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Dear Andy,

I was sorry to hear that you've got problems. I also had this problem in the past.
I think it's good to see that you want to change it, because it can harm you in the
future if you won't do anything about it.
Here are some tips to help you deal with your problem.

First of all, you can ask your mum to change the size of the food portions. You can
try to eat smaller or bigger portions depending on what food you eat in a meal.
Make sure it fits your needs and your lifestyle. Keep doing
that till you get used to such portions. Next, I think it would be a good idea to
tell your mom to buy healthier and vegetarian alternatives to meat and
carbohydrates. In my opinion, these 2 groups can become healthy for you and
might even help you with losing weight if you eat the right kind, for example
whole-wheat pasta and bread or chicken instead of beef. Maybe even tofu, seitan,
fish or eggs if you don't want
to eat actual meat the other day. You should tell your mum that some people can't
maintain the balanced diet in it's normal form but they still can have a balanced
diet with alternatives to some food groups they can't digest or can't digest in
certain portions.

However, your mum is right about carbohydrates and meat. They are quite important.
However you should be careful with meat that is red and processed,
because eating such meat in big quantities is harmful for you and also
carbohydrates because food with carbs like cereal, deserts, pastries, etc. that
have sugar and refined grains,
isn't the best option either to eat in such big amount and it can have a health
risk for people that are not very active and are heavy like you.
One thing you can also do is to try to workout at home in the morning or try to
workout at the gym when you have free time, for example before or after school,
maybe even after your part-time job or at weekends. But sometimes, you don't have
to go to the gym
when you can get some of the needed equipment at home. So, you can get the
equipment and look up videos of workout routines and do them at home in case you
wouldn't have the ability to go to the gym again. You can also look up some tips
and tricks to make it better.
Or you can try a outdoor gym instead of a regular one. I think it is way better,
because you don't have to pay for it and you will get some fresh air.

I hope I've been of some help to you. Remember, you are not the only one with this
problem, And you grow, so it will get easier overtime and if you try enough, you
will become better than before.

Good luck!

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