also been majoring in
English for 3 years as well
Grammartical features
Vocabulary features
2. What do you like (most) about your school?
Your previous answer: To be honest, there are lots of elements that I am
satisfied with my school, but one major thing here is about the equipment. I
mean, each room is well-equipped with projectors and air-conditioners to
make sure that students will have a comfortable environment to learn and

Modified answer: Obviously, it all boils down to the idealisation of the

equipment provided here. I mean, each room is well-equipped with projectors
and air-conditioners simultaneously, accommodating the students top-notch
facilities to ensure the qualification of the lesson. Futhermore, the teachers
who work there have always been really accessible as well as having
encyclopedic knowledge to assist learners in their studying process.

3. What do you dislike about your school?

Your pervious answer: As much as I am really admired my school, but there
are still something that I am not fond of it, actually. The first thing, maybe it
is about the examinations. I think we have too many exams in one semester,
something like 15-minute test; 45-minute test, the last semester test..etc. That
can be overwhelming for students or even cause pressure on those have
mental health problems. By the way, another problem here is the educational
system, when specifically in English, we just focus on grammartical structure
and vocabs, and then some simple quiz will be given and it force us to
memorise all of those knowledge.

Modified answer: As much as I admire my school now, however, some

diadvantages are existing that I am still not really fond of, though. About the
examinations, I assume it is somehow quite overwhelming for us, we have
been experienced various type of tests in a certain semester constantly. As a
result, it may a hard graft for students, or perhaps causing stressful feelings
for those having mental issues. More considerable, whereas a colossal
amount of theorical lessons, there seems to be no practical chances to apply
the theory after all, so these turn out to be mundane and useless ultimately. In
short, the educational system here leaves a little to be desired
4. What are you studying?
Your previous answer: Well, I am a gifted student in English. The reason why
I choose English? For very simple reason, just because I think I have natural
talent for English, so I choose English but not the other subjects as my area
of specialization.

Modified answer: Well, I am an English major for now, I have been doing so
for a better part of 3 years as I mentioned before, but in fact I have ventured
into this for over 10 years. Really straightfoward reason for my choice is just
because myself is having a knack for English, while Maths or Physics might
be too purplexing for my ability. So English then plays a part as my area of
5. What is the most difficult part of your study?
Your previous answer: English is my passion, so I rarely find any difficulties
in learning English, but sometimes vocabulary can be a barrier for my
learning process. As you know, there is a wide range of vocabulary that you
need to remember and to apply to your speech or your written paper. And the
major thing here how to memorise them effectively. So vocabulary can be
quite challenging in some cases.

Modified answer: My most desireable passion is English, so I rarely

encounter any difficulties in learning it, however sometimes vocabulary
becomes the main barrier in the whole learning journey. As you know,
vocabulary is extremely diverse, and you have to remember them, more
importantly, apply those to your speech or written paper afterwards. As a
result, finding a suitable method for memorising vocabulary is vital, and that
is no small task, honestly.
6. Why did you choose that subject?
Your previous answer: Well, not only I am passionate about English, but it
may be really useful for my future as well. Nowadays, if I want to find a
lucrative job, English will be an essential requirement. Also beside, it is
because of my dream to attend a pretigious high school in my province, so
again, English will help me to have a chance to go to that school. By the way,
the school has a competitive admission with extremely challenging entry tests.
Modified answer: As a matter of fact, I chose English as my default in lieu of
another subjects for two major factors. Nowadays, if I have an aim to make
lucrative income in the future, English will be bar none an essential
requirement. Singularly, because of my dream in attending a pretigious high
school in the province where I am residing in, so English might help me in
the competitive admission as well as passing the unpredictable entry test, of
course, provided that I have also prepared another subjects as well.

7. What do you like/dislike about your study?

(*Use again “vocabulary” for talking about the point that you don’t really
like about when you learn English)
Your previous answer: English is exhilerated, I must admit that, so almost
every part of it I all find them interesting. But specifically, speaking and
listening are two best skill that I am really keen on. For listening, I think I
have good ears, so I can listen to long paragraph or long speech quite clearly,
although some cases I am not really understand some advanced words
contain in it, but I am still understand the overall meaning. For speaking, the
most practical one, I love enhancing on my vocabs and grammartical
structures to fortify my speaking skill.

Modified answer: Since English is exhilerated, I must admit that, virtually

every part of it all genuinely attractive in my thought. But by and large, I
adore speaking and listening typically. On listening, I have always considered
myself as having good ears, so even a long, complex paragraph or an
academic speech is not too complicated for me, despite the appearance of
some advanced words. For speaking, the most practical one, I derive pressure
from learning new vocabs with high-level grammartical structures, because
of strong belief that those can fortify significantly my speaking skill.

 Get the hang of sth ~ get familiar with sth

 Transferable ~ flexible
 Lucrative ~ profitable
 Leave a little to be desired ~ not really good
 Up to par ~ preforming perfectly, nothing wrong
 Entry-level jobs ~ low level jobs
 Tenacious ~ resilient
 Default ~ base
 Daunting ~ slightly worrying ~ off-putting
 Gravitate ~ be attracted/tend to do sth
 Mundane ~ too ordinary, not interesting
 Repetitive ~ repeating (overtime)
 Advance ~ promote
 To wear lots of hats ~ do lots of things
 For the better part of + time
 Bar none ~ undoubtedly
 Walks of life ~ classification in the social
 Encyclopedic knowledge ~ knowledgeable
 Singularly ~ especially
 Pleasurable ~ enjoyable
 Derive pleasure from sth ~ feel enjoy when doing sth
 Colossal ~ big
 Hard graft ~ difficulties
 To be no small task ~ not easy
 Venture into ~ dive into
 Workload ~ deadlines
 Drown in sth ~ up to ears in homework =)))
 Overwhelming ~ too much
 Day in day out (idiom) ~ day by day, usually
 Have a knack for ~ good at sth specifically
 Breeze through sth (idiom) ~ go through sth (without difficulties)
 Top-notch (idiom) ~ amazingly good
 To be passionate about ~ having passion on
 Area of speciallization ~ major in
 Analytical and problem-solving skills
 Purplexing ~ complex ~ complicated
 Turn to a new leaf ~ change yourself for better
 On cloud nine ~ over the moon
Good technique: Make your answer longer and “fancier” by adding
explanation for each of your idea
E.g. top school ---> competitive admission ---> proud to be in the school
Maths ---> deal with numbers + give accurate answer + challenging and
unpredictable exams ---> overwhelming and dull
Workload ---> lots of projects, assignments... ---> pressure
Top-notch amenities ---> air-conditioned room + large screen + modern

 -ish (suffix) ~ quite, pretty, relatively
 Religiously ~ regularly
 The allure of ~ the attraction of
 Criminally expensive ~ extremely costly ~ super pricey
 Transport hub ~ mean of transportation
 Sorely lacking ~ there’s not enough of sth
 Foster a sense of community ~ strengthen neighborhood’s relationship
 A trade-off ~ a thing that is traded for another thing
 Overlook ~ have a view of
 Relieve ~ release
 By and large ~ After all ~ all in all
 Rowdy ~ crowded (have a possibility of violence)
 Outrageous ~ unacceptable
 Expatriate ~ migrant (but for settling a home, not for work)
 Gnawing ~ uncomfortable
 Remind ~ memorise ~ remember
 Reside ~ live
 Offer a help ~ give a hand to sb
 Contemplate ~ think (about sth in future)
 Born and raised in ~ born and bred in
 Bustling ~ vibrant ~ lively
 Slow/fast/hectic pace of life
 Rundown/upscale neighborhood
 Within a walking distance ~ walk shortly
 Renovation ~ improvement
 In the heart of ~ in the central of
 Rarity ~ sth that is rare
 Reign supreme ~ the best
 Ubiquitous ~ common ~ commonplace
 Economical ~ affordable ~ cheap
 Ride-hailing applications ~ apps for booking a ride
 Costs next to nothing ~ almost free (very cheap)
 Boast ~ speak proudly
 Cross off your bucket list ~ sth you should do before you died
 Blow my budget ~ overspend ~ spend too much
 Budget (v) ~ spend
 Extra (n) ~ extra money ~ spare cash
 Take into account ~ take into consideration ~ think carefully
 Exotic ~ unique and amazing
 Typically ~ specifically
 Maneuvering ~ do a bit of thinking
 As a matter of fact ~ in fact ~ actually
 Set foot ~ come to a destination
 Daily commute ~ go back and forth
 Mass transit ~ transportation
 Destination ~ place (where you need to reach)
 Passerby ~ sb go past a particular place

 Come in all shapes and sizes ~ a wide range of shapes and size
 Celebrities endorements ~ advertise through a famous person
 Brand awareness ~ the popularity of the brand
 Spend/drop big bucks on ~ spend a large amount of money on
 Traffic ~ the viewers
 Nuisance ~ annoying thing
 Drive sb insane ~ drive sb crazy
 Buy sth on impulse ~ buy with a temporary feeling
 Manipulate ~ influent, control
 Discard ~ get rid of
 Pop up ~ spring out
 Ambivalent ~ uncertain
 Vivid graphic ~ attractive image
 Fierce ~ serious
 Exacerate ~ make up on a news
 Mislead ~ untrue ~ false
 Convince ~ persuade
 Arouse my interest ~ make sb feel interesting
 No stranger to ~ not feel strange
 Exhilarated ~ excited
 Genuinely ~ completely

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