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Project Title

Robotic technology is rapidly evolving into the 21st century. The usage and its wide
applications have become a part of day to day lives of the society. We are making a smart
Toddlerkin robot. This baby life bot itself being a knowledge hub for education purposes, which
benefits children in their schooling and learning, where sometimes there is no need of any
knowledge or teaching backup, while Toddlerkin is around. Some of the fascinating
physiognomy of it, is to make kids feel comfortable with their own toys by initiating
conversation, its ability to recognize faces, detecting emotions, plays comforting songs and
related messages. Detecting harmful objects and obstacles around the kid or anywhere to it,
serves as a safety measure, not only that, it clicks a picture and emails as well as drops an
alarming message to parents or concerned registered people about the emergency situation. We
use “Raspberry Pi” which comes in handy for face recognition, emotion detection, object
detection with the help of the camera. We will do face recognition with the help of Haar
Cascaded Frontal face algorithm which takes the picture in pixels format by analyzing the pixel
points all over the face of a person, Once the face ID is matched, the desired output will be
given either as known person or unknown person. To detect object, a module using “python
opencv” will be use. The messaging facility is done by using Twilio, which is a cloud based
software used for SMS, voice and messaging facilities.
We use Raspberry Pi 4 Model B that acts as a processing unit, camera module for face
recognition, detecting emotions, detecting harmful objects and obstacles, Power bank for
portable power supply, speakers for output of sound, micro SD card for memory storage,
Python as a programming language, Tensor Flow as a framework, Open CV for image
processing and Deep Learning libraries.

• Recognizing faces
• Clicks a picture, drops an alarming message.
• Detecting emotions
• Detecting harmful objects and obstacles
• Conversion of Text Into Voice
• Installing Raspbian Stretch Operating System, Open CV 4 libraries and python.

Raspberry pi 4 Model (2 GB variant), Raspberry pi Camera Module, Speaker, Power bank, Micro SD card,
Python IDE, Open CV Framework, Tensor Flow Framework, Deep Learning Libraries.
Student Signature Supervisor Signature
Hania Shoukat ░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░
Khoula Abid ░░░░░░░ ░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░
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