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Emiliano Joyner




S.A.: Writing for an Audience

Original Bio:

Emiliano Joyner, born January 17th, 2002, was born, and raised in North Florida. He

lived most of his life in a small town named DeFuniak Springs, where he graduated from the

local high school, Walton High. He joined the United States Army at 17 and left home to become

a soldier. Now he is a sophomore currently studying at the University of West Florida. He is

pursuing a degree in business administration and is estimated to graduate between the years of

2024-25. As of now he lives a simple life of school and work. He wakes up around 0445 most

days and tries to get to sleep before 2100. Emiliano was never the greatest at school and found

sitting through classes to be insufferable, so one of his achievements that he is currently proud of

is maintaining his 3.8+ GPA. While his life is busy and sometimes he struggles and fails he is

overall happy and the future seems ever hopeful.

Dating Bio:

Emiliano Joyner is a 20-year-old man who enjoys living life and being active. He is

currently furthering his education and pursuing a BSBA in Sales Management. He also works as

a dockmaster at a marina not only to pay the bills but because of his love of the ocean and sea
life. Emiliano enjoys hiking, camping, playing sports, going to the gym, and pretty much

anything else that keeps him active.


In this dating bio. I wrote with the idea of the audience being a potential suitor in mind.

With that idea I wrote with a more causal and personal tone and language, almost as if having

conversation. I changed the contents to be something that a potential suitor would be interested

in and would like to know before they decide to pursue. I included my age, job, and some of my

interests. I took out some content as there was a little too much information in the original bio.

and would come across strange to include in this new context.

LinkedIn Bio:

I love my passions and hobbies. I always strive to be the best at what I do and produce

the best work. To attempt to do this I like to tie my passions and hobbies to my work. I find this

helps me really get into what I am doing and gets me more involved. I currently work as a

dockmaster where I get to indulge in my passions and hobbies every day. I have a love of the

ocean, sea life, fishing, and boating, all of which I have the pleasure of getting to do when I

work. I am also a people person, I enjoy talking to people and listening to their stories, wisdom,

and advice. I get to do this at my job as I get to know the people who come in and out of the

marina every day.


In this bio I wrote from the first person as I did not believe it would make sense to the

audience, or in general, to write in third person. I wrote this bio with the intended audience being

a future employer or business opportunities. I was inspired by the examples provided and tried to
make the text convey my charisma and sociability, two attributes I use in my current job and

hopefully my future one. In this text I decided to focus more on my job than anything else

because it was the most relevant considering the audience. I excluded any irrelevant information

that was in previous bios such as pets, daily schedule, and relationship status.

ePortfolio Bio:

Emiliano Joyner, born January 17th, 2002, was born, and raised in North Florida. He

lived most of his life in a small town named DeFuniak Springs, where he graduated from the

local high school, Walton High. He joined the United States Army at 17 and left home to become

a soldier. Now he is a sophomore currently studying at the University of West Florida. He is

pursuing a degree in business administration and is estimated to graduate between the years of

2024-25. He began working at the early age of 14 to be able to support himself and has

consistently held jobs ever since. The jobs to include started as janitorial, cleaning, customer

service, and military service. Emiliano is no stranger to hard work and is known to be

dependable and reliable, as reflected by his years of experience. He is currently working as a

dockmaster, as it pertains to his passions, while he finishes his degree. He eagerly looks forward

to starting his career in his field and utilizing all the experience and skills he has accumulated.


The audience of this bio is the same as the ePortfolio it is to be attached to. I decided that

my ePortfolio was to be related to my future career and its intended audience would likely be in

the professional realm. With this audience in mind, I decided to talk a little of my past and focus

on my experiences as it relates to work. I struggled with being able to fully qualify myself for my

future profession as I have not fully committed nor am I sure of what I will end up doing, I also
have never truly worked in a field that would qualify for my field. I decided to reuse the

introduction to my original bio because I felt it fit with the context and was leading in the right


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