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TOWARDS THE PRACTICE Feminist translation has been advocated

and practised by several Canadian

OF FEMINIST theorists and translators who have
TRANSLATION IN developed and discussed experimental
THAILAND forms that are able to convey feminist
ideology from French into English.
However, their theories have mainly been
Gritiya Rattanakantadilok 1 based on the specific relationship between
French and English, as well as the
Abstract ideological manipulation of grammatical
gender in language without this feature.
The practice of feminist translation as a This paper will therefore attempt to review
specific approach to rendering a text in the feminist strategies used in the
translation from English into Thai has translation from French into English and
been under-researched. This paper aims to investigate the possibility of the
introduce feminist translation practices application of feminist translation
developed by Canadian theorists and strategies in the practice of translation
translators, and suggests the extent to from English into the Thai language.
which this approach can be applied to the
practice of ideologically-motivated Feminism in Translation Studies
translation in Thailand. Feminist
translation is an approach to a translation There seems to be a consensus that James
method that attacks, deconstructs or S. Holmes (1924-1986) was the first
bypasses inherently misogynist language. pioneer of modern Translation Studies as
Fidelity and equivalence in translation are an independent discipline (Snell-Hornby,
not a matter of utmost importance to 2006: 162). In his defining paper delivered
feminist translators. Rather, they tend to in 1972, Holmes (1988: 67-80) envisions
make their presence felt in the texts translation studies as a discipline in which
through various methods of textual the structure, goals and methods of the
intervention. This notion of intervention in natural sciences are adopted. He presents
translation is central to feminist an overall framework for the field and
translation practices which allow the Toury (1995) subsequently introduces
translators of feminist works to draw the Holmes’s map of Translations Studies.
target readers’ attention to linguistic Munday (2012: 20) states that different
transfer, translator visibility and feminist areas of Holmes’s map has come to the
causes. fore in the surge of translation studies
since the 1970s. Snell-Hornby (2006: 162)
explains that each new school of thought
developed during the 1980s went back to
the new concepts created during the late
Lecturer, Department of Languages and
Linguistics, Faculty of Liberal Arts, Prince of
Songkla University, Thailand.

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1970s. These two decades2 saw the rise of practice have mostly been written in
a descriptive approach in which the theory French and English by Canadian theorists,
of the literary polysystem was introduced such as von Flotow and Simon. In several
and pursued by Toury. Together with other cases, neologism or the coining of a new
pioneers of this new approach, namely terms has been the main outlet for the
José Lambert, André Lefevere, Susan promotion of feminist ideology as part of
Bassnett and Theo Hermans, this group of their experimental translations. For
scholars and their works became known as example, a neologism in the title of Nicole
the ‘Manipulation School’. In 1990, Brossard’s novel L’Amèr (1977) is a
Bassnett and Lefevere introduced the term wordplay of three terms—mère (mother),
‘cultural turn’, a dynamic and culturally- mer (sea), and amer (bitter)—which
orientated approach that inspired a rich reflects the themes of the subjugation of
amount of work in fields like postcolonial women to reproduction, her sufferings and
and feminist translation (Munday, 2012: her subsequent tendency to suffocate her
21, Snell-Hornby, 2006: 164). The cultural own children (von Flotow, 1991: 75-76).
turn is described as the abandonment of The translator, Godard (1983), renders the
the ‘scientific’ linguistic approach as neologism L’Amèr as follows:
based on the concept of ‘equivalence’
(Snell-Hornby, 2006: 50). Since feminist
translation places the focus on the
neglected factor of power in translation,
approaching translation from the
perspective of gender studies can reveal
the power of language in sustaining
patriarchy and the power of translators in
dismantling sexism in language.
Figure 1 The English translation of the
For feminist translators, gender serves as a French novel’s title L’Amèr
lens for the analysis of individual
translation and the focus is on the The effect of the wordplay of the title rests
linguistic components such as linguistic on the ‘e muet’ and the sound associations
markers of gender that may reflect the in French (von Flotow, 1991: 76).
gendered aspects of a text. Feminism in Godard’s title becomes ‘The Sea Our
the context of translation studies focuses Mother’ + ‘Sea (S)mothers’ + ‘(S)our
on gender as a socio-political category Mothers’. According to von Flotow, in
which imbues translation production. addition to the association of mer and
Critical studies on translation as a feminist mère (sea and mothers), Godard
supplements the lack of the silent ‘e’ in
English by including the sour, smothering
During these same years, functional aspects of motherhood (76). She
approaches, the skopos theory and the intervenes by supplementing, which is
translatorial action theory, were developed in
called compensation by some theorists, to


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foreground female subjectivity in the (255). Translation has been figured

production of meaning. metaphorically as secondary and
derivative. The metaphors disguise the
The strategies in and approaches to secondary status of translation in the
translating texts are mostly formulated in language and even though both men and
terms of contrast between two concepts, women engage in translation, the male
such as Nida and Taber’s binary superior status in the binary opposition,
opposition (formal equivalence and original versus derivative, demotes this
dynamic equivalence). Feminist non- activity as an archetypal feminine activity
traditional approaches to translation have (263). She proposes that feminist
moved away from such duality and translators should discuss their works,
feminist translation practices will be both antagonistically and sympathetically,
introduced in the following section. to turn the principles of translation
practice into a dialogue about revising the
Feminist Translation Practices power imbalance in translation activity
Exploring gender as a cultural construct
and translation as a cultural transfer, This inferior status of translation is
feminist translation theorists focus on contested by feminist translation scholars.
identity politics, positionality and the Barbara Godard argues that, rather than a
historical dimension. In tracing the form of reproduction, translation, in the
relationship between Translation Studies theory of feminist discourse, serves as a
and gender studies, Chamberlain form of production (Godard, 1990: 90).
(1988/2012: 255) surveys the prominent Godard insists that Translation is a “topos”
metaphors of translation in Europe and in feminist discourse that introduces new
finds that the sexualisation of translation insights to women as well as encouraging
has been common and familiar as can be them to reflect on their relation to
seen in the well-known adage, les belles language (89). She confidently states that
infidels, which means translations, like “feminist discourse is translation” (90) in
women, are either beautiful or faithful. that it functions as a discursive mechanism
The rhyme in French makes les beaux that allows translators deliberately to
infidels impossible. This tag has captured a assume the feminine role in an act of
cultural complicity between the issues of subversive mimicry, which is “to convert a
fidelity in translation and in marriage; form of subordination into an affirmation
fidelity is defined by an implicit contract and to challenge an order resting on sexual
between translation as woman and original difference” (90). Feminist translators
as husband, father or author (255). The flaunt the signs of their manipulation of
fact that the word traduction is feminine the text, in other words ‘womanhandle’ the
has sustained this ‘double standard’ that text in translation, to affirm their critical
delineates writing and translating; in that difference and the possibility of
the former is original and ‘masculine’ and interminable re-rereading and re-writing in
the latter is derivative and ‘feminine’ their ideological execution (94). Feminist


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translators are also active participants in culture (46). During the Reformation,
the creation of meaning and assert their English women were discouraged from
idiosyncrasies in the form of paratextual writing but were allowed to translate
devices such as footnotes and prefaces religious texts and several learned women
(94). In translating a work from the who occupied the centre of cultural life in
feminist writer Nicole Brossard’s novel England published only translations (47).
L’Amèr from French into English, Godard Margaret Tyler was a female translator in
relies on several feminist translation the sixteenth century who is historically
strategies, including the use of graphic important in the discussion of gender in
modes of representation and wordplay translation because of her vigorous preface
(Simon, 1996: 25-27). For example, in to the translation of the Spanish romance
L’Amèr, “J’ai tué le ventre et fait éclater entitled A Mirrour of Princely Deeds and
lamer” is rendered as “I have killed the Knighthood (1578) (Simon, 1996: 48). In
womb and exploded the Sea/Sour mother” the preface, she criticized patriarchal
(27). Godard keeps the sonic and graphic ideology, defended the right of women to
quality of the homophonic pair l’amèr and read and translate works, which are not
la mer by relying on the alliteration in the restricted to the religious area, and
consonant pair Sea/Sour. Her explicit encouraged women to become writers (48-
graphic interventions mark the presence of 49). An overview of Tyler’s work
the translator within the text. The English indicates some of the moments when
translation is punctuated with the English translation presents itself as a socially and
wordplay (the Sea/Sour mother). The culturally meaningful activity for women
reader thus is reading Brossard and since it has provided a point of entry for
Godard together. As a politically engaged women into the literary world and allowed
translator, Godard is conscious of her them to promote social and aesthetic
influence on the text and seeks to impose causes through literary exchange between
it overtly. nations (82-83).

Apart from encouraging the translators to Also focusing on a female figure, albeit a
intervene, Simon (1996) and von Flotow contemporary one, von Flotow (2011)
(2011) also attempt to make the writings emphasises the role translation plays in
of important female writers and translators adjusting and recovering the reputations of
whose reputations suffered visibly, by important female figures. The translation
recovering their works through translation. project to make visible the writings of a
Simon (1996) surveys notable associations female author von Flotow examines is that
between women and translation in of Ulrike Meinhof’s. Only excerpts of the
European history. During the Renaissance, works of Meinhof, a German journalist,
translation was the only appropriate mode anti-militarist, opponent of nuclear
of intellectual activity women could armament and impassioned critic of post-
engage with because this kind of women’s war West German society, were available
involvement in literary culture did not in English translation (135-137). The
directly challenge the male control of that excerpts from her writings are cited out of


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Towards the Practice of Feminist Translation in Thailand

context (138) and most works about translators want recognition of the work
Meinhof in English fix on her reputation and assume responsibility for their texts
as a terrorist and the long years in which (38). In so doing, she introduces three
she was a successful public intellectual in practices of feminist translation:
West Germany who escaped the notice of supplementing, prefacing and footnoting,
the general English public (140). Von and hijacking (von Flotow, 1991: 74-80).
Flotow posits that the translation project (1) Supplementing can be seen as ‘over-
that produced the first anthology of translation’ (75). It compensates for the
Meinhof’s writings in English in 2008 is a differences between languages and calls
way of revising the history of an for interventionist moves by the translator
influential and still-much admired woman (75). Von Flotow uses an example from
thinker (142). A wide selection of Howard Scott’s translation of Louky
Meinhof’s journalistic texts were Bersianik’s L’Euguélionne (1976). The ST
translated completely and supplied with is ‘Le ou la coupable doit être punie.’ The
footnoted explanations of distant extra ‘e’ is added to ‘puni’ to indicate that
references (141), however, von Flotow it is the woman who is punished for
admits that changes were inevitable when aborting. This cannot directly be
one of the purposes of her translations of transferred into English because of the
Meinhof’s writings was to make her works lack of gender agreements. The translator
as readable as possible for an Anglo- then supplements this lack by rendering
American readership of the early twenty- ‘The guilty one must be punished, whether
first century (144). The intention of she is a man or a woman’. Despite the
Meinhof’s works is not feminist and the linguistic awkwardness, Scott intervenes
‘skopos’ (purpose or intention) of the and supplements another part of the text to
translation is to cast light on Meinhof’s demonstrate the way in which the
‘journalistic brilliance, her perseverance translator of a feminist text has to turn the
and the role she played as a humanitarian’ critique of one language into the critique
(149). Even though in her most recent of another.
work, von Flotow does not explicitly refer
to feminist translation strategies, to date (2) Prefaces and footnotes draw attention
she has offered the most influential to the translation process. Feminist
translation strategies in feminist discourse, translators reflect on their work in a
such as hijacking. preface and emphasise their active
presence in the text in footnotes. Marlene
Wilderman, the translator of Nicole
The issues of intervention and censorship
Brossard’s La Lettre Aérienne (1985) into
in translation are central to feminist
English entitled The Aerial Letter (1988),
translation practices. Von Flotow (1997:
discusses neologisms in the preface and
25) posits that feminist translators
then highlights the use of neologisms in
politically intervene in the text to
the footnotes.
dismantle misogynistic aspects of
(3) Hijacking refers to the appropriation of
patriarchal language and assert their
a text whose intentions are not necessarily
decision-making powers (25). Feminist


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feminist by the feminist translator (Simon, manipulating grammatical gender for

1996: 15). Susanne de Lotbinière- imaginative or political purposes in order
Harwood’s translation Letters from to elucidate texts on gender terms (7). In
Another (1990) of Lise Gauvin’s theoretical texts, prefaces and footnotes,
Lettres d’une autre (1984) makes the feminist translators affirm their role as
feminine seen and heard in her translation active participants in the creation of
by deliberately feminising the target text meaning and draw attention to the process
(Von Flotow, 1991: 79). Von Flotow of their own work (29).
concludes that de Lotbinière-Harwood
“has in fact hijacked the text, appropriated For feminist translators in the French-
it and made it her own to reflect her Canadian context, translation is considered
political intentions” (79). to be a creative utterance which
foregrounds women’s identity by
Believing in translator visibility, both von sheltering personal and political
Flotow and Simon encourage translator’s statements. In recent years, more works on
intervention in producing innovative texts. gender in translation have been carried out
Von Flotow (1997: 35) affirms that and many have challenged the term
politically aware and engaged translators ‘feminist translation practices’, arguing
are conscious of their influence on the text that the translation procedures employed
and may seek to impose it overtly. When by feminist translators are not essentially
feminist translators introduce their work feminist since they are the same ordinary
and offer explanations for their decision to procedures both male and female
intervene ideologically in the text, they are translators resort to. The discussion will be
aware that their identities as gendered taken up in the following section.
rewriters enter their work (35). Feminist
translators reject the notion of translator’s Critiques of Feminist Translation
invisibility; they want recognition for their
individuality (38). She concludes that
translators working with feminist ethics
It has been argued that von Flotow’s
tend to assume personal responsibility for
feminist practices could easily apply to
their texts and are unwilling to disclaim
both male and female translators who do
their part in the text production (96).
not see themselves as feminists. Leonardi
Simon (1996: 26-27) concurs, stating that
and Taronna (2011) attempt to prove this
the interventionism of the translator is
point by examining translated works from
orientated by the text itself, in that the
English into languages that are
translation follows the mode of meaning
characterised by grammatical gender,
generated by the source text author and the
namely Galician, Spanish and Italian.
presence of the translator is clearly marked
Their first case study is Mark Haddon’s
in the text. Translators draw attention to
The Curious Incident of the Dog in the
their identities as feminists and through
Night-Time (2003), which was first
social or literary projects they attempt to
translated by a Galician feminist
transform sexual prejudice by
translator, María Reimóndez, and her


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Towards the Practice of Feminist Translation in Thailand

feminized translation was corrected by the language, Castro analyses the translations
publisher, Moisés Barcia (Leonardi and of neuters, such as sergeant, scientist,
Taronna (2011: 383-384). Her translation children, nurse and bloody liar, to
was not published and the publisher re- investigate the translators’ perception of
translated the book and published the some neuters as masculine and some
translation in 2009 (383-384). Gender- others as feminine.
inclusive terms, ambiguous gender terms,
marked gender terms, and sexist terms Castro concludes that the linguistic
have been rendered in the four representation of women and men in
translations, which are (i) the unpublished translations from English into Galician is
Galician version by Reimóndez, (ii) the often defined by a sexist and androcentric
official Galician version by Barcia, (iii) use of language even when the source text
the Spanish translation by Patricia Antón was completely free of linguistic sexism
and (iv) the Italian translation by Paola (43). She posits that fidelity to the source
Novarese. Leonardi and Taronna have text and to the author, the translator’s
studied these translations and argue that invisibility, objectivity, and fluency are the
feminist translation strategies are not notions behind the disparities between the
exclusively feminist since they resemble two “conscious ideologically driven
ordinary translation strategies, such as interventions” of both unpublished and
expansion and paratextual intervention published translators (53).
(called ‘supplementing’ and ‘prefacing
and footnoting’ respectively by von Castro argues that while there are more
Flotow) (379). The use of a particular translation practitioners formally trained in
practice that reflects a specific ideological universities, and if the objective of
strategy is not necessarily associated with education is to raise an informed
the feminist agenda (399). awareness of the powerful position the
translators have in society (which lead to
At the macro-level, Castro (2013) political and ideological consequences), a
discusses translation effects detected more fruitful dialogue between translation
through the analysis that takes the cultural, trainers and translation students is needed
political and literary climate of the (53). To change the perception of
translating culture into account. She translation and gender inclusivity in the
investigates the ideological struggle wider society, interdisciplinary
emerging from the two translations of the collaborations between translation studies,
same literary text (The Curious Incident of feminist studies and linguistics are a
the Dog in the Night-Time) into Galician. necessary combination which will help to
Castro examines the use of inclusive identify, explain and justify the decisions
language in literary translation to point out of deliberate textual interventions during
the gap between the theory and practice of translation (53-54).
translation, and the missing link between
feminist approaches to linguistics and These works, which are based on
translation studies. In discussing inclusive translated works between Western


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MANUSYA: Journal of Humanities, Special Issue No.23, 2017

languages, cannot be directly applied to (S)mothers + (S)our Mothers’--which

the translation from French into Thai or places emphasis on the /s/ and is still able
English into Thai, most apparently to reiterate the themes (von Flotow, 1991:
because Thai is not a grammatical gender 76). The alliteration of the /s/ sound in the
language. However, by not taking a English translation recreates the meaning
gendered position in translating feminist (sour and smother) along the direction
works, the translators run the risk of given in the original, and at the same time
suppressing the source text authors’ manages to convey a similarity through
political and personal identities. graphic mode of representation (shown in
Figure 1).
Putting Feminist Translation into To translate the three meanings in the
Practice French neologism ‘L’Amèr’ into Thai, I
propose the following translation: แม่ (mae;
The language pairs discussed and
experimented on by both the advocates sea), ทะเล (tha-le; sea), and ขมขื่น (khom
and the critics of feminist translation are khuen; bitter). If the solution is to seek
Indo-European and Romance languages in words in Thai that begin with /m/, the
which gender markers can be employed to word mae is naturally the obvious choice
reveal or conceal sexism in the source and as both share the same meaning and initial
target languages. To investigate the extent consonant sound. The title ‘L’Amèr’ can
to which feminist translation into a non- be recreated by using the Thai words
grammatical gender language such as Thai ‘มัด แม่ เมาคลื่น’ (mad, mae, mao kluen).
is possible, I will attempt a feminist
Mad means ‘tied tightly’ and mao kluen
translation of selected excerpts from
means ‘getting seasick’ and by placing the
notable feminist novels in French and
word mae in the middle, ‘the mother’ is
English to demonstrate potential
tied down to the single task of
translation strategies that can be adopted
reproduction and any person who is tied
by translators working with the Thai
would naturally feel suffocated. Further,
language. Examples are mainly drawn
‘the mother’ is also sick of being at the
from translation problems that impose a
same old place or in this context the sea,
challenge on lexical and grammatical
since she has been reduced to
reproduction. Based on this translation,
alliteration can be retained but some
The first example discussed in this paper is
senses cannot be strictly transferred.
the title of the French novel L’Amèr. The
Furthermore, the original neologism in
meanings of this newly coined word is a
French becomes longer in both English
play on the ‘m’ sound: mère (mother), mer
and Thai. The Thai translation cannot
(sea) and amer (bitter). The French-
make use of the same typography as the
English translator manages to find words
English version does. In Figure 1, the
that retain both the meanings and the /m/
letter ‘s’ is graphically more prominent
sound--‘The Sea Our Mother + Sea
than others. To draw the reader’s attention


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Towards the Practice of Feminist Translation in Thailand

to the consonant ‘ม’ (m) on the book ลงโทษ 3 . The word ying (in brackets),
cover, a different typographical design has meaning female, is added after the prefix
to be employed since Thai vowels are phu, which in this context means ‘the
placed on top, below and in front of the person’, and to transfer the subtlety in the
consonants and in some words there are French source text, a typographical design
also intonation markers on top of the in the form of parentheses is employed. At
vowels. The graphic representation for the first glance, this feminised translation can
Thai translation is as follows: be read without the inclusion of the word
ying, similar to the French source text if
the reader fails to notice the extra ‘e’. On
closer examination, the word ying is
blatant and the ‘female’ person is the
prominent feature of this rendition. The
word phu also means ‘male’ and when
placed right before ying gives a sharp
contrast between the two sexes. Based on
Figure 2 The proposed graphic design for
this sentence alone, it can be said that the
the Thai translation of ‘L’Amèr
Thai translation manages to maintain some

level of subtlety while the English
Another example is the translation of the
rendition may fail to do so.
work discussing the politics of abortion.
The source text as quoted in the second
After experimenting on works in French, a
section is ‘Le ou la coupable doit être
language with a grammatical gender
punie.’ The author supplements the extra
system, at word/sentence level, I will
‘e’ on the past participle ‘puni’ to indicate
move on to works in English, a language
that it is the woman who is punished for
without a grammatical gender system,
aborting. The French-English feminist
similar to Thai. I will translate the works
translator intervenes by supplementing
in English at a paragraph level in an
another part of the text in the source text
attempt to investigate the compatibility of
and the result is: ‘The guilty one must be
feminist translation strategies in
punished, whether she is a man or a
translating literary works into Thai.
woman.’ It is evident that the subtlety in
the ST is not directly transferable into
Most translated books in Thailand are
English which lacks gender agreements.
from English. If feminism is to be
To adapt this message in French to Thai,
implemented in translation, books in
also a language without gender
English will most likely be the easiest to
agreements, the translator may render this
market. The three literary works in English
particular sentence as ผู ้ (หญิง) ที่ทาผิดต้องถูก chosen for the experimental feminist
translations are The Power (Alderman,

The back-translation is ‘The person (female)
who has done wrong must be punished.’


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2016), The Handmaid’s Tale (Atwood, Son who is the emissary of

1985) and Politically Correct Bedtime Heaven. We are to call God
Stories (Garner, 1994/2011). The Power “Mother”. God the Mother came
has gained prestige since it won a major to earth in the body of Mary, who
literary award. The Handmaid’s Tale has gave up her child so that we could
not won any prizes but its author is an live free from sin. God always
award-winning author. As feminists have said She would return to earth.
been both positively and negatively And She has come back now to
labelled, Politically Correct Bedtime instruct us in her ways.’ (79-80)
Stories is a satire on sexism.
To show the narrative of faith being
In The Power, Naomi Alderman flips the constructed to suit different agendas, the
conventional exercise of power between pronoun ‘She’ is used to refer to God. To
the sexes. Her work is the first piece of translate this part into Thai, I have to
science fiction to win the Baileys Prize for confront the problem of conventional
Women’s Fiction. Set in a dystopian translation of the pronoun ‘He’ in
future, the novel envisages a world in reference to God in Thai. In Thai
which teenage girls have the ability to hurt translations of the Bible, ‘He’ is translated
or even kill others by releasing electrical as phra ong (พระองค์), which is a gender-
jolts from their fingertips. Alderman inclusive term. If I decide to render ‘She’
demonstrates what it is like for men to live in Alderman’s feminist novel by
as the weaker sex and the inevitability of employing the conventional gender-
the abuse of power by women. inclusive term phra ong, the feminist
agenda in the source text will be lost on
The use of marked gender pronouns is the target text readership. I will go so far
foregrounded in The Power. A new
religious leader is ready to feminise faith as to use ‘phra ong ying’ (พระองค์หญิง) to
as shown in the following excerpts: mark the shift from male God to female
God in the story. By adding the word ying
They say, ‘Why do you call (woman) to signify the shift in gender,
God “She”?’ ‘supplementing’ strategy is put into
Eve says, ‘God is neither practice as follows:
woman nor man but both these
things. But now She has come to พวกเธอถามอีฟ “เหตุใดท่านจึ ง
show us a new side to Her face,
one we have ignored for too long.’ เรี ยกพ ระเจ้ า ด้ ว ยการใช้ ส รรพ น าม
(Alderman, 2016: 79) พระองค์หญิง”
Eve says, ‘So I teach a new อี ฟ ตอบว่า “พระเป็ นเจ้าไม่ ไ ด้
thing. This power has been given เป็ นสตรี หรื อบุ รุษเพศ แต่เป็ นได้ท้ งั สอง
to us to lay straight our crooked
thinking. It is the Mother not the เพศ เพียงแต่เวลานี้ พระองค์หญิงได้เสด็จ


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มาโปรด ให้พวกเราได้เห็ นพระพักตร์ อีก demonstrate the different ways in which

women are suppressed. The term
ด้านหนึ่งของพระองค์ ซึ่งเป็ นด้านที่เราไม่ ‘sororize’ is coined to point out a void in
ใส่ใจมาเป็ นเวลาเนิ่นนาน” the English language and Atwood’s prose
will be quoted for the purpose of the
present exposition as follows:
อี ฟ กล่ า วว่ า “ฉั น สอนสิ่ ง ใหม่
The Marthas are not supposed
พ ลั ง ที่ พ ว ก เร าไ ด้ ม านั้ น จ ะ ท าใ ห้ to fraternize with us.
แนวความคิ ด ของเราหายผิ ด เพี้ ย น พระ Fraternize means to behave
like a brother. Luke told me that.
มารดาต่างหาก ไม่ใช่พระบุ ตร ที่ เป็ นทู ต He said there was no
สวรรค์ เราต้ อ งเรี ยกพระเจ้ า ว่ า “พระ corresponding word that meant to
behave like a sister. Sororize, it
มารดา” พระมารดาผู ้เป็ นพระเจ้าเสด็ จ would have to be, he said. From
มายังโลกในร่ างของมารี ผูซ้ ่ ึ งเสี ยสละเพื่อ the Latin. (Atwood, 1985: 11)
ลูก เพื่อให้พวกเราได้พน้ บาป พระผูเ้ ป็ น When the term ‘sororize’ is juxtaposed
เจ้าตรั สอยู่เสมอว่าพระองค์ห ญิ ง จะหวน with ‘fraternize’, the source text
readership can clearly see the linguistic
กลับมายังพื้นโลก และพระองค์หญิงก็ได้ sexism embedded in English. In Thai, the
กลับ มาเพื่ อ ประทานค าสอนตามวิถี ท าง term pha-ra-da (ภราดา) means ‘a brother’.
To translate ‘fraternize’, the translator can
coin a new term phruet-ti pha-ra-da (พฤติ
Assuming the position of a feminist ภราดา) so that the word phruet-ti (meaning
translator, I can also explain my decision ‘to behave’, a borrowing from Sanskrit)
in a preface or footnote to draw attention can also be used for the translation of
to my translation process.
‘sororize’ as phruet-ti pha-khi-ni (พฤติ
Another acclaimed work is The ภคินี). These experimental renderings
Handmaid’s Tale which is set in Gilead, a constitute an effort to deconstruct
patriarchal theocracy that takes over the linguistic sexism at a micro-level as shown
US in Margaret Atwood’s 1985 novel. In in the following Thai translation:
the book, handmaids are the remaining
fertile women who are forced to have sex
with powerful men and bear their children. กลุ่มหญิงรับใช้หรื อพวกมาร์ ธา
This novel has been translated into more ไม่ควรมีพฤติภราดากับพวกเรา
than forty languages (Atwood, 2017).
ลุ ค บอกว่าค าว่า “พฤติ ภราดา”
Atwood has coined the new terms แปลว่ามีพฤติกรรมเหมือนผูช้ าย แต่ไม่มี
‘Unwoman’ and ‘sororize’ in her work to


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คาศัพ ท์ล ักษณะเดี ยวกัน ที่ จ ะใช้บ รรยาย showing any trace of sexism, the translator
would fail to turn the critique of English
การกระท าที่ ว่ า “มี พ ฤติ ก รรมเหมื อ น language into the critique of Thai
ผูห้ ญิ ง” ถ้าจะคิดคาใหม่ก็อาจจะได้คาว่า language. Given that after coining new
terms in Thai, I still cannot compensate for
“พฤติภคินี” จากภาษาสันสกฤต linguistic differences between this
language pair. What I have managed to
I, as the translator, have to change the accomplish is that, while I have not
source text phrase ‘from the Latin’ to the completely ignored the traditional view on
phrase ‘from the Sanskrit’ in the the importance of ‘fidelity’ and
translation to reflect the true nature of my equivalence in translation, I have
newly coined words. Interference with the attempted to confront a patriarchal word
text is in play. I have to adapt the message ‘fraternize’.
in English to the Thai language to show
how the Thai language can be sexist. Another neologism in Atwood’s work is
Having said that, since neither phruet-ti ‘Unwoman’. It is used in the story to
pha-ra-da nor phruet-ti pha-khi-ni exist in condemn women as follows:
the Thai language, I fail to reveal any
sexist aspect. To coin new terms using Sometimes, though, the
available prefixes and suffixes in the target movie would be what Aunt Lydia
language, I also run the risk of removing called an Unwoman documentary.
the target text readership from the Imagine, said Aunt Lydia, wasting
geographical setting of the story. The their time like that, when they
setting is in the US and the characters should have been doing something
speak English, which borrows from Latin. useful, back then the Unwomen
It is odd for American characters to be were always wasting time. They
familiar with Sanskrit words. Furthermore were encouraged to do it. (118)
the translation sounds unnatural in Thai.
The idiomatic rendition of the first line is: The translator can coin a new term a-sa-tri
(อสตรี ). The prefix ‘อ’ (pronounced /a/) is
กลุ่มหญิงรับใช้หรื อพวกมาร์ ธา placed in front of a noun or an adjective to
ไม่ควรมาสุงสิ งกับพวกเรา negate the quality or state contained in the
word, similar to the prefix ‘un’ in English.
I have translated the excerpt as follows:
If the aim is to give the readership a
natural, idiomatic expression, one may
resolve to use the word sung sing to แ ต่ บ างค รั้ งป้ าลิ เดี ยก็ เรี ย ก
represent the sense of the word ภาพยนตร์ เ รื่ องนี้ ว่ า สารคดี อ สตรี ป้ า
‘fraternize’. To reduce ‘fraternize’ into
one Thai word sung sing, the sexist aspect ลิเดียบอกว่าลองคิดดูสิ เอาเวลาไปทาเรื่ อง
of the English language is completely ไร้สาระแบบนั้น ทั้งๆ ที่ควรเอาเวลาไปทา
eradicated in the translation. By not


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Towards the Practice of Feminist Translation in Thailand

อะไรที่ เป็ นประโยชน์ สมั ย ก่ อ นพวก man, which is consistent with the Bible.
Garner consistently uses ‘wommon’ and
อสตรี ทาแต่อะไรที่ไร้สาระ เพราะว่ามีคน ‘womyn’ in his revisionist tales as follows:
ส่งเสริ ม
After the bears had left, a
melanin-impoverished young
Atwood lexicalizes the word ‘Unwoman’
wommon emerged from the
in English by applying the same
bushes and crept up to the cottage.
grammatical rule for this neologism’s
(Garner, 1994/2011)
plural form ‘Unwomen’. In Thai, a
singular noun can be turned into a plural
When choosing Thai words for ‘woman’,
noun by adding the word ‘พวก’ (phuak). we see that there are many possible
Based on these two neologisms in choices and the most commonly used
Atwood’s work, ‘sororize’ and words are phu ying (ผูห
้ ญิง) and sa-tri (สตรี ).
‘Unwoman’, when the newly coined term
Some would argue that theThai language
is not associated with words that are
is in one regard sexist because the word
coined based on etymology (‘fraternize’
ying follows the word phu, which also
and ‘sororize), a different level of
means ‘male’, to form a new word to refer
translator’s interference with the text is
to an opposite sex. On the other hand, one
called for.
can argue that the word sa-tri, which is not
Thai but a borrowing from Sanskrit, is a
The works by Alderman and Atwood are
non-sexist term, seeing as it is not an
feminist works as the authors willingly
and openly have claimed in numerous extension of the word burut (บุรุษ), but also
interviews and articles. A work that is not a borrowing from Sanskrit, used for
inherently feminist but a satire of calling a male person. I would solve this
politically correct language is the work by translation problem by typography as
the male author. James Finn Garner’s follows:
Politically Correct Bedtime Stories was
first published in 1994 and the expanded เมื่ อ หมี ไ ปแล้ว ผู ้ห ญิ ง ที่ พ ร่ อ ง
edition featuring a new story was
published in 2011. Garner adapts fairy เมลานิ นเดินออกมาจากพุ่มไม้และย่องไป
tales and fables by satirising the language ที่กระท่อม
and politics of political correctness. His
hyperbole is most evident in his penchant
for neologism. The word phu is juxtaposed with ying and
phu is italicized to draw the reader’s
In his revisionist tales, the nouns ‘woman’ attention to both phu and ying. Boldface
and ‘women’ are changed into ‘wommon’ type will also be employed for the plural
and ‘womyn’ to dislodge patriarchy. The form ‘womyn’ when translated into Thai.
prefix ‘wo’ is added to the word ‘man’ to Based on this solution, it is clear that the
imply that a woman is an extension of a author’s intention to avoid using any sexist


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terms at all costs is lost in the Thai Conclusion

To conclude that feminist translation
This is probably the most difficult practices have not been adopted at all in
translation problem to solve out of all the Thai literary works would be misleading.
works discussed so far. The lack of sexism However, the practice of some translators
in the target language renders difficult the which reflect a specific ideological
task to foreground neologisms of this strategy may not be associated with any
satirist work in the translation. To find a feminist agenda and even if it is, some
way of addressing sexism in the source translators would not admit that they are
language, prefacing and footnoting can be feminists. The case in point is that of the
adopted to draw attention to the patriarchal translators of Sepha rueang Khun Chang
aspect of the English language. Khun Phaen into English, Baker and Pasuk
Typographical warnings, italic and (2010/2012). They did not see themselves
boldfaced words, are textual intervention as feminists. They stated clearly that they
while prefacing and footnoting are intervened in the translation to reverse the
paratextual interventions. For neologisms obvious bias of the nineteenth century
whose constructions are derived from both (Gritiya, 2016: 238).
old and new graphemes and morphemes,
the Thai translator has to intervene both Baker and Pusuk’s intervention reflects
textually and paratextually to retain both some gendered aspects of the source texts.
satirical and feminist aspects in the TT. The main female character, Wanthong,
The ideologically motivated translator has does not even deserve any mention in the
to employ as many translation strategies as title of the work, however, the translators
possible to confront the linguistic did not find a way of dismantling this
representation of women and men in the sexist aspect in their translation of the title.
source text. Sepha rueang Khun Chang Khun Phaen is
not a feminist text and if Baker and Pasuk
The experiment on translating feminist see themselves as feminist translators, they
works at word/sentence and paragraph have to “hijack” the text by deliberately
levels from French and English into Thai feminising the target text. To a degree,
reveals that feminist translation can be Baker and Pasuk “hijacked” the text by
applied in the Thai language but for the interweaving different segments from the
translator to remain visible and to make a Wat Ko edition into their translation to
feminine voice heard, s/he has to apply all make the feminine (female characters)
translation procedures at hand. Even after seen and heard and they managed to
the translator has employed all feminise the target text by replacing the
interventionist devices, meanings may not most gripping scene featuring the
be completely transferable. masculine (Khun Phaen) so that the
feminine (Wanthong) appears more
prominent in the poem (196-197).


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Towards the Practice of Feminist Translation in Thailand

However, Baker and Pasuk’s translation is Translators of feminist works into Thai
for an English readership. Gender have to undo such language for women’s
awareness in translation should be brought words to be heard, develop and find a
into the discussion through literary space. Translators of these works will have
translations from French and English into to be in a dialogue with the social and
Thai. If feminist works in these languages political culture that may think that
are translated into Thai, translators’ feminism is a dirty word. They will have
interventions and their critique of the Thai to draw attention to their identities as
language would open another area of feminist translators. Thai translators will
inquiry, which will then contribute to need to be both visible and interventionist
translation studies, which is an emerging to engage in feminist linguistic activism.
field in Thailand. Experimental work of Awareness of the vital role that non-sexist
this nature in the French-Thai and English- language plays can be raised through
Thai language pairs would certainly attract innovative writings and translations.
interaction and collaboration between Feminist linguistic interventions can and
academics from different fields, namely should be adopted when writing (or
linguistics, sociology and anthropology. rewriting) a translated text in Thai,
regardless of the degree of success in
As Leonardi and Taronna (2011) and terms of transference, in the belief that
Castro (2013) argue, prefacing and translation practice can only stand to gain
footnoting is not exclusively a feminist from new approaches.
translation procedure; this procedure is
employed in translated works that do not References
foreground gender. The only practice that
is considered to be essentially feminist is Alderman, Naomi. 2016. The Power.
hijacking, the appropriation of a text London: Penguin Random House.
whose intentions are not necessarily
feminist by the feminist translator. I argue Atwood, Margaret. 1985/2017. The
that all three practices, if employed, are Handmaid's Tale. London: Penguin
still feminist if they serve to transform the Random House.
fact of gender into a social and literary
project. Brossard, Nicole. 1983. These OurMothers.
Translated by Barbara Godard.
Translators on the Thai literary scene Toronto: Coach House Press.
should produce work that is experimental
and constitutes an effort to deconstruct the Castro, Olga. 2013. Talking at cross-
conventional language perceived as purposes? The missing link between
inherently misogynist. In literary works in feminist linguistics and translation
French and English, neologism has been studies. Gender and Language
developed and the marked gender pronoun (Equinox Publishing): 35-58.
is used to parody and attack conventional
and prescriptive ‘patriarchal language’.


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Chamberlain, Lori. 1988/2012. Gender von Flotow, Luise. 1991. Feminist

and the Metaphorics of Translation. Translation: Context, Practices,
The Translation Studies Reader, edited Theories. TTR (Association canadienne
by Lawrence Venuti. New York: de traductologie) 4. 2: 69-84.
Routledge: 254-268
von Flotow, Luise. 1997. Translation and
Garner, James Finn. 1994/2011. Politically Gender: Translating in the 'Era of
Correct Bedtime Stories. London: Feminism'. Manchester: St. Jerome
Souvenir Press. Publishing.

Godard, Barbara. 1990. Theorizing von Flotow, Luise. 2011. Ulrike Meinhof:
Feminist Discourse/Translation. De-fragmented and Remembered.
Translation, History, Culture, edited by Translating Women. Ottawa:
Susan Bassnet and Andre Lefevere. University of Ottawa Press: 135-150.
London: Pinter Publishers: 87-96.

Leonardi, Vanessa, and Annarita Taronna.

2011. Translators vs Translatresses'
Strategies: Ethical and Ideological
Challenges. MonTI. Monografías de
Traducción e Interpretación 3: 377-

Munday, Jeremy. 2012. Introducing

Translation Studies. London and New
York: Routledge.

Rattanakantadilok, Gritiya. 2016.

Translating the tale of Khun Chang
Khun Phaen: representations of culture,
gender and Buddhism. Doctoral
disseratation, University of Leeds.

Simon, Sherry. 1996. Gender in

Translation: Cultural Identity and the
Politics of Transmission. London:

Snell-Hornby, Mary. 2006. The Turns of

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