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This book is printed under the copyright laws of the United States of America. Contents copyright
©2005-2019, Wyrd Miniatures, LLC. All rights reserved. This book is a work of fiction; any resemblance
to organizations, places, events, or actual persons – living or dead – is purely coincidental. Copies of
materials herein are intended solely for your personal, non-commercial use, only if you preserve any
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consideration without prior written consent of the owner of the materials except for review purposes only.

MALIFAUX is a trademark of Wyrd Miniatures, LLC 2005-2019. The Wyrd logo, the MALIFAUX logo, the
Through the Breach logo, the Penny Dreadful logo, The Other Side logo, and all related character names,
places, and things are trademarks and copyright © 2005-2019 Wyrd Miniatures, LLC. The Malifaux game
system is patent pending, serial no. 12/821,427

First Printing: June 2019. Printed in South Korea.


This text is protected by the copyright laws of the United States of America. Contents copyright © 2005-2019, Wyrd Miniatures, LLC.
All rights reserved. This book is a work of fiction; any resemblance to organizations, places, events, or actual persons - living or dead
– is purely coincidental. Copies of materials herein are intended solely for your personal, non-commercial use, only if you preserve
any associated copyrights, trademarks, or other notices. Wyrd Miniatures, LLC holds exclusive rights to this work. Unauthorized
duplication is prohibited. You may not distribute copies to others for a charge or other consideration without prior written consent
of the owner of the materials except for review purpose only.

MALIFAUX is a trademark of Wyrd Miniatures, LLC 2005-2019. The Wyrd logo, the MALIFAUX logo, the Through the Breach logo,
the Penny Dreadful logo, The Other Side logo, and all related character names, places, and things are trademarks and copyright
© 2005-2019 Wyrd Miniatures, LLC. The Malifaux game system is patent pending, serial no. 12/821,427
creative direction
Nathan Caroland & Eric Johns

Kelly Brumley

Matt Carter, Mason Crawford, & Kyle Rowan

additional design
Aaron Darland

Mari Tokuda & Tim Akers

additional writing
Kyle Rowan & Michael Wallace

Kayli Ammen, Shannon Riddle, Derek Burrow, & Kyle Rowan

graphic design µ layout

John Cason

Aleksandar Aleksandrov, Stefane Enjorlas, Hardy Fowler,
Sarah Lindstrom, Cristophe Madaru, Alyssa Menold,
Thomas Vergot, & Iwo Widuliński

special thanks
A particularly special thank you to all of our amazing Alpha,
Closed Beta, and Open Beta playtesters, as well as our volunteers
and Henchman all around the world! Thanks for keeping it Wyrd.
THE GUILD.............................................................................................................................................................................. 4
ASHES, ASHES, THEY ALL FALL DOWN................................................................................................................................... 6
THE RISK OF REASON....................................................................................................................................................................... 28
A WARM WELCOME........................................................................................................................................................................... 50
STAT CARDS.............................................................................................................................................................................................70
UPGRADE CARDS.............................................................................................................................................................................. 154
KEYWORD INDEX..............................................................................................................................................................................156


Abuela Ortega............................ 96 Guardian...................................... 74 Peacekeeper................................ 73
Agent 46...................................... 83 Guard Patrol.............................116 Perdita Ortega............................ 88
Alan Reid..................................... 84 Guild Hound.............................117 Phiona Gage.............................121
Allison Dade.............................122 Guild Investigator..................... 85 Pistolero De Latigo................... 97
Austringer.................................102 Guild Lawyer.............................. 86 The Printing Press..................120
Bernadette Basse.....................100 Guild Steward..........................153 Purifying Flame.......................138
Brutal Effigy ............................146 Hunter.......................................... 75 Rifleman.....................................115
Brutal Emissary....................... 147 Jonathan Reichart...................101 Riotbreaker................................. 77
Charles Hoffman....................... 70 The Judge..................................129 Samael Hopkins.......................139
Clockwork Trap.......................106 The Jury.....................................132 Sanctioned Spellcaster..........144
Cornelius Basse.......................... 98 Lady Justice...............................126 Santiago Ortega......................... 92
Dashel Barker...........................108 Lucius Mattheson...................... 80 Scales of Justice.......................128
Death Marshal.........................135 The Lone Marshal..................130 The Scribe................................... 82
Death Marshal Recruiter.....131 Mechanical Attendant............. 72 Sergeant..................................... 114
The Dispatcher........................110 Melissa K.O.R.E........................ 76 Sonnia Criid..............................136
Dr. Grimwell............................150 Monster Hunter......................... 95 Taggart Queeg.........................113
Domador De Cadáveres........133 Mounted Guard.......................112 Thalarian Queller...................142
Enslaved Nephilim................... 90 Nellie Cochrane......................118 Trained Raptor.........................105
Executioner............................... 111 Newsie........................................125 Undercover Reporter.............123
Exorcist.......................................134 Nino Ortega................................ 93 Warden......................................... 78
False Witness.............................. 87 Nurse Heartsbane...................151 Watcher........................................ 79
Field Reporter..........................124 Orderly.......................................152 Witchling Handler................. 141
Francisco Ortega....................... 91 Pale Rider..................................148 Witchling Stalker.................... 143
Frontiersman............................104 Papa Loco.................................... 94 Witchling Thrall.....................140
Greed..........................................149 Pathfinder..................................103
P eace. Power. Justice. Corruption. Order. Lies. An organization’s
objective is a matter of perception. To the common man, the Guild of
Mercantilers is the world-spanning, omnipresent force that protects the
people of Malifaux and beyond against that which lingers in the dark. To
those in power, they are the influential voice that is impossible to ignore. To
those behind the red curtain, their strength is a delicate ruse that could be
toppled by a whisper, which is why those murmurs must be snuffed out.
For nearly a century, the Guild has been the globe tried to solve an impossible question: how
preeminent world power on both Earth and in to resupply such a precious, finite resource? Their
Malifaux. Earthside, the Guild’s power is political answer came in Santa Fe, where sorcerers had
and economic in nature, relying upon the troops punched a hole in the world. On the other side,
of allied nations to enforce its will. In Malifaux, another world teeming with Soulstones – and with
their might is more direct, presenting itself as the them, limitless power – was found.
only barrier between the populace’s safety and the
monsters outside the city walls. Ultimately, their After the Breach had unexpectedly closed, the
interests and authority are paved by way of what greedy clung to any broken remnants of power. In
they mine, import, and control: Soulstones. the war that followed, a cabal of castoffs who wit-
nessed the destructive magic had formed with the
Had it not been for the desperate measures made intent of crafting cutting-edge weapons to trade
over a hundred years ago, these gemstones might for Soulstone caches from every nation vying for
never have been discovered. At that time, Earth’s control. When the smoke of the war had cleared
magic was dwindling and mages from around the and the majority of the world’s stones were in


their possession, the syndicate stepped out of the undead, unlawful magicians, and negative societal
shadows and operated in the open as the Guild of perception, respectively. Followed shortly there-
Mercantilers. after were the Amalgamation Office, a branch
created to monitor the illegal grafting of flesh to
Decades after the Guild had spent weaving its web metal, and the Elite Division, who are supposedly
around nations across the world, the Breach unex- responsible for everything else from intelligence
pectedly reopened, and their priorities immedi- gathering to the Guild’s legal system.
ately shifted. In the time between both Breaches,
the Guild built a reputation as fear mongers, but They were seemingly ready for any oncoming
they would soon show their true intentions as threats, but nothing could prepare them for the
Soulstone taskmasters. Soldiers were stationed Plague that would strike the city. Fearing that this
in Breachtown, expecting an army of monsters contagion would spill out of Malifaux and onto
to storm out from the portal. After a month of Earth, all non-vital travel through the Breach was
waiting, the Guild moved to the offensive, and for closed, slowing Soulstone exports to a trickle.
the first time in over a hundred years, humanity Other organizations took the opportunity to smug-
stepped onto Malifaux soil once more. gle Soulstones to anyone who was buying, which
led many nations, including the King’s Empire, to
The Guild wasted no time in securing control of distance themselves from the tyrannical monopoly
the city, claiming ownership of the Breach itself, of the Guild.
appointing a Governor-General, and most impor-
tantly, mining Soulstones. As their resettlement Despite lifting their travel ban, the aftermath of
efforts slowed, so did their efforts at ensuring the chaos could not be undone, their grasp on both
the city was safe; any unchecked outskirts of the worlds had loosened. Upon seeing England sepa-
city were walled off behind barricades, later to rate from the Guild, India soon followed. As their
be known as the Quarantine Zone. This reclama- rebellion there raged on, the Three Kingdoms also
tion effort nearly drew their financial well dry, but fought their way to freedom. Seeing these wars
refocusing on excavating Soulstones would prove slip beyond the Guild’s control, both Russia and
to be worth every penny. Soon, money flowed the Ottoman Empire also distanced themselves. It
quicker than stones could be mined, and powers would seem that the Guild’s reign over Earth was
on both sides of the Breach clamored for them, no ending.
matter the cost.
Unbeknownst to the Guild, the Governor-General
Their rapid growth nearly became their undoing. of Malifaux would attempt to ascend to a higher
At first, they sold their Soulstones to the highest state of existence, only to inadvertently become the
bidders, but would soon tighten their grip on who Burning Man, a man-shaped star that maliciously
could be trusted with such magical commodities. transforms the weak in its wake. The madness it
With their manpower focused on excavation efforts, brought forth nearly brought the Guild to ruin, but
little could be done about the convict riots, miners’ to cauterize the bleeding, a new Governor-General
unions, and filthy necromancers, not to mention was appointed. In a short amount of time, sweep-
the ever-present danger of the native monsters. ing changes within the Guild were made in how the
organization was operated to pivot efforts toward
To counter these threats, Governor-General ensuring control of Malifaux would continue.
Kitchener created the Special Divisions; focused
branches that aimed at squashing very specific Despite its resources being stretched to their limits,
problems. The Neverborn Hunters, a collection the Guild of Mercantilers has somehow managed
of bounty hunters aimed at reducing attacks on to maintain its façade. Their trade routes are still
human settlements, were the first to be formed, open, even to the nations that turned their backs,
as it required very little resources outside a few and the money continues to flow into the Guild
scrip, of which the Guild had plenty. Other divi- coffers. With the endless chaos Earthside, the
sions sprang up as they became needed. Death Guild will stop at nothing at ensuring their hold
Marshals, Witch Hunters, and the Department on Malifaux and their precious Soulstones remain
of Public Relations were created to fend off the intact.


Ashes, Ashes,
They All Fall Down
Mari Tokuda

L ucius hated how the Governor’s Manor had devolved into a flurry
of administrative absurdity. The distinct deficiency of dread among
the common bureaucrats made The Right Honorable Lucius Gustavius
FitzWilliam Mattheson itch.
Unlike before, no one doffed their hats, bowed, lower-level administrator to cater to him. He had to
saluted, or even voiced an insincere salutation as the open the doors himself. Reprehensible.
Secretary to the Governor-General himself passed
through the halls. Staff, guards, and even domestic Were he the Governor-General, Lucius would never
help went about their tasks without pause. It was stand for such audacity. With a grimace of contempt
appalling. He blamed it on a lack of fear. hidden behind his golden lawyer’s mask, he reached
for the ornate bronze handles and gripped them in
The current Governor-General insisted on moun- his gloved hands. The hinges squeaked in mild pro-
tains of paperwork that led to decisions that required test as he hauled the door open.
browsing through unreasonably long documents…
or ignoring them, as Lucius tended to do. According Chaos greeted him. Marlow’s staff brayed at each
to Franco Marlow, this all resulted in an “autonomy other across the long wooden table that crowded
that let people do their damn jobs.” Ordering the the once-refined Crown Room. At one time, this
help around on a whim, making threats, and mak- place had possessed intimidating decor and a pres-
ing good on those threats had worked just fine for ence that inspired awe. Its dark woods, dancing
Lucius for decades. fireplace, and brocade curtains had been gravitas
defined. No longer. Now, electric lights eliminated
It was enough to make him miss the previous flickering shadows that tricked the eye, stealing any
Governor-General, the ambitious idiot. At least drama the room had. It was such a shame.
Kitchener put style over bothersome paper shuf-
fling… even if he leaned precipitously toward the The Governor-General sat at the front of the room,
gauche and theatrical. his filthy, unpolished boots of scarred leather resting
next to haphazard piles of files on the table’s surface.
Secretary Lucius Mattheson lingered in front of He’d slicked back his long, dark hair into his usual
the carved doors to the Crown Room, where the tidy queue, but dark circles under his eyes and the
Governor-General held all his meetings. Things stubborn set of his mouth betrayed his exhaustion.
were in such a state that there wasn’t a soldier or He pinched the bridge of his nose as he squeezed


Ashes, Ashes, They All Fall Down

his dark eyes shut and listened to someone hissing

desperately in his ear. The sharp smell of ink from
innumerable stamps and pens penetrated Lucius’
mask. Papers fluttered through the air like autumn
leaves in a tempest.

With quiet steps, Lucius made his way into the room.
He removed a stack of ledgers from the well-crafted
wooden chair he’d imported from Earth that waited
in his assigned spot.

Someone handed him a ledger and a pen and hissed,

“You have to sign in for the meeting. Attendance

Lucius curled his lip in disdain.

As he perched on the satin seat cushion, Marlow

glowered down the table at Lucius. “Why are you so
late?” the Governor-General snapped. “We have a
schedule for a reason.”

Lucius tipped his head. “I was attending

to a legal matter that couldn’t wait.”

“I don’t remember seeing any reports

or absence requests about that on my
desk.” Marlow thumped his fist on a
thick stack of documents in front of him.

“If my Scribe could attend me in these meet-

ings, he could get you any paperwork you re-
quire.” Lucius narrowed his eyes.

Marlow’s face flushed in

rage. “Absolutely not. Is
it so hard for you to take
care of your own work, Mat-
theson? It’s a wonder how you
became Secretary.”

Lucius snapped the pen in his

hand and dropped the ledger
in the middle of the table amid the riot
of regulations, reports, and governmental

“Hand me that folder about those damn smuggling

leaks,” someone called. “Mattheson! I need those
papers, and you’re just sitting there. This is actual-
ly important.”

Lucius clenched one hand into a fist and with

the other passed the requested documents to the
ungrateful recipient.


Ashes, Ashes, They All Fall Down

“Ironsides rejected the most recent contract,” one “What about my people in the Northern Hills?” yet
staffer, Mr. Jesse, shouted. Lucius noted that Mr. another staffer demanded. She waved a handful of
Jesse had stripped down to his shirtsleeves and was papers at the Governor-General and adjusted her
wiping sweat from his brow. Kitchener would have glasses with her other hand. She looked like a par-
been scandalized. ticularly harried owl. “They’re vanishing without
a trace. Even if you don’t care about their lives, it’s
“Well, get me her counter offer. I’ll look it over going to start affecting the profit numbers.”
tonight,” Marlow growled. “Next.”
“Damn it all. Take Perdita,” the Governor-General
“Secretary! I need the transcripts from the Thrace replied.
trial,” another woman bellowed.
Colin choked. “You said earlier I could have Perdita
“If I’d known, I would have had them delivered to to help with the rats!”
your office,” Lucius replied through gritted teeth.
Lucius almost snorted. As if Perdita would stoop so
“Great. Do that,” she shouted. low. He would pay a small fortune to see someone
try to give her that order.
He balled his other hand into a fist.
“Now she’s taking care of the Northern Hills towns.”
“Someone looted one of the storehouses where we
Marlow’s dark eyes pierced the other man, who sat
were keeping some of Ramos’… things,” a young
back in his chair with timid movements.
woman interjected. “We don’t know who took them
or why.” The “meeting” continued as such. What a marked
difference from when Marlow had first descended
“Has anyone seen the constructs in the city?”
upon Malifaux. When this most recent Governor-
Marlow snarled.
General first arrived, his arrogance, his dismissive
“Not as of yet, Mr. Marlow,” the woman replied. treatment of his own Secretary, and then surprising
competence had enraged Lucius Mattheson.
“Then, it’s not a problem, yet,” the Governor-General
snapped. “Come back when you know more. Despite his internal struggle, Lucius had held his
temper. The only outward expression of his dissat-
She hurried away, muttering under her breath, “It’ll isfaction had been several snapped pens, a handful
be too late by then...” of disrespectful guards reassigned to more deadly
posts, and three mysterious strangulations in the
“What do you have?” Marlow pointed a finger at Slums. He’d shown remarkable restraint.
someone seemingly at random.
With glee, Lucius realized that his patience had paid
“We’re getting reports of rats outside the sewers, off. The numbers seemed to be falling in his favor.
Franco,” another staffer hollered. Lucius knew him Marlow had floundered and displayed vulnerability
only as ‘Colin,’ no surname. He even addressed at last. He smirked under his mask.
the Governor-General by his given name. And
Marlow allowed it, putting some semblance of Lucius observed as the meeting became more lawless
camaraderie over true leadership. Colin continued, melee than conference. He sat still, almost forgetting
“I think it’s because we pulled our troops after the to breathe, as he began to form a plan in his mind.
Resurrectionist clean-up project, leaving the rats to Luckily, his associates were too busy to notice that he
multiply with no higher predator in the sewers...” seemed slightly less human in that moment.

“I know,” Marlow barked, his eyes flashing with “Pardon me... Mr. Colin.” Lucius leaned toward the
anger. “But, we have Arcanists running wild burning administrator. “The sewers are quite the labyrin-
down every Guild building they can. I need those thine wonder under the city with miles and miles
soldiers elsewhere.” of pipe.”

Interesting. Lucius leaned back in his chair, the pre- “Don’t I know it,” Colin said, not bothering to look
vious slights forgotten momentarily. It appeared at Lucius.
that even Marlow could spread himself too thin.
His meticulous bureaucracy had become a monster. The Secretary ground his teeth for a moment at
Adorable. the slight. “Do you have the manpower required to
comb through it all?”


Ashes, Ashes, They All Fall Down

“Not nearly,” the man groaned. “And, without “I’d rather not,” Lucius said, his tone flat.
Perdita, I’m left with rookie Guild Guards. Look, I
don’t have time for this, Mattheson.” He tapped at “Whatever you want, friend!” Colin crowed. He
several columns of numbers in the ledger in front scurried away.
of him.
With liquid grace, the Secretary stood from his seat
“Clearly. Disease is spreading like the latest fash- and made his way to the large doors.
ionable fad. The pests have caused untold amounts
“Where the hell do you think you’re going, Lucius?”
of damage to infrastructure and resources. Not to
Marlow roared.
mention public perception…”
Lucius almost twitched at the informal use of his
“You don’t have to tell me,” Colin grumbled, smack-
given name. “Governor-General Marlow, I need to
ing his hand against his ledger for emphasis. “Are
ensure that my department can encompass every
you trying to make me feel worse?”
one of these issues from every legal perspective.”
Lucius waited.
“Next time, get me an endeavor request,” Marlow
“Those rats are huge and dangerous.” Colin began commanded and waved Lucius away.
scribbling furiously on the papers in front of him.
“Of course,” the Secretary replied as he squeezed
“If memory serves, there are those who earn their dents into his cane.
keep by dispatching the native fauna,” the Secretary
With silent steps, Lucius made his way through the
murmured. Lucius almost smiled at his joke. His
door, leaving the chaos behind him.
memory always served.

“The Rat Catchers.” Colin paused for a moment and

shuddered. “They’re so creepy. Besides, they hate
us. They’d never work with the Guild.”

“As a lawyer and as the Governor-General’s Secre- At night, electric lamps lit the streets of downtown
tary, I have quite a lot of experience in negotiating Malifaux, their bulbs buzzing and humming like
with willing and even some unwilling participants,” trapped insects. Lucius passed frequent Guild Guard
Lucius began. Colin nodded at him to continue. “If patrols who either ignored him or nodded at him
you wanted, I could give you some guidance in how absently if they noticed him at all. He preferred to
to approach the Rat Catchers.” stay in the shadows.

“Aren’t you a persuasive one?” Colin mused. “In As he crept to the Slums, the electric monstrosities
fact, instead of giving me advice… why don’t I send turned to gaslights or even candles and oil lanterns,
you?” his preferred source of illumination. He liked the
way the old styles of lighting smelled like potential,
“You want me to confer with the Rat Catchers on an explosion or a conflagration. The electric bulbs
your behalf?” Lucius asked, taken aback. seemed so sanitized. How dull.

“You’ve dealt with all sorts of criminals and the like. The evidence of the rat problem also became more
What are a few filthy Rat Catchers in the Slums?” apparent as he walked. Downtown, he saw minimal
Colin grinned. evidence of the vermin. In the Slums, however, the
bones of cat and dog carcasses, even the occasional
Lucius hesitated. horse, jutted out of the shadows in the alleyways.
People who reeked of infection groaned. The dead
“Tell you what. I’ll owe you one.” Colin held out his
and dying sprawled, decaying and bloated, on the
sides of the streets.
“I can agree to that, I suppose, Mr. Colin.” Lucius
Lucius wrinkled his nose. How unsightly. This gave
took Colin’s hand in his own and shook it.
him additional motivation to untangle this particular
“You can just call me Colin,” the man replied, his problem. It offended his sense of aesthetic.
entire demeanor suddenly jovial.


Ashes, Ashes, They All Fall Down

He made his way to a solid building, one of the The heavy wooden door creaked like a tiny scream as
nicest ones in the Slums, though that wasn’t say- The Right Honorable Lucius Gustavius FitzWilliam
ing much. The paint looked somewhat fresher. It Mattheson stepped into the Rat Catcher’s office. His
looked like an actual architect had a hand in the presence filled the space. Every hair of his snow-
design, as opposed to the more common improvised white powdered wig obediently stayed in place. His
construction of its neighbors. However, like every- coat, made of the finest material, looked like expen-
thing in the Slums, it had a certain drab and dreary sive wine or, more appealingly to him, fresh blood.
bearing about it. The floors squeaked like chattering He gripped his stylish cane in one gloved hand. The
mice with every step. Individuals who smelled of only sound he made was the soft tick-tock of his
the alleyways and sewers and who wore grime-cov- golden pocket watch.
ered clothes milled about the first floor. They eyed
Lucius with a certain feral hostility. He carefully Though he would never admit it to anyone, human
stepped around them and headed for the top floor. or Neverborn, Lucius had a true weakness for
human fashion. It communicated so much, all with-
By the time he’d made it to his destination, Lucius out saying a word. He could intimidate with the
had repeatedly contemplated burning the entire shining metal lawyer’s mask that hid his face from
building down or litigating it into nonexistence. the world. His fine silk shirts and tailored suits made
his high social status clear to even the most igno-
rant. And, the craftsmanship. He’d never seen
anything like it before the strange, short-
lived creatures came through the Breach.
Clothes were the one thing that humans
truly offered, besides endless frustration
and, one day, servitude. He would kill
for unique, buttery-soft, well-cobbled
leather shoes. In fact, he had.

“What do you want?” a rough voice


Lucius took in the Rat Catcher’s office in

one quick glance. Despite her profession,
her office remained uncluttered. She
wore a dark woolen suit complete with
waistcoat. The Rat Catcher wouldn’t be
out of place among his own lawyers,
he noted, especially with her sus-
picious, narrowed gaze and stub-
born chin. Displayed on shelves
and pedestals around her office were
decorative elements from both sides
of the Breach that cost not only a
pretty penny but also a signifi-
cant favor. Like a bouquet in
a wood wright’s shop, the
room smelled of a light
rose oil and wood polish,
not the muddy, alleyway
detritus he expected.
The soft, scratchy
notes of a complex
orchestral piece


Ashes, Ashes, They All Fall Down

floated out of a wood-and-gold gramophone in the “It’s not like they’d let us move anywhere else,” she
corner. snapped. “They want our services but don’t want to
associate with us.”
“Not what you were expecting?” she asked with a
scoff. “What if you and I could change that?” Lucius let
his soft voice take on an edge of avarice to entice the
“Rat Catchers in Malifaux face a hazardous foe and Rat Catcher.
are well compensated for it,” Lucius replied, resting
both hands on his cane. “I’m listening.” She put her feet on the floor with a
thump and leaned forward on her desk.
“And, by that you mean...?” she asked with a glare.
“I believe I could arrange for you and your associates
“You are skilled, and I am unsurprised by your to occupy a building in the Industrial Zone.”
wealth, Ms. Reineberg.” Lucius turned his head to
admire her office again. Gryselda narrowed her eyes. “In exchange for...?”

She nodded in appreciative response. The woman “A tidy sum to eradicate any rats left in the sewers,”
leaned back in her high-backed chair and rested her Lucius said.
heels on the edge of her desk. Waving her fingers,
as though conducting the music, she asked, “So, Mr. “There are a lot of rats down there right now. Ever
Secretary, what can I do for you?” since the Guild tried to flush out those Resurrec-
tionists and left the job half-finished.” Gryselda
“I understand that you are quite influential with crossed her arms over her chest.
your colleagues, Ms. Reineberg.”
“A handsome sum then,” Lucius amended. “And, a
“Gryselda, please.” retainer for your exclusive, ongoing extermination
“I’d rather address you with the formality you
deserve as a prominent figure in your profession,” “What do you mean by exclusive?”
Lucius replied.
“The Guild would be your sole client. Contractually,
“Well, all right then.” Gryselda gave him a pleased of course.” The Secretary tapped the top of his cane
smile. She waved him toward a chair with a brocade with his gloved fingers.
cushion on it.
“We like our independence, Mr. Secretary,” Grysel-
He balanced himself upon it. The craftsmanship was da replied. “And some of us have other contracts that
sublime. “Lovely piece of furniture,” he commented. we’re not willing to give up.”

“From Earthside.” Gryselda puffed up her chest. “I understand. I will strike the retainer clause from
any contracts you and your colleagues may sign.”
“I see that.” Lucius let his gaze travel to the window
in the side of her office. Through it, he saw the dim “Wait. How much is the retainer?” Gryselda asked.
gaslights and flickering candles in the gaping, mis- Lucius could see her mind working through the
matched holes they called windows in this part of profits and losses, like one of his accountants’ adding
the city. He also saw light peeking through gaps in machines.
the walls of neighboring buildings. Lucius frowned.
When he became Governor-General, perhaps he’d “It is quite generous. You could keep up the lifestyle
remove the entire neighborhood like a blight. “It’s you enjoy now with ease,” Lucius said. “And, you’d
unfortunate that, despite your obvious success, your have the improved social standing of having offices
offices remain in the Slums.” in the Industrial Zone.”

Gryselda scowled. Lucius had hit on a sore point, “Let me talk it over with my fellows,” Gryselda
just as he suspected from the intelligence he’d gone said, already forming her arguments in her mind.
to significant lengths to procure. He silently con- “Though, we’re an independent bunch. Not every-
gratulated himself. one will want to work with the Guild.”


Ashes, Ashes, They All Fall Down

“I understand. My hope is to engage only the best “Of course. Of course.” Marlow’s assistant chuckled.
in your line of work, you and those whom you rec-
ommend. I’ll have my lawyers deliver a stack of The corners of Lucius’ mouth turned up in a tiny
contracts for you to peruse and distribute first thing smile.
in the morning.” Lucius stood and glided through
The Secretary leaned back in his seat. The tide had
Gryselda’s door. “I look forward to doing business
shifted the tiniest bit in his favor, something that
with you, Ms. Reineberg.”
had been too long coming. He planned to let it build
into an inexorable avalanche. He let his gaze meet
Marlow’s scowl for just a moment.

“Franco, this isn’t working.” Another assistant

Several days after, Lucius entered the squall that Lucius had taken note of named Graecina Yao
was the Crown Room’s distasteful chaos. slammed a thick file onto the table. Everyone paused
and stared. She swiped at a wisp of hair that had
Colin confronted him, shaking a thick sheaf of papers come out of the coiffure piled on top of her head,
at him. “What is this, Mattheson?” he demanded. moving it out of her eyes and glared.

“Secretary Mattheson,” Lucius corrected him. “Graecina,” the Governor-General warned.

“You said you were going to talk to the Rat Catchers “It’s getting worse.” She began to pace, her trum-
in my stead. This contract has your name all over pet skirt swishing about her legs. Her long sleeves,
it. You’re the official Guild representative. Not me,” tight corset, and high-necked dress gave her look a
Colin hissed. certain collected severity that made her seem that
much more competent than some of her slovenlier
“Unfortunately, the Rat Catchers would only agree colleagues. “You need to deal with these Arcanists.
to sign if the legal document entered into named They are destroying warehouses and munitions.
me as representative, since I handled all the nego- Several of our couriers have vanished. This is get-
tiations with them directly.” Lucius settled himself ting expensive, not to mention how bad it looks.”
into his seat.
“I have a plan, Graecina,” Marlow growled.
“That’s convenient for you. It looks like you
swooped in and saved the day,” Colin muttered. “Can you implement it within the next day?” she
“Is that not precisely what I did?” Lucius crossed
one leg over the other and tipped his head at Colin. “Trust me,” the Governor-General snarled.

The other man gritted his teeth and sat down. Graecina shook a finger in Marlow’s face. “Franco,
you were the very one who told me that you didn’t
Several other administrators and bureaucrats qui- want any sycophants among your staff. That’s why
etly applauded Lucius’ work on convincing the Rat you hired me, remember? This is my project, my
Catchers to join the Guild payroll. responsibility. You will give me details on your
“We’re already seeing results,” a woman with her
hair in a bun piled on top of her head and her arms Lucius took an immediate liking to Ms. Yao... or as
full of ledgers said as she passed by. much as he could like any human.
“Quite the coup,” Mr. Jesse said with a grin. “Maybe “I have a lot of other things to take care of at this
they’ll stop working with whoever will toss them a moment.” Marlow picked up one of the many piles
bit of scrip, and we won’t have to fight against them of papers in front of him and began leafing through
as much.” it.
“That was the intent,” Lucius responded with as little “Then, I’ll take the written report.” Graecina held
condescension as he could muster. her hand out with the entitlement of a hungry chick
in the nest.


Ashes, Ashes, They All Fall Down

“I haven’t had a chance to put one together.” Marlow Graecina screwed up her face in distaste.
didn’t look up from his papers.
“No,” Marlow bellowed. “I forbid it.”
“Pardon me?” the woman asked in surprise. “That is
part of the official procedure that you insisted on, so Lucius gave a small shrug. “It was simply a proposal.
that we could look through the history of all of our A potential solution.”
“A bad one.” Marlow narrowed his eyes at Lucius.
Lucius smirked at this latest failure of the system.
“But, specific and documented,” Lucius pointed out.
“If you haven’t noticed, I’ve been busy,” Marlow
Chatter reverberated through the room at this
“Well, learn how to delegate, then,” Graecina snarled.
“It is groundless and immoral.” Marlow glowered.
She looked around the table. “Does anyone else
“Get back to work. All of you! And, you’re dismissed,
have any good suggestions?”
Several staff members looked back down at their files
The room roared again as people returned to their
and began arguing with each other. Others mum-
tasks. Pens scratched against papers. Books slammed
bled words that were unhelpful and unproductive.
open and closed. Lucius grimaced as he slipped out
“Secretary Mattheson? You managed to get some- the door. He would never run Malifaux in such a
thing done in the last day, unlike everyone else here. haphazard way.
Maybe you have some thoughts on the Arcanist
problem?” Graecina threw out.

He liked her more and more.

“Under normal circumstances, I would go straight Lucius returned to his office, the wide window on
to the leader of the Miners and Steamfitters Union, one side blazing with the setting sun over the
but from what I understand, we no longer have city’s downtown. A massive wooden desk and dis-
any negotiating leverage with Ms. Ironsides,” tinguished chair greeted him in the center of the
Lucius replied with a slight nod toward Marlow. floor. An elegant iron hat stand and two exquisite,
He continued. “I find it unfortunate that she has but supremely uncomfortable, chairs completed the
not the strength of leadership that her predecessor decor. He didn’t want any of his visitors to feel too
possessed.” welcome.

“And?” Graecina prompted impatiently. Despite his vocation as a lawyer, he had no book-
cases. He had no need for them, as his superior mind
He liked her a little less. remembered everything. A gift that served him
well. It always had.
“As you may be aware, after the previous Governor-
General’s untimely demise and the arrival of “I need the facts and figures on the missing couri-
Governor-General Marlow, I implemented holding ers,” the Secretary said as he stood in front of the
zones and legal proceedings for many in the Miners window.
and Steamfitters Union to try to discover which
members had loyalties to the Arcanist faction. I The slightest shuffling of shoes against the polished
had hoped to avoid a situation such as this one.” wood floors was the only response.
Lucius leaned his cane against the back of his chair
Moments later, a file appeared on Lucius’ desk,
and rested his hands on the table in front of him. “It
along with a glass tumbler of the best bourbon out-
would be an easy thing to reinstate them...”
side of Earth. In silence, the Scribe returned to his
Some of the staff murmured, discussing the merits usual place near the door. He wore a suit befitting
of the idea or outright disapproving. Others nodded the assistant to the most prominent lawyer in Malifaux
their heads, bobbing like branches in a breeze. After and a mask that matched the profession but was
months of Marlow’s slights, Lucius felt as though he utterly inconspicuous. His best quality.
was finally getting his own.


Ashes, Ashes, They All Fall Down

Lucius leaned his cane against the desk and settled The Scribe took the folded paper and vanished
himself behind it, loosening the mask from his face. through the door.
As he rifled through the pages of information, he
sipped at the bourbon. He couldn’t taste the Lucius waited.
beverage or feel the effects of the alcohol, but
Several hours passed before a knock sounded
knowing that years of planning and labor
at his door. He refitted the mask to his face.
went into something that he could consume
in a moment gave him a delicious feeling “Enter,” Lucius directed at the aethervox
of superiority. He also enjoyed the sweet connected to the watcher perched outside
and spicy bouquet that reached his nose, above his door.
but that wasn’t why he drank it.
“Mr. Secretary, sir.” A member of the
Secretary Mattheson narrowed records department entered, out of
his eyes as he read detailed breath.
accounts of Kaeris’ most
recent acts of Arcanist Finally, someone who treated him
sabotage. As the new with the deference he deserved.
leader of the Arcanists, Lucius nodded at the man to
she did not have the continue.
strict methodology that
Ramos had. She let her emotions rule “You had a request to secure
her decisions. How very human of her. some documents?” The man’s
Her latest attacks on the Guild seemed voice ended on a high note of
centered on the area where the Indus- fear.
trial Zone became the Downtown area.
Very near the Records Offices where
many confidential documents were “Well, you see, the records department
stored. decided to send them to the Governor’s
Manor for safekeeping, but the courier
How concerning.
vanished. W-we think that it was the
His pen scraped against paper as Lucius work of Arcanists,” the administrator
composed a list. A match flared as he stammered. “They have all those files…”
melted some wax onto the statio-
Lucius stared at the man until the mes-
nery with his precise handwriting on it.
senger began to fidget, twisting his derby
Pressing his seal into the scarlet sludge,
hat between his hands.
he made it official.
“This is unacceptable. Find. Those.
“I have some concerns about the security
Documents.” Lucius didn’t raise his voice
of our documents in the Records Office
but let an edge of rage and a modicum of
and some of our other storage locations
intimidation infuse each word.
due to this new Arcanist activity,” Lucius
said, his voice thoughtful. “Yes, sir!” the man squeaked. He scurried
out of Lucius’ office.
The Scribe nodded in acknowledgment.
“Another bourbon,” Lucius commanded.
“These are the documents I’m most uneasy
The Scribe complied.
about. Please get this to the head of the
records department, so that she may take The Secretary tossed the glass back, down-
precautionary measures. Speed is of the ing the beverage in one gulp and sending
utmost importance. Get this list to her all that arduous work into oblivion without
tonight.” even tasting it.

Kaeris was making quite the mess of things.


Ashes, Ashes, They All Fall Down

Turning to Graecina, Lucius asked, “What do you

think, Ms. Yao?”

Graecina crossed her arms over her chest. “It’s true,

Shouts. Papers and ledgers scattered everywhere. they would have taken the documents no matter
The smell of someone who hadn’t bathed in sev- what. Trying to keep them out of their hands was
eral days. The Secretary was coming to despise the best move.” She turned to Marlow. “Franco, we
the Crown Room, even though he’d seen just how don’t have any good options. Something needs to
splendid it could be under the previous Governor- change.”
General... and would surely be again under the next.
“I agree,” Lucius added. “From an accounting per-
“The Arcanists destroyed a building storing Guild spective, our resources can’t keep up with the sheer
records, took a number of files, and burned down sev- number of operations you’ve put into motion.”
eral of Hoffman’s workshops,” Graecina announced
at the next meeting, her hair, hat, and dress immacu- “I don’t need your opinion,” Marlow snapped. “I
late despite the disarray surrounding her. Lucius had just need more information.”
to respect her for that.
“Of course, Governor-General.” Secretary Matthe-
“How did they know where Hoffman’s workshops son took a certain satisfaction in watching Marlow
even are?” Marlow asked. Lucius could have sworn begin to unravel.
he saw more gray in the hair at his temples.
“It’s like someone is undermining us from every
Graecina looked over one of her reports. “They stole direction,” the Governor-General snarled.
accounts with locations from a courier who was
Well, yes, it was. All those fools, Guild and Arcanist
bringing those records back to the Guild proper.”
alike, thought they were so unpredictable when
“How the hell did that happen?” Marlow demanded. instead they had hindered themselves, just as Lucius
had planned.
“The head records keeper decided that those files
were too vulnerable where they were, so she planned Play by play, he would enfeeble Franco Marlow.
to send them to the Manor for additional protection,”
He surprised himself with the realization that this
Graecina reported.
new Governor-General was the worthiest oppo-
“She let the Arcanists take them?” Marlow roared. nent he’d found since the humans had returned to
Malifaux. He studied his foe.
Lucius cleared his throat, a gentle sound. Eyes
turned toward him. “It sounds as though she was “You!” Marlow pointed at some poor staffer. “Give
trying to prevent them from falling into Arcanist me the latest on your project.”
Colin cringed and handed Marlow some papers.
“Fire her,” Marlow ground out.
The doors to the Crown Room slammed open. A
Holding up a hand to stave off the Governor- woman in clinking spurs stormed through. She
General’s rage, Lucius tipped his head to the side. wore a wide-brimmed hat and two Peacebringers
He knew that the Soulstones in his mask gave off a slung about her hips.
shrewd shimmer. “I don’t believe the records keeper
Perdita Ortega. Lucius leaned forward in interest.
is at fault. She was merely taking extraordinary pre-
She rarely visited the Guild offices and had more
cautionary measures and concluded that the higher
tact than to interrupt a meeting... if that’s what this
security of the Governor’s Manor was a preferred
could be called.
location for such sensitive documentation. I believe
it’s clear that she was not wrong in wanting to pro- The exalted Neverborn hunter marched her way
tect that information. Or, should she have left them to Marlow’s side. “Your assistant said to make an
in the now-smoldering records building from which appointment,” Perdita explained, her voice quiet
the Arcanists would have taken them anyway?” and threatening. “I decided to schedule some time.
Right now.”
Marlow ground his teeth. Lucius could hear them
scraping together from where he sat. Like music.


Ashes, Ashes, They All Fall Down

“Why aren’t you in the sewers?” Marlow snarled. An assistant piped up, “Entire towns are vanishing,
Mr. Marlow. According to Ms. Ortega’s own reports,
“Why would I be in the sewers? My job was in the even some of her own people have vanished.” At
Northern Hills, remember?” Perdita rested her hands this, Perdita pressed her lips together in annoyance.
on her hips and raised one eyebrow in irritation. Whether at the assistant or at her family members
who’d gotten themselves in trouble, Lucius couldn’t
“Sure. Yes. Why aren’t you there, then?” Marlow
say. The assistant continued, “In addition, there are
reached over the assistant closest to him to snatch a
rumors of Mannequins or Coryphee or some new
file from farther down the table.
puppet-looking constructs roaming the area.”
“Because I need more people to comb the area. It’s a
Lucius curled his lip in disdain at that information.
goddamn maze up there,” Perdita replied.
He suspected he knew the cause of this latest fiasco,
and it was a Neverborn problem, but likely not one
that Perdita would be equipped to take care of.

“I can’t give you more people, Perdita,”

Marlow said, still not looking at her.

She crossed her arms. “What the hell is

going on up here, Marlow?”

“I’m handling things,” the Governor-General

barked. Considering he kept saying that, Lucius
was quite confident that he wasn’t.

“Excuse me,” Lucius interrupted.

The two looked at him in surprise, not having no-

ticed that he’d moved.

“Perhaps this menace in the Northern Hills requires

a more official, policy-based approach,” the Secre-
tary suggested. He brushed an invisible piece of lint
from his coat. “Some individuals respond better to
litigation than a show of force.”

“Are you serious?” Perdita choked out. “You

think that whatever is emptying out towns
will respond to a court summons?”

“Or the threat of one, anyway.” Lucius

turned his head to face her. “The
law itself is a powerful weapon, Ms.

She snorted. Lucius ignored her obvious dis-

respect… for the moment.

Marlow didn’t look up. “Do whatever you want.

You two figure it out.”

“The Northern Hills is no place for a bureau-

crat, Secretary.” Perdita gave him a skeptical


Ashes, Ashes, They All Fall Down

Such insolence. Lucius gripped his cane, digging his “Whom are we wielding the law against today,
fingernails into it through his gloves. “Perhaps, my Secretary Mattheson?” Birmingham, a lawyer, chirped.
success will have you rethinking the efficacy of my He bared his teeth in anticipation, a man blood-
chosen profession.” thirsty for seeing lesser humans fall prey to official
forms and proper channels.
“If you can figure this out in forty-eight hours, I’ll
eat my hat.” Perdita snickered. “Whoever is causing such an uproar in the Northern
Hills,” Lucius replied. He gestured at the Scribe,
“When I accomplish your task in under two days, who handed files to their traveling companions.
you can owe me the completion of the undertaking
of my choosing,” Lucius countered. Dashel tossed his on the neighboring seat with a
grimace. He patted the axe he wore slung over his
“It’s your funeral, lawyer.” Perdita shrugged. “I’ll back. “Just tell me where to swing this.” Then he
carve ‘I told you so’ into your wooden corpse once leaned back in his seat, crossed his arms, and closed
I find it out there.” With that, she swept out of the his eyes. He reminded Lucius of a sleeping bear,
room like an overconfident, spoiled, domesticated ill-humored, quick-tempered, and dangerous to
bird. lesser beings. Additionally, he wasn’t prone to ask-
ing questions. All in all, an excellent tool.
The Crown Room once again exploded into argu-
ments and negotiations. Ledgers passed from person Except for the rattling and hissing of the train, they
to person. rode in silence. Even the other passengers left them
alone, perhaps due to Dashel’s earlier dark glare or
Lucius stepped out of the Governor’s manor, leav-
Birmingham’s toothy, menacing grin. Whatever the
ing the tumult behind him.
cause, Lucius appreciated it.

The land transformed from the grim, sooty urban

tangle of the city into stretches of harsh grasslands
covered in the hostile, spiky flora native to this side
of the Breach. As they neared Ridley, the rocks burst
Boarding the train at Malifaux Station, Lucius
from the earth, rust red and somehow belligerent
sneered at the humanity around him. It wasn’t
for such inanimate objects. The changed terrain was
an unusual expression for him but yet another
completely unable to support any plant life, save the
instance in which he appreciated the mask. Though
occasional contentious shrub that refused to die.
McMourning had made an attempt to make his
facial features more human, Lucius still had not Inside the city, it smelled of smokestacks and indus-
given up the golden visage with the Soulstone eyes. try. Outside of Malifaux, the air had a sharp, pungent
punch to it, as though a storm was perpetually on the
The train wheezed like the breaths of some dying
monster. The humans occupying the seats avoided
unnecessary conversation. The personalities of As he stepped out of the train car in the small town
those who ventured even farther into this land and of Ridley, Lucius inhaled and wrinkled his nose.
away from the egress that the Breach represented This was what it was like before the humans came.
were stoic and suspicious and willing to forgo civ- Dull and austere.
ilized life. Lucius was quite sure that the man lying
across an entire bench with his hat pulled low over He turned to narrow his gaze at the hills in the dis-
his eyes hadn’t bathed in days at the very least. tance. A predator lurked in the wilderness. Now, he
Lucius hoped he was getting off at an early stop. just had to find it. Under his mask, his mouth turned
up in anticipation of the hunt.
“This way, Mr. Secretary,” the Scribe gestured to-
ward a set of benches facing each other at the rear
of the car.

Ahead of him, Captain Dashel, an enormous, bald

man with an equally enormous axe, stomped his As his retinue slept, Lucius crept out into the night.
bulk down the aisle, making the entire vessel sway. His long strides carried him to where he knew she’d
Two lawyers in gray coats and shiny badges of office be.
followed him.


Ashes, Ashes, They All Fall Down

“Mattheson,” a voice growled out of the darkness. She tapped her chin in thought with a long, claw-
like nail.
“Zoraida,” he greeted her.
“Or, are you sure you can rely on it in the upcoming
The old woman stepped into the moonlight. She conflict?” Lucius murmured.
covered her body in rags and furs. Small dolls, their
mouths stitched shut, swung from her belt. Despite A grimace crossed Zoraida’s face, and Lucius knew
her age, her piercing eyes studied him. The smell he’d won.
of woodsmoke, swamp, and decay reached Lucius,
making him want to sneeze. “Mmm. Deal.” She held out her hand for Lucius to
shake. Her fingers were brittle, reminding Lucius of
Even though she was once human, she barely looked an old tree branch.
it anymore. She’d given up her ability to blend in
with the humans without batting an eye. It was one With a flourish, she pulled out a deck of cards. They
of the things he hated about her. seemed to chatter as she cut and shuffled them with
one hand.
“You got my message.” She cackled. An enormous
mire golem tromped out of the undergrowth to “Highest card wins,” she explained.
stand, swaying the tiniest bit, behind her. It eyed
“Such a simple game?” Lucius asked in surprise.
Lucius with a hostile glare.
“I’m too curious to wait.” Her eyes gleamed in the
Secretary Mattheson’s blood pulsed. He considered
moonlight, like those of a nocturnal animal.
directly retaliating then and there; while confident
he could end the old woman’s life, he wasn’t sure if Lucius shrugged and pulled a card from the deck at
he would walk away unscathed. random. Zoraida did the same.
Zoraida wiggled her long fingernails at the creature. “I win,” she crowed. “You’re so slippery with your
“Calm yourself.” The mire golem settled into stillness. words. So, you’re not a Nephilim.” She eyed him.
“Are you ready to play a game, The Right Honorable
Lucius Gustavius FitzWilliam Mattheson?” He tilted his head.

“What are the stakes?” Lucius asked, instantly Her mouth turned up at the corners. “You’re no
suspicious. skinwalker. I know a doppleganger when I see
“If you win, I tell you where to find what you’re
looking for.” She gave him a gap-toothed grin. “Do you?” Lucius gave no indication one way or the
other. The fact that she even considered he was a
“And, if you win…?” creature with an identity crisis meant she had even
less of an idea of his origins than he’d believed. How
“Your fate is crystal clear to me, my dear, and yet
amusing. He hoped he could keep up this little game
your face remains behind a fog.” She rubbed her
hands together in glee. “You tell me exactly what
you are.” Zoraida hesitated for only a moment. “Yes.” She
walked around him. “You do blend in with the
Lucius shook his index finger at her. “I’d prefer to
humans quite well.”
keep you guessing. Instead, I want you to tell me
where to find what I’m looking for.” “And have for years,” he pointed out.
“Why would I do that?” “But, you lack that fresh-skin smell.” She paused to
ponder. “So why the mask? Why hide your face?
“Because I am willing to provide a solution that will
And, the gloves? Why cover your hands?”
benefit all of us Neverborn,” Lucius replied.
“It is a requirement of the profession.” He tapped
“And that is...?”
the metal on his face.
“Elimination of the rogue element.”
She tapped her fingertips together in thought.

“Your guess, madam?”


Ashes, Ashes, They All Fall Down

She snarled in frustration.

He smirked.

After a moment, she said, “Are you a Woe?”

The next morning found Lucius and his retinue
“Do I look like a child to you?” Lucius asked with preparing to head into the hills. Most visitors’ first
a snort. impressions of Malifaux was of a loud, rowdy city
full of desperate souls who couldn’t make a life back
“They’re not all children,” Zoraida snapped. “Well? on Earth. They assumed that all the towns were the
Are you?” same only because they hadn’t traveled to the outer
settlements. Ridley’s residents were tena-
“I am as much Woe as I am Sorrow. And, cious and obstinate, refusing to lie down
that is as much of an answer as you will when life did its best to extinguish
receive.” their very existence. And, many had
“You are an impossible creature,” she spat. experienced the worst that Earth had
to offer.
“Now, about that little issue around the
settlements outside of Ridley. I believe one But, they hadn’t yet suffered through
of our own is involved.” this world’s attempts to destroy them.
Breaking a mind forged in strife was one
Zoraida scowled. “Oh, yes. That.” of Lucius’ greatest joys.

“You know where it is,” Lucius said, standing

so still his breathing was impossible to discern.
On the occasions when other Neverborn were
around, he could let himself forget to make the
little movements he’d adopted to make him
seem more human.

The swamp hag frowned and clamped her

mouth shut.

“We had a deal,” Lucius reminded her.

“You want me to take care of this for you.”

“You will find it in the morning, in the woods

to the north of the human settlement called 37J.
Make sure you take care of it properly.” Zoraida
pulled a small box from a pouch around her waist.
She twisted the tiny crank protruding from the side
of it. The silvery notes of an ancient lullaby rose in
the air. She reached out to Lucius, the small music
box resting in her palm. “Use this.”

He plucked it from her hand and bowed. “Thank

you, madam.”

“I’ll find out what you are one of these days, Lucius
Mattheson,” the swamp hag threatened and cajoled.

“And, perhaps, you’ll live long enough to see me

fulfill my Fate.” Lucius bowed, melted into the
shadows with a soft chuckle, and returned to
Ridley, making sure to slip the name of the settle-
ment into Birmingham’s notes.


Ashes, Ashes, They All Fall Down

Birmingham flipped through a thick file that he held A strange hollow rattling sound surrounded them.
in his arms. “According to the reports, the Guild lost Lucius couldn’t hold in his sigh. Puppets. Just as
contact with Settlement 37J three days ago,” the he’d suspected.
lawyer informed the group. “It seems they never
renamed the town. The map indicates that it is mid- The first construct emerged from the trees, its limbs
way between Ridley and Ten Peaks.” twitching as it lurched toward them. Its mouth
opened and closed, gaping like a fish. Wooden joints
At that instant, the Scribe arrived in a hired car- squeaked and rattled. A bright costume, complete
riage. One could find someone willing to do just with hat, adorned it.
about anything for the right amount of scrip in the
outer towns. Lucius narrowed his eyes. This was not the child-
sized marionette that he expected. More of the cre-
The party squeezed themselves into the coach. ations materialized from the trees’ shadows.

“To Settlement 37J,” Birmingham called out as he “It appears that these… devices… are responsible for
banged on the roof. the incidents in the nearby towns, including Set-
tlement 37J,” Lucius told his various subordinates.
“We call that one Nightwood,” the coachman grunted. “Please occupy them as you see fit. I will attempt to
reason with their maker.”
“We don’t care,” Birmingham snapped.
Captain Dashel, his giant axe already in hand, nod-
The Scribe scratched his observations into a heavy
ded and gave a guttural grunt of acknowledgment.
ledger for Lucius to go over later.
Swinging, he decapitated the nearest puppets.
Springs under the carriage squeaked; horse hoofs
His lawyers began scribbling down charges and
thudded over the packed dirt road. The red rocks
infractions on a number of forms, calling out, “You’d
that smelled a bit of rust or blood eventually gave
better find yourself good representation!” Then,
way to foothills and pockets of tall forests. The trees
they pulled their pistols.
glistened with a caustic sap that encouraged crea-
tures tempted to feed on them to look elsewhere. The Scribe waited to the side in case he was needed.
Several hours later, the coachman stopped the No one questioned his orders, just as it should be.
horses. They’d arrived in a small, ramshackle town
that was little better than a temporary camp. It was Gunfire exploded from the barristers; the smell of
no wonder they’d never named it. burnt gunpowder filled the air. More puppets fell.

“Wait here for us to return,” Birmingham ordered Lucius glided through the woods, his footsteps
the coachman with unnecessary condescension. silent. Behind him, Captain Dashel shouted and the
sound of wood splintering reached the Secretary.
The wind whistled through empty wooden build-
ings. There was no woodsmoke on the air. Settlement A vaguely man-shaped creature loomed out of the
37J was just as empty as they’d reported. darkness at him.

Something tickled Lucius’ mind. He turned toward Lucius cleared his throat with purpose.
the nearest copse of trees. “This way.” With long,
easy strides, he made his way into the forest. His Captain Dashel broke through the branches, split-
party followed him without a second thought. ting the new puppet like firewood.

“Good man.” With a gentle touch, Lucius removed

the head of his cane, revealing the slender, razor-
sharp blade attached to it.

More constructs swarmed out of the forest. With

As they entered the line of the trees, even the wind
the grace of a dancer and the speed of a hurricane,
Lucius avoided their attacks, letting Dashel dispatch
They crept forward. them.


Ashes, Ashes, They All Fall Down

From behind, more gunfire erupted from his law- “You want your music? Here.” Lucius tossed the
yers. They were good shots in and outside of court. music box to the puppet, who snatched it out of the
Holding the music box in his hand, Lucius let the
dulcet notes call the creature he sought. It mimicked a dramatic actor as it said, “There’s
nothing serious in mortality: All is but toys.”
“Come not within the measure of my wrath.” The
voice floated on the air, stilted and artificial. “You saw those Union members as toys, did you?
That’s all fine and good, but I very much doubt that
Lucius beckoned the speaker to come closer as he you needed to turn several towns’ worth of peo-
tucked the tiny machine away in his coat. ple into puppets to hear your music again,” Lucius
replied, unmoved by the other Neverborn.
Gentle wooden clanking heralded the appearance
of an enormous marionette with four arms. It no “In sweet music is such art, killing care and grief of
longer wore a mask or a cloak to hide what it was, heart.”
as it did when it had tried to live among the humans.
“Pretty words, but you’ve become a liability,
Lucius tsked at the oversized, living puppet. Collodi,” Lucius informed the puppet, exasperated.
“Collodi,” he said, disappointed. “It doesn’t matter what sustains you now.”
“In the night she awoke; she had been dreaming of Collodi paced, distracted, visibly upset despite its
the flowers and of the student, as well as of the tire- immovable wooden face. As it moved, a soft glow
some lawyer,” the living puppet greeted him in its escaped a pocket in its clothes. Soulstones. No won-
emotionless way. der the creature could control so many puppets at
once seemingly without limit. Yet another compli-
Lucius tilted his head, unperturbed. Many found
cation. Lucius grimaced.
lawyers tiresome. This was no novel insult. “A new
line? Has a new play made it into your hands?” “Why do you hang down your head and look so
lonely and woe-begone?” The marionette’s voice
Collodi tipped its head in a mockery of Lucius’ pose.
and accent changed as it replied to its own ques-
“The old people told fairy tales about goblins and
tion. “My master has forgotten all that I have done
for him so many years.” It switched its manner of
“Ah. You’re reading the silly stories the new humans speech yet again. “Lord, what fools these mortals
brought with them this time through the Breach.” be!”
Lucius returned his sword to its sheathe in his cane.
The puppet was making an attempt to explain
“The mother took her spectacles and read aloud itself, to justify its actions. Lucius didn’t care. He
out of a large book, and the two girls listened as could not abide inconvenience. He murmured so
they sat and spun.” that Dashel, in the midst of combat, would not hear
him, “I understand that you were lonely when the
“You learned the stories from the children you Breach first closed, but that doesn’t mean you can
turned into puppets,” Lucius concluded. “If only gallivant around, turning the mortals into puppets.
you’d absorbed information from a barrister. That Will you cease this nonsense?”
would have been helpful.”
Collodi’s wooden head shook from side to side. It
Collodi shook, rattling its limbs in an agitated, jerky thrust its hands out toward Lucius. Through the
movement. trees, more puppets click-clacked their way toward
“You have violated our agreement to take only chil-
dren who would not be missed,” Lucius reminded Dashel continued to chop at the wooden constructs
it. “You’ve drawn too much attention to yourself as they arrived.
for me to look the other way.”
Lucius’ cane-sword gave a metallic hiss and glinted
The clatter of wooden joints and the clacking of its in the moonlight as he pulled it from its sheathe.
mouth accompanied Collodi’s lifeless, monotonous “You give me no choice, Collodi.”
voice. “The music suddenly stopped.” The puppet


Ashes, Ashes, They All Fall Down

He parried and stabbed with his sword. He lunged Dashel responded with a nod, but avoided looking
with perfect fencing form, but Collodi twisted directly at Lucius.
away. With his other hand, he crushed into kindling
a puppet that had dared come too close. He didn’t Collodi moved in, slashing at the Secretary with
often have a chance to use his inhuman strength in long knives that swung out from his limbs.
his guise as The Right Honorable Lucius Gustavius
Lucius blocked one, but the other stabbed through
FitzWilliam Mattheson, and he spared a
his shoulder. Collodi used it to bring
moment’s thought to revel in the feeling.
him close.
Still, he called out, “Captain Dashel, please
concentrate on keeping these things out
of my way.”

“Sorry, boss,” was the stoic reply.

Several puppets flanked him, and as he

fended them off, Collodi lashed out with its
wooden appendages. The blades protruding from
the puppets’ hands slashed through Lucius’ coat,
leaving bloody tears in the fabric.

“I alone will soon finish off the giants,” Collodi

intoned as he and his creations pummeled and

“You plan to take on everyone? How ambitious.”

Panting, Lucius fended off the marionettes but
began to lose ground. He gritted his teeth and
blocked with his sword. Lashing out with his off
hand, he kept the constructs at arm’s length.

While its other puppets kept Lucius busy, Collodi

danced in close to attack the Secretary and struck
him in the face. Lucius’ mask separated from its
clasps and flew into the air, landing with a metallic
thud against the forest floor. The air was cool and
foreign on his face. Blood poured from a cut under
his eye.

“Any time now, Captain,” Lucius stated, flicking his

gaze over to the man.

Dashel gaped at the Secretary’s mangled visage, a

scarred and disfigured face that shocked all those
who saw it. Even McMourning had nearly flinched
away at the sight of his finished work. He recalcu-
lated the likelihood of winning without Dashel’s
help and scowled.

He parried and dodged, trying to come up with a

new plan of attack.

A roar, accompanied by splintering wood, signaled

Dashel’s return to the fight.

“Welcome back, Captain.”


Ashes, Ashes, They All Fall Down

Curling his lips back, Lucius bared his teeth. The of gloves and a coat in the other. “The others come
scars on his face pulled uncomfortably, but the pain this way,” his loyal servant explained.
just made his lips pull back further.
Taking a deep breath, Lucius stood upright and
Collodi tipped its head in confusion. smoothed the hairs of his powdered wig, composing
himself. He fixed the mask back to his face and slid
Lucius held up his hand, a glow seeping out of from his hands into the gloves. The thin lambskin leather
between his curled fingers. was soft, supple and sumptuous, reminding him of
luxury, civilization, sophistication—all the things he
“What wicked tricks are these?” Collodi groaned.
claimed to be. It also had the added benefit of liter-
With a studied nonchalance, Lucius tossed the ally wrapping his hands in death.
Soulstones into the woods behind him, far from the
The Scribe returned Lucius’ reassembled cane
puppet’s grasp.
to him, helped him shrug into his new coat, and
Collodi seemed to flinch away. “Or else certes ye be secreted Collodi’s head into his satchel. Good man.
too dangerous.”
“Come, Captain,” Lucius called.
“You are correct. I am dangerous. Without those
The hulking human loped toward him.
precious rocks, the scales have shifted in my favor.
You made a mistake, Collodi.” Lucius dropped his “I appreciated your prowess with your weapon in
cane sword to the ground with a thud and peeled this conflict,” Lucius said.
off his gloves. He stretched out the muscles in his
hands as dagger-like claws slowly extended from his Dashel nodded.
Lucius brushed his fingers against his mask. “Even
More puppets flung themselves at Lucius, but they more, I appreciate your discretion in… this matter.”
were weak. Collodi was losing his focus. Dashel
took them out with ease. They crumpled within a “Sure thing, boss.” He was able to stare at the Secre-
few swings. tary again without grimacing.

Snarling, Lucius stalked forward, his face frozen “How would you feel if I were to put in a good word
in a smile. “You will hinder me no more, puppet. for you? Perhaps recommend a promotion with the
Perhaps tonight I will light a cigar to your burning Guild Guard? That would make you a… Commander,
bones.” hm?” Lucius leaned on his cane and scrutinized
Dashel’s every movement.
Collodi stumbled back.
The corner of the Captain’s mouth quirked up into
Reaching out, Lucius dismantled the marionette what was almost a smile. “I like the sound of that,
joint by joint. The creature made pathetic mewl- sir.”
ing sounds not fit for a Neverborn. Lucius viciously
yanked arms and legs away from its body. “Excellent.” Lucius marched away from the carnage
he’d wrought and back toward his other subordi-
Its mouth chattering, Collodi slowly sang, “Ashes. nates with Dashel and the Scribe on his heels.
Ashes. We. All. Fall. Down.”
“We’ve taken care of our puppets, Secretary Mat-
“Not all,” Lucius replied as he tore the puppet’s head theson,” Birmingham boasted as soon as they came
from its neck. Even as he panted with the thrill and into view. “I take it you were successful, as well?”
the exertion, he began to squeeze the wooden skull
between his hands, watching as a crack appeared Lucius adjusted his gloves. “The perpetrator agreed
along the grain. to cease and desist.”

“Sir,” a quiet voice interrupted. “When we get back to the city, we can complete the
citations we wrote. We also found some Soulstones,
Lucius growled. Whipping his head around, he which increases the severity of the punishment for
spied the Scribe. The man held the golden lawyer’s the accused,” Birmingham added. Lucius saw no
mask the Secretary had lost in one hand, a new pair indications that the lawyers had seen Collodi at all.


Ashes, Ashes, They All Fall Down

How wonderfully convenient. him with a variety of crimes and executed him when
he became hostile.”
“Back to Malifaux, sir?” Dashel asked.
“Is that so?” Marlow’s dark eyes slid over to Lucius.
Lucius took one last look around. “Yes. I believe our
work here is done.” “The report reflects events in the most accurate
manner possible, Governor-General,” Lucius re-
plied, his tone bland.

“And, why couldn’t Perdita handle one rogue min-

er?” Marlow asked.
Impeccably dressed, as always, Lucius entered the
Governor’s Manor. He narrowed his gaze at the Lucius lifted one shoulder. “You will have to ask Ms.
electric bulbs with their soulless light devoid of any Ortega.”
kind of allure.
Marlow’s gaze took in Perdita. “Well?”
“Mattheson,” a voice called out.
She glowered. “I hunt beasts with fangs and wings.
He ignored it. You try tracking human footprints ‘round those
parts. Those hills are a damn nightmare.”
“Secretary,” the voice gritted out.
Graecina added, “Lawyers have a certain investiga-
He turned with a benevolent tilt to his head. His tive insight that may have helped.”
hands rested on the head of his newly cleaned cane.
“Ms. Ortega,” he greeted. Lucius gave her a small bow. “It is most fortunate
that we took Captain Dashel with us,” he deflected.
She stalked around him, looking him up and down.
“You’re looking quite alive.” “Doing your job is nothing to get excited about. I
expect more out of all of you,” Marlow rumbled.
“Your eyes do not deceive you. How did you so elo- “Next report.”
quently put it? Ah, yes. ‘I told you so.’”
Graecina made her way around the table and held
“How?” she demanded, annoyed. “What the hell her hand out to Lucius. “Thank you, Secretary, for
was that out there, anyway?” taking care of this issue. It was a thorny one and
was not getting any better by just leaving it alone.
“It’s all in my report, Ms. Ortega,” he replied. Slip-
Not to mention the lives you saved. Marlow is being
ping around the woman, he made his way to the
unnecessarily dismissive.”
Crown Room.
Lucius returned her firm handshake. “Well, the
Muttering some choice words, she followed him.
Governor-General is having to juggle any number
Mr. Jesse slapped him on the back as he entered. “I of challenging projects these days.”
heard that you took care of whatever was going on
“And making a mess out of it,” Graecina muttered.
in the Northern Hills, good man.”
With a small shrug, Lucius said, “We are just doing
Lucius shrugged off his hand in disgust.
our best to keep Malifaux running. Some, perhaps,
Even Colin gave him a begrudging nod of respect, have better fortune than others.”
though it was clear he still considered Lucius a rival.
“Success speaks for itself, Mr. Secretary. If you ever
Perfect timing. Graecina was just completing her need anything, please don’t hesitate to ask. You’re
summary of Lucius’ report. “According to Birming- someone I want on my side.” Graecina gave him a
ham’s report, it appears that one of the miners de- decisive nod.
veloped some strange powers, got his hands on
“I appreciate the high praise, Ms. Yao.”
some illicit Soulstones, and decided to destroy sev-
eral towns in the Northern Hills, doing considerable Other staffers congratulated him on his accom-
damage. Secretary Mattheson and his cadre charged plishment. As a result, the power dynamic in the


Ashes, Ashes, They All Fall Down

room tilted in a dramatic fashion. Under his mask, musical instruments, and other odd keepsakes had
Lucius sneered. With no mask to hide his expres- specific positions in his collection. Lucius placed
sion, Marlow openly glared. Collodi’s head onto a shelf with a wooden thump.
It would sit between a butterfly pinned to a board
How amusing. Lucius could now appreciate the under glass and a filigree candleholder in the shape
challenge Marlow brought to the game. Because, of a swan for the foreseeable future.
if there was anything Secretary Mattheson hated
more than an irritating rival, it was boredom. As Collodi’s eyes spun around in their sockets. His jaw
much as Marlow’s utter disregard for administrative loosened, as if to speak.
hierarchy and his proficiency for leadership irked
him, he kept Lucius on his toes… and he had finally “Ah, ah, ah. You stay quiet now, little kindling. It’s
shown a weakness. not yet time for your next show,” Lucius teased.
Then, he made his way to another part of his collec-
Lucius waited and watched. After a time, he with- tion. Folders, files, and ledgers filled the shelves. It
drew to his own manor. smelled musty, like decaying paper and ink.

The files whispered under his touch as he ran his

fingers over them, reveling in the power of each
one. Cochrane. Hoffman. Justice. This was the one
he wanted. Marlow.
When Lucius became Secretary, he chose a large
dwelling that impressed but stayed just this side of He paged through the file, the papers rustling.
ostentatious. It had the perfect facade that married Boring. Boring. Already known.
classical design with contemporary architecture. It
had served him well up until now. Heavy footsteps reached the doorway.

The Secretary stepped into his marble foyer, “What do you have for me, Dashel?” Lucius asked,
greeted by the Scribe, who took his cane and coat. turning to greet his visitor.
The house, as per his preference, was silent except
“What you asked for, boss.” The man handed him a
for a grandfather clock that ticked like a ceaseless
large envelope filled with papers. More to add to the
reminder. A perfume of leather, pine, and tobacco
Marlow file.
wafted on the air, giving the place a lived in, human
element. Artifice, but effective. “Wonderful timing, Captain. I’ll have to call you
something else soon, hm? You’re dismissed.”
Lucius’ home in the city was a spartan affair with
minimal furnishings of only the finest quality. He As Dashel stomped his way out of Lucius’ vault, the
did concede to a shelf of cognac, bourbon, and Secretary began to leaf through the new documents.
cigars, all rapid ways to consume expert craftsman- His mouth turned up in a vicious sneer. He tapped
ship, years of work, and wealth. the paper with his finger. “So, Marlow, this is your
secret. Your vulnerability. How unexpected.”
With silent footsteps, he made his way to an un-
adorned door that appeared to lead to a servants’ The Governor-General, while entertaining, had,
entrance or storeroom. The Scribe met him there, over the course of his short tenure, become a bit of
carrying Collodi’s repaired and polished head on a a liability himself. It was time for him to fall. And,
silver platter. Lucius was just the architect to make it happen.
When he finally took Marlow down, it would be so
Turning the doorknob with one hand, Lucius
satisfying. As far as what happened in the ensuing
grabbed the wooden skull with the other. A dark,
power struggle? Well, only the cards would tell...
spiraling stone staircase lit only by intermittent wall
sconces greeted him. A slight draft teased him as it
drifted by. He descended into the darkness.

At the bottom of the stairs, shelves upon shelves

filled the space. He made his way down one aisle.
Prosthetic limbs, jewelry, helmets, weapons, dolls,


The Risk of Reason
Tim Akers and Kyle Rowan

T he main foyer of the Guild Enclave in Malifaux City was a grand

space. Polished wooden staircases, lined with plush carpets and chased
with gold inlay, spiraled to the upper levels of the building, spreading like
wings over the polished marble floor. Hallways led in every direction,
fronted by frosted glass doors, with discrete signs directing visitors to the
various departments. The new electric lighting shone a sterile, steady light
on everything. A bulletin board hung just inside one of the many doors,
littered with peeling fliers and duty rosters.
Usually, these halls bustled with traffic, but not board; heavy stock, soaked in color, gaudy by any
today, or any day in recent history. The fine wood standard. She was the central figure on the poster.
paneling that lined the hallways showed signs of Lady Justice, dressed in flowing robes, sword in one
abuse; bullet holes and the gouged ruts of claws. hand and scales in the other. Her image stared down
Stains spotted the otherwise pristine carpets. Only at a crowd of figures, all of them cowering before
the statue was undamaged. The distant sound of a her. Block letters across the top of the poster pro-
typewriter clattered through the silence, like a lone claimed JUSTICE DELIVERED. Some smartass
machinegun nest shooting at ghosts. had scrawled “Fresh to your front door!” beneath
that, smudging the ink.
Raised voices echoed from outside. The front doors
burst open, admitting Lady Justice herself, along The persistent guard, long since abandoned by his
with several Death Marshals, and a small mob of fellows, glanced at the poster.
guards, who were apparently trying to stop Justice
from entering. One of the guards, armed only with “Come, Ms. Justice. It wouldn’t do for the Guild’s
a clipboard and the kind of clarion voice that could most famous face to skirt regulations, now would
quell riots with a word, harried the leader of the it?” He presented the clipboard again.
Justice turned to face him. The man’s confidence
“The guidelines are very clear, Ms. Justice,” he said. slipped under the blind scrutiny of the head of the
“All personnel, whether on duty or off, must sign Death Marshals.
in at the front gate. It’s more than just security. It’s
“I could just… fill it in myself. If you’d rather…” he
a matter of order.” He thrust the clipboard in her
stammered. Justice cocked her head in his direction
direction. “I’m afraid I must insist.”
as if waiting for him to finish. “Yes, I can do that.
Justice drew to a halt next to the bulletin board. I can make the appropriate notation of your entry.
There was a new poster squarely in the middle of the Ahem.” He made a great show of doing a headcount


The Risk of Reason

and checking his watch. “Lady Justice and one, two, right and quickened her pace. The office worker
three Marshals. Arrival time: Oh-nine-fifty.” The fell into their wake, kept away by the trailing
scratch of pen on paper. “Very good. Thank you for Marshals.
“Would’ve been a lot easier while
“I left with fifteen Marshals,” Justice said quietly. he was here,” Dashel said,
“Fifteen. Are you sure you have that count correct?” holding back a chuckle.

“Um. Yes. Yes, I…” he looked helplessly at the attend-

ing marshals. They were bloody, their uniforms
charred. “Ah. I think I understand. Do you need a
casualty report form, ma’am? I could have one…” he
swallowed hard. “Have one sent to—”

“Dismissed, lieutenant.” The commanding voice

came from the top of the stairs. Captain Dashel
smiled down at the little gathering in the foyer. The
guardsman ducked his head and scampered out.
“Unless you’re not done harassing my officers, J?”

“You’re a little late, Captain,” Justice said. She

started down the hallway. Marlow was expect-
ing her report. “I was counting on your reinforce-
ments out there. Is there a reason you never showed

“Never got a requisition order, Marshal,” Dashel

answered. He fell in step beside her, his big stride a
casual stroll next to her fast walk. “Hard to get any-
thing done without the proper paperwork.”

“Paperwork,” Justice said with distaste. “Three patrols

have gone missing, and four more are operating at
half-strength, and you counter with ‘paperwork’.
I’m going to end up having to use recruits at this
rate. What is this?”

An office worker had emerged from

the warren of surrounding offices
and was timidly trying to hand
her a note. “Ma’am, if you’d please.
A-after action-”

“After action reports? I don’t have

time for that. A lot of good people
died. Write that down.” She turned
her attention back to Dashel. “One
dead Resser doesn’t mean that our job is
done. That worm McMourning’s out there,
Captain. He must be found.”

They turned a corner. Another office

worker stood at the next intersection.
His eyes lit up when he saw Justice,
and he started walking quickly to-
ward them. Justice took another


The Risk of Reason

“All you had to do was go down the hall from your a manpower shortage, in case you didn’t notice.”
office, past a couple dozen of your most loyal men, He smiled, big and toothy, his gums stained with
and knock on his door.” tobacco.

“Brilliant tactical advice, Captain,” Justice said, “Speaking of manpower,” the lonely office worker
drawing to a stop. Dashel swept past her, halting said. “The Governor-General would like to speak to
only as he realized she was no longer at his side. Her you both about the recent recruitment—”
stance changed slightly; weight on her back foot,
shoulders squared, palms resting against the hilt of “Tell Marlow I have been delayed,” Justice hissed. “I
her sword. The surrounding Death Marshals took a will be there presently.”
step back. Dashel, either unaware of his danger or
The worker looked from Justice to Dashel, obvi-
uncaring, blathered on.
ously confused. One of the Marshals gave him an
“That’s why they pay me the big scrip, Justice. The encouraging nudge back the way he had come. The
same reason I’m not going to jump to bail you out man scampered off.
every time your Marshals get in too deep. There’s
Justice and Dashel stood facing one another for sev-
eral long heartbeats. The moment passed. Justice
stepped closer, her words clipped.

“I’m well aware,” she said. “And the situation hasn’t

improved, thanks to you.”

“You can tell it to Marlow,” Dashel said. “I’m sure

he’s going to be thrilled to hear that you’re threaten-
ing the head of his guard.”

Justice clenched her jaw, but took a step back. She

motioned to her Marshals and continued down the
hall. Dashel followed, still smiling. They arrived
at the Governor-General’s office a short time lat-
er. Marlow was alone, which was unusual. He was
hunched over a ledger, comparing it to a spray of af-
ter-action reports that littered his desk. He looked
up when they entered.

“Lady Justice. And Captain Dashel, just the man I

was looking for.” He turned to Justice. “I trust your
operation went well?”

“I lost five Marshals, with seven more badly injured.

They won’t be available for duty any time soon,”
Justice said. “All because the Captain here
couldn’t be bothered to send the patrol he
was supposed to.”

“I just don’t have a record of that request,

ma’am,” Dashel answered.

“I sent a runner—”

“Who had an unapproved request. Unapproved pa-

trol requests don’t get issued, Lady J,” Dashel said.
“I would help you sort this out, but I’m not real-
ly qualified. More of a field man. You understand.
Sounds to me like you need a new Judge. Taking a
bullet to the head has really impaired the last guy’s


The Risk of Reason

Justice whirled on him, and the room went silent. “Sounds like you’re going to need to learn how to
Marlow’s brow rose, but he stayed silent. Dashel’s read, Commander,” she said brightly. “I’ll be submit-
smirk faltered only briefly, but then he drew him- ting my reports in the morning.”
self to his full height. Justice stalked toward him, one
hand drifting to the hilt of her famous sword. “As for you, Marshal,” Marlow said. “We’re begin-
ning to increase our recruitment efforts. I’ve com-
“You will speak of him with respect. With honor. He missioned posters—”
died protecting this city from filth like that traitor
Douglas McMourning. The same man you can’t be “Yeah. I’ve heard about the posters.”
troubled to find because you don’t have the right
“Yes, well. We’re getting a new influx of initiates, but
paperwork.” The words dripped out of her mouth
Dashel is right. You’re going to need a new Judge to
like venom. Why did it have to be him? Her mind
organize the ranks. Find someone, promote them,
went back to that day, the mists, the sound of gunfire
then submit the paperwork to the Commander. We
and the Judge’s life snuffed out. Why not someone
need to get moving on this right away.”
else. Anyone else. Why not Dashel? Her hand instinc-
tively inched closer to the grip of her blade. Dashel’s “Understood,” Justice said. She swept out of the
eyes went wide. office before a trace of the emotion roiling up within
her could show on her face.
“Marshal!” Marlow snapped. “That’s enough, from
both of you. We need to present a united front in Dashel stared down at the box of loose papers, his
these times of great chaos. The Guild is depending—” eyes going wide. “What the hell is a collate?” he
“No more platitudes,” Justice said. “Some people
need to get what they deserve.”

“I agree. Which is why I wanted to see you both,”

Marlow said. He searched his desk, shuffling paper
aside until he found the right document. “Captain
The new training automatons jerked across the
Dashel, in recognition of your outstanding service
sandy lot. They moved awkwardly, their metal hands
to the Guild, and as a reward for your persistent per-
clutching wooden swords, pistons chattering as they
formance and unwavering duty, I hereby promote
advanced in a wave. The old engineer responsible
you to the rank of Commander. Here’s your desk
for keeping them maintained stood at a safe dis-
assignment, field commission, and current orders.”
tance, equally excited as he was nervous about how
He held the document out to Dashel. The man’s eyes they’d perform. He fidgeted with the buttons of his
lit up. oil-stained overalls with one hand and clenched a
tattered rag with the other.
“Commander, eh? Sounds like a pay bump!” He took
the paper, eyes beaming as he looked it up and down. The Marshal-initiates held their ground. Kasumai
Hikota, an accomplished Death Marshal who had
“It is. Be sure to thank Secretary Mattheson for his ended more than her fair share of the walking dead,
recommendation,” Marlow said, then pushed a folio stood by, barking out orders. To the casual observer,
box across his desk. “Here you are.” she bore none of the marks of the Death Marshal’s
transformation. She wore long pants and a tight-fit-
“What’s this?” ting jacket buttoned tight to her neck. Her glossy
black hair was gathered into a topknot, matching
“Requisition forms, after action reports for the last
the katana at her side; her father’s sword, though
six months, payroll schedules, and a duty list for the
none of the initiates knew that. Kasumai rested
annual office party. All yours.”
gloved hands on the katana’s hilt, tilting her head
“What am I supposed to do with this?” Dashel asked, as she reviewed the initiates. There was so much to
his face turning red as he took the box. correct, she thought, and so little time. But Justice
was counting on her. She’d be damned if she let the
“I’d begin with collating the reports, then maybe Lady down.
start in on the payroll schedule,” Marlow answered.
“People like getting paid, I’ve been told.” “Collins, Peterson, Mack, hold that flank! You keep
edging back. They’re going to roll over your friends
Lady Justice couldn’t help but smile.


The Risk of Reason

like a fever. Tochi! Stay close! No extra points for even with each other. “There’s too many. And we’re
getting killed first. The rest of you…” she glanced at fighting with clubs. If I had a gun…”
the approaching dummies. “Brace… brace…”
“If you had a gun, I would have to give them guns,
“Strike!” she shouted. The mechanic jumped. and then where would we be, friend? You want me
to write that letter to your mother right now?” She
The initiates gave a rousing shout and charged marched across the field and got in the big man’s
into the ragged line of dummies. Given their jerky face. Kasumai only came to the middle of his chest,
advance, the automatons did surprisingly well in the but Peterson took a step back, fumbling his club to
initial clash. Hoffman and his engineers must have the ground. “Every fight is going to be unfair. Every
focused their attentions on combat expertise, and murderer, walking corpse, and necromancer that
less on steady maneuvers. That was fine with her. you have to face is going to fight dirty. They’re going
She’d rather her initiates learn to fight, and while to do everything they can to kill you. And one of
there was nothing quite like the real thing, they the tactics they are quite fond of is bringing a lot of
were better than no opponent at all. people to the fight. So.” She kicked his dropped club
into the air, caught it, and smacked it into his chest.
The initiates started well, crashing through the
He took it timidly. “You are going to learn to fight a
lines of automatons, but they lacked discipline and
big damn lot of people. And this time, you’re going
it showed. Tochi got too far ahead, per usual, and
to hold the bloody line!”
Collins and Mack drifted farther and farther to the
right, leaving Peterson to his own devices. All four Kasumai turned sharply away and marched back to
of them went down in a few seconds, and the rest her observation deck. She was halfway across the
of the initiates buckled and broke. They rushed field when she heard him mumble.
across the sandy yard, all sense of an orderly retreat
abandoned. “Still think it’s too many…”

“Halt!” Kasumai commanded. The initiates ignored Kasumai stopped where she was, directly between
her, but the training dummies snapped to attention. the initiates and the automatons. She turned to
Maybe Hoffman has the right of it, she thought. Peterson, and with a dark look, she drew her sword.
Better to be obeyed. She ordered the automatons The steel came free of its sheath with a song.
back, then signaled for the medics to check on the
fallen initiates. Peterson came up limping, but the “Begin!” she shouted.
rest fell back in line with little more than their pride
“So that’s a ‘no,’ then,” the engineer mumbled to
“Pathetic! Miserable! These,” Kasumai slapped one
The automatons lumbered forward. She waited until
of the dummies across the chest. It wobbled back
they were almost upon her, her eyes steadily fixed
but didn’t fall over. “These are machines! Literally
on Peterson, listening to their shuffling approach.
dummies, but you sorry lot can’t hold a line together
Kasumai saw one of them lift its club out of the cor-
long enough to break them.”
ner of her eye, its shadow falling across her like an
“Y’all want me to turn down their difficulty? Won’t eclipse.
take much,” the engineer interrupted, reaching for
She moved.
his wrench.
The first dummy fell into three pieces, her sword
Kasumai didn’t even acknowledge him. “What
cutting smoothly through the steel of its limbs. Runes
would you do if these were zombies, eh? If you find
flashed along the length of the blade. Whispers fol-
yourself lost in the sewers? Swarmed from all sides.
lowed its every slash, and a bright wind, as though
You think you’re going to get off with a nibble on the
she pulled a banner of light through the air. She
neck and a warning to try harder?”
sidestepped past the falling dummy, threw a series
“It’s not a fair fight,” Peterson grumbled. The big of blocks that became a riposte, then dove into the
Irishman had been a disappointment from day one. middle of the mechanical mob. Hoffman had really
She had been happy when he signed up, a hulking outdone himself with these trainers. They coordi-
man like that should be able to hold his own in a nated, circling before striking together, falling back
fight. But he was soft. Marshals couldn’t be soft, not when she pressed, swarming as she tried to collect


The Risk of Reason

It didn’t matter. The sound of her father’s blade and panicked, chimney-smoking engineer. “We’ll clean
the movement of her feet were a blur. Automata this mess up later.”
fell, spraying gears and leaking hydraulic liquids. In
a surprising gambit, the whole mob rushed her at “Someone sure as hell is, cause I’m not!” A cloud
once with a coordinated attack, ignoring her blade of smoke lingered around him until he was herded
to pile on top of her. She fell back, but there was away from the training grounds, leaving his mutter-
nowhere to retreat. She cut, and they fell, but she ing curses behind.
was one and they were many. Her sword whirred in
As soon as they were gone, Justice continued. “Keep
a cage of parries. She had to take a chance. She had
that up and you’ll bankrupt the Guild just trying to
to strike, or fall.
keep our initiates supplied
Kasumai gathered her willpower, the years of train- with training dummies.”
ing under her father, and years more, watched by She nearly smiled.
his ghost and the weight of her own expectations.
“My apologies,” she
She moved so fast that her muscles screamed out,
answered, bowing
her limbs wrenched. Requiring more than athletic
sharply. “It won’t
skill, her speed became an inhuman blur of warped
happen again. The
aggression. Pain filled her. Pain drove her. She
lesson needed to be
turned the air into death, her blade tearing through
the exposed steel and iron and air. The mechanical
mass pressed in on her, and she cut them down.

They fell, clattering backward like dominos, bodies

mingling with oily sand. Controlling her breathing,
she stood alone in the center of the training ground,
surrounded by broken gears, whirring springs, the
spurt of hydraulic fluid, and the angry howl of an

“You… you…” his words stumbled out like an engine

without oil as his eyes wandered over the mechani-
cal rubble and back to the Marshal who created the
mess. After a moment of red-faced sputtering, he
tossed his wrench to the ground and fumbled for his
tobacco pouch.

She flicked metal shavings from her blade, ran it

across the sheath, then seated it home. The initiates
were staring at her. No, not at her. Well past her and
the stomping mad engineer.

Applause from a single viewer, near the entrance

of the lot. She turned and saw Lady Justice stand-
ing alone. Kasumai’s heart jumped as the head of the
Death Marshals approached.

“Impressive,” Lady Justice said, ignoring the old engi-

neer’s locomotive muttering. She turned to the rest of
the recruits, her voice rigid. “You’re dismissed.”

The Marshals-to-be picked up their weapons and

shuffled away from the training grounds without
comment, though not without a few backward glances.

“That means you too, old man,” Peterson said as he

knelt down and grabbed a handful of parts near the


The Risk of Reason

“And a hell of a lesson it is. I knew you were the right “They’ll be ready.”
hand for this job. But...” Justice looked over to the
fallen dummies. “Kasumai, these are dark, difficult She was already confident that she made the right
days, and there are many more ahead. Sometimes choice. “Good.”
you have to embrace that darkness for the greater
good. Do you understand this balance?”

“I believe so, yes,” Kasumai said.

“I thought so. I have something more to ask of you, Barely a day had passed before Kasumai, now
Kasumai. A task that requires sacrifice.” known only as the Judge until death itself took the
name back from her, had rallied the recruits. They
“You know I will do whatever you need, Lady Justice. stood in the middle of an empty street as a ring of
My sword belongs to the Guild. When my father—” dully lit lanterns, staring down at a manhole cover
just a few blocks inside the Quarantine Zone.
Lady Justice laid a hand on Kasumai’s shoulder.
“It’s time to earn the badge,” the Judge said as she
“You don’t understand what I’m asking you to sur-
adjusted the buttons on her coat sleeves. “Who’s first?”
render,” Justice interrupted. “The Guild has asked
much of your family. I am asking more.” Peterson gave a vacant expression while Tochi,
the youngest, reached down and pulled the cover
“What more is there to give?” Kasumai asked. “The
free from the road before turning his attention to
life of the Death Marshal is a life of sacrifice. My
the black hole, straining to hear anything unusual.
father would be proud of the name I’ve made for
When all he heard was the slow dripping of water,
myself in your service. Whatever you demand, the
he grabbed the sides of the shaft and his lantern
name of House Hikota will be honored.”
before dropping feet first. The rest followed, the
Justice’s smile was almost sad. She knew what she recruits ending with Peterson and then finally with
had to ask, and what the damage it had done to a the Judge, who made sure to readjust the manhole
person she once dearly cared for. It wasn’t easy to cover before landing in the sewer water.
ask the question a second time.
“Welcome to the house of the dead,” Peterson said
“And that is what I must take from you,” Justice said. to himself as he reached for his Peacebringer. A
“There are tasks that can have no name attached to quip to calm his nerves.
them. Masks that we must wear to do the Guild’s
“Keep your guns holstered,” The Judge whispered as
bidding, without the burden of our own history. Our
she reached out and placed her hand on Peterson’s
own identity.”
revolver, pushing it down. “The first one who fires
Kasumai understood. Her eyes widened. tonight without my say ends up on latrine duty for
the next month. And that’s if you’re lucky. One shot
“The Judge,” she said. Justice nodded. could trigger a horde down here, so don’t be stupid
and get us all killed.”
Kasumai looked down at the sword in her hand. Her
father’s sword, and her father’s ghost. Everything he Peterson responded with a groan.
had given and asked her to give, all for the honor of
the name. She sheathed the blade. “So what’s the plan?” Tochi asked, ready to charge
into the darkness.
“I accept,” the Judge answered.
“Clean-up duty. Time to test your mettle.” Before
“There won’t be any ceremony. No initiation. There anyone had the chance to respond to her, the Judge
isn’t time.” She paused, second-guessing whether knocked twice on a nearby hollow pipe with her
she should even mention it. “I think we found him, knuckle. A dull ring reverberated through the
but I need to be sure.” tunnels.

“You did? Where?” It wasn’t long until the sound of dragging feet and
slack-jawed moans responded. As soon as Tochi saw
“I’ll need those Marshals ready. A few days tops. three thin, gray fingers wrap around the bend of the
Consider it your first assignment.” sewer, he stomped through the muck to meet it head
on, holding the Peacebringer in his hand like a knife.


The Risk of Reason

The thing’s rotten head, held weakly to the rest of The rest of the recruits caught up to Peterson and
its body by torn and stretched tendons, lolled to the Tochi, and within moments a wall of chains and
side. Glazed eyes rolled as it clumsily lunged toward blades met with a wall of rotten flesh; each Marshal
the young Death Marshal. In response Tochi drove looking for their own form of glory, vengeance, or
the Peacebringer’s blade down on the already-sever- validation. Peterson grabbed the skull of a nearby
ing flesh of its neck, finishing the job. mindless zombie and crushed it against the con-
crete wall. Collins launched the side of his fist into
With eyes wide, Peterson caught up to Tochi, tram- an unsuspecting mouth, then pulled down on its
pling loudly through the sewage. He patted Tochi’s jaw like a lever. Mack wrapped his chains around
back. “Took the weight off his shoulders, eh?” Pe- an undead’s neck and twisted like a tourniquet until
terson turned a corner and what he saw immediate- it fell from its shoulders. Tochi stabbed and stabbed
ly washed the smile from his face. In the blackness, into nearby torsos. When one shambling undead
sets of shining eyes looked back. Rather than fear the lunged, a Death Marshal initiate was there to inter-
sight of a Death Marshal, they were like moths to a cept. It was as though the training exercise had been
flame. with an entirely different group of recruits. Or per-
haps all they needed was a reason to fight.

The Judge stayed back and watched the carnage

unfold. Despite their fearlessness, she wasn’t entirely
pleased. Overconfidence is like standing at the pin-
nacle before falling into the pit. She couldn’t afford
to lose any of them, not on her first mission. But she
did see progress. Maybe that was enough.

Her concerns were soon realized. The undead

were seemingly unending. There were at least
a dozen in view, and likely more around each
dark corner. Peterson and Collins were smart
enough to fall back and regain their footing,
but Tochi hadn’t yet noticed that they were
about to be overwhelmed. As soon as he
lifted his head and saw the stretch of sewer
filled with walking corpses, something
grabbed at his ankles and pulled him into
the water. Like falling trees in a hurricane,
three zombies toppled with him, clawing
and biting at his leather duster.

Peterson turned to face the Judge, stunned,

hoping she had an answer to the small horde.

“Forget what I said! Fire away!” she shouted

above the brawling chaos.

With a savage smile, Peterson turned and

unloaded his revolver into the zombies
atop Tochi. Collins pulled him out from
the sewage, eyes wild and panicked.

The Judge watched the muzzle flashes, know-

ing what would come next. She had made a mis-
take bringing them down here, underestimating
the sheer volume of the shambling undead
below the city streets. And soon, thanks to the
thunderous cracks of Peterson’s gun, they were
going to be overwhelmed by countless more.


The Risk of Reason

With that vile necromancer Nicodem finally in the A brick crashed through the window in front of
ground, were the zombies that were left over just him, spraying glass across the hallway. McMourning
wandering, uncontrolled? These recruits weren’t pulled back, nearly dropping his assemblage of jars,
ready. Was she? then hurried to the window. A gang of kids ran
laughing from the alleyway. Brats. Should sic the
“Fall back!” the Judge shouted, preparing for the guards on… oh, right. No guards. He chewed his lip
worst. Her ears were ringing from the gunfire. She for a while. He was going to have to do something
couldn’t tell if she was just mouthing the words, about that. A puppy, perhaps? Children loved pup-
and had no time to wait to see if they heard her. She pies. And McMourning’s puppy had a taste for chil-
reached down, released her Peacebringer from its dren. Something to consider. Later.
holster, and aimed down the sights.
For now, he had to get down to the lab. A doctor’s work
But when the Judge turned to fire, she held back was never done, especially in a city like Malifaux. The
from pulling the trigger. Rather than see her initiates dead just kept dying. Supply and demand.
overwhelmed by the undead, instead the recruits
were busy hacking away at necrotic limbs. Peterson The abandoned school was shaped like a giant
planted his boot into a zombie’s ribcage while horseshoe; classrooms in the middle, residence halls
Collins drove his blade into those that fell. Tochi on the left, and the labs on the right. The quad was
remained mostly frozen as the rest of the recruits long-since overgrown. He was pretty sure something
snuffed out the remaining straggling corpses, but was living in there. Maybe a subject for the next
even he brought his heel down on a skull or two. experiment. Once these damned kids are sorted out!

Only the slow and crawling were left, and there He had turned the labs into a charnel house. Not
were no immediate signs of more. They’d have to the purpose they were meant for, nor one they were
leave soon before that changed. suited to, but, again, making due. When he came
across the school, these labs were equipped with
“See? Told you we’d be better off with guns.” nothing more interesting than a Bunsen burner and
Peterson said. a collection of dusty beakers. McMourning had fixed
all that. Still, it was the bare minimum needed to
“That was fifteen feet of the sewer lines. There are
jumpstart dead bodies. Hardly acceptable at all.
miles down here. This wasn’t even scratching the
surface,” the Judge paused, her ears still ringing. “Those kids were at the back gate again,” he an-
“Now you see the importance of what we do, and nounced when he came into the lab. No one an-
how quickly things can turn sour. All it takes is one swered. Didn’t he have an assistant? McMourning
wrong move. Speaking of... Tochi, you all right?” thought back to his last conversation and, yes, some-
one had answered his questions. He had even told
Still shaking off the shellshock, Tochi nervously
them to fetch some fresh bodies. McMourning
looked around. Yes, there were new bodies. Some-
“Good. Training is over. Take the night to clean one else must be here. “I said—”
yourselves up. The Lady has a mission for us.”
“S-sorry, sorry boss. I thought the kids were part’a
the plan,” Sebastian answered. His saw lay disassem-
bled on one of the back tables. Rather than cleaning
it, he appeared to be smearing filth in the crevices.
“Blending in with the neighborhood and all that.”
Douglas McMourning scuttled through the aban-
“Stop wasting time with apologies and start being
doned boarding school, his arms burdened with
useful for once. Something has to be done about
stacks of jars. His collection of knives clanged loudly
it! I can’t have them breaking windows and steal-
off his hip. The jars were nearly worthless, the chem-
ing… stealing…” McMourning looked around the
icals they contained mostly spoiled or too weak to
broken room and sighed. “Well. Not much to steal,
perform the necessary alchemy. But they were also
really. Getting expensive to replace all the equip-
all he had left, so he was making due.
ment that blind bat and her damned Marshals keep
“Making due, making due,” he muttered to himself. confiscating from my labs. No sense of propriety,
“Always making due. A pity there’s no fame in that.” that woman. At least she’s too dense to look under
her own nose.” He rubbed his face. “Hmm. Just… do
something about those kids, Sebastian.”


The Risk of Reason

“You want me to… uh… bring them here?” “No, you fathead. I miss the Enclave. Such good
lighting in that room. And the coffee was top notch.”
“What? No. Good god, no. Disgusting. Children
give me the creeps. Small people. Makes no sense. “Maybe they’d take you back?” Sebastian ventured.
Put them in a jar or something. Fill these up.” He was just returning the blade to his saw. Once it
McMourning dropped his burden on one of the was locked in place, he gave it a spin. The whole con-
tables, letting them slosh around. Sebastian glanced traption rattled dangerously, as though it was about
up. None of the jars were larger than a human head. to fly apart. “Maybe you could dress as a woman? It
worked for Seamus.”
“Uh huh,” he said, nodding enthusiastically.

“Good, good. Now. Where was I? Hmm. Ah, yes,

more bodies.” He went to the closest corpse. An in-
teresting specimen. Might have died of many things.
Consumption. Rotgut. Fright. Of course, there was
the large hole in the corpse’s chest cavity, apparent-
ly put there by some sort of blade, but it was no good
jumping to conclusions. Had to be thorough. Leave
nothing to chance. McMourning measured the dead
man’s limbs, then started removing them, one at a

“Do you know what I miss, Sebastian?” he mused as

he worked.

“Pillows with pillow cases?”

McMourning stared blankly at Sebastian for a

long moment, then tilted his head down as he
rubbed the bridge of his nose.


The Risk of Reason

“Oh, yes, an excellent idea. Or maybe I could just Lady Justice stepped through the breach, climbing
zip myself into a body bag and have it delivered to nimbly over the ruin of the front wall, and made her
the front door, care of Lady Justice. Do you think way to the center of the room. Broken trophy cas-
that would work, Sebastian?” es lay abandoned in the front hallway. The peel-
ing portraits of a former headmaster lay slashed
“A body bag, boss?” Sebastian rubbed his ample and forgotten on the floor. She let her senses spread
chin. “Well. They look comfortable enough. And throughout the building. The scuttling of mice, the
this lot never complain about it. Do you really think drip and drop of broken pipes, a rattling shutter…
they would—” empty.
The severed finger slapped against Sebastian’s cheek, But he was here, he had to be. The description those
sliding sticky and cold down his face before plopping children gave the guards... the stacks of bodies by the
on the floor. Sebastian stared at it. foyer, and the familiar stink of formaldehyde meant
something was off. Those dots could have connected
“Next time I’m throwing the whole hand,” Mc-
to just about any necromancer, but Justice was
Mourning said. “Better yet, next time I’m going to
driven by vengeance.
cut off your fingers and throw them at those leeches.
Now clean that up!” “Clear!” Justice shouted. The troop of Marshals
swept in behind her, followed by the newly appointed
“Yes, boss. Should I go ahead and throw this at the kids?”
Judge. The woman stopped next to Justice, admiring
“I don’t give a rat’s—” the hulking construct that loomed over them.

Something crashed toward the front of the school. “Never worked with one of the big boys, before,” the
McMourning grimaced. Judge said. “How’d you wrangle that?”

“Bloody little parasites. Find your own school!” “There are these things called requisition forms,”
she gave a sardonic smile, thinking back on Dashel
Loud voices followed the commotion. Orders being angrily stamping paperwork behind stacks of papers
given. Boots marching down deserted hallways. on his desk. “Take half into the northern wing and
Justice, being delivered. have the others swing around. I’m heading south-
ward. This has McMourning’s stench all over it. He’s
“Those kids sound like they got bigger boots now,” here somewhere.” At least, she hoped.
Sebastian said.
“We’ll find him,” the Judge said. She drew her blade
“Quiet,” McMourning’s eyes darted from every win- and faced her charges. “Tochi, Mack, the two of
dow and door to the room, listening intently to the you take these guardsmen and sweep this building.
commotion outside. “Oh, yes, now I remember why Collins, you stick with the Lady and guard her back.
I hated the Enclave. Someone’s always kicking in Peterson, you, and the other guards are with me.”
doors and asking questions.” He cleaned his hands,
using the dead man’s face as a towel. “Well, don’t just Peterson grimaced as he fell in step behind the
stand there! Go rouse the welcoming party. About Judge. The rest of the Marshals went about their
time they earned their keep!” assigned tasks without complaint. Justice listened,
silently pleased. It was good to have someone else
to help with shared responsibilities. She should have
done this months ago.

A narrow Death Marshal stepped to the fore and

The front door cracked open under the Riotbreaker’s waited patiently. Although a recent recruit, he was
heavy shield. The big construct ducked into the already showing early signs that the toil of the Death
dilapidated school, before unfolding to its full height. Marshals training and magic takes upon its members.
The ruin of the door slid off its bulky frame, raining He might have been handsome once; sandy blond
shattered plaster and dust. The light from its glow- hair hung down over his face, but when he brushed
ing eye scanned the room. Customized to deal with it aside, the skin there had taken on a ghostly aura,
the type of mob that tends not to listen or be intimi- and the eye on that side was black as ink. This man
dated, the slowly spinning barrels of its Gatling gun was as good as dead, on Justice’s orders and in the
swept from door to door. There was no response. service of the Guild.


The Risk of Reason

“You must be Collins,” she said. He nodded silently. “Sorry,” he said haltingly. It was his voice, his tongue
“This way.” black and withered, lying fallow in his mouth. No
wonder he hadn’t spoken earlier. “Didn’t mean to
The school was a bit of a puzzle. It looked like the startle you. You should know… I’ve been here before.
fancy boarding schools that dotted the expensive A long time ago.”
parts of Malifaux City. Wooden panels lined the
hallways, though their varnish had lost its gloss, and “You have? Why?”
moisture and mold had long ago split the panels and
turned them gray. Every fixture and frame at one “Amy, my daughter, went here,” he said. The Marshal
time had been gilt in gold, though patient looters crossed the hallway, to where part of the ceiling had
had scavenged much of that. Possibly the same boys collapsed, covering the wall. He shoved it aside,
who had tipped her off about the school’s new res- revealing a plaque. “She was a good kid.”
ident. The carpet on the floor had been tightly knit
He didn’t have to spell it out. She understood. Justice
at one point, expensive, but had long fallen to ruin
came closer to the plaque, running her fingertips
as well.
against the engraved letters. Sister Margaret’s School
Why would anyone build a school like this so close to of Sciences. There were a lot of other capital letters
the slums? Who would pay good scrip to send their that basically said charity. Justice shook her head.
children to board in the shadow of the Quarantine
“It wasn’t a bad place,” Collins said. His voice sound-
Zone? No wonder the place had failed.
ed like gravel. He coughed, rubbing his throat. “She
She led Collins to the southern wing of the school. loved it here. But, ah, she… Yeah. So I became a
She didn’t think that the troops searching the main Marshal.”
building would find anything, but the Judge was
She had a hard time imagining what the place looked
right to check, just in case. If McMourning was here,
like before the disarray but knew it was difficult for
the whole place could be stuffed with corpses, wait-
the man to speak of his lost daughter, so she changed
ing to rise at his command.
the subject. “Do you remember the layout?”
“Justice.” The voice came from behind her, dry
and rattling, the voice of a dead man. She whipped
around, bringing her sword up, ready to strike. Her
blade came down inches from Collin’s neck.
The Marshal froze, eyes wide.


The Risk of Reason

He nodded, apparently unwilling to suffer the sound Broken glass littered the hallway. Someone had
of his own voice. smashed one of the windows overlooking the
school’s courtyard. Following closely on Lady Jus-
“Were there labs? Science labs, maybe an infirmary?” tice’s heels, Collins looked through the broken win-
dow and saw where the Judge and her small patrol
Collins nodded again, then pointed toward the end
were working their way through the opposite wing
of the hall, then down.
of the school. Flickering lantern light shone through
“Show me,” Justice said, hope rising again. narrow, barred windows. Justice thought about
sending word to the Judge that she thought she
knew where McMourning was, but decided against
it. She wanted to face the bastard herself. She mo-
tioned Collins forward, and the Marshal led her
down the hall.
The Judge kicked in the first door she came to, splin-
tering it apart in cheap plywood fragments. This “So, your daughter… was she the reason why you
part of the school was very different than the main joined up?” she asked. Collins nodded. “Your voice
building. Wooden paneling had been replaced with isn’t going to bother me, Collins. I’ve heard worse.”
stone walls and low, arched doorways. Long hall-
“Ma’am,” he said. He cleared his throat again, a
ways stretched the length of the building, connected
sound like sandpaper grinding on gravel. “Labs are
by narrow staircases at each end. There were doors
right here.”
every few feet, flimsy and locked from the outside.
It looked more like a prison. Words were etched The double doorway Collins indicated was made of
over the doors. Suffer to be Saved. Stone sharpens graying wood, the word SCIENCE stenciled across
Stone. Fire burns the Wicked. She couldn’t figure its center. Justice stilled her breathing and extended
out the capitalization routine. She suspected the art- her senses. Silence. But the dead were never a talk-
ist hadn’t either. ative bunch. Something else tickled at her senses,
though. That familiar stink mingled with rotten
The room she had just entered was cold and coffin
plaster. She put her hand to the nearest wall. Her
narrow. A barred window let in a trickle of light,
fingers came back sticky. Embalming fluid leaked
revealing a single bed, a desk with chair, and a trunk.
through the paint… it was everywhere. She turned
She kicked the trunk open. Mildewed clothes lay
sharply to the recruit.
rotting in neat stacks, weighed down by a student’s
notebook and ink set. She looked around the room. “Get back to the Judge. Tell her to watch the walls,”
Not even fit for a corpse. she snapped. “Something’s not right.”
“Open each room in turn,” she said. “Let me know if “But McMourning—”
you find anything important.”
“Go! If McMourning’s here, I’ll handle him,” Justice
“What qualifies as important?” Peterson asked. said. Collins hesitated, staring at the dilapidated
doors of the laboratory. “That was an order, Collins.”
“You know why we’re here,” the Judge answered.
“Bodies, Peterson. We’re looking for bodies. The The recruit ducked his head and hurried off. He’d
kind of thing a monster like McMourning might make a good Marshal, someday. If he ever got over
keep in his closet.” his voice. Once he was gone, Justice drew her blade
and crept toward the doors. The sound of dripping
“Glamorous,” he said. “I’ll get right on it.”
liquid echoed through the hallway. She paused
The Judge gave the room one last look. A miserable just in front of the door, then coiled her body and
place. No wonder it had failed. She just wanted to be slammed through, bursting into the lab.
out of here before nightfall. This place was starting
None other than Douglas McMourning stood in
to give her the creeps.
near total darkness, watching the door, a manic
grin on his face. Justice hesitated. The doctor was
leaning against an observation table, his arms
folded, apparently alone.


The Risk of Reason

“Found you, you coward! Tired of running?” she asked. “How… how did you…” She wanted to scream, to
gnash her teeth in rage and wail at the world. In-
“Ha! I am tired of being pursued,” he said. “Though stead, she choked off an angry sob, clamping her
it is flattering. A doctor of my calling isn’t exactly mouth shut in a feral grimace. She wouldn’t give the
beating back admirers with a cudgel. So. Hmm. bastard the pleasure of knowing that he had struck
How is the Enclave is my absence?” a telling blow.
She didn’t respond. She gritted her teeth and stalked “What? You took one friend away, so I had to make
forward. another. ” McMourning’s voice came from the back
of the lab. Something clouded her perception, as
“Still a preserved cadaver just as I left it, or has the
though a heavy fog lay in the air. “He’s not that much
rot finally begun to settle in without me? Ha! Hmm.”
of a talker, I admit, but he’s been such a wonderful
He really was alone. McMourning pushed off his conversation piece!”
perch, arms still folded, and strolled casually around
Lady Justice charged forward silently, sword swing-
the table in front of him. There was a body lying
ing, heart shut tight in her chest. McMourning’s
there, wrapped in sheets. As Justice coldly marched
shadow slipped away from her. The closer she got,
forward, the doctor ignored her, going about the
the faster he fled.
business of uncovering the body on the table as he
pontificated. Good choice, she thought. When I catch you, there
won’t be enough left to feed to the rats!
If she could get close enough to strike while he was
distracted, she could-

Lady Justice’s attention faded. The body McMourning

was unwrapping wore a Guild uniform. The side of
the head facing her was a bloody ruin; skull caved in
The Judge paused in yet another empty room. This
by a jagged puncture wound, entering near the eye,
wasn’t getting anywhere. And while she was glad that
the exit wound turning the back of the head into a
the dead weren’t jumping out from every shadow
puzzle box of small white bones. The blond hair was
as they did in the sewers, the unnerving calm was
matted with gore. A mouth surrounded in old rot.
stretching everyone’s patience to the limit. Then she
She drew closer. McMourning looked up at her.
thought she had heard something; a scream, a yell...
“What’s the matter, Justice? Lose someone?” he
“Quiet, everyone listen,” the Judge whispered. After
asked. With two fingers, he tilted the head toward
a moment, she went to the window, her head still
her. The bones and ligaments of the neck protested,
cocked, trying to catch the faint sound she heard.
crackling as the skull settled onto the table. A black
Nothing. Maybe there was movement in that room
puff of smoke escaped an old wound. Half a face
down on the first floor of the opposite wing. Hard
stared at her. Half a face that she had once loved.
to tell… there weren’t any lights. Not that the Lady
Justice didn’t answer. She vaulted the two tables that needed light, of course, but surely Collins couldn’t
stood between them, sword drawn overhead, crash- manage without sight.
ing through the low-hanging lights, sending sparks
They had reached the end of the hallway. Other than
flying. Like a striking snake, McMourning reacted
a communal bathroom at the center of the hall, all of
quicker than she thought possible, pushing the table
the doors had led to the same empty rooms — cots,
toward her, tumbling the corpse onto the floor. The
desks, mildew. The stink was starting to cling to her.
corpse of her onetime Judge flopped unceremoni-
Gods knew how long it would take to wash off. She
ously to the ground in a meaty thunk. With a stran-
went out into the hallway. Peterson was just emerg-
gled cry, she moved with a single-minded purpose,
ing from the room across the way. The assigned
hurdling across the table that stood between them,
guardsmen were alert but relaxed in the stairwell as
sword in hand. She landed next to him and swung
they watched the Marshals investigate further.
down, cutting into a nearby counter like kindling.
“Anything?” one of them asked.
But like the snake he was, McMourning was already
gone, slithered away into the shadows. Justice gaped “This floor is clear. Head to the next…” The Judge’s
in horror at the Judge’s cold body, his one eye looking voice trailed off as a figure appeared at the far end
up at her in glassy silence.


The Risk of Reason

of the hall. It was Collins, running at top speed. She A hand ripped free from the mattress, tearing
pulled her Peacebringer and aimed just beyond him, through the desiccated sheets. The hand was spotted
fearing something was in pursuit. When it was obvi- with mold and rot. A shoulder followed, then a head.
ous that nothing was chasing him down, she turned The corpse reached toward her.
her attention to the winded Collins. “What is it?
Where’s the Lady?” Her eyes darted back to the hall “Found those bodies,” Peterson said. The guards-
behind him. men looked around for an escape, slowly realizing
that every room was a trap, and every trap had been
“The Lady sent me back to you.” He glanced over sprung. They backed hurriedly toward the Judge’s
his shoulder as Mack and Tochi crested the stairs, position.
surrounded by their guard contingent. They hurried
to stand behind Collins, looking just as confused as At least she knew the layout of the sewers. This
the Judge felt. “She said there was something wrong place was unknown to her; the Judge had to think
with the walls.” fast. “Down the stairs,” she snapped. “We’ll go across
the courtyard and meet up with Justice.” They stood
“Wrong with the walls?” the Judge asked. She looked at around her, dumbstruck. “Get moving!”
the mildewed plaster. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
Tochi, still a nervous wreck, shook himself out of his
Just then, the grimy window shook as something daze. He ran past the Judge, nearly shouldering her
across the courtyard exploded. Collins grabbed his aside in his rush to escape. He made it to the stairs
sword. “She’s on her own,” he rasped. and started to clatter down, barely touching the
“Not for long. Peterson, finish up here. The rest of
you with me,” she said. Five steps in, the whole staircase collapsed. Tochi
shouted and then disappeared into an avalanche of
“Oh, boss says you ain’t going nowhere.” A short, falling timber. The sound of the collapse was deaf-
squat man descended the stairs at the far end of the ening. The Judge rushed toward him, but there was
hallway. Sebastian, the Judge thought. McMourning no helping the fallen man. Blinking through the dust
is here! With an awkward gait, he strolled into the cloud, she made out his broken form within the rub-
hallway, swinging an enormous power saw. “Boss ble. There was nothing she could do. The steady rev-
has plans for you lot.” Spittle flew from his lips ving sound of Sebastian’s saw soon cut through the
as he laughed at the surprised look on the guards- clatter of falling and settling timber.
men before him. Slapping his thigh, he accidentally
tapped the trigger of the saw. “Oh, shoot—” the saw “The walls,” the Judge muttered.
roared to life, blade dancing off the ground and
nearly jerking the device out of his hands. “Thing’s She turned to face Sebastian as zombies burst from
gotta mind’a its own...” the walls and lurched into the hallway. Wooden
shards and metallic springs pierced their skin as
“Idiot,” the Judge muttered. She signaled to the they tore themselves free of their recesses. A panel
recruits. “Everyone, on me! Stay together, and—” in the ceiling splintered before collapsing under
the weight of hidden bodies. Half a dozen corpses
“Here it is. Thought I dropped it.” Sebastian pulled flopped in a tangle of limbs and viscera to the floor
something out of his pocket and flipped a switch. before slowly pushing themselves upright.
“Wakey, wakey!”
“Forget the stairs. We cut through,” the Judge said.
She felt a wave of power wash off Sebastian like an She drew her blade, relishing the sound of her
explosion, rippling through the air. Whatever the father’s sword leaving its sheath. “Stay close.”
device was, it crackled and smoked briefly in his
hand, eliciting a surprised yowl from the misshapen
man. Tossing it to the ground, Sebastian quickly
blew on his fingers before wiping his scarred hand
on the grimy bib of his coveralls.
“I’ve been thinking a lot about you, Justice. Bodies
Noises filled the hallway. Linen ripping and bones interest me,” McMourning said as he ducked under
cracking. In the room next to her, the Judge heard her sword, still backpedaling. “How they work, how
tearing cloth and splintering wood. She chanced a they don’t. You, for example, don’t work in very
look inside. interesting ways.”


The Risk of Reason

Justice refused to be baited by the madman. She A shard of jagged glass sliced through his wrist, sev-
set her heels, checked the swing, then brought the ering tendons and sending a spurt of blood across
sword down in a quick strike, forcing McMourning his coat. He dropped the saw and cursed, spitting
to scramble to the side. profanities as he watched the exposed ligaments
in his wrist tighten. Justice tossed the shard aside,
“It’s your eyes. I never did quite understand them, then wrapped bloody fingers around McMourning’s
but I will. By the end of this, you’ll be on that table, throat.
and I’ll be-” ducking another swing, he skidded
sideways across the floor, coming to a stop next to “I could be blind, deaf, and numb, but you still stink
a small table covered with instruments. He reached worse than a month old corpse,” she hissed.
for a circular saw, dragging the blade across the
metal tip of the tray. Its teeth chattered and sang “Experiment failed, then,” McMourning croaked
a song of promised pain. “I thought you wanted to through a crazed, toothy smile. In a flash, he dragged
help people. Imagine the things we could learn. The a scalpel across the soft flesh of Justice’s arm, free-
people you could save. Wouldn’t it be eye-opening. ing himself from her grasp. Stumbling backward,
Ha! Hmm.” McMourning fell over the discarded sword, crab-
walking the last few feet to put distance between
Justice kicked the intervening table aside and them.
pointed her blade at McMourning’s belly, quickly
following him as he retreated. There wasn’t a lot Justice rose, ignoring the gash in her arm. She re-
more space for him to run. He kept looking behind trieved her blade and coldly stalked toward the
him. doctor.

“And that got me thinking... just how does she do it? Getting to his feet in a panic, McMourning produced
The carnage you cause. Is it instinct or something a filthy vial from his pocket and tore the stopper
more? The last person who got close enough to free with his teeth. He screamed and laughed as he
figuring it out lost his head! Ha! Hmm. Poor, poor poured it over his wound; flesh seared and bubbled
Nicodem. Don’t worry, dear. I’ll get to the bottom of while the glowing liquid rolled across his skin. “That
it.” McMourning was wild-eyed and grinning. “Even is so annoying,” his voice was suddenly like gurgling
if it means I have to pluck those pretty little eyes venom. “That was my last one. Do you have any idea
from your skull and take a look myself.” how long it takes to break down a Soulstone into a
liquid? Not to mention the scar...” He twisted his
Justice dashed forward. McMourning watched her wrist and watched his skin slither across the wound,
charge as he licked his lips, measuring, waiting. forming a jagged scab in seconds.
What was he doing? She was nearly to him when
the doctor slapped the table next to him. Something “Speaking of scars,” McMourning murmured through
clicked into place. clenched teeth, still struggling through the pain.
“Maybe we should schedule that exam for another
The explosion caught Justice by surprise. The blast time. For now... perhaps a reunion?”
sent her tumbling to the ground. Medical equipment
broke her fall as she slid to a halt against an over- The groan and creak of stiff flesh sounded behind
turned desk. A cloud of roiling smoke, putrid and her. Even without looking, she knew what he had
green, wafted over her. McMourning emerged from done.
the murk, grinning as wide as ever.
“You’re a monster,” she whispered. McMourning
“Those eyes don’t sense everything, do they? Hmm. smiled.
How does it work? Tell me!” He plucked wax out of
“There’s my broken flower,” the dead Judge said.
his ears, then worked his jaw until his ears popped.
Only it wasn’t his voice. It couldn’t be. It was deeper,
“Do you hear your prey? And, if deafened, is Justice
darker. Distant. Justice turned and raised her pis-
truly blind? Ha!” He strolled over to her, nearly
tol. Her hand shook nervously for a moment before
dancing. Lady Justice lay still, head tilted against
steadying, offsetting the weight of her greatsword in
the overturned desk. McMourning kicked her sword
the other.
away, then raised his saw and knelt, reaching for the
blindfold. “Only one way to find out! Shall we?” He cocked his head to the side unnaturally, as if
taking a moment to understand what it meant to be


The Risk of Reason

alive again. The bloodstained bandana fell from his With its gears clogged from gore, its chassis dented,
face, revealing a white and red bony jaw. With one and its eye pulled from its socket, the Riotbreaker
eye, he stared into the barrel of the gun. blindly let loose a barrage from its Gatling gun, only
for the barrel to be lifted and turned toward the hall-
“This is how you greet me? After so long?” His way where the Judge and company were held down.
words dragged like a snake stalking its prey. Bullets sprayed indiscriminately, piercing through
the wall of zombies, then cutting into the Death
Justice pulled the hammer back and took a deep
Marshals themselves.
There was no time to react. As Collins was reloading
his Peacebringer, two bullets connected with his chest
and then his neck.

In the center of the swarm being cut down from

The Judge shoved a zombie back, drawing her blade the Riotbreaker’s onslaught, sparks flew from
across its belly as it fell. From the parted flesh poured Sebastian’s revving blade and the ceramic floor
viscous, rotten guts. The creature clawed at her face, beneath him. Flashes of orange and white revealed
digging long ruts into her cheeks. Swinging again, that he was cutting a hole while bouncing from foot
she removed its arm and then finally its head. to foot, as though he were dancing in excitement. He
even started to whistle.
Three more took its place, and several dozen refused
to wait their turn. The shuffling corpses clawed and Mack was the first to notice in the chaos, and let
climbed their way over the fallen, forming a wall of loose bullet after bullet. One met the hand that
shifting rot and bony fingers. Sebastian used to steady the bouncing circular saw.
McMourning’s lackey shook his hand in pain, then
Within the surrounding horde, Sebastian darted
put the wound to his mouth, lapping up the blood
between legs and torsos, snickering like a child as he
that poured from his palm. He looked toward the
inched closer to the Marshals. A guardsman saw his
Death Marshal recruit, eyes filled with madness and
failed attempts at hiding in plain sight and started
a mouth full of his own blood, then kicked down
firing, but the short, stout accomplice vanished into
onto the floor, opening a hole to the ground below.
the mass of graying flesh before the bullets could
Sebastian shook his bloodied hand, offering an
connect. Moments after pulling the trigger, the wall
obscene gesture to the Death Marshal before smil-
closest to the guardsman split open from Sebastian’s
ing and jumping down the freshly made hole.
saw. The revving blade tore through the guard’s
kneecap and up into his thigh, shredding away the The continuing sound of the Riotbreaker’s bullets
muscle and bone. entering through flesh and wood soon became muf-
fled as the mass of zombies surrounding the con-
Another guard stepped through the gap in the wall,
struct became too thick to fire through. Then the
sword in hand, only to have his arm severed from
gunfire unceremoniously ended as its limbs were
his body. Blood painted the ceiling. Sebastian wiped
torn from its metallic body. The zombies contin-
his face clean, then picked up the arm from the floor
ued to inch their way out of the walls and into the
and offered it to the shocked guard lying against the
hallway, some now pocked full of gaping, smoking
wall, bleeding out.
holes. From the courtyard, the muffled whoomph of
“Lost somethin’,” he said with a malicious grin on his the exploding Riotbreaker was followed by shards
face. Sebastian disappeared into the shambling pack of flying metal and dismembered corpses.
as quickly as he came. Only his laughter remained.
Within a matter of moments, the situation went from
As the Judge drove her sword through a zombie’s jaw, dire to desperate. Collins was down, grabbing at the
she turned to avoid the stench and coagulated blood bloody ruin of his throat, while Mack and Peterson
that spewed from the wound, and through a window crouched back to back. Most of the guardsmen were
between the wall of flesh, she saw the Riotbreaker just so much gore littering the hallway, bodies torn
in the courtyard below being overwhelmed by the and misshapen. Others had managed their escape
undead like a swarm of locusts. before the havoc let loose, but the Judge could see
their bodies twitching at the end of the hallway. How
long until they joined the ranks of the undead and
added to the fight?


The Risk of Reason

“Get out of here!” the Judge shouted. “There are too “You don’t seem thrilled. Maybe you don’t re-
many!” member. A broken flower left to wilt and die.
Who was it who encouraged you to stand back
“Where’s the Lady?” Peterson shouted in desperation. up?”
The Judge fired a round into another zombie, then “He’s speaking to you, isn’t he!” McMourning’s grin
clicked empty. Good question, she thought, her mind couldn’t get any wider. “Inquisitive minds must
reeling. know! What’s he saying, what’s he saying!”

Justice screamed, guttural and frenzied. In a fluid

motion, she took a step back, dropped her gun back
into its holster, brandished her blade in both hands,
and swung it at whatever it was that had taken over
Justice and the former Judge circled one another. the old Judge’s body. He matched her speed, and
She couldn’t find it in her to pull the trigger. Despite their swords met in the darkness. Sparks flew as the
his head looking like an eclipsed moon, his skin gray metal clashed, igniting a puddle of alchemy on the
and disintegrating, he still had the same charming ground. Liquid fire danced across the floor and up
toss of blond hair. He was still her Judge. But a whis- the dead Judge’s leg, but he ignored it, focused only
per in the back of her mind told her otherwise. His on her.
soul was lost when they had brought down Nicodem
together. Whatever stood in front of her now was “Still blinded by rage,” the whispering voice filled
something else entirely, a false or lost memory. The the room, but only she heard it. “It was that
hair toss wasn’t even the same when most of it was fury that drew you to me, and me to you.”
matted with dried blood and rotting bits of brain.
She swung again and again, each time being
“It’s true, isn’t it,” McMourning broke the silence. blocked by the undead Judge as if he knew
“Those eyes really are something special. Little birds her every move. He softly laughed
have told me such interesting things about you as of
late, Lady Justice. To be frank, I couldn’t believe it
myself. The things we bury to protect those we love.
Ha! Hmm.”

Without hesitation, she swung her arm out and shot

at McMourning without even looking in his
direction, just barely missing. The bullet con-
nected with a beaker full of an acidic liquid, which
splashed against his coat and onto the floor. Mc-
Mourning jumped and let out a nervous laugh. In
the time it took her to pull the trigger, the zombi-
fied Judge closed the distance between them with-
out making a sound, a thin black mist drifting in his

“Aren’t you glad to see an old friend?” he whis-

pered, his mouth unmoving. “I thought this lovely
husk might help jog your memory.”

Lady Justice was near frozen with fear, the first in a

very long time. The voice that emanated from him
was like the abyss itself, an echo within
an echo, shrouded and distant. She
knew it.


The Risk of Reason

behind the motionless, skeletal jaw. Then he swung Anger flared through her. She shouldered her blade
back, a mist-like darkness drifting within him like and charged after him, rushing through the flames as
the shadow of a caged spirit. She countered just as they consumed the lab.
deftly, but his immense power pushed her back. Her
hands shook from the vibration of her hilt and fear. Outside, Lady Justice came across the metallic re-
mains of the Riotbreaker scattered across the court-
“He was right! Ha! Seamus wouldn’t believe me yard, covered in dismantled and twitching corpses.
even if I told him!” McMourning couldn’t contain The sound of breaking glass and scrabbling claws
his amusement. Despite being unable to hear the reached her from the opposite wing, crawling with
conversation, his mind wandered at the endless the undead. They climbed out of broken windows,
possibilities. tearing the bars from their moorings as they left.
The swarm was converging on a single room on the
“We had a deal, little flower. You know where second floor, near the end of the hall. Everything in
I am, yet you do not come to pluck me from the her burned, but somehow she focused and expand-
soil, as I did for you when you needed saving.” ed her senses. What she immediately felt was regret.
No, she was distracted for too long, lured away by a
“You have done nothing,” Lady Justice said, swing-
madman and her own fury. Inside, she could hear the
ing with each phrase. “But bring ruin, and pain, and
new Judge arguing with her Marshals about the best
heartache. Never again!” With each blade rush, she
way to die.
pushed him back a step. “You think you need saving?
I’d rather watch you burn.” Justice gave McMourning’s fleeing back a final look,
then ran through the courtyard of corpses to save
The fire climbing up his leg now covered half his
her Marshals.
body. “You’re wilting, little flower. You need me.
Trust in me.”

Lady Justice raised her sword, and he did the same to

counter, but instead she kicked out his knee. He fell
backward in a cloud of black smoke, then immedi-
“To live defeated and inglorious is to die daily,”
ately sat back up. Without hesitation, Justice swung
McMourning quoted. “Ha! That muttonhead was
her sword down onto his skull, splitting it open.
right for once.”
The grotesque and profane voice laughed, seemingly
“What’th a muttonhead, bahth?” Sebastian said as
filling the room. “They’re with me – your garden
he tightened the poorly wrapped bandage around
of dead roses. Come to us, save us, and the world
his hand with his teeth.
is yours.”
“Nothing, you imbecile. Just stand still, would you?”
“Save yourself,” Lady Justice said as she drove her
blade down through the corpse of her former lover The school burned with a satisfying plume of green-
before he could speak another word, cleaving him ish smoke and the smell of torched formaldehyde.
in two. The black shadow within him crumbled The black silhouettes of Lady Justice and her entou-
into the air, meeting with the surrounding ash and rage swayed against the bright light of the flames.
smoke. They were trying to keep the conflagration from
spreading to the adjoining buildings. McMourning
Justice stood there, her lungs heaving for breath as
watched from a storm drain, shifting back and forth
she held back tears, supporting herself on the sword.
on Sebastian’s shoulders. Puffs of reddish hair stuck
The flames were catching. The Judge’s split and
through the bars of the drain.
dried corpse was nearly consumed by the quick-
ly spreading flames. She wanted to reach down, to “How noble of them,” McMourning said. “We really
touch him, but the heat drove her back. should do this more often, Sebastian. I always liked a
nice fire.”
“While this has all been a wonderful experience,”
McMourning said, “I really must be going. ” “Not really… huff… not really your department,
boss,” Sebastian grunted. McMourning squirmed on
She heard the sound of the door banging open at the
Sebastian’s shoulders, trying to get a better look at
end of the hallway. McMourning’s blood-stained lab
the flames. His knee went into Sebastian’s mouth.
coat disappeared into the tangled garden beyond.


The Risk of Reason

“Perhaps I need to change things up a bit. I mean, The Judge interjected. “We’ve got wounded that
crowds of the recently dead only go so far. Do you need immediate attention. If you’re not going to help
like fire, Sebastian? Maybe we should invest in a carry them in, then at least get out of the way.”
Mack and Peterson, both covered in soot and blood,
“Mmhrrphafh,” Sebastian answered. McMourning assisted those they could into the Enclave, making
shifted again, removing his knee and then staring multiple trips as necessary. Patrolmen came out to
down at the patch of slick saliva that was slowly help, bringing back the wounded and deceased on
staining his pant leg black. “I ain’t particular, boss. stretchers and crutches.
Hey, uh… huff… you gonna be much longer?”
“Just what the hell happened out there?” Dashel
“Always complaining, never grateful,” McMourning said, finally seeing the scope of the damage.
clambered down from Sebastian’s shoulders, landing
in a puddle. “I sometimes wonder if you wouldn’t be “McMourning happened,” Justice snapped from a
more useful to me dead.” distance, then walked away.

“Let’s not get, uh, hasty, boss.” Sebastian took a After a moment, Dashel turned to the Judge. “I hate
nervous step back. to say it, but this is what happens when you chase
down vengeance.”
“Hmm. I suppose not. Besides, I would so dearly miss
our little conversations.” McMourning stared up “No, this is what happens when evil is allowed to grow
at the grate, listening to the crackle of flames and in the hearts of men,” the Judge coldly responded,
watching the smoke drift up into the night sky. “Ha! then helped the last few injured into the building.
This gives me an idea. Come on.” He wiped the saliva
Staring at the aftermath and baffled by her response,
from his pants on Sebastian. “Let’s go home.”
Dashel swallowed his pride, then caught up to her.
“Screw the paperwork,” he said, his face hardening.
“Next time we hear any mention of that psychopath,
we bring the full force of the Guild.”

The Judge nodded, somber and stoic, and the two

Lady Justice paused in front of the Enclave. The
went their separate ways, assisting where they could.
huge doors, emblazoned with the sigil of the Guild,
stared down at her. Back here, again. Defeated, Inside, Lady Justice leaned against a wall, exhausted.
again. The weight of her failure was telling, but her Her head was pounding, and all she could taste was
rage was more. That rage would sustain her, and ash. The events replayed in her head like a broken
McMourning would pay. They would all pay. record. Despite the panicked shuffling around her
to ensure that the wounded were treated, she heard
“Get him inside, and see that the doctor does some-
nothing of the sort. The only sound that echoed
thing about that leg,” the Judge said behind her.
between her ears was the spirit’s ceaseless laughter.
Justice looked back. The Judge was fussing over her
Marshals, fresh from their first battle. Many hadn’t
made it back. Fewer would recover. It was a bad
blow, but the Judge didn’t seem to mind; at the very
least, she didn’t show it.

The Judge looked up and caught Justice watching

her. “I’ll have the casualty reports soon. And some
recommendations about which recruits should be
elevated. We have ranks to fill.”

Justice nodded silently. The Judge went about her


“Hardly a glorious return for our hero,” Dashel said.

The freshly-minted Commander had been waiting
by the front gate. “I take it our former friend got
away? Pity I wasn’t there to help.”


A Warm Welcome
Mari Tokuda

T he Guild Guards shoved Cornelius and Bernadette down a generic-

looking hall, through a thoroughly ordinary door, and into a run-of-
the-mill office with beige walls and a musty smell. Iron handcuffs bit into
Cornelius’ wrists as his swiftly swelling eye began to obstruct his vision.
Bernadette shrugged her shoulder and wiped a trickle of blood from the
corner of her mouth. She glared at the Guards around them. The stubborn,
defiant set to her chin told Cornelius that she was still looking for a fight. He
eyed the Guards’ Peacebringers, counting them.
He then coldly squinted at his daughter, as if to say, from his pocket and unlocked their handcuffs, drop-
“Don’t even think about it.” ping them to the floor with a metallic thud.

“Those Guild cronies surrounded us,” she hissed. “Finally.” Bernadette rubbed at her wrists.

“Try words before fists next time,” he murmured. The huge man seated himself behind his desk and
steepled his fingers in front of him, trying to com-
Her eyes flashed with rage. “Are you taking their pose himself, but looking more like an impostor. He
side?” stared at them for a long moment in silence.
Of course he wasn’t, but there was a lesson here. “Name’s Dashel Barker, Sheriff Basse.”
Cornelius felt a headache begin to build behind his
eyes. “Not a sheriff,” Cornelius replied. Not anymore.

Before Cornelius could answer, a bald, brawny man Bernadette glared. “Why’d you arrest us, anyway?”
in a Guild commander’s uniform entered the room.
From his thick, furrowed brow to his stubborn Dashel shrugged his massive shoulders, an oddly
chin, he looked more like a law breaker than a law apathetic gesture on someone who seemed so pur-
upholder. Cornelius immediately didn’t like him. poseful. “With your history? Could’ve done a lot
more.” He stared coldly at Bernadette. “I was noti-
In exasperation, the commander dragged a meaty fied of your arrival. You attacked your escort. The
hand down his face as he took in the unpacked chests arrest was your own doing.”
and crates that lined the office. Then, he looked over
at the Guards and narrowed his eyes. “Dismissed.” Bernadette bared her teeth at his tone.

The Guild Guards left, their boots stomping against “You prefer prison?” Dashel asked.
the wood floors. The commander produced a key
“Notified by whom?” Cornelius growled.


A Warm Welcome

“Someone you don’t defy.” The man glanced at a Cornelius crossed his arms, mirroring Bernadette’s
bottle of the most expensive bourbon Cornelius had pose. “You miss it.”
ever laid eyes on.
“Sure,” Dashel replied. “But, I have duties here.
Bernadette crossed her arms and sneered. “That’s Obligations. Aha, found it.” Dashel pulled two sheets
good stuff. Who’d you have to kill for it?” of paper from his file and handed them to Cornelius.

A smirk crossed Dashel’s face for one brief moment. Bernadette leaned over to peer
He almost began to mentally count just how many. at the papers. She sucked
in a breath. “Pardons?
Cornelius just stared. Seriously?”
Commander Barker met his eyes, his expression
turning serious once again. “You’ve got a reputation,
Basse. And that reputation got our attention.” He
adjusted in his chair. “Think you two can behave
yourselves this side of the Breach? You play nice and
I might have work for you.”

“Not interested in a Guild job,” the former sheriff

informed the commander. It was bound to be too
messy. “We’re here as regular citizens. Like to keep
it that way.”

“Not an option,” Dashel replied.

Bernadette scowled.

Dashel continued, “Despite your… recent actions,

you understand order. What it requires.”

Cornelius didn’t flinch. “I understand the value of

the law.”

“Order is what I’m after. Somethin’ the

Guild… lacks in contract towns
these days. Now, before you
turn us down and we send
you back Earthside to fend for
yourselves, look at-” Barker’s
face fell, and he sighed as he began
to dig through several stacks of files.
His hands didn’t seem accustomed
to office work, especially if the combat
callouses Cornelius had spotted meant any-
thing. The massive commander paced the floor,
opening and closing drawers, and lifting stacks of
papers before finally pulling a dossier out of a cab-
inet. Leafing through it, he ran his finger down the
pages and squinted at the ink.

Something didn’t fit. Commander Barker was not

the bureaucratic type, that much was clear. “Why
not impose order yourself?” Basse asked.

The huge man lifted one shoulder as he focused on

the pages in his hands. “I would. I am. More behind
this desk these days, but there’s a lot to go around.”


A Warm Welcome

“Only after a few years of service,” Dashel informed Dashel turned toward her with a scowl. “I suggest
them. “Would’ve been a lot sooner if you’d come you not take this place lightly.”
quietly. After that, you can either stay in Malifaux
or go back.” “Uh huh,” Bernadette smirked. “Bureaucrats are all
the same. Breachside or Earthside - don’t matter.”
“Or you extradite us now,” Cornelius concluded.
With a grumble, Dashel replied, “You and Reichart
“Wait, back to America?” Bernadette scowled. will get along fine.” It did not sound like a compli-
ment. With that, he turned to his work, a mountain
Dashel nodded. “Saw the wanted posters. I doubt of papers. “Welcome to Malifaux.” It was as clear a
it’ll be pretty. Guild can’t guarantee your safety to dismissal as anything.
the train station, let alone back on the frontier.”
Father and daughter stepped out of the Enclave,
Cornelius trusted the Guild as much as he trusted a escorted by two of Dashel’s finest, and headed back
bandit in a box canyon, but the pardons were real. to the street where the sun’s heat was merciless.
And going back to America meant Bernadette’s death. Without a word, they matched their strides and
made their way into the nearest drinking house.
“I’m in.”
Sitting down at a weathered, wooden table, the pair
“Me too,” Bernadette added. ordered beers.

“Heh, thought you might change your mind,” Dashel

replied. He slapped the dossier on his desk and
shoved it toward Cornelius as he rooted around for
another file.

Cornelius opened the folder. A page with his work

and personal history, as well as Bernadette’s, caught
his eye. It was thorough, unnervingly so. The Guild
had more power outside of their territories than he’d

Dashel pushed a map toward them. “I circled the

contract towns that we want you to check in on. I’ll
hold on to your pardons for now.”

That was final. Cornelius scowled as the papers that

gave them their lives back vanished into yet another

“Anything else we need to know?” Cornelius asked.

“Paul Crockett’s your guide.” Dashel’s chair creaked

as he leaned back, a forlorn look on his face. “These
days, you should be able to find him at the edge of
the City. He’s… on the feral side. Pick him up on your
way out of town.” His face twisted in annoyance.
“Reichart’ll meet you back here in the morning.”

Cornelius raised his eyebrows. “Who’s Reichart?”

“Former Executioner, early retiree. Still has to pay

off some community service. He knows Breachside,
and you’ll need the help.”

“For tiny contract towns?” Bernadette chuckled,

incredulous. “I think we can handle a few unhappy


A Warm Welcome

“Can you believe him?” Bernadette snorted. “First, Cornelius grunted an agreement around the unlit
he puts us in a position that we can’t back out of, cigar in his mouth. He swiped a trickle of sweat from
then he thinks we need a hand to do his dirty work?” his temple and gazed up at the sky. The morning sun
certainly didn’t look like the blazing inferno that
“He’s right.” blasted the Western Frontier during the summers,
but it sure felt like it.
“What?” Bernadette turned with angry eyes. “We
don’t need anyone else.” Finally, the door to the offices opened with a groan,
revealing a large, bald man with an angry scowl.
“This is a different world, Bee,” Cornelius said,
Mechanical hands sprouted from the machinery
pointing at the strange, alien plants visible through
attached to his wrists. In one hand, he carried a
the dingy, warped glass of the tavern’s window.
large suitcase. His cold eyes met Cornelius’. “Are
“My name is Bernadette. Also, so what?” you Cornelius Basse?”

As the source of Soulstones, the Guild literally mined “I am.”

this place for magic. “Who knows what’s waiting
“Jonathan Reichart.” He gestured at the building
for us out there,” Cornelius murmured as he paged
behind him, a swift, sharp movement. “Apparently,
through the file again.
I am to accompany you out into the wilds.”
Two mugs of foamy beer plunked down on their
“Nice.” Bernadette flexed her own hands as she
admired Reichart’s.
“Pfft, you worry too much, old man.”
“Just so you know, I hate Guild lackeys.” Reichart’s
“Don’t trust the Guild or this place.” He didn’t like eyes burned with anger.
that this lumbering, powerful Breachside organiza-
Bernadette snapped, “Funny, coming from one.”
tion was holding his daughter’s life as collateral.
“Watch your tongue,” Reichart’s voice lowered.
“Oh, I don’t.” Bernadette pressed her lips together.
“Like you could make me.” Bernadette clenched
“You’re gonna be fine,” Cornelius told her, his gaze
her hands into fists.
Cornelius put a hand between the two. “We’ve no
His daughter rolled her eyes. “Of course, I am. I got
love for the Guild, either.”
my toughness from Mom.”
“Is that right?” Reichart narrowed his eyes. “That
A small smile tugged at Cornelius’s mouth.
means they have something on you.”
Bernadette snorted. “And don’t you get all senti-
Cornelius met the man’s gaze and said, “They have
mental.” She tapped her beer mug against his and
something we need.”
took a swig. “Let’s earn those pardons, huh?”
The former Executioner frowned. “Don’t they always.”
Cornelius took one more look at Commander Bark-
er’s map and all the circled locations. More than Cornelius moved his cigar from one side of his mouth
anything, he hoped that this really would save to the other. “We’ll do the work the way we see fit,
Bernadette from the hangman’s noose. not how the Guild tells us to.”

Reichart barked out a laugh. “Who were you


Bernadette finally dropped her hands. “This is

Cornelius and Bernadette baked in the heat as they Sheriff Cornelius Basse of the American Frontier.
waited in front of the Guild offices the next morning. I’m surprised you ain’t heard of him.”

“Damn, this place is hot.” Bernadette grumbled as “Former sheriff,” Cornelius corrected. “Despite what
she wrinkled her nose. “And, it’s only eight in the the Guild wants, we aim to do some good in the
morning.” contract towns.”


A Warm Welcome

Bernadette added, “That’s the Basse way.” With a rusty creak, the door opened, unlocked. A
bearded man in furs and fringed leather sat hunched
Reichart studied Cornelius. over a small desk in his boarding room. Covering
the walls were broadsides, periodical clippings, and
The stoic lawman nodded to confirm Bernadette’s
shelves of ceramic figurines and small taxidermy
The former Executioner heaved a sigh. “Here’s to all
The man eyed them warily. He held what looked
the lackeys like us, I suppose.” He adjusted his grip
like sewing pins between his lips. In his hands was a
on his case. “Where to, Basse?”
creature or combination of creatures in the process
“Have to round up some supplies first,” he answered. of being stuffed and posed.
“Then off to the edge of Malifaux.”
“Mr. Crockett.” Cornelius’ eyes took in the room. He
Reichart raised an eyebrow and shrugged. recognized some of the broadsides; each and every
one of them depicting some gruesome crime com-
“Malifaux City. We’re picking up our guide,” mitted in Malifaux. He narrowed his eyes.
Bernadette explained. “Paul Crockett.”
Bernadette pointed at a small scene created from
“Oh,” Reichart said. “Him.” earthenware. “Is that depicting the Red Barn
Murder?” She grimaced. Studying a pair of small,
stuffed weasels posed in what looked like an alley,
she grimaced. “Is that…The Red Chapel Murders?”

“Good eye,” the man drawled.

Well after obtaining what they needed from the
nearest general store, the Basses stood in the hallway “See?” she mouthed at Cornelius. “Fun.”
of a stifling, rundown boarding house.
“I ain’t feral,” Crockett added.
Reichart opted to wait outside “just in case.” The
Bernadette raised one eyebrow at Cornelius. “Yes, I
former Executioner had also made sure that their
can see that.”
carriage was down the street, and he had two full
buckets of water, an axe, and a stack of bandages “This collection’s worth a pretty penny, Earthside,”
“just in case.” he explained through gritted teeth.
“I’ve heard he’s ‘feral,’” Reichart offered. Bernadette frowned. “This stuff? Why?”
Hearing that word again did not put Cornelius at Cornelius looked at his progeny, whose cavalier
ease. attitude and impertinence definitely came from her
mother. He cleared his throat. “Barker sent us.”
The smells of cooking, too many bodies in one
place, and sweat permeated the air. Bernadette “Oh,” Crockett replied. With quiet, catlike move-
inhaled. “Reminds you of the frontier, doesn’t it?” ments, he grabbed some axes and a pack. He smelled
faintly of formaldehyde and pine sap. He perched
Cornelius chuckled.
a dead raccoon with desiccated eyes on top of his
Through the thin walls, every footstep, creaky board, head, its ringed tail drooping over his ear.
and squeaky bed made itself known. Someone “Nice hat,” Bernadette chirped.
sneezed several rooms away.
The guide pointed at his head. “That’s Ralphie.”
“Just like home.” Bernadette smirked.
“Obviously?” Bernadette blinked.
Consulting the file again, Cornelius stopped in front
of a door. “Remember, he’s, uh, feral.” Cornelius chewed on the cigar in his mouth.
“Where are we taking you to?” Crockett asked.
“Sounds fun.” Bernadette raised her arm and
pounded on the rickety wooden door. “’We?’” Cornelius asked.
Crockett pointed at his hat.


A Warm Welcome

“I see.” Cornelius frowned. He took a swig of something out of a bottle and

shrugged. “Might get cold later, where we’re going.”
“I’ve seen that look before.” Crockett’s words came
out in a rush. “Trust me, I’m your best bet, ‘cept “When?” Bernadette was desperate with hope as she
maybe a Guild Pathfinder. Or I guess any old wiped sweat from her brow.
Neverborn. They seem to know their way around.
But you don’t want to work with them. I’m much “Hopefully never.” Reichart grimaced.
more reliable.” Crockett nodded his head, his rac-
Bernadette groaned. “Of course you love it.”
coon tail swinging. He pressed his lips together as
though he hadn’t planned on speaking, or wasn’t Cornelius studied Reichart.
used to it.
The former Executioner met his gaze.
“That ain’t it, kid.”
Bernadette leaned in and whispered, “We’ve had
worse guides.”

That was true. Cornelius spread the map over the

floor, since all the other flat surfaces were taken.
“What’s the most efficient route?” He gestured at the The sun reached for the hazy horizon. When they
wrinkled paper in front of him. arrived in Ridley, they transferred to a carriage.
“Yeah, what’s Ralphie think?” Bernadette grinned. Crockett insisted on riding on the carriage roof, his
quiet intensity finally intimidating the driver into
“Don’t make fun.” The tall man reached up and pat-
ted his hat.
“Haven’t heard anything from Redemption in a
“Sorry,” Bernadette replied in surprise.
while,” the carriage driver called back to them as the
Crockett stared at the map. In his heavy drawl, he horses thundered toward the contract town.
told them, “I’d start at the township of Redemption.
“That’s probably why we’re headed there,” Bernadette
Sweep around this way, after.” He moved his hand
called back.
across the map. “Won’t be easy, though.”
The driver shrugged. “Guild wants their pound of
Cornelius nodded. “Didn’t expect it to be.”
flesh, huh?”
Reichart met them outside the boardinghouse. He
“We’re not enforcers.” She wrinkled her nose.
eyed Crockett, then put down his axe.
“Sure you’re not,” he replied.
The guide blinked at Reichart. “We’re in search of
Redemption.” Before they could see the town, Crockett reached
out and grabbed the driver. The boy, reins in hand,
“Aren’t we all,” Reichart sighed.
squawked out something unintelligible.

“Stop,” Crockett ordered.

Bernadette groaned. “You expect us to walk in this

The four took the next train to Ridley. The sum-
mer heat turned the inside of the cars into ovens. Cornelius put a hand on Bernadette’s shoulder. She
Opening the windows just let in more stifling air. quieted down, but not without a dirty look. He
peered up at Crockett.
The aroma of baked earth overwhelmed everything
else. Jumping down from the coach’s roof, the guide
ambled toward a tree and pointed at a smear of
“How can you wear furs in this heat, Crockett?” blood. Following the trail into the brush, he lifted a
Bernadette asked. severed arm.


A Warm Welcome

“That’s not good,” Bernadette said. “What’s going on here?” Cornelius demanded.

“No, it’s not,” Reichart agreed, clambering out of the “Nothing good,” Reichart replied.
carriage and hauling his large case with him.
“Let’s see if anyone’s home,” Bernadette suggested as
The driver was pale and staring at the appendage she took off for the nearest frost-covered shack.
with wide, fearful eyes.
Reichart gave Cornelius a discouraging look.
Cornelius chewed on his cigar and observed the Crockett shook his head.
three locals for a moment. “How much further?” he
asked the driver. The snow muffled all sound, making the town eerily
quiet. No lights. No smell of woodsmoke. No signs
The driver still stared blankly at the severed limb, so of life.
Crockett answered for him. “Couple hours on foot.”
Bernadette’s fist hit the door with a hollow, lonely
“We can do that,” Basse said. then slapped some of thud. “Hello? Anyone home?” she shouted. No an-
the Guild scrip he’d found in Barker’s folder into the swer. She stopped knocking after two more houses.
driver’s hand. “Head on back.”
“I guess we know why no one’s heard from
“Y-yes, sir,” the driver stuttered as he urged his Redemption,” Bernadette mumbled. “Nobody’s here.”
horses back toward Ridley, their hoofbeats pound-
ing away into the distance. At that moment, the sun disappeared below the
horizon. The group stared at each other in the little
“Why aren’t we taking the carriage?” Bernadette light that remained.
wiped at her brow.
“We camp here tonight.” Crockett’s eyes darted from
“Your old man’s a soft touch is why,” Crockett suggested. side to side. “But not in town.”

She rolled her eyes. “That’s the truth.” “Agreed.” Reichart began walking toward the scrubby
tree line. He rubbed at the place on his arm where
“We’d better start walking,” Cornelius replied, heft- metal met skin.
ing his pack higher onto his shoulder.
“Watch out for cannibals,” Crockett suggested.
Crockett and the old Executioner shared a knowing,
troubled look. “Shut up, Crockett,” Bernadette shot back.

A twig snapped. All eyes turned to where the sound

came from. In the gloom between two nearby shacks,
a small shadow moved, struggling with something
The shadows lengthened as the hot sun began to sink.
“This place isn’t empty after all.” Bernadette started
“What the hell?” Bernadette said. She exhaled, her toward it.
breath visible on the suddenly frigid air.
Crockett hissed, “Little devil.”
Reichart squinted into the sparse vegetation around
them. Reichart set down his case and began switching his
metal hand for a wicked metal claw from within.
“Is the cold normal?” Cornelius asked. “Don’t go near that thing.”

“Nah,” Crockett grunted. “It’s just a kid. What’s wrong with you people?”
Bernadette kept moving.
The Basses looked at each other, equally puzzled.
“Bee, stop!” Cornelius snapped.
As they topped the final rise into Redemption, snow-
drifts covered the ground. Ignoring her father, she turned her attention to the
small silhouette, who was still some distance away.
Crockett muttered something under his breath. “Hey, kid. Where are your parents?”
Reichart let loose with a series of curse words.


A Warm Welcome

The shadowy figure stopped and cocked its head in Bernadette glared at him. “Not what it’s carrying,
curiosity. Crockett. What is this creature?”

“That’s right. It’s okay.” As Bernadette reached her With a metallic click, Reichart attached the bladed
hand out, her step faltered. “What are you...?” claw to his wrist. “It’s an ice gamin.”

The moon’s light glinted off the child-sized crea- “We should get that body away from it,” Bernadette
ture’s icy complexion. It bared its teeth and hissed. said, crouching down near the small creature made
Blood covered its hands from its cargo. of snow and ice.

“What is that?” Bernadette whispered, jumping back. The little beast turned and released a blast of ice.
With a gasp, Bernadette ducked to cover her face.
“Human torso,” Crockett stated. “Bad shape, too. Frost covered her coat, froze the tips of her
Unsalvageable.” hair, and burned any exposed skin.

“It’s not human?” Cornelius yelled, pulled

out his shotgun. “You’re sure?”

“Not even close,” Reichart confirmed.

A loud explosion tore through the

air as Cornelius fired his shotgun. A
scattering of ice shards glittered in
the moonlight as the gamin hissed
and turned toward Cornelius.


A Warm Welcome

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Bernadette “It’s not over, yet,” Reichart snapped as he yanked
reach for her knife with one hand and the chain she Bernadette away from what was left of the corpse.
carried with her in the other. “Leave it!”
She began to say something when a pillar of ice ex-
“Oh, no you don’t,” Bernadette muttered as she ploded out of body and enveloped the ground she’d
swung her chain like a whip at the ice gamin. just occupied. “Oh.”

Her chain made a loud cracking sound as it made Crockett walked up to the ice, sniffed it, stepped
contact. The enraged ice gamin lunged at her, a back, and then shattered it with a single swing of
strange, breathless scream erupting from its mouth. his axe. He grunted. Bernadette and Reichart stared
In a flash, Bernadette was blocking and slashing with at the shards of ice scattered across the ground, one
the large knife she favored. Every swipe chipped off bewildered and the other beginning to regret his
more shards of ice. decision to join up.

Cornelius took careful aim, but they were too close Cornelius Basse walked away, unable to wrap his
together. He could just as easily hit his daughter head around this place.
with his shotgun blast. ”Dammit!”

The gamin slashed at Bernadette’s torso, red bloom-

ing against her shirt. She renewed her attack with
another wide swing. The chain links made con-
tact with its knee, slowing down the still-ferocious Shortly thereafter, Cornelius set up a campfire on
gamin. the edge of the empty town, the smoke curling away
into the air. The moon was a ghostly glow in the sky.
With a grunt, Reichart entered the fray, his razor- Even the animals didn’t break the night’s tension
sharp claw fragmenting the gamin into large pieces. with their calls.
“I had it,” Bernadette complained. Crockett appeared in the small ring of firelight.

“Any others?” Cornelius asked.

The guide shook his head. “Only one other set of foot-
prints, but whoever it was took off, probably when
we started fighting.”

“We’ll need to watch our backs tonight,” Reichart


Cornelius piled blankets he’d raided from one of the

houses around his daughter’s shoulders.

“I’m fine, Dad,” she grumbled as she

pressed her fingers against the rough
bandage under her shirt.

“You were lucky,” he snapped.

She rolled her eyes.

The former sheriff turned to their colleagues. “What

are we up against?”

Crockett stared into the fire. “Cannibals.”

Cornelius pressed his fingers into his temple, trying

to fend off a headache. He turned toward Reichart.

Reichart’s expression remained unchanged. “Crock-

ett’s probably right.”


A Warm Welcome

“He is?” Bernadette choked on her hot cider.

“Well, between the ice gamin and the weather phe-

nomenon, I suspect that we’re dealing with December
and that damn cult.” Reichart held his hands in the The next morning, the frost around their campsite
flames, keeping his metal joints from freezing. had melted. The drip drop of water hitting snow-
“And, they eat people?” Bernadette asked, skeptical. drifts reached them from the town. Steam rose from
the roofs and the ground. Everything smelled of wet
Crockett hitched his thumb toward the torso now soil.
stuck in the pillar of ice that was once the ice gamin.
“Dinner.” Crockett crouched next to the battered, frozen torso
the ice gamin had left. He followed some invisible
She grimaced. Then her expression turned dark. trail back to a hastily erected barn. Only sinew and
“Does that mean everyone in this town...?” bones inhabited the space now.

“Dinner,” Crockett confirmed. “Holy...” Bernadette said with a grimace.

Her voice became quiet. “Even the kids?” Reichart pressed his lips together into a thin line.
Cornelius covered his mouth with a gloved hand.
Crockett considered that. “Dessert?”
Crockett pointed at marks on the exposed, reddened
Bernadette shuddered. “Shut up, Crockett.” bone. “Someone’s been gnawing on this.”
Cornelius closed his eyes. He had to be pragmatic, but Through gritted teeth, Cornelius asked, “Can you
it made him sick. “Are the people from Redemption find who did this?”
still alive?”
Crockett nodded.
Reichart sighed. “Maybe.”
“Let’s go,” Cornelius replied.
Crockett mumbled, “If they’re saving them for later.”
Reichart gave a sharp incline of his head.
“I think I’m going to throw up,” Bernadette said, look-
ing green in the flickering light. “I want to take them in alive.” Cornelius looked at
each person in his posse.
Cornelius set his jaw. “Where are they?”
Crockett snorted. “Wanna end up like that torso,
Crockett waved toward the looming shadows of the lawman?”
Ten Peaks mountain range.
“If it’s our lives or theirs, I won’t hesitate, Basse,”
“How are you feeling?” Cornelius studied his daughter. Reichart said.
“Fine,” she struggled to hold down her stomach. Bernadette stood with her arms crossed, staring out
Then, after staring at the fire for a moment, she con- into the wilds.
tinued. “No, I’m not fine. Cannibals? Are you kid-
ding me?” Her eyebrows drew down in the same “Bernadette?” Cornelius prompted.
stubborn way her mother’s did when she’d put her
mind to something. She looked up at Cornelius. “We “If they hurt kids,” she growled. “I can’t promise
have to save those people.” anything.”

Cornelius nodded. “Tomorrow, we find the people “I’ll make the final decision. Remember, we’re looking
of Redemption.” He could not let this stand. for justice, not revenge.” Cornelius made sure every-
one understood.
“’Night.” Crockett stood up and melted into the
darkness. “So you say,” Bernadette muttered. “Let’s go.” She
shrugged off her blankets. “While there’s still some
Reichart looked at the claw protruding from his good left we can do.”
arm. “I suppose I’ll just leave this on then.”


A Warm Welcome

“That doesn’t mean he doesn’t have power, Bee,”

Cornelius groaned.

She rolled her eyes.

They crept through the wilderness. In his eerily qui- “You have to wise up. You can’t keep fighting injus-
et way, Crockett searched for any signs of the Cult of tice this way. Or you won’t be fighting long.” Corne-
December that remained in the summer heat. lius didn’t beg. It was a simple statement of truth.
Parting thick, leafy branches, the guide uncovered A nearby explosion startled them out of their argu-
a mangled skeleton hidden there. The human skull ment. Clods of dirt rained down on them as a har-
stared past them into nothingness, grimacing for the poon appeared in their midst, sprouting out of the
rest of eternity. The bones were scored with knife earth and just missing Reichart.
and teeth marks.
“And this is why you don’t argue when hunting can-
Cornelius frowned. This was the world he’d brought nibals,” Reichart muttered as he turned to face their
his child to, to keep her safe. new assailant.
“Gettin’ close,” Crockett drawled with far too much A group of women wearing heavy coats and scarves
cheer. over their mouths emerged from behind the rocks
“We need to move faster.” Bernadette stomped past and trees. They carried harpoon guns and large
Crockett and away from the remains. hunting knives. Frost crept over the ground where
they stepped.
“Wait.” Cornelius grabbed at Bernadette’s shoulder.
“These the cannibals?” Bernadette asked, her breath
She turned and glared. “I’m not going to let some kid visible on the cold air. The links of her chain clanked
die because I was too late. Are you, Dad?” against each other as she pulled it out.

“I don’t want my kid to die,” he barked. “You’re reck- “Yes.” Reichart settled into a fighting stance.
less. You’ve always been reckless. But this time, in
this place, it’s going to get you killed.” Cornelius gritted his teeth. “You’re wanted for kid-
napping and murder. I suggest you come quietly.”
She snorted. “You’re being an overbearing, overpro-
tective mama bear. You can help, or you can go home.” One of the cultists began to pace behind the others.
She stared at them with an unsettling intensity.
“I can’t go home because of your actions, or don’t
you remember?” Cornelius growled. “I don’t like the look of that,” Bernadette said under
her breath.
“I was in the right!” Bernadette shouted. “They would
have murdered that boy if I hadn’t stepped in.” “We will defend ourselves,” Cornelius warned.

“I know!” Cornelius hollered right back. Another cultist drew her finger across her throat in
“You want us to find the cannibals? Or you want
them to find us?” Crockett interrupted. “Last chance,” he announced. “Come peacefully.”

“Shut up, Crockett!” Bernadette and Cornelius shouted. “I don’t think they’re listening, Dad,” Bernadette nar-
rowed her eyes at the hostiles surrounding them.
The guide shrugged and vanished into the brush.
Cornelius knew that Crockett was out there, ready
Cornelius dragged his hand down his face in exas- to pounce. He held up his hand and called out,
peration. “That’s why we fled. That judge, whose “Don’t kill them. I intend to take them in.”
son you killed, was going to see you hang no mat-
ter what.” “That’s his no-nonsense voice,” Bernadette said.
“Better heed.”
“I was defending myself,” Bernadette spat. “Besides,
he was corrupt and no better than his no-good son.” Harpoons whistled through the air. They clanged
against Reichart’s claw as he knocked them out of


A Warm Welcome

the way. “It’ll make this fight much more difficult, “Hey!” she barked. “The hell is wrong with you?”
Basse, since they are trying to kill us.”
“He’s seeing red,” Reichart observed as he stepped
“Don’t care. Do as I say,” Cornelius ordered. “Take up next to Cornelius. “Berserk.”
them out. Do not kill.” He turned on his heel and
smashed his fist into the face of a cultist creeping “Calm yourself, Crockett,” Cornelius growled, holding
up behind him. Her hunting knife clattered to the him back.
ground as she fell.
Crockett lunged at the elder Basse.
Bernadette’s chain whistled through the air and
“How about this?” Bernadette punched the guide in
slammed into a body with a clank and a thud. The
the face.
cultist cried out in pain.
The guide turned on her. She shrugged and hit him
In a surge of unexpected speed, Reichart raced to-
twice more.
ward the cultists who had stayed back and aimed
their harpoon guns at the posse. Crockett collapsed.
Crockett emerged, swinging his axes back and forth, The other three stood around him.
as silent as their enemies.
“Well, that was effective,” Reichart stated.
As cultists attacked him, his savage barrage held
them at bay. A knife bit into his arm, blood splat-
tering onto the ground. For just a moment, Crockett
looked at the spray of red; then he roared.

“Crockett, no!” Cornelius shouted.

Snarling and snapping, the guide charged at the

cultists. The cannibals fell under the vicious on-
slaught, barely able to defend. He swung and swung;
his axe blades glinted red.

“Crockett!” Cornelius tried again. The former sher-

iff grunted as he deflected a hunting knife with his
own and crushed his attacker’s nose with the han-
dle of it. The cultist went down, groaning and claw-
ing at her face.

Another cultist swung at Cornelius. The former

sheriff grimaced as he knocked the knife to the
ground, clenched his hand, and slammed his fist
into the cultist’s jaw. He felt teeth snap together and
something crack.

Something whistled just past his head – another

knife, another cultist. But this one was staying in
range, slashing at him from an arm’s length away.
Leaping up, he kicked at the new attacker, using his
powerful legs and the metal guards he wore over his
boots and shins to break the cultist’s knife arm.
Bone protruded, and the cultist shrieked.

As he looked around, each of his posse had taken out

the rest of the cannibal group. Bernadette stood next
to Crockett, her chain wrapped around him. He
struggled against the links and snapped at
the cultists with his teeth when he couldn’t
free himself.


A Warm Welcome

“Sometimes, it takes a woman’s touch, y’know?” Ber- “So be it.” Cornelius clenched his hand. “They made
nadette said with a smirk, her chain jangling merrily. their decisions.”

Bernadette watched her father. “That’s not you, at

least not back home. That was the line you always
drew, Dad.”

“Where’m I?” Crockett slurred. He flailed his limbs “Well, we’d better get back here in time, then,” he
and sat up with an unsteady sway. replied.

Cornelius crouched next to the disoriented guide, Reichart studied him. Cornelius ignored him. Ber-
who blinked up at him. “Are you going to fight us?” nadette nodded in agreement.

Crockett squinted at him. “Are you going to fight “Lines’re hazy, anyway.” Crockett stood up and
me?” stumbled a little before righting himself.

“He’s fine.” Cornelius began to hand the wildman “Watch yourself, Basse. Malifaux changes people,
his axes, then hesitated for a moment. His voice was and not for the better.” Reichart sighed and twisted
gruff, commanding, as he said, “Don’t turn on us his claw. The sun glinted off the metal.
again, Crockett.”
Cornelius remained silent.
Crockett just stared back with tired eyes.
“So, where are the rest of them?” Bernadette asked.
Cornelius raised one eyebrow but handed Crockett
Crockett peered around, looking for signs. He sniffed
his weapons anyway. They needed his help if they
the air. Then, he pointed at a nearby mountain
were going to take on more cultists.
topped with snow. “Sure glad I brought Ralphie.”
Crockett rubbed at his cheek where bruises with the
distinct pattern of the seams on Bernadette’s gloves
turned his skin a nasty purple. “Who hit me?”

“Does it really matter?” Bernadette asked. “Anyway,

we bandaged up and handcuffed the cultists we beat, The trees became thicker, the foliage denser. It re-
but they aren’t saying anything. At all. It’s creepy.” minded Cornelius of what people said about the
west coast, beyond the American borders and even
“You need to find the main camp,” Cornelius told what the Guild owned. Tall trees with unimaginably
the guide. huge trunks. He shivered despite his coat and boots.

“I thought you wanted to arrest them or some- Crockett crept about up in front, weaving back and
thing,” Crockett hitched a thumb toward the glar- forth, eyes flicking from the ground to the horizon.
ing, trussed cultists. He even stopped to taste the dirt every so often.
Suddenly, he held up a hand and dropped to the
The former sheriff grunted. “That would be ideal, ground, prone.
but the people of Redemption take priority in this
case.” Cornelius, Reichart, and Bernadette all stopped
where they were and crouched.
Crockett shrugged and pushed himself to standing.
“You all right with those cannibals dying out here “Look,” Crockett mouthed, pointing at a thin wire
if we can’t get back to them? You seemed the moral strung between two trees. He searched the branches
type is all.” above.

Cornelius frowned. “I’m not ‘all right’ with it, but, Cornelius squinted.
like I said, I’m putting those innocents ahead of
them.” “I don’t see anything,” Bernadette whispered.

“That’d make you executioner, in addition to judge “Shh.” Crockett pointed his finger toward the tops
and jury,” Reichart intoned. of the trees.


A Warm Welcome

There. Cornelius saw a well-hidden set of wooden “Open it,” Cornelius quietly commanded.
spikes, ready to impale anyone unlucky enough, or
unskilled enough, to trip that wire. Crockett eyed the cage for traps, then eased the door
open. The ropes and wood squeaked as he pulled on it.
“Follow me exactly,” Crockett breathed.
Cornelius stopped the girl as she slipped through the
The group wandered past several more traps. Boul- door. “Where are the others?”
ders that would crush them in a landslide, harpoon
guns rigged to fire, and pits filled with sharpened She pointed.
stakes all waited for them. Crockett avoided them all
“Run,” the former sheriff told her.
with a careful grace. It was no wonder Barker had
appointed him as their guide. She chewed on her lower lip. “But I want to help. I
They hadn’t seen any traps for about a hundred feet
when Crockett stopped next to some thick brush. “You already have.” Cornelius rested a hand on her
thin shoulder. “Go.”
The guide exhaled, his breath turning into ice crys-
tals in the air. The others tensed. Then, he looked She hesitated, then eventually nodded. “Thank you.”
to his side, right into the vegetation. The others fol-
lowed his glance.

Wide eyes looked back at them.

“Holy...” Bernadette began.

The four crept along, their weapons at the ready.
The person they saw through the leaves put her finger
They passed empty cages that reeked of blood and
to her lips and shook her head, a terrified, desperate
offal. Meat hooks hung from the trees. Butchered
bodies dangled, swaying in the breeze, even as the
That was when Cornelius noticed the bars. She leaves above whispered as though nothing was
was in a cage. Dirt and blood streaked her face. She amiss. Cornelius knew he’d dream about the unend-
smelled as though she hadn’t bathed in days, maybe ing dripping sound of blood for years to come, per-
weeks. And she was young, maybe fifteen. haps forever.

“Help us,” she mouthed. Her fingers, nose, and ears Crockett raised his hand. They all froze. He gestured
were red from the cold. ahead of them.

Through gritted teeth, Cornelius asked, his voice Almost invisible in the forest stood a small, tempo-
low, “How many of you? How many of them?” rary pavilion made of wood and branches. It had
no walls, just wooden supports and a roof. On the
The girl shuffled her way over and sat with her back far side, a distinctly human-looking body on a spit
to them to avert suspicion. “Fifteen of them. I don’t roasted over a fire.
know how many of us are left...”
Men and women gathered under the structure.
Those were bad odds. Cornelius looked around at They’d removed their face scarves and were chant-
his posse. Bernadette had a flinty, determined look ing or humming something that Cornelius couldn’t
in her eye that Cornelius recognized as his own. A understand. Ice crystals appeared in the air, creat-
muscle in Reichart’s jaw tightened. He didn’t like ing a snowy mist within the small building. Then,
this any more than Cornelius did. Crockett tested they tore into the cooked meat with their hands and
the sharpness of his axe and nodded. teeth. One of the older women trembled and giggled
uncontrollably as she ate.
They silently agreed. The four slipped around to the
front of the cage, pausing in the shadows as a pair of Bile rose in the back of Cornelius’ throat. It burned
acolytes passed. and made him want to gag. His crew was pale. Even
Crockett’s lips were pressed together into a thin,
The girl held her breath the entire time. disgusted line.


A Warm Welcome

“Over there.” Bernadette’s quiet rasp caught Cor- “What. Is. That!” Bernadette readied her chain, its
nelius’ attention. She pointed to where two aco- links clinking together.
lytes were placing a body on a bloody platform. A
woman, who wasn’t eating, performed some kind “Blessed of December.” Reichart lifted his arm, pre-
of ceremony. Eddies of snow spun around her. The paring to attack. “I’ve heard of them, never seen one
temperature plummeted. before. I hear she was once a woman.”

“Dangerous woman,” Crockett muttered. “Doesn’t look blessed to me,” Bernadette said
through gritted teeth.
Beyond the platform, a deep snowdrift was visible.
More cultists, wearing only long tunics, knelt in the With an unbelievable speed, the monster charged
cold and rubbed the snow over their skin. them. They scattered.

Bernadette shivered. Cornelius shook his head. “Impossible,” he said, lift-

ing his shotgun.
Carefully, the four made their way around the edge
of the clearing. More cages made of wood appeared A freezing blast of air slammed into him. He twisted
in the forest. Someone inside gasped. out of the way of grasping hands. The woman who
he’d seen humming before. She snapped her teeth
Bernadette waved her hand at them to be quiet. at him, her mouth a dark cavern where her tongue
should be.
Cornelius jerked his head to the side as something
flickered in the corner of his vision. Nothing but “Stand down,” he ordered her.
leaves and branches. He frowned.
“You still think that they’re gonna listen?” Bernadette
“Trap.” Crockett nodded at an almost-imperceptible snapped.
wire attached to a bundle of bells. With quick hands,
he disabled it. The woman raked at him with her long nails. He
blocked her strikes with the stock of his rifle. “I will
A clump of people in the cage stared at them with a fire,” he warned.
mixture of hope and terror on their faces. As soon as
Crockett had the door wedged open, they rushed for The sorceress grinned and began to cast a spell.
the opening.
“Shoot her!” Bernadette yelled as she faced off with
One man reached for Cornelius. “There’s another three acolytes.
one that way.”
He hesitated.
Cornelius nodded and gestured for his group to move
Reichart swept his claw in large arcs, keeping sev-
to the next cage. As they approached, something
eral acolytes at bay. By the almost-vacant look in his
rustled in the brush. A chill ran up Cornelius’ spine.
eye, Crockett was nearing another frenzy, but he was
He looked around again, to, again, find nothing.
surrounded. They were outnumbered badly. They
Crockett’s brow furrowed in concern. His eyes needed a strategy.
darted from side to side. He inhaled through his
Bernadette was right.
nose, trying to identify something that eluded him.
Cornelius needed to cross that line.
Three people waited in this cage. They trembled.
“Kill the acolytes. I’ll take the priestess and the mon-
Crockett reached out to unlock the door when the
ster.” He spoke from logic and reason. The words
cage collapsed. A monster stood there, its feet and
came out easily, but his stomach twisted at what it
claws covered in splintered wood and human gore.
Cornelius’ mouth dropped open.
He pulled the trigger, saw the woman’s eyes narrow
The creature shook its head, its antlers whipping in determination... and then he was flying through
back and forth. Opening its maw wide, revealing its the air. His shot went wild. Cornelius landed hard,
fangs, it roared. but rolled to his feet, barely dodging the Blessed of
December’s huge claw. The creature prepared to
ram him again.


A Warm Welcome

Bernadette grunted as she whipped with her chain the creature impossible. He didn’t know how much
and stabbed with her knife. Crockett’s axes were longer he could hold out, how much ammuni-
turning red with blood, but so was his shirt where tion he had, how long his crew could endure.
knives had nicked him. Reichart slipped in acolyte
gore. As he breathed, the metallic stink of blood
filled Cornelius’ nostrils. He kept his distance and
fired again and again.

The Blessed of December snarled. Fingers of frost

reached across the open wounds of the beast, chan-
neled by the nearby priestess. Blood and muscle
slowed as the snowy patches closed around the le-
sions, making each attempt at damaging


A Warm Welcome

In the blink of an eye, the monster was on him once In the commotion, the Blessed of December roared
more. Its teeth tore through his arm like jagged and rushed at the escaping girl.
knives. With his other hand, Cornelius pulled out
his own knife and jammed the blade into the crea- Cornelius lifted up his gun with one arm and pulled
ture’s angry, dark eye. The beast let loose its toothy the trigger. The shrapnel tore through the monster’s
grip in a violent roar. Holding the ribbons of his thick fur and hide. Blood ran from its eye where
flesh together with his good hand, he rolled to dodge Cornelius previously plunged his knife. The crea-
another attack. ture continued its charge as though it hadn’t felt a
thing, weaving through the trees faster than any-
Bernadette had a nasty gash over one eye, sweat and thing he’d ever seen before.
blood blinding her, but the cultists looked battered
and beaten, too, their blood spilling out over their
cloaks and scarves.

Crockett screamed something unintelligible and

kept fighting, but he stumbled as he did so. Bodies
piled up at his feet.

Blood sprayed as Reichart took out acolyte after

acolyte with his claw.

The one without a tongue grinned. A mist exploded

from her feet, obscuring the forest.

Steadying his shotgun with one hand, Cornelius

fired. The woman collapsed, rivulets of red pouring
from her wound. Despite stopping her from being
able to heal the monster any further, he couldn’t
help but focus on what it meant to shoot an enemy
in the back.

“Help!” a reedy voice cried.

Cornelius snapped out of it and turned to see

the first girl they’d saved, a knife to her
throat. An acolyte dragged her toward
the fight, her eyes intensely focused.

“Let her go.” Cornelius turned to face the new aco-

lyte even as hot blood ran down his arm.

“You let our meat go free,” she hissed, holding onto

the girl tightly.

He was too far away. He might hit the girl. But, left
in the cultist’s hands, she would die, anyway.
Cornelius growled and pointed his gun toward the
ground. He couldn’t take the risk.

From behind the cultist, Crockett rose up. His

plunged an axe into the cultist’s skull with a
crack, his other axe just missing the captive.
The cultist collapsed, the knife still gripped
in her hand. The girl screamed, squeezed
by the acolyte’s frozen grip, and scrambled


A Warm Welcome

“Stop!” Cornelius yelled, then shot again. It acted He was an executioner now. And there were so
unaffected; he couldn’t even tell if he hit or missed. many towns left. What would be left of him when
he finished?
Before Cornelius could reload, the beast stopped in
its tracks and eyed the terrified girl, a bloody drool
dripping from its maw while what looked like a grin
was stretched across its lips. Scooping her up with its
massive claws, the monster crushed her in its grip.
Cornelius could hear her ribs and arms snapping When they limped back into Redemption, they
from where he stood. The creature stared back at found the few surviving townsfolk milling around
him for a moment, broken girl in hand, then bolted in a daze of mourning and shock.
away, leaving a trail of blood and organs behind it. It
ran until it could no longer be seen or heard, vanish- One of the men they’d freed ushered them into a
ing into the dense forest. small building, the town tavern, and handed them
each a beer. Another started mending their wounds
Crockett hollered obscenities as he continued to with what little equipment they had available.
rage. Under his onslaught, the acolytes melted into
the forest behind the Blessed of December. With no They drank in silence.
other acolytes presenting themselves to his axes, the
Reichart drank directly from a bottle as his injuries
guide took heavy, slow breaths in an effort to calm
were cleaned.
Crockett refused to be touched. Beer foam clung to
“We need to go after it,” Bernadette insisted, looking
his beard.
back at the others in shock that they appeared fro-
zen in place. Cornelius watched as his arm was dressed, his
mind reeling.
Reichart shook his head. “We need to leave,” he stat-
ed. “Almost didn’t make it.” He looked at Cornelius’ Once she was bandaged up and had her fill of
mangled arm. “We’re in no shape to go after that beer, Bernadette pulled out the map with a rustle.
thing.” Aggressively, she slashed an ”X” through the town
of Redemption with a splash of ink. “This means
“It’s not right,” Cornelius growled, clutching at his
we failed.”
bleeding arm and staring at the trees where the
Blessed of December vanished. “Too many were lost; too few survived,” Cornelius
lamented. “No more Xs. No more failures.”
Frustration collectively overwhelmed them in the
silence that followed. They stared at one another, “Lots of towns to visit,” Crockett drawled.
bleeding, fatigued, and feeling defeated.
With a metallic thump, Reichart tapped the nearest
Bernadette shouted, “What the hell is this place?” circled town on the map with his prosthetic hand.
“Welcome to Malifaux,” Crockett said in between Cornelius looked around. Each person nodded in
deep huffs. agreement. It was time to move on; lives depended
on it. It seemed that their job had only just begun.
“I hate that saying.” Reichart’s mouth twisted in
revulsion. “There are many, many more monsters
out there for you to hunt down and more people to
save. If you haven’t bled to death.”

Cornelius’ shoulders slumped. Nothing had pre-

pared him for this. He’d brought his daughter here
so that they could live in relative peace, whatever
that was. But seeing the helplessness in her eyes
and feeling the blood on his hands, he began to
wonder if that was the right decision.


Stat Cards • AUGMENTED

Charles Hoffman Charles Hoffman

Master, Living, Construct

For many, crossing over from Earth and into the often mag-
nificent and always terrifying unknown world of Malifaux
meant change. Some for better, and others for much worse.

For Charles Hoffman, the once painfully shy and physically

crippled engineer who followed his brother onto the train,
it meant more than just shedding his skin and starting a new
life. More than ten years after that fateful day, he is now the
director of the Amalgamation Charter Enforcement Office
for the Guild, a mechanical genius who has rivaled the great 7 4
Victor Ramos in ingenuity and creation of constructs, and all 4
Wp Mv 2
Armor +2: Reduce all damage suffered by this model by +2.
Every good grace, boon, and ladder climbed in his career
Power Nexus: At the start of this model’s Activation,
still does not fill the void left in his heart. Despite his brilliant every friendly Construct within a6 gains a Power Token.
mind, Charles Hoffman has been unable to figure out how to Before performing a duel, this model may discard a Power
Token from itself or a friendly Construct within a6 to
wish it all away to bring his brother, Ryle, back. There is not receive either a + or a suit of its choice to that duel.
a day that goes by where he doesn’t second-guess his deci- Protected (Construct): After this model is targeted
by an enemy Attack Action, it may discard a card to change
sion to pass through that blasted Breach, to say the things he the target to a friendly Construct model within 2" of this
previously could not put into words, to see his brother smile model (ignoring range, LoS, and targeting restrictions).
Creative Salvage: Enemy models killed by this model
once again. Drop a Scrap Marker in addition to any other Markers
A lot has happened between then and now. Despite Victor
Ramos’ best attempts at giving his brother a renewed life, HEALTH

Charles soon came to understand that he was nothing more

than a tortured husk, existing only as electricity meeting
instinct, shocked nerves colliding with paralyzed brainwaves. Charles Hoffman

There came a time when Charles needed to come to terms Attack Actions Rg Stat Rst TN
with the fact that there was nothing that could be done to save Enhanced Fists y1" 6t Df -
Target suffers 2/4/6 damage.
his ill-fated brother. Unfortunately, someone else did the bury- t Spool Up: Enemy only. This model gains a Power Token.
ing for him. But sometimes shedding skin means to first pick M Knock Aside: Push the target 4" in any direction.

away at the wounds that refuse to scar. Welding Torch y1" 6R

Discard any number of Power Tokens. For each Token
Df -

discarded in this way, increase the range of this Action by

Sometimes one must bleed out before one can breathe in. +2". Target suffers 2/3/3 damage and gains Burning +1.
If the target is a friendly Construct, it instead Heals 2.
R Temper Steel: Friendly Construct only. Target Heals
They say the final stage of grief is acceptance, to cleanse and 1 and until the End Phase, its Armor Ability cannot be
wash away what one has wallowed in for so long, to finally
Analyze Weakness 10" 6 Wp -
find a way forward. For Charles Hoffman, the final stage is Until the End Phase, all damage the target suffers ignores
Armor and Shielded.
about letting go. t Surge: Draw a card.

As much as his brother’s body battled with the machinations Tactical Actions Rg Stat Rst TN

that kept him upright, so too does Charles fight with his own Overcharge 6" 6 -
Friendly Construct only. Target gains Fast and a Power

morals and loyalties. His recovery will come in the form of Token. Enemy models within p2 of the target must each pass
a TN 15 Mv duel or suffer 1 damage and gain Injured +1.
new friends and allies in the most unexpected places. F Emergency Power 6" 7M - 10
Choose a friendly model within range with more Power
Tokens than the target. Friendly only. Remove a Power Token
from the chosen model. The target gains a Power Token and
may end any one Condition on itself.
M Swift Action: Take this Action again.
M Advance: Push this model 4" toward the target.



AUGMENTED • Stat Cards


Stat Cards • AUGMENTED

Mechanical Attendant Mechanical Attendant

Enforcer, Construct

Totem (Charles Hoffman)

The trademark metal tramp of Charles Hoffman’s walking AUGMENTED
harness has recently acquired a lighter, faster counterpoint
in the tap-tap-tapping footsteps of his Mechanical Attendant, a
special project of his private workshop. It’s such a steadfast
companion to him now that, when it’s not by his side, people
start looking nervously around for where it might be lurking.

Although Hoffman treats it with his usual practicality, the

thing is a small marvel in itself that any other engineer would
strut and crow over. Its movements create no click of gears or
buzz of motors, and it never fumbles or tangles its complex 4 5
arrays of arms and tools. Speaking of which, where does it fit 4
Wp Mv 1Sz
them all? The Attendant has more cutters, needles, lock picks,
telescopes, torches, grippers, stowed in itself than should ever ABILITIES
Armor +2: Reduce all damage suffered by this model by +2.
be able to fit in there. Companion: After a friendly model ends its Activation
within 6" of this model, if this model has not Activated this
Rumor says several wealthy mechanists have bounties on Turn, it may discard a card or Pass Token to do so.
Power Converter: At the start of this model’s
the Attendant, eager to cut it apart and reverse-engineer Activation, it may remove a Scrap Marker within a3 to
Hoffman’s secrets. Of course, Hoffman’s recent addition of a gain a Power Token. Before performing a duel, this model
may discard a Power Token to receive either a + or a suit
gun-limb carrying a Mauser 9 must only be a coincidence. of its choice to that duel.
Demise (Power Surge): After this model is killed, it
may move its Power Tokens to friendly models within p6.


Mechanical Attendant

Attack Actions Rg Stat Rst TN

Surprise Shot z8" 4Df -
Target suffers 2/3/4 damage.
t Spool Up: Enemy only. This model gains a Power
c Daze: Target gains Stunned and is Pushed up to 3"
in any direction.

Tactical Actions Rg Stat Rst TN

Internal Magnet p6" 5 - 10
Choose either toward or away. Push all Scrap Markers
and friendly models with Power Tokens up to 3" in the
chosen direction from this model.
F Field Repairs 3" 5 - 12
Construct only. Target Heals 1/2/3.
R Scorched Remains: Drop a Scrap Marker into base
contact with the target.
F Transfer Power 3" - - -
Discard a Power Token. Friendly Construct only. Target
gains a Power Token. Push the target up to 2".



AUGMENTED • Stat Cards

Enforcer, Construct
AUGMENTED They were built and named with a singular purpose in
mind: exist within the eyes of the enemy to pacify conflicts
through fear. With every gear placed, each joint tightened,
time passed, and with it the stories of anarchy spread across
the papers like an uncontrollable flame. The engineers that
began to shape the great machine realized that despite its
sheer presence, the Peacekeeper purely existing would not
be enough to stomp out the fires.

5 4 Its limbs were modified for tearing down rebel hideouts. Its
Wp Mv 3
steel exterior was hardened to protect the complex mecha-
nisms that kept it running. Its motor was tuned to reduce the
Armor +2: Reduce all damage suffered by this model by +2.
energy required to operate. It was equipped with a harpoon
Power Converter: At the start of this model’s gun in the off chance the enemy tried to escape. If that wasn’t
Activation, it may remove a Scrap Marker within a3 to enough, it could transfer power to nearby constructs upon its
gain a Power Token. Before performing a duel, this model
may discard a Power Token to receive either a + or a suit own destruction, providing them with an inkling of its own
of its choice to that duel. strength. Rare as they are, the Peacekeeper is a private army
Flurry: Once per Turn. After this model resolves a y
Action during its Activation, it may discard a card to take
in itself, capable of accomplishing what is necessary without
that Action again. morality getting in the way. Peace is an illusion, and the only
Demise (Power Surge): After this model is killed, it way to keep up the fantasy is through brute force.
may move its Power Tokens to friendly models within p6.
Hard to Wound: Damage flips against this model suffer
a -.



Attack Actions Rg Stat Rst TN

Heavy Claws y2" 6 Df -
Target suffers 3/4/6 damage.
R Critical Strike: When resolving, the target suffers
+1 damage for each r in this Action’s final duel total
(to a maximum of +2).
t Armor Piercing: When resolving, damage from
this Action ignores Armor.
t Spool Up: Enemy only. This model gains a Power
Harpoon Gun z12" 6 Df -
Target suffers 2/3/5 damage. Push the target up to 3"
toward this model.
R Pull and Drag: Push the target 3" toward this
c Maim: Target discards a card.

Tactical Actions Rg Stat Rst TN

F Trail of Gore 3" - - -
Remove target enemy Scheme Marker. Take a yAction
or the Walk Action.
F Transfer Power 3" - - -
Discard a Power Token. Friendly Construct only. Target
gains a Power Token. Push the target up to 2".



Stat Cards • AUGMENTED

Everyone in Malifaux knows the stories of reclaiming the
Quarantine Zones, street by nightmare-haunted
street, and how the turning point of that work
came when the first detachments of Guardians
lumbered through the barricades side by side
with the Guild Guards. And every veteran of
the Zones has a tale of how they owe their
skin to a Guardian who stepped between
them and some predatory obscenity, weath-
ered its rage without a single backward step,
and put an end to it with a shearing stroke of
its greatsword.

The Guards’ affection for their Guardians

shows in the way they diligently clean and
maintain their mechanical companions,
decorating them in Guild livery or painting
on kill-marks, mottoes, or nicknames. But
affection or no, the Guardian constructs
are getting older, more battered and more
erratic, and it’s only a matter of time before
these loyal machines are relegated to simpler
duties or broken up altogether.

Minion (2), Construct
Attack Actions Rg Stat Rst TN
Greatsword y2" 6 Df -
Target suffers 3/4/5 damage. If this model has not taken
the Charge Action this Activation, this Action receives a
+ to its damage flip.
t Spool Up: Enemy only. This model gains a Power
M Knock Aside: Push the target 4" in any direction.
c Electroshock: Discard a Power Token. Models
within p2 gain Stunned and Injured +1.
Toss 1" 3 Sz -
Target a model with lower Sz than this model. Push
the target up to 10" in any direction. If this Push is
4 4 interrupted, the Pushed model and models in base
Wp Mv 3
contact with it must each pass a TN 14 Df duel or suffer
2 damage.

ABILITIES Tactical Actions Rg Stat Rst TN

Armor +2: Reduce all damage suffered by this model by +2. Scatter p3" - - -
Take the Hit: After an enemy model targets a friendly Enemy models within range are Pushed 3" away from this
model within a2 with an Attack Action, this model may model.
discard a card to Place itself into base contact with the
F Transfer Power 3" - - -
friendly model and become the new target of the Attack
Discard a Power Token. Friendly Construct only. Target
Action (ignoring range, LoS, and targeting restrictions).
gains a Power Token. Push the target up to 2".
Power Converter: At the start of this model’s
Activation, it may remove a Scrap Marker within a3 to
gain a Power Token. Before performing a duel, this model
may discard a Power Token to receive either a + or a suit
of its choice to that duel.
Demise (Power Surge): After this model is killed, it
may move its Power Tokens to friendly models within p6.



AUGMENTED • Stat Cards

Minion (3), Construct
Hunters are the newest construct designs to win a full Guild
production charter, to the horror of outlaws and subversives
for whom the handful of operational prototypes are already
frightening enough.

Smaller, lighter and leaner than its brutal cousin the Peace-
keeper, the Hunter’s segmented body and specially-sprung
legs couple with its complex instruction codes to turn it into
an agile and stealthy predator rather than a charging war-
4 6 beast. Hunters are sent out from prison compounds or labor
5 Wp Mv 2 camps to track escapees, and hunt smugglers and bandits
unerringly through the most malevolent badlands.
Df Sz

Armor +2: Reduce all damage suffered by this model by +2. When the Hunter’s intricate mechanical senses detect its
Deadly Pursuit: During the End Phase, this model may
Push up to 4". prey, it closes in swiftly to capture or kill, spearing targets
Assassin: After this model kills an enemy model that has with its chain harpoon or leaping forward to bear them
not Activated this Turn, this model gains Fast. down and pin them to the ground with its armored mass and
Power Converter: At the start of this model’s
Activation, it may remove a Scrap Marker within a3 to steel claws. Hunters are crafty, capable of setting ambushes,
gain a Power Token. Before performing a duel, this model using darkness and cover to hide themselves, and working in
may discard a Power Token to receive either a + or a suit
of its choice to that duel. a team with humans or other constructs.
Demise (Power Surge): After this model is killed, it
may move its Power Tokens to friendly models within p6.



Attack Actions Rg Stat Rst TN

Metal Claws y1" 6 Df -
Target suffers 2/3/5 damage.
R Critical Strike: When resolving, the target suffers
+1 damage for each r in this Action’s final duel total
(to a maximum of +2).
t Spool Up: Enemy only. This model gains a Power
Harpoon Gun z12" 6 Df -
Target suffers 2/3/5 damage. Push the target up to 3"
toward this model.
R Pull and Drag: Push the target 3" toward this
F Pounce on Chest 4" 2 Sz -
Enemy only. Place this model into base contact with the
target. The target gains Injured +1.
R Heave: Place the target anywhere within 3" of this

Tactical Actions Rg Stat Rst TN

F Transfer Power 3" - - -
Discard a Power Token. Friendly Construct only. Target
gains a Power Token. Push the target up to 2".



Stat Cards • AUGMENTED

Melissa K.O.R.E
In the wake of his battle with Anna Lovelace, Charles Hoffman
was forced to accept that his brother Ryle was truly dead.
With a heavy heart, he began to dismantle Ryle’s body.
Within Ryle’s brain, Charles discovered a device intended
to preserve Ryle’s soul in a Soulstone. There just hadn’t been
enough of him left.

Realizing the potential ramifications of the device, he sought

out a potential candidate for its use, and found it in a Death
Marshal named Melissa Kurtlige. A hardened veteran,
Melissa’s service had nevertheless affected her body,
and the necromancy she wielded in the name of the
Guild had eaten away at her like leprosy. But her
will was like no other, and with the stoicism that
had earned the respect of her peers, Melissa
volunteered to be Hoffman’s test subject.
Now her soul is preserved in a hardened
shell of steel and pistons, armed with the
most advanced technology and weapons
available to the Guild. Melissa Kurtlige was
dead, but Melissa K.O.R.E. was reborn, and
ready to serve.

Melissa K.O.R.E.
Melissa K.O.R.E.
Henchman, Construct
Attack Actions Rg Stat Rst TN
Metal Claws y1" 5 Df -
Target suffers 2/3/5 damage.
t Armor Piercing: When resolving, damage from
this Action ignores Armor.
Gatling Gun z12" 6 Df -
Target suffers 2/4/6 damage.
R Burst Damage: When resolving, the target suffers
+b damage.
t War Eternal: If this model Cheated this Action’s
damage flip, draw a card.
F Clockwork Grenade z8" 6 * 13
This Action ignores LoS. Shockwave 1, Mv 12, Damage 2.
R Rain of Death: Discard any number of Power
Tokens. When resolving, for each discarded
Power Token by this Trigger, Drop an additional
5 5 Shockwave Marker within range, at least 3" away
Wp Mv 2
from any other Shockwave Marker Dropped by this
Action. Increase the TN of any Mv duels generated
by this Action by +1 for each Shockwave Marker
ABILITIES Dropped by this Trigger.
Armor +2: Reduce all damage suffered by this model by +2.
Power Converter: At the start of this model’s Tactical Actions Rg Stat Rst TN
Activation, it may remove a Scrap Marker within a3 to
F Transfer Power 3" - - -
gain a Power Token. Before performing a duel, this model
Discard a Power Token. Friendly Construct only. Target
may discard a Power Token to receive either a + or a suit
gains a Power Token. Push the target up to 2".
of its choice to that duel.
Dynamic Generator: After this model declares the
Charge Action, it gains a Power Token.
Run and Gun: This model’s Charge Action may generate
z Actions instead of yActions.



AUGMENTED • Stat Cards

Minion (3), Construct
While most Guild constructs are regarded with a sense of
ambivalence or fear by Malifaux’s citizens, the Riotbreaker
is the only one that is actually hated. The constructs are only
brought out to help pacify large crowds, which in Malifaux
usually means Union strikes.

The Union has taken advantage of this by plastering graphic

pictures of Riotbreakers shooting unarmed men and women
at point-blank range across the front pages of their most
4 4 prominent rag sheets. This gruesome propaganda has led to
5 Wp Mv 2 the constructs being associated with the Guild’s worst acts of
tyranny and oppression.
Df Sz

Armor +2: Reduce all damage suffered by this model by +2. Charles Hoffman believes that the sullied reputation of these
Crowd Control: Enemy models within a6 cannot take
Actions unless it is their Activation. constructs might be repaired. He has started rotating them
Unyielding: When this model would take an Action into other units and detachments in the hope that the people
outside of its Activation, its owner may choose for it not to. of the city will see the Riotbreakers in a different light.
Power Converter: At the start of this model’s
Activation, it may remove a Scrap Marker within a3 to
gain a Power Token. Before performing a duel, this model
may discard a Power Token to receive either a + or a suit
of its choice to that duel.
Demise (Power Surge): After this model is killed, it
may move its Power Tokens to friendly models within p6.



Attack Actions Rg Stat Rst TN

Shield Slam y1" 6 Df -
Target suffers 1 damage and is Pushed up to 2" in any
t Spool Up: Enemy only. This model gains a Power
Riot Gun z8" 6 Df -
Triggers on this Action must be declared, if able. Target
suffers 2/3b/3b damage.
R Slug: When resolving, this Action Drops no Blast
Markers and the target suffers +1 damage.

Tactical Actions Rg Stat Rst TN

F Blow It to Hell 8" 5 - 10
Remove any other Blown Apart Markers Dropped by this
model. Drop a Blown Apart Marker within range, then
remove any Destructible Terrain within p2 of it. Models
within a2 of a Blown Apart Marker do not benefit from
having Cover. Blown Apart Markers cannot be removed
from effects other than this Action.
F Transfer Power 3" - - -
Discard a Power Token. Friendly Construct only. Target
gains a Power Token. Push the target up to 2".




Warden Warden
Minion (2), Construct

When the Guild took bids for an even tougher and more
powerful version of the Guardian fighting construct for
Malifaux’s large and vicious prisons, there was much shaking
of heads. The Guild has never been short of money to splash
around, but this much? For that?

But the Wardens fit the Guild’s ruthless profit calculus per-
fectly. Their hulking iron bodies form a cordon when the
gates must be opened, their restraint claws pluck prisoners
out of the heaving mob when it’s time to fill an order for
new laborers for the foundries or railroads, and their metal 4 5
fists can beat the defiance out of the most starvation- and 5
Wp Mv 2
violence-crazed convicts. And every one sent into a jail can
replace five regular guards, men who can take bribes, need ABILITIES
Armor +2: Reduce all damage suffered by this model by +2.
paying and feeding, and might even feel pity sometimes. Pursue: This model’s Attack Actions receive +1 to their
duels when targeting models that have already Activated
Wardens are sometimes brought out of the jails, too, for spe- this Turn.
Ruthless: This model ignores the Terrifying and
cial missions and as object lessons. Behave yourself out here, Manipulative Abilities of other models.
their presence seems to say, and you’ll never have to meet us Power Converter: At the start of this model’s
in there. Activation, it may remove a Scrap Marker within a3 to
gain a Power Token. Before performing a duel, this model
may discard a Power Token to receive either a + or a suit
of its choice to that duel.



Attack Actions Rg Stat Rst TN

Hurricane Punch y1" 5 Df -
Target suffers 2/3/4 damage.
R Puncture: When resolving, this Action’s damage
flip receives a + for each r in the final duel total
(to a maximum of ++).
M Knock Aside: Push the target 4" in any direction.
Restraint Claw z8" 5 Df -
Target suffers 1/2/2 damage and gains Slow.
R Pull and Drag: Push the target 3" toward this model.

Tactical Actions Rg Stat Rst TN

F Transfer Power 3" - - -
Discard a Power Token. Friendly Construct only. Target
gains a Power Token. Push the target up to 2".



AUGMENTED • Stat Cards

“What the Guild don’t see can’t hang you on the Tree.” A paper-thin carapace, reinforced by engraved wards,
So the saying goes among thieves, smugglers, sedition- encloses a skeleton of brass rods and gears, the whole
ists, Arcanists, and the sundry undesirables who choose supported by broad wings pinioned in metal or hard-
a life outside the Guild’s laws. It’s a saying the creators of wood. The mechanism moves to a heartbeat of steam
the Guild Watcher are trying to make obsolete. from a Soulstone-powered pump, and the crystal lens
that dominates its face is twinned to a second lens that
Adapted from the crude scouting and prospecting con- merges its gaze with the vision of its allies on the ground.
structs of the Resettlement effort and later refined by Since then, criminals that utter cocky rhymes are known
Charles Hoffman, the Watcher is a striking creation. to glance upward, checking to be sure they’re right.

Minion (3), Construct
Attack Actions Rg Stat Rst TN
Talons y0" 4 Df -
Target suffers 1/2/3 damage.
t Spool Up: Enemy only. This model gains a Power
M Coordinated Attack: Another friendly model may
take a yAction targeting the same model.
c Daze: Target gains Stunned and is Pushed up to 3"
in any direction.

Tactical Actions Rg Stat Rst TN

F Scrap Delivery - - - -
Remove a Scrap Marker in base contact with this model.
At the end of this model’s Activation, Drop a Scrap
4 7 Marker into base contact with this model.
Wp Mv 1Sz F Transfer Power 3" - - -
Discard a Power Token. Friendly Construct only. Target
gains a Power Token. Push the target up to 2".
Armor +1: Reduce all damage suffered by this model by +1.
Flight: When resolving the Walk or Charge Action,
instead of moving normally, this model may Place itself
completely within X", where X is equal to this model’s Mv.
This model does not suffer Falling damage.
Power Converter: At the start of this model’s
Activation, it may remove a Scrap Marker within a3 to
gain a Power Token. Before performing a duel, this model
may discard a Power Token to receive either a + or a suit
of its choice to that duel.
Demise (Power Surge): After this model is killed, it
may move its Power Tokens to friendly models within p6.



Stat Cards  •  ELITE, MIMIC

Lucius Mattheson Lucius Mattheson

Master, Living

The Right Honorable Lucius Gustavius FitzWilliam Mattheson.
Here he comes, gliding through the Vice-Regal manor like a
perfectly-groomed shadow, his voice as soft as his footsteps,
as smooth as the cognac he pours for his most favored visitors.
A Master of Letters from Geneva, a Doctorate of Laws from
Salzburg, Empire Day honors for services to the realm. And
by all accounts a capable fencer and polo player and a rather
fine violinist, too. What brought such a sophisticate out of the
halls of Parliament and into a world like Malifaux?
7 5
5 Wp Mv 2
Nobody knows. Nobody even knows if any of the many grand Df Sz

and elaborate stories he tells of his past are even remotely true. ABILITIES
More importantly, nobody except a select few know what’s Serene Countenance: Enemy Attack Actions that
target this model suffer a - to their duel.
behind his mask, and fewer still have survived upon seeing Mastermind: If this model is this Crew’s Leader, after any
with their own eyes. And that fills Lucius with quiet glee. player discards a Pass Token to skip Activating a model,
this model may draw a card.

After establishing himself as Secretary to the Governor- Arcane Reservoir: Crews containing one or more models
with this Ability increase their Maximum Hand Size by one.
General, Lucius groomed the ambitious but short-sighted Entourage: After this model resolves the Walk Action,
Herbert Kitchener, fueling his thirst for power with one hand any number of other friendly unengaged models within a6
may move up to 2" in any direction.
while sowing the seeds of his eventual destruction with the Subterfuge: When an enemy Scheme Marker would be
other. But Lucius underestimated Kitchener’s impatience, Dropped within a6, this model may discard a card. If it
does so, a friendly Scheme Marker is Dropped instead.
who enacted a ritual intended to give him ultimate power. To
Lucius’s shock, Kitchener almost succeeded.

Kitchener died, and the Burning Man was born. The Guild
enacted a swift response, and before Lucius could orchestrate
the disaster to his liking, Franco Marlow was appointed the Lucius Mattheson
new Governor-General. Marlow held Lucius responsible for
his mishandling of the debacle, an accusation that he holds Attack Actions Rg Stat Rst TN

close to his heart. Or, he would... if he had one. Fancy Cane y1" Df
5 -
Target suffers 2/3/4 damage.
t Beautiful Clothes: Target gains Distracted +1.
Lucius rankles at the indignity of this temporary inconve- M Coordinated Attack: Another friendly model may
take a yAction targeting the same model.
nience, of this brief yet raw embarrassment, but he is far from c Siphon Essence: Enemy only. After killing, add one
finished from his intent of climbing the ladder. Of obtaining Soulstone to this Crew’s Soulstone Pool.

ultimate, unyielding, and absolute power. The allegations, the Hidden Sniper z10" 5 Df -
This Action ignores Cover and can draw LoS and range
strange looks, the demotions... they’re all just setbacks; short from any friendly Mimic or Elite model. Target suffers
walls that can easily be stepped over or destroyed. 2/3/4 damage and gains Injured +1.
R Critical Strike: When resolving, the target suffers
+1 damage for each r in this Action’s final duel total
Many still swear their fealty to him alone, and others, well, (to a maximum of +2).
they should have read the fine print on their contracts. They F Misinformation 6" 6 Wp -
Enemy only. Target reveals its Control Hand and discards
will come when called, like it or not. Marlow may not bend up to two cards of this model’s choice. Then, the target
his ear to him, not yet, but there are so many others Lucius draws a number of cards equal to the number of cards it
can speak to, and when he does, they listen.
Tactical Actions Rg Stat Rst TN
Issue Command 12" 7 - 12
This Action cannot target the same model more than once
per Activation. Friendly Minion, Mimic, or Elite model
only. Target takes a non-F Action.
t Purification: End one Condition on the target.
M Under Pressure: Push the target 2" away from this



ELITE, MIMIC  •  Stat Cards


Stat Cards  •  ELITE, MIMIC

The Scribe
Certainly there was another person at that meeting, you think
as you hurry away from the Governor-General’s mansion,
glad to be out from under Lucius Mattheson’s gaze. Of course
there was. Didn’t Mattheson motion for his seal and wax, and
with a murmur there they were in front of him?

Didn’t he snap his fingers for the deeds we were discussing,

and there were quick footsteps and a figure beside him and
they were laid out on the desk, open at exactly the right page?
And I know for a fact that when he asked for the record of
the meeting there was a flutter of paper and a sound like a
hundred pens scratching at once, and there it was? Handed to
him by someone you didn’t quite see? In beautiful copperplate
writing, dated and marked? Not just minutes, an exact
transcript of your conversation, though you spoke for over an
hour? So surely there was someone else in the room with you.

So why can’t you remember what they looked like?

The Scribe
The Scribe
Enforcer, Living
Totem (Lucius Mattheson) Attack Actions Rg Stat Rst TN
ELITE, MIMIC Sharpened Quill y0" Df
5 -
Target suffers 1/2/3 damage.
t Draw Out Secrets: Drop a Scheme Marker into
base contact with the target.
c Maim: Target discards a card.
Dispel Magic 6" 6 Wp 12
End one Condition on the target.

Tactical Actions Rg Stat Rst TN

5 4 F I’ve Got Your Back 6" 5 - 10

4Dft Wp Mv 2
Target other engaged friendly model. Target is Placed
into base contact with this model.

Df/Wp (t) Fade Away: Enemy only. When resolving,
reduce any damage this model suffers by 2, then Bury this
Unseen Butler: At the start of this model’s Activation,
if it is Buried, Unbury it within 2" of a Scheme Marker or a
friendly Master. After this model Unburies for any reason,
all friendly models within p2 Heal 1 and gain Focused +1.
Betrayal: Enemy models within a6 must each discard a
card to Cheat Fate.
Following Orders: Once per Activation. After this
model resolves an Action taken outside its Activation,
generated by a model with Cost higher than it, this model
may draw a card.
Insignificant: This model cannot take the Interact
Action and is ignored for Strategies and Schemes.



ELITE, MIMIC  •  Stat Cards

Agent 46
According to the archives, the first and only time Agent 46
is mentioned on record was shortly before the death of
Governor-General Kitchener, confirming his return from
Earth after a series of investigations of a global imports com-
pany. All other records - including his time Earthside and
where he was Breachside before that - have either been
expunged by the Governor’s Secretary, or were never
there to begin with. And that suits Lucius just fine.

Agent 46 has been at the Secretary’s side ever since,

a tall, lanky scarecrow to shoo away bothersome
pests. His silent, intense stare and spider-like
movements are usually enough to keep anyone
from approaching, and those who don’t get the mes-
sage find Agent 46 is always armed with a blade of some
kind, which he wields with surgical skill and unnerving
speed. In those rare moments when 46 is not at Lucius’
side, the Secretary cryptically remarks that he is “on
assignment,” and brushes the topic aside like dust
from his sleeve.

Agent 46
Agent 46
Henchman, Living
Attack Actions Rg Stat Rst TN
Twirling Blades y1" 6 Df -
Target suffers 2/4/5 damage.
R Critical Strike: When resolving, the target suffers
+1 damage for each r in this Action’s final duel total
(to a maximum of +2).
M Pouncing Strike: Place this model into base
contact with another enemy model within 5" and
LoS. Then, take this Action again, targeting that
enemy model.
c Execute: The target may either discard a card or
a Soulstone. If it does neither, it is killed, ignoring
Demise Abilities.
Analyze Weakness 10" 6 Wp -
Until the End Phase, all damage the target suffers ignores
Armor and Shielded.
6 6 M On Your Heels: Enemy only. Place this model into
Wp Mv 2
base contact with the target.

Tactical Actions Rg Stat Rst TN

ABILITIES F Mimic 6" 6 - 12
Stealth: Enemy models cannot target this model from Select one of the target’s non-F Actions that does not
more than 6" away. Attach Upgrades or list a model by name. Non-Master
Inhuman Physiology: Enemy models cannot Cheat only. Until the End Phase, this model may treat the
Fate when targeted by this model’s Attack Actions. selected Action (and its Triggers) as though it were
printed on its card. The Stat for the Action is considered
Ruthless: This model ignores the Terrifying and
to be equal to the Stat for this Action.
Manipulative Abilities of other models.
Following Orders: Once per Activation. After this
model resolves an Action taken outside its Activation,
generated by a model with Cost higher than it, this model
may draw a card.



Stat Cards • ELITE

Alan Reid
Most of the Elite Division act in absolute secrecy, performing
tasks for the Guild that - arguably - even the Guild would
find suspicious. But secrecy is one part discretion to one part
distraction, and that’s where Alan Reid comes in. Originally
the lead investigator on the Seamus case, the
Redchapel Killer always seemed to be two
steps ahead. Frustrated, Reid started turning
to more brutal methods to ensnare his prey,
and his recklessness accidentally uncovered
the Elite Division’s operations. Astutely realiz-
ing the problems it would cause, Alan quickly
silenced the eye-witnesses - including mem-
bers of his own team.

When Alan was summoned to the Secretary’s

office, he was sure his own time had come.
Instead, Lucius professed his respect for Alan’s
quick-thinking and tidy cleanup, then quietly slid a
contract in front of him. Now Alan puts his brutal, pub-
lic methods to work for Lucius, the loud, booming cudgel to
Lucius’ slender daggers aiming for the vulnerable spine...

Alan Reid
Alan Reid
Henchman, Living
Attack Actions Rg Stat Rst TN
Garrote y0" 6M Df -
Target suffers 1/2/3 damage. If the target has Staggered,
it suffers +2 damage.
R “TALK!”: Enemy only. Target may discard two
cards. If it does not, the opposing player must name
one of their unrevealed Schemes (and any models
noted by that Scheme).
M Stagger: Models damaged by this Action gain
c Execute: The target may either discard a card or
a Soulstone. If it does neither, it is killed, ignoring
Demise Abilities.
Derringer z8" 5 Df -
Target suffers 2/3/4 damage.
6 5 “One More Question!” 8" 6 Wp -
5 Wp Mv 2 Target gains Slow. If the target is engaging any models, it
Df Sz suffers 1/3/4 damage.
t Surge: Draw a card.
ABILITIES M Coordinated Attack: Another friendly model may
Intimidating Authority: After this model is targeted take a yAction targeting the same model.
with an Attack Action, it may discard a card to have the
Attacking model suffer a - to that Action’s duel. F Startle 8" 6 Wp -
Target gains Staggered.
Diversion: Enemy models within a4 cannot declare F
Actions. Tactical Actions Rg Stat Rst TN
Nefarious Pact: At the end of this model’s Activation, it
may draw a card. F Boring Conversation a6" 7 - 13
Until the End Phase, when an enemy model within range
Following Orders: Once per Activation. After this declares a non-Walk Action it must pass a TN 10 Wp
model resolves an Action taken outside its Activation, duel or the Action fails.
generated by a model with Cost higher than it, this model
may draw a card.



ELITE • Stat Cards

Guild Investigator
Since the re-opening of the Breach ten years ago, the Guild has
been operating a pragmatic and arguably effective govern-
ment in Malifaux. Despite the many challenges and threats it
has faced in the past, the Guild’s ironclad grip on Malifaux has
only tightened. Part of the reason for its success is the Guild’s
willingness to get its hands dirty. Every criminal investi-
gation in the city, from murders to white collar crime, is
headed up by one of the Guild’s many Investigators.

The primary task of an Investigator is not to solve the

crime (though that’s appreciated when it happens), but
rather to ensure that any evidence points toward
anyone but the Guild. More than one eyewitness
has “disappeared” because they stubbornly dis-
agreed with an Investigator’s creative interpreta-
tion of events.

Minion (2), Living
Attack Actions Rg Stat Rst TN
Garrote y0" 7M Df -
Target suffers 1/2/3 damage. If the target has Staggered,
it suffers +2 damage.
t Draw Out Secrets: Drop a Scheme Marker into
base contact with the target.
M Stagger: Models damaged by this Action gain
c No Witnesses: This Trigger may only be declared
if no other enemy model (other than the target) is
within 12" and LoS of this model. When resolving,
the target suffers +1 damage and damage from this
Action ignores Armor.
6 5
Wp Mv 2
Interrogate 8" 5 Wp -
Target must discard a card. If the target is within 3" of an
enemy Scheme Marker, this model may draw a card.
ABILITIES t Draw Out Secrets: Drop a Scheme Marker into
base contact with the target.
Intimidating Authority: After this model is targeted
c Delay: Target gains Slow.
with an Attack Action, it may discard a card to have the
Attacking model suffer a - to that Action’s duel.
Tactical Actions Rg Stat Rst TN
“Stand Back! It’s Evidence!”: After a Corpse, Scrap,
or Scheme Marker is Dropped within a4, after resolving F Active Crime Scene a4" 6 - 12
the current Action or Ability, this model may Push a model Until the Start Phase, enemy Scheme Markers within
within 3" of the Marker up to 3" away from it. range cannot be targeted or affected by enemy models and
are ignored for the purposes of Schemes and Strategies.
Remove Evidence: At the start of this model’s
Activation, it may remove a Scheme, Corpse, or Scrap
Marker within a4 to draw a card.
Following Orders: Once per Activation. After this
model resolves an Action taken outside its Activation,
generated by a model with Cost higher than it, this model
may draw a card.



Stat Cards • ELITE

Guild Lawyer
Magic is a popular metaphor for the practice of law: the great
libraries, the rituals and strange words, esoteric concepts
mastered by years of study, the clash of finely-honed wills with
the power of life and death vested in verdicts and decrees. But
Malifaux doesn’t do metaphor. Malifaux does power.

As Guild lawyers graduate from wrangling mundane

proceedings, they begin to notice that what they used
to only accomplish symbolically – shredding testimo-
nies, redefining meanings, challenging and remaking
the facts themselves – is spilling out of the courtroom
and into their lives. With gleeful sophistry and only a
little surgically-applied willpower, they can redefine the
reality around them, and impose their definition over
what was there before. For what’s reality but a pattern;
what’s a law but a pattern to define and control other
patterns; what’s a lawyer but something that defines
and controls the law?

And it’s after that epiphany that the senior partners

escort them to Mattheson’s office to sign a very
special contract, and their true training begins.

Guild Lawyer
Guild Lawyer
Minion (3), Living
Attack Actions Rg Stat Rst TN
Sharp Wit y1" 6 Wp -
Target gains Slow.
M Under Pressure: Push the target 2" away from this
c Mental Trauma: Target must either discard a card
or suffer 3 damage.
Obey 12" 5 Wp 14M
This Action cannot target the same model more than once
per Activation. Non-Master only. Target model takes
a non-F Action that does not Attach Upgrades or list a
6 5 model by name, chosen and controlled by this model.
Wp Mv 2
t Draw Out Secrets: Drop a Scheme Marker into
base contact with the target.

ABILITIES Tactical Actions Rg Stat Rst TN

Intimidating Authority: After this model is targeted
with an Attack Action, it may discard a card to have the F Impassioned Defense 8" 6 - 10
Attacking model suffer a - to that Action’s duel. Friendly only. Target gains Shielded +2.
t Surge: Draw a card.
Chatty: Enemy models within a6 must each discard a M Quick Reflexes: Take this Action again, targeting a
card to take the Interact Action. different model.
Following Orders: Once per Activation. After this
model resolves an Action taken outside its Activation,
generated by a model with Cost higher than it, this model
may draw a card.
Tools for the Job: At the start of this model’s
Activation, it may draw the top card of its Discard Pile,
then discard a card. Until the End Phase, this model may
add the suit of the discarded card to its final duel totals.
Court Authority: Friendly models may treat this model
as having +2 Cost when resolving game effects.




False Witness
Minion (3), Living
5 False Witness
The death of Herbert Kitchener threw the Guild into dis-
array Breachside. Lucius Mattheson stepped up as acting
Governor to handle the crisis, and immediately declared
the Arcanists to be responsible for Kitchener’s death. As the
mass-arrests began, Lucius assigned a group of men and women
to plant the necessary evidence, give falsified testimony, and
5 5 otherwise point the finger at the people Lucius had already
Wp Mv 2
selected for arrest. This would allow them to avoid the nag-
ging problem of due process.
Manipulative: If this model has not yet Activated this
Turn, enemy Attack Actions that target this model suffer a
Thus the False Witness became an unofficial branch of the
- to their duel. Elite Division. Typically these men are carefully selected and
Distraction: Enemy models within a2 of this model trained for their work, often spending as much time prepar-
suffer - to Wp duels.
Following Orders: Once per Activation. After this
ing false evidence as a typical investigator would finding it.
model resolves an Action taken outside its Activation, Other times, the False Witness is simply an opportunistic
generated by a model with Cost higher than it, this model
may draw a card.
sycophant, eagerly doing the dirty work in exchange for a
Chasing a Story: After an enemy model within a8 healthy Guild stipend paid under the table. A scrap of an
resolves the Interact Action, this model may gain Focused +1. arcane tome, a stolen Peacebringer revolver; the right plant
Innocent Bystander: Attack Actions without a TN
that target this model gain a TN of 12.
in the wrong place can make a man a criminal in the eyes of
Exclusive Interview: When an enemy model within his friends and family, forever.
a2 takes the Interact Action, it is treated as a friendly
model and the Action is controlled by this model.


False Witness

Attack Actions Rg Stat Rst TN

J’accuse! 8" 5 Wp -
Target gains this model’s choice of either Adversary
(Elite) or Adversary (Journalist). If the target is
engaging this model, the target suffers 1/2/3 damage.
M Slander: Target gains Distracted +1. If the target is
within a2 of a Scheme Marker, it suffers +1 damage.
c Debt of Gratitude: Target must remove a Scheme
Marker friendly to its Crew from anywhere in play. If
it cannot, it suffers 2 damage.

Tactical Actions Rg Stat Rst TN

False Claim 3" 5 - 12
This Action cannot be taken while engaged. Drop two
Scheme Markers within range. During the End Phase,
remove a friendly Scheme Marker from play.
F Tell No Lies a3" 5 - 12
Until the End Phase, models within range cannot Cheat



Stat Cards • FAMILY

Perdita Ortega Perdita Ortega

Master, Living

The name Ortega is known throughout Malifaux as the
greatest Neverborn Hunters around. In the early days of the
Second Breach, the Guild put out a call for monster-slayers in
Malifaux, and the impoverished Ortegas pooled their money
to send the eldest son, Francisco, through the Breach.

But such was her hunger for adventure and a chance to prove
herself that Perdita stole the ticket and journeyed in his stead. 6 5
Armed with only a pistol, she felled horrors that could kill 6
Wp Mv 2
a dozen men, earning impressive bounties, and soon began
sending for her family to join her Breachside. ABILITIES
Bravado: After this model takes the Concentrate Action,
it may Push up to 4" toward an enemy model in its LoS.
It didn’t take long for stories to spread through all of Malifaux “¡A Por Él!”: After this model ends its Activation, another
about the exploits of the Ortegas under Perdita’s command. friendly Family model within a6 with Cost equal to or less
than this model may discard a card to take an Action.
They say that she can shoot a moving target with her eyes Df (m) Quick Draw: If this Action is a z Action, the
closed, that she once killed three Neverborn with a single Attacking model suffers 2/4/5 damage. This damage flip
suffers a -.
bullet, and can even shoot around corners. There are many Cut Down to Size: When targeting models with
who have claimed to witness these amazing feats, and upon maximum Health, this model’s Attack Actions receive a +
to their damage flip.
meeting Perdita, there are few who doubt them.
Expert Shot: This model’s Attack Actions ignore
Friendly Fire.
Despite being one of the best hunters this side of the Breach, Gunfighter: This model may treat any of its z Actions as
Perdita shares a strange connection to the Neverborn. She having a range of y1".

is one of the few who have managed to capture one of them

alive and has bound it to her will. This has been the founda- HEALTH

tion of many rumors about her mother’s identity. People who

dare to ask such questions directly to the family, however, are
not often able to ask questions again. Perdita Ortega

The Ortega family has recently come back from the Bayou, Attack Actions Rg Stat Rst TN
defeated, after a failed attempt at ending - or at the very least, Custom Peacebringer z12" 7 Df -
Target suffers 2/4/5 damage.
closing - the ceaseless threat of the abominations pouring R Critical Strike: When resolving, the target suffers
from the Red Cage. There simply isn’t enough ammunition +1 damage for each r in this Action’s final duel total
(to a maximum of +2).
in all of Malifaux to put a bullet in each mechanical zombie M Quick Reflexes: Take this Action again, targeting a
head. While Perdita can count the number of times she had to different model.
retreat on one hand, she’s perfectly fine with that increasing Analyze Weakness 10" 6t
Until the End Phase, all damage the target suffers ignores

as long as the number of Ortegas remain the same. Armor and Shielded.
t Family Values: Once per Activation. Enemy only.
Another friendly Family model within a 6 may either
Since Nekima’s rise to power and Titania’s reemergence, draw a card or take the Concentrate Action.

the Neverborn bounties have been piling up, which, for an Tactical Actions Rg Stat Rst TN
Ortega, is normally a good problem to have. But even the Target Practice z20" 6 - X
most feared Guild gun has to reload every once in a while. The TN of this Action is equal to the distance in inches between
this model and target Scheme Marker. Remove the target.
For each Nephilim head brought back in a burlap sack, two M Swift Action: Take this Action again.
more contracts would appear on her doorstep. Without an Finger on the Trigger a12" 7 - 12
end in sight, Perdita and her family will need to come up with Until the End Phase, after a model ends a move generated
from the Charge Action within range, this model may
a creative solution to their problem, and fast. immediately take a z Action targeting the model. If the target
suffers Moderate or Severe damage from the Action, it cannot
take an Attack Action as a result of the Charge Action. This
Action cannot declare Triggers.
FHero’s Gamble - - - -
Discard this model’s Control Hand. Draw a number of cards
equal to the number of cards discarded by this Action. If there
are more enemy models in play than friendly models, draw
additional cards equal to the difference.



FAMILY • Stat Cards



Enslaved Nephilim
Enslaved Nephilim
Enforcer, Living
Totem (Perdita Ortega) Attack Actions Rg Stat Rst TN
FAMILY, NEPHILIM Ball and Chain y0" 4 Df -
Target suffers 1/2/3 damage.
M Insidious Influence: Take the Obey Action
targeting the same model. That Action receives +2m
to its final duel total.
Obey 12" 4 Wp 14M
This Action cannot target the same model more than once
per Activation. Non-Master only. Target model takes
a non-F Action that does not Attach Upgrades or list a
model by name, chosen and controlled by this model.

Tactical Actions Rg Stat Rst TN

F Frightening Reminder 6" 5 - 10
Other friendly model only. Push the target up to 4" away
from this model.
t Preparations: Target gains Focused +1.
4 4
Wp Mv 1Sz
Black Blood: After this model suffers damage from an
Action or Trigger, every model within p1 suffers 1 damage.
This model ignores damage caused by Black Blood.
Regeneration +1: At the start of this model’s Activation,
it Heals +1.
Insignificant: This model cannot take the Interact
Action and is ignored for Strategies and Schemes.
Demise (Expendable): After this model is killed, its
controller draws a card.


Enslaved Nephilim
The Ortega family is well known for their skill at killing watch as the family carries out raid after successful raid
Neverborn, but Perdita has gone one step further and against Neverborn who might have otherwise been
managed to bind one to her service. Though it would like friends and allies.
nothing more than to break free and destroy its captor,
the Ortegas are no fools. The chain around its neck is
specially designed to hold Nephilim, and it would take
more strength than this poor creature has to be free of it.

Deep wounds from struggling against his bonds fill with

oozing black blood, and his sharp teeth constantly
gnash at anyone who comes near. The chain does
more than hold the creature: it also forces it
to obey Perdita. Where it might wish only
death and destruction to the Ortegas,
instead it is forced to give advice
on how to kill its brothers and


FAMILY • Stat Cards

Francisco Ortega
Francisco is the eldest Ortega son. A proud but stubborn
man, he was furious when Perdita stole his ticket to
Malifaux. He felt it was his responsibility to provide
for the family, and that she robbed him of a chance
for glory. But when letters - and money - began to
arrive with proof of her success, even Francisco
could not deny his sister’s talent. When offered to lead
his family, he chose to give that honor instead to Perdita.

Freed from the burden of leadership, Francisco is free to

practice his swordplay – a skill which even Perdita cannot
hope to match him. While most of the other Ortegas take
great pride in their shooting ability, they know who they can
count on when the Nephilim close in and quarters draw tight.

Quiet as a rule, there are some who fail to believe the stories
surrounding the mysterious elder brother and challenge him
to a duel. To this day, there is no man alive who has won a
duel against him. As a rule, Francisco will fight a challenge
with only one blade, to better even the odds, but when he is
in a life and death situation, there is no holding back. Both
blades are pulled free, and the true skill of this Ortega can be

Francisco Ortega
Francisco Ortega
Henchman, Living
Attack Actions Rg Stat Rst TN
Balanced Sword y1" 7 Df -
Target suffers 2/4/5 damage.
R Critical Strike: When resolving, the target suffers
+1 damage for each r in this Action’s final duel total
(to a maximum of +2).
t Family Values: Once per Activation. Enemy only.
Another friendly Family model within a6 may either
draw a card or take the Concentrate Action.
M Onslaught: Take this Action again, targeting the
same model.
Custom Peacebringer z12" 6 Df -
Target suffers 2/4/5 damage.
R Critical Strike: When resolving, the target suffers
6 5 +1 damage for each r in this Action’s final duel total
Wp Mv 2
(to a maximum of +2).

Tactical Actions Rg Stat Rst TN

Bravado: After this model takes the Concentrate Action,
Heroic Intervention 6" 6 - 11
it may Push up to 4" toward an enemy model in its LoS. Enemy only. Push all other friendly models within 1" of
the target 5" away from the target. Then, Push this model
“¡A Por Él!”: After this model ends its Activation, another 6" toward the target. This model may take a yAction
friendly Family model within a6 with Cost equal to or less targeting the same model.
than this model may discard a card to take an Action.
F Finesse - - - -
Grit (Hardened): While this model has half of its
Until the End Phase, yActions targeting this model suffer
maximum Health or less, reduce all damage it suffers by +1.
a - to their duels.
Df (r) Parry: If this Action is a yAction, the Attacking
model suffers 2/3/4 damage. This damage flip suffers a -.
Flurry: Once per Turn. After this model resolves a y
Action during its Activation, it may discard a card to take
that Action again.



Stat Cards • FAMILY

Santiago Ortega Santiago Ortega

Enforcer, Living

Some men attempt to avoid bullets. That is the moment when
Santiago Ortega feels the most alive. When others are duck-
ing for cover, he is pushing through them, eager to meet his
foe in battle. Some rumors claim that he is more than human,
that only a monster could survive so many attacks and still

His battlefield laughter serves both as a warning to his foes

and a rallying call for his allies. With modified Peacebringers 6 5
in each hand, the family knows that he will not only draw
Wp Mv 2
attention away from them, but he will also take more than his ABILITIES
fair share of the kills. It is welcomed in the heat of battle, but Bravado: After this model takes the Concentrate Action,
it may Push up to 4" toward an enemy model in its LoS.
resented around the dinner table.
“¡A Por Él!”: After this model ends its Activation, another
friendly Family model within a6 with Cost equal to or less
To many, it may seem that Santiago’s habits are poor strategy, than this model may discard a card to take an Action.
but everyone in the family knows that there are few who can Expert Shot: This model’s Attack Actions ignore
Friendly Fire.
exert the type of control that Santiago routinely commands. Grit (Frantic): While this model has half of its
They know that his bullets will find only the maximum Health or less, its Attack Actions receive a + to
their duels and damage flips.
flesh of their enemies, no matter how wild
Deadly Pursuit: During the End Phase, this model may
he may appear. Push up to 4".
Gunfighter: This model may treat any of its z Actions as
having a range of y1".


Santiago Ortega

Attack Actions Rg Stat Rst TN

Custom Peacebringer z12" 6 Df -
Target suffers 2/4/5 damage.
R Critical Strike: When resolving, the target suffers
+1 damage for each r in this Action’s final duel total
(to a maximum of +2).
t Family Values: Once per Activation. Enemy only.
Another friendly Family model within a6 may either
draw a card or take the Concentrate Action.
M Frantic Attack: This model suffers 1 damage.
Take this Action again.
c Grudge: Target gains Adversary (Family).
Sober Up 6" 5 Wp 12
End one Condition on the target. If the target is a friendly
model, it gains Focused +1.
F Challenge 8" 6 Wp 13
Until the End Phase or when this model is killed
(whichever comes first), the target must discard a card to
target any model other than this model with an Action.

Tactical Actions Rg Stat Rst TN

F I’ve Got Your Back 6" 6 - 10
Target other engaged friendly model. Target is Placed
into base contact with this model.
M Quick Shot: Take a z Action, even if engaged.



FAMILY • Stat Cards

Niño Ortega
Enforcer, Living
Niño Ortega
Somewhere between a ghost and a proper Latigo lie men like
Niño, men who do not seek glory. Often sent ahead of the
main force, Niño will find a position and wait until the rest
of the family has engaged before picking off their enemies
one by one. On the occasion when one bullet is not enough
to finish the job, he will let loose at the risk of giving away
his position. No matter how long he has been waiting, Niño
always keeps his guns trained on his enemies, waiting only
5 5 for Perdita’s signal to open fire or to withdraw.
5 Wp Mv 2
Df Sz
If the fighting draws close to his position, or if he is pushed into
ABILITIES the melee by forces outside his control, Niño knows better
Bravado: After this model takes the Concentrate Action,
it may Push up to 4" toward an enemy model in its LoS. than to try to fight it out. He will duck and weave away from
“¡A Por Él!”: After this model ends its Activation, another any attacks and take the first chance he can get to redirect an
friendly Family model within a6 with Cost equal to or less
than this model may discard a card to take an Action.
enemy’s attacks at another family member, leaving him free
From the Shadows: This model may be deployed at to hunt his prey another time.
the start of the game, rather than during Deployment. If so,
this model may be deployed anywhere on the table that is
at least 6" away from the enemy Deployment Zone, and it
may not take the Interact Action on the first Turn.
Sharpshooter: This model’s z Actions ignore Cover
and Concealment.
Spotter: This model’s a affect friendly models regardless
of range.


Niño Ortega

Attack Actions Rg Stat Rst TN

Knife y0" 4 Df -
Target suffers 1/3/4 damage.
Repeating Rifle z14" 5t+ Df -
Target suffers 2/3/4 damage.
R Critical Strike: When resolving, the target suffers
+1 damage for each r in this Action’s final duel total
(to a maximum of +2).
t Family Values: Once per Activation. Enemy only.
Another friendly Family model within a6 may either
draw a card or take the Concentrate Action.
M Quick Reflexes: Take this Action again, targeting a
different model.

Tactical Actions Rg Stat Rst TN

F Quick Retreat - - - -
This Action may only be taken while engaged. This model
may move up to 4".



Stat Cards • FAMILY

Papa Loco
Papa Ortega was once a wise leader, until the night the Ortegas
delivered him to the Malifaux Sanitarium. What happened
to make him snap is a secret guarded more closely than any
other truth about the Ortega family. His stay was not long;
between his penchant for creating explosives out of simple
tools and his inability to be treated by traditional methods, no
doctor or nurse bothered to stop him when he declared his
intention to return to the Ortega Compound.

Not every member of the Ortega family goes on

every mission, but when Papa decides he’s going
to come along, there are few who can talk
him out of it. Despite the Ortegas’ endless
inventory of ammunition and their refusal
to allow Papa to ever hold anything sharp,
he manages to produce powerful explosives.
While the stability of these concoctions is
questionable at best, there is little that can be
debated about their effectiveness.

Papa Loco
Papa Loco
Enforcer, Living
Attack Actions Rg Stat Rst TN
Frantic Flailing y0" 5r Df -
Target suffers 1/2/3 damage.
R “Here, Hold This!”: The target and other models
within p2 of it must each pass a TN 13 Mv duel or
suffer 3 damage. The target suffers a - to this duel.
R Dynamite Punch: When resolving, the target
instead suffers 3/4/6 damage, then this model suffers
2 damage.
Throw Dynamite z8" 6 * 12
Shockwave 2, Mv 13, Damage 3.
R Cataclysm: When resolving, Drop another
Shockwave Marker within range and LoS.
M Blown Back: Push models damaged by this Action
3 5 3" away from the Marker.
Wp Mv 2
Sz Tactical Actions Rg Stat Rst TN

ABILITIES F Blow It to Hell 8" 4 - 10

Bravado: After this model takes the Concentrate Action,
Remove any other Blown Apart Markers Dropped by this
it may Push up to 4" toward an enemy model in its LoS. model. Drop a Blown Apart Marker within range, then
remove any Destructible Terrain within p2 of it. Models
“¡A Por Él!”: After this model ends its Activation, another within a2 of a Blown Apart Marker do not benefit from
friendly Family model within a6 with Cost equal to or less having Cover. Blown Apart Markers cannot be removed
than this model may discard a card to take an Action. from effects other than this Action.
Evasive: Reduce all damage this model suffers from
F Juggernaut - - - -
Shockwave, p, and b effects to 0.
Discard a card. This model Heals 1/2/4.
Grit (Hardened): While this model has half of its
maximum Health or less, reduce all damage it suffers by +1.
Demise (Explosive +3): After this model is killed,
models within p2 suffer +3 damage. This model does not
Drop any Markers when killed.



FAMILY • Stat Cards

Monster Hunter
The Monster Hunters aren’t Guild employees in the
traditional sense of the word. They’re freelancers
and bounty hunters with Guild backing, meaning
they are granted an allowance of Guild resources
- particularly weapons and ammo - to
assist them in the destruction of things
that go bump in the night.

While just about anyone can become a

Monster Hunter, the dangers of the profession
tend to weed out the unqualified rather quickly. Only
about half of the would-be Hunters survive their first
encounter with a creature, and those who do often have
more experienced fighters or steadfast allies watching
their backs.

The most famous Monster Hunters are the members

of the Ortega family, whose exploits are the stuff of
legend. Stories of their exploits have traveled far and
wide across Malifaux and Earth alike, and the Guild
has been quick to play up their heroics, making
them out as valiant gunslingers who have vowed
to defend humanity against the ravages of an
inhuman enemy.

Monster Hunter
Monster Hunter
Minion (2), Living
Attack Actions Rg Stat Rst TN
Custom Firearm z12" 5 Df -
Target suffers 2/4/5 damage.
t Family Values: Once per Activation. Enemy only.
Another friendly Family model within a6 may either
draw a card or take the Concentrate Action.
c Stunning Strike: Target gains Stunned.
Terrorize 8" 5 Wp -
Enemy only. Target is Pushed its Mv in inches away from
this model.
c Grudge: Target gains Adversary (Family).

5 5 Tactical Actions Rg Stat Rst TN

Wp Mv 2
F Creep Along - 5 - 11
Push this model up to its Mv in inches toward a friendly
model in LoS.
Bravado: After this model takes the Concentrate Action,
it may Push up to 4" toward an enemy model in its LoS.
“¡A Por Él!”: After this model ends its Activation, another
friendly Family model within a6 with Cost equal to or less
than this model may discard a card to take an Action.
Deadly Pursuit: During the End Phase, this model may
Push up to 4".
Gunfighter: This model may treat any of its z Actions as
having a range of y1".
Heed No Fear: This model cannot gain the Adversary
The Bigger They Are: This model receives +1 to
opposed duels with enemy models that have Sz greater
than this model.



Stat Cards • FAMILY

Abuela Ortega Abuela Ortega

Enforcer, Living

How old is Abuela Ortega? Is she the Ortega siblings’ mother?
Aunt? Grandmother? Would that mean Papa Loco is her son?
Speculation over cards and drink in the Latigo workers’
quarters at night holds such fascination because it involves
trying to imagine a young Abuela, an Abuela with babies,
with... a husband? Trying to reconcile those imaginings with
the reality of the ferocious old woman prowling the com-
pound, battering the laziness, clumsiness, or backtalk out of
her workforce with stinging whacks from a wooden spoon
or red-hot salvos of scolding and insults... well, there’s not
6 4
enough booze in Latigo for any of them to manage that. 4
Wp Mv 2

At the Ortega family table each evening, Abuela distributes ABILITIES

gloriously-prepared meals as she grills the youngsters about Bravado: After this model takes the Concentrate Action,
it may Push up to 4" toward an enemy model in its LoS.
their missions, snappishly correcting them on points of “¡A Por Él!”: After this model ends its Activation, another
Neverborn hunting technique and battle tactics. And friendly Family model within a6 with Cost equal to or less
than this model may discard a card to take an Action.
anyone who finds that odd has never seen
On Wheels: After this model resolves a z Attack Action,
the alacrity with which Abuela grabs Push it up to 3" away from the target.
the shotgun from the side of her chair Hard to Wound: Damage flips against this model suffer
a -.
and puts herself on the firing line when
“Nice Shot, Dear!”: When taking Actions outside of
the Neverborn come calling. their Activation, friendly Family models within LoS receive
+1 to their duels.


Abuela Ortega

Attack Actions Rg Stat Rst TN

Sharp Wit y1" 5 Wp -
Target gains Slow.
t Family Values: Once per Activation. Enemy only.
Another friendly Family model within a6 may either
draw a card or take the Concentrate Action.
c Grudge: Target gains Adversary (Family).
Sawed-Off Shotgun z6" 5 Df -
Target suffers 2/3b/4b damage.
R Slug: When resolving, this Action Drops no Blast
Markers and the target suffers +1 damage.

Tactical Actions Rg Stat Rst TN

F “Listen Up, Young’un!” 8" 6 - 14M
This Action receives +M when targeting a Family model.
Friendly non-Master only. Target model takes a non-F
Action that does not Attach Upgrades or list a model by



FAMILY • Stat Cards

Pistolero De Latigo
Ranches don’t run themselves, and the Ortega family’s
sprawling fortified homestead of Latigo does a brisk
hiring business in ranch hands, blacksmiths, tanners, carpen-
ters, armorers, and all the folk needed to support the Ortega
posse in the field, and to keep their home as self-sufficient as
possible. Those who last under the punishing workload and
Abuela Ortega’s fierce scrutiny may earn the privilege of rid-
ing out as Pistoleros.

Released from their former labors, Pistoleros practice relent-

lessly and the Ortegas encourage them to outdo one another
in feats of marksmanship, horsemanship, and strength. In town,
they adopt a swagger befitting those chosen to ride with the
Guild’s famous monster hunters; in battle, they are an explosive
combination of youth, skill, and reckless pride, determined to
show that their swagger is no empty display.

The dangers of their work make for frightening casu-

alties in their ranks, but every Pistolero is convinced
that they will be the exception who earns a perma-
nent place in the Ortega crew.

Pistolero De Latigo
Pistolero De Latigo
Minion (3), Living
Attack Actions Rg Stat Rst TN
Small-Gauge Revolver z10" 4 Df -
Target suffers 1/2/4 damage.
R Critical Strike: When resolving, the target suffers
+1 damage for each r in this Action’s final duel total
(to a maximum of +2).
c Grudge: Target gains Adversary (Family).
Biting Insult 6" 5 Wp -
Enemy only. Target gains Distracted +1. If the target has
not yet Activated this Turn, this model’s Crew gains a Pass
c Grudge: Target gains Adversary (Family).

Tactical Actions Rg Stat Rst TN

F Reckless - - - -
This model suffers 1 damage. This model gains Fast.
4 5
Wp Mv 2

Bravado: After this model takes the Concentrate Action,
it may Push up to 4" toward an enemy model in its LoS.
“¡A Por Él!”: After this model ends its Activation, another
friendly Family model within a6 with Cost equal to or less
than this model may discard a card to take an Action.
A Fistful of Scrip: After this model kills an enemy
model, it may Drop a Scheme Marker into base contact
with the killed model.
Gunfighter: This model may treat any of its z Actions as
having a range of y1".



Stat Cards • FRONTIER

Cornelius Basse Cornelius Basse

Master, Living

Cornelius Basse grew up on an Oklahoma farm where he
learned the value of patience, respect, and responsibility from
his father (and years of hard work). It was on that farm where
Cornelius also learned how to shoot a shotgun, and more
importantly, when; as his father always said, a man holding
an empty shotgun is just as intimidating as a man with one
loaded as long as he never needs to fire.

When his father passed, Cornelius couldn’t bring himself to 5 5

keep up the farm as it was an extension of the man who raised 6
Wp Mv 2
him, so he sold it to his neighbor for a fair price. With that
money, he traveled across the American frontier, breaking Home on the Range +1: When deploying, every friendly
bread with bandits, settlers, vagabonds, and the like over model with this Ability can deploy +1" beyond this Crew’s
Deployment Zone.
campfires, as long as the company was kind. And when it Favorable Terrain: This model is unaffected by Severe
wasn’t, he often found himself being the only one vigilant Terrain. While this model is in Severe Terrain or within 1"
of Impassable Terrain, it has Cover.
enough to break up backroom brawls. He even met the love
Hard to Kill: When this model suffers damage, if it has
of his life on the road, who told him to settle down and make 2 or more Health, it may not be reduced to below 1 Health.
a living by just being the man he was: a protector. Df (c) Tangled in the Briars: After resolving, Push
this model 2" away from the Attacking model. If this Action
was a yAction and the Attacking model is within 2" of
Before she and Cornelius had the chance to marry, she Severe Terrain, end its Activation.
soon passed as well, but not before giving him a daughter, Gunfighter: This model may treat any of its z Actions as
having a range of y1".
Bernadette. As Cornelius raised his wildflower, he gained
a reputation across the American plains and canyons as
the face of frontier justice. He was fair and strict in his rul- HEALTH

ing; his cold stare was said to stop bullets and his stoic nod
was enough to mend wounds. Those early years were hard,
and taught Cornelius lessons he thought he’d never have to Cornelius Basse
learn. He hoped that showing his daughter the importance Attack Actions Rg Stat Rst TN
of patience, respect, and responsibility through his actions Chesterfield Shotgun z8" 6 Df -
would be enough for those values to resonate with her, but Target suffers 3b/4b/5b damage.
R High Noon: This model gains Shielded +2.
she was too much like him, and needed to learn those values c Severe Injury: Models damaged by this Action
herself. gain Injured +1 for each c in this Action’s final duel
total (to a maximum of Injured +2).
12" 7 Mv -
Unfortunately, it was an action made by his daughter that Caught in Quicksand
This Action ignores Concealment. Target suffers 1/2/3
would ultimately drive them both out of America. Cornelius damage and gains Injured +1. If the target is in Severe
Terrain, Place it within 1" of that terrain, not in terrain.
had taught Bernadette the importance of self-defense (“And if R Sand Worm?!: Once per Activation. Immediately,
it means your life or theirs… do what needs doin’ to survive.”), change this Action’s effect to: “Target suffers
2b/3b/4bb damage. Remove all Destructible
but the person on the other end of her knife was the son of a Terrain within p3 of the target.”
corrupt judge. His death meant that Cornelius had to make c Among the Willows: Target must be in terrain.
Choose a terrain the target was in when this Trigger
the toughest decision in his life: to define what it means to do was declared. Until the End Phase, that terrain is
the “right thing.” treated as Hazardous.

Tactical Actions Rg Stat Rst TN

But Cornelius Basse had suffered enough loss in his life to risk Stoic Nod 6" 7 - 12
Other friendly model only. Target Heals 1/2/3.
his daughter becoming a potential victim of the justice system
- - -
that he chose to protect all those years. So, with his daughter’s F Claim the Bounty p4"
Remove all Scheme Markers within range. For each
hand in his, they ran to Malifaux City to start a new life, far Marker removed by this Action, this model may draw the
top card of its Discard Pile.
away from anyone who might mean to do them harm. Little
F Kick Up Dust 3" 7 - 10
did he know that the Guild was watching, and waiting, and Drop a 50mm Concealing, Severe Dust Cloud Marker
just so happened to need a little bit of frontier justice of their anywhere within range. During the End Phase, remove
the Dust Cloud.
own to be doled out to contract towns. And they had an offer M Reposition: Move this model up to 3".
he couldn’t refuse.


FRONTIER • Stat Cards


Stat Cards • FRONTIER

Bernadette Basse
Bernadette Basse - arguably - received the worst traits of both
parents; her father Cornelius’ sense of law, and her mother’s
sense of righteous, spit-fire justice. So when that Burk-
wood boy tested his own legal limits when trying to
steal from that poor kid, Bernadette stepped in and
gave him a fat lip. And when he drew a knife, she
showed him where he could stick it.

After that, no law or justice could protect them

from Judge Burkwood. Despite her sense of righ-
teous indignation, Cornelius dragged Bernadette to

They could outrun American law, but they couldn’t out-

run the Guild’s. Now her father has to work for them, or
she’ll meet the wrong end of justice. Maybe they both will.
Bernadette hates it, and she’s yet to learn why they can’t just
stand against everyone looking to cause them harm and put
them down, come hell or high water. Her father pleads with
her for a sense of decorum, but she refuses to hear it, ready to
beat down anyone who comes her way with a fight in mind.

Bernadette Basse
Bernadette Basse
Enforcer, Living
Totem (Cornelius Basse) Attack Actions Rg Stat Rst TN
FRONTIER Knife y0" 5t Df -
Target suffers 1/3/4 damage.
R Critical Strike: When resolving, the target suffers
+1 damage for each r in this Action’s final duel total
(to a maximum of +2).
t Survival Skills: This model Heals 1/2/3.
Bring It 12" 5 Wp 13
Target moves its Mv +2" toward this model. Then, the
target must take a yAction that cannot declare Triggers
targeting this model, if able. Any damage flips from the
generated Action suffer a -.
R Rip and Tear: Take a yAction targeting the same
model. This Action receives a + to its duel.

4 5 Tactical Actions Rg Stat Rst TN

Wp Mv 2
F Kick Up Dust 3" 5 - 10
Drop a 50mm Concealing, Severe Dust Cloud Marker
anywhere within range. During the End Phase, remove
ABILITIES the Dust Cloud.
Home on the Range +1: When deploying, every friendly t Shifting Terrain: Push the Marker up to 4" in
model with this Ability can deploy +1" beyond this Crew’s any direction.
Deployment Zone.
Favorable Terrain: This model is unaffected by Severe
Terrain. While this model is in Severe Terrain or within 1"
of Impassable Terrain, it has Cover.
Hard to Kill: When this model suffers damage, if it has
2 or more Health, it may not be reduced to below 1 Health.
Grit (Frantic): While this model has half of its
maximum Health or less, its Attack Actions receive a + to
their duels and damage flips.



FRONTIER • Stat Cards

Jonathan Reichart
Once upon a time, Jonathan Reichart had been a
believer. Few could match the patriotic fervor he
showed to the Guild. When they asked for men of
zeal, Reichart passed with flying colors. On that day,
he earned his Executioner’s claws, and for years he lost
himself in blood.

Reichart isn’t sure when he came out of it. How many people
had he killed? He couldn’t remember. How many were
guilty? Probably far less. Sensing his malaise, the Guard put
him on “retirement watch,” which was a quaint way of saying
someone would be along to put a bullet in him soon.
Being an Executioner is a life-long assignment,
after all. Then Captain Dashel gave him a
new assignment. Life with Sheriff Basse is...
different. He’s simultaneously tough as nails
and green as a Gremlin, but something
about his resolve to uphold justice - real
justice - stirs something Reichart hasn’t
felt in a long time. Purpose? Peace? He
isn’t sure. But… it feels like something
worth fighting for.

Jonathan Reichart
Jonathan Reichart
Henchman, Living
Attack Actions Rg Stat Rst TN
Executioner Claws y2" 6 Df -
The target may not declare Resistance Triggers during
this Action. Target suffers 3/4/5 damage.
R Critical Strike: When resolving, the target suffers
+1 damage for each r in this Action’s final duel total
(to a maximum of +2).
t Sweeping Strike: When resolving, the target
suffers +b damage.
Bring It 12" 6 Wp 13
Target moves its Mv +2" toward this model. Then, the
target must take a yAction that cannot declare Triggers
targeting this model, if able. Any damage flips from the
generated Action suffer a -.
6 5 c Hold Down: If this model is engaging the target,
Wp Mv 2
another friendly model with LoS to the target may
take a z Action against the target, ignoring Friendly
Home on the Range +1: When deploying, every friendly Tactical Actions Rg Stat Rst TN
model with this Ability can deploy +1" beyond this Crew’s
Deployment Zone. Stoic Nod 6" 6 - 12
Other friendly model only. Target Heals 1/2/3.
Favorable Terrain: This model is unaffected by Severe
Terrain. While this model is in Severe Terrain or within 1" F Kick Up Dust 3" 6 - 10
of Impassable Terrain, it has Cover. Drop a 50mm Concealing, Severe Dust Cloud Marker
anywhere within range. During the End Phase, remove
Disguised: This model cannot be the target of Actions
the Dust Cloud.
generated by the Charge Action.
Hard to Kill: When this model suffers damage, if it has
2 or more Health, it may not be reduced to below 1 Health.
Grit (Hardened): While this model has half of its
maximum Health or less, reduce all damage it suffers by +1.



Stat Cards • FRONTIER

Austringers have perfected the art of training Raptors from
the Bayou, who have proven to be nearly as intelligent as
Gremlins, and far less drunk. When they are invited into
the program, each Austringer completes a grueling set
of mental and physical training before they are allowed
to choose a bird from the hatchery. The choice is no
simple matter, since trainer and bird will be with
each other until the day one of them dies. Some rare
Austringers move on to a clerical position within
the Guild, when their loyal companion dies.

Raptors are intelligent enough that they do not

need to be pointed at a target. With a simple
command, the bird will fly from its trainer’s arm
and swoop low into enemy forces. Though they
lack the deadliness of a gun, there are few things
more distracting than a fully trained hunting bird
descending in the heat of battle, which creates a
critical opening for better armed Guild members.

Minion (2), Living
Attack Actions Rg Stat Rst TN
Knife y0" 4 Df -
Target suffers 1/3/4 damage.
R Puncture: When resolving, this Action’s damage
flip receives a + for each r in the final duel total
(to a maximum of ++).
t Sharp Whistle: Enemy only. If this model does not
have an Attached Raptor Upgrade, this model may
discard a card to Attach a Raptor Upgrade.
Clockwork Revolver z12" 5 Df -
Target suffers 2/3/5 damage.
R Critical Strike: When resolving, the target suffers
+1 damage for each r in this Action’s final duel total
(to a maximum of +2).

Tactical Actions Rg Stat Rst TN

F Kick Up Dust 3" 6 - 10
Drop a 50mm Concealing, Severe Dust Cloud Marker
5 5 anywhere within range. During the End Phase, remove
Wp Mv 2
the Dust Cloud.

Home on the Range +1: When deploying, every friendly
model with this Ability can deploy +1" beyond this Crew’s
Deployment Zone.
Favorable Terrain: This model is unaffected by Severe
Terrain. While this model is in Severe Terrain or within 1"
of Impassable Terrain, it has Cover.
Skybound Ally: After this model Deploys, it may Attach
a Raptor Upgrade.



FRONTIER • Stat Cards

Minion (2), Living
Wherever there’s wilderness, there are folk who want noth-
ing more than to disappear into it. It’s no surprise that the
strangest and most dangerous frontier humankind has ever
found draws the strangest and most dangerous people out to

Some want to test themselves against the dangers of the

uncharted wilds. For some, escaping to Malifaux City wasn’t
enough, and they need to escape from it. Some simply decide
a hard life and unmarked death out beyond the edge of the
5 5 map is a fair price for the solitude they crave. Even so, most
Wp Mv 2
of these silent recluses still brush up against society from time
to time, trading for the few needs they can’t meet themselves.
Home on the Range +1: When deploying, every friendly
It’s a trade that Guild posts are always happy to take them
model with this Ability can deploy +1" beyond this Crew’s up on. Anyone who can fend for themselves in the Malifaux
Deployment Zone.
badlands for months or years at a time has skills well worth
Favorable Terrain: This model is unaffected by Severe
Terrain. While this model is in Severe Terrain or within 1" the bag or two of supplies they’re after before they disappear
of Impassable Terrain, it has Cover. back into the wild.
Hunting Traps: After this model ends its Activation, any
number of friendly Clockwork Trap models may take the
Walk Action.
Trailblazer: During the Start Phase, this model may
take the Follow My Path Action.



Attack Actions Rg Stat Rst TN

Knife y0" 5 Df -
Target suffers 1/3/4 damage.
R Critical Strike: When resolving, the target suffers
+1 damage for each r in this Action’s final duel total
(to a maximum of +2).
M Shove Backwards: A friendly Clockwork Trap
model within a2 of the target may Push 1" toward
the target and take a yAction targeting it. This
Action receives a + to its duel and damage flip.
Long Carbine z14" 5 Df -
This Action ignores Concealment. Target suffers 2/4/5
t Armor Piercing: When resolving, damage from
this Action ignores Armor.
c Delay: Target gains Slow.

Tactical Actions Rg Stat Rst TN

F Set the Trap 4" 5 - 10t
Summon a Clockwork Trap anywhere within range.
F Kick Up Dust 3" 5 - 10
Drop a 50mm Concealing, Severe Dust Cloud Marker
anywhere within range. During the End Phase, remove
the Dust Cloud.
F Follow My Path 6" - - -
Other friendly model only. Move the target up to 2".



Stat Cards • FRONTIER

Outside of Malifaux City, there are very few human popu-
lation centers larger than a thousand people. Most of these
settlements are known as contract towns, places where the
Guild provides almost all of the necessary supplies and a
patch of land in exchange for settlers to move in and main-
tain it. It’s not a glamorous or profitable life, but it’s one that
many find contentment in. Hard-working, no-nonsense folk,
Frontiersmen teach themselves to be as self-reliant as
possible, because even a contract town won’t survive
on the pittance of the Guild alone. This means that
many towns are tightly-knit communities that do
their best to look after their own, and look
down on anyone not willing to pull their

While city folk might look down on them,

Frontiersmen are accustomed to Malifaux’s
danger, and when Neverborn or cannibal cults
come hunting for blood, these stern individuals
form the first - and often last - line of defense
for the families huddled behind closed doors.

Minion (3), Living
Attack Actions Rg Stat Rst TN
Tomahawk y1" 5 Df -
Target suffers 2/3/4 damage.
R Defensive Reflexes: This model gains Shielded +1.
M You’re Comin’ with Me: Push the target up to 3" in
any direction, then Place this model into base contact
with it.
Clockwork Revolver z12" 5 Df -
Target suffers 2/3/5 damage.
R Puncture: When resolving, this Action’s damage
flip receives a + for each r in the final duel total
(to a maximum of ++).
c Severe Injury: Models damaged by this Action
gain Injured +1 for each c in this Action’s final duel
5 5 total (to a maximum of Injured +2).
Wp Mv 2
Sz Tactical Actions Rg Stat Rst TN
F Kick Up Dust 3" 5 - 10
ABILITIES Drop a 50mm Concealing, Severe Dust Cloud Marker
Home on the Range +1: When deploying, every friendly anywhere within range. During the End Phase, remove
model with this Ability can deploy +1" beyond this Crew’s the Dust Cloud.
Deployment Zone.
F Follow My Path 6" - - -
Favorable Terrain: This model is unaffected by Severe
Other friendly model only. Move the target up to 2".
Terrain. While this model is in Severe Terrain or within 1"
of Impassable Terrain, it has Cover.
Backup: After an enemy model resolves a z Action that
damaged a friendly model within a6, this model may
discard a card to take a z Action targeting the enemy
Survivalist: When this model Heals, it Heals an
additional +1 Health.



FRONTIER • Stat Cards

Trained Raptor
For unknown reasons that drive many an enthusiastic A Raptor’s aggressive temperament makes them un-
debate among scientists and scholars, Malifaux seems suited for messenger birds, but they make excellent
filled with creatures that are nearly identical to their scouts and hunters. Well fed, a Raptor can follow a target
Earth-side cousins. One of these is the Malifaux Raptor, for hours, patiently keeping an eye on anything below
a large bird of prey that seems a cross between an eagle before needing to rest. Handlers of the Raptors also
and a vulture. The first to tame and use these creatures deploy them on the battlefield, where their large size
for battle was the Arcanists, and Marcus has been known and sharp talons can be used to great effect. Trained
to utilize them in battle, but the Guild has begun their Raptors will go after the eyes to blind their opponent,
own Austringer program designed to turn the creatures so their Austringer handlers can take full advantage of
into Guild assets. the target’s distraction.

Trained Raptor
Trained Raptor
Minion (3), Beast
Attack Actions Rg Stat Rst TN
Talons y0" 5 Df -
Target suffers 1/2/3 damage.
M Rake the Eyes: Choose a suit. The target must
reveal the top three cards of its Fate Deck and discard
any of the chosen suit. Place the rest back on top of
the deck in any order.
c Mutilate: When resolving, if the target has Slow,
it suffers +1 damage. Otherwise, it gains Slow.

Tactical Actions Rg Stat Rst TN

Circle Overhead - 5 - 12
Remove a Corpse Marker in base contact with this model.
Summon a Trained Raptor with Slow anywhere on the
table, at least 3" from enemy models.

3 7
Wp Mv 1Sz
Flight: When resolving the Walk or Charge Action,
instead of moving normally, this model may Place itself
completely within X", where X is equal to this model’s Mv.
This model does not suffer Falling damage.
Insignificant: This model cannot take the Interact
Action and is ignored for Strategies and Schemes.



Stat Cards • FRONTIER

Clockwork Trap Clockwork Trap

Minion (8), Construct

Clockwork traps (or gear-traps, springjaws, tick-snares, or
any of their other army of nicknames) probably tie only with
the humble pocket-watch for the most numerous and widely-
distributed mechanical device in Malifaux.

Trappers and Pathfinders use the simple and traditional

Earthside model of serrated jaws snapping shut over a pres-
sure-plate, while game hunters and town militias with better
budgets use more sophisticated versions that launch them-
selves toward anything that brushes a tripwire or hanging
trigger-weight. The flashiest of all are almost constructs in
2 3
4 Wp Mv 1Sz
their own right, lying dormant in cover until they can seize Df

a hapless enemy in a toothed and tethered spring-clamp, or ABILITIES

send a barbed-wire noose whipping out from an extending Armor +2: Reduce all damage suffered by this model by +2.
From the Shadows: This model may be deployed at
arm. Such devices are dangerous, and hard to sneak past the start of the game, rather than during Deployment. If so,
or disarm, but also expensive and complex to maintain. this model may be deployed anywhere on the table that is
at least 6" away from the enemy Deployment Zone, and it
They are most often found guarding the paths to Soulstone may not take the Interact Action on the first Turn.
mines or Guild depots, or the homes of Malifaux’s wealthy. Hunting Partner: Friendly models’ Attack Actions
ignore this model for the purposes of Friendly Fire. Enemy
Considerable ingenuity has gone into designing self-arming models within a1 must discard a card to declare the
versions that skirmishers can quickly sow across an ambush Disengage Action.

site for their enemies to blunder across. Insignificant: This model cannot take the Interact
Action and is ignored for Strategies and Schemes.


Clockwork Trap

Attack Actions Rg Stat Rst TN

Trapping Jaws y1" 5 Mv -
Target suffers 1/2/3 damage and gains Staggered.
R Puncture: When resolving, this Action’s damage
flip receives a + for each r in the final duel total
(to a maximum of ++).
M You’re Comin’ with Me: Push the target up to 3" in
any direction, then Place this model into base contact
with it.

Tactical Actions Rg Stat Rst TN

F Creep Along - 5 - 11
Push this model up to its Mv in inches toward a friendly
model in LoS.
R Sudden Strike: This model may take a yAction.



Stat Cards • GUARD

Dashel Barker Dashel Barker

Master, Living

Dashel Barker has done a tremendously horrible job at keep-
ing his head down and flying under the radar, particularly
in staying in one position for long. It seems that the harder
he tries to keep quiet and in line, the further he advances
his career and rank amongst the Guild. Sure, the money’s
improved over the years, but so have the responsibilities.
Paperwork? Scheduling? What about the good old days when
all it took to be a part of the Guild was to split an Arcanist
skull in two every other night’s watch?
6 5
6 Wp Mv 2
To a whole generation of Guild troopers, Dashel Barker is Df Sz

still just “Drill Sergeant” Dashel, or “Sarge,” or “that brutal ABILITIES

old bastard I hope to hell I never cross paths with again.” A Pursue: This model’s Attack Actions receive +1 to their
duels when targeting models that have already Activated
sergeant’s life suited Dashel just fine. “I’m no officer,” he’d this Turn.
snarl happily at recruits who misread his rank. “I work for a Loot Their Corpse: At the end of this model’s
Activation, it may remove a Corpse Marker within a2 to
damn living!” add one Soulstone to its Crew’s Soulstone Pool.
Armor +1: Reduce all damage suffered by this model by +1.
It was just his bad luck to come to Lucius Mattheson’s notice Laugh Off: If this model would be moved during an
as a man of fearsome reputation, limited ambition, and equally enemy model’s Activation or from an enemy model’s effect,
it may choose not to.
limited imagination. Captains were easier than sergeants to Shouting Orders (Guard): Friendly Guard models
maneuver into special assignments without raising questions, within a6 may discard a card to treat the Concentrate
Action as a F Action.
and so Dashel got a new uniform and rank pins.

“Captain” Barker’s record from that period is currently sealed HEALTH

by order of the Governor’s Secretary, and Barker is always

quick to silence such whispers with a baleful stare and latrine
duty. What is known is Barker’s very public role in defeating Dashel Barker
the crazed puppeteer Collodi, saving countless lives in the
process, inadvertently or otherwise. And thanks to another Attack Actions Rg Stat Rst TN

glowing recommendation by Lucius Mattheson, Governor- Axe y1" 6 Df -

Target suffers 2/4/5 damage.
General Marlow slapped a dozen medals on him and pro- R Critical Strike: When resolving, the target suffers
moted him to Commander of the Guild Guard. +1 damage for each r in this Action’s final duel total
(to a maximum of +2).
M Coordinated Attack: Another friendly model may
Barker is now tasked with cleaning up the corruption in his take a yAction targeting the same model.
c Sadistic Joy: Friendly Guard models within p3 of
department, and the irony hasn’t quite gotten through to the target gain Shielded +1.
Dashel’s thick skull just yet. A soldier from birth, Barker bris- Peacebringer z12" 6 Df -
tles under the mountains of paperwork and desk duty he now Target suffers 2/3/5 damage.
c Arrest Order: Target gains Adversary (Guard).
has to endure, making his already rocky personality down- t Drop It!: Enemy only. Target must Drop an enemy
right volcanic. He drills and re-drills his squads as often as he Scheme Marker into base contact with itself, in LoS
of this model.
is able, determined to hammer them into a force of discipline
worthy of the sigil of the Guild, even when it means ordering Tactical Actions Rg Stat Rst TN

them to shoot first and ask questions later. Call in Reinforcements 8" 6
Once per Turn. Name any number of Guard Minion
- X

models. The TN of this Action is 10R plus the Cost of the

It’s taken some time for him to get used to life behind a desk, named models. Target a Scheme Marker. If the target of
this Action is friendly, the TN of this Action is increased
but Commander Dashel Barker jumps at the opportunity to by +2. Summon each named model with a Reinforcements
split skulls any day of the week. Upgrade Attached into base contact with the target, then
remove the target.
FFoul-Mouthed 6" 7 - 12
Other friendly model only. Target Heals 1/2/3 and gains
Focused +1.



GUARD • Stat Cards


Stat Cards • GUARD

The Dispatcher
Portable aether boxes are the latest technology, weighing in
at an airy sixty-seven pounds, and have already proven to be
invaluable in combat situations Earthside. As leader of the
Guild Guard, Captain Dashel has been provided with one of
these irreplaceable devices, along with a trained engineer
capable of maintaining and operating it, whom Dashel
simply knows as “the Dispatcher.” He hasn’t bothered to
learn his name, and would likely forget even if he both-
ered. All that matters is that the Dispatcher is on hand so
Dashel can snatch it, connect to a vital team, and bark
orders into the speaker before slamming the device
back on the Dispatcher’s back.

As one suspects, the Dispatcher suffers more than his

share of headaches, backaches, and everything-else-
aches thanks to lugging the aethervox around high-
risk battlefields and putting up with Dashel’s casual,
absent-minded abuse. The Dispatcher knows his life is
worth less than the device on his back, which is as good
as excuse as any for him to hide during a fight, until Dashel
shouts him over again.

The Dispatcher
The Dispatcher
Enforcer, Living
Totem (Dashel Barker) Attack Actions Rg Stat Rst TN
GUARD The Ringer y0" 4 Df -
Target suffers 1/2/3 damage.
c Arrest Order: Target gains Adversary (Guard).
Derringer z8" 4 Df -
Target suffers 2/3/4 damage.
c Arrest Order: Target gains Adversary (Guard).

Tactical Actions Rg Stat Rst TN

F Consolidate Power 10" 5 - 10
Friendly Minion only. Push the target up to 4" toward a
friendly model in its LoS.
M Internal Affairs: Choose a friendly Scheme
Marker within 2" of the target. Drop an enemy
4 4 Scheme Marker into base contact with the target,
Wp Mv 2
then remove the friendly Scheme Marker and draw
a card.
Manipulative: If this model has not yet Activated this
Turn, enemy Attack Actions that target this model suffer a
- to their duel.
Aethervox Broadcaster: Friendly Guard models may
treat this model as a friendly Scheme Marker. If an effect
would remove the Scheme Marker, this model suffers 1
Insignificant: This model cannot take the Interact
Action and is ignored for Strategies and Schemes.
Stay at Your Post: If a friendly Guard Minion within
a4 would be moved during an enemy model’s Activation
or by an enemy effect, it may choose not to.



GUARD • Stat Cards

Sometimes, members of the Guild do not kill the criminals
they find. When such men and women are brought in, they
are given a trial with magistrate and jury. On the rare occa-
sion that they are proven innocent, they are then set free to go
about their business. When they are found to be guilty, then
an Executioner is called to mete out the punishment.

All Executioners travel with a magistrate, serving both in

their official capacity to carry out the sentence for convicted
criminals and also as a bodyguard, protecting the magistrate
against any who might seek vengeance.

Becoming an Executioner is no easy feat. Rigorous

loyalty tests are performed, and the Executioner
must show a complete disregard for life - includ-
ing their own. As part of this process, one or
both of their arms are removed and replaced
with the lethal mechanical claws that mark
their badge of office, and are used to
dispense messy, immediate “justice.”

Minion (2), Living
Attack Actions Rg Stat Rst TN
Executioner Claws y2" 6 Df -
The target may not declare Resistance Triggers during
this Action. Target suffers 3/4/5 damage.
R Critical Strike: When resolving, the target suffers
+1 damage for each r in this Action’s final duel total
(to a maximum of +2).
c Execute: The target may either discard a card or
a Soulstone. If it does neither, it is killed, ignoring
Demise Abilities.

Tactical Actions Rg Stat Rst TN

Scatter p3" - - -
Enemy models within range are Pushed 3" away from this
5 5 3" - - -
Wp Mv 2
F Trail of Gore
Remove target enemy Scheme Marker. Take a yAction
or the Walk Action.
ABILITIES F Juggernaut - - - -
Pursue: This model’s Attack Actions receive +1 to their Discard a card. This model Heals 1/2/4.
duels when targeting models that have already Activated
this Turn.
Loot Their Corpse: At the end of this model’s
Activation, it may remove a Corpse Marker within a2 to
add one Soulstone to its Crew’s Soulstone Pool.
Hard to Kill: When this model suffers damage, if it has
2 or more Health, it may not be reduced to below 1 Health.
Grit (Executioner): While this model has half of its
maximum Health or less, it ignores the cost and targeting of
its Trail of Gore Action.



Stat Cards • GUARD

Mounted Guard
Many have questioned why the Guild Guard did not form
mounted units immediately. Aside from the usual problems
associated with maintaining a mounted unit, such as the
cost of feeding and housing the animals, there are other
concerns unique to Malifaux. Up until recently, almost
all of the Guild’s focus has been on the city itself,
where mounted units would be less effective.
Additionally, there was some hesitation at the
notions of breeding horses in Malifaux after certain
difficulties with the canine units.

Thanks to its recent success, the Guild has

continued funding this Mounted division with its
excursions outside of the city. Only the best of the
best are chosen from the ranks of the Guard Patrol;
even so, they are keenly and frequently reminded
that the lives of their animals are worth more
than their own. They aid in lightning strikes
against Arcanist encampments and provide
quick relief when an unfortunate outpost suffers
a Neverborn attack.

Mounted Guard
Mounted Guard
Minion (2), Living
Attack Actions Rg Stat Rst TN
Trampling Hooves y0" 5 Df -
Target suffers 2/3/4 damage and gains Injured +1. Place
this model anywhere into base contact with the target.
R Rear Up: Enemy models within p2 of this model
must each pass a TN 13 Df duel or suffer 2 damage.
t Drop It!: Enemy only. Target must Drop an enemy
Scheme Marker into base contact with itself, in LoS
of this model.
Clockwork Revolver z12" 5 Df -
Target suffers 2/3/5 damage.
R Critical Strike: When resolving, the target suffers
+1 damage for each r in this Action’s final duel total
(to a maximum of +2).
c Arrest Order: Target gains Adversary (Guard).

5 7 Tactical Actions Rg Stat Rst TN

Wp Mv 3
F I’ve Got Your Back 6" 6 - 10
Target other engaged friendly model. Target is Placed
ABILITIES into base contact with this model.
Pursue: This model’s Attack Actions receive +1 to their F Ride with Me 2" 6 - 12
duels when targeting models that have already Activated This model may target another friendly model of lower Sz.
this Turn. Push this model up to 5" in any direction. Then, if this
Loot Their Corpse: At the end of this model’s Action targeted another friendly model, Place the friendly
Activation, it may remove a Corpse Marker within a2 to model into base contact with this model.
add one Soulstone to its Crew’s Soulstone Pool.
Unimpeded: This model is unaffected by Severe Terrain.
Demise (Dead Horse): After this model is killed, it is
instead Replaced with a Guard Patrol, then the new model
Heals 2 and Drops a Corpse Marker into base contact with



GUARD • Stat Cards

Taggart Queeg
Superintendent of the Guild Gaol, Taggart Queeg has always
run a tight ship. The rules were simple: prisoners were to
sit quietly for the few days needed to finalize their execu-
tion papers, and then be marched to the Hanging Tree. The
automatons he is provided with give Queeg an unprecedented
amount of efficiency in corralling the prisoners, no matter
how big the prison population swells, and any attempts of a
breakout are handled by the Wardens.

But there are some things that Queeg will not leave to autom-
aton. He has a zero tolerance policy to rule-breaking, and
transgressions are dealt with publicly, to ensure the other
prisoners understand the consequences.

Whipping is Queeg’s preference, and he will set aside

his otherwise busy schedule to attend these disci-
plinary functions personally, believing that the
snap of the whip, the cries of agony, and the
bloody map of crisscrossing wounds on
the back of a subject help to ensure calm
and order that no machine can properly

Taggart Queeg
Taggart Queeg
Henchman, Living
Attack Actions Rg Stat Rst TN
Barbed Whip y2" 6 Df -
If the target is at half its maximum Health or below,
this Action receives a + to its duel. Target suffers 2/2/3
R My Loyal Servant: Another model (other than this
model) within 3" of the target Heals 1/2/3.
M Coordinated Attack: Another friendly model may
take a yAction targeting the same model.
c Siphon Essence: Enemy only. After killing, add one
Soulstone to this Crew’s Soulstone Pool.
Peacebringer z12" 5 Df -
Target suffers 2/3/5 damage.
R My Loyal Servant: Another model (other than this
model) within 3" of the target Heals 1/2/3.
6 5 t Drop It!: Enemy only. Target must Drop an enemy
Wp Mv 2
Scheme Marker into base contact with itself, in LoS
of this model.

ABILITIES Tactical Actions Rg Stat Rst TN

Pursue: This model’s Attack Actions receive +1 to their F Sabotage Their Plans 6" 5 - 11M
duels when targeting models that have already Activated Target an enemy Scheme Marker. Drop a Scheme
this Turn. Marker into base contact with the target. Then, remove
Loot Their Corpse: At the end of this model’s the target.
Activation, it may remove a Corpse Marker within a2 to
add one Soulstone to its Crew’s Soulstone Pool.
Taskmaster: When a friendly model within a4 would
gain Focused, it may suffer 2 irreducible damage (or 1 if
within 2" of Scheme Marker) to instead gain Fast.
Prison Superintendent: Friendly Guard Minions that
Activate within a4 may Push up to 3" in any direction.



Stat Cards • GUARD

Early in the resettlement, the Guild didn’t
need much from its paramilitary: uniformed
strikebreaking muscle, shipment guards,
basic backup for their more talented special
agents, nothing more. But as the city was slowly reclaimed,
new towns were founded and the Guild had an ever larger
and more fractious population to control, they bowed to the

The Governor-General has sanctioned the first field pro-

motions, with Sergeants taking up their posts. The rush for
promotions has been frankly undignified, but the Guild isn’t
fooled. For every capable promotion from the enlisted Guild,
or experienced Earthside veteran lured in with promises of
wealth and adventure, there’s a hanger-on reaping the benefits
of patronage or bribery, not to mention outright infiltrators
from the Arcanist underground, the Ten Thunders or various
Earthside powers. Gratifyingly, it turns out the Sergeants
don’t last long if they can’t handle a fight and command respect
from their Guards. For a Sergeant who can deliver results,
much can be forgiven.

Minion (2), Living
Attack Actions Rg Stat Rst TN
Balanced Sword y1" 5 Df -
Target suffers 2/4/5 damage.
R Puncture: When resolving, this Action’s damage
flip receives a + for each r in the final duel total
(to a maximum of ++).
Peacebringer z12" 6 Df -
Target suffers 2/3/5 damage.
R Critical Strike: When resolving, the target suffers
+1 damage for each r in this Action’s final duel total
(to a maximum of +2).
t Drop It!: Enemy only. Target must Drop an enemy
Scheme Marker into base contact with itself, in LoS
of this model.
5 5
Wp Mv 2
Tactical Actions Rg Stat Rst TN
F Consolidate Power 10" 5 - 10
ABILITIES Friendly Minion only. Push the target up to 4" toward a
Pursue: This model’s Attack Actions receive +1 to their
friendly model in its LoS.
duels when targeting models that have already Activated F A New Horizon 6" 6 - 10t
this Turn. Target a Scheme Marker. Place the target anywhere
Loot Their Corpse: At the end of this model’s within 6" of its current location.
Activation, it may remove a Corpse Marker within a2 to
add one Soulstone to its Crew’s Soulstone Pool.
Lead the Patrol: Friendly Guard models that start their
Activation within a6 gain +1 Mv for the duration of the
Backup: After an enemy model resolves a z Action that
damaged a friendly model within a6, this model may
discard a card to take a z Action targeting the enemy



GUARD • Stat Cards

Another step in the Guild Guard’s transformation from picket-
line breakers and night watchmen to a genuine military, the
Rifleman Corps skims off Guard troopers with outstanding
marksmanship and discipline, and drills them intensively
with the heavy Jenkins-Jarlsson Field Rifle, a design commis-
sioned by the Guild based on the best (i.e. the most expen-
sive) Earthside military designs it could get hold of.

Now, workers filing through their factory gates in the Indus-

trial Zone at dawn can clearly hear the rapid crack of gunfire
from the range and assault course outside the northern city
walls. Initially, the Riflemen learned the fixed gun lines that
characterize current Earthside doctrine, but quickly evolved a
more mobile and flexible style for Malifaux, where there are
no neat battle lines and a hundred kinds
of enemy could be lurking anywhere
around you. Many a Guard’s resolve
has been steeled when they can see the
gunmetal glint on the high ground and
know that a Rifleman has taken posi-
tion to cover them.

Minion (3), Living
Attack Actions Rg Stat Rst TN
Clockwork Rifle z14" 5 Df -
This Action ignores Cover. Target suffers 2/3/5 damage.
t Armor Piercing: When resolving, damage from
this Action ignores Armor.
M Ricochet: Choose another model within 3" of the
target. That model suffers 1/2/4 damage, which
cannot be Cheated.
c Execute: The target may either discard a card or
a Soulstone. If it does neither, it is killed, ignoring
Demise Abilities.
Warning Shot z14" 5 Df -

5 4 Target gains Distracted +1.

Wp Mv 2
t Drop It!: Enemy only. Target must Drop an enemy
Scheme Marker into base contact with itself, in LoS
of this model.
M Reposition: Move this model up to 3".
Pursue: This model’s Attack Actions receive +1 to their
Tactical Actions Rg Stat Rst TN
duels when targeting models that have already Activated
this Turn. F Quick Retreat - - - -
Loot Their Corpse: At the end of this model’s This Action may only be taken while engaged. This model
Activation, it may remove a Corpse Marker within a2 to may move up to 4".
add one Soulstone to its Crew’s Soulstone Pool.
Stand and Fire: If this model is unengaged, enemy
models that resolve the Charge Action within a8 suffer 1
Sniper: When this model takes a z Action, it may lower
the value of its Focused Condition by 1 to treat the Action
as having +10" range.
Expert Shot: This model’s Attack Actions ignore
Friendly Fire.



Stat Cards • GUARD

Guard Patrol
Minion (4), Living
Guard Patrol
The Guild Patrol represent the face of the Guild in the eyes
of most common citizens. With their iconic long coats, their
constant presence is peace of mind to some, and a symbol of
the Guild’s ever-present tyranny to others.

Typically traveling in pairs, Guild Patrol walk the streets

of the city, looking for trouble, or responding to alerts that
have been passed on to them. They are trained to respond
to many situations and with a small alert their numbers can
flood a scene, creating an orchestrated chaos designed to trap
4 5 a perpetrator and witnesses until the situation can be sorted
Wp Mv 2

ABILITIES As a whole, the Guild Patrol are primarily a constabulary

Pursue: This model’s Attack Actions receive +1 to their force, but they can be given other duties, and are usually seen
duels when targeting models that have already Activated
this Turn. serving various Special Divisions to reinforce their numbers.
Loot Their Corpse: At the end of this model’s
Activation, it may remove a Corpse Marker within a2 to
add one Soulstone to its Crew’s Soulstone Pool.
Take the Hit: After an enemy model targets a friendly
model within a2 with an Attack Action, this model may
discard a card to Place itself into base contact with the
friendly model and become the new target of the Attack
Action (ignoring range, LoS, and targeting restrictions).


Guard Patrol

Attack Actions Rg Stat Rst TN

Sword y1" 4 Df -
Target suffers 2/3/4 damage.
R Critical Strike: When resolving, the target suffers
+1 damage for each r in this Action’s final duel total
(to a maximum of +2).
Small-Gauge Revolver z10" 4 Df -
Target suffers 1/2/4 damage.
c Arrest Order: Target gains Adversary (Guard).

Tactical Actions Rg Stat Rst TN

F Creep Along - 5 - 11
Push this model up to its Mv in inches toward a friendly
model in LoS.



GUARD • Stat Cards

Guild Hound
Minion (4), Beast
Guild Hound
Guild Hounds - big, powerful, well-trained and fearless -
were one of the earliest weapons in enforcing the peace as
Malifaux’s population swelled. They tracked outlaws and
escapees, faced down rioters, and stood guard against human
and inhuman threats alike. The Guild kennels became
famous for their animals, and their hounds and handlers were
respected and feared. And then, things started to get... odd.

Nothing that comes to Malifaux escapes the creeping malignity

3 6 of the place, and the Guild has bred generations of Hounds
Wp Mv 1Sz this side of the Breach – plenty of time for Malifaux to get
deep into the animals’ bones and souls. With each genera-
Pack Mentality: During this model’s Activation, it tion the Hounds get larger, faster, fiercer, and craftier, but
increases its final duel totals by +1 for each other friendly
model with the same name within a3.
wilder, more savage, harder to rein in. Breeders see pups
Pursue: This model’s Attack Actions receive +1 to their turn on one another before they’re even weaned, and grown
duels when targeting models that have already Activated Hounds eye their masters with a disturbing, mutinous gleam
this Turn.
Hunting Partner: Friendly models’ Attack Actions
in their eye. And rumor says physical deformities are starting
ignore this model for the purposes of Friendly Fire. Enemy to appear: taloned feet, venomous fangs, prehensile tails, or
models within a1 must discard a card to declare the
Disengage Action.
rows of bone quills. The Guild, of course, denies everything.
Mindless: When this model is Summoned, it is treated
as having already Activated this Turn, and neither player
gains or discards any Pass Tokens.


Guild Hound

Attack Actions Rg Stat Rst TN

Snapping Jaws y0" 5 Df -
Target suffers 1/3/4 damage.
R Critical Strike: When resolving, the target suffers
+1 damage for each r in this Action’s final duel total
(to a maximum of +2).
c Hold Down: If this model is engaging the target,
another friendly model with LoS to the target may
take a z Action against the target, ignoring Friendly

Tactical Actions Rg Stat Rst TN

Annoying a2" - - -
Until the End Phase, after an enemy model within range
declares a Tactical Action other than Walk or Charge, it
gains Distracted +1.




Nellie Cochrane Nellie Cochrane

Master, Living

Nellie Cochrane is the editor-in-chief of the Malifaux Tattler.
She got her start as the head of a small daily newspaper in
Ridley, but after exposing massive Union corruption, she
was offered a position in Malifaux, taking charge of the
city’s second official newspaper. And much like most offers
provided by the Guild, the offer was too good to refuse, so she
picked up her journal and camera, headed to Malifaux, and 6 5
took the job without hesitation. 6DfM Wp Mv 2

Many people in Malifaux see the Guild as corrupt, inept, ABILITIES

and brutal. Nellie is none of these things. She has a genuine Breaking News: After an enemy model within a8
resolves the Interact Action, this model may draw a card
curiosity and spark about her. She understands that words and gain Focused +1.
have power: the power to compel, the power to mystify, and Df (m) Squeal: Enemy only. After resolving, this model
may move up to 3".
the power to change the course of history itself. Her pen is Don’t Mind Me: This model may take the Interact
like a scalpel, and with it she cuts away the lies to reveal the Action while engaged or if it has taken the Disengage
Action this Activation.
truth of the city, not through viciousness or violence, but
Public Outcry: If this model is this Crew’s Leader, after
through argument and alliteration. a friendly model is killed by an enemy model, the enemy
gains Distracted +1 and Adversary (Enemy).
Nellie relentlessly seeks out new stories, exposing debauchery Exclusive Interview: When an enemy model within
a2 takes the Interact Action, it is treated as a friendly
and misdeeds wherever she finds them… except within the model and the Action is controlled by this model.
Guild, of course. It’s in her contract to not bite the hand that Plant Evidence: After this model resolves the Interact
Action, it Heals 2.
feeds. This mandatory bias might rankle her journalistic
ethics, but she’s convinced herself it’s a small price to pay
for the ability to reach such a large readership. The perks of HEALTH

having reporters, fancy cameras, and an office with her name

on it doesn’t hurt, either. Plus, there are so many other truths
to reveal. How much harm could the Guild really be doing, Nellie Cochrane
Attack Actions Rg Stat Rst TN

Nellie’s ability to survive in the city seems entirely due to the “One More Question!” 8" 6t Wp -
Target gains Slow. If the target is engaging any models, it
potential scandal her attacker would expose themselves to, suffers 1/3/4 damage.
and the foresight of her staff to keep her curiosity from get- t Headline: Secrets Exposed!: Enemy only. Target
must take the Interact Action, even if engaged.
ting the better of her. It doesn’t hurt to let an assailant know M Slander: Target gains Distracted +1. If the target is
within a2 of a Scheme Marker, it suffers +1 damage.
that it’s more painful to lose a reputation than a limb, too. At c Convulsions: Enemy only. Move the target up to
least in Malifaux, limbs can be replaced. 3". Then the target must either discard a card or this
model may move it up to 3".

Nevertheless, she’s still received mountains of death threats Twisting Their Ideals 8" 7 Wp -
This Action cannot target the same model more than
from Arcanists, insults to her journalistic integrity from an Once per Activation. Enemy only. Target suffers damage
anonymous critic named “Polly Sagequid MD,” and once had equal to the number of Markers within p3 of itself.
M “Could this be… Betrayal?!”: Non-Master only.
to be physically restrained by the Printing Press when Albus Target must take the Charge Action, even if engaged,
Von Schtook invited her to tour the University of Transmortis controlled by this model.

over his aethervox program. Tactical Actions Rg Stat Rst TN

Slow News Day a8" 6m - 10
These days, she keeps her ears open and her quill scrawling Until the End Phase, when an enemy model within range
gains Distracted, it also gains Stunned.
across her notes in the hope of finding the latest scoop. After M Fake News: Discard up to three cards. For each
all, it is her responsibility to report a (somewhat) free press to discarded card, draw a card.

a (mostly) free people. F “Get the Story!” 8" 6 - 12

Friendly only. Push the target 6" toward a Scheme
Marker in its LoS. If the target ends this move in base
It’s the story of her own time; who cares if a tyrannical world contact with the Scheme Marker, enemy models within
p3 of that Scheme Marker gain Distracted +1, then that
power is the one providing the ink? Scheme Marker is removed.






The Printing Press

The Printing Press
Enforcer, Construct
Totem (Nellie Cochrane) Attack Actions Rg Stat Rst TN
JOURNALIST Propaganda Machine y1" 5t Df -
Target suffers 2/3/4 damage, if the target is within a2 of
a friendly Scheme Marker, it suffers +1 damage.
t Headline: Secrets Exposed!: Enemy only. Target
must take the Interact Action, even if engaged.
Hot Off the Presses 6" 5 Wp -
Target gains Burning +2. Push the target 4" in any

Tactical Actions Rg Stat Rst TN

FSpreading the - - - -
Good News
Discard any number of cards. For each card discarded by
this Action, this model Heals 1.

4 5
Wp Mv 2

Armor +2: Reduce all damage suffered by this model by +2.
Insignificant: This model cannot take the Interact
Action and is ignored for Strategies and Schemes.
You Can’t Escape the Truth: After an enemy model
ends its Activation within a2 of this model, the enemy
model suffers 1 damage.
Arcane Reservoir: Crews containing one or more models
with this Ability increase their Maximum Hand Size by one.


The Printing Press

“Words are like magic, Nellie,” her father used to say. “Words shape people,
and the world is people, so words shape the world. Be careful how you use
them.” Nellie took this lesson to heart, studying and scraping, perfecting the
magic of her words.

When her father died, she discovered that he’d kept a small Soulstone on
him at all times, and she used this unexpected inheritance to create a printing
press in memory of her father. It was the only device capa-
ble of wielding Nellie’s unique sort of magic: words. She
designed it to be steam powered so it could
follow along with her and help her carry
papers or print news as soon as a story
struck, but recently, the Printing Press
has begun to act strangely, becoming
very protective of Nellie. She suspects
that maybe, just maybe, her inher-
itance contains some fragment of
her beloved father’s soul.



Phiona Gage
Henchman, Living, Construct
Phiona Gage
Phiona Gage was always a simple woman. Tall and strong,
she gladly and easily did whatever physical task was set
before her. The work was hard and life was rough, but things
were simple. Mining was a good fit for her, at least until the
accident. Phiona doesn’t remember it well, just glimpses.
A loud crack, the rush of dust, dragging a wounded miner
from the wreckage, and then… darkness.

5 5 When she awoke, half of her face had been rebuilt with
Wp Mv 2
cold, unchanging metal. They tried to tell her how
expensive the operation had been and what a miracle it
Armor +1: Reduce all damage suffered by this model by +1. was that she was still alive, but for Phiona, it just meant
Hard to Kill: When this model suffers damage, if it has the end to her simple life. Sometimes, now her vision
2 or more Health, it may not be reduced to below 1 Health.
turns red and an unstoppable anger boils up within her.
Take the Hit: After an enemy model targets a friendly
model within a2 with an Attack Action, this model may She doesn’t know where it comes from, and it surprises her
discard a card to Place itself into base contact with the as much as anyone else. That’s what happened the day they
friendly model and become the new target of the Attack
Action (ignoring range, LoS, and targeting restrictions). tried to tell her she couldn’t work anymore.
Grit (Frenzied): While this model has half of its
maximum Health or less, enemy models damaged by this The anger is what caused Phiona to lose her job in the
model’s yActions suffer +1 damage.
The Hero We Deserve: When performing opposed
mines. She drifted for a time, lost and confused, until she was
duels with enemy models, if this model is within a2 of a found by Nellie and transformed into the poster child for the
Scheme Marker, it receives a + to its duel.
cruelty of the Union. Phiona doesn’t really understand all
the fuss; she just likes having solid work again.

Phiona Gage

Attack Actions Rg Stat Rst TN

Modified Pickaxe y1" 6 Df -
The target ignores any + to resist this Action. Target
suffers 2/4/5 damage, ignoring Hard to Wound.
t Sweeping Strike: When resolving, the target
suffers +b damage.
c Blank Stare: Discard a card. Target gains Slow
and must discard a card.
Bring It 12" 6 Wp 13
Target moves its Mv +2" toward this model. Then, the
target must take a yAction that cannot declare Triggers
targeting this model, if able. Any damage flips from the
generated Action suffer a -.
M Slander: Target gains Distracted +1. If the target is
within a2 of a Scheme Marker, it suffers +1 damage.

Tactical Actions Rg Stat Rst TN

F I’ve Got Your Back 6" 8 - 10
Target other engaged friendly model. Target is Placed
into base contact with this model.
M Shove Aside: Once per Activation. Push the target
4" away from this model. Then, this model may Push
up to 4" and declare a yAction targeting a different




Allison Dade
Allison Dade survived the violence that befell Innocence,
and the story she wrote about it for the Malifaux Tattler
brought her great acclaim. Even so, she has many unanswered
questions about what transpired there and the people she
thought she knew.

She still seeks answers to these questions. Although she cur-

rently resides in Malifaux and works full-time for the Tattler,
she has on occasion made the journey back to Innocence to
try to learn more about what happened there. What is the
Widow Ferris hiding? Why is everyone still so silent about
those turbulent days and the Neverborn assault?

With each passing day, she worries that her answers are
drifting further and further away from her. Even so, she is
always looking for more clues, always uncovering another
story, always asking the questions many people do not want

And there will always be someone who wants to silence her.

Allison Dade
Allison Dade
Henchman, Living
Attack Actions Rg Stat Rst TN
“One More Question!” 8" 6M Wp -
Target gains Slow. If the target is engaging any models, it
suffers 1/3/4 damage.
R Investigative Journalism: Target must reveal a
card in its Control Hand and suffers 3/2/1 damage,
based upon the value of the revealed card.
t Headline: Secrets Exposed!: Enemy only. Target
must take the Interact Action, even if engaged.
M Slander: Target gains Distracted +1. If the target is
within a2 of a Scheme Marker, it suffers +1 damage.
Derringer z8" 6 Df -
Target suffers 2/3/4 damage.
6 5 c No Witnesses: This Trigger may only be declared
6 Wp Mv 2 if no other enemy model (other than the target) is
Df Sz within 12" and LoS of this model. When resolving,
the target suffers +1 damage and damage from this
ABILITIES Action ignores Armor.
Manipulative: If this model has not yet Activated this
Turn, enemy Attack Actions that target this model suffer a Blackmail 6" 6t Wp -
- to their duel. This Action cannot target the same model more than once
per Activation. Non-Leader enemy only. Target may
“The Plot is Afoot!”: After the opposing player reveals discard up to two cards. This model’s Crew gains two Pass
a Scheme, this model gains Fast. Tokens, minus one for each discarded card.
Chasing a Story: After an enemy model within a8 t “There’s More to this Story…”: This model
resolves the Interact Action, this model may gain Focused +1. may discard any number of Pass Tokens. For each
Knew You Were Gonna Do That: After a model discarded Pass Token, draw a card.
within a6 declares a Trigger, this model may discard a
card. If it does so, the Trigger’s effects are ignored. Tactical Actions Rg Stat Rst TN
Exclusive Interview: When an enemy model within F Impassioned Defense 8" 6 - 10
a2 takes the Interact Action, it is treated as a friendly Friendly only. Target gains Shielded +2.
model and the Action is controlled by this model. t Surge: Draw a card.




Undercover Reporter
Enforcer, Living
Undercover Reporter
Day 11: Suspect continues cover as simple contract farmer.
Raising horses. Possible combat use? He expresses interest
in trimming the bushes to his wife. This endangers hiding
spot. Will have to relocate.

Day 12: I am now the rain barrel. Suspect spent two hours
brushing favorite horse. Palomino. Number of brushes =
Resurrectionist code? Suspect trimmed the bushes, possibly
6 5 looking for my location.
5 Wp Mv 2
Df Sz Day 13: I suspect he knows I am on his property. Wife
ABILITIES expresses confusion over missing food items. He spent two
Undercover: This model may deploy Buried. At the start
of this model’s Activation, if it is Buried, it may choose an
hours riding Palomino, delivering items to local town.
enemy Minion and Unbury into base contact with that Returned with mysterious package. Will investigate.
Minion. If it does so, the opposing player Places the enemy
Minion anywhere in their Deployment Zone. Then, this
model gains Slow. Day 14: It has begun to rain. Possible Arcanist doings?
Disguised: This model cannot be the target of Actions Cannot hold this position. Suspect’s package revealed to be
generated by the Charge Action.
new horse shoes. Enchanted? Contraband?
Hide in the Barrel: During the Start Phase, this model
may gain Staggered and Shielded +2.
Chasing a Story: After an enemy model within a8
Day 15: I am now being rolled down a hill. More soon.
resolves the Interact Action, this model may gain Focused +1.
Deadly Pursuit: During the End Phase, this model may
Push up to 4".


Undercover Reporter

Attack Actions Rg Stat Rst TN

Hidden Blade y1" 5R Df -
Target suffers 1/2/4 damage, ignoring Armor.
R Critical Strike: When resolving, the target suffers
+1 damage for each r in this Action’s final duel total
(to a maximum of +2).
Arson 10" 5 * 12
Instead of Dropping a Shockwave Marker, this Action
must center its Shockwave on target Scheme Marker
within range. Shockwave 2, Mv 12, Damage 2, Burning
+1. Then remove the target.
t Prepared Explosives: Immediately, change the
target of this Action to any Scheme Marker in play,
ignoring range and LoS.
F Confusion in the Ranks 6" 6 Wp -
This Action ignores LoS and may be taken while Buried
(in which case it also ignores range). Minion only. Target
must take the Interact Action, if able.
M Slander: Target gains Distracted +1. If the target is
within a2 of a Scheme Marker, it suffers +1 damage.

Tactical Actions Rg Stat Rst TN

F Follow a Lead 6" - - -
Discard target Scheme Marker. This model may move
up to 6".




Field Reporter
The Tattler is popular enough that it employs a sizable staff
to meet the public’s need for news, and draws from a large
talent pool of camera operators, writers, editors, printers,
and more, all dedicated to the passionate search for truth.
Or at least, “truth” as decided by the Guild. Many Field
Reporters got their start like Nellie, looking to expose
lies and corruption, looking to expose the Guild, running
illegal printing presses and distributing pamphlets to the
masses (though there never seemed to be enough to make a
difference). Those who refused to give up ended up dead, or
in prison - and then dead. For those who saw the writing on
the wall, Nellie was waiting to feed their passion for news
while avoiding potential retaliation by the Guild. So
long as they walked the straight and narrow with her.

Maybe someday, they tell themselves, they’ll have the

courage to expose the Guild. In the meantime, there are
Arcanist “bad guys” to report on, and Guild “heroes” to gush

Field Reporter
Field Reporter
Minion (3), Living
Attack Actions Rg Stat Rst TN
Flash Photography 6" 6 Wp -
Target gains Distracted +1 and Staggered.
M Slander: Target gains Distracted +1. If the target is
within a2 of a Scheme Marker, it suffers +1 damage.
c Convulsions: Enemy only. Move the target up to 3".
Then the target must either discard a card or this
model may move it up to 3".

Tactical Actions Rg Stat Rst TN

F Follow a Lead 6" - - -
Discard target Scheme Marker. This model may move
up to 6".

5 5
Wp Mv 2

Exclusive Interview: When an enemy model within
a2 takes the Interact Action, it is treated as a friendly
model and the Action is controlled by this model.
Serene Countenance: Enemy Attack Actions that
target this model suffer a - to their duel.
You Can’t Escape the Truth: After an enemy model
ends its Activation within a2 of this model, the enemy
model suffers 1 damage.
Chasing a Story: After an enemy model within a8
resolves the Interact Action, this model may gain Focused +1.
Humiliation: Enemy models that start their Activation
within a2 of this model must discard a card.




Minion (3), Living
When Nellie Cochrane took to the streets of Malifaux City,
she quickly learned that one of the best informants were
those society had learned to willfully ignore. The homeless,
the abandoned, the orphans. By dropping a few scrip here
and there, Nellie could easily get a street urchin’s aid in learn-
ing the latest gossip and finding evasive subjects of her latest

But that kind of pay doesn’t carry one very far. It might earn
a child a few meals, but then they’re back to begging, or
4 5 pick-pocketing, or simply starving on the street. Wanting to
Wp Mv 1Sz keep her informants happy - and fed, and maybe even edu-
cated - she began “hiring” children as Newsies, hawking the
Manipulative: If this model has not yet Activated this Tattler to anyone within earshot. The children earn a decent
Turn, enemy Attack Actions that target this model suffer a wage - paid mostly under the table, as the Guild has no inter-
- to their duel.
Read All About It!: After an enemy model within a8
est in financing such a workforce - more papers get sold, and
draws a card, this model may discard a card to draw a card. Nellie still gets first dibs on a hot tip. Part of their “training”
Chasing a Story: After an enemy model within a8 involves a basic literacy course, held in one of the Tattler’s
resolves the Interact Action, this model may gain Focused +1.
Puny: This model does not Drop any Markers when killed
storerooms, and it also makes for a good place to correlate
and has no engagement range. information for future papers.
Innocent Bystander: Attack Actions without a TN
that target this model gain a TN of 12.



Attack Actions Rg Stat Rst TN

Frantic Flailing y0" 4 Df -
Target suffers 1/2/3 damage.
t Grab On: Target gains Slow. End this model’s
M Reposition: Move this model up to 3".
Thrown Newspaper 8" 5t Df -
Target suffers 1/1/2 damage and must either discard a
card at random or gain Distracted +1.
t Headline: Secrets Exposed!: Enemy only. Target
must take the Interact Action, even if engaged.
M Slander: Target gains Distracted +1. If the target is
within a2 of a Scheme Marker, it suffers +1 damage.

Tactical Actions Rg Stat Rst TN

F Frantic Search 2" - - -
Remove target Corpse Marker. Discard the top card of
this model’s Fate Deck. If the discarded card was a r or
t, add one Soulstone to this Crew’s Soulstone Pool.



Stat Cards • MARSHAL

Lady Justice Lady Justice

Master, Living

Though she wears the mantle given to her by the Guild, and
is seen by the public as a stalwart defender against the horrors
of the new world, very little is actually known about the
woman called Lady Justice. Much of her background up to
and including the circumstances surrounding her induction
into the Guild have been carefully omitted and sealed.

Lady Justice prefers to speak with her actions. Wearing a

binding of mysterious means, she nevertheless sees what 7 5
many others miss. Her movements are graceful and measured,
Wp Mv 2
and when she strikes it is without mercy or hesitation. ABILITIES
Blindfighter: This model cannot gain the Distracted
She leads the Death Marshals, and their crusade against the Condition.

threat of necromancy, which has earned them a popularity that Hard to Wound: Damage flips against this model suffer
a -.
is seldom seen from the public. This has made Justice an unwit- Df (m) Counterattack: If this Action is a yAction, the
ting mascot for the Guild, and her face appears on recruitment Attacking model suffers 3/4/5 damage. This damage flip
suffers a -.
posters across the city, promising a better tomorrow for all. Inspiring Swordplay: After this model kills an enemy
model with a yAction, friendly Marshal models within p6
It is a sentiment the new Governor-General Franco Marlow of this model gain Focused +1.

does not share. He sees the Death Marshals as little better Unnatural Vigor: After killing an enemy model, this
model Heals 2.
than the Resurrectionists they fight, squandering resources Final Repose: Models killed by this model do not Drop
to satisfy a personal crusade, of which Marlow is increasingly any Markers when killed.

convinced Justice is not in control.

When Marlow planned a ritual to banish the last of the Grave
Spirit from Malifaux, she failed to prevent the ritual’s disruption
at the hands of the Resurrectionists. She lost her Judge in the Lady Justice
hunt for Nicodem, and worst of all it was discovered that
Dr. Douglas McMourning was a traitor hiding right under Attack Actions Rg Stat Rst TN
Justice’s nose. Greatsword y2" 6 Df -
Target suffers 3/4/5 damage. If this model has not taken
the Charge Action this Activation, this Action receives a
Already on thin ice, Justice knows each day that passes + to its damage flip.
without capturing McMourning brings her Division closer to R Critical Strike: When resolving, the target suffers
+1 damage for each r in this Action’s final duel total
being shut down for good. (to a maximum of +2).
M Quick Reflexes: Take this Action again, targeting a
But for her, bringing back the doctor’s head is about more different model.
c Stunning Strike: Target gains Stunned.
than upholding the integrity of the law. Since she lost the Judge, Decay 8" 5 Df -
her lover, Lady Justice has become an unhinged animal with Target suffers 2b/2b/3b damage. Models damaged by
this Action gain Injured +1.
a sword, and she will stop at nothing until every last undead c Severe Injury: Models damaged by this Action
and Resurrectionist abettor is six feet under. Permanently. gain Injured +1 for each c in this Action’s final duel
total (to a maximum of Injured +2).
It just so happens that McMourning is her latest target, and
the more evasive he is, the more manic and obsessed she Tactical Actions Rg Stat Rst TN

becomes. Restore the

Natural Order
p4" 6 - 12

End all Conditions on models within range.

c Final Justice: Enemy Undead models and models
with Incorporeal within range must each pass TN
14 Wp duels or suffer 2 damage and gain Injured +2.
F Leap 6" 5 - 10M
Place this model anywhere within range.
R Sudden Strike: This model may take a yAction.
F Juggernaut - - - -
Discard a card. This model Heals 1/2/4.



MARSHAL • Stat Cards


Stat Cards • MARSHAL

Scales of Justice Scales of Justice

Enforcer, Living

Totem (Lady Justice)

Lady Justice can weigh a man’s soul with but a glance, and MARSHAL
is prepared to take decisive action. Sometimes just knowing
isn’t enough, however, and she must still go through the
process of hearing out a case. That is when she takes the
Scales of Justice with her into battle. The man carrying the
scales is also carrying a life sentence within the Guild, and he
is serving his time by serving as an example for anyone who
might be considering acting outside of the law.

With each new bit of evidence that is presented before

his mistress, the scales will tip one way or the other,
weighing guilt against innocence, persecutor
against victim, or crime against circumstance. 4 4
At the end of each hearing, there is little ques- 3DfM Wp Mv 2
tion in which way the case will be decided,
and it is only a matter of formality when Lady ABILITIES
Weight of Guilt: After an enemy model Cheats Fate
Justice speaks her verdict, finally allowing within a4, it suffers 1 damage after resolving the current
her totem to stand straight once again. Action or Ability.
Df/Wp (m) Balancing the Scales: When resolving, if
this model suffers damage, the Attacking model suffers the
same amount of damage.
Demise (Expendable): After this model is killed, its
controller draws a card.


Scales of Justice

Attack Actions Rg Stat Rst TN

Tip the Scales y0" 5 Df -
Target suffers 1/2/3 damage.
t Grab On: Target gains Slow. End this model’s
c Drain Magic: Target discards a card. This model
may draw a card and then discard a card.

Tactical Actions Rg Stat Rst TN

F Equality of Fate - - - -
If the opposing Crew has more cards in its Control Hand
than this model’s Crew, draw a card.
F Negation Aura a3" 5 - 10
Until the End Phase, enemy models within range must
each discard a card to Cheat Fate.



MARSHAL • Stat Cards

The Judge
The first Judge was a man chosen from the ranks of the Death
Marshals by Lady Justice herself. No one knows what she
saw in him, but they bonded immediately and he proved to
quickly be a voice of reason to Justice’s black and white view
of the world. Whenever her blood began to boil over in
her crusade against the Resurrectionists, his calm voice
pulled her back. His death at the hands of Nicodem
killed a part of Lady Justice, a part which - though she
would never admit it to anyone - was her better half.

In many ways, the new Judge is very much like her

predecessor. Calm, composed, and able to diffuse
Justice’s temper before it gets the better of her. But
her presence remains a constant, bittersweet reminder
of the old Judge. However, she is very much her own
person, with her own past, and just like the necrotic decay
hidden beneath her coat, this Judge has secrets that she is not
yet willing to share with her leader.

The Judge
The Judge
Henchman, Living
Attack Actions Rg Stat Rst TN
Enchanted Katana y1" 6c Df -
Target suffers 3/4/6 damage.
M Quick Reflexes: Take this Action again, targeting a
different model.
c Siphon Essence: Enemy only. After killing, add one
Soulstone to this Crew’s Soulstone Pool.
Peacebringer z12" 6 Df -
Target suffers 2/3/5 damage.
R Critical Strike: When resolving, the target suffers
+1 damage for each r in this Action’s final duel total
(to a maximum of +2).
M Hunt the Dead: Enemy Undead only. Target gains
Adversary (Marshal). Push this model up to 3"
toward the target.
F Crumble Away 12" 6 Wp 12
Target suffers 2 damage and gains Staggered. If the
target is Undead, it instead suffers 2/4/5 damage,
6 5 ignoring Hard to Wound and Hard to Kill, and gains
Wp Mv 2

Tactical Actions Rg Stat Rst TN

Hard to Wound: Damage flips against this model suffer F The Risk of Reason - 5 - 10
a -. Choose a number from 1 to 3. Reveal the chosen number
of cards from the top of your Fate Deck. For each t
Hard to Kill: When this model suffers damage, if it has
revealed by this Action, this model suffers 2 irreducible
2 or more Health, it may not be reduced to below 1 Health.
damage and discards the revealed t. Then, draw all other
Unnatural Vigor: After killing an enemy model, this revealed cards.
model Heals 2. c A Terrible Revelation: For each c revealed by
Final Repose: Models killed by this model do not Drop this Action, one enemy model in this model’s LoS
any Markers when killed. suffers 1 damage, or 2 damage if it is Undead.



Stat Cards • MARSHAL

The Lone Marshal The Lone Marshal

Enforcer, Living

All Death Marshals walk the line between knowing necro-
mancy and becoming a necromancer. The Lone Marshal has
surpassed this standard and become something more than
human. The power that is slowly eating away at his fellows
is completely under his control and it is no longer necessary
for him to bear the same burdens. Still fueled by the dark
magics that help Death Marshals terrify the undead, he is the
master of it, bending it to his will and turning it against the
Resurrectionist threat.

Since he is no longer bound by the need to hide his face, he

can do more than the typical Death Marshal. He rides into 6 7
combat, unleashing righteous gunfire into the enemy. The 6
Wp Mv 3
Lone Marshal is a singularly terrifying individual, who is
feared by every sane Resurrectionist (of which there are few). ABILITIES
Hard to Wound: Damage flips against this model suffer
a -.
Ruthless: This model ignores the Terrifying and
Manipulative Abilities of other models.
Unnatural Vigor: After killing an enemy model, this
model Heals 2.
Unimpeded: This model is unaffected by Severe Terrain.
Run and Gun: This model’s Charge Action may generate
z Actions instead of yActions.


The Lone Marshal

Attack Actions Rg Stat Rst TN

Trampling Hooves y0" 5 Df -
Target suffers 2/3/4 damage and gains Injured +1. Place
this model anywhere into base contact with the target.
R Rear Up: Enemy models within p2 of this model
must each pass a TN 13 Df duel or suffer 2 damage.
M Like the Wind: Push this model up to 5" in any
direction, ignoring other models.
Long Carbine z14" 7 Df -
This Action ignores Concealment. Target suffers 2/4/5
R Critical Strike: When resolving, the target suffers
+1 damage for each r in this Action’s final duel total
(to a maximum of +2).
c Maim: Target discards a card.
F Startle 8" 6R Wp -
Target gains Staggered.
M Hunt the Dead: Enemy Undead only. Target gains
Adversary (Marshal). Push this model up to 3"
toward the target.
c Exorcism: Target must have a Summon Upgrade
Attached. Target is killed.
R Pull Back: This Trigger may only be declared if this
model is engaged by the target. This model may take
the Disengage Action.



MARSHAL • Stat Cards

Death Marshal Recruiter

The Death Marshals do not hire from the regular channels.
They don’t promote Guards to their ranks, or put up want
ads. To be a Death Marshal, you need to be touched by
necromancy. It needs to leave a scar on your soul. It is a
practice Lady Justice refuses to perform herself, no
matter the necessity.

Thankfully - or not, depending on who you

ask - Resurrectionists are only too happy to
pick up the slack. With every victim, every
act of depravity, there is a witness, or a survi-
vor, who bears the mark the Marshals look for.
Death Marshal Recruiters keep an eye out for
these individuals.

With just a few words, they know which victims

have to be shipped to the asylums, which can
recover to live normal lives… and which are ready
to join the cause.

Death Marshal Recruiter 8

Death Marshal Recruiter
Minion (2), Living
Attack Actions Rg Stat Rst TN
Peacebringer Blade y1" 6 Df -
Target suffers 2/3/4 damage.
R Critical Strike: When resolving, the target suffers
+1 damage for each r in this Action’s final duel total
(to a maximum of +2).
Pine Box y0" 3 Sz -
Enemy only. Target gains Distracted +1 and is Buried.
When the target Activates, it must attempt a TN 13
Wp duel. If it passes, or if this model is killed or Buried,
Unbury it into base contact with this model.
5 5 R Rip and Tear: Take a yAction targeting the same
Wp Mv 2
model. This Action receives a + to its duel.
c Drain Magic: Target discards a card. This model
may draw a card and then discard a card.
Hard to Wound: Damage flips against this model suffer Peacebringer z12" 6 Df -
a -. Target suffers 2/3/5 damage.
R Critical Strike: When resolving, the target suffers
Unnatural Vigor: After killing an enemy model, this
+1 damage for each r in this Action’s final duel total
model Heals 2.
(to a maximum of +2).
Grim Recruitment: After another friendly Living
Minion within a5 is killed, this model may discard a card. Tactical Actions Rg Stat Rst TN
If it does so, the killed model is instead Replaced with a
Death Marshal, then the new model Heals 2. F Shrug Off - - - -
Discard a card. End one Condition on this model.
Beyond Time: This model may target Buried models with
Actions, ignoring range and LoS.
Final Repose: Models killed by this model do not Drop
any Markers when killed.
One Foot Toward the Grave: Friendly Marshals that
Activate within a3 may Push up to 2" toward a Corpse
Marker or Undead model in their LoS.



Stat Cards • MARSHAL

The Jury The Jury

Henchman, Living

The Jury began her career in the field, battling against the
Resurrectionists in the early days of the Death Marshals.
She possessed the unique ability to see the truth in a
necromancer’s words, which made it easy for Lady Justice to
tell the innocent from the guilty. Eventually, however, Lady
Justice realized that the Death Marshals needed someone to
help them navigate the bureaucratic maze being created by
Governor-General Kitchener and his untrustworthy new
secretary, Lucius Mattheson.
5 5
5 Wp Mv 2
Jury was tapped for the dubious honor, and spent years help- Df Sz

ing the Death Marshals avoid a number of bureaucratic traps, ABILITIES

allowing Lady Justice to focus on Guild Authority: Enemy models within a5 must each
discard a card to take the Concentrate Action.
her greatest strength: fieldwork. By the Book: Enemy models within a6 that Cheat Fate
Though Franco Marlow has no in a duel lose all suits in their final total.
love for the Death Marshals, his Exorcism Ritual: At the start of this model’s Activation,
all Buried enemy models suffer 2 damage, then every
arrival has weakened Lucius’ own enemy model with an Attached Summon Upgrade suffers
influence, allowing the Jury to 1 damage.
Unnatural Vigor: After killing an enemy model, this
take up field work again. model Heals 2.
Df/Wp (m) Balancing the Scales: When resolving, if
this model suffers damage, the Attacking model suffers the
same amount of damage.


The Jury

Attack Actions Rg Stat Rst TN

Sharp Wit y1" Wp 6 -
Target gains Slow.
t Draw Out Secrets: Drop a Scheme Marker into
base contact with the target.
c Drain Magic: Target discards a card. This model
may draw a card and then discard a card.
Ancient Words 8" 6 Wp -
Target suffers 2/4/5 damage.
R Into Dust: Undead only. Kill the target unless it
discards one card or one Soulstone.
t Glimpse the Void: Enemy only. Target must pass a
TN 14 Wp duel or it is Buried. If the target is Buried
by this Trigger, at the start of its Activation, Unbury it
within 1" of an enemy model.
M Hunt the Dead: Enemy Undead only. Target gains
Adversary (Marshal). Push this model up to 3"
toward the target.
Obey 12" 6M Wp 14M
This Action cannot target the same model more than once
per Activation. Non-Master only. Target model takes
a non-F Action that does not Attach Upgrades or list a
model by name, chosen and controlled by this model.
F False Accusation 8" 5 Wp -
Enemy only. Until the End Phase, the target gains the
Undead Characteristic.



MARSHAL • Stat Cards

Domador De Cadáveres
Spain has a long and complicated relationship with nec-
romancy. Though it has recently achieved a measure of
acceptance, the government keeps close tabs on all its
necromancers. More than anyone, they know the danger
that such spellcasters can pose.

The Domadores De Cadáveres are the inheritors of

Spain’s necromantic traditions. They are
generally wealthy noblemen and noble-
women who focus more on finesse and
control rather than raw power. The ani-
mation of the dead is seen less as a route
to power (which they already have) and
more as a means of accomplishing dangerous
or unpleasant tasks without risking living people.

Seeing them as a means to deal with necromancy forever,

Marlow invited a troupe of Domadores to Malifaux City to
enact a powerful rite. The ritual was a failure thanks to the
betrayal of Douglas McMourning, resulting in the death of
many Domadores. The survivors have sworn oaths to Marlow
that they will not rest until their kin are avenged.

Domador De Cadáveres
Domador De Cadáveres
Minion (2), Living
Attack Actions Rg Stat Rst TN
Decay 8" 6R Df -
Target suffers 2b/2b/3b damage. Models damaged by
this Action gain Injured +1.
R Life and Death: When resolving, friendly Living
models that would be damaged by this Action instead
Heal 2.
c Severe Injury: Models damaged by this Action
gain Injured +1 for each c in this Action’s final duel
total (to a maximum of Injured +2).
Command Corpse 12" 5C Wp 12C
This Action cannot target the same model more than once
per Activation. Non-Leader Undead only. Target takes
a non-F Action that does not Attach Upgrades or list a
model by name, chosen and controlled by this model.
R Mend: Target Heals 2.
F Vile Reclamation 6" 5 Wp -
Target gains Injured +1 and this model Heals 1.
6 5
Wp Mv 2
Tactical Actions Rg Stat Rst TN
Draw Essence p3" - - -
ABILITIES This model suffers 1 damage. Models within range must
The Art of Undeath: Enemy Living models within a5 each pass a TN 12 Df duel or suffer 2 damage. For each
are treated as Undead (instead of Living). other model damaged by this Action, this model Heals 1.
Hard to Wound: Damage flips against this model suffer
a -.
Unnatural Vigor: After killing an enemy model, this
model Heals 2.
Entropy: Enemy models that start their Activation within
a3 suffer 1 damage.



Stat Cards • MARSHAL

Sooner or later, the news was bound to reach home that
in Malifaux there were dead who would not stay dead.
Even for a world long accustomed to magic, the news
of that particular old fireside tale had come true was
a chilling shock. The Guild works hard to suppress the
ghoulish details and weed out unsavory travelers drawn
in by them, but they’ve come to make exceptions for the
self-appointed abomination-hunters known as Exorcists.

Exorcists were originally recruited, funded, and trained

like missionaries, although the fashion now is for preachers
to form a congregational society specifically to equip them
and send them through the Breach to battle the unhallowed
dead. At first dismissing them as a noisy nuisance, Guild
policy changed when they saw the disarray and destruction
the Exorcists’ zealous aggression and blazing oratory could
sow amongst the Resurrectionists’ foot soldiers. So the Guild
gave a collective shrug, studiously ignored the Exorcists’ more
extreme practices, and began licensing them as its own agents.
No sense in wasting a resource, after all.

Minion (2), Living
Attack Actions Rg Stat Rst TN
Sanctified Crossbow z10" 5 Df -
This Action ignores Friendly Fire. Target suffers 2/3/4
damage, ignoring Incorporeal and Hard to Wound.
R Into Dust: Undead only. Kill the target unless it
discards one card or one Soulstone.
M Hunt the Dead: Enemy Undead only. Target gains
Adversary (Marshal). Push this model up to 3"
toward the target.
c Exorcism: Target must have a Summon Upgrade
Attached. Target is killed.
F False Accusation 8" 5 Wp -
Enemy only. Until the End Phase, the target gains the
Undead Characteristic.
M Swift Action: Take this Action again.
c Mental Trauma: Target must either discard a card
5 5 or suffer 3 damage.
Wp Mv 2
Sz Tactical Actions Rg Stat Rst TN

ABILITIES F Final Rest p4" 5 - 10

Hard to Wound: Damage flips against this model suffer Remove all Scrap and Corpse Markers within range.
a -. Choose a number of friendly models in this model’s LoS
up to the number of removed Markers, then each chosen
Ruthless: This model ignores the Terrifying and model Heals 1.
Manipulative Abilities of other models.
Unnatural Vigor: After killing an enemy model, this
model Heals 2.
Barrier to the Other World: After an enemy model
is Summoned within a5, it suffers 2 damage.
Gunfighter: This model may treat any of its z Actions as
having a range of y1".



MARSHAL • Stat Cards

Death Marshal
There is a thin line between knowing your enemy and
becoming him. It is the curse of every Death Marshal to
find this line and walk it. The magic that is the course of their
study eats away at them, leaving only a well-trained shell
beneath the large hat and high collars of their uniform.
This uniform hides the physical deformities that each Death
Marshal suffers for their power. This more than anything has
been the cause for Governor-General Marlow’s disdain for
the Marshals, despite their usefulness.

Skilled not only in the use of standard Guild weaponry, they

have also mastered a more unlikely weapon – the enchanted
pine box. It is with this coffin-like tool that they can trap their
prey, locking it away until the time is right to handle it. Under
the dual training between Lady Justice and the Judge, they
are drilled until they are experts with the Peacebringer blade
and gun. Only once they have reached mental and physical
perfection do they earn the right to the title of Death Marshal.

Death Marshal
Death Marshal
Minion (3), Undead
Attack Actions Rg Stat Rst TN
Peacebringer Blade y1" 5 Df -
Target suffers 2/3/4 damage.
Pine Box y0" 2c Sz -
Enemy only. Target gains Distracted +1 and is Buried.
When the target Activates, it must attempt a TN 13
Wp duel. If it passes, or if this model is killed or Buried,
Unbury it into base contact with this model.
t Purification: End one Condition on the target.
c Leeching Strength: Choose a Buried model. The
chosen model suffers 1 damage and this model Heals 1.
Peacebringer z12" 5 Df -
Target suffers 2/3/5 damage.
R Critical Strike: When resolving, the target suffers
+1 damage for each r in this Action’s final duel total
(to a maximum of +2).

5 5
Wp Mv 2
Tactical Actions
F Shrug Off -
Rst TN
Discard a card. End one Condition on this model.
Hard to Wound: Damage flips against this model suffer
a -.
Hard to Kill: When this model suffers damage, if it has
2 or more Health, it may not be reduced to below 1 Health.
Unnatural Vigor: After killing an enemy model, this
model Heals 2.
Hate the Dead: At the start of this model’s Activation,
If there are one or more enemy Undead models within a6,
this model gains Fast.



Stat Cards  •  WITCH HUNTER

Sonnia Criid Sonnia Criid

Master, Living

Sonnia Criid leads the Witch Hunters, arguably the most feared
and maligned Special Division the Guild has in Malifaux. They
are the boogeymen of Malifaux, snatching people from their
jobs or invading their homes in the middle of the night in the
name of bringing justice down against those who manipulate
magic in any unlawful way.

Her task is not about killing monsters, but about controlling

the spread of illegal magic in the city - and the vague wording 7 4
in her contract has only helped in that control. This includes 4
Wp Mv 2
rounding up any human who demonstrates arcane powers
upon passing through the Breach, as well as contending with ABILITIES
Arcane Shield +2: During the Start Phase, this model
the terrorists known as the Arcanists. gains Shielded +2.
Counterspell: Enemy models within a6 must each
Sonnia’s job is that of an inquisitor and a wetworks operative. discard a card to declare Triggers during opposed duels
with this model.
Defeating the Arcanists doesn’t just involve arresting them or Df/Wp (t) Ignite: After resolving, the Attacking model
defending against their attacks, but twisting their intentions gains Burning +1.
and actions in a way that paints the Arcanists as dangerous Seeking Flames: This model’s Attack Actions ignore
Cover and Concealment when targeting enemy models
madmen. Any tactic the Arcanists wield, she wields back at with the Burning Condition.
them, sometimes literally fighting fire with fire. Smothering Flame: If this model is this Crew’s Leader,
enemy models within LoS reduce the range of their non-y
Actions by an amount equal to the value of their Burning
Part of her duties - and her contract with the Guild - involves Condition.
the collection of illegal magic items, a job that seemingly has
doubled since Lucas McCabe was unceremoniously let go. HEALTH

Most of them are destined for the furnace, but a few Sonnia
sees use in and keeps for herself in a vast archive that is
forbidden to all but a few members of her division and the Sonnia Criid
Governor-General himself (to her annoyance).
Attack Actions Rg Stat Rst TN

Sometimes potent items find her instead. When the Tyrant Runic Blade y1" 5t Df -
Target suffers 2/3/5 damage. This model Heals 1.
Cherufe consumed her in his flame, her hate was borne anew. t Blaze: Models damaged by this Action gain
Burning +1 for each t in this Action’s final duel total
As uncontrollable as a meteor crashing to the earth, the fire (to a maximum of Burning +2).
and anger consumed her. If it weren’t for Samael and Perdita, she c Drain Magic: Target discards a card. This model
may draw a card and then discard a card.
would have become nothing more than kindling to Cherufe’s
Flameburst z14" 6t Df -
eternal embers. Instead, a silver and steel mask of unknown Target suffers 2b/3b/5bb damage. Models damaged by
this Action gain Burning +1.
origin was bound to her, containing the rage and the Tyrant R Burst Damage: When resolving, the target suffers
along with it. +b damage.
t Blaze: Models damaged by this Action gain
Burning +1 for each t in this Action’s final duel total
When the Burning Man was created, Sonnia was freed of (to a maximum of Burning +2).
Cherufe’s influence, and the mask. Her face was painfully Scorch the Soul 8" 6 Wp 14
Enemy only. Target suffers damage from the Burning
reconstructed thanks to Douglas McMourning’s insights in Condition equal to the value of its Burning Condition
surgery and skin grafting, but there are some who believe (to a maximum of 5 damage). Reduce the value of the
target’s Burning Condition by 5. If this kills the target,
Sonnia is not the same person as before. Summon a Witchling model with equal or lower Cost
than the target, with an Enthralled Upgrade Attached,
into base contact with the target.
Sonnia Criid now carries the mask at her hip as a reminder
that even the most devoted and stalwart can be overtaken by Tactical Actions Rg Stat Rst TN
6 - 10
darkness, and wears it when the time to strike fear into the F Smoldering Soul a3"
Until the End Phase, other non-Witchling models treat
hearts of her enemies is deemed necessary. But as soon as the the area within range as Hazardous (Damage 1 and
Burning +1) Terrain.
battle is over and the flames die down, the mask comes off, F Stoke the Flames 8" 6 - 10
lest the nightmares of what the Tyrant had done to her are Friendly Witchling only. Target Heals 1 and gains
Focused +1.
allowed to fester.


WITCH HUNTER  •  Stat Cards



Purifying Flame Purifying Flame


Totem (Sonnia Criid)

Sonnia Criid is no ordinary magic user. When she sets her WITCH HUNTER
will to a task, there is little that can stop her. It is little sur- WITCHLING

prise, given her great power and focus, that such will can be
given form. The flames burn hot with righteous anger, eager
to consume those that Sonnia declares as criminals, and
though the manifestation has no corporeal body, it appears as
a supplicant, showing that it is perfectly obedient to its mis-
tress’s will. 3 5
4 Wp Mv 2
Such is Sonnia’s power that she has imbued this totem with Df Sz

the power to suppress magic in its area. Where she and her ABILITIES
Fiery Presence: At the start of this model’s Activation,
crew only gain more power from it, enemies will find their every model within p2 gains Burning +1.
mind unfocused and the Soulstones in their hands hot and Incorporeal: Reduce all damage this model suffers from
powerful, though they cannot concentrate enough to call Attack Actions by 1, to a minimum of 0. This model ignores
terrain while moving and is unaffected by Hazardous
forth that power. Terrain. This model can move through other models and
vice versa.
Flameborne: Reduce all damage this model suffers from
Burning to 0.
No Love for Witchlings: Friendly Witch Hunters’
Attack Actions ignore this model for the purposes of
Friendly Fire.
Demise (Flaming +1): After this model is killed, models
within p2 suffer +1 damage and gain Burning +1. This
model does not Drop any Markers when killed.


Purifying Flame

Attack Actions Rg Stat Rst TN

Burning Touch y0" 4 Df -
Target suffers 1/2/3 damage and gains Burning +1.
t Blaze: Models damaged by this Action gain
Burning +1 for each t in this Action’s final duel total
(to a maximum of Burning +2).
Breath of Fire 6" 4 Df -
Target suffers 2/3b/4bb damage. Models damaged by
this Action gain Burning +1.

Tactical Actions Rg Stat Rst TN

F Hovering Flame - 5 - 12
Move this model up to 5", ignoring other models. Every
model that this model came into base contact with during
this move gains Burning +1.



WITCH HUNTER  •  Stat Cards

Samael Hopkins
When magic users in Malifaux sleep, it is Samael Hopkins
who stalks their nightmares.

Samael is Sonnia Criid’s second in command, and

there are few as loyal as he is to his commander, but
his reputation as a skilled tracker is what strikes
fear into the hearts of criminals. He has an uncanny
ability to sense where his target is hiding, and he
will lead Witchling Stalkers to flush them out.

If it was just his skill at tracking that was

exemplary, there would be little to fear from
Hopkins. However, once he has found his
target, there are few who can escape from
his deadly aim. If the combat is too close for his
custom revolver, Samael will think nothing of using
his tracking tools as weapons.

Samael Hopkins
Samael Hopkins
Henchman, Living
Attack Actions Rg Stat Rst TN
Wooden Mallet y1" 6 Df -
Target suffers 2/3/4 damage. If the target has the
Burning Condition, this Action receives a + to its
damage flip.
R Critical Strike: When resolving, the target suffers
+1 damage for each r in this Action’s final duel total
(to a maximum of +2).
c Drain Magic: Target discards a card. This model
may draw a card and then discard a card.
Collier Revolver z12" 6 Df -
Target suffers 2/3/4 damage.
R Critical Strike: When resolving, the target suffers
+1 damage for each r in this Action’s final duel total
(to a maximum of +2).
5 6 M Ricochet: Choose another model within 3" of the
Wp Mv 2
target. That model suffers 1/2/4 damage, which
cannot be Cheated.

ABILITIES Tactical Actions Rg Stat Rst TN

Arcane Shield +1: During the Start Phase, this model
gains Shielded +1. F Creep Along - 6 - 11
Push this model up to its Mv in inches toward a friendly
Counterspell: Enemy models within a6 must each model in LoS.
discard a card to declare Triggers during opposed duels
with this model.
Unimpeded: This model is unaffected by Severe Terrain.
Flaming Bullets: Models damaged by this model’s z
Actions gain Burning +1.
Rapid Fire: Once per Turn. After this model resolves a z
Action during its Activation, it may discard a card to take
that Action again.




Witchling Thrall
Everyone reacts differently to the aetheric environ-
ment of Malifaux. Many people seem to remain
untouched, others are able to tap into their mag-
ical potential more easily, and a rare few learn
how to bend the aether around them, using it to
fuel their growing magical power.

On the rare occasion Sonnia captures such a pow-

erful individual, she takes her time with them. Any
run-of-the-mill Arcanist can be turned into a Witchling
Stalker, but these prime specimens are instead transformed
into mighty Witchling Thralls. Their power turns inwards
during the transformation, searing away their minds and
repurposing their bodies into massive walls of muscle.

Afterward, they are assigned a handler, just like the Stalkers,

and they begin the agonizing process of being turned into
nothing more than a tool for the Guild, a killing machine
designed to seek and destroy others with their power. In a
different world, they might have been deciding the future
of Malifaux, but Fate, and Sonnia Criid, had other

Witchling Thrall
Witchling Thrall
Minion (2), Living
Attack Actions Rg Stat Rst TN
WITCHLING Enhanced Fists y1" 6R Df -
Target suffers 2/4/6 damage.
R Critical Strike: When resolving, the target suffers
+1 damage for each r in this Action’s final duel total
(to a maximum of +2).
M You’re Comin’ with Me: Push the target up to 3" in
any direction, then Place this model into base contact
with it.
c Drain Magic: Target discards a card. This model
may draw a card and then discard a card.
Aetheric Blast z8" 5 * 12
Shockwave 1, Mv 13, Damage 2.
5 5 t Blaze: Models damaged by this Action gain
5DfC Wp Mv 2 Burning +1 for each t in this Action’s final duel total
Sz (to a maximum of Burning +2).
M Blown Back: Push models damaged by this Action
ABILITIES 3" away from the Marker.
Hard to Wound: Damage flips against this model suffer
a -. Tactical Actions Rg Stat Rst TN
Ruthless: This model ignores the Terrifying and Absorb the Flame p3" 6 - 11
Manipulative Abilities of other models. Reduce the value of the Burning Condition on every
No Love for Witchlings: Friendly Witch Hunters’ model within range by 3. For each point of Burning
Attack Actions ignore this model for the purposes of reduced in this way, this model Heals 1.
Friendly Fire.
Df (c) Drawn to Pain: Enemy only. After resolving, if
this model suffered damage, Push this model 4" toward the
Attacking model.
Demise (Flaming +2): After this model is killed, models
within p2 suffer +2 damage and gain Burning +2. This
model does not Drop any Markers when killed.



WITCH HUNTER  •  Stat Cards

Witchling Handler
When Sonnia Criid takes captured witches into the Yellow
Crypt, she burns their old selves away, leaving their thoughts
and personalities in ashes. The Guild mages known as
Witchling Handlers work with those ashes. Handlers
bond with their charges through the gift of their skin-
brand, the runes on each resonating with the Handler’s
own runesword, and tattoos like the inaudible note of a
tuning fork.

In the cells, painstaking as an archaeologist working on a

shattered pot, the Handler coaxes together just enough of the
Witchling’s mind to allow it to follow orders, hunt, and fight.
Then the true conditioning begins, as intimate as taking a
lover and cold-blooded as an autopsy on a living subject. The
Handler binds the remnants of the Witchling’s personality
together with lies, half-truths, and Guild maxims, making
merciless use of the target’s old life to shape the conditioning.
This triple role – trainer, nurturer, torturer – takes its toll on
the Handlers, who strive to emulate Criid’s unfeeling detach-
ment so as not to burn out and go mad in their own turn.

Witchling Handler
Witchling Handler
Minion (2), Living
Attack Actions Rg Stat Rst TN
Runic Blade y1" 6 Df -
Target suffers 2/3/5 damage. This model Heals 1.
R Critical Strike: When resolving, the target suffers
+1 damage for each r in this Action’s final duel total
(to a maximum of +2).
t Blaze: Models damaged by this Action gain
Burning +1 for each t in this Action’s final duel total
(to a maximum of Burning +2).
c Drain Magic: Target discards a card. This model
may draw a card and then discard a card.
Collier Revolver z12" 5 Df -
Target suffers 2/3/4 damage.
R My Loyal Servant: Another model (other than this
5 5 model) within 3" of the target Heals 1/2/3.
Wp Mv 2
Witchfire 8" 6 Wp -
This Action ignores LoS and Concealment. Target gains
ABILITIES Burning +2. If the target is engaged with a friendly
Witchling model, it instead gains Burning +3.
Arcane Shield +1: During the Start Phase, this model
gains Shielded +1.
Tactical Actions Rg Stat Rst TN
Counterspell: Enemy models within a6 must each
discard a card to declare Triggers during opposed duels F Consolidate Power 10" 5 - 10
with this model. Friendly Minion only. Push the target up to 4" toward a
friendly model in its LoS.
Goad Witchling: Friendly Witchling Minions that
Activate within a6 gain +2 Mv until the end of their
Df (r) On My Orders: After resolving, Push a friendly
Witchling within 12" and LoS of this model up to 4" toward
the Attacking model.
Attuned: This model may use Soulstones.



Stat Cards  •  WITCH HUNTER

Thalarian Queller
Thalarian Quellers are a fairly recent addition to the Guild.
Franco Marlow hand-picked them from the ranks of the
Guild’s magewrights and gave them access to a powerful gri-
moire that he confiscated from Sonnia’s private collection
while she was recovering from her injuries caused by the
death of the previous Governor-General.

From this ancient tome, the Quellers learned how to enchant

the weapons of their allies, how to subdue problematic indi-
viduals, and how to dampen the flow of magic in specific
areas. When Sonnia returned to the Witch Hunters, she was
furious that Marlow had “stolen” a grimoire from her collec-
tion... until she saw the Quellers in action and was begrudg-
ingly forced to acknowledge their usefulness.

Thalarian Queller
Thalarian Queller
Minion (2), Living
Attack Actions Rg Stat Rst TN
Arcane Staff z12" 6 Df -
Target suffers 2/3b/4bb damage.
t Blaze: Models damaged by this Action gain
Burning +1 for each t in this Action’s final duel total
(to a maximum of Burning +2).
c Drain Magic: Target discards a card. This model
may draw a card and then discard a card.
F Startle 8" 5 Wp -
Target gains Staggered.

Tactical Actions Rg Stat Rst TN

Flaming Brand 8" - - -
Target an enemy model with Burning +3 or greater.
Target gains Adversary (Witchling). This model may
choose a friendly Witchling model with LoS to the target
and reduce the value of the target’s Burning Condition
by up to 3. For each point of Burning reduced in this
6 5 way, the Witchling model Pushes 2" toward the target.
Wp Mv 2
Sz F I Didn’t Start the Fire 8" - - -
End the Burning Condition on the target . Enemy only.
ABILITIES Drop a Scheme Marker into base contact with the target.
Arcane Shield +1: During the Start Phase, this model
gains Shielded +1.
Counterspell: Enemy models within a6 must each
discard a card to declare Triggers during opposed duels
with this model.
Barrier to the Other World: After an enemy model
is Summoned within a5, it suffers 2 damage.
Attuned: This model may use Soulstones.




Witchling Stalker
Minion (3), Living
Witchling Stalker
WITCHLING It is dangerous to be a mage when there are Witch Hunters
like Samael Hopkins and Sonnia Criid to contend with.
Sonnia not only excels at killing mages, but also at turning
their powers back upon themselves, creating the half-alive
being known as a Witchling Stalker. These creatures were
once men and women, but they have been stripped of their
will and identities. Now these poor souls exist only to fur-
ther the cause of the Guild and Sonnia. Where once their
powers were potent, they can now do little more than negate
the magic of others.
5 5 Witchling Stalkers are dangerous in both close and ranged
5DfC Wp Mv 2
Sz combat, though it is through their runed blades that they
smite their enemies. As part of their creation, they are burned
Unimpeded: This model is unaffected by Severe Terrain. by Criid’s purifying power, and so they must remain cloaked
Df (c) Drawn to Pain: Enemy only. After resolving, if and hidden both for their own protection and the sanity of
this model suffered damage, Push this model 4" toward the
Attacking model. others.
No Love for Witchlings: Friendly Witch Hunters’
Attack Actions ignore this model for the purposes of
Friendly Fire.
Demise (Flaming +1): After this model is killed, models
within p2 suffer +1 damage and gain Burning +1. This
model does not Drop any Markers when killed.


Witchling Stalker

Attack Actions Rg Stat Rst TN

Runic Blade y1" 5 Df -
Target suffers 2/3/5 damage. This model Heals 1.
t Blaze: Models damaged by this Action gain
Burning +1 for each t in this Action’s final duel total
(to a maximum of Burning +2).
c Drain Magic: Target discards a card. This model
may draw a card and then discard a card.
Small-Gauge Revolver z10" 5 Df -
Target suffers 1/2/4 damage.
t Blaze: Models damaged by this Action gain
Burning +1 for each t in this Action’s final duel total
(to a maximum of Burning +2).
Dispel Magic 6" 5 Wp 12
End one Condition on the target.



Stat Cards  •  WITCH HUNTER

Sanctioned Spellcaster
Not every magic-user who is caught can reasonably be trans-
formed into a Witchling Stalker. And while executions are
effective, there are those among the Guild who see them as
wasteful when such talent is involved. To answer this problem,
the Witch Hunters devised the Control Collar.

The Collar is not necessarily worn around the neck, but

can be placed around a wrist or even an ankle. It allows
a Guild officer who is attuned to it to control all of
the aetheric fluctuations that the wearer creates; in
other words, it allows them to control the magic of
the captured individual.

While the criminal has full control of their own

body, all of their spells belong to the Guild.
And should they misuse the freedom
of their body that the Guild has
graciously allowed them, the
Collar can be made to detonate
quite spectacularly.

Sanctioned Spellcaster
Sanctioned Spellcaster
Minion (3), Living
Attack Actions Rg Stat Rst TN
Arcane Touch y0" 4 Df -
Target suffers 1/2/3 damage.
t Rising Flames: Enemy models within p3 of this
model suffer 1 damage and gain Burning +1.
Flame Blast z8" 5 Df -
Target suffers 1b/2b/3b damage. Models damaged by
this Action gain Burning +1.
t Blaze: Models damaged by this Action gain
Burning +1 for each t in this Action’s final duel total
(to a maximum of Burning +2).

Tactical Actions Rg Stat Rst TN

4 - 10
5 5 F Negation Aura a3"
Until the End Phase, enemy models within range must
Wp Mv 2
each discard a card to Cheat Fate.

Arcane Shield +1: During the Start Phase, this model
gains Shielded +1.
Counterspell: Enemy models within a6 must each
discard a card to declare Triggers during opposed duels
with this model.
Demise (Flaming +1): After this model is killed, models
within p2 suffer +1 damage and gain Burning +1. This
model does not Drop any Markers when killed.
Control Collar: At the start of this model’s Activation,
if it is within a3 of a friendly model that can use
Soulstones, this model may gain Fast. If it does so, it suffers
-1 to all of its duel totals until the end of its Activation.



Stat Cards  •  EFFIGY, PUPPET

Brutal Effigy Brutal Effigy

Enforcer, Construct

When the Brutal Effigy was first spotted clip-clopping about EFFIGY, PUPPET
Malifaux City, Herbert Kitchener’s reaction was to put out
a bounty for its destruction, and a reward for the arrest of
its creator. Lucius Mattheson stayed that order, sensing that
the strange little creation had secrets better studied than
destroyed, and set his spies to tracking the Effigy instead.

Their reports showed that the Effigy was not an invader,

a spy, or some seditious lampoon of the Death Marshals.
Bizarrely, it seemed to be a Guild ally, trotting into the fray on
sturdy legs, sword waving, the little boxwood coffin bouncing 4 5
on its back in imitation of the Marshals it caricatures. 5
Wp Mv 1Sz
Guild crews have come to think of Brutal as a mascot or a ABILITIES
Armor +1: Reduce all damage suffered by this model by +1.
good luck charm, but their leaders know it is more: they can Hard to Kill: When this model suffers damage, if it has
sense the knot of power within it and how it draws and shifts 2 or more Health, it may not be reduced to below 1 Health.

the currents to help the crew it has joined. Accomplice: After this model ends its Activation, a
friendly model within 6" that has not Activated this Turn
may discard a card or Pass Token to do so.
And still, nobody knows what it really is or wants. Before and After: This model cannot be hired into a
Crew containing an Emissary of Fate model.
Helping Hand: If this Crew’s Leader is a Henchman and
the same Faction as this model, when hiring, this model’s
Cost is treated as 0.


Brutal Effigy

Attack Actions Rg Stat Rst TN

Pine Box y0" 1 Sz -
Enemy only. Target gains Distracted +1 and is Buried.
When the target Activates, it must attempt a TN 13
Wp duel. If it passes, or if this model is killed or Buried,
Unbury it into base contact with this model.
Small-Gauge Revolver z10" 4 Df -
Target suffers 1/2/4 damage.
R Critical Strike: When resolving, the target suffers
+1 damage for each r in this Action’s final duel total
(to a maximum of +2).

Tactical Actions Rg Stat Rst TN

F Aura of Vengeance a3" 5 - 10
Until the End Phase, after a friendly model ends its
Activation within range, that model Heals 1 if it damaged
an enemy model during that Activation, or 1/2/3 if it
killed an enemy model.




Brutal Emissary Brutal Emissary

Enforcer, Undead

Here and now, in these times of all times, Malifaux needs EMISSARY OF FATE
unashamed strength and indomitable resolve, and the Brutal
Emissary has arisen as that need’s answer. There will be no
cowardice. There will be no retreat. There will be no aban-
donment of duty. No desertion, no disobedience. The wheels
will turn, the machines will run. Men and women will labor.
Dues will be paid. Laws will be laid down. Lines will be
drawn against the outlaw, the subversive, the Arcanist and
the Resurrectionist, the beast and the Neverborn, and those
lines will be held.

When there is insurrection, invasion, or disorder, the Brutal

Emissary will know it in its core, and it will be there to face 5 6
the threat. With blade and gun, with cage and irresistible 6
Wp Mv 4
command, it will stand on the battle line and teach the Guild’s
enemies the order of things. Armor +1: Reduce all damage suffered by this model by +1.
Terrifying (11): After an enemy model targets this
May heaven help us all. model with an Attack Action, the enemy model must pass a
TN 11 Wp duel or the Action fails.
Hard to Kill: When this model suffers damage, if it has
2 or more Health, it may not be reduced to below 1 Health.
Crowd Control: Enemy models within a6 cannot take
Actions unless it is their Activation.


Brutal Emissary

Attack Actions Rg Stat Rst TN

Greatsword y2" 6 Df -
Target suffers 3/4/5 damage. If this model has not taken
the Charge Action this Activation, this Action receives a
+ to its damage flip.
R Heave: Place the target anywhere within 3" of this
t Sweeping Strike: When resolving, the target
suffers +b damage.
M Knock Aside: Push the target 4" in any direction.
Into the Cage 2" 4 Sz -
Enemy only. Target is Buried. When the target Activates,
it must attempt a TN 13 Wp duel. If it passes, or if this
model is killed or Buried, Unbury it into base contact
with this model.
M Reposition: Move this model up to 3".
c Leeching Strength: Choose a Buried model. The
chosen model suffers 1 damage and this model Heals 1.

Tactical Actions Rg Stat Rst TN

A Cage for All a3" 6 - 10
Until the End Phase, enemy models that Activate within
range must each pass a TN 13 Mv duel or gain Slow.
R Bolster Strength: Friendly models within range
Heal 1.
F Aura of Vengeance a3" 6 - 10
Until the End Phase, after a friendly model ends its
Activation within range, that model Heals 1 if it damaged
an enemy model during that Activation, or 1/2/3 if it
killed an enemy model.



Stat Cards • HORSEMAN

Pale Rider
Many tales surround the Guild Guard concerning the origin
of the Pale Rider. They say he was a once Death Marshal.
Some think he got too deep into whatever magic the Death
Marshals study that makes them more like the Ressers they
fight, and went mad. Others think he was locked in his own
pine box for a long time, and when they finally let him out,
he was just... wrong. Still, more people insist the Pale Rider
isn’t a man but some entity of Malifaux, conjured from the
fears of man.

The Pale Rider doesn’t offer any answers. He appears on

the eve of battle, silently staring at those who are near
death, or at least that’s how the stories go. When they
fall, he moves on to the next, and the next, until
the battle is over. Then he departs as quickly as
he appeared, leaving the survivors with a grim
realization that he’ll be back for
each of them, someday.

Pale Rider
Pale Rider
Enforcer, Undead
Versatile Attack Actions Rg Stat Rst TN
HORSEMAN Pneumatic Rifle z12" 6 Df -
Target suffers 2/4/5 damage.
R Final Breath: Target gains Staggered and Injured
+X, where X is equal to the number of r in this
model’s final duel total.

Tactical Actions Rg Stat Rst TN

F Revel in Conflict p6" 6 - 12R
Friendly models within range Heal 1, or Heal 2 if they are

7 7 engaging an enemy model.

RRR Diminished Pain: Each friendly model within
Wp Mv 3
range gains Shielded +2 and ends the Injured
Condition, if able.
RRRR Hatred Unleashed: At the end of this model’s
Activation, friendly model’s within range may take
Unimpeded: This model is unaffected by Severe Terrain.
the Charge Action, one at a time, even if engaged.
Hard to Wound: Damage flips against this model suffer RRRRR Devastation: Enemy models within range
a -. suffer 2/3/4 irreducible damage and gain Slow and
Ruthless: This model ignores the Terrifying and Burning +1.
Manipulative Abilities of other models. F Ride With Me 2" 6 - 12
Chasing Fate (r): During the Start Phase, this model This model may target another friendly model of lower Sz.
gains Fate Tokens equal to the current Turn number. When Push this model up to 5" in any direction. Then, if this
declaring Triggers, this model may discard any number Action targeted another friendly model, Place the friendly
of Fate Tokens to gain +r to its final duel total for each model into base contact with this model.
discarded Token.
Df (r) Forged in War: When resolving, reduce the
damage this model suffers by 1 for each r in its final duel
Gunfighter: This model may treat any of its z Actions as
having a range of y1".




Henchman, Living
CROSSROADS There was never much more to the town of Crossroads than
the big ramshackle hotel for which it was named, pushing up
head and shoulders out of the little huddle of wooden houses,
looming over the patch of corduroy road where the trails in
off the Badlands all met.

Then came that one moonless, fiery night, and now there’s
nothing left any more. Not after what happened when the
5 6 music started. Not after he and she stepped up to dance, eyes
Wp Mv 2
shining bright as their grins. Not after they said what they
said. Not after the stroke of midnight.
Manipulative: If this model has not yet Activated this
Turn, enemy Attack Actions that target this model suffer a The young woman who walked out of the burning, crumbling
- to their duel. hotel with her guitar over her shoulder never looked back.
Resonance: At the start of this model’s Activation, if
there is another friendly Crossroads model within a6, this And never has since. She got what she wanted from the deal
model gains Focused +1. she struck that night… but that deal was not all she wanted.
Df (r) Give It to Me: The Attacking model must either
discard a Soulstone or suffer 2 damage and gain a Sin Token.
She wants more. And more. And more. There was a fortune
Consumed by Greed: When an enemy model within a6 to be had, and it was all right in front of her.
would use a Soulstone, this model may discard a Sin Token
from the enemy model to ignore the Soulstone use and
instead add one Soulstone to this Crew’s Soulstone Pool.
Take What is Mine: After an enemy model within a6
uses a Soulstone, that model gains a Sin Token.



Attack Actions Rg Stat Rst TN

Unchecked Avarice 8" 6 Wp -
Target suffers damage equal to the number of enemy
models within p3 of itself. If the target can use
Soulstones, it must either discard a Soulstone or gain a
Sin Token.
R Take It All: This Trigger can only be declared if the
target is an enemy model with one or more Attached
Upgrades. The target may discard one of its Attached
Upgrades. If it does not, it suffers 2/3/4 damage and
gains Injured +2.
c Sin Spiral: Target gains a Sin Token, then this
model Heals 1.

Tactical Actions Rg Stat Rst TN

Use It on Yourself p3" 6 - 12
Enemy models within range that can use Soulstones must
each pass a TN 14 Wp duel or discard a Soulstone and
gain a Sin Token.
Destructive Performance p3" 6 - 12
Once per Activation. Enemy models within range with
one or more Sin Tokens must each discard a Sin Token
and suffer 3 damage.
t The Beat Goes On: Discard a card. Another
friendly Crossroads model in this model’s LoS may
take the Destructive Performance Action.
F Frantic Search 2" - - -
Remove target Corpse Marker. Discard the top card of
this model’s Fate Deck. If the discarded card was a r or
t, add one Soulstone to this Crew’s Soulstone Pool.



Stat Cards • ASYLUM

Dr. Grimwell
Doctor Grimwell looked at the little sign that hung on the
wall of his office in Smedley’s Asylum.

“Service With A Smile.”

He leaned back in his chair and tapped his chin as he con-

templated it. He really did believe in what it said; smiling did
wonders for the mentally ill whom he had devoted his life to
helping. This was one of his many daily rituals; they helped
to clear his mind and prevent the very maladies he worked so
hard to eliminate.

Had he been smiling when applying electrodes to that old

woman this morning? Yes, he had. What about when he was
forcing pills down the throat of that raving lunatic? Yes, smil-
ing then, too. And the business with the skull saw after lunch?
Damn! Some of the blood had gotten in his mouth and he had
given a bit of a grimace. He would work on that, he nodded to
himself. He would work on that…

Dr. Grimwell
Dr. Grimwell
Henchman, Living
Versatile Attack Actions Rg Stat Rst TN
ASYLUM Skull Saw y1" 6 Df -
Target suffers 2/3/5 damage and must either discard a
card or gain Injured +2.
R Critical Strike: When resolving, the target suffers
+1 damage for each r in this Action’s final duel total
(to a maximum of +2).
c Maim: Target discards a card.
cc Lobotomy: Once per Activation. When resolving,
the target may discard any number of cards. Then,
the target suffers +X damage, where X is equal to the
number of cards in the target’s Control Hand (to a
maximum of +3).
Prepare for Surgery 8" 7 Mv 12
Enemy only. Push any number of friendly Asylum models
5 5 within a6 of the target into base contact with the target,
Wp Mv 2
then the target suffers damage equal to the number of
friendly Asylum models within p1.
t Bloody Fate: Draw a card. If the target was not
ABILITIES killed, discard a card.
Research Specimens: After this model kills an enemy M Stagger: Models damaged by this Action gain
model, this model may draw a card. Staggered.
Hard to Wound: Damage flips against this model suffer
a -. Tactical Actions Rg Stat Rst TN
Restraints: Enemy models with Staggered that are F Doctor’s Orders 6" - - -
engaged by this model are ignored by their controller for Discard a card. Friendly only. Move the target up to 4".
the purposes of Strategies and Schemes.
Nimble: This model may treat the Walk Action as a F
In My Care: When targeting a model with Staggered,
this model’s Attack Actions receive +c to their duels.



ASYLUM • Stat Cards

Nurse Heartsbane
Nurse Emily Heartsbane is Doctor Grimwell’s closest com-
panion and friend. Unlike many other employees of Smedley’s
Asylum, she has a real medical background and was never a
patient. She is a true believer in the work they are doing, and
she is quite competent at her job. Indeed, she takes a great
amount of satisfaction in her work and she never misses a day.

Many a patient has tried to sneak out of bed in the middle

of the night, only to find her behind them gently pushing a
needle into their neck and shushing them as they slump to the
ground. She is also an expert in the application of electroshock,
which Dr. Grimwell takes full advantage of.

Together, the two of them keep the asylum clean and orderly.
And they always have a smile for a new patient.

Nurse Heartsbane
Nurse Heartsbane
Enforcer, Living
Versatile Attack Actions Rg Stat Rst TN
ASYLUM Electroshock Machine y0" 6 Df -
Target suffers 2/4/5 damage.
M Stagger: Models damaged by this Action gain
c Convulsions: Enemy only. Move the target up to 3".
Then the target must either discard a card or this
model may move it up to 3".
Straitjacket 10" 6 Wp -
Target must be engaged with a friendly model. Target
gains Staggered and must either discard a card or gain
M Coordinated Attack: Another friendly model may
take a yAction targeting the same model.
c Daze: Target gains Stunned and is Pushed up to 3"
in any direction.
5 5
Wp Mv 2
Tactical Actions Rg Stat Rst TN
F Creep Along - 6 - 11
Push this model up to its Mv in inches toward a friendly
ABILITIES model in LoS.
Research Specimens: After this model kills an enemy
model, this model may draw a card.
Serene Countenance: Enemy Attack Actions that
target this model suffer a - to their duel.
Restraints: Enemy models with Staggered that are
engaged by this model are ignored by their controller for
the purposes of Strategies and Schemes.
Df (m) Regret: After resolving, if this Action is a y
Action and this model suffered damage, immediately end
the Attacking model’s Activation.



Stat Cards • ASYLUM

The orderlies at Smedley’s Asylum are grim fellows, and they are
all under the direct supervision of Doctor Stanley Grimwell. In
fact, many of them are former patients. Dr. Grimwell believes
that they make the perfect attendants as they know exactly
what the afflicted are going through.

Where hiring people through traditional means results in

complaints like “You can’t possibly expect me to do that!”
or “This is beyond even the remotest of human decency!”
or “Are you mad?!”

Employees recruited from ex-patients have no such

qualms. They understand the full necessity of a bit of
electroshock every now and again, and they know
better than anyone what a relief removing a bit of
brain can be. They are the perfect employees, and
Dr. Grimwell delights in seeing his patients flour-
ishing in their new positions.

Minion (2), Living
Versatile Attack Actions Rg Stat Rst TN
ASYLUM Necrotic Injection y0" 5 Df -
Target suffers 1/3/4 damage.
M Stagger: Models damaged by this Action gain
c Infect: Models damaged by this Action gain
Poison +1 for each c in this Action’s final duel total
(to a maximum of Poison +2).

Tactical Actions Rg Stat Rst TN

Emergency Surgery 2" 6 - 10
Other Living model only. Target Heals 1/2/3.

5 6
Wp Mv 2

Research Specimens: After this model kills an enemy
model, this model may draw a card.
Hard to Wound: Damage flips against this model suffer
a -.
Restraints: Enemy models with Staggered that are
engaged by this model are ignored by their controller for
the purposes of Strategies and Schemes.
Constriction: Enemy models engaged by this model
suffer a - to duels generated by the Disengage Action.



Stat Cards

Guild Steward
Enforcer, Living
Guild Steward
With everyone out shooting their guns and bloodying their
swords, there must be someone to take stock of ammo and
distribute repair orders. While he lacks any martial abil-
ity, the Guild Steward fulfills a necessary bureaucratic role,
crossing the T’s and dotting the I’s to make sure that every-
thing goes as smoothly as possible before the fighting parties

Post battle, there are reports to be filed, burials to be arranged,

and families to be notified. It is not an easy job, but, for this
small man, there is a strange joy in completing all the paper-
work. It brings things to a neat end.

5 5 Though a small man, the Steward speaks for the Guild, and
Wp Mv 2
commands men in its name. Anyone seeking to harm a
Steward may find himself at odds with the entirety of the
Companion: After a friendly model ends its Activation
Guild, a scenario few are willing to contend with.
within 6" of this model, if this model has not Activated this
Turn, it may discard a card or Pass Token to do so.
Protection Money: After an enemy Scheme Marker is
Dropped within a6, this model may draw a card.
Demise (Reprisal): After this model is killed by an
enemy model, that model suffers 4/6/8 damage.


Guild Steward

Attack Actions Rg Stat Rst TN

Sharp Wit y1" 5 Wp -
Target gains Slow.
M Boring Topic: Models within p3 of this model must
each pass a TN 12 Wp duel or gain Slow.
Dispel Magic 6" 6 Wp 12
End one Condition on the target.
M Galvanize: Another friendly model within 3" of this
model gains Focused +1.

Tactical Actions Rg Stat Rst TN

F Foul-Mouthed 6" 6 - 12
Other friendly model only. Target Heals 1/2/3 and gains
Focused +1.



Upgrade Cards

This Upgrade is a part of every Faction. This model gains the following Ability:
Effigy of Fate 2

Expert Marksman 2
This model gains the following Ability: Expert Shot: This model’s Attack Actions
ignore Friendly Fire.
Effigy of Fate: During the Start Phase of
Turn 3 and every Turn after, this model may This model’s z Actions gains the following
be Replaced with an Emissary of Fate model Trigger:
that shares a Faction with this model. If it
t Armor Piercing: When resolving,
does so, the new model Heals 2.
damage from this Action ignores Armor.
If this model is a Minion, it gains the following
Sharpshooter: This model’s z Actions
ignore Cover and Concealment.

Restricted (Effigy) Plentiful (2)

This model gains the following Abilities: This model gains the following Ability:
Lead-Lined Coat 2

No Prisoners 2

Armor +1: Reduce all damage suffered by On the Prowl: After this model kills an
this model by +1. enemy model, it Heals 1 and may Push up to
2" in any direction.
Laugh Off: If this model would be moved
during an enemy model’s Activation or from This model gains the following Action:
an enemy model’s effect, it may choose not to.
Attack Actions Rg Stat Rst TN
If this model is a Minion, it gains the following
F Clockwork z8" 7 * 13
Ability: Grenade
Hunker Down: At the end of this model’s This Action ignores LoS. Shockwave 1,
Activation, if it did not move during its Mv 12, Damage 2.
Activation, it gains Shielded +2. If this model is a Minion, it gains the following
Run and Gun: This model’s Charge Action
may generate z Actions instead of yActions.

Restricted (Living or Undead) LIMITATIONS
Plentiful (2) Plentiful (2)


Upgrade Cards

If Sonnia Criid is this Crew’s Leader, increase This model gains the following Ability:

Violation of Magic 0

Skybound Ally 0
this Upgrade’s Plentiful Limitation to
“CAW!”: After this model suffers damage,
Plentiful (3).
it may discard this Upgrade to reduce that
This model gains the following Ability: damage to 0.
Consumed by Fire: At the start of this Demise (You’re Free Now…): After this
model’s Activation, it gains Burning +1. model is killed, Summon a Trained Raptor with
Fast anywhere within 3" of it.
This model gains the following Action:
Attack Actions Rg Stat Rst TN
F Angry Raptor 14" 6 Df -
This Action ignores Cover, Concealment, and
LoS. Target suffers 1/3/4 damage.
R Critical Strike: When resolving, the
target suffers +1 damage for each r in this
Action’s final duel total (to a maximum
of +2).
M Onslaught: Take this Action again,
targeting the same model.

Special (Summon, Enthralled) Special (Raptor)
Plentiful (2) Plentiful (2)

If Dashel Barker is this Crew’s Leader,

On Patrol 0

increase this Upgrade’s Plentiful Limitation

to Plentiful (5).
After Attaching this Upgrade, this model
gains Slow.
This model gains the following Action:
Tactical Actions Rg Stat Rst TN
F “I Need Backup!” 8" - -
Target a friendly Guard Patrol or model
with a Reinforcements Upgrade. Push the
target up to 3" toward this model.

Special (Summon, Reinforcements)
Plentiful (2)


Keyword Index

asylum frontier mimic

Dr. Grimwell...........................150 Austringer.................................102 Agent 46..................................... 83
Nurse Heartsbane...................151 Bernadette Basse.....................100 Lucius Mattheson..................... 80
Orderly......................................152 Clockwork Trap......................106 The Scribe.................................. 82
Cornelius Basse......................... 98
augmented Jonathan Reichart...................101
Charles Hoffman....................... 70 Pathfinder.................................103 Enslaved Nephilim................... 90
Guardian..................................... 74 Trained Raptor........................105
Hunter.......................................... 75
Mechanical Attendant............. 72
Melissa K.O.R.E....................... 76 guard Brutal Effigy.............................146
Peacekeeper............................... 73 Dashel Barker..........................108
Riotbreaker................................. 77 The Dispatcher........................110 witch hunter
Warden........................................ 78 Executioner..............................111 Purifying Flame......................138
Watcher....................................... 79 Guard Patrol............................116 Samael Hopkins......................139
Guard Sergeant.......................114 Sanctioned Spellcaster..........144
Guild Hound............................117
crossroads Mounted Guard......................112
Sonnia Criid.............................136
Greed..........................................149 Thalarian Queller...................142
Rifleman....................................115 Witchling Handler.................141
Taggart Queeg.........................113 Witchling Stalker...................143
effigy Warden........................................ 78 Witchling Thrall.....................140
Brutal Effigy.............................146
horseman witchling
elite Pale Rider.................................148 Purifying Flame......................138
Agent 46..................................... 83 Witchling Stalker...................143
Alan Reid.................................... 84 journalist Witchling Thrall.....................140
False Witness............................. 87 Allison Dade............................122
Guild Investigator.................... 85 False Witness............................. 87
Guild Lawyer............................. 86 Field Reporter.........................124 versatile
Lucius Mattheson..................... 80 Nellie Cochrane......................118 Brutal Effigy.......................... 146
The Scribe.................................. 82 Newsie.......................................125 Brutal Emissary.................... 147
Phiona Gage.............................121 Dr. Grimwell........................ 150
emissary of fate The Printing Press.................120 Greed....................................... 149
Undercover Reporter............123 Guild Steward....................... 153
Brutal Emissary.......................147
Nurse Heartsbane................ 151
Orderly................................... 152
family marshal Pale Rider.............................. 148
Abuela Ortega........................... 96 Death Marshal.........................135 Peacekeeper.............................73
Enslaved Nephilim................... 90 Death Marshal Recruiter.....131
Francisco Ortega...................... 91 Domador De Cadáveres.......133
Monster Hunter........................ 95 Exorcist......................................134
Nino Ortega............................... 93 The Judge..................................129
Papa Loco................................... 94 The Jury....................................132
Perdita Ortega........................... 88 Lady Justice..............................126
Pistolero De Latigo.................. 97 The Lone Marshal..................130
Santiago Ortega........................ 92 Scales of Justice.......................128 Looking for more info on which
models work with each Master
or on how to build the best Crew?
Visit for all of
that fun stuff.


bad things happen
T he vigilant protectors of the people against what evils may ail
them, the Guild is a multi-world power with influences in nearly
every government and organization. In truth, they care not for safety or
justice, but only profit and control. They oversee the Breach and all that
passes through, the Soulstones and who may have access to them, and the
news and how each story is shaped. The Guild are both the police and the
cartel, and will shape history however they see fit, no matter the cost.

Malifaux Third Edition is a story-driven skirmish game that carries the

events from the lore directly into the characters’ mechanics. With a
streamlined hiring system, straightforward and updated rules that don’t
get in the way of the fun, and enough strategic depth to keep those
mental gears turning for years to come, it’s never been a better time to
dive into the world of Malifaux.
Seek your fortune, test your luck, and stake your claim in this fast-paced
and brutal tabletop miniature skirmish game.

ISBN 978-1-7331627-1-5

9 781733 162715
© 2005-2019 Wyrd Miniatures, LLC

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