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p o w e r m e n

E m and t
A d v o c a c y
Personally, every individual needs support in order to build confidence and be
motivated to accomplish certain tasks. Similarly, members of a community also
perform effectively once they are empowered positively by the people around them.

What is empowerment?
• Empowerment refers to the development of self-confidence, self-control, relationship with others , and the firmness
to gain political power to achieve improved inputs and equality.

In a community, social workers help people become empowered in two ways:


This type of
Example: This is the condition
empowerment is
The person's choice
wherein people have the
Lacking of Social Empowerment in

access to opportunities
terms of Opportunities
attained by persons
whether to accept a

and resources in order

Persons below 18 yrs. old in

who can directly

certain job or not, or to
the Philippines do not have

to make personal

control what is
not participate in a
choices and maintain
the social empowerment to

happening in their
certain school activity. some control over the
vote for their preferred

own lives. environment. government officials.

The strengths perspective provides six principles that focus on the assets of a community, for
it to be fully improved:

1. It is important to identify and use the community's assets and strengths.

2. Community problems such as poverty, and peace and order, among others, may

be viewed as avenues for improvement and growth. Examples would be educated

citizens who can provide free tutorial classes to children who could not afford to

go to school, so as to improve their literacy skills.

3. Realize the direction of the community and determine ways on how to improve

4. Allot time to work and be one with the members of the community to be aware

of issues as bases for plan development and to achieve effective results.

5. Provide care, support and help to the community's overall well-being.

In the philippines, the united nations development program empowered philippines tribes to
preserve nature and prevent conflict.

The empowered members of a community may find ways to attain what is needed for them to make
a change, become more assertive, and develop confidence. the members are also challenged to
become advocates themselves.
Understanding Advocacy
• Advocacy is defined as the active intervention of community members to seek ways to obtain the needed
resources that are not available in the community, It is also one way to change the community regulations
that affect their members negatively.

An advocate is one who speaks on behalf of the community i order to achieve fair and equal
treatment or gain needed resources. The following are the roles of an advocate:

1. Speaking for the people and representing them to those in authority

2. Protecting those who are vulnerable.
3. Creating support to enhance social functioning
4. Protecting and advancing claims or appeals
Advocacy programs are conducted by various groups and institutions such as schools,
communities, and business organizations. Advocacy programs generally focus on one
particular concern or issue related to an institution, group, and community. Following
are examples of advocay programs undertaken to address certain issues:

Advocacy programs to address drug abuse

"Barkada Kontra Droga" or

National Youth Congress on Drug

Abuse Prevention and Control. This

Peer Groups Against Drugs.

provides open discussion among

This is a peer-based

youth participants in addressing

preventive education and

problems on drug abuse. Anti-drug

information program which

advocates and facilitators provides

seeks to address the ill effects

participants the chance to engage in

of drug abuse. positive discussions and dialogues.

Advocacy programs for the environment and animal welfare

Greenpeace Philippines
The World Wide Fond for Nature -

undertakes a mission to save the

Philippines (WWF-Philippines)

focuses on addressing issues on the

environment. The organization

Philippine environment. The

undertakes campaigns to stop

organization's advocacy addresses

climate change, oppose genetic

climate change, biodiversity,

engineering, and protect the conservation, and sustainable

oceans. development.

The Haribon Foundation

The Philippine Animal Welfare

Society (PAWS) ensures the protection

commits to help conserve

and humane treatment of all animals.

sites and habitats, protect

Its activities address the abusive

endangered species,
treatment of animals and the

organization also opposes activities

encourage sustainability, and

such as dogfighting and the use of

empower people. animals for entertainment.

Advocacy programs for HEALTH

The Volunteer Youth Leaders

The United Nations World Food

for Health Philippines aims to

Programme seeks to address the

promote awareness on the

issue of hunger. The program

prevention of birth defects,

also focuses on climate action,

newborn screening, and support

disaster risk reduction, gender

for orphan disorders. equality and nutrition.

Media And Advocacy

‣ Media is an effective communication tool which greatly aids in advocacy and fighting
for positive change in society. Media can help in the exchange of ideas and perspective
regarding an issue, organize mass action, and aid in collaboration among different
groups which can help them in the planning and conduct their advocacies.
‣The Internet and communications technology have been used to organize collective
action demanding change in society and government. The Arab Spring of 2010, a series of
protests throughout the Middle East, was spurred by social media. These protests
brought revolutions which resulted in dramatic changes in the government of countries
such as Tunisia, Libya, and Egypt. The Umbrella Revolution was a protest movement in
Hongkong in 2014 which was largely organized through social media.

‣In the Philippines, media has been used to support certain advocacies and programs. For
example, the internet has been used to spread awareness of the cybercrime law and
issues such as online child pornography. The recent pork barrel scam involving high-
ranking government officials has been covered extensively by the media and on social
media. Another significant use of social media is addressing or post updates and
reminders regarding disaster preparedness as well as the status of calamities. The
internet is also used to raise awareness as well as collect donations for certain
advocacies, particularly those that volunteer too help the poorand marginalized sectors.
Thank you!

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