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Minitask- 1

The Marketing Concept is relatable to the Sunsilk Hijab Refresh.

The marketing concept focuses on the needs and wants of the target
customers, then provides them with the ideal product that meets their
needs better than any other competitors.
Rather than acquiring customers for your existing items, the marketing
notion is to find the perfect product for your customers.

The sunsilk hijab refresh was created specifically for ladies who wear
hijabs. It claims to keep the hair fresh all day while wearing the hijab.
Sunsilk created this product specifically for hijab-wearing customers.
Because sitting beneath a headscarf all day causes the hair to
become dull, clients who wear hijab have a need for a shampoo that
maintains their hair fresh all day.


The Meril Splash relates to the societal marketing concept.

The Societal Marketing concept is a concept that states companies

need to make the right marketing decisions taking into account
consumer wishes, company and consumer demands long-term and
long-term interests of society.

The Meril Splash advertises that “ Beauty isn’t in the skin tone but it is
in being fresh “ . Which indicates to the idea that every skin is beautiful
and it stands against the idea that beauty lies in the skin tone. People
have been in the deceptive concept of beauty that say the fair is
beautiful but black isn’t. For the long run interest of society products
should be based on the idea of this product as this product promotes a
positive view on the concept of beauty and will help in developing a
liberal society . Meril produced this product under the societal
marketing concept .

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