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Summary exercise – Corona Virus – abroad

Write a summary of an article about an aspect of the Coronavirus in another country.

I. Summarizing articles
A. Method
1. Read once to get a general impression.
2. Mark/write the main idea of paragraph/section.
3. Determine main idea and 3 subtopics.
4. Do not copy the sentence from the article. Use your own language.
B. Example
A. Article:
B. Journalistic, non-academic
C. Result
As of April 10, 2020, the situation in Belgium is bad and getting worse in
terms of deaths, new infections and economic cost. First, the country
suffered its highest number of daily deaths, 325 people. Moreover, another
1,684 were diagnosed. In the long term, the economic cost is estimated at
some 60 billion euro. The country is suffering.

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