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Emiliano Jesus Hernandez Joyner

1234 Royal Street

Pensacola, FL 32526

September 15, 2022

The Joyners
1234 Walton Rd
DeFuniak Springs, FL 32433

Dear Parents,

I am writing to you today, as your son, to talk to you about my online relationships and
connections and their importance to me. It seems as though older generations, ones that grew up
without the internet and the reliance upon it, seem to disregard it and its value. I am writing this
letter because I want you to acknowledge the legitimacy of these connections that I have formed
online and, in a sense, acknowledge me.

In the Ted Talk titled “How the Internet enables Intimacy” by Stefana Broadbent it brings up the
idea that intimacy can be significantly enabled by communication technology and the internet. I
am applying this idea to all social relations that can be found or made online. There are a
multitude of reasons as to why online relationships are just as significant, if not more, than in
person connections. I, like many others, am just as attached to the people and relationships that I
have forged and maintained online as I am to my in-person connections. I do not believe that just
because a relationship started out through the internet or is continuously maintained there that it
cheapens or lessens that connection in any way, shape, or form.

Another major point that needs to be known is that an online relationship is not the end all be all.
There are many forms and types of relationships that can be formed through the internet,
honestly a countless amount. There could be plain old friends, acquaintances, gaming friends,
intimate relationships, work colleagues, and so many more. Just because a relationship begins
online does not mean it could never evolve into an in-person relationship. Also, many in-person
relationships turn into online ones because of a variety of reasons, usually as to conflicts that
hinder in-person meet ups. It also important to note that an online connection never needs to
evolve past simply that. It, in its own right, is just as “real” as a real-life connection.
Ultimately, I think it is important to realize that online relationships allow one to supersede
physical boundaries, obstacles, disconnects, and many more limitations that are placed on in-
person connections. All I ask of you is to try and acknowledge these relationships and
connections that many of the younger generations have and maintain. To do this all you have to
do is a few simple things. Try to be flexible, keep an open mind, and most importantly be
accepting and be kind. I would also like to encourage anyone, especially ones of an older
generation, to try and put yourself out there. Try to emplace yourself into the world wide web,
maybe make a few social media accounts, try to make new friends or maybe even reconnect with
some old ones.

Thank you for receiving and reading this letter. I sincerely hope that you take all the information
that I have given you into account and that I have done a proper job in shedding some light onto
this subject matter.


Emiliano Jesus Hernandez Joyner

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