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SHORT TEXTS arated pieces of or more sepé ear nthe text, Look for the isation is bringing togeth ais Reorganisation is bringing from information i information. Answers must come KEY words or phrases. ITEM1 _ INTERNATIONAL ACTS COMING Dance outfit lovers start saving your spare change now. acts are here in just seven weeks. Just for you, two top international The group Verbatim whose latest album has sold two million copies world wide and teen idols Onliners will both be in town in slightly less than two months. Verbatim’s Mad Dog Roberts, Mimi Flack, aka Mother Mercy, Bennie Blamont and Fido McDowell play at the Stagehouse on July 15, while Onliners, winners of last year’s Platinum Player MTV award, appear at The Green Mangle just three days later. a. How many people are in the group Verbatim? b. — Onwhich day will the Onliners appear? ITEM2 — WINA PHONE Win the latest digital Mycall 2004 pre-paid mobile phone valued at $350* Alll you have to do is fill in an entry form when you make a Citi Malls at Keyes or Tilson by Spm on Saturday 2" May, purchase at any store within the Then bring your completed entry form with at 70 a the barn t 2 ittached iti at either Citi Info Centre and you are in the draw to be a aa Hae sah eatery ea inte Ces fen winners. See entry form for “The value of each mobile phone includes a $20 Pre-paid card. a. What is the value of the ‘Phone without a Pre-paid card? b. Where are the two Citi Info Centres? SCENIC DISCOVERY TAKES YOU THERE }ou can enjoy all the aspects of the beautiful Whatt River National P: © reaches ofthis mountain-fed river as it winds its way forested hillsides. Wonder at the skill of the pioneers showease farms, ark, Marvel at the upper through the fern-draped gorges and passes the who tured forest clad river terraces into ‘hatt Scenic Discovery’ have experienced knowledgeable jet boat operators. They will enlighten you about the river’s geology and its natural features. They will entertain you with stories of early explorers and brave pioneers who settled along its banks nearly two hundred years ago, a. What are all the aspects of the Whatt River National Park that you can enjoy? b. What will the jet boat operators tell you about? ITEM4 —_ BAD WEATHER DOESN'T DETER ANGLERS. Last weekend saw more than 350 keen anglers turn up for the annual East Coast Fishing Contest. Stormy weather forced the cancellation of the first day’s fishing, while only the more experienced crews in larger boats ventured out on Saturday. The remaining crews opted to stay ashore until Sunday when the weather was calmer. However, experience didn’t count in the end as the contest was won by twelve year old Kim Taylor. The East Coast Contest is only the second Kim has entered. She hauled in a 324 kg kingfish just twenty minutes before the contest ended, to the amazement and envy of those who were older and wiser in the ways of fishing. a, Over how many days was the contest planned to be held? b. On which day did Kim catch the winning fish? ITEMS — GOLF TOURNAMENT EXTENDED Anine hole play off decided the regional golf championship at the Long Grange course yesterday. | Regulation play in the scheduled two-day tournament ended on Saturday in a three-way tie between four times tournament winner, Tom Hanlon, last year’s winner, Danny Brady, and Mike Farrell, who all ended their second round games on 7 shots under. But the play-off almost did not happen. The | ‘ournament organisers had apparently not considered the possibility of a tie and having to extend the ‘ounament into Sunday. It took them several hours of hard negotiating with the Long Grange course management, before agreement was reached to extend the use of the course. Hanlon easily won the playoff, three and two. a. Who was involved in the negotiations to extend the tournament? b, How many times has Hanlon won the tournament? TTEM6 NEW HIGH JUMP STAR _ | ‘nan intriguing contest between youth and experience, youth won out and a new high jump star was I bom at this moming’s session of the local track and field meet. Former intemational, Mary Brady | ‘nexpectedly failed to clear the bar at 1°76 m. This left only veteran Anna Simms and 15 year old ‘comer, Jill St Clair, in the competition. The teenager’s aggressive run up and explosive jump | aid off as she went on to be the only one to clear 2 metres. | &. Who is the new high jump star? b. How many competitors jumped 1.76 metres? sar 8 & Nbooklets\201Sireading\veading. docx 85 gocuments\scholarshipsye os Pty Lid 2014 L (© Hendersons Educational Servi MORE SHORT TEXTS i kin, With these questions you are looking using a mathematical operation. for KEY words and phrases and you are for MODEL 1 possible. Stil, had t ing 100% was not po: Thad to PARAGRAPH: 1 knew that sn atl got last time. I thought that improve ‘dl be a good goal to aim for. When the results 50% would Oe ved to see that I had achieved 55%, 1 arived, vemy set anew goal of 90% for the next tes now cot ‘ks do I need to improve by, to achieve the J IN: How many marl coe new goal? ANSWER: 35% KEY WORDS: I/achieved 55% I new goal 90% CALCULATION: 90% - 55% = 35% )VERNMENT REPORT . Te pean said that before 1965, the area was wild, desolate grassland. It went on to say that it has taken quarter of a century to turn it into fully productive farmland, of national economic importance. Inwhat year was the report written? ITEM2 EARTHQUAKE It is my job to help those who are still haunted by the memory of the things they had experienced in the 1991 earthquake, For many, even though a decade has passed, the memories are as clear as if it had happened yesterday, When was this written? ITEM3 —- RICKSHAW The hese ee wowded. Ramon had chosen the $5 rickshaw tide as the quickest way to get es whe 5 ve oH tobe. Buses had Come to a standstill; it had been impossible to get a taxi. rickshaw that got him there on time. He paid double the Price to show his gratitude. How much did Ramon pay for the rickshaw ride? ne ITEM 4 BRAILLE Louis Braille, a blind Frenc! aie ‘ough there are twenty-six 7 oe ations of dots altogether, In addition to i S, numbers and punctuation marks. The Sarille can be read at about half the MORE SHORT TEXTS With these questions the items or steps that are not included in the answer are eliminated. MODEL PARAGRAPH: _ Geneva, Basel, Lucerne, Bern, Lausanne and Zurich are the main cities of Switzerland. Although the country is completely land-locked, the people in some of its cities still have a view over water. Geneva, Luceme and Zurich share their names with the large lakes on whose shores they are situated. Lausanne is also located on the shores of Lake Geneva. QUESTION: Which of these main cities of Switzerland are not located on lake shores? ANSWER: Basel and Bern KEY WORDS: Geneva, Basel, Lucerne, Bern Lausanne / Zurich / main cities / Switzerland / Geneva, Luceme / Zurich share / names with / lakes / Lausanne / on / shores / Lake Geneva. (Group all cities, then eliminate those not located on lake shores) ITEM I SOCCER WORLD CUP During the late nineteen fifties and sixties the soccer World Cup was dominated by one country: Brazil. They failed to win the four-yearly tournament only once between 1958 and 1970. Against all expectations England won the cup for the first and so-far only time in 1966. In which years did Brazil win the World Cup? ITEM2 _ EXAM RESULTS Fran, Donna, Becky, Eva, and Sarah clustered nervously around the senior school notice board and the list of final maths exam passes. Fran, at the front, ran her finger down the Paper and read, “Sarah Simpkins and Becky and Donna, your...” Her final words were lost in the screams of delight from the two girls as they followed Sarah. Fran slowly tumed round. “My name’s not there. Nor’s yours,” she said. Who didn't pass the maths exam? TTEM3. — KATABATIC WINDS Katabatic winds occur in mountain regions. Rain bearing winds, usually from the west, are forced over ‘ountains where the rain falls on the western slopes. As the wind continues and descends onto the easter slopes it becomes warm and dry. Typical of this type of wind are the fohn of the European Alps and the ‘hinook of the North American Rocky Mountains. The mistral, however, moves south down the Rhone Valley in southern France and brings cold, dry winds to the coast. How is the mistral different to the fohn and chinook? TEM4 sr paUL’s : «ati! cathedral in London is the third to be built on the site, It was preceded by aNorman 'wch Which was almost destroyed by fire in 1666. This followed a Saxon church which was burnt in 1086. Which’thurch was the second on the site? LONGER TE ART GALLERY i idst evergreen trees on to it It stood, oasis-like, amidst everg) RRS ara eee Barnaby loved going to the art gallery. busy city. Even though he and his isy, A a low hill, overlooking, yet foniovet fon his pt from the aly: they fed never let it be ily Ai II provincial town, er cultures. len anew tm otetacle to broadening thelr knowiedge ofthe arts and oth 0 seeing it exhibition was advertised, they would eagerly look forward t ; rs from alll ove Barnaby had been to see the work of contemporary artists a familly had bee world. Occasionally there were exhibitions of art from past ce’ familiar already with particularly intrigued by the hologram exhibition. Barnaby was familiar ree a holograms on credit cards, and as illustrations in one or two ranynra Recon compilation of advanced holograms had completely overshadowet 9 ad ever imagined. He had marvelled over the brilliant creativity of a photographer who presented his Photos, as huge abstract collages, forcing the gallery goers to stop and ponder as they interpreted the scenes before them. Barnaby's all time favourite, though, was the terracotta army that had been buried, its very existence unsuspected, for just over two thousand years. Only a few examples of the six thousand strong army of life sized warriors and their mounts had been shipped to the gallery. Barnaby had been transfixed as he stood before them, gazing into their unseeing SCF" Stil intent on their eternal mission of guarding the great Emperor Shihuangdi in whose tomb they had been discovered. They were a once in a lifetime, never to be forgotten, experience. 7 as a. Did the family think the trip to the gallery was too difficult? How do you know that? b. From which era (time) were ‘most of the exhibitions the family went to see? ©. Did Bamaby know what to expect at the hologram exhibition? How do you know that? & you know that? 4. Why was the terra cotta army made? ~~ ®. Was the army a permanent display at the gallery? How do You know that?

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