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Your Challenge:

All cars that burn fossil fuels should be banned and electric cars should replace
them. Do you agree or disagree?


Paraphrase: These days, it is increasingly perceivable on the amount of fossil fuels

used for generating cars and it is still argued over the replacement of it by the
electrical ones.

State opinion and main reasons: Agree, because:

+ Improve air quality
+ Increase chances for renewables to be applied more commonly


Topic sentence: Purify the atmosphere that has long been contaminated

Explain: Electric cars do not release off harmful chemical components

Explain: Lessen the needs for the production of fossil-fuel-generated vehicles 

discourage the creations of such type of transportation

=> Enhance the overall quality of air in many places, especially metropolitan areas

Example: USA imposed a restriction on cars’ manufactures and cars’ usage  its
rate of contaminated air decreased by almost 37%


Topic sentence: Non-depletable sources are usually uncommon, but the constant
use of electrical-based cars should change the situation
Explain: Soon become a trend amongst users  gradually apply other types of
renewables to their lives

Explain: Raise the application of renewable energies in different situations (such as

household appliances)

=> Renewables grow popular, mitigating global warming as a result

Example: The introduction of new form of electrical bicycles in France proliferated

the usage of solar panels in many household


Reiterate opinion and summarise: Despite the dominance of non-renewable energy

nowadays, the benefits of switching from using fossil-fuel cars to the electrical forms
are signficant due to two reasons: air quality improvement and encouragement on
the use of renewables.

How to submit your task:

1. Complete your task in this document and email it to my team at with “5 Day Challenge Day One” in the subject line.

2. My team will send you the feedback lesson that you’ll need to identify your
weaknesses and learn how to correct them. Make sure to watch it carefully and
compare your answers honestly!

3. When you’re ready, you should move on to the next lesson, complete that task and
email it to my team with “5 Day Challenge Day Two” in the subject line. After just five
days of repeating those steps, you will have successfully completed the challenge
and improved your Task 2 essay skills!

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