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From the Sacred Writings (Ketuvim), give a passage that you think guides your life as a
Louisian, and why?

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm
you, plans to give you hope and a future.” - Jeremiah 29:11.

I chose this passage because it will guide my life as a Louisan and as a person. I know that
keeping this verse close to my heart, will help me with all the difficulties I experience and help
me become a better person, not only for other people but also for myself. Even if certain things
don't happen the way we want them to, we should always keep a positive mindset, because we
have a better future that awaits us regardless of our current situation. This made me realize that
we shouldn’t let our upbringing, no matter how good or bad, destroy the reason why we were
born. How we were raised is not an excuse for achieving our destiny.

2. John the Baptist’s ministry was marked by humility, repentance, and selflessness as
clearly stated in John 3:30, “He must increase, I must decrease”. Discuss how you can
apply these traits in your dealings with people of different perspectives/opinions from

To “decrease” before God means we must become humble. If we are willing to become less, He
can accomplish immeasurably more. I can apply these traits whenever I am dealing with other
people by including and praising God’s name in all that I do and say. Humility is a way of giving
up everything and allowing only Him to shine through.

Everything that I receive will be given back to Him. For He takes greater possession of our
minds and will. It’s important to let the world know about God and spread the words of the
gospel in order to bring other people closer to Him. I must do all I can to ensure that the name of
God is promoted and not ourselves. For everything that God helps me to do, His name must be
glorified. He must increase and while I must decrease. The gospel should not be focused on
myself but on God.
3. Mary and John the Baptist exemplified plenty of virtues as portrayed in the different
stories about them. As a person, even though not necessarily a Roman Catholic, we can
surely learn from their actions. Hearing about their stories, what is the ultimate virtue of
Mary and John the Baptist that struck you the most, and share how you as a future
professional in your chosen field can exemplify this virtue.

Patience is the virtue shown by Mary and John that has struck me the most. Not everything will
go as planned in life. Sometimes, the odd would favor you while other times it won’t. As a future
professional, I should not be discouraged by my mistakes and shortcomings. My mistakes don’t
determine my worth. Progress doesn’t happen overnight; It takes time. I need to relinquish my
control, and with a little more patience, it will all work out in the end. God always has a way.
Have patience and trust in Him.

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