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Edu 414 – Classroom Management

Your Classroom Management Plan

Management plan is based on an assumed first grade classroom. All procedures and
rules will be taught, modeled, and practiced, and revisited throughout the year.

Classroom Goals
 Help my students to learn and follow the rules of the classroom
 Establish a community of learners who help themselves and each other
 Help to promote a sense of belonging and a place where they are safe to make mistakes
 Create a secure environment where students feel comfortable to ask for help with any
problems that arise
 Make sure every student believes they can achieve and understand they can be anything
they want to be if they work hard for it
 Follow state standards and make sure students can read/write age appropriated
 Ensure students are making progress in math and are doing hands on learning

Guidelines for Success

 Every student will show kindness and is respectful of classmates
 In this class we are honest and truthful
 Everyone will participate in classroom discussions
 Bullying and name calling will not be tolerated
 All our welcomed in our class and nobody will feel alone or isolated
 Teacher will model proper behaviors and reinforce daily
 Rules will be followed and when they are not there will be consequences
 Positive reinforcement and praise will occur when students display appropriate

Classroom Rules
*I will create these with students but this a general list
1. Raise a quiet hand to ask or answer a question
2. Use whole body listening
3. Use helping hands to help and not hurt
4. Be caring and use kind words when talking with classmates
5. Use walking feet inside the classroom and run only when outside or in gym

Consequences for Classroom Rule Violations

Positive Behavior:
 Verbal praise will be given and will be specific not general
 Students will receive stickers as a positive reinforcement
 Will use both individual and classroom reward system
 Will use a class dojo where students earn points for good behavior and once a month,
they will have the opportunity to shop in our classroom store
 Each student gets their own individual monster avatar and points will be individually
rewarded as well as whole class rewards. I will input the behaviors that will be rewarded
such as being on task and using self-control and when they follow the rules.
 5 Dojo points will be rewarded to students who end up in the green zone of the clip chart
 This tool can also be accessed by the students’ parents as well to see their behavior.
 Individual reward systems will work by having a clip chart in addition to the class dojo.
 All students will have their names on a clothes pin and start in the yellow zone. They will
have the chance to move up to the green zone for great behavior and move down to
orange and the red zone for disrupting or not following rules. They will have the day to
redeem themselves which should motivate them to get out of the orange zone. When they
have a green zone day, they get 5 points added to their class dojo and can earn points to
get prizes that they chose in the beginning of the year by filling out an interest survey.
 Phone calls and emails will be given for exhibiting great behavior as well.
 Good classroom behavior and following routines rewards will also lead to class parties,
extra recess, and something of their choice as well to mix things up
Negative behavior:
 Students will be given a reminder of what the rules are before a warning. Once they have
been reminded and then warned their clothes pin is moved into the orange zone. There
will be three levels in the orange zone.
 The first will be for the student to go to the “cool down corner” where they must sit
quietly and think about their choices they have made. Then a timer is set for five minutes,
and they must use a cool down method such as belly breathing, rainbow breathing or
some form of relaxation method to regulate themselves before joining the class again.
 The timer goes off and they are cooled down they may join the rest of the class. They
will lose one point off dojo.
 The next level of orange would be that they must go to the desk in the cool down corner
to reflect and write in their behavior journal and explain why they were sent to here. They
must come up with a small action plan of how they will exhibit better behavior.
 When they have wrote in there and are finished their plan, they will join the group. I will
look over it later and we will talk about it during their first few minutes of recess or if
there is down time during class. They will also lose five points of dojo.
 The last level of orange is the most severe. This will warrant a call home to their parents
and if there is no response an email will be sent. They will lose 10 points from dojo.
 If the behavior continues, we will set up a meeting with the parents to come up with
strategies and figure out what is going on.
 When a student enters the red zone, a student is a threat to themselves or another student,
the administration will be called along with the guidance counselors and will go to the
 Students have chances throughout their day to redeem themselves to move up levels

Classroom Procedures
 Enter the classroom after greeting from teacher at the door
 Unpack their bookbag and puts bags, lunchboxes, and jackets away in the closet
 Place water bottles on back table
 Put any important papers they need to return in red colored bin near my desk
 If they had homework place in orange bin
 Come back to desk and take out their morning journal
 They will have a problem on the smart board every day that is wrong, and they will
copy it down in their books and fix the mistake.
 I will take role, see if there are any changes to the way they are going home and if
there is students will move their magnet with their name to either the bus, car/walker
or after cares spot .
 We will also go over lunches as well and if they need to choose, they will place their
popsicle stick in their choice
 When they have finished their morning work, they will come to me to check and we
will start our morning meeting.
 Morning meetings will consist of sharing and using a talking stick (social emotional
 Then we will do the rest of morning meetings that contain to content areas and go
over what the day is going to consist of

 When a student is on time they are in the classroom and have started to do their morning
work. They are in the room before the morning announcements come on and/or bell rings
 When a student arrives late they will receive a late pass from the office
 This lateness will be recorded on their report card
 If it is a continuing problem the parents will be called to see what is going on

 Morning work in journals (fix the mistake)
 Morning meeting
 Calendar (count for 100 days)
 Jobs
 Groups and/or centers for math and reading
 Group work and working in pairs
 Hands on work/experiments
 Brain breaks/movement breaks
 Whole group instruction
 Small group instruction
 Independent work
 Tests/assessments
 Guided reading/leveled reading groups (u-shaped table work)
 Snack
 Bathroom breaks (if not in the classroom)
 Specials (art, music, gym)
 Trips (events like assembly, special days, holiday parties)
 Lunch/recess
 iPad/chrome book work (I Ready clever, dream box extra math etc....)
 All assignments will be discussed verbally and modeled if it is new and there will be a
sample posted on the smart board.
 Homework will be listed on the white board and students will copy down what
pages/questions they are to do
 End of the day I will remind them what books will be needed to be taken home
 Long term assignments will be posted on Canvas in addition to a packet that was given
out to students to take home for parents

Turning in Assignments
 There will be colored bins near my desk
 They will place their classwork in yellow bin
 Important papers for teacher or school in red bin
 Homework goes in orange bin

Returning Assignments to Students

 I will pass out tests back individually to students
 Assignments will be given out to the first students in each row
 They will be in the order of the students so they will take their paper and pass to the next
student and their paper will be on top and pass on to next student and so on

Late, Missing or Incomplete Assignments

 Late assignments will be accepted up to one day after
 Missed homework will be marked as incomplete and they will fill in with red pen when
we are going over it
 Incomplete assignments will be completed during iPad/Chromebook work or down time
 It will be graded and will have points deducted for being late/missed or incomplete

Returning From Absence

 Work will be collected for a student who is sick for a few days and will be given to a
sibling if applicable, or collected and sent home via email or picked up by parent
 If absent for vacation work will need to be ready to send with them to complete
 If miss one day the work, we did in class like worksheets or important missed work will
be placed on students’ desk and to be made up when they come back either that day if
there is time or taken home to complete and return next day
 If a student misses a test, they will take it when they return during independent work
time/computer time for the rest of the students so I can read/assist with test if necessary

Communication Procedures with Parents/Guardians

 I will send out weekly emails in a form of newsletter to parents regarding what we are
doing in the classroom that week hopefully made with grade partners
 It will also include any special days/trips or days off and early dismissals for that week
 I will send out individual emails/ phone calls for good/bad behaviors or anything I need
to discuss with guardians
 There will also be information posted on canvas or whatever platform school uses
End of the Day
 We will end our day by first packing up our belongings
 I will call groups to collect their belongings and remind them what books need to be
taken home and go over homework quickly again
 When we are finished, they will make sure their areas are clean and we will meet
back on the carpet to have a closing meeting
 Our “room inspectors” will do their job and see if anything needs to be done
 We will have bins for students to place their pencils in at the end of day if need to be
sharpened and then the “pencil sharpener helper” will do their job and sharpen them
 We will discuss what we did that day and if anything needs to be addressed such as
behaviors or any incidents that may have occurred with students
 We will end on a positive and they will be reminded that tomorrow is another day,
and we have a fresh clean slate to start with
 If there is time, we will watch a video like Magic School bus on the smart board while
waiting for the busses to be called
 The walkers/car riders leave first, and students wait until their bus is called to leave
Classroom setup

Entrance White Smartboard

Classroom Set Up White board
Cool down


U shaped


Teacher’s desk Bins for


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