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Dear PHCC research team,

Please could you accept our proposal for diabetic peripheral neuropathy

We are enclosing this as a common protocol for a study on diabetic neuropathy

in primary and secondary care, but some aspects (Neuropad, ED assessment)
will only be done in secondary care.

Please see following documents

1.Original approval letter from PHCC

2.Substantial amendment form
3.HMC diabetic neuropathy approval form
4.Weill Cornell diabetic neuropathy approval form
5.Prevelance of DPN PHCC proposal form V1.3updated 31 03 2017
6.Generic signed consent form in Arabic and English
7.Prevelance of diabetic neuropathy protocol
8.Diabetic peripheral neuropathy investigator questionnaire form.
9.Weill-Cornell IRB initial review form

Please let us know if any other information needed.

Many thanks

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