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Julieta Gonzalez Gabrieli

5th Economy

In 1923, Adolf unleashed chaos, his plan collapsed and he went to prison, there he
wrote a book called “Mein Kampf” where he put all his ambitions .What was in the book
was similar to what is said in the twenty-five-point programme, because it also wants the
torn up of the treaty of Versailles but the differences were that in the book said that he
wanted to Germany to be join all into a greater Germany also, this can mean joining Austria
and Germany and taking Czechoslovakia and Poland, and Germany will need Lebensraum
for setting its growing population.

Adolf Hitler from the elections of 1930 realized that he could have the possibility to
reform and remilitarize the German territory. In 1933, after the elections, was a pact with
the president who agreed that Hitler was considered German chancellor. This pact made
Hitler begin to put into practice his ideas. Hitler had many ambitions as the major power of
the German nation, and this were to establish the Great Germany, because he wanted to
obtain one territory for all the germans, and to achieve the Lebensraum, (the “vital space”)
which could be presented to other nations as a benefit for the countries that have been
conquered and to have a territory with the resources to be supplied. Another of his
ambitions was to abolish the Treaty of Versailles, because it causes lots of problems for the
country because of the economic compensations and reparations they had to pay caused by
the war, the colonies lost in Asia and Africa and the loss of territory in Europe, the
restrictions over the army. And the last other idea was to destroy the communism and
advance and eradicate de USSR.

Benito Mussolini prevented Hitler from attempting to unite Austria in 1934, but he
tried again four years later by encouraging the Nazis there and presenting the Anschluss as
the only solution. After this, the Austrian chancellor called a plebiscite to ask the Austrian
people if they wanted to unite with the German nation, and before the election, the Austrian
people voted in favor of unification. The Munich Agreement, which gave the Sudetenland
to Hitler without even consulting the Czechs, was signed in 1938 by the leaders of
Germany, Britain, France, and Italy. As a result, the German chancellor also conquered the
Sudetenland. Later, 1 German troop marched over the territory and took control of it.
Following the resignation of the president and the ensuing confusion, the Führer fully
gained control of Czechoslovakia in March 1939. Great Britain and France didn't interfere
with this movement, but they thought that Hitler meant to invade Poland and warned that
they would declare war if he did.

Apart from expanding his territory, Hitler began a clandestine rearmament in 1933.
In 1935, he signed the Anglo-German Naval Agreement, which allowed Great Britain to
control German rearmament but allowed for conscription, the bolstering of the air force,
and the expansion of the military sector in Germany. This was added to the Saar Plebiscite
in 1935, which the Führer won by stationing troops in the Saarland.

The French did not object to the German leader's decision to put troops in the
Rhineland because they were afraid of their army, and Britain allowed it because it thought
the Treaty of Versailles' provisions were too harsh. Hitler expanded and conquered other
nations with resources that could be exploited, such as the Saarland, which had a vast coal
deposit that could help the economy, in order to reestablish the economy, which was
affected by the compensations and reparations the German nation had to pay as a result of
the conflict. Hitler wanted to conquer communism by invading and occupying nations in
eastern Europe, such as Czechoslovakia, to be nearer to the USSR. After conquering
Czechoslovakia, he launched an offensive through Poland, which bordering the USSR.

It is clear that Hitler was able to accomplish the majority of his goals prior to World
War II because the League of Nations' members were afraid of Germany and its army. In
order to avoid engaging in a conflict with them, Great Britain and France granted the
Führer a number of liberties that allowed him to do whatever he pleased and conquer the
rest of the world at will. They allowed Germany to resume being an empire as a result of
their inaction. Hitler achieved his goals by focusing on gaining the Lebensraum, nullifying
the Treaty of Versailles, and eradicating communism in order to create the Great Germany.

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