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Review Article

Androgens Modulate Endothelial Function and Endothelial

Progenitor Cells in Erectile Physiology
Abdulmaged M. Traish1,2, Artin Galoosian3
Departments of 1Biochemistry and 2Urology, Boston University School of Medicine, Boston, MA, 3Division of Graduate Medical Sciences,
Boston University School of Medicine, Boston, MA, USA

The incidence of erectile dysfunction (ED) increases with age and cardiovascular dis- Article History:
ease risk factors, such as hypertension, hyperlipidemia, insulin resistance, obesity, and received 3 September, 2013
accepted 24 September, 2013
diabetes. These risk factors are thought to contribute to endothelial dysfunction and
atherosclerosis, thus contributing to the pathophysiology of ED. The role of the endothe-
lium in regulating erectile physiology is well established. However, the role of an-
drogens in modulating endothelial function and endothelial repair mechanisms sub-
sequent to vascular injury in erectile tissue remains a subject of intensive research.
The clinical and preclinical evidence discussed in this review suggests that androgens
regulate endothelial function and also play an important role in the development and
maturation of endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs), which are thought to play a critical
role in repair of endothelial injury in vascular beds. In this review, we discuss the data
available on the effects of androgens on endothelial function and EPCs in the repair
of vascular injury. Indeed, more research is needed to fully understand the molecular
and cellular basis of androgen action in regulating the development, differentiation,
maturation, migration, and homing of EPCs to the site of injury. A better understanding
of these processes will be critical to the development of new therapeutic approaches Corresponding Author:
Abdulmaged M. Traish
to the treatment of vascular ED.
Departments of Biochemistry and
Urology, Boston University
Keywords: Endothelium; Erectile dysfunction; Nitric oxide; Testosterone; Vascular
School of Medicine, Boston, MA
endothelial cells 02811, USA
TEL: +1-617-638-4578
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial
License ( which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, FAX: +1-617-638-5412
distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. E-mail:

INTRODUCTION the accumulation of blood under pressure [1-6]. Vasodila-

tion of the arterioles that feed the lacunar spaces and relax-
Erectile function is a complex neurovascular process that ation of corporeal smooth muscle, which surrounds these
requires the integration of a host of signaling pathways, spaces, contributes to increased intracavernosal pressure
leading to increased blood inflow to the corpora cavernosa and engorgement of the corporal bodies as a result of filling
and reduced blood outflow permitting entrapment of blood with blood, which results in expansion of the corpora bodies
under pressure and engorgement of the penis [1-6]. Upon against the tunica albuginea. The accumulation of blood
sexual stimulation, the release of neurotransmitters from under pressure compresses the subtunical venules and im-
the cavernosal nerves brings about vascular and trabecu- pedes blood outflow, resulting in the entrapment of blood
lar smooth muscle relaxation. This permits increased blood under pressure and a concomitant increase in the intra-
flow from the cavernosal arteries and activation of endo- cavernosal pressure, veno-occlusion, and subsequent erec-
thelial cells by producing nitric oxide (NO) in response to tion.
shear stress. The relaxation of the vascular smooth muscle The veno-occlusion mechanism is regulated by local re-
of the cavernosal artery, helicine arterioles, and the trabe- lease of 1) adrenergic and cholinergic neurotransmitters;
culae increases intracavernosal pressure as the result of 2) nonadrenergic, noncholinergic neurotransmitters; and

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722 Traish and Galoosian

3) vasoactive agents produced by the vascular endothelium of the trabecular smooth muscle of the corpora cavernosa.
[3-5]. The sympathetic nervous system releases norepine- These signaling mechanisms originating from the endo-
phrine, which acts through the α-adrenergic receptor path- thelium are considered critical for the regulation of penile
way, thus modulating the contractility of vascular and tra- physiology and erections.
becular smooth muscles, leading to detumescence. Non- The endothelium responds rapidly to signaling by a vari-
adrenergic, noncholinergic neurotransmitters (e.g., neu- ety of stimuli and is instrumental in the recruitment of im-
ral nitric oxide, vasoactive intestinal polypeptide) released mune and blood cells to sites of endothelial injury [1,7,8,14-
from the parasympathetic nerves facilitate vascular and 17]. The endothelium regulates vascular homeostasis by
trabecular smooth muscle relaxation. In addition, NO and activating platelets and inflammatory and immunological
vasoactive substances, such as prostacyclins and prosta- responses as well as by controlling vascular permeability,
glandins, released by the vascular endothelium also stim- smooth muscle cell proliferation, and angiogenesis [1,7,14,
ulate smooth muscle relaxation, producing increased in- 18-20]. Thus, the endothelium plays an important role in
tracavernosal pressure, veno-occlusion, and erection the repair of injury to the vascular bed by replacing injured
[1-5,7]. Alterations or interferences in the mechanisms endothelial cells with mature EPCs. Baumhakel [21] in-
regulating vascular and trabecular smooth muscle con- vestigated the relationship between circulating EPCs and
tractility contribute to veno-occlusive dysfunction and ulti- erectile function by using CD133+ as a marker to identify
mately erectile dysfunction (ED) [1,4,5]. the EPCs. Patients with ED had significantly lower levels
Androgens play an important role in erectile physiology. of circulating CD133+ cells than did patients with normal
It is believed that androgens are critical not only for the erectile function. Circulating CD133+ cells showed an in-
growth and function of the trabecular smooth muscle, but verse correlation with ED, and increasing the number of
also in maintenance of the function of cavernosal and dor- these circulating EPCs resulted in a decreased likelihood
sal nerves as well as the function of the vascular endo- of ED [21].
thelium. In this review, we focus mainly on the role of an- Endothelial dysfunction is associated with reduced en-
drogens in modulating endothelial function and in the de- dothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) expression; in-
velopment, differentiation, maturation, migration, and creased production of the asymmetric dimethylarginine
homing of endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs) and their (ADMA); increased production of reactive oxygen species
role in maintaining erectile physiology. (ROS); increased synthesis and release of ET-1, E-2, and
E-3; increased production of inflammatory cytokines such
ROLE OF THE ENDOTHELIUM IN ERECTILE as tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α); increased expression
PHYSIOLOGY of markers of cell adhesion such as E-selectin, intracellular
adhesion molecule (ICAM), and vascular cell adhesion mol-
The vascular endothelium plays a critical role in the vascu- ecule (VCAM); deregulation of fibrinolytic factors such as
lature [2,7-11]. The endothelium serves as a barrier be- von Willebrand factor (vWF); inability to regenerate endo-
tween circulating blood and blood-borne elements and the thelium from EPCs; increased endothelial cell apoptosis;
surrounding tissues [8,12]. The endothelium is critical for increased cellular and vascular permeability; and increas-
angiogenesis and vascular repair. Furthermore, the vas- ed vascular tone [22].
cular endothelium produces a host of regulatory factors, in-
cluding NO, prostaglandins, endothelins (E-1, E-2, E-3), RISK FACTORS CONTRIBUTING TO ENDOTHEL-
prostacyclin (PGI2), and angiotensin II, among others IAL DYSFUNCTION AND POTENTIAL REPAIR
[8,13,14]. These signaling molecules regulate smooth mus- MECHANISMS
cle contractility and subsequent vasoconstriction and vas-
odilation and ultimately regulate blood flow to the penis. A common link underlying the pathophysiology of car-
In erectile tissue, the signaling molecules produced by the diovascular disease (CVD) and ED is vascular insufficiency
endothelium regulate the contractility of the trabeculae attributed to endothelial dysfunction. A host of risk factors,
and are deemed critical in normal erectile physiology [14]. including insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes mellitus, dys-
Thus, the endothelium regulates vascular tone and erectile lipidemia, hypertension, obesity, metabolic syndrome, oxi-
physiology via autocrine, paracrine, and endocrine mecha- dative stress, atherosclerosis, smoking, and hyperhomo-
nisms [7,13,14]. cysteinemia, are thought to contribute significantly to en-
In erectile tissue, the endothelium lining the vascular dothelial dysfunction [14,22-27].
bed and the trabeculae in the penis plays a critical role in EPCs play an important role in vascular repair and an-
erectile function. The increased blood flow through the cav- giogenesis and replacement of damaged endothelial cells
ernosal artery increases shear stress, which causes the en- in blood vessels [13-15,21,28-34]. EPCs were first de-
dothelium to synthesize and release NO. NO relaxes the scribed as a population of circulating cells able to engraft
vascular smooth muscle and increases blood flow to the cor- in areas of physiologic or pathological neovascularization,
pora cavernosa. The endothelium lining the lacunar spaces angiogenesis, and endothelial cell repair by acquiring an
responds to this increased blood flow with increased syn- endothelial phenotype, expressing vWF, and incorporat-
thesis and release of NO, which facilitates the relaxation ing Dil-Ac-LDL [8,13,15,28,35-38]. It is believed that endo-

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Endothelial Function in Erectile Physiology 723

thelial injury is likely to be repaired by mature circulating ceptor (KDR) [28,31,37,40].

EPCs. The pathway by which EPCs originate in the bone mar-
EPCs are characterized as a population of CD34+ hema- row and a host of biochemical activators, which are thought
topoietic progenitor cells that can differentiate in vitro into to play a critical role in the development and differentiation
an endothelial lineage, expressing a number of cell surface of the precursors of circulating EPCs, are depicted in Fig.
markers similar to those expressed by angioblasts and 1A. Briefly, the bone marrow produces hemangioblasts,
hematopoietic cells, which suggests a common precursor which are thought to be a common precursor of hema-
[15,28,29]. “Putative endothelial progenitor cells” isolated topoietic stem cells as well as bone-marrow-derived angio-
from human peripheral blood express two antigens, CD43 blasts. The angioblasts undergo further differentiation in
and fetal liver kinase (Flk-1). Peichev et al. [39] identified the presence of the appropriate activators into EPCs
a CD133+/vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2+ [30,31]. Fig. 1B illustrates the differentiation of early EPCs
(VEGFR2+) population that differentiates into endothelial to late EPCs and the expression of various specific markers
cells in vitro and is distinguishable from mature CD34+/ that are detected on the surface of the mature EPCs during
VEGFR+ endothelial cells found on the vessel wall; note circulation in the bloodstream.
that the VEGFR is also known as kinase-inert domain re- Note that EPCs derived from bone marrow exhibit a wide

FIG. 1. (A) Potential pathway of bone

marrow origin of endothelial progen-
itor cells and the various triggers and
cell surface antigens of the putative
endothelial cells. According to current
knowledge in the literature, testoster-
one upregulates vascular endothelial
growth factor (VEGF), endothelial
nitric oxide synthase (eNOS), metallo-
peptidase-9 (MMP-9), and other mo-
dulators of endothelial progenitor cell
(EPC) proliferation. The bone marrow
hemangioblast is a common precursor
of both hematopoietic stem cells and
bone marrow–derived angioblasts. The
bone marrow angioblasts further diff-
erentiate into endothelial progenitor
cells. (B) Differentiation of early and
late endothelial progenitor cells and
appearance of various cell surface an-
tigens. The exact cell antigens asso-
ciated with early and late EPCs are
not fully understood. In this diagram,
we present a schematic of early and
late EPCs on the basis of a review of
the scientific literature. Both pheno-
types exhibit kinase-insert domain
receptor (KDR) antigen, whereas CD-
133, von Willebrand factor (vWF), and
endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eN-
OS) appear to be markers for a more
mature progenitor cell type. c-Kit, pr-
oto-oncogene c-Kit; m-KitL, Murine
Kit ligand.

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724 Traish and Galoosian

range of heterogeneity; thus, there is no clear consensus on pathways. Testosterone deficiency (TD) has been shown to
which specific antigenic profile or surface markers best contribute to endothelial damage and dysfunction, and an-
identify EPCs [41]. However, the three most commonly drogen therapy enhances endothelial repair [20,48-52].
used antigenic markers for the detection of EPCs are as fol- Androgens increase the synthesis and release of NO in the
lows: 1) CD34, an adhesion molecule; 2) CD133, a surface vascular endothelium [2,48,53-55]. A recent report has
antigen with unknown function that is closely related to suggested that androgens stimulate EPC proliferation via
immature EPCs; and 3) Flk-1/KDR, or VEGF-2, which in- an AR/VEGF-mediated mechanism [56]. In addition, re-
dicates early endothelial differentiation [41]. Other mark- al-time real time quantitative reverse transcription poly-
ers include AC133, CXCR4, and CD105 (Endoglins). It is merase chain reaction analysis showed that 5α-DHT in-
believed that mature EPCs can home in on sites of endothe- duced AR, cyclin A, cyclin D1, and VEGF gene expression
lial injury and are involved in the vascular repair proce- in a dose- and time-dependent manner [56]. In in vitro stud-
sses. Circulating progenitor cells represent a more im- ies using the AR antagonist Casodex and specific AR
mature pool of circulating cells with characteristics similar siRNA, a marked reduction in 5α-DHT-induced endothe-
to those exhibited by EPCs. Both progenitor cells and EPCs lial cell proliferation and targeted gene expression was
originate from hematopoietic stem cells of the bone mar- shown, which suggests that these effects are AR-depen-
row, which then migrate into the peripheral circulation, dent. In addition, inhibition of VEGF receptor signaling or
home in on sites of neovascularization, and differentiate in- expression produced a dose-dependent blockade of 5α-
to mature endothelial cells and play a critical role in endo- DHT-induced endothelial cell proliferation and cyclin A
thelial repair processes. gene cell expression. These findings strongly suggest that
Several clinical trials have reported exciting findings re- androgens stimulate endothelial cell proliferation via up-
garding the potential use of EPCs in the treatment of vari- regulation of VEGF-A, cyclin A, and cyclin D1. Androgens
ous vascular disorders attributed to endothelial dysfunc- also promote angiogenesis via cellular mechanisms involv-
tion. In the Transplantation of Progenitor Cells and ing VEGF, a specific cytokine that plays an important role
Regeneration Enhancement in Acute Myocardial Infarc- in mitosis in the vasculature. Specifically, binding of VEGF
tion trial (TOPCARE-AMI trial), infusion of ex vivo ex- to its receptors on endothelial cells promotes and enhances
panded bone marrow EPCs into patients with a history of vascular permeability and facilitates angiogenesis and re-
myocardial infarction resulted in enhanced myocardial vi- vascularization [40]. More interestingly, Godoy et al. [57]
ability and increased ventricular ejection fraction [42]. linked androgens to the upregulation of VEGF and mitotic
EPCs have also been used diagnostically as biomarkers of cyclins, which are known to increase EPC proliferation
disease detection or progression. For instance, a large num- [57]. In clinical studies it was demonstrated that flow-
ber of studies have shown significant changes in the num- mediated dilation (FMD) is reduced in patients with TD
ber and function of EPCs in diseases such as diabetes, hy- and is enhanced in response to testosterone therapy [23,
percholesteremia, pulmonary hypertension, rheumatoid 58-60].
arthritis, and chronic renal disease [14,15,21,22,32,33,43, Lu et al. [50] demonstrated that androgen deprivation
44]. Also, reduced EPC number and altered proliferation by castration or by inhibition of the enzyme 5α-reductase
and migration profiles have been correlated with smoking, resulted in profound physical and structural changes in en-
aging, and chronic inflammation. These findings further dothelial structure in rat aorta as detected by transmission
support a critical role of EPCs in vascular repair mecha- scanning electron microscopy analyses. In aortic tissues
nisms and homeostasis. from control animals, the endothelium appeared smooth
and freely compliant. In contrast, the endothelium in the
ANDROGEN MODULATION OF ENDOTHELIAL aorta of castrated animals or intact animals treated with
FUNCTION IN ERECTILE PHYSIOLOGY the 5α reductase irreversible inhibitor finasteride were se-
verely crimpled, coarse, and protuberant, and the con-
In the vasculature, androgens have been shown to modu- nections between cells were disrupted and many red blood
late endothelial function via genomic and nongenomic cells were noted to adhere to the endothelial surface [50].
mechanisms. In addition, androgens are the precursor for These findings suggest that not only testosterone but also
estrogens, which also modulate endothelial function 5α-DHT is critical for endothelial function. More im-
[7,45,46]. Several studies have demonstrated that mature portantly, the aortic endothelium from castrated animals
endothelial cells express androgen receptors (ARs), which treated with testosterone undecanoate showed marked
suggests that androgens elicit a direct genomic-mediated structural recovery, suggesting vascular repair [50]. On
action through the activation of the classic AR [7,47]. the basis of these observations, it was suggested that an-
Androgens (testosterone and 5α-DHT) also promote non- drogen deprivation, via castration or treatment with 5α-re-
genomic action via interactions with putative membrane ductase inhibitor, produced injuries in aortic endothelial
ARs (nontranscriptionally) [7,46]. The results of preclini- cells [7,50]. This is an important finding that links TD to
cal and clinical studies have suggested that the relation- endothelial dysfunction and androgen therapy to endothe-
ship of endothelial function in response to androgen is com- lial repair. Because endothelial dysfunction contributes to
plex and encompasses structural as well as cell signaling ED, the latter is considered an early warning sign that pre-

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Endothelial Function in Erectile Physiology 725

cedes clinically significant CVD by several years [7,50]. correlated with total and free testosterone levels. It was
In addition, several clinical studies have supported a role shown that lower serum total and free testosterone levels
for androgen modulation of endothelial function. In a are associated with impaired endothelial function [62].
cross-sectional study, Akishita et al. [23] demonstrated These findings corroborate those reported by Akishita et
that total and free testosterone levels in men were pos- al. [23] and support the notion that testosterone has a pos-
itively correlated with %FMD, a surrogate marker of clin- itive role on vascular health [63] via the modulation of endo-
ical atherosclerosis, which also reflects endothelial func- thelial function and endothelial cell repair after injury.
tion [59,60]. Akishita et al. [23] further suggested that total
and free testosterone were related to %FMD, independent ROLE OF ANDROGENS IN ENDOTHELIUM PRO-
of age, body mass index, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, GENITOR CELL DEVELOPMENT, DIFFERENTIA-
diabetes mellitus, and current smoking. Acute [58] and TION, MOBILIZATION, AND REPAIR MECHANI-
chronic [61] testosterone therapy in men with TD enhanced SMS
%FMD without affecting the basal diameter of the brachial
artery, which suggests an endothelium-dependent vaso- It has been suggested that androgens modulate endothe-
dilator action of testosterone. The relationship between lial cell function and differentiation and the proliferation
%FMD and testosterone was not altered after adjustment of EPCs by genomic and nongenomic mechanisms (Fig. 2)
for percentage nitroglycerine-mediated dilation (%NMD), [7,45-47]. Testosterone or its active metabolite 5α-DHT
which further supports the action of testosterone on endo- bind to the classic AR and elicit genomic responses result-
thelial function. In another study of 722 men aged 25 to 85 ing in increased VEGF and cyclin expression as well as in-
years, FMD and NMD measurements were carried out and creased eNOS expression and activity. Androgens may also

FIG. 2. A proposed role of androgens in regulating endothelial progenitor cell (EPC) proliferation from stromal cells. Testosterone (T)
binds to androgen receptors (ARs) on the cell membrane or diffuses into the cell and binds to the intracellular classic AR. The AR
ligand complex may exert genomic effects by upregulating vascular endothelium growth factor (VEGF) and mitotic cyclins or by
increasing the expression of matrix metallopeptidase-9 (MMP-9) and nitric oxide (NO) in the cytoplasm. T may also have nongenomic
effects by directly activating a cascade of signaling resulting in increased NO and VEGF. All of these molecules potentially increase
the proliferation of EPCs from the bone marrow. eNOS, endothelial nitric oxide synthase; sGC, soluble guanylyl cyclase; GTP,
guanosine triphosphate; GMP, guanosine monophosphate; PDE, phosphodiesterase.

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726 Traish and Galoosian

interact with membrane ARs and activate a signaling cas- signal for AR expression in the nucleus and cytoplasm,
cade that results in increased VEGF and matrix metal- which suggests a possible role of androgens in EPC
lopeptidase-9 (MMP-9) expression, together with in- proliferation. The magnitude of the response found may be
creased activity of eNOS resulting in increased differ- linked to the restoration of normal testosterone levels giv-
entiation and proliferation of EPCs from bone marrow stro- en the demonstrated wide expression of AR in EPCs or it
ma precursor cells [64,65]. may be a corroboration of testosterone conversion to E2 by
Foresta et al. [44] investigated the relationship between the enzyme aromatase. However, because both testoster-
serum testosterone in patients with hypogonadotropic hy- one and E2 levels increased after testosterone admin-
pogonadism and circulating levels of both progenitor cells istration, the peripheral conversion of testosterone to E2
and EPCs. Hypogonadotropic hypogonadism patients ex- could not be excluded as a reason for the increased EPC
hibited low levels of testosterone and also reduced circulat- levels. As a follow-up study, EPCs were treated with a syn-
ing levels of progenitor cells and EPCs. These observations thetic, nonaromatizable androgen in vitro and demon-
suggested that testosterone may modulate the differ- strated increased migration and proliferation by an
entiation, proliferation, and maturation of these cells. A AR-mediated mechanism [66]. These findings provide
significant increase in the number of progenitor cells and strong support for a role of androgens in stimulating EPC
EPCs was noted subsequent to testosterone treatment generation, differentiation, and migration from the bone
[44]. In a subsequent study, the authors demonstrated that marrow stromal cells. Studies by Fadini et al. [65] demon-
the increase in the proliferation, migration, and colony for- strated that androgens exerted no direct effect on late EPCs
mation activity of EPCs induced by androgens is an AR-de- in vitro or in vivo and noted that androgen stimulation was
pendent pathway [66]. only observed in early EPCs; no effects on late EPCs were
In Klinefelter syndrome patients, the number of circu- noted.
lating EPCs is markedly reduced [67]. Because EPCs have
never been studied in this syndrome, the authors evaluated DISCUSSION
the number of circulating EPCs in 68 adult men with this
syndrome (47, XXY) and in 46 healthy men. Patients and Endothelial dysfunction is a major contributing factor to
controls were divided into two subgroups according to the CVD and represents a shift from a healthy endothelium to
absence or presence of cardiovascular risk factors [67]. a damaged procoagulative, proinflammatory, and prova-
Controls without cardiovascular risk factors had sig- soconstrictive endothelium [35]. An intact functional endo-
nificantly higher levels of EPCs than did controls with car- thelium is critical in maintaining the vascular functions of
diovascular risk factors. By contrast, Klinefelter syndrome arterial relaxation and venous constriction [68,69].
patients without cardiovascular risk factors had EPC lev- Endothelial dysfunction contributes to vascular stiffness,
els similar to those of men with Klinefelter syndrome with increased vascular tone, production of inflammatory cyto-
risk factors and significantly lower than those of controls kines, increased permeability, decreased endothelial cell
without cardiovascular risk factors [67]. The number of growth, and dysregulation of fibrinolytic factors [22]. In ad-
EPCs in patients with TD was not different from the num- dition, endothelial dysfunction results in reduced ex-
ber in patients with normal testosterone levels. Twenty- pression and activity of eNOS and increased production of
two patients with TD were reevaluated after 6 months of ADMA, a competitive inhibitor of eNOS. Interestingly, in
testosterone therapy, but the authors did not observe any patients with idiopathic hypotrophic hypogonadism, ele-
modification in the number of EPCs [67]. These findings vated plasma ADMA levels are associated with a reduction
are contrary to those reported previously in hypogonadal in NO production and parenteral testosterone admin-
men [44], which suggests that TD associated with Klinefel- istration reduces ADMA concentrations and increases NO
ter syndrome may be confounded by other factors owing to production, which suggests that androgens restore endo-
the genetic nature of this disorder. thelial function [70].
It should be noted that studies of low serum testosterone Furthermore, endothelial dysfunction is also associated
and its relation to EPCs vary in quality, with inconsistent with increased production of ROS; increased synthesis and
findings. Because EPCs express the AR, it seems reason- release of ET-1, E-2, and E-3; increased production of in-
able to suggest that androgens may influence EPC pro- flammatory cytokines such as TNF-α; increased ex-
liferation and migration. Some studies have reported that pression of markers of cell adhesion such as E-selectin,
men with TD exhibited reduced total basal testosterone, es- ICAM, and VCAM; deregulation of fibrinolytic factors such
tradiol (E2), luteinizing hormone (LH), and follicular stim- as vWF; inability to regenerate endothelium from EPCs;
ulating hormone (FSH) levels, and demonstrated in- increased endothelial cell apoptosis; increased cellular/
creased numbers of circulating EPCs in response to testos- vascular permeability; and increased vascular tone, as not-
terone therapy [44]. After treatment, no changes in FSH ed previously [22]. These pathophysiological mechanisms,
or LH levels were noted; however, both E2 and testosterone coupled with a reduction in EPCs, could underpin a com-
levels had increased to normal, physiological values. To as- mon pathogenesis for CVD and ED and endothelial dys-
certain the role of testosterone in modulating EPCs, im- function [22,21].
munocytochemistry on cultured EPCs showed a stronger The balance between endothelial repair mechanisms

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Endothelial Function in Erectile Physiology 727

and the extent of injury due to vascular insults may de- metabolism [49,52,69,77,78]. Low testosterone levels are
termine the degree or severity of vascular dysfunction. It also associated with ED [48,49,77]. This is important be-
has been postulated that circulating EPCs are integral to cause ED is a vascular condition, and because ED and CVD
the repair process of the injured vascular beds. The degree are closely related, ED can be the first clinical manifes-
of oxidative stress, inhibition of eNOS activity, and in- tation of underlying CVD and can serve as an early warning
creased levels of ADMA and hyperhomocysteinemia are sign for primary care physicians [23,49,79]. Thus, it is pos-
among some of the factors that contribute to endothelial sible to infer that reduced levels of testosterone negatively
damage. These same factors may impair vascular repair by impact vascular dynamics and the reactivity of blood ves-
altering the development, differentiation, or mobilization sels (Fig. 4) [9,49,77,78].
of EPCs. Therapeutic approaches that modify the vascular The actions of regenerating and repairing areas of vas-
risk factors, reduce endothelial injury, and facilitate endo- cular insult due to ischemia or endothelial injury do not de-
thelial repair pathways, such as statin therapy [33,71,72] pend solely on the cells residing in the area of insult but are
or androgen replacement therapy, in men with TD have influenced by bone marrow cells [27,33,72,80]. EPCs are
shown a marked increase in circulating EPCs [15,44,65]. premature, circulating, bone marrow-derived cells with
These studies suggest that EPCs play a pivotal role in vas- putative trans-differentiation potential, as was shown in
cular homeostasis and that androgens may have a pro- Figs. 1, 2 [80]. The risk factors thought to be involved are
found role in modulating EPC differentiation, prolifera- illustrated in Fig. 4 and may lead to a decreased number
tion, and maturation. Furthermore, these studies suggest of circulating EPCs [33,80]. Studies have also shown that
that androgens play a role in maintaining endothelial cell men with CVD risk factors are likely to have lower testos-
function and repair mechanisms. terone, which is independently associated with endothelial
Aging and associated comorbidities contribute to endo- dysfunction [7]. Men with congestive heart disease exhibit
thelial dysfunction by reducing the ability to protect the en- a high prevalence of low testosterone levels, irrespective of
dothelium from injury and insult produced by dyslipide- age [49]. Araujo et al. [81] suggested that cardiovascular
mia, insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes, inflammation, mortality via endothelial dysfunction is driven by the un-
metabolic syndrome, obesity, hypertension, and oxidative derlying health status and that a low testosterone level is
stress [73]. Because many of these comorbidities are also a marker of poor general health; however, low testosterone
associated with reduced testosterone levels [73,74], it is and disease pathology exist as concomitant risk factors
possible that TD is a major risk factor for endothelial dys- [81]. Inflammation, obesity, and insulin resistance are
function in men [49]. Fig. 3 relates TD and several co- known to reduce testosterone levels, and testosterone is
morbidities as they relate to endothelial injury. As men known to confer beneficial effects on those risk factors, thus
age, serum testosterone concentrations decrease by about ameliorating CVD [20,23,49,52,77,78].
1% per year [23]. However, in the current literature, it is Reduced levels of testosterone may exacerbate obesity,
not fully understood whether this decrease in testosterone insulin resistance, dyslipidemia, and hypertension, am-
levels is mainly due to normal aging or whether it is related ong others [7,49,77-79]. In recent studies, testosterone
to hypogonadism, a decrease in the functionality of the hy- treatment for ED ameliorated metabolic syndrome compo-
pothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis. Recent studies have nents (such as insulin resistance) and improved endothe-
suggested that aging per se is not the risk factor for TD and lial function [48]. Furthermore, the administration of tes-
that other risk factors such as obesity and metabolic syn- tosterone undecanoate therapy to hypogonadal men with
drome may be the real contributors to hypogonadism [75, ED and venous leakage ameliorated erectile function by
76]. Testosterone has important metabolic actions in men, improving veno-occlusion [48,82]. Testosterone may have
including body composition, insulin sensitivity, and lipid a beneficial effect on the systemic vasculature by amelio-

FIG. 3. Testosterone deficiency is a co-

mmon link among various causes of
endothelial injuries.

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728 Traish and Galoosian

FIG. 4. Vascular endothelial injury

and the pathophysiology of erectile
dysfunction. In erectile dysfunction
owing to arterial insufficiency, a lower
oxygen tension is recorded in corpo-
real blood, which can lead to veno-oc-
clusive dysfunction. This schematic
diagram further suggests the role of
the vascular endothelium in erectile
physiology and pathophysiology. Ada-
pted from Saenz de Tejada, et al. J Sex
Med 2005;2:26-39 [6].

rating ED, thus reinforcing the idea that testosterone sup- dysfunctional endothelium has low concentrations of NO.
plementation could prevent or delay the progression of dis- Hyperglycemia produces ROS, which then decrease NO
ease [7]. availability [25]. Hyperglycemia can conjure ROS buildup
The Massachusetts Male Aging Study [23,83] confirmed via increased PKC/NADPH oxidase activity, which can
that ED is highly correlated with coronary artery disease, lead to an uncoupling of eNOS and reduced NO availability,
hypertension, heart disease, and diabetes. Men with low thus impairing the number of progenitor cells and their
levels of testosterone and without CVD also have decreased subsequent function [25]. It is known that deregulation of
blood flow and reduced nitrate-dependent vasodilation vascular tone, or endothelial dysfunction, is characterized
[84]. Zitzmann [51] found that the number of the trinucleo- by decreased availability of NO, which inadvertently in-
tides comprised of the repeat of cytosine, adenine and gua- duces the immune system to release white blood cells to the
nine repeats in the AR, which reduces the sensitivity to tes- site of vascular deregulation [90]. This is of particular im-
tosterone, was associated with endothelium-dependent portance because of the role testosterone plays in NO pro-
and endothelium-independent brachial artery vaso- duction and maintenance. Shabsigh et al. [53] demon-
dilation in men, which shows the effect of the AR action on strated in animal studies that the expression of various
vasoreactivity [49]. NOS isoforms in the corpora cavernosum is regulated by
The common denominator among the underlying patho- androgens. Also, NOS activity and protein expression are
physiology of ED and CVD is vascular insufficiency pro- decreased in castrated animals, and testosterone admin-
moted by atherosclerosis [85,86] via endothelial dysfunc- istration restores and normalizes NOS protein expression
tion and oxidative stress from various metabolic conditions and activity, allowing mobilization and homing of EPCs to
[24]. An increase in circulating EPCs is thought to be re- areas of vasculogenesis and angiogenesis [53].
lated to the bioavailability of NO, including increased ac- There remains an inextricable link between the role of
tivity of eNOS, anti-inflammatory and antioxidative en- testosterone and ED; however, this link provokes some con-
zymes, and the activation of MMP-9 [87]. Furthermore, be- troversy owing to the multifactorial nature of the patho-
cause testosterone deprivation decreases the availability physiology of ED. Testosterone is critical to the health of
of NO [66], and because NO is a key marker of endothelial the vascular beds [49,56], stimulating endothelial cell pro-
function, it can be inferred that testosterone has a direct liferation via an AR/VEGF-mediated mechanism, and pro-
effect on the endothelium or circulating EPCs via an in- moting angiogenesis [56]. Furthermore, because testoster-
crease in NO [66,88]. Burger and Touyz [35] showed that one deprivation is known to decrease the availability of NO
healthy endothelial cells possess certain cellular bio- [66], and because NO is a key marker of endothelial func-
markers, and dysfunctional endothelium exhibits im- tion, it can be inferred that testosterone may have a direct
paired vasodilator synthesis and release, such as of NO and effect on endothelial function and development and the dif-
PGI2, and an increase in ROS [35]. Yu et al. [89] have also ferentiation, maturation, migration, and homing of circu-
shown the benefits of testosterone in activated eNOS in lating EPCs.
vascular endothelial cells, thereby increasing the amount Although the role of androgens in modulating endothe-
of NO in the endothelium. lial function and in the development and differentiation of
Additionally, Hamed et al. [25] showed that men with progenitor cells is not fully understood, several studies
type 2 diabetes showed a positive correlation between cir- have shown that testosterone has a positive effect on the
culating NO and circulating EPCs. This is in direct affirma- endothelium and improves the number of EPCs. More mo-
tion of Burger and Touyz [35]’s study, which stated that a lecular and biochemical studies are warranted to delineate

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