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੎⹃ ᪙ᙂ⎥έⷩ༲‫⇓ڏ‬
㘮ᢊ⏾ LAND+AIR Ḳᩆ㍧ ⑭㞊 ʳ
S/S ʳ
11/15, 12/20 ʳ
ETT9 1/17, 2/21, 3/14 2899 2599 799 528 83 ʳ
ʽʳ՛࿙‫گ‬၄ᔞ‫˅ ࣍ش‬ʳˀ˄˄ ᄣፖ ˅ ‫ګ‬Գ‫ࢪٵ‬Δլ‫ݩף׼‬Ζʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳ ʳ
ʳ ᆣ‫ ~ ᧭᧯چ‬ሙሏ壀ᆣഏ৫
1 ଺ࡺ‫چ‬ʳ4ʳ௽ࢮፂ֛ʳʻ‫ۥא‬٨ʼʳʳ
Hometown 4 Tel Aviv (Israel) ‹ ળሁᐼ‫!ܐ‬Ё ᖬᨛ՞‫׌‬ᡷ֮ඒഘΕᆄഏඒഘΕ
‫נچࡺ଺ط‬࿇ଆ࢓‫ۥא‬٨Օৄؑʳˀ௽ࢮፂ֛Ζʳ Օᓡৄ֗‫۫ݦ‬୮ᙞሐ!
Depart from hometown to Tel Aviv, Israel.
‹ ‫!ਁܓ܄‬Ё ‫׌‬ᓭഘ֗ड‫ے‬ഘ!
2 ࣂሒ௽ࢮፂ֛ʳ
Arrive in Tel Aviv
‹ ળ‫!ৄײୂܓ‬Ё ળᗫඑएᒍณՉիհ‫!چ‬
ਢֲࣂሒ௽ࢮፂ֛৵Δ‫ط‬റԳ࣍ᖲ໱०൷৵ᦀ߫۟ળሁ ‹ ࣒ᥞ!Ё ᆣᆖ֫‫࠴ײؼےݻ‬࿇෼հ‫!چ‬
Upon arrival in Tel Aviv, transfer to hotel in Jerusalem for rest. ‹ Ⴣؒ‫!ף‬Ёψն堿Բູω壀᠌հ‫!چ‬
Dinner at local restaurant.
಺ࢋ HotelΚMoriah Classic Hotel ࢨ‫ ్ٵ‬or similarʳ ʳʳʳʳʳʳʳ ‹ પ‫ࣾ؟‬ੑ៖‫!چ‬Ё ળᗫམ‫࠹ڼڇ‬ੑΔࠀए័
塊ᘇ Meal˖ඡʳD

3 ળሁᐼ‫ܐ‬ˀᆣᄥ՞ˀୈᛥˀᙔ‫ڜ‬՞ˀ່৵ඡ塊৛.Օ
‹ ஞᐼ೬!Ё ળᗫྀመ࿙‫ڣ‬ऱਚၢ!
‹ ቯୟЁψֽ᧢દ಺ω壀᠌հ‫!چ‬
. ড়್۫‫؍‬Ⴜ.ᆄഏඒഘʳ
Jerusalem -Temple Mount- Wailing Wall - Mount Zion -
Upper Room - King David’s Tomb -City of David-
Hezkiah Tunnel - Mt. of Olives -Pater Noster Church as you follow the Way of the Cross(Via Dolorosa). Our day continues
-Garden Of Gethsemane-Church of All Nations as we ascend Mt.Of Olives to visit the Chapel Of the Ascension, and .
ʳ‫ڰ‬塊࣍಺ࢋ塊ᨚΖ塊৵ዃሏળሁᐼ‫ܐ‬DŽᆣᆖՂࢬ૪ऱਚࠃ Before a short visit to the Church of All Nations, we walk downhill to
Օຝٝ࿇‫ڇس‬ຍᇙˈਢഗᅮඒΕྫ֜ඒΕْཎᥞඒऱᆣৄDŽ the Garden of Gethsemane where Jesus prayed for God’s will to be
ଈ٣ছ࢓ᆣᄥ՞؆໮ࣁᅃΔᆣᄥ՞ਢࢬᢅ॰‫׆‬ᆣᄥऱᙊ done.
ܿΔ‫ڕ‬վբ‫ګ‬੡‫ۥא‬٨່Օऱ堚ట‫ڝ‬ʳ̑ʳ჋ጆ堚ట‫ڝ‬Δ჋ጆ ಺ࢋ HotelΚMoriah Classic Hotel ࢨ‫ ్ٵ‬or similarʳ ʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳ
堚ట‫ڝ‬Зᰃ‫ڃ‬ඒࡨలᗪߔᚈᐚψᔏ‫֚֒ف‬ωհ๠Ζᤉᥛছ 塊ᘇ Meal˖‫ڰ‬Ε֑Εඡʳʳ B, L, D
࢓۞‫ײ‬๯ྫ֜Գ࡚ᆣհ‫چ‬ψୈᛥω Ζሏฅছ࢓ஆᆵ࣍៱ৄ؆
‫ۥא‬٨ഏᄎՕლ. ‫ۥא‬٨໑ढ塢ʳ
Jerusalem - St. John the Baptist Church - Visitation
ᢅࠅ‫ۃ‬ω ΔਢԲՏ‫ڣ‬ছળᗫ‫ࡆܪ‬ԫ‫ۯ‬ᒍ՗ছ࢓ੑณऱ‫ۃ‬՗Δ Church - Israel Museum - Yad Vashem Holocaust
ԫੑঁૹߠ٠ࣔΙ۫ᢅࠅ‫ۃ‬ਢᒍ՗壀᠌‫چ‬፞᠔एऱ‫ֱچ‬Ζ Museum- Shepherd’s Fields -Church of the Nativity
֑塊࣍խഏ塊ᨚΖ塊৵ছ࢓ે႞ሐΔૹᄵળᗫહ૤Լ‫ڗ‬ਮ ‫ڰ‬塊࣍಺ࢋ塊ᨚΖ塊৵ছ࢓ળᗫ‫چسנ‬Ϋ‫ਁܓ܄‬Δࠀ೶ᨠ
ߨመऱ࿀ેՕሐΔ່৵ࠩሒึរీᆣችഘΖሏᒽছ࢓೶ᨠ ‫׌‬ᓭഘΔԫᅯળᗫ‫سנ‬ऱ್ᑒ՞੐֗ผ‫؀‬ՀऱԫឍᎬਣΔ
ᖬᨛ՞Δ՞Ղ৬‫ڶ‬լ֟ધ࢚ળᗫᆣ᠌ऱඒഘʳ̑ʳળᗫ༚੒հ ᑑ፾ထ՛ળᗫ‫سנ‬ऱ‫چ‬រΔሏᒽছ࢓ड‫ے‬ഘΖᤉۖছ࢓Բ
֚֒ഘΕ‫׌‬ᡷ֮ඒഘΖ‫ؾ‬ছ‫ڇ‬ඒഘऱஅೃᛥՂΔ‫ڶ‬၌መք ‫ڻ‬Օᖏધ࢚塢Δ塢փຫ٨ઌᣂԲ‫੺׈ڻ‬ՕᖏཚၴΔք‫ۍ‬ᆄ
Լ塒ጟլ‫ࢬڗ֮ٵ‬ᐊऱ‫׌‬ᡷ֮ΔՈ‫ڶ‬խ֮ऱΔ๺‫ڍ‬ဎԳࠩ ྫ֜Գ๯౏ጰᐋවऱࠃٙΖছ࢓֑塊࣍խഏ塊塢Δ塊৵ᦀ
‫ڼ‬༉ਢ੡Ա઎ᛥՂࠥऱխ֮‫׌‬ᡷ֮Νຍ‫׌‬ᡷ֮ਢᅝ‫ڣ‬ળᗫ ߫ছ࢓խࣟထ‫ټ‬ऱ‫ۥא‬٨໑ढ塢Δຜᆖ‫ۥא‬٨ഏᄎՕᑔΔ
ඒᖄ॰ஈ‫ڕ‬۶ᡷ‫ܫ‬ऱᒤࠏΖ৵ଊ߫ছ࢓ᖬᨛ՞Հհড়್۫ ࣁᅃఎ࢚Ζ‫ۥא‬٨໑ढ塢փΔ៲‫ڽڶ‬௧‫ُ࠴ײ‬፹‫הࠡ֗ء‬
‫؍‬ႼΔຍਢળᗫ๯ྫՕ‫נ‬ᔄ࿯ᢅ್܎ऱ‫ֱچ‬Ζ‫ޓ‬௽ܑ‫ڜ‬ඈ ‫࠴ײ‬Δ‫࠴ײڂ‬ຟ‫ڇ‬ຍ㠪‫ݔ‬࿳অ‫ژ‬Δࢬ‫א‬໑ढ塢Ծጠψ஼㛦
ছ࢓ᆄഏඒഘΔ‫ڍ‬ഏ‫ٽ‬Ժந᣸ۖ৬‫ګ‬Δ࠹‫׈‬ԳጠᨬΖඡ塊 ᆣ‫چ‬ω Ζඡ塊࣍಺ࢋ塊ᨚΖʳ
࣍಺ࢋ塊ᨚΖʳ This morning we depart to Bethlehem where we will spend some time
Today we drive to the Temple Mount to enjoy a remarkable view of El in the Church of the Nativity, which is built over the cave that tradition
Aqsa Mosue and Dome of the Rock. On our way into the city we will marks as the birthplace of Christ; then to visit the Shepherds’ fields.
stop at the Wailing Wall. Next stop is the Mount Zion, you will view the Return to Jerusalem around noon for an educational time in the Yad
site of King David’s Tomb and the Upper Room revered as the site of Vashem Holocaust Museum and the Israel Museum. We will also
the Last Supper. Afterwards, we travel to the City of David, walking have a photo stop outside the Parliament building before dinner.
through Hezekiah’s Tunnel ( 1700 feet long) where terminated at Pool ಺ࢋ HotelΚMoriah Classic Hotel ࢨ‫ ్ٵ‬or similarʳ ʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳ
of Shiloah. We then retrace the events in the final hours of Jesus’ life 塊ᘇ Meal˖‫ڰ‬Ε֑Εඡʳʳ B, L, D
ฅ৵ছ࢓Ⴣؒ‫ף‬Δႚᎅ‫ڼ‬੡ળᗫ‫א‬նଡ堿ࡉࠟයູ࿯ ˈ˃˃˃
ળሁᐼ‫ ܐ‬Ё ળ‫ ৄײୂܓ‬Ё ࣒ᥞ Ё ‫ڽ‬௧ྀ೗ Գ‫پ‬堷Ζ෼վ଺ܿ৬ԱԫஆଥሐೃΔጠ੡ψն堿ԲູഘωΔ
ˑ ೴ψ௬ࣺω
Jerusalem ˉ Jerichoˉ Qumran ˉDead Sea
‫ڰ‬塊࣍಺ࢋ塊ᨚΖ塊৵ଊ߫ছ࢓๯ᎁ੡ਢ‫۔ײ່੺׈‬հৄ ԫ‫ۯ‬ᅢግఐԳΔࢬ‫א‬ਢഗᅮஈ֨խऱᆣࣾΔ‫چٺ੺׈‬ऱॾ
ؑհԫળ‫ୂܓ‬Δ‫چڼ‬ਢᆣᆖಖ૪પ஼ࠅ൅Ꮖ‫ۥא‬٨ྀመપ ஈՈࠩࠐᏆੑΖඡ塊࣍಺ࢋ塊ᨚΖʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳ
‫ࣾ؟‬รԫଡ‫ސ‬ະऱৄؑΔՈਢᆣᆖխળᗫሖߠ࿔‫ٴ‬ᐼᇠհ Ascending the Mt. of Beatitudes in the morning, where Jesus preached the
‫چ‬Δᅝ‫߷ڣ‬ལௌᖫ۟վսྥ‫ڇژ‬Ζળ‫ৄײୂܓ‬ਢԳᣊ່‫ײ‬ “Sermon on the Mount”. We then proceed to Capernaum visiting the ruins of
‫۔‬ऱৄ᠜Δᇠৄપ‫ڶ‬ԫᆄ‫ڣ‬ᖵ‫׾‬ਢᅝழᄕ૤ฐ‫ټ‬ऱ‫ֱچ‬Δ an ancient synagogue and Peter’s home. Continue to Tabgha to view the
ٍਢળᗫലᒍณՉիए‫ړ‬ऱ‫ֱچ‬Ζᤉۖছ࢓࣒ᥞΔࣽᖕᎅ mosaics in the Church of Loaves and Fishes. Followed by tour to Jordan River
ᅝ‫طڣ‬ԫ‫ے࣋ۯ‬ड࿙ྤრ࣍՞੐փ࿇෼‫ޅڼ‬ψ‫࠴֫ؼے‬ωΖ Baptismal site.
֑塊࣍‫چ‬ሐ塊ᨚΖ࿑৵ࣂሒ‫چ‬෺່‫܅‬๠հ‫ڽ‬௧Δ‫ڽ࣍ط‬௧ ಺ࢋ HotelΚKing Solomon ࢨ‫ ్ٵ‬or similarʳ ʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳ
ᇙ޲‫سڶ‬ढਚ๯ጠ੡‫ڽ‬௧Ζቸ֖‫ڶޓ‬ᖲᄎ‫ڽڇ‬௧ԫቫ௬ࣺ 塊ᘇ Meal˖‫ڰ‬Ε֑Εඡʳʳ B, L, D
ྗ࠺Ζ‫ڽ‬௧‫ק‬ຝ௧ܶᨖၦ೏ሒ ˅ˊʸΔԯ‫׈‬Ղ‫چ‬෻ԫ࡛֚᠌Ζ
‫࣍ط‬ྋֽܶᨖֺٝԫ౳௧ֽ೏ ˉ ଍Δਚ‫ڼ‬ྋֽ‫ڶ‬ᄕՕ௬Ժ
8 ༼‫ࠅܓ܄‬ཎ Ё ቯୟ Ё ஞᐼ೬ Ё ॳ‫ ৄײ׬‬Ё
௧ऄ Ё ֣௧Օ‫ٵ‬ඒ᜔ຝक़Ⴜ Ё ້ᐼ‫ ࠅܓ‬Ё
Transfer to Jericho, visit the ruins of this world’s oldest city which was
conquered by Joshua (Joshua 6:20). Jesus healed blind Bartimaeus and Tiberias ˉ Cana ˉ Nazareth ˉCity of Accoˉ
Zacchaeus, a tax collector, converted in Jericho. Further down to Qumran Haifa Caesarea ˉTel Aviv
where the Hidden Scrolls were found in the caves in 1947. We will be on our ‫ڰ‬塊࣍಺ࢋ塊ᨚΖ塊৵ছ࢓ቯୟΔ‫چڼ‬ਢֲ࣏ળᗫଈଡ壀
way to Dead Sea, the lowest spot on earth and experience floating in the ᠌հ‫̑چ‬ലֽ᧢੡દ಺Ζᤉۖሏᒽᦀ߫ছ࢓ળᗫྀመ࿙‫ڣ‬ऱ
water. ਚၢஞᐼ೬Δ೶ᨠ֚ࠌ໴໛ՕඒഘΖ࿑৵ᦀ߫ছ࢓ॳ‫ײ׬‬
಺ࢋ HotelΚOasis Hotel ࢨ‫ ్ٵ‬or similarʳ ʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳ ৄΔሏᥦᗪཎࣥ߻ൗৄ໵Ζվ֚‫ৄײ‬փսྥԼ։‫چړݙ‬অ
塊ᘇ Meal˖‫ڰ‬Ε֑Εඡʳʳ B, L, D ‫ژ‬ԱՏ‫ڣڍ‬ছԼ‫ڗ‬૨ழ‫ז‬ऱ‫ৄײ‬Εৄ໵Εড়ཥ࿛‫۔ײ‬ᙊᇾΖ
ʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳ ֑塊࣍ᅝ‫چ‬塊ᨚΖ塊৵ছ࢓‫ۥא‬٨รԿՕৄؑ̑௧ऄΖ௧ऄ
6 ‫ڽ‬௧ྀ೗೴ Ё ್ᐼՕ࿆՞ᨱ߫ Ё ᛜ‫֑چ‬ᘇ֗
ᠻᙻᕊ Ё ༼‫ࠅܓ܄‬ཎ
Dead Sea ˉMassadaˉGenesis Land ˉTiberias ࡉᢅ್࢓ࠐऱ່ՕཽՑ້̑ᐼ‫ࠅܓ‬Δ೶ᨠ‫ײ‬ᢅ್ᏣೃΔֽ֧
‫ڰ‬塊࣍಺ࢋ塊ᨚΖ塊৵ছ࢓್ᐼՕΔଊჸ࿆՞ᨱ߫Δሏᥦ ሐ֗Լ‫ڗ‬૨ࣟ࢔ᙊఎՀࠐऱ‫᠌ײ‬Ζ࿑৵ࣂሒ௽ࢮፂ֛Δඡ
᥇୼؎ࡿՂऱ໵ንΔ೶ᨠԿᐋᑔ೏ࠀ࢏‫૿קࠩۼ‬՞ഺऱ‫׆‬ 塊࣍಺ࢋ塊ᨚΖʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳ
୰֗؏ኆ֚ՠऱᢅ್௮‫ۃ‬ᙊ᠌Ε۫༖ᨣ༊壄ᒯऱ್ኔ‫܌‬጖ Making our way to the small village of Cana is a reminder of Jesus’ first miracle
ᗤΕᨼԵ՞ᕻၴऱ؎Օᚏֽᑒ࿛Δࠀ઎ࠩֆց ˅ ‫׈‬ધழऱ at the wedding feast, transformation of water into wine. Nazareth, a next stop,
the boyhood home of Jesus, where we will visit Chuch of the Annunciation.
‫ײ‬ᖏ໱ᙊ᠌Ζ࿑৵ছ࢓ቯऄዧᘭᄥΔ‫ڜ‬ඈ࣍ᛜ‫چ‬խऱെᜃ En-route to City Acco before traveling to Haifa. Upon arrival, we have an
ʻ˚˸́˸̆˼̆ʳ˟˴́˷ʼࠆ‫چش‬ሐ֑塊Ζࠀ‫ױ‬ԫᇢᠻᙻᕊऱᑗᔊΖ‫ݙ‬ orientation tour, including the Mt. Carmel and photo stops of Bahai Shrine and
Gardens. We are on the road again toward Caesarea to explore those Roman
We will leave to Dead Sea. Upon arrival at Massada, we go to Mt. Massada by Amphitheatre and aqueduct. Finally we arrive Tel Aviv and overnight.
cable car and visit the food storeroom, water irrigation system and Herod’s ಺ࢋ HotelΚGrand Beach ࢨ‫ ్ٵ‬or similarʳ ʳʳʳʳʳʳʳ
Palace. On the way to Tiberias, we will visit Abraham for a late lunch in 塊ᘇ Meal˖‫ڰ‬Ε֑Εඡʳʳ B, L, D
'Genesis Land'. Here we can ride a camel, and experience his legendary
hospitality. Continue traveling through the scenic Jordan Valley to the Galilee
region of Tiberias this evening.ʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳ
಺ࢋ HotelΚKing Solomon Hotel ࢨ‫ ్ٵ‬or similarʳ ʳʳʳʳʳʳʳ
塊ᘇ Meal˖‫ڰ‬Ε֑Εඡʳʳ B, L, D
9 ௽ࢮፂ֛ؑփᨠ٠4଺ࡺ‫چ‬ʳ
Tel Aviv City Tour 4Hometown
‫ڰ‬塊৵೶ᨠᄅ៱ৄ֗ႁऄཽΖᤉۖছ࢓ψᗑ‫م‬ધ࢚ഘω Δધ
࢚‫ۥא‬٨৬ഏ ˉ˃ ၜ‫ڣ‬Ζᤉۖছ࢓ψ՛‫ۥא‬٨ᜍᐙֆႼωЁʳ

7 ༼‫ࠅܓ܄‬ཎ Ё Զ壂՞ Ё ૫‫ۍ‬ል Ё ‫ܓܓף‬ྋ

ሏํ Ё Ⴣؒ‫ף‬Ё પ‫ࣾ؟‬ੑ៖‫چ‬
Tiberias ˉ Capernaum ˉ Tabgha ˉ Kursi After breakfast start the city tour by visiting the Independence Hall, also called
Yardenit ˉ Tiberias Dizengoff House where Israel’s Independence Day was declared. Then we
‫ڰ‬塊࣍಺ࢋ塊ᨚΖ塊৵ᦀ߫ছ࢓‫ܓܓף‬ྋ‫ࡾק‬հ೏‫׋‬ʳΩʳԶ are having fun in the Mini Israel, miniature of Israel’s landmarks, holy sites,
壂՞Ζඒᄎႚอਐ‫נ‬ળᗫ‫ڼڇ‬՞৙ᝑԶ壂ʳΩʳ‫֮੺׈ܛ‬ᖂጇ biblical and archeological relics. Transfer to airport for your return flight.
ᣪထ‫ټ‬ऱψ࿆՞ᣪಝωΖ՞ՂԶߡ‫ݮ‬ඒഘΔ‫ז‬।Զ壂խऱԶ 塊ᘇ Meal˖‫ڰ‬ʳʳ B
ʳ ʳ
™ ಺ࢋ۰മǃ՚ಲᖲปǃ۩࿓փհᨠ٠ᆏ‫ؾ‬Ε䭔⼼֗ᘇଇʳ
᡽ᢞႊव Visa Information
™ ᅝ‫چ‬റᄐᖄሏ֗‫׹‬ᖲ٤࿓൷ৱʳ ™ ભഏΕଉཽ௽೴֗ ˕ˡˢʽᣕ᳝㗙⛵䷜㈑䄝ʳ
ʳ Visa is not required for U.S., HKSAR & BNO* passport holders.
၄‫ش‬լ‫ץ‬ਔˍʳʻ˘̋˶˿̈̆˼̂́̆ʼˍʳ ™ ‫؀‬᨜ΕխഏΕ။তᥨᅃᣕ᳝㗙ႊ᡽ᢞʳ
ʳ Visa is required for Taiwan, PRC, Vietnam passport holders.
™ ࢬᏁ᡽ᢞ၄Δ‫ٺ‬ጟளሏ֗᠔᛭অᙠʳ ™ ࢬ‫ڶ‬ளሏᢞٙʻ‫ڃط‬࿓ֲૠʼ‫ؘ‬ႊ‫ڶ‬քଡִࢨ‫א‬Ղ‫ڶ‬யཚ
™ ᅝ‫چ‬ᖄሏ֗‫׹‬ᖲհ՛၄Δ৬ᤜ‫ޢ‬Գ‫ֲޢ‬ભ८ ˨˦˗ˋʳ
㨑ഄ㈑䄝Visa on Arrivalʳ
™ ԫ֊ߏԳࢤᔆ၄‫ڕش‬ሽᇩ၄ʿ۩‫ޕ‬၌ૹհ၄‫۩ࢨش‬࿓Ղ‫ڶآ‬ᜢࣔհႈ‫ؾ‬ʳʳ
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ʳ ˗ˁˢˁ˜ˁˍʳSeptember 18, 2008ʳ

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