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In a small town not far away, a mother pig lived with her three little pigs. They were all very happy
until one day the mother pig told them:

—Children, you have grown up, it is time for you to be adult pigs and live by yourselves.

Before letting them go, he told them:

—In the world nothing comes easy, therefore, they must learn to work to achieve their dreams.

Mother pig said goodbye with a kiss on the cheek and the three little pigs went to live in the world.

The little pig, who was very, very lazy, did not pay attention to the words of mother pig and
decided to build a straw house to finish early and go to bed to rest.

The middle pig, who was half lazy, half paid attention to mother pig's words and built a little house
out of sticks. The little house was crooked because he was kind of lazy and didn't want to read the
instructions to build it.

The eldest pig, who was the most diligent of all, paid much attention to the words of mother pig
and wanted to build a brick house. The construction of his little house would take much more
time. But this did not matter to him; Her new home would shelter her from the cold and also from
the fearsome ferocious wolf...

And speaking of the fearsome big bad wolf, he was wandering through the woods when he saw
the little pig sleeping peacefully through his window. The wolf got a huge appetite and thought
that the little pig would make a very delicious snack, so he knocked on the door and said:

"Little pig, little pig, let me in."

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