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In grade 12 Senior High School level, Work Immersion is one of the requirements needed
to be able to graduate. Every students in grade 12 have to undergo work immersion in a business
or organization that is relation to their specialization. Work Immersion can be done inside and
outside the school depending on the track/strand they are enrolled to and to what business or
organization they are assigned to. Work Immersion help the students to get ready for their chosen
profession in the future. Students can apply what they had learned in their classroom in their
work immersion. This will help them explore and connect with other people and help the
students to acquire more knowledge they need to learn in their chosen profession.


According to the researcher, Darwin Ferrer, in Cagayan State University,

The K to 12 Basic Education programs’ purpose is to discover, improve and develop the
learners Learning Competencies and to guide the learners to pursue their chosen career. And to
develop a better nation. The work immersion is under the K to 12 curriculums. It gives
opportunities to the learners:

1. To develop a better communication.

2. To adapt a new environment.

3. To improve, develop, and apply their competencies.

4. To prepare them for employment.

Learners are distributed in different establishments, offices and Laboratories as their
work place for their work immersion/actual job. Through company’s partnership, they are
expected to help the learners in their work immersion, to give them the opportunities, to have or
experience perform actual job, for new learning’s. To make the learners:

1. Improve their knowledge and skills to be more productive.

2. To develop a good communication and good relationship towards others.

3. To build up work ethics, attitudes, and the value of works.

During the work immersion in Senior High School, the learners develop a good social
interaction, that will help them to build-up and maintain a good relationship towards others, work
immersion gives them a chance to apply what they have learned about their specialization for
theire improvement and development of their skill and to increase their knowledge and for the
preparation of employment, for proceeding in the higher education. The objectives written above
was guided by policy to:

1. Create an adaptable work immersion.

2. Give an optional work immersion.

3. Provide / give a safe and comfortable work place.


Work Immersion has a duration of 80 hours of business time to accomplish the task. It
has an equal of 10 days (8hrs/day) and they can follow that to lessen their stay in the workplace.
The workplace I am assigned to is in ‘Bonita’s Coffee.Tea.Bread + Steak’ located at Santa
Maria, Bulacan.


Figure 1. Bonita’s CTBS


Bonita’s CTBS is a Christian inspired café that is full of encouraging words from the
Bible that reminds the people that “Human beings cannot live on bread alone, but need every
word that God speaks.” Our passion is to serve people and to make a difference in the
coffee/restaurant industry.

How it all started

The founder of the coffee/restaurant believed that with God, all things are possible. The
shop started from a DIY Coffee Blends, with heart and passion o an excellent and quality
products. Out of nothing, God produced something. The founder’s desire is not just a great place
but to serve people with a great food.


Our mission is to serve people and build a strong relationship towards our customers. To
give back all the glory to our creator.


Our vision is to be one of “The most inspiring café in the Philippines” providing coffee
excellence and quality foods at affordable prices.


Figure 2&3. Inside of Bonita’s CTBS


On the first day of immersion. After Ma’am Heidi’s
orientation, one of the customers asked me to take a picture of them.
After that our senior crew, Rainald, taught me and my co-immersionist,
Rafael, the basic cycle in performing front liner in Bonita's, he taught
us how to assist the guest, giving table to the guest, presenting the
menu, taking their orders and serving their food. Rainald told us one of
the hardest thing in front liner, and it is taking their order because some
customer is speaking a bit fast. Some customers asked the ingredients
of the food they ordered. Our senior crew was amazed to me and my
co-immersionist, Rafael, because even if we just started in our
immersion, we already take orders. I thought immersion is hard but
when you get started, you will not feel nervous anymore. At 9:30 pm,
we have a last order and Ate Ange, one of our senior crew, wanted me
to serve red tea but the red tea spilled on the customers’ clothes and I
apologized to the customer because it was an accident. My senior
comforted me and taught me the correct way to serve beverages.
Figure 4. Day 1 at the working site

On the second day of my immersion, I met again the senior crew,
Kuya Rainald and Kuya Ismael. They are so kind to me and to
my co-immersionist, Rafael. Ate Ange, one of the senior crew in
Bonita’s commanded us to go to grocery with Kuya Ismael
because we need some cleaning detergent to clean the CR and
other parts of the restaurant. After the grocery, we cleaned up the
second floor and outside of the restaurant then go back in front
line. I was assigned in serving food from the time of 5:00pm to
7:00pm and customers always asks me to take a picture of them.
After serving the food, I was assigned in taking the orders and
thank God there’s nothing wrong happened on my 2 nd day. After
I take the order of the last customer, Ate Ange said that there’s a
food in the kitchen. The food is hotdog, and I asked the cook if I
can get some gravy, then she said yes. After eating dinner, me
and Rafael packed up and went home.
Figure 5. Day 2 at the working site

Day 3
On the third day of my immersion, there are many customers.
The second floor was open, the event's room, and the meeting room was
open and with that, we need to double time what we need to do, we
need to work fast but surely, I was assigned in serving food and taking
orders. It was hard because we need to do double job because there are
many customers, but after all, we managed it. We need just to serve
their food. After we serve the food Ate Ange ask me and Raf if we want
to take a break. After we took a break, Rafael made something wrong in
taking the order in table 8. The cashier got confused on what table is
needed to write the “add order”. But they managed it so the front liner
get in to the flow again. After that, Ate Ange asked us if we want to go
home because it’s already 9:50pm. And to sum it up, the 3 rd day was

Figure 6. Day 3 at the working site

Day 4
The 4th day of my immersion is just a normal day serving at
Bonita’s. For me, I think I’m already a normal crew because I already
know the flow of the restaurant, from welcoming the guest up to
billing the guest. On my fourth day I wanted to try in utensils, so I was
reassigned in utensils. In that, I’m just giving the customers water,
spoon, and fork and what they want in their food. They will call me if
the customer needs assistance or they want some extra rice. After that
at 7pm, I am just serving the food and taking order. Kuya Ismael wants
me to help him to clean the second floor because there’s so many item
in the second floor, but we managed to clean it up. After cleaning the
second floor, Kuya Ismael treated me some foods. After all of that, we
went home.

Figure 7. Day 4 at the working site

Day 5
On the 5th day of my immersion, like in my third day there was
so many customer and the second floor was open along with the event's
room. Every time the customer will leave, another set of customer
arrives. I was assigned in serving the food but I need to help Rafael
because he's a bit slow in taking orders. After the last customer ordered,
me and my senior coworker went to Puregold to buy some ingredients
and seasoning for our dinner. After that we went back in Bonita's, when
we entered the restaurant, we saw Kuya Ismael going down the stairs
and the tray of glasses he was holding fell out of his hand. After
cleaning his mess, we ate dinner and take home some food. I realize that
team work is the key in perfection of serving.

Figure 8. Day 5 at the working site

Day 6
There was only a few customer on the 6 th day of my immersion so
we focused on cleaning the restaurant. I cleaned the comfort room and
Rafael cleaned the second floor. After I cleaned the CR, I helped Rafael to
clean the whole second floor from the meeting room to the 2 event’s
room. After cleaning the second floor, we helped the front liner by taking
orders, serving the food, and welcoming the customers. Some customers
are giving me a tip. I helped one customer to find a table and gave the
menu to them and take their order. I’m the one who served their food.
After they eat, he gave me a tip and it made my hearth happy because the
customer appreciated my service to them. I realized that when you do your
job perfectly, the customer will give you a tip and they will be happy for
my good service.

Figure 9. Day 6 at the working site

Day 7
On the 7th day of immersion is another normal day for me.
There’s only few customer. When me and my co-immersionist, Rafael,
arrived at 3pm, Kuya Ismael and Kuya Rainald managed the customers
so we can just clean the restaurant from 3-5pm. After we cleaned, I
served the food of the customer. I always serve and take orders because
for me, I’m comfortable in this job so it’s easy for me. After that Ate
Ange prepared a dinner for me and Rafael then we get back to work.
It’s hard for me because that time I am sick, but I finished my 7th day
with complete 8 hours. I realized that the job of the waiter is not easy.

Figure 10. Day 8 at the working site

Day 8
On the 8th day of my immersion, I started by welcoming the
customers, There’s just a few customer. After that I took orders and
helped Kuya Ismael by serving the food of the customers. After I served, I
and Rafael cleaned the second floor because there’s a reservation at the
events room 2. The customer who reserved arrived and Kuya Rainald
taught me how to serve with 10 glass of water in one tray. I served the
water correctly and I thought it’s hard. After I served the water, I served
the food of the customer at the event's room 2. After they ate, we bust out
then eat dinner. I realized that the job that I thought is hard is easy, you
just needed to be taught on how to do it correctly.

Figure 11. Day 8 at the working site

Day 9
In my 9th day of immersion is another normal day and it’s sad
because our friendship in the restaurant with our senior coworker was
just getting started and there are many happy moments that I will never
forget. I started my immersion in serving the food, one of the
customers I served the food with, asked me to take a picture of them.
After that there are only few customers that’s why the restaurant is not
busy. Me and Rafael along with our senior coworker talked about what
are we going to take in our college and what job we want in future.
That day I realized that I still don’t want to end my work or immersion
in Bonita's because the crew there is kind.

Figure 12. Day 9 at the working site

Day 10
My 10th day of immersion was one of the saddest day for me because I will no longer see my
senior coworkers there. But it was also a relief to me because it’s my last day of immersion. I had a lot of
fun working in Bonita's because the crew there is kind and the music inside the restaurant is all about
God. On my 10th day was again another normal day for me. I already mastered how to take order and in
serving the food. Ma’am Heidi and Ate Ange felt proud to us because even there’s so many customer, we
can still manage it. Before we went home, Ate Ange treated us fried chicken. I realized that you always
have to love yourself, because if you love yourself, you will also love your work, and I love everything
that I do because in the future, I wanted to handle a restaurant.


Blk 29 Lot 7 North Fairways Homes,
Brgy. Muzon, San Jose Del Monte, Bulacan
Contact # 09168607310

Date of Birth : January 09, 2001
Age : 18
Place of Birth : San Jose Del Monte, Bulacan
Height : 5’9
Fatheir : Severino D. Coliat Jr.
Motheir : Arlene D. Coliat
Religion : Roman Catholic
Sex : Male
Civil Status : Single
Language/Dialect Spoken : English, Tagalog


*Good in team sports
*Can adapt in working place and has self-confidence
*Good at socializing



Sacred Heart Academy
Santa Maria, Bulacan
Batch 2018-2020


Sacred Heart Academy
Santa Maria, Bulacan
Batch 2014-2018

ELEMENTARY : San Vicente Elementary School
Santa Maria, Bulacan
Batch 2008-2014


Weena G. Arias - Accountant Clerk 09175074153

DYD Refrigeration Systems Inc.

Joseph Regalado Antonio - Teacher 09067039188

Sacred Heart Academy


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