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1. Cut out each of the continental land masses along the edge of the continental shelf.
2. Paste the cut-out in the construction Paper. Put a title below the your pasted output, “ PANGAEA”.
3. Answer the following questions in a separate answer sheet.
1. What does the Glossopteris (tropical fern) fossils tell us about the early positions of the continents?
2. If the Glossopteris fossils were found in Antartica, what does this indicate about the climateof this continent before?
3. If the climate and the position of a place are relative to each other, where then was the initial location of Antartica 250 million years ago?
4. What does the presence of Mesosaurus fossils tell about the initial location and position of South America, Africa and Antartica?
5. What clues are useful in reconstructing Pangaea?
6. Which continents do you think were neighbors before?
7. Will there be a possibility that the current location of a continent would be different 100 years from now?
8. Why would the fossil of an ocean fish found on two different continents NOT be good evidence of continental drift?

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