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1. Choose the definition of the correct national identity below ...

a. National identity is a state philosophy that forms a culture
b. National identity is proof of the state to become a nation that has human rights.
c. National identity is a characteristic of a nation which philosophically
distinguishes between one nation and another.
d. National Identity is the nation's way of advancing Indonesian National culture in
the midst of world civilization by guaranteeing the freedom of society in
maintaining and developing cultural values.

2. What is not included in the challenge of Indonesia's current national identity is

a. The fading of noble values in the life of the nation and state
b. The waning sense of nationalism and patriotism
c. Pride in foreign cultures
d. The fading of democratic values

3. There are various kinds of elements in the formation of the national identity of the
nation, except ...
a. Custom
b. Religion
c. Tribe
d. Ethics

4. Plate dance is a traditional Indonesian dance or dance from which area ...
a. West Sumatra
b. Central Sumatra
c. South Sumatra
d. North Sumatra

5. There are several forms of statehood except ...

a. Dominion, Monopoly, Union
b. Colonies, Trustees (Trustees), Mandates
c. Dominion, Mandate, Colony
d. Trustee (Trustee), Dominion, Union
6. What is not a form of Indonesian national identity is…
a. Indonesian
b. Red and white flag
c. cultural diversity
d. conception of archipelago insight

7. An attitude of nationalism can be manifested by ...

a. Using Indonesian as the language of everyday communication, Not
accentuating regional elements excessively, Proud to be the nation of
Indonesia, Loving domestic production, Selectively accepting foreign
cultural input from outside
b. Polite, Character, Patriotic Spirit, and Never back down
c. Using good and correct Indonesian, highlighting each other's culture, having a
pariot spirit, being proud to be the nation of Indonesia
d. Relying on foreign languages, loving foreign culture, preferring to work abroad
than domestically

8. Patriotism is manifested in any way except ...

a. Placing the interests of the nation and state above personal or group interests
b. Not admitting mistakes and just avoiding it
c. Fostering national unity and integrity
d. Dare to apologize and forgive

9. In what year was the second amendment to the 1945 Constitution carried out?
a. 1989
b. 2002
c. 2000.
d. 1999

10. The purpose of the constitution is to protect and protect ....

a. People
b. Human rights.
c. Government
d. National sovereignty

11. The elements of the formation of a state are, except ...

a. Population
b. Recognition from other countries
c. Territory
d. History.

12. How many times have the 1945 Constitution been amended, right?
a. 2 times
b. 3 times
c. 4 times.
d. 5 times

13. One of the characteristics of the 1945 Constitution is written, so the formula must ...
a. Short
b. Solid
c. Clear.
d. Not ambiguous

14. What is the meaning of country?

a. The state is a group of people who do not occupy a certain territory and are
regulated by a legitimate state government which generally has sovereignty
b. The state is a group of people who occupy a certain territory and are governed
by a legitimate state government which generally has sovereignty.
c. The state is a group of people who occupy a certain territory and are not regulated
by a legitimate state government which generally has sovereignty
d. The state is a group of people who occupy a certain territory and are regulated by
an illegal state government which generally has sovereignty

15. What is the nature of the unwritten basic law?

a. Complementary
b. Supporters
c. Explanation
d. sovereignty

16. Who determines the amendments to the 1945 Constitution in the general and annual
a. DPR
b. President
c. MA
d. MPR.

17. Nationality of a person which is obtained by carrying out certain legal actions is
called ....
a. option
b. naturlassization
c. repudiation
d. apatride

18. The following are the obligations of the state towards its citizens, unless it is obliged
by the state to ...
a. guarantee a fair legal system
b. guarantee the human rights of citizens
c. gives freedom of worship
d. develop education for the people
19. According to the RI Emergency Law contained in State Gazette 1955 Number 33
concerning Population in Indonesia, what is meant by foreigners who become
residents of the Indonesian state is ...
a. as long as the foreigner resides in Indonesia
b. as long as the person is working in Indonesia
c. as long as that person is loyal to Indonesia
d. that person is married to an Indonesian

20. To stay in Indonesia, foreigners must ...

a. work and study in Indonesia
b. obtained residence permit from the Indonesian government
c. have an entry visa to the country of Indonesia
d. have a passport and visa certified by the Immigration Office
21. The main difference between Indonesian citizens and foreign nationals in Indonesia
lies in ...
a. regular job
b. length of stay
c. place of birth
d. rights and obligations

22. The issue of citizenship of the Republic of Indonesia which has just been regulated in
Law Number 12 of 2006 concerning ...
a. Citizens of the Republic of Indonesia
b. The nationality of the Republic of Indonesia
c. Procedures for Becoming a Citizen of the Republic of Indonesia
d. Citizenship of the Republic of Indonesia

23. Those who reside in a country or become residents of the country are called ...
a. nation
b. people
c. citizen
d. population

24. The right to refuse certain citizenship is called ...

a. option rights
b. passive system
c. apatride
d. repudiation rights

25. What is meant by democracy is

a. Government from by for officials.
b. Government from by for the people.
c. The reign of kings, by and for kings.
d. Government from, by and for certain authorities.

26. The following are the characteristics of democracy except… ..

a. There is a peaceful and voluntary settlement of disputes.
b. There is a guarantee for upholding justice.
c. There are changes in rulers that take place irregularly.
d. There is recognition and respect for freedom.

27. With a guided democracy system, a guided democracy system is a democratic system
that deviates from the constitution, this period is also often referred to as the old order
”. What period does it read like above?
a. Period 1945-1949.
b. Period 1949 - 1959.
c. 1959 - 1965 period.
d. 1965 - 1998 period

28. The following types of democracy except ……

a. Democracy is based on channeling the will of the people.
b. Democracy is based on the relationship between state facilities.
c. Democracy Based on ideological principles.
d. Democracy is based on relations between people.

29. Democracy requires the belief that the way to achieve victory must be in line with
goals and based on ...
a. Moral.
b. Principle.
c. Mind.
d. Ideology.

30. Strategic group alliances The next component that can support the establishment of
democracy is the strategic group alliance consisting of ……
a. Political parties.
b. Economic party.
c. Social party.
d. Socio-cultural party.
31. The highest power in a democratic country is in the hands… ..
a. People.
b. Country.
c. Ruler.
d. MPR / DPR.

32. The first direct election for the president and vice president by the people was
conducted by the Indonesian state in ...
a. 1955.
b. 1999.
c. 2004.
d. 2007.

33. As a rule of law, Indonesia places all human beings equally before the law. This is
reflected in the state guarantee which is affirmed in the 1945 Constitution in article ...
a. Article 28 paragraph 1
b. Article 26 paragraph 1
c. Article 27 paragraph 2
d. Article 27 paragraph 1

34. Factors that influence law enforcement contained in the legal system are….
a. Ruler of the country
b. Constitution
c. Culture
d. Citizen's awareness

35. The law that applies now to a certain society is called law….
a. Formal
b. Objective
c. Positive
d. Materil

36. Law is a collection of rules designed to regulate society in seeking justice, therefore
hum is ...
a. Universal
b. While
c. Flexible
d. Binding
37. Human rights recognition and protection means that ...
a. Every human being has equal position in law
b. The State guarantees every citizen of the State
c. Every action must be in accordance with human rights
d. Laws governing human rights

38. The basic rights that humans have since birth as a gift from God are called ...
a. Natural rights
b. Rights
c. Human rights obligations
d. Natural rights

39. Human rights have special characteristics when compared to other rights, except….
a. essential
b. universal
c. inalienable
d. flexible

40. Respect, guarantee and protect other human rights called….

a. basic obligation
b. rights
c. suffrage
d. option rights
41. Insights of the archipelago serve as guidelines, motivation, encouragement and signs
in ...
a. Determining the direction and goals of the country in dealing with other
b. Determine all policies related to the determination of outside politics Country
c. Determining policies related to the political and socio-cultural fields
d. Determine all policies, decisions, actions and actions for state violations at
the central and regional levels

42. Etymologically, the word geopolitics is formed from two words, namely geo which
means planet earth and politics which means ...
a. Everything related to political parties
b. Everything related to the power of a political party
c. Everything related to history, social science and politics.
d. Everything related to state administration or actions regarding state
government or against other countries.

43. An insight based on the concept of power at sea is….

a. Marine Insights
b. Continent Insights
c. Aerospace Insights
d. Combined Insights

44. Spykman's theory is basically based on insights ...

a. Marine Insights
b. Continent Insights
c. Aerospace Insights
d. Combined Insights

45. In what century did Rudolf Kjellén speak of geopolitical meaning?

a. 20th
b. 21st
c. the 22nd
d. 23rd

46. What is meant by the term Wawasan Nusantara?

a. Perspectives and attitudes of the Indonesian people regarding themselves
and their environment
b. One unified territory, container, living space, and unity of the dimensions of
the whole nation
c. One unified nation in the broadest sense
d. A political unit organized based on Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution

47. Insights come from the Javanese language, namely ...

a. wawis
b. wiwis
c. supervisor
d. wiswus

48. Geopolitics was first coined by a Swedish political science scholar named….
a. Karl Houshofer
b. Frederich Ratzel
c. Rudolph Kjellen
d. Karl Marx

49. Aspects in Pancagatra are as follows, except ....

a. Geography
b. Ideology
c. Political
d. Economy

50. Defense and security aspects are included in ...

a. Dual-dimensional
b. Trigatra
c. Caturgatra
d. Pancagatra
51. Aspects in Trigatra include the following, except ....
a. Geography
b. Geopolitics
c. Natural wealth
d. Demographics

52. The objectives of national resilience are attached in .....

a. Paragraph 1 of the preamble to the 1945 Constitution
b. Paragraph 2 of the preamble to the 1945 Constitution
c. Paragraph 3 of the preamble to the 1945 Constitution
d. Paragraph 4 of the preamble to the 1945 Constitution

53. The ideals of national resilience are attached in ....

a. Paragraph 1 of the preamble to the 1945 Constitution
b. Paragraph 2 of the preamble to the 1945 Constitution
c. Paragraph 3 of the preamble to the 1945 Constitution
d. Paragraph 4 of the preamble to the 1945 Constitution

54. The following which does not include the principle of national resilience are ....
a. The principle of welfare and safety
b. The principle of kinship
c. Moral and ethical principles
d. Integral comprehensive principle
55. Aspects of life according to Astagrata are ....
a. Dwigatra and Caturgatra
b. Dwigatra and Pancagatra
c. Trigatra and chessgatra
d. Trigatra and pancagatra

56. A system of government based on law, not absolute power. This is contained in the
article of the 1945 Constitution ...
a. 1 Paragraph 1
b. 1 Paragraph 3
c. 31 Paragraph 1
d. 31 Paragraph 3

57. What is the importance of national integration?

a. Improve community welfare
b. For national harmony
c. Looking for problem formulation
d. Get investors

58. What Are the Forming Factors for National Integration?

a. It's all true
b. Feelings of fate and arms
c. Love for the Motherland
d. Desire for Unity

59. Below are not the factors inhibiting national integration!

a. Indonesian society is diverse
b. Indonesia's vast territory
c. The strength of ethnocentrism
d. The feeling of the same fate and in arms
60. What is Enculturation?
a. There is no process for a person, consciously or unconsciously, to study the
entire culture of society.
b. It is an obstacle for a person, consciously or unconsciously, to study the entire
culture of society.
c. It is a process for a person, consciously or unconsciously, to study the
entire culture of society.
d. It is a process for migrant workers to learn the entire culture of the

61. What are the threats to national integration in the field of ideology?
a. It's all true
b. Ideology of Communism
c. The ideology of Leninism
d. The ideology of Marxism

62. Following are the threats to national integration in the political field?
a. The emergence of radical and extreme views
b. Culture and new understanding from abroad that mushroomed in Indonesia
c. Politics of SARA (ethnicity, religion, race, and between groups)
d. Political interference of foreign parties in the country
63. Below are not threats in the field of ideology from within the country!
a. The emergence of radical and extreme views
b. Separatism movement
c. Apathy towards the government process
d. Culture and new understanding from abroad that mushroomed in

64. Integration comes from the word Integrate which means?

a. Break
b. Give space
c. Put together
d. Expand

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