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THECA) FILES Event Series II Episode 208 (2AYX08) "Gods and Monsters" Written by James Jordan YELLOW Pages (7 pgs / Sc. 19,26- 27,29,31,33) PINK Draft BLUE Draft WHITE Production Draft 11/22/17 11/21/17 11/14/17 11/10/17 All rights reserved. Copyright © 2017 Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation. No portion of this script may be performed, published, reproduced, sold or distributed by any means or quoted or published in any medium, including on any websi without the prior written consent of Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation. Disposal of this script copy does not alter any of the restrictions set forth above. X-FILES Event Series II Episode 208 (2AYX08) “Gods and Monsters” YELLOW Pages (11/22/17) CAST LIST FOX MULDER .... DANA KATHERINE SCULLY .... David Duchovny ++ Gillian Anderson WALTER SKINNER .... LOGAN “URIEL” WESTERLY seses Mitch Pileggi Beiaremtees EBC CANDICE CARNAHAN .. aide + TBC SERENA REDFORD ++ TBC FATHER McCUE .... + TBC NURSE SANDEEP ... 72.2. 3BC BRETT CARNAHAN .. + TBC MR. CARNAHAN .. ++ TBC MRS. CARNAHAN ..... ++ TBC LETTER JACKET GUY #1 TBC TBC TBC LETTER JACKET GUY #2 CHEERLEADER ... X-FILES Event Series II Episode 208 (2AYK08) “Gods and Monsters” YELLOW Pages (11/22/17) SET LIST WASHINGTON, D.C. INTERTORS EXTERIORS OUR LADY OF SORROWS HOSPITAL | OUR LADY OF SORROWS HOSPITAL Teu CORRIDOR TREATMENT ROOM MORGUE, FALLS CHURCH, VIRGINIA INTERIORS EXTERIORS MILTON HIGH SCHOOL MILTON HIGH SCHOOL HALLWAY, PARKING LOT CAFETERIA BLUEMONT PARK MS. REDFORD'S OFFICE Woops GYMNASIUM ST. JOHN'S CHURCH COUNTY LOCKUP INTERROGATION ROOM CORRIDOR OUTSIDE INTERROGATION ROOM SCULLY’S EXPLORER (DRIVING) ST. JOHN'S CHURCH TEASER THE AMERICAN FLAG Stars and stripes of Old Glory flutter proudly in a crisp November wind. High atop a flagpole looming down over: Ex: (LION HIGH SCHOOL - DAY TEENAGE STUDENTS trample fallen leaves as they swarm toward the main entrance en masse. Just another morning. With LEGEND to establish: FALLS CHURCH, VIRGINIA 8:27 AM A YELLOW SCHOOL BUS pulls up. Doors fold open and more HIGH SCHOOL KIDS of every clique, class and subculture file out. CAMERA FINDING BRETT CARNAHAN (18) amongst them yet apart. Alone in the crowd. Shaved head. Intense anger simmering behind cut-glass eyes. A bad attitude you can almost smell. He stares across the student body with disdain before plodding toward the entrance with dark purpose. cur TO: INT. MILTON HIGH SCHOOL - HALLWAY - DAY Brett trudges under a METAL-DETECTOR ARCH, not making eye contact with anyone. Heads for the bank of LOCKERS when -- CANDICE (0.8.) Hey! Brett stops and reluctantly waits for his younger sister CANDICE CARNAHAN (17) to catch up. Sweet yet damaged. CANDICE (CONT’D) Where the hell were you last night? BRETT Like you even care. CANDICE When you don’t come home I’m the one who gets the grilling from Dad. BRETT Daddy’s little girl. (CONTINUED) 3A X-Files 208 (2AYK08) Teaser PINK Draft (11/21/17) 2. CONTINUED: 2 CANDICE Why do you always have to be such an asshole? Candice storms off down the hallway. Brett watches her go as she’s approached by Guidance Counsellor SERENA REDFORD (30s). MS. REDFORD Miss Carnahan -- ? Candice turns, irritated. MS. REDFORD (CONT'D) I hope you haven't forgotten our meeting this afternoon. CANDICE, Wouldn't miss it for the world. MS. REDFORD Is everything okay? CANDICE Yeah. I’m fine. Candice shrugs and continues on her way. Ms. Redford turns to find Brett staring from a distance. Their eyes meet briefly before Brett turns away and approaches his locker where -- A POST-IT NOTE has been stuck to the door: “YOU KNOW WHAT YOU HAVE TO DO.” Brett rips it down. Glances up and down the hallway. No indication of who left it. He spins in the combination to his locker. Opens it up and stares impassively at -- an AR-J5 ASSAULT RIFLE. ‘TIME CUT TO: BRETT STRIDING DIRECTLY TOWARD CAMERA -- LONG LEATHER TRENCH 3 COAT BILLOWING IN HIS WAKE -- THE RIFLE HELD ACROSS HIS CHEST “KILLING IN THE NAME” BY RAGE AGAINST THE MACHINE BLASTS FROM HIS WIRELESS EARBUDS -- BECOMING NON-DIEGETIC SOUND AS WE: cur To: INT. MILTON HIGH SCHOOL CAFETERIA - DAY - LATER 3A Groups of students sitting together. Eating. Joking. Flirting. Teasing. Sounds of idle chatter in every direction. (CONTINUED) 3A X-Files 208 (2AYK08) Teaser PINK Draft (11/21/17) 3. CONTINUED: 3A Candice sits in a group of TEENAGER GIRLS, picking at her food. Not listening to any of them. Mind adrift until -- BRETT CARNAHAN MARCHES IN to the cafeteria. Heavy black boots stomp the linoleum. Scruffy ripped jeans —~ -- and the ASSAULT RIFLE aripped firmly in his hand: BRETT EVERYBODY ON THEIR FEET! ! SCREAMS -- SHRIEKS -- PANIC -- students SCATTER FROM THEIR BENCHES and try to RUN FOR THE EXITS but —— BRETT (CONT'D) Listen to me -- the devil walke among us. Candice backs into the crowd of terrified kids. Hand over her mouth, trembling. Can’t believe what her brother is doing. BRETT (CONT’D) Right here, right now -- and somebody has to make ‘em see ~~ has to make ‘em all understand From out of the midsts of screaming students, a PALE, SKINNY, GENDERFLUID TEEN emerges. Dyed hair, painted nails, pierced septum -- LOGAN “URIEL” WESTERLY (16). They/them pronouns. ORIEL Please. Don’t hurt anyone. BRETT - SHUT UP -- 1 Uriel edges up toward Brett even as the BARREL OF THE ASSAULT RIFLES POINTS BETWEEN THEIR EYES. URTEL You don’t have to do this. BRETT -- GET ON YOUR KNEES -. URIEL Put the gun down. BRETT -- I said ON YOUR KNEES -- ! (CONTINUED) 3a X-Files 208 (2AYX08) Teaser PINK Draft (11/21/17) 4. CONTINUED: (2) 3a Uriel stops. Faces Brett, calm and even. Now the only one standing in the middle of the cafeteria as the others back against the walls or duck for cover under the benches. OUT IN THE DOORWAY -- MS. REDFORD ducks out of sight, her cell phone pressed tight to her ear. MS. REDFORD (breathless) -- police -— we have an active shooter at Milton High School ~~ RESUME BRETT as he shakes the barrel of his rifle with fervent rage. Sweat flooding down his face. BRETT You'll see -- you‘re all gonna see. URIEL This isn’t you. I don’t think you really want to do this. BRETT -- DON’T TELL ME WHAT I WANT -- ! Brett snaps -- turns his rifle into the crowd -- AND FIRES OUT AT THE STUDENTS -- but in the blink of an eye —- Uriel reaches out a hand AND THE BULLETS FREEZE IN MID PLIGHT =- then DROP HARMLESSLY onto the linoleum like pennies. SCREAMS AND MASS PANIC AS STUDENTS RUN FOR THEIR LIVES Brett stares out in abject disbelief. Turns his rifle on Uriel. PULLS THE TRIGGER but the weapon jams preternaturally. Uriel’s eyes narrow. Fixing Brett with a cold, serene gaze as the chaos of escaping kids scramble all around until -- BRETT STARTS TO SHAKE UNCONTROLLABLY -- HIS EYES ROLL BACK IN HIS HEAD -- SWEAT ON HIS SKIN STARTS TO BOIL HE DROPS THE RIFLE AT HIS FEET -- FALLS TO HIS KNEES AND ONTO HIS BACK -~ CONVULSING WILDLY -- ARMS AND LEGS FLAILING — HIS EYES FROZEN OPEN SOMEWHERE BETWEEN AWE AND TERROR AS WE GO TO MAIN TITLES X-Files 208 (2AYX08) Act One PINK Draft (11/21/17) 5. ACT_ONE EXT. MILTON HIGH SCHOOL - DAY Crowds of ONLOOKERS and NEWS CREWS are being held back behind @ POLICE CORDON and roadblock. A.N.D. SEDAN is halted by a UNIFORMED OFFICER manning the barricades. The driver's side window rolls down to reveal —~ SCULLY Special Agent Dana Scully. She extends her BADGE out to the Officer who proceeds to part the barricade to allow her car to drive through. EXT. MILTON HIGH SCHOOL - PARKING LOT - DAY - CONTINUOUS The sedan cruises to a stop just outside the school entrance. Scully climbs out just as MULDER crosses to meet her. MULDER Thanks for getting here so quickly. SCULLY I heard the reports of an active shooter on the radio -- what are you doing here, Mulder -- ? MULDER Virginia P.D. put in a call to Skinner's office in light of certain irreconcilable details. SCULLY What kind of details -- 7 MULDER See for yourself. Scully stops Mulder from walking her through the entrance. SCULLY I might need a minute. MULDER You okay, Scully -- ? (CONTINUED) X-Files 208 (2AYX08) Act One PINK Draft (11/21/17) 6. CONTINUED: SCULLY Even after everything we've seen, I’m not sure anything can prepare you for one of these massacres. MULDER Sadly it seems to have become the new normal. SCULLY How many victims were there -- ? MULDER That's the one piece of good news —- OFF Scully's confusion: cur To: INT. MILTON HIGH ETERTA ~ DAY Scully walks over to a WHITE TAPE OUTLINE where Brett's body fell. The cafeteria is now empty save for UNIFORMED POLICE OFFICERS and FORENSIC TECHS combing over the crime scene. MULDER Forty nine rounds fired in less than seven seconds -- but not one of them hit their target. Mulder squats over an X in WHITE TAPE on the floor where the bullets and shell casings are marked with numbered chevrons. SCULLY Must be some kind of miracle -- MULDER - and that alone would make this an X-file, wouldn’t it? Scully raises an eyebrow as she inspects the scene. MULDER (CONT’D) According to the students who were fired upon, the bullets were stopped by a senior named Logan Westerly. SCULLY Stopped how? (CONTINUED) X-Files 208 (2AYX08) Act One PINK Draft (11/21/17) Te CONTINUED: MULDER They say he seemed to incapacitate the shooter through sheer force of will. SCULLY Mulder, this was an extremely traumatic event. None of these kids can be relied upon to give an accurate account of what happened right now. MULDER Upwards of fifty eye-witnesses Scully, all reporting the exact same thing. I’m thinking psychokinesis, group hypnosis, parasympathetic magic... SCULLY Isn‘t it more likely the weapon simply misfired? Or the ammunition was tampered with in some way? MULDER That would have to be some misfire to cause forty nine automatic rounds to suspend themselves in mid- air before a teenager's outstretched palm. Scully cocks her head, admits it sounds unlikely. She looks down at the tape outline at her feet, curious. SCULLY What happened to the shooter? MULDER Brett Carnahan. He was seen convulsing before he dropped to the ground right where you're standing. SCULLY It's possible he ingested a cyanide capsule or some other type of poison to escape justice. MULDER If he did then he managed to botch that half of the job too. SCULLY He's alive? (CONTINUED) X-Files 208 (2AYX08) Act One PINK Draft (11/21/17) 8. CONTINUED: (2) MULDER They've got him at the hospital in some kind of comatose state, but the EMTs couldn’t give a clear explanation of his condition. Mulder gives Scully a look, as if relishing the depth of the mystery as A.D. SKINNER approaches. SKINNER Tell me you two have a theory. SCULLY Not one you're going to want to hear. SKINNER I’ve got a pack of reporters out there waiting for a statement. Any idea what I’m supposed to tell them? Mulder looks around the cafeteria, gives a playful shrug. MULDER Tell them it was a miracle. Right, scully? Mulder heads off, leaving Scully reaching for a better explanation that just isn’t coming. CUT To: INT. MILTON HIGH OL - MS. REDFORD'S OFFICE - DAY Uriel sits opposite Ms. Redford at her desk. Hands clasped neatly, no outward signs of distress. MS. REDFORD I think it’s best if you don’t say anything until the school has taken some legal advice. Uriel stares back, impassive. MS. REDFORD (CONT’D) Are you sure you don’t want a doctor to look you over? You're not physically injured? URIEL I’m fine. (CONTINUED) X-Files 208 (2AYX08) Act One PINK Draft (11/21/17) 9. CONTINUED: Ms. Redford looks concerned but turns away when the door opens and Mulder enters with Scully. MS. REDFORD I'm sorry, we're in the middle of something here. MULDER I’m Agent Mulder, this is Agent Scully. We're with the FBI. (flashing badges) We were hoping we could have a quick word with Logan Westerly? MS. REDFORD I'm not sure that’s a good idea. URIEL It's okay. Ms. Redford gives a guarded look to Mulder and Scully, but backs away to let them enter. SCULLY Logan? URIEL That’s not my name. SCULLY I’m sorry? URIEL Logan is my birth name. My chosen name is Uriel. Mulder and Scully exchange a delicate glance. SCULLY We were hoping you'd be able to tell us what happened in the cafeteria earlier. URIEL I just did what I had to do. MULDER To stop the bullets? URIEL, To try to talk him out of it. (CONTINUED) 1 X-Files 208 (2AYX08) Act One PINK Draft (11/21/17) 10. CONTINUED: (2) SCULLY That was a very brave thing to do. URIEL He was a bully. Someone had to stand up to him. MULDER Did Brett Carnahan bully you? Uriel glances up at Ms. Redford in b.g. MS. REDFORD You don’t have to answer anything you're uncomfortable with. URIEL Brett would target pretty much anyone who wasn’t a straight white male. If you googled “toxic masculinity” his Facebook profile would pop up. MULDER So you stopped him, is that it? URIEL I'm not supposed to intervene. SCULLY What do you mean by that? Uriel glances from Mulder to Scully, takes in the little gold cross hanging from her necklace. MULDER Logan -- sorry, Uriel -- whatever you did this morning saved a lot a lives. All I want to know is how you did it. Before Uriel can answer, the office door opens and PRINCIPAL KOSINSKI (50s) hurries in. PRINCIPAL KOSINSKI I'm sorry but this interview can’t continue. MS. REDFORD Principal Kosinski, these are Agents Mulder and Scully. (CONTINUED) 7 X-Files 208 (2AYK08) Act One PINK Draft (11/21/17) 1. CONTINUED: (3) MULDER We're just asking a few questions. PRINCIPAL KOSINSKI Has he been read his rights? Asked to have a lawyer present? SCULLY Urel isn’t under arrest. I assure you we're just trying to establish the facts. PRINCIPAL KOSINSKI I'm afraid the school board has decided not to allow any further questioning until we've assessed the legal situation. MULDER Says something when you're more worried about the threat of litigation than an assault rifle. Scully guides Mulder towards the door to defuse the tension. SCULLY Come on, Mulder. Let's go. As they head out —- URIEL Did they tell you what Brett Carnahan said before he pulled the trigger? Mulder and Scully turn back. URTEL (CONT’D) He said “the devil walks among us." Uriel stares directly at Scully, as if she’s the only one in the room. Mulder watches Scully stare back, picking up on some kind of unspoken connection he can’t quite figure out. cur To: » MILTON HI = PARKING LOT - DAY Mulder and Scully emerge from the main entrance and head toward their cars, noticing that they’re being caught on camera by the FRENZIED NEWS CREWS behind the police cordon. (CONTINUED) X-Files 208 (2AYX08) Act One PINK Draft (11/21/17) 12. CONTINUED: MULDER You believe that, Scully? That this was the devil's work? SCULLY I believe Brett Carnahan was a deeply disturbed young man -- MULDER (derisive) -_and our thoughts and prayers go out to the families of those affected, no doubt. SCULLY In any case, I think our best hope of finding an explanation for what happened here lies with him. MULDER What about that “chosen name” business? SCULLY From what I understand, Uriel identifies as non-binary. MULDER But Uriel? I’m sure a good Catholic girl like yourself couldn’t miss the reference. SCULLY (reluctant) Uriel was one of the seven archangels in the Gnostic Gospels. I believe its meaning is roughly translated as “The Light of God.” MULDER Think the kid's trying to tell us something? Mulder unlocks his car with a CHIRP of his remote AS WE: cur To: EXT. OUR LADY OF SORROWS HOSPITAL - DAY As Scully's FORD EXPLORER pulls up out front. With LEGEND to establish: OUR LADY OF SORROWS HOSPITAL, 1:08 PM 10 X-Files 208 (2AYX08) Act One PINK Draft (11/21/17) 13. NT. OUR LADY OF SORROWS HOSPITAL - ICU - 10 Scully studies a chart at the foot of a bed where Brett has been hooked-up to a respirator and various monitors. SCULLY His Glasgow Coma Scale is 2. There’s measurable brain and heart activity but virtually no decorticate response. Mulder approaches the bedside as Scully moves to examine Brett's frozen eyes. MULDER What would cause something like this? SCULLY Ordinarily a massive brain injury -- but there’s no evidence of head trauma. It could be some kind of cerebral event, but you wouldn't expect to see this in anything but elderly stroke victims. MULDER What about poison? Scully checks the chart again. SCULLY His bloodwork’s been sent to the lab for analysis. We can’t rule it out until the results come back. Mulder and scully spin around at the sound of the door opening as Brett's parents, MR and MRS CARNAHAN (40s) enter. MR. CARNAHAN Who are you -- ? SCULLY I’m Dr. Scully, this is Agent, Mulder. We're with the FBI. MULDER You're Brett Carnahan’s parents? MR. CARNAHAN Yes -- what do you think you’re doing in here -- ? (CONTINUED) 10 11 X-Files 208 (2AYX08) Act One PINK Draft (11/21/17) 14. CONTINUED: 10 SCULLY We're just trying to ascertain what’s happened to your son. Mr. Carnahan snatches the chart from Scully. MR. CARNAHAN His doctors are already doing that. We have nothing to say to you, the police, or anyone. MULDER Mr. Carnahan, do you know of any reason why your son might have walked into school with an assault rifle this morning? MR. CARNAHAN How dare you -- ? Our son is lying there in a coma - MRS. CARNAHAN Frank, don’t. Not here. Mrs. Carnahan tugs at her husband’s arm, imploring. MR. CARNAHAN I'd like you to leave. MULDER Mrs. Carnahan -- ? Mulder looks to Mrs. Carnahan like she might have something more to say for herself, but she shies away as Mr. Carnahan stands firm and insistent. INT. OUR LADY OF SORROWS HOSPITAL - CORRIDOR ~ DAY a Scully leads Mulder out of the ICU and toward the elevators. MULDER Ready for my theory? SCULLY (incredulous) Uriel somehow psychically disabled Brett Carnahan by means of mental telepathy. MULDER Wow, Scully -- maybe we should have you tested for ESP too. (CONTINUED) X-Files 208 (2AYX08) Act One PINK Draft (11/21/17) 15. cb CONTINUED: 1. SCULLY Why don’t we wait for the bloodwork to come back before we jump to any conclusions. MULDER You have to admit there’s a motive =- and I’m not just talking self- defense. Mulder jabs the call button for the elevator. SCULLY You think the tiny, timid kid we met this morning deliberately set out to do this? MULDER It'd be a hell of a way to get revenge on the high school bully, wouldn't it? Maybe he knew he couldn't stand up to Brett physically so he used the one advantage he did have. SCULLY (dubious) Psychokinesis. Mulder nods, excited. SCULLY (CONT'D) Mulder, unless I'm very much mistaken, you just recited the plot of Carrie. MULDER: However you want to look at it, I'd say this Logan Westerly —- SCULLY (correcting) Uriel. MULDER Forgive me, Scully, I’m not as down with the kids as I used to be. SCULLY When were you ever down with the kids, Mulder? (CONTINUED) a 12 X-Files 208 (2AYX08) Act One PINK Draft (11/21/17) 16. CONTINUED: (2) 11 MULDER By any other name, I'd say that kid is undeniably our prime suspect. The elevator arrives with a PING and Mulder is first on board, leaving Scully struggling to suppress a sigh. CUT TO: EXT. BLUEMONT PARK - NIGHT 12 The flame of a candle flutters in the evening breeze. Ms. Redford holds it tight as she addresses a small gathering of HIGH-SCHOOL STUDENTS conducting a candlelight vigil. MS. REDFORD At this traumatic time, it’s important we all come together to support one another... and to give thanks that no one else was hurt. CAMERA FINDING CANDICE amongst the gathered students, just about managing to contain her fraught tears. MS. REDFORD (CONT'D) While no one could condone what he did, our thoughts and prayers nonetheless go out to Brett Carnahan, his parents, and his sister Candice. A few FRIENDS on either side reach out to touch Candice on the arm or shoulder but she shrugs them off. CANDICE I’m sorry -- I can’t do this. Candice turns away from the vigil and runs into the darkness. A few friends in MILTON HIGH LETTER JACKETS go after her. MS. REDFORD It’s all right, let her go. CAMERA MOVING WITH CANDICE as she runs toward the treeline but stops in her tracks when she sees -- URIEL loitering amongst the trees, staring out at the vigil from a distance. A lonely spectre in the night. Their eyes meet. Candice full of fear. Uriel sorrowful. An unspoken moment passes between them until —— (conrznuED) 12 13 X-Files 208 (2AYX08) Act One PINK Draft (11/21/17) 17. CONTINUED: 12 Three of the LETTER JACKET GUYS come running up to Candice to find Uriel opposite, transgressing on the vigil. LETTER JACKET GUY #1 You okay, Candice? CANDICE Yeah, I was just -- LETTER JACKET GUY #2 Hey, it’s him! It’s the freak! Uriel BOLTS OFF into the woods at speed. The three Letter Jacket Guys give chase. CANDICE Don't -: But they’re already gone, leaving Candice worried and alone. EXT. BLUEMONT PARK - WOODS ~ NIGHT 13 Uriel darts and weaves through branches. Converse sneakers pounding over fallen leaves. Breathless. Desperate. THE LEPTER JACKET GUYS pursue close behind. Full of testosterone and vengeance. Gaining with every stride until -- A FOURTH LETTER JACKET slides in from the side and TACKLES Uriel to the ground. The others pile in and KICK and PUNCH Uriel as they roll frantically over the damp carpet of fallen leaves. The anonymous uniformed attackers PULL AT URIEL’S CLOTHES until they RIP THE SHIRT FROM THEIR BACK. A ROPE is produced by one of the attackers -- the group HOIST A DAZED AND BEATEN URIEL UP -- TIE TWO SEPARATE ENDS AROUND EACH OF THEIR WRISTS UNTIL -- URIEL IS STRUNG UP AGAINST A TREE -- ARMS STRETCHED WIDE IN A CRUCIFIXION POSE The Letter Jacket Guys SCATTER into the woods, leaving Uriel tied and bound in agony, BARELY CONSCIOUS. BLOOD RUNS DOWN THEIR BRUISED FACE AND BATTERED TORSO AS WE: END_ACT ONE 14 X-Files 208 (2AYX08) Act Two PINK Draft (11/21/17) 18. act Two THICK PURPLE BRUISES and various STITCHED UP WOUNDS are being tended and dressed in fresh bandages. WE ARE: INT. OUR LADY OF SORROWS HOSPITAL - TREATMENT ROOM - DAY 14 Scully walks in to find NURSE SANDEEP attending to Uriel, perched on the edge of a hospital bed. SCULLY How are you feeling? Uriel says nothing, stares out impassively. NURSE SANDEEP Most of the injuries were superficial. We kept them in overnight for observation but their temperature has returned to normal. Scully smiles her acknowledgement at Sandeep, tries to make eye contact with Uriel. SCULLY Can you tell me who did this to you? URIEL It's not important. SCULLY Someone seriously assaulted you, Uriel. If you can identify them, we can make sure it doesn’t happen again. URIEL I was sent here to suffer. SCULLY Sent? By whom? URTEL, You already know. You're just not ready to believe it. Scully glances to Sandeep, afraid of what that might mean. (CONTINUED) 14 1s X-Files 208 (2AYX08) Act Two PINK Draft (11/21/17) 19. CONTINUED: 14 SCULLY I suspect we share the same faith but if you want me to help you, I need you to be honest. URIEL, We all have a divine purpose. Brett Carnahan was right about one thing =- the devil's presence can be felt xight here in this place. The only question is -- what will you do to oppose him? Scully stares down into Uriel’s eyes in wonderment, feeling a deep yet inexplicable connection until —— MULDER (0.C.) Scully -- Scully breaks her reverie to find Mulder looming in the doorway, beckoning her to join him out in the hallway. ORIEL We'll speak once more before it ends. Scully leaves Uriel with Sandeep and heads out into: INT. OUR LADY OF SORROWS HOSPITAL - CORRIDOR - CONTINUOUS 15 scully follows Mulder a few paces down the hallway where he studies over a file folder. MULDER I managed to get hold of the kid's juvenile records. They’re an orphan <- been a ward of the state for the past sixteen years. SCULLY That might go some way to explaining how isolated and withdrawn they seem to be. MULDER It might also explain how they were able to stop those bullets with their mind. SCULLY How's that? (CONTINUED) X-Files 208 (2AYX08) Act Two PINK Draft (11/21/17) 20. 15 CONTINUED: 15 MULDER As far as I can establish, Uriel was born Logan Westerly in May of 2001 -- but there’s absolutely no record of the biological parents. SCULLY (sees where this is going) Mulder, no -- MULDER =~ May 2001, Scully -- right around the day William was born —— SCULLY -- if you're suggesting that Uriel was somehow the product of the same experiments -- MULDER -- the timeline fits, Scully -~ SCULLY -- there must be millions of sixteen-year-olds all over the country with similar backgrounds -- MULDER -- but only one who can stop a speeding bullet with the palm of their hand -— Scully looks back in at Uriel through the window as Sandeep finishes dressing their wounds. Not sure what to believe. SCULLY I have to show you something -- Scully heads over to the Nurses’ Station and fetches a TABLET. She swipes through and hands it over to Mulder. SCULLY (CONT’D) ~- these are x-rays taken when Uriel was admitted last night —- MULDER what am I supposed to be seeing? SCULLY Some kind of muscular-skeletal deformity around the spine and shoulders -- suggestive of an appendage I’ve seen once before. (CONTINUED) X-Files 208 (2AYX08) Act Two PINK Draft (11/21/17) 21. 15 CONTINUED: (2) 15 Now it’s Mulder’s turn to become dubious. MULDER You're not saying the kid’s about to sprout wings -- ? SCULLY I can’t explain it -- but when IT spoke to them, I had this profound feeling I was in the presence of something... unearthly. Mulder shakes his head, can’t believe he’s hearing this from Scully. Her spirituality at odds with her customary science. MULDER So what exactly do you think this is? SCULLY I’m not sure yet -- but there’s someone I'd like to consult with. Mulder looks quizzical -- who could Scully possibly have to consult with on matters of the paranormal? CUT TO: 16 OMITTED 16 7 B S$ CHURCH - DAY 7 With LEGEND to establish: ST JOHN’S CHURCH. ALEXANDRIA, VIRGINIA 11:21 AM As Scully emerges from her Explorer and makes her way into: 18 INT. ST. JOHN’S CHURCH - DAY 18 Scully steps into the aisle of pews to find an elderly FATHER McCUE taking communion from a younger PRIEST at the altar. Their eyes meet for a moment. A familiar smile coming to Father NcCue’s face before Scully takes a pew at the back. SHORT TIME CUT TO: X-Files 208 (2AYX08) Act Two YELLOW Rev. (11/22/17) 22. 19 INT, ST. JOHN'S CHURCH - DAY - LATER 19 Father McCue parks his wheelchair beside Scully at the end of * the pew. His eyes are sunken with age, but no less kind. * FATHER MCCUE Dana. I could swear I haven’t seen you since your mother passed. SCULLY * Forgive me, I may have drifted from the Church’ again in recent years. ae FATHER MCCUE You know I’m long since retired. If you're having a crisis of faith, I’m sure Father Finley could -- ae SCULLY -- I'm sorry -- I’m not here on a spiritual matter -- not exactly —- * FATHER MCCUE oh? Father McCue looks curiously to Scully as she struggles to find the words to explain. SCULLY You're aware I returned to work at the FBI recently. FATHER MCCUE I remember. SCULLY The case I’m working on has brought me into contact with someone who would seem to be gifted... in a way that defies explanation. FATHER MCCUE In a way that comes into conflict with your faith? Scully hesitates, not sure whether that’s the case or not. SCULLY Father McCue, are you familiar with the story of Uriel? (CONTINUED) X-Files 208 (2AYX08) Act Two PINK Draft (11/21/17) 23. 19 CONTINUED: 19 FATHER MCCUE The archangel who saved John the Baptist from the Massacre of the Innocents. Scully's eyes widen. She wasn’t aware of that detail and its resonance with the high school shooting is striking. SCULLY These beings had divine powers? FATHER MCCUE Uriel has been described as both the angel of salvation and retribution. Pitiless to lost souls and one who will rule at the end of time with a fiery sword. (beat) But Dana, most of these stories aren’t even recognised by canonical writings. They’re apocryphal at best. Why do you ask? SCULLY You've heard about the high school shooting yesterday? FATHER MCCUE Of course. The children and their families have been in our prayers. SCULLY Something or someone stopped that massacre, Father. Do you think it could have been a miracle? FATHER MCCUE I don't know what else you would call it. SCULLY But do you believe it’s possible that... that divine intervention saved those lives? Father McCue studies Scully's earnest face, doubting herself even as she hears herself saying the words out loud. FATHER MCCUE Do you? (CONTINUED) 19 20 21 22 X-Files 208 (2AYX08) Act Two PINK Draft (11/21/17) 24. CONTINUED: (2) 19 As Scully wrestles with her answer -- CUT TO: INT, OUT LADY OF SORROWS HOSPITAL - CORRIDOR - DAY 20 Mulder heads towards the IcU only to find Mrs. Carnahan out in the hallway looking exhausted and fraught with worry. MULDER Mrs Carnahan? I’m Fox Mulder, we met yesterday? MRS. CARNAHAN My husband’s just gone to get coffee. MULDER Would it be okay if you and I talk for a moment? Mrs. Carnahan shrugs then nods. Mulder leads her a few steps down the corridor towards a row of plastic chairs. cur To: INT. LADY OF SORROWS HOSPITAL - - aL The steady BEEP -- BEEP ~~ BEEP -- of the monitors. Brett still comatose and intubated as a shadow falls over his bed. Ms. Redford looms over him. She studies his paralyzed body, a pitiful look in her eyes. Ms. REDFORD Such a tragedy. I’m so sorry it had to come to this. She caresses Brett’s face with the palm of her hand, something unsettling in her manner. CUT BACK TO: ¥ OF SORROWS HOSPITAL ~ CORRIDOR - DAY 22 Mulder sits beside Mrs Carnahan, diplomatic. (CONTINUED) 22 23 X-Files 208 (2AYX08) Act Two PINK Draft (11/21/17) 25. CONTINUED: 22 MULDER I know this must be a difficult time for you but if you could answer a few questions about your son's actions it might help us figure out how to help him. MRS. CARNAHAN We've already told the police everything. MULDER I understand, but there’s some confusion about how Brett got hold of the weapon he used yesterday. MRS. CARNAHAN Confusion -- ? MULDER There’s no record of it being purchased. Did it belong to your husband or the family? MRS. CARNAHAN No -- no, we'd never have something like that in the house. MULDER Do you or your husband own any firearms? Before Mrs. Carnahan can answer, Mr. Carnahan comes marching up the corridor with two plastic cups of coffee in hand. MR. CARNAHAN I asked you to leave us alone. Mulder springs up to placate Mr. Carnahan. cur TO: IR_LADY OF SORROW: ITAL - ICU - DAY 23 Ms. Redford leans over Brett. Her eyes turning from pity to disappointment. Her voice barely above a whisper. MS. REDFORD You let me down, Brett. You let yourself down. Now look at you. (beat) I’m so very disappointed. (CONTINUED) 23 24 X-Files 208 (2AYX08) Act Two PINK Draft (11/21/17) 26. CONTINUED: 23 Ms. Redford leans down and KISSES him on the lips. When she backs off ~~ The beat of the monitors starts to quicken. Brett begins to CONVULSE IN HIS BED -- HEART BEATING IN OVERDRIVE. His skin starts to GLOW RED and SIZZLE -- ALARMS on the monitors CHIME with urgency -- CUT BACK TO: INT. OUR LADY OWS HOSPITAL - CORRIDOR - DAY 24 Mulder faces off against a hostile Mr. Carnahan. MULDER I was just asking your wife if you own a gun, Mr. Carnahan. Mr. Carnahan shoots an accusing look at his wife. MR. CARNAHAN I don’t see how that’s any of your business -- MRS. CARNAHAN -- ves -- we do —— MR. CARNAHAN only as a security precaution -- I keep it under lock and key. MULDER A handgun? MR. CARNAHAN Smith & Wesson nine millimetre. MULDER Have you ever purchased a rifle? Just as Mr. Carnahan is about to protest the implication -- ~~ NURSE SANDEEP RUSHES OVER and flings open the door to the IcU, alerted by the BLEEPING MONITORS and ALARMS within. Mulder reacts along with Mr. and Mrs. Carnahan as they all hurry down the corridor and into: X-Files 208 (2AYX08) Act Two PINK Draft (11/21/17) 27. INT. OUR LADY OF SORR OSPITAL - ICU - CONTINUOUS 25 -- where Brett is CONVULSING worse than ever. His skin erupting with BURNS and BOILS. Thrashing in his bed. MR. CARNAHAN What the hell is happening -- ?! Sandeep tries to get a read of the monitors but it’s all she can do to press the CRASH CALL button. Mulder looks on in amazement as SMOKE STARTS TO RISE FROM BRETT'S BURNING SKIN BEFORE -- WHOOSH! His entire body BURSTS INTO FLAMES. Mrs. Carnahan SCREAMS and has to be restrained from leaping onto her son's body by Mr. Carnahan as Brett BURNS ALIVE. Mulder grabs a FIRE EXTINGUISHER from the wall and rushes in to douse the flames with carbon dioxide in a SPRAY OF FOAM. All the while, Ms. Redford just watches silently from the corner with her hands over her mouth in mock dismay. As Mulder takes in the inexplicable sight: END ACT TWO 26 X-Files 208 (2AYX08) Act Three PINK Draft (11/21/17) 28. INT. OUR LADY OF = = DAY 26 Brett's charred, carbonized remains lie on a cold steel slab. Scully looms over him having completed her autopsy. She peels off her latex gloves as Mulder enters. MULDER I know there were some people calling for Brett Carnahan to burn in Hell -- SCULLY His flesh was practically carbonized -- for that to happen he would have had to be exposed to temperatures in excess of twelve hundred degrees Fahrenheit —- MULDER Any idea of the cause? SCULLY I couldn’t even begin to speculate, Mulder. It’s like he’s been inside a crematory oven or an industrial microwave —~ MULDER =- and yet he erupted before our very eyes in a well-attended ICU. SCULLY It’s possible that the oxygen tanks on his respirator somehow ignited, causing an accelerated burn maybe’ -~ Mulder smiles and nods at Scully reaching for a rational explanation. SCULLY (CONT'D) =- but admittedly that wouldn’t have caused the kind of damage I'm seeing here. MULDER What about a tox screen? Scully crosses the examination room to fetch a TABLET and review the data. (CONTINUED) 26 X-Files 208 (2AYX08) Act Three YELLOW Rev. (11/22/17) 29. CONTINUED: 26 SCULLY There was no evidence of an ingested accelerant, no chemical agents or poisons -~ (reading further) -- there were trace amounts of tetrahydrocannabinol but T imagine we can put that down to habitual marijuana use. MULDER Just say no. SCULLY I also found this -- Scully guides Mulder back over to the body and points down to an odd pattern of BLACK SCORCH MARKS across its burned chest. SCULLY (CONT'D) This pattern of carbon scoring doesn’t seem to correspond to the manner of burning -- almost as if it’s been branded onto the skin. Mulder tilts his head at the marks which seem to suggest an inverted triangle over an X and a V. But it’s hard to tell. MULDER What do you think it means? SCULLY Maybe nothing. In any case, there's no physical evidence here to suggest this wasn't a tragic accident -- MULDER but you have to admit there’s no shortage of people in this town who might want to see Brett Carnahan dead. SCULLY You think this was an act of retribution? MULDER Possibly -- and there was only one other person in that hospital room before he decided to spontaneously combust. (CONTINUED) see ae 26 27 X-Files 208 (2AYX08) Act Three PINK Draft (11/21/17) 30. CONTINUED: (2) 26 OFF Scully’s questioning look: cur TO: INT. MILTON H: = MS. REDFORD’S OFFICE - DAY 27 Ms. Redford sits behind her desk opposite Mulder and Scully. Ms. REDFORD It’s so awful. One minute I was stood there trying to talk to him, and the next... MULDER Why did you go to the hospital? MS. REDFORD. I had regular counselling sessions with Brett for several months. I should have seen the signs, done something when I had the chance. SCULLY Did he ever talk to you about his violent impulses? MS. REDFORD Occasionally. But nothing that would suggest he was capable of something so abhorrent. MULDER Why do you think he did it? MS. REDFORD Brett was a very troubled young man. He was full of rage, stemming largely from a feeling of exclusion. Much of that was exacerbated by social media. SCULLY What about his assertion that the devil was present at Milton High? MS. REDFORD Brett came from a very religious family. He and his sister were both raised as strict Baptists. I imagine that informed a lot of his ideation and fantasies. (CONTINUED) 27 28 X-Files 208 (2AYX08) Act Three YELLOW Rev. (11/22/17) 31. CONTINUED: 27 SCULLY Fantasies? MS. REDFORD To take his revenge on those different to him? Make America great again? Who knows? Mulder notes a PENDANT hanging from Ms. Redford’s neck -- a V and an X shape beneath an inverted triangle, within a circle. MULDER Did you treat Brett Carnahan with cognitive behavioral therapy? Any unconventional techniques? eee MS. REDFORD I’m sorry, I can’t discuss specifics. Patient confidentiality. * Mulder nods slowly, noting Ms. Redford’s guard going up as * she becomes defensive. * cur To: INT. MILTON HIGH SCHOOL - GYMNASIUM - DAY 28 Full of STUDENTS gathered in the bleachers. The FACULTY led by Principal Kozinski addressing them in a sombre tone. PRINCIPAL KOSINSKI At this difficult time, it’s important we all come together to reflect on what’s happened. CAMERA FINDING URIEL sitting alone at the back, getting a few anxious glances from fellow students who keep their distance. PRINCIPAL KOSINSKI (CONT’D) If anyone would like to talk privately, Ms. Redford’s office will be open all day and after school for several hours this week. There’s disruption when Skinner enters with a pair of SHERIFF'S DEPUTIES. They approach the Principal and whisper up close before scanning the bleachers and spotting Uriel. SKINNER Logan Westerly? Have to ask you to step outside, please. (CONTINUED) X-Files 208 (2AYX08) Act Three YELLOW Rev. (11/22/17) 32. 28 CONTINUED: 28 Candice looks back at Uriel. Not sure what to make of this development. The entire student body all stare back too. Uriel feels all eyes on them. Hears the MURMURS of gossip and judgement from the room. Then calmly rises. cur To: 29 INT N HIGH SCHOOL - = DAY 29 Mulder and scully emerge from Ms. Redford’s office. SCULLY You still think we're looking for a murderer here? MULDER Nobody else came into that hospital room except the medical staff and the parents -- SCULLY -- but what would be her motive? Mulder shakes his head, not sure he has a theory yet. MULDER * Did you happen to notice the * necklace she was wearing? * SCULLY Costume jewelry? MULDER It looked to me like a morningstar =- what's known as the sigil of Lucifer. SCULLY You're not about to suggest she’s some kind of Satanist? MULDER It also bears a striking resemblance to the burn marks you found on Brett Carnahan’s body. As they head for the exit, Skinner emerges from the gymnasium down the hall. The Deputies leading Uriel in cuffs. SCULLY Sir -- ? (CONTINUED) X-Files 208 (2AYX08) Act Three PINK Draft (11/21/17) 33. 29 CONTINUED: 29 MULDER What’s going on here? SKINNER We're under a lot of media pressure xight now. I’ve had to place the kid under arrest. SCULLY On what grounds? SKINNER The Carnahans insisted on it. As far as I can see, we're looking at a solid two out of three for motive, means and opportunity. Other students have started to gather in b.g. Abandoning their assembly to watch the perp walk. All CHATTERING. MULDER ‘There’s no physical evidence. SKINNER I hate to say it, but the way things are it might be safer for the kid in lockup anyway. Skinner leads Uriel out. As they pass by, Uriel holds a long look with Scully who can’t help but sympathise. SCULLY This is persecution, Mulder. MULDER Skinner’s right -- Uriel’s already been attacked once -- God knows what might happen if people start accusing them of murder. Scully shakes her head in despair as CAMERA DRIFTS BACK TO FIND CANDICE among the crowd of onlookers. Deeply troubled. cur To: 30 IGH SCHOOL - MISS REDFORD’S OFFICE - DAY 30 Candice wipes tears from her eyes as she sits opposite Ms. Redford who hods out a box of tissues. (CONTINUED) 30 X-Files 208 CONTINUED: Candice st: (2AYX08) Act Three PINK Draft (11/21/17) 34. 30 CANDICE I can’t believe it -- I just can’t believe Logan -- Uriel, whatever —— I can’t believe they'd kill my brother -- MS. REDFORD It's hard to believe what anyone can be capable of these days. CANDICE What Brett did -- what he tried to do -- it was unforgivable, but -— MS. REDFORD Part of you feels like it’s easier this way. That it spares you and your parents from having to go through a trial and the media circus. ifles a sob. It’s hard for her to admit this. CANDICE Is that so wrong? Does that make me a bad person? ‘MS. REDFORD Not at all. (beat) What you really have to focus on is all the people who drove him to it. CANDICE What do you mean? MS. REDFORD Someone like Brett doesn’t just wake up one morning and decide to commit mass murder. He was influenced by everything around him. The internet. Video games. Violent pornography. Candice looks confused. She didn't expect to hear this kind of incendi: ary rhetoric from Ms. Redford. MS. REDFORD (CONT'D) ‘Then there’s all the other angry young men at this school. Filling his head with hatred and intolerance. (MORE) (CONTINUED) X-Files 208 (2AYX08) Act Three PINK Draft (11/21/17) 35. 30 CONTINUED: (2) 30 MS. REDFORD (CONT’D) All the frustrated virgins and incels pushing him right to the edge. They're the ones responsible. ‘They're the ones to blame. CANDICE I just wish I could make people see who he really was. I wish there was some way to make them understand. Ms. Redford nods sympathetically. Then she reaches into her purse and produces a BARREL CHAMBER REVOLVER. She sets it on the tabletop next to the tissue box. MS. REDFORD You know what you have to do. Candice looks back at Ms. Redford. Her eyes a flood of tears. ‘Then down to the revolver. An ominous weakness in her face. Off Ms. Redford’s sinister stare: END ACT THREE X-Files 208 (2AYX08) Act Four PINK Draft (11/21/17) 36. ACT_FOUR 31 INT. COUNTY LOCKUP - CORRIDOR OUTSIDE INTERROGATION ROOM - N 31 Scully looks in through the glass as Skinner questions Uriel. Mulder comes striding up the corridor carrying a folder. MULDER Anything -- ? SCULLY Not a word. I think skinner’s about to spontaneously combust himself. MULDER You may jest, Scully, but I’m thinking we should run some parapsychological testing while we're here —— SCULLY -- Mulder -- MULDER -- unless you have a competing theory -- ? Scully considers. Not quite sure she wants to say this. SCULLY What if Brett Carnahan was right? MULDER You're asking if the devil is really at work at Milton High? SCULLY Of all the things you believe, Mulder, why not this? MULDER I think Brett Carnahan may have been acting under some malign influence, but not one with horns and a pitchfork. Scully shakes off Mulder’s flippancy as he opens his folder. MULDER (CONT'D) I managed to work my own dark arts and got hold of his transcripts —— (CONTINUED) 31 X-Files 208 (2AYX08) Act Four YELLOW Rev. (11/22/17) 37. CONTINUED: 31 SCULLY (why even ask?) - without a court order -- ? MULDER =- turns out Brett Carnahan was a promising young student until early this year -- same goes for his sister and several other seniors with a shot at Ivy League schools -- SCULLY Not exactly the profile of your average mass shooter. MULDER Guess what happened at exactly the point all these kids’ grades started on the highway to hell? Scully looks questioningly as Mulder hands over the folder. MULDER (CONT’D) Miss Serena Redford started as Milton High's guidance counselor. SCULLY That’s hardly conclusive. MULDER There were incidents of gun-related violence at all seven of the other schools on her resumé. Not to mention she has a concealed-carry permit in the state of Virginia. SCULLY What exactly are you accusing thie woman of? MULDER Do you see there she’s been treating some of these kids with hypnosis -- ? SCULLY (dubious) = and you think she somehow induced Brett Carnahan to turn an assault rifle on his classmates? (CONTINUED) Hee ee 31 32 X-Files 208 (2AYX08) Act Four YELLOW Rev. (11/22/17) 38. CONTINUED: (2) 31 MULDER There's still the question of how he got the weapon past the school’s metal detectors -- maybe he had help. Scully shakes her head, far from convinced as Skinner emerges from the interrogation room looking frustrated. SKINNER I'm not getting anywhere. Tell me you've made some progress. MULDER I may have a theory. SKINNER The Director is demanding answers on this -- not to mention the media. MULDER I think we should be directing our investigation to the faculty -- but * I'd need an expedited search * warrant for the school. * Skinner considers, but knows he’s running out of options. * SKINNER * I'l take care of it. * Mulder turns to head off but Scully hangs back, her eyes * fixed firmly on Uriel through the glass. SKINNER (CONT'D) Agent Scully -- ? SCULLY I want to talk to them. Skinner swaps a confused glance with Mulder as scully pushes into the interrogation room. NT. CO = INTE! LON ROOM — NT 32 Scully takes a seat opposite Uriel. Her manner is delicate. SCULLY I’m sorry about all this. You must wonder why you're here. (CONTINUED) 32 X-Files 208 (2AYX08) Act Four PINK Draft (11/21/17) 39. CONTINUED: 32 URIEL I know my purpose. Can you say the same? Scully is confused by these words. Unprepared for them. SCULLY You didn’t kill Brett Carnahan. URIEL No. SCULLY But you know who did. URIEL He was killed by his own weakness. SCULLY I’m not sure what that means. Uriel regards Scully calmly, sees the cross around her neck. URTEL Your faith is your strength. But your conviction must be equal to it if you are to prevail. SCULLY Prevail over what? URIEL I cannot show you what you refuse to see yourself. Scully wavers, not sure what to make of this young person. URIEL (CONT’D) You must release me. SCULLY You’re only here for your own protection. URIEL As long as I'm here, I cannot fulfil my purpose. SCULLY Which is what? (CONTINUED) 32 32a, 328 33 X-Files 208 (2AYX08) Act Four YELLOW Rev. (11/22/17) 40. CONTINUED: (2) 32 Uriel stares deep into scully’s eyes, as if she might be persuaded through sheer force of will. cur To: EXT. MILTON HIGH SCHOOL - NIGHT 32 Dark now, save for the distant yellow glow of electric light behind the high windows of the school gymnasium. PRELAP the shrill sound of a REFEREE’S WHISTLE AS WE: cur To: INT. MILTON HIGH SCHOOL - Gy¥I UM - NIGHT 323 Full of TEENAGERS in the bleachers ahead of a high school basketball game. LOUD and PEPPY with pre-match chatter. Two rival TEAMS in basketball jerseys warm up in front of a line of CHEERLEADERS running a routine with colored POM-POMS. CHEERLEADER Let’s go, Milton! Let’s go! CUT TO: INT. MILTON HIGH SCHOOL - 7 ICE - NIGHT 33 A flashlight beam FLARES THE LENS to reveal Mulder searching through Ms. Redford’s desk. He opens drawers. Sifts papers. Not finding anything incriminating, Mulder turns his flashlight onto a FILING CABINET against the wall. * He HAULS OPEN A DRAWER and begins flicking through file * headers until he finds one marked BRETT CARNAHAN, Mulder scans the pages. Holds one up to his flashlight to find —~ A DARK PATTERN branded onto the paper like a watermark. It * matches the SIGIL OF LUCIFER seen on Ms. Redford’s necklace. * Mulder returns to the file cabinet. Pulls out another marked * CANDICE CARNAHAN. The same SIGIL is watermarked onto the pages. Mulder reaches for another only to catch sight of -- ae CANDICE -- as she passes the glass window in the door. cur To: 34 35 X-Files 208 (2AYX08) Act Four PINK Draft (11/21/17) 41. INT, MILTON HIGH SCHOOL - HALLWAY - NIGHT 34 Mulder emerges from the office and looks down the corridor, turning his flashlight to glance over Candice’s back as she hurries AWAY FROM CAMERA. Arms bundled into her jacket. As she turns the corner and moves OUT OF SIGHT, Mulder starts heading after her. As he pulls out his phone -- INTERCUT WITH: INT. SCULLY’S EXPL = DRIVING - NIGHT 35 Scully drives as her dash-mounted phone RINGS. The screen flashes “MULDER CALLING.” Scully swipes the screen to answer. SCULLY Where are you, Mulder? MULDER I’m at the school —- where are you? SCULLY On my way to you. Listen to me, Mulder -- I think you should stay out of there. MULDER why? Scully hesitates, not sure how to explain herself. MULDER (CONT’D) Who told you that, Scully? Scully glances over her shoulder at the backseat as CAMERA ADJUSTS TO REVEAL URIEL. SCULLY Whatever’s going on here, Mulder, I don’t think it’s over. MULDER There's a basketball game about to start -- we may not have time —~ SCULLY -- Mulder -~ MULDER -- just get here as fast as you can, Scully. (CONTINUED) 35 36 X-Files 208 (2AYX08) Act Four PINK Draft (11/21/17) 42. CONTINUED: 35 Mulder clicks off. Scully shakes her head and STOMPS HER FOOT DOWN ON THE GAS. Accelerating with a FIERCE REV as we -- cur To: BLACKNESS Then a SPOTLIGHT shines down on a HIGH SCHOOL CHEERLEADER in front of a MICROPHONE STAND. As she starts to SING acapella -- CHEERLEADER oh say can you see, by the dawn’s early light -- INT. MILTON HIGH SCHOOL - GYMNASIUM - NIGHT 36 Where the Cheerleader is giving it her best Whitney Houston before the BLEACHERS full of HIGH SCHOOL KIDS spectating. CHEERLEADER =- what so proudly we hailed, at the twilight’s last gleaming -- CAMERA FINDING CANDICE as she sneaks into the gym. CHEERLEADER (CONT’D) =~ whose broad stripes and bright stars, through the perilous fight -- Ms. Redford steps out from behind the bleachers. Locks eyes with Candice. Gives her a subtle NOD. CHEERLEADER (CONT’D) -- o'er the ramparts we watched, were so gallantly streaming -- Candice slips her hand into her purse and slides out the REVOLVER. Her eyes seem glazed with a far-off stare. CHEERLEADER (CONT’D) -- and the rocket’s red glare, the bombs bursting in air —~ CAMERA FINDING MULDER as he enters the gym, eyes scanning through the huddle of BASKETBALL PLAYERS. Searching. CHEERLEADER (CONT’D) =- gave proof through the night, that our flag was still there -- Candice TREMBLES as she takes an uncertain aim with her gun. (CONTINUED) 36 X-Files 208 (2AYX08) Act Four PINK Draft (11/21/17) 43. CONTINUED: 36 CHEERLEADER (CONT'D) -- oh say does that star-spangled banner yet wave -- CANDICE EASES THE HAMMER BACK AS THE BARREL CHAMBER ROTATES CHEERLEADER (CONT'D) -- o’er the land of the free -- Mulder’s eyes finally find Candice. The revolver held in her outstretched arm. But he has no time to react before -~ CHEERLEADER (CONT’D) -- and the home of the -~ BLAM!! BLAM!! SHOTS RING OUT -~ SHRIEKS OF PANIC FROM THE BLEACHERS -~ AS: ALL THE LIGHTS SUDDENLY PLUNGE ouT Off the terrifying sounds of MASS CHAOS across the darkness -- END ACT FOUR 37 38 X-Files 208 (2AYX08) Act Five PINK Draft (11/21/17) 44. ACT FIVE EXT. MILTON HI = tT - NIGHT 37 Scully’s Explorer comes SCREECHING TO A HALT by the entrance. She bolts out from behind the wheel just in time to hear -- BLAM! BLAM! Shots fired from within the school. The bright lights from within the gymnasium suddenly PLUNGE OUT. SCULLY Oh God no -- Scully pulls out her phone. Dials 911 fast. SCULLY (INTO PHONE) (CONT’D) - this is Special Agent Dana Scully -- shots fired at Milton High School -- active shooter —~ Uriel emerges from the back seat of Scully’s Explorer. URIEL You have to let me go in there. SCULLY It’s not safe. URIEL Please. Scully stares back at Uriel’s placid eyes. Something about them holds an unearthly serenity she can’t help but trust. URIEL (CONT’D) I was meant to do this. It’s the reason I was put here. Scully’s jaw hangs, paralyzed with awe as Uriel turns and starts walking towards the entrance. Heading into the school. cur To: Int. CHOOL - GYMNASTUM - 7 38 The Head Cheerleader lays on the floor in a pool of blood. Alive. Her eyes staring up at Mulder who kneels over her, hands pressed tight to a GUNSHOT WOUND in her shoulder. (CONTINUED) 38 39 40 X-Files 208 (2AYX08) Act Five PINK Draft (11/21/17) 45. CONTINUED: 38 MULDER She needs to get to a hospital. Mulder stares up at Candice. The revolver still in her hand. Pointing it threateningly at the huddled mass of students. cur To: INT. {TON HIGH SCHOOL - HALLWAY - NIGHT 39 Uriel glides through the darkness. Edging up to the gymnasium doors and peeking through the glass of its picture windows. HIS POV -- THROUGH THE GLASS -- as Candice holds the entire basketball team and the spectators hostage at gunpoint. But rather than enter, Uriel TURNS AWAY and heads DOWN THE CORRIDOR INTO DARKNESS. CUT TO: EXT. MILTON HI - "T ~ NIGHT 40 AS BLUE AND RED LIGHTBARS SWARM IN -- SIRENS WATLING -- COP CARS AND FIRST RESPONDERS SCREECHING IN BY SCULLY’S EXPLORER Scully rushes to meet Skinner as he emerges from a sedan. SCULLY At least three shots fired — SKINNER Where -- ? SCULLY North building -- the gymnasium. There's a school basketball game -~ potential hostage situation -—- Skinner signals to a unit of ARMED OFFICERS IN TACTICAL BODY ARMOR and marches toward the school. Scully keeping pace. SKINNER Set-up a perimeter at two-hundred feet -- I want snipers with eyes on the north building -- (CONTINUED) 40 41 X-Files 208 (2AYX08) Act Five PINK Draft (11/21/17) CONTINUED: SCULLY -- Mulder’s in there with them -- SKINNER -- in with the shooter -- ?! SCULLY -- I haven't been able to establish contact -— Skinner stops in his tracks. Faces Scully as she holds u phone. Both of them weighing the right play. 46. 40 p her cUr TO: INT. MILTON HIGH SCHOOL - TUM - NIGHT Candice paces anxiously in front of the basketball playe: 41 rs, all on their knees in a line. The revolver heavy in her hand. Mulder fights to keep the Cheerleader alive as her blood soaks all over his hands. MULDER This isn’t you. CANDICE Shut up. MULDER I don’t think you really want to do this. Someone or something is making you. CANDICE Everybody has to pay. THE CHIRPING OF A CELL PHONE STARTLES EVERYONE MULDER -- it’s okay, that’s me —~ CANDICE -- everybody throw their phones out on #1 The kids on the bleachers nervously comply, phones sliding out across the gym. All except Mulder’s. MULDER ~~ if I let go, she’s going to bleed out -- (CONTINUED) 41 42 43 X-Files 208 (2AYX08) Act Five PINK Draft (11/21/17) 47. CONTINUED: 4l Mulder gives a reassuring look down on the terrified Cheerleader in his arms as his phone continues to ring. CUT BACK To: EXT. MILTON H: - yr — NIGHT 42 As Scully holds her phone out on speaker with Skinner. SCULLY He can’t answer. He could be hurt. SKINNER We don’t know that. SCULLY I’m going in there -- Scully pockets her phone and pulls out her own weapon. SKINNER - Agent Scully But Scully is already making her way into the school before Skinner can stop her. cur To: INT. MILTON HIGH SCHOOL - HALLWAY - NIGHT - CONTINUOUS 43 Scully stalks through the darkened corridor. Her gun held carefully out in front of her, pointed safely at the floor. She reaches the gymnasium door and its picture window. Peers through. Darts away and raises her phone to her ear. SCULLY (INTO PHONE) (hushed) -- one shooter -- semi-automatic handgun -- upwards of fifty hostages -- at least one casualty -- Scully listens but her attention is drawn by A FIGURE PASSING at the far end of the hallway. Scully stops and stares. In the darkness, it looks like THE SILHOUETTE OF MS. REDFORD. But as it glances to Scully IT APPEARS ALMOST DEMONIC. (conrrNvzD) 43 44 45 46 X-Files 208 (2AYX08) Act Five PINK Draft (11/21/17) 48. CONTINUED: 43 Scully squints, not sure of what she saw. But the figure passes OUT OF FRAME too fast. As Scully takes off after it -- cur To: EXT, MILTON HIGH SCHOOL - PARKING LOT - NIGHT 44 ARMED POLICE OFFICERS HAVE SURROUNDED THE SCHOOL -~ RED AND BLUE LIGHTS STROBING ACROSS THE ASSEMBLED GUNS AND RIFLES Skinner has his phone to his ear. Turning to the others. SKINNER - confirmed wounded -- all units get ready to move in - cur To: INT. MILTON HIGH SCHOOL - GYMNASTUM - NIGHT 45 Mulder struggles to keep the Cheerleader alive as her eyes start to flicker and fade. He looks to Candice desperately. MULDER Your name’s Candice, right? Candice Carnahan? Your brother tried to do this exact same thing. CANDICE They killed him. Candice walks behind the row of basketball players on their knees. She holds her revolver up to the back of their heads. MULDER He said the devil walked among us -- is that true, Candice -- ? Tears streak from Candice’s eyes. Her gun arm trembles. cur To: INT. MILTON HIGH SCHOOL - HALLWAY - NIGHT 46 Scully shines her FLASHLIGHT down the darkened corridors. Its beam roams left and right until it catches on —— SCULLY -- Uriel -- ?! (CONTINUED) 46 47 48 X-Files 208 (2AYX08) Act Five PINK Draft (11/21/17) 49. CONTINUED: 46 Uriel turns back over their shoulder to look at Scully, then continues onward around the corner and out of sight. Scully breaks into a run in pursuit. CUT BACK TO: INT, MILTON HIGH SCHOOL - GYI - 47 As Mulder looks up at Candice with her gun outstretched. MULDER I believe him, Candice. Don’t you? CANDICE Nobody listens. MULDER There is an evil presence at work here -- but you can fight it. CANDICE No one even cares. It just keeps happening -- over and over. MULDER It only triumphs if you let it. But Candice seems out of control of her own body now. MULDER (CONT'D) Put the gun down and let these people live. That’s how we beat it. Candice can’t stop herself from COCKING THE HAMMER OF HER GUN CUT BACK To: IN LON HIGH SCHOOL - JAY ~ NIGHT 48 Uriel glides down the corridor to come face to face with Ms. Redford at the far end of the hall. She stands and stares. URIEL It is ended. Ms. Redford shakes her head. MS. REDFORD It never ends. only the faces change. (CONTINUED) 48 49 X-Files 208 (2AYX08) Act Five PINK Draft (11/21/17) 50. CONTINUED: 48 URIEL Leave. Now. Ms. Redford eyes Uriel with an almost seductive smile. MS. REDFORD Are you but a servant here? or do you have free will? Come with me. URIEL Nothing you can promise them will ever be greater than their love. MS. REDFORD Their hatred is already stronger. With all their rage and fear, they will destroy themselves. It’s only a matter of time. URTEL Not before I damn you to hell. Scully's flashlight beam precedes her as SHE COMES RUNNING AROUND THE CORNER. SCULLY - Uriel -- stop -- 1 But Uriel is too far ahead of Scully as they advance slowly on Ms. Redford. Closer and closer, step by step, until -- A BRILLIANT AURA OF GOLDEN LIGHT PULSATES LIKE A HALO FROM URIEL'S HEAD -~ A BLINDING FLASH FILLING THE WHOLE CORRIDOR SCULLY SHIELDS HER EYES AGAINST THE INTENSITY OF THE GLOW CUT BACK TO: INT. MILTON HIGH SCHOOL - GYMNASIUM - NIGHT 49 Mulder looks up helplessly as many of the basketball players sob in mortal terror, facing their imminent death when -- CANDICE WHIPS HER REVOLVER AWAY AND UP UNDER HER OWN CHIN -- BLAM! ! Mulder looks away right as the GUNSHOT reports and we -- CUT BACK TO: 50 51 X-Files 208 (2AYK08) Act Five PINK Draft (11/21/17) 51. IN! LTON HIGH SCHOOL - HALLWAY - NIGH’ 50 Scully looks on in awe and wonder as the DAZZLING GOLDEN GLOW subsides and leaves the corridor back in darkness. Scully lowers her arm from shielding her face and edges up to Uriel. She looks into their face, but Uriel only stares. Scully turns her flashlight toward the spot where Ms. Redford stood only to find her SLUMPED DOWN ON THE FLOOR -- HER EYE SOCKETS SMOKING WHERE THEY'VE BEEN BURNED OUT OF HER SKULL Scully can only stare in disbelief. she turns her flashlight back up at Uriel -- staring down impassively. Numb. Absent. cur TO: H_SCHOOL - PARKING LOT - NIGHT - LATER 51 RED AND BLUE EMERGENCY LIGHTS SHIMMER ACROSS THE DARKNESS Students file out of the building, escorted by UNIFORMED COPS and PARAMEDICS. Blankets draped over basketball uniforms and cheerleader outfits. Shock and trauma all over their faces. The Head Cheerleader who was shot is loaded into the back of an AMBULANCE on a stretcher. Her wound dressed. An oxygen mask over her face. Alive and conscious. MULDER AND SCULLY Stand together as they drink in the aftermath. Overwhelmed. MULDER EMTs say she’s going to make it. Scully nods, grateful for that at least. But her attention is diverted by A BODY BAG being carried out of the school. SCULLY Candice Carnahan -- ? MULDER She was killed instantly. SCULLY By her own hand? MULDER ‘That will be the official story, but I’m not so sure. (CONTINUED) 51 52 X-Files 208 (2AYX08) Act Five PINK Draft (11/21/17) 52. CONTINUED: 51 Scully looks to Mulder, finding this hard to reconcile. Her gaze lands on Uriel in the back seat of a POLICE CRUISER, being questioned by Skinner. SCULLY What about Uriel? MULDER Kid could be facing a murder charge =- but given the condition of the body, the absence of a weapon —~ Mulder shakes his head, doubtful of a conviction. SCULLY If I hadn’t brought them here, they'd be walking free right now. MULDER Then again you might just have averted a massacre tonight, Scully. Scully watches the police cruiser drive away as we CRANE UP over the sea of STROBING EMERGENCY LIGHTS and -~ DISSOLVE TO: INT. sv. “S CHURCH - DAY 52 A STAINED GLASS WINDOW DEPICTING A BIBLICAL ANGEL FILLS FRAME PULLING BACK TO FIND SCULLY sitting beside Mulder on a pew. The church is quiet, but Father McCue looks back from his wheelchair near the altar and smiles. Scully smiles back. MULDER I never gave it much credence. SCULLY A higher power? MULDER These supernatural creatures described in the Bible -- what they might have been based upon. SCULLY The substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen... (CONTINUED) X-Files 208 (2AYX08) Act Five PINK Draft (11/21/17) 53. 52 CONTINUED: 52 MULDER They say the book of Ezekial details one of the earliest encounters with a UFO, by the way. Scully smiles and takes Mulder’s hand. Her mood darkens. SCULLY I can’t help but wonder -- what was at work in me last night -- MULDER What do you mean? SCULLY I brought Uriel out there on blind faith. MULDER You believed you were doing the right thing. SCULLY It was more than that, Mulder. I felt this powerful conviction can’t explain it. I MULDER, Are you saying you were an instrument of God -- ? Scully hesitates, unable to answer the question but awestruck by its implications. Mulder puts his arm around her tenderly and Scully leans into his embrace -- holding each other close as we BOOM UP into a GOD'S EYE VIEW looking down on them far below -- AND WE: CUT TO BLACK: THE END

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