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Dear Damisola ,

It’s a great privilege to write this letter to you Damisola. What I am about to tell you is urgent and please
do It and also address It to the house-masters. How are you? I hope you are enjoying hostel. I want to
thank the house-masters and the people in hostel for caring for me for about the 30 minutes I was
there. I want to tell you that I forgot my Blazer when I was in the hostel for late pick-up. Please
Damisola, I am begging you bring It on Monday 31 st October,2022. Please get It for me the exact way I
met It yesterday; I don’t want It washed or dirty, just the way I saw It please. I didn’t mean to leave It, It
wasn’t Intentional. Please I am begging you. Please address this to the house master and people in the
hostel(If you find them with It). Don’t forget and also please text me back so that I know you have read
this letter. My regards to Niyimi


1. My blazer is size 10 (ten).
2. My blazer is monogrammed in the interior of the blazer, when you check
the white place in the blazer; you would see two sides where you write
your name and your class. In my blazer, My name is Temi or TEMI(as
wrote in It) and your class which mine is 7 Chuckuma.
3. My blazer wasn’t really my size and It didn’t fit me so my mom did some
adjustments on my Blazer. She sew the Blazer and you would be seeing
some pointy lines that show It was sewn.

Temiloluwa David
7 Chuckuma

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