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Copyright © 2020 American Scientific Publishers Journal of Medical Imaging and

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Printed in the United States of America
Health Informatics
Vol. 10, 566–571, 2020

Feature Based Differentiator for Fluid Filled Retinal

Abnormalities in Retina Using Optical
Coherence Tomography Images
K. Venkatraman1 ∗ and M. Sumathi2
Research Scholar, Sathyabama Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai 119, India
School of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Sathyabama Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai 119, India

Introduction: The Optical Coherence Tomography is widely used in ophthalmic imaging to assess the condition
of retina. It serves as an effective tool in diagnosing various fluid related abnormalities in retina, which are prior
stages to vision loss. The overall pattern of fluid collection is a vital tool in disease identification. Aim: To classify
various fluid filled retinal abnormalities, like, Cystoid Macular Edema (CME), Choroidal Neo Vascular Membrane
(CNVM), and Macular Hole (MH) based on various features. Materials and Methods: A total of 114 images
were acquired using TOPCONN and ZEISS OCT devices. The obtained images were converted to grayscale
and subjected to pre-processing technique. Homomorphic Wiener filter was used to remove the speckle noises.
The Region of Interest was then identified by basic edge detection algorithm, for which, various features were
extracted and utilised for classification. Outputs were cross verified with a medical expert and the performance
of the proposed system was evaluated. Results: Based on the proposed system of classification of various fluid
filled retinal disorders, the input image was classified as Class 0—Normal, Class 1—CME, Class 2—CNVM, and
Class 3—MH based on the pattern of fluid accumulation. The overall performance was compared and evaluated
and it was identified that the system exhibited 91.65% accuracy, 90.36% Sensitivity, 92.95% Specificity and
Youden’s Index value of 0.83. Conclusion: As OCT serves an important tool for pre-screening of blindness,
automations in these areas remains of higher potential. The classification is based on the features used, which
showed a significant difference between the various classes as classified. The overall performance seems to
be satisfactory and would thus help in early detection of fluid related abnormalities and also can be used as an
expert tool to analyse the efficiency of the therapies.

Keywords: Classifier, Medical Imaging, Retina.

1. INTRODUCTION the longitudinal location of the reflection sites. Briefly, it could

Loss of vision being one among the common disorders, is caused be understood that OCT is an imaging modality, used to view
due to excess or deficit of fluids within the layers of retina [1]. the condition of various layers of retina. Automations in analysis
Retina is the interior layer of eye, which converts the incident of the images acquired from these modalities may help in earlier
light signal into neural signal. Any damage or deformations diagnosis and prevention of vision loss.
in the retinal layers serve high risk for vision loss. Few such The system described is an effective automated tool towards
abnormalities include Cystoid Macular Edema (CME), Choroidal the OCT image analysis, for earlier detection of severe disor-
Neo Vascular Membrane (CNVM), and Macular Hole (MH). To ders including CME, CNVM, and MH. Also to accurately eval-
understand and analyse such abnormalities a device named, Opti- uate the pre therapeutic and post therapeutic effects the system
cal Coherence Tomography (OCT) is used [2, 3]. OCT images described would serve an efficient tool. Preprocessing with a
produce high sensitive micron scale resolution images and hence vital role in the overall system designed, was implemented using
these are preferred over fundus photographs [4]. Optical reflec- Anisotropic Diffusion filters in previous works of Wang et al. [6].
tions from the internal structures of the tissues are cross section- Several other filtering methodologies for reduction of speckle
ally measured in the OCT procedure. Essential information of noises were also implemented by Sarode et al. [7]. Retinal layers
were individually identified for deeper analysis of retinal layer
the time of flight delay is obtained from the coherence property
deformations by Hussain et al. [8] and Niu et al. [9]. Various
of the reflected light [5]. This information is utilised to identify
tools were earlier designed by Guo et al. [10] to segment and
classify the input image using adaboost filter whose accuracy
∗ though was significant, failed to act as a classifier for a wider
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.

566 J. Med. Imaging Health Inf. Vol. 10, No. 3, 2020 2156-7018/2020/10/566/006 doi:10.1166/jmihi.2020.2980
J. Med. Imaging Health Inf. 10, 566–571, 2020 RESEARCH ARTICLE

range of abnormality conditions. With reference to the works and Homomorphic Wavelet filters were implemented [10] for
of Kafieh et al. [11] and Miri et al. [12], the developed sys- this purpose and their efficiencies were evaluated using various
tem restricted itself only to segmentation and was not further parameters like SNR and PSNR. After preprocessing the areas
extended for classification for a huge dataset. Few systems devel- of interest (fluid filled retinal layers) was highlighted by basic
oped by Agrawal et al. [13] and Achariya et al. [14] restricted segmentation algorithm, say, sobel edge detection algorithm. The
towards metric estimations and was not developed as a classi- sobel edge detector proved sufficient enough to highlight the reti-
fier to provide an expert comment on the presented input image. nal volume. This operator is technically a differentiation operator
The various tools and techniques used by the proposed system for discrete data and computes the approximation of the gradi-
are described in the future section and drawn with the conclu- ent function of the input image. The Sobel operator could be
sion based on implementation of the same. The novelty of the defined as:
proposed research work is that it focuses on a wider range of −1 0 +1 −1 −2 −1
abnormalities and had also been evaluated for a comparatively
higher dataset thereby promising the stringent evaluation of the Gx = −2 0 +2 Gy = 0 0 0
proposed system performance and efficiency. −1 0 +1 +1 +2 +1

G = Gx 2 + Gy 2 
The proposed image processing algorithm implements the pre-
2.2. Features and Classifier
processing, segmentation, features optimisation and classification
of the ophthalmic retinal images obtained from the OCT Devices. From the segmented images, those of specific abnormalities were
The overall process is described in Figure 1. identified for their common features. Various features that have
been used in the proposed system include zernike moments,
Various steps of the algorithm are explained in this section.
bulkiness, compactness and convexity. The features like bulki-
The proposed system was evaluated with a total of 114 images,
ness, compactness and convexity identified the fluid filled volume
which were acquired using TOPCONN and ZEISS OCT devices
that could be used as a vital feature for classification. Zernike
during March 2018. The images were obtained from various
moments of second order were used, as these moments were bet-
patients affected by CME, CNVM and MH with different age
ter shape descriptors and were more suggestible for supervised
groups with their personal data being confidential with approval
classification algorithms. The Zernike polynomials are given by,
from the institution.
the following equations:

2.1. Preprocessing and Segmentation G  = am n Znm   + bm n Zn−m  
Preprocessing is the step that makes the raw input image eli- m n

gible for further processing. The images acquired from the where the coefficients are calculated as:
OCT devices utilises ultrasound as the source of imaging. 
As known, the ultrasound based imaging modalities are suscep- F  G = F  G dd
tible to speckle noises and hence a speckle filter is mandatory
to optimally remove the speckle noises by pertaining the image 2n + 2
am n = G  Znm  
information. Various filters like Mean, Adaptive Smoothing, m

Anisotropic Diffusion, Frost, Gaussian, Homomorphic Wiener, 2n + 2

bm n = G  Zn−m  

The Zernike moments are most commonly used as shape descrip-

tors and hence for our applications, Zernike moments seem to be
a promising feature to be taken into consideration. The classifier
implemented in the algorithm was k-NN Classifier that catego-
rizes the test data based on the inputs acquired through previous
data of training.

2.3. Performance Index

The developed system’s efficiency was quantified using various
indicators, namely, sensitivity, specificity, accuracy and Youden’s
index [11].
Sensitivity refers to the amount of true positive cases with
the abnormality in the total subjects and serves a parameter to
evaluate the potential of the system to identify the diseases.
It gives the probability that an affected image is classified prop-
erly. Specificity refers to the amount of negative cases being
properly classified as negative. It is a parameter to evaluate the
system’s ability to classify the normal image properly. Accuracy
refers to the correctly classified subjects among the overall data
Fig. 1. Flow diagram of system. presented.

RESEARCH ARTICLE J. Med. Imaging Health Inf. 10, 566–571, 2020

The system overall efficiency was evaluated using Youden’s various parameters like SNR and PSNR, whose average values
index, which is a measure of diagnostic accuracy. It evaluated are represented in Figures 2(a) and (b).
the overall ability of discrimination for any diagnostic proce- It could be understood from the above results that Homo-
dure [10]. Youden’s index (YI) was deduced by deducting 1 morphic Wiener filters are ideal for our application. The sam-
from the sum of test’s sensitivity and specificity [11], YI = ple graylevel input image and filtered images are shown in
(sensitivity + specificity) − 1. For a test with poor ability of diag- Figures 3(a) and (b). It could be understood that the speckle
nosis, Youden’s index value equals 0, and for a perfect test noises that are generated by the source of ultrasound are signifi-
Youden’s index equals 1. cantly reduced with optimized edge preservation as shown in the

3. RESULTS 3.2. Segmentation

The evaluation of the proposed system with the samples obtained Further to removal of the speckle noises, the fluid filled/void
was done as stated in the previous section. The results of various regions were identified and separated by a basic segmentation
steps in the overall algorithm is discussed in this section. algorithm, using sobel edge detector. Sample images of normal,
CME, CNVM, and MH images with their segmentation outputs
are shown in Figure 4.
3.1. Preprocessing Results
Though the segmentation uses a very basic edge detection
As the OCT image acquisition utilises ultrasound as the source technique, it seems to be very satisfying and sufficient for the
of imaging, these are more prone to speckle noises. Optimal selected application. Various features were extracted from these
filtering is essential to reduce the speckles without loss of the segmented images in order to further grade them into several
image edges. Various noise filters including Mean, Adaptive classes.
Smoothing, Anisotropic Diffusion, Frost, Gaussian, Homomor-
phic Wiener, and Homomorphic Wavelet filters were evaluated 3.3. Features for Differentiation
for optimal elimination of speckles. These filters were assessed From the image segmentation, it could be understood that
by adding speckle noises and then evaluating their efficiency the process of grading/classification could be done by extract-
and performance towards removal of the same with reference to ing and selecting certain features from the segmented image.

(a) (b)
Fig. 2. (a) SNR of preprocessing filters, (b) PSNR of preprocessing filters.

(a) (b)
Fig. 3. (a) Input gray image, (b) homomorphic wiener filtered image.

J. Med. Imaging Health Inf. 10, 566–571, 2020 RESEARCH ARTICLE

(a) (e)

(b) (f)

(c) (g)

(d) (h)
Fig. 4. (a) Normal input image, (b) CME input image, (c) CNVM input image, (d) MH input image, (e) normal segmented image, (f) CME segmented image,
(g) CNVM segmented image, (h) MH segmented image.

Few I.features
Table likeand
Minimum zernike moments
maximum (M1
values of and extracted.
features M2), and bulki- ness express some notable differences for various abnormalities,
whereas compactness and convexity was not so efficient as a
Class Zernike M1 Zernike M2 Bulkiness Compactness Convexity
feature that would be used for classification. The minimum and
Normal 144048 181844 474445 544952 0784913
145719 183266 557237 631129 0799744
maximum values of the samples evaluated for various abnormal-
MH 544148 134054 27520 1360133 0511427 ities used for training are tabulated in Table I.
573641 145046 44272 148144 0531051
CNVM 421747 112947 375654 384652 0972651
From Table I, it is clearly understandable that the zernike
488738 129495 393409 693773 108419 moments, M1 or M2 are sufficing to proceed with further clas-
CME 131296 0932434 22166 635546 0812045
193525 155279 310024 643805 0997265
sification. Taking this into consideration, in order to optimise
the time taken for processing, we ignore the other features and

RESEARCH ARTICLE J. Med. Imaging Health Inf. 10, 566–571, 2020

Table II. System performance metrics.

Disorder TP FP FN TN Accuracy (%) Sensitivity (%) Specificity (%) Youden’s index

CME 8/9 1/25 24/25 1/9 92.44 88.89 96.00 0.85
CNVM 7/8 2/26 24/26 1/8 83.65 89.90 92.31 0.80
MH 8/9 1/25 24/25 1/9 92.44 88.89 96.00 0.85
Normal 7/8 1/26 25/26 1/8 91.83 96.15 87.50 0.84
Overall performance of the system 91.65 90.36 92.95 0.83

evaluate our system performance by taking only Zernike moment an additional software for instantaneous evaluation of the retinal
M1 into consideration for classification. disorders and the therapeutic efficiencies.

3.4. Performance Evaluation

Based on the proposed system of classification of various fluid
filled retinal disorders, the input image was classified as Class The developed system seems to be promising for the selected
application. The overall performance indices are also satisfac-
0—Normal, Class 1—CME, Class 2—CNVM, Class 3—MH,
tory and matchable with the existing results derived from similar
based on the pattern of fluid accumulation. These features were
works. The developed system has also covered a considerable
used for classification by k-NN classifier, using which True Pos-
number of fluid related disorders which are caused due to exces-
itive, False Positive, False Negative and True Negative were
sive or deficit fluids within the layers of retina. As OCT is an
derived for various abnormalities individually. The overall perfor-
efficient tool for detection of prior stages of blindness, the pro-
mance was then evaluated with 70% data (80 images) as training
posed algorithm remains an expert system for earlier identifica-
data and 30% (34 images) data as test data in terms of Youden’s
tion and accurate evaluation of the retinal fluid volumes. Zernike
Index, accuracy, sensitivity and specificity. The performance met-
moments are most commonly used shape descriptors and were
rics of the 34 images used as test data is tabulated in Table II.
hence used for the proposed application, in order to detect the
From the tabulated values, the mean Performance evaluation
shape based changes that occur in retina due to accumulation or
parameters were deduced to summarise the overall system perfor-
lack of fluid within the retinal layers.
mance that contributes to 91.65% accuracy, 90.36% Sensitivity
and 92.95% Specificity. The overall performance could be justi-
fied by the Youden’s Index Value of 0.83. References and Notes
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Received: 20 May 2019. Revised/Accepted: 16 September 2019.


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