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CATRINA (2022), 25(1):27-39


Hydrogeochemical Facies Investigation of Surface and Groundwater

Resources at West Luxor Area, Egypt, Using Spatial and Statistical Techniques

Mervat A. El-Sonbati1, Maie I. El-Gammal1, Ahmed M. El-Zeiny2, Mohamed A. Gebril3*

Environmental Science Department, Faculty of Sciences, Damietta University, Egypt
Environmental Studies Department, National Authority for Remote Sensing and Space Sciences (NARSS), Egypt
Geochemical studies Department, central laboratories, Egyptian Mineral Resources Authority (EMRA), Egypt

Water quality and quantity have diminished in the agricultural area of west Luxor due to excessive water use
and land management techniques. The current study intends to monitor the hydrogeochemical processes of
water resources in Egypt's west Luxor area. In August 2021, 79 surface, shallow, and groundwater samples
were collected in the study area. In this investigation, three statistical techniques were used: classical, cluster
hydrogeochemical statistical analysis (CA), and geo-statistical analysis. Water characteristics are mapped
using the Kriging method, which is a Geo-Statistical tool in ArcMap 10.4.1. The laboratory results of the
Piper trainer diagram integration (CA) and geo-statistical prediction maps showed that cations (Na+> Ca2+ >
Mg2+ > K+) and anions (Cl-> SO42- > HCO3- > CO32-) dominated. The majority of water types in all samples
were Na-Cl, Mixed Na-Cl-HCO3, Mixed Na-Cl-SO4, and Mixed Na-Ca-Mg-HCO3. Prediction maps
coincide with hydro-geochemical statistical analysis, which showed that salts and measured heavy metals
(Fe, Mn, Co, Ni, Cd, Pb, As) levels in groundwater and shallow water samples were greater than those of
Egyptian Standard Limits, while surface water had high pH, HCO-, and CO32- levels, indicating pollution
sources. As a result, this study found that combining geostatistical and classical hydrogeochemical statistical
analysis produced a good assessment of both natural water processes and water quality in the west Luxor
Keywords: Geo-Statistical analysis; GIS; Hydrogeochemical investigations; Hydmorphometric parameters;
Luxor hydrogeology

INTRODUCTION the rate of accurate calculation. Geographical Infor-

mation System (GIS) is a leading tool that has great
The chemistry of water from different resources; potential for use in problem-solving in various areas,
surfaces, and shallow or deep groundwater results from including environmental fields (Mahato et al., 2016;
the disintegration of solid minerals, precipitation of Çelik 2019). Geo-statistical tools fill up the gap
solids resulting from water-rock and water-soil between geo-statistics and GIS. The interpolation
interactions, sorption/ion exchange, and dissolution or analysis of groundwater levels with geostatistical
evolution of gases. It helps to understand the modules became easier and more operable with the
hydrogeochemical process and its impacts on the development of GIS technology, which can chara-
environment and examine human impacts against cterize the spatial variability of parameters in more
natural conditions and the evolution of water quality detail (Triki et al., 2013; Bao et al., 2014; Agarwal et
(El Alfy et al., 2018; Jamil, et al., 2020). The variation al., 2016).
in concentration of the different water-dissolved hydro- Spatial interpolation is a procedure of predicting the
geochemical constituents determines its usefulness for value of attributes at un-sampled sites from measure-
domestic, industrial, and agricultural purposes ( Zhang ements made at point locations within the same area.
et al., 2018; Xu et al., 2019). Several kinds of research have been accepted to
Cluster analysis (CA) is considered one of the compare different interpolation methods in a variety of
chemometric methods, it is a useful method for situations, using GIS in different areas such as
combining water samples into homogenous groups groundwater; depth, contamination, quality, etc., (Chai
according to their water quality. Results can be et al. 2011; Losser et al., 2014; Xiao et al., 2016). Geo-
displayed as a tree diagram (dendrogram), which statistical interpolation consists of ordinary Kriging
provides a visual summary of the clustering process (OK), simple Kriging (SK), and universal Kriging
through a helpful graphical tool for determining the interpolation (UK). Deterministic interpolation
number of clusters that describes the underlying comprises global polynomial (GPI), local polynomial
process and finally lead to spatial variation. HCA (inverse distance weighted (IDW)), planar spline, and
supplies a complete analysis of information in local polynomial interpolation (LPI) (Zandi et al.,
organized formate and uses for the interpretation of 2011; Ahmadian and Chavoshian, 2012). The posterior
hydrogeochemical processes by formulating hypo- method can be used to correct the local errors without
theses (Wu et al., 2014; Deepesh et al., 2015). reducing the accuracy, the precision of the method is
The spatial distribution of water quality shows some close to the Kriging techniques (Gunarathna, et al.,
heterogeneity and the determination of quality 2016; Al-Omran et al., 2017; Aslan and Çelik, 2021).
parameters at the whole location is not always feasible A considerable amount of literature has been published
under the time and cost of the data collection. Thus, the on water quality in Egypt, including many topics such
prediction of values based on selectively measured one as water quality assessment and groundwater pollution
is an alternative while minimizing errors and enhancing (Sabry, et al., 2019) but there were no reported

* Corresponding author e-mail:
El-Sonbati1et al.

researches on the investigation and verification of characterize the edges of the valley on the western
hydrogeochemical processes of water resources using flanks. (Abou Hussein and Sawan 2010; Ahmed and
statistical techniques. Therefore, this study aims at Fogg, 2014).
integrating the geostatistical and statistical hydro- Geology of Luxor
geochemical approaches to examine the regional
The geological features and formations of the Luxor
factors and processes which control the chemical
area (Figure 3) were digitized from the Geological map
composition of water bodies; surface, shallow, and
(CONOCO, 1987). Upper Cretaceous, Pliocene, Paleo-
deep groundwater in the region of west Luxor.
cene-Eocene, and Pleistocene-Holocene characterized
the geology of the study area (Said, 1981; Kamel,
2004). The Pliocene unit is exemplified in the Luxor
area by two formations namely: Pliocene fault breccia
The flow chart of the methodology assumed to
and the Madamud Formation. The Pleistocene unit
screen the hydrogeochemical processes of water
comprises the Protonile, the Prenile, and the Neonile
resources and water quality mapping using water
sediments of the Early, Middle, and Late Pleistocene
quality characteristics in the GIS environment is shown
ages, respectively. The Protonile sediments are pres-
in Figure (1).
ented by the Arment Formation. The Prenile sedi-
Study area ments are represented by the Qena Formation, and the
The study area is located on the west bank of the Abbassia Formation. The Holocene unit is signified by
River Nile in Luxor Governorate, Egypt. It is extended the Neonile sediments (Arkin Formation). The recent
between Latitudes 25° 8′ to 25° 55′ N and Longitudes alluvial cover comprises unconsolidated sediments
32° 11′ to 32° 44′ E (Figure 2). The area is disting- characterized by the Nile flood plain unit made up of
uished by an arid climate with average maximum and two sequential layers (silty clay and clay layers) with a
minimum temperature ranges between 22.9 oC- 40.9 oC total thickness of 18.5 m (Ahmed and Fogg, 2014).
and 5.7 oC - 23.9 oC in January and July, respectively. Hydrogeology of the study area
The wind speed fluctuates spatially and temporarily The Nile River and irrigation canals, particularly the
with monthly average values of 5.9 km/h in October two main canals, Asfun and Al-Kallabiyya, provide the
and 9.3 km/h in April. The relative humidity monthly hydrology of surface water for the studied area (Figure
average values vary between 25.0 % in May and 55.0 2). At the Luxor area, two major groundwater aquifers
% in December. The monthly average precipitation were well characterised by Said (1981), Abd El-Bassier
ranges between 0.0 and 0.3 mm and falls randomly (1997) and Ahmed and Fogg, (2014) and their hydro-
throughout the year (Salman et al., 2019). geological cross-section are shown in Figure (4): The
Topography of Luxor Quaternary aquifer is the most prominent water-
Luxor government involves different topography as bearing structure in Luxor, occupying the centre stripe
shown in Figure (2), at the entire Nile valley where of the Nile Valley and forming the historic cultivated
there are agricultural activities and residential comm- areas on both Nile sides. The lower Pleistocene aquifer
unities. New cultivated borders in the west with an and the higher Holocene aquitard are the two hydrog-
extension of mountainous heights and sandy hills eological units. The Pliocene-Pleistocene aquifer, that

Figure (1): Flow chart showing the methodology adopted for groundwater quality mapping.

Hydrogeochemical Facies Investigation Resources at West Luxor Area of

comprises of gravel, sand, and clay, is regarded the

secondary aquifer in the study region. It is exposed at
the outer edges of the Nile aquifer system adjoining the
Data used
Water quality and Samples collection
The water quality for the research region was
reported during a field trip on May 20-25, 2021. The
goal of this trip was to document some field
observations and administer a questionnaire on water
quality in several rural villages within the study area.
Meanwhile, on August 18-30, 2021, a second field trip
was conducted to collect 79 water samples from
various resources, including surface, shallow, and
ground wells, as follows: 29 surface, 25 shallow, and
24 groundwater samples. All water samples were
collected in two liter high-density polyethylene bottles
that were acid-treated and thoroughly rinsed with de-
ionized water before use, dried, and stored with the
caps on to avoid contamination. Figure (3): Geological map of the study area, with water sample
To prevent as much change in the composition of locations, digitised from Map (CONOCO 1987).
water as possible, collected samples were maintained at
Physicochemical analysis of water samples
a temperature of roughly 4°C in ice-boxes until they
The analysis processes were carried out in a water
arrived at the laboratory. Surface water samples were
and air lab. in the central laboratory of the Egyptian
obtained at 0.5 m depths, shallow samples at 6 to 21 m
Mineral Resources Authority (EMRA) with the
depths, and groundwater samples at 45 to 82 m depths.
assistance of the staff of the laboratory (Baird and
The coordination of the 79 water samples tested was
Bridgewater, 2017). Physical parameters of the
identified using a handheld GPS instrument, the
collected water samples were measured.
GARMIN GPS 12 CX (Figure 3). During the field trip,
water temperature (T oC) was measured in situ at the Electrical Conductivity (EC)
sampling sites using a mercury thermometer ranging EC was measured by an electric conductivity
from 0 to 100 Celsius degrees (°C). To acidify water meter model YSI 33, the U.S. with an accuracy of
samples (pH 1.5-2.0) for metal detection, concentrated ±1%.
HNO3 was employed. Water samples were analyzed Total Dissolved Solids (TDS)
just after arrival at the laboratory within twenty-four TDS were detected by evaporated known volume
hours of collection. of sample water till dryness at 180 oC.
Chemical parameters
Chemical water analysis were determined
including: pH that measured by a pH meter (WTW-
Multilane, Germany, with an accuracy of ±1%), and
major cations; Calcium (Ca2+), and Magnesium
(Mg2+) were detected by volumetric analysis
through titration against a standard EDTA solution
(0.02 M) using Murexide (MX) and Eriochrome
Black T (EBT) indicators at pH ≥ 12. Meanwhile,
Sodium and Potassium were determined by atomic
absorption spectrometry (Thermo fisher scientific,
ICE 3000 SERIS). Major anions; Bicarbonate
(HCO-) and Carbonate (CO32-) were determined
volumetrically by the standard solution of sulfuric
acid (0.02N) as a titrant with phenolphthalein and
cresol green indicators. Chloride ion was determined
by titrating 50 ml of water samples against 0.1N
AgNO3- using potassium chromate as an indicator
while sulfate (SO42-) was determined by partition
gravimetric method through BaSO4, the resulted
turbidity was measured against standard solutions
prepared under the same experimental conditions as
Figure (2): Location map with topography features of the
water samples and was determined by spectro-
study area extracted from Landsat-8 image. photometer model UV-160A UV-Visible.

El-Sonbati1et al.

Moreover, nutrients such as NH4+ were analyzed used through the Kriging method which is based on a
by ammonia selective electrode (ISE Digital DM- weight mobile average that determines the extent of
21). NO3- and PO43- were determined spectrophoto- estimation error in each point in addition to estimated
metrically. The trace elements (Fe, Mn, Cu, Cd, Ni, amounts. It is a linear interpolation procedure
Co, Pb, As) were determined using Inductive providing linear unbiased estimation for quantities,
Coupling Plasma (I.C.P.) Agilent 720. which vary in space and it is an advanced geo-
statistical procedure that generates an estimated surface
from a scattered set of points with z-values as follow:
𝒁 (𝒔𝟎) = ƛ(Si)
Where; Z(si) is measured value at the ith
location; λi , is unknown weight for the measured
value at the ith location; S0, is prediction location,
and N, is number of measured values (Gundogdu
and Guney 2007; Uyan and Cay 2013).
Statistical analysis
Correlation coefficients are used to measure how
strong a relationship is between two variables by using
IBM® SPSS® Statistics 20.0 software (2019).


Figure (4): Hydrogeological cross-section at Luxor area (Ahmed
and Fogg, 2014; Salman et al., 2019). Reliability check for hydrochemical parameters of
water samples indicates approximately 93.7 % of the
Data processing, analysis and interpretation measured water samples were within the range (≤ 5%),
Hydro-chemical data reliability check thus results are ready for hydro-geochemical mod-
The major cations (Na+, Ca2+, Mg2+, K+) and eling. water samples' characteristics were displayed in
anions (HCO-, CO32-, Cl-, SO42-) concentrations in Table (1).
the different water bodies were displayed (Table 1).
The accuracy of the laboratory-obtained data was General hydrogeochemical Analyses
examined using cations–anions balance. The The measured values of temperature for all water
solution must be electrically neutral (the sum of samples ranged between18 to 28 °C with an average of
cations in meq/l should equal anions in meq/l) (Li et 22.5 °C indicating that shallow active water cycle or
al., 2018b; Yuan et al., 2021) as shown in the circulation is being limited to 100 or rarely 200 m
following equation: (Pirzada, et al., 2016). The variation of water T °C of
water samples is due to water resource variety. pH
values lie in the range of 6.45 to 8.69 with a mean
value of 7.46; 26% of water samples have a pH of
If the electrical balance calculates equal to or less more than 8, and 39% have a range between 7-8, and
than 5%, the analysis is good; if it is out of range 35% were less than 7. The alkalinity of surface water
(5%), the analysis is believed to be poor; this could samples indicates increasing photosynthetic assim-
be owing to the water being excessively acidic or ilation of dissolved inorganic carbon by plankton. On
certain constituents being missing during compu- the other hand, most near shallow and groundwater
tation. However, up to 10% is permissible in dilute samples indicate that most of the water bodies at the
and saline water. The statistical approach of study area, are located on irrigation land water, flow-
software excel Microsoft Office version 2019 and through limestone, and marl.
IBM statistical SPSS version 20 was used to obtain In addition, low pH values are due to clay and silt
reliability. deposit at the quaternary aquifer (Qureshimatva, et al.,
Hydrogeochemical studies 2015), a geological map of the area is shown in Figure
The hydrogeochemical study includes water class- (3). The pH showed an indirect correlation with Ca 2+
ifycation and graphical representation including the ions (R2= - 0.67) which may be due to releasing of
piper Diagram (Piper, 1944) by Aquachem version HCO3- ions from the Pliocene and Quaternary
4.0. (2010), computer software, and scatter or Gibbs carbonate rocks. High values of TDS and EC for both
Diagram (Gibbs, 1970). Gibbs’s diagrams are used shallow and deep groundwater indicated that 59% of
to reveal natural processes (evaporation, precip- the collected water samples belong to excessively
itation, and water-rock interaction) in different dec- mineralized water class >1000 μS/cm according to Al-
ades (Li et al., 2016b). Piper plots are used to reveal Dahaan, et al. (2015) classification. Chebotraev’s,
the groundwater hydrochemical faces (Liu et al., (1955) classification for TDS values showed that
2021). water samples recorded 34% good potable, 6% fresh,
Geostatistical analysis 9% fairly fresh, 41% slightly brackish, 1% brackish
Different techniques of geostatistical analysis were and 9% slightly saline.

Hydrogeochemical Facies Investigation Resources at West Luxor Area of

physicochemical parameters dissolution of carbonic acid (H2CO3), and carbonate

Correlation coefficient matrix (R2) rocks such as limestone and dolomite (Kojima et al.,
Physiochemical measurements revealed that there 1997), in addition to weathering of clay rocks. The
was correlation between TDS and water quality natural process such as weathering, dissolution of salt
parameters as displayed in Table (2). It is clear that, deposits as evaporation in the study area, weathering of
there is linearly strong correlation between TDS sulfate and gypsum-bearing sedimentary rocks, and
versus Na (R= 0.990), Ca2+ (R= 0.920), Mg2+ (R= irrigation drainage return flow are responsible for Cl-
0.930), SO42- (R= 0.980) and Cl- (R= 0.978), and SO42- contents in addition to anthropogenic activity.
moderate correlation between TDS versus K+ (R= The heavy use of agricultural fertilizers leads to
0.790) and HCO3- (R= 0.640). Finally, the increased chlorides in groundwater (Mostafa et al.,
correlation between TDS versus CO32- (R= 0.010) is 2017; Li et al., 2018b; Xu et al., 2019; Zhang et al.,
very weak. A strong correlation may be due to the 2020).
dissolution of clay, silt, halite, gypsum, calcium
carbonate, marl, and dolomite during the circulation
of water. The value of NO3- and SO42- gives a good
indication of extensively anthropogenic activity and
extensively usage of fertilizers during the agricu-
lture process (Ahmed and Fogg, 2014).
GIBB’S Diagram
Gibbs' diagrams illustrate the distribution and
correlation of total dissolved salt to dissolved ions in
water samples lying in the zone of rock-water
interaction dominance and evaporation rainfall
dominance, revealing a mixed regulating mechanism
(Figures 5A and B). The Chemicals weathering of
rock-forming minerals will add the ions to the
groundwater influencing the groundwater quality by
the dissolution of rock through which water is
circulating. Evaporation due to high temperature and
absence of rainfall indicated the high ratios of
dominant cations and anions, especially sodium ions,
due to CaCO3 precipitate caused by the combination of
Ca2+and HCO3− and extensively anthropogenic
activities. Irrigation return flow elevated shallow and
ground-water levels, hence increasing evaporation and
inducing salinization (Gibbs, 1970; Wu et al., 2015;
Yuan et al., 2019).
Chemistry of major cations-anions
The most domain cation is Na+, and the other cations Figure 5: Gibbs' Diagrams showing total dissolved salts in
correlation to dissolved ions. A, TDS verses to ratio of Na+
are in the following sequence (Na+>Ca2+ >Mg2+ >K+), /Na++Ca2+; B, TDS verses to ration of Cl-/ Cl+HCO3-
as shown in Figure (6A). The high concentrations of
Na+, Ca2+, and Mg2+ in water may be due to clay Hydrochemical facies
minerals such as Illite, Albite, Fluorite, Halite, The method of Piper’s trilinear diagram is
Limestone, Dolomites, Gypsum, Sylvite, weathering of considered a successful tool to classify different
soda Feldspar (Albite), Potash Feldspars (Orthoclase water sources by detecting hydrochemical facies
and Microcline), and anthropogenic activities. types and natural processes (evaporation, water-rock
Agriculture may supply Na+ and K+ ions to water interaction, and precipitation). From the cationic and
through dissolution by carbonic acid, which is created anionic triangular files of the Piper diagram (Figure
by CO2 existing in the soil zone due to weathering of 7), it was observed that the majority of the samples
parent materials or decomposing organic matter. CO2 fall into (Na+K) field in cations facies while 76%
then mixes with water to form carbonates (Krishnaraj, and 24 % of water samples fall into the Cl and no
et al., 2011). Another source such as rainwater is dominant fields in anion facies. By clustering 79
slightly acidic due to the reaction with carbon dioxide hydrochemical data based on anions, eight groups
in the atmosphere (Chen et al., 2019b; Xu et al., 2019). and fourteen subgroups of water type were detected
Chloride is the most dominant anion, and the rest of (Table 3).
the tested anions were in the following orders: (Cl-> The table contains G1 Sodium (Chloride-Sulfate),
SO42-> HCO3->CO32-) as shown in Figure (6B). G2 Sodium (Chloride-Bicarbonate), G3 Sodium
Bicarbonate (HCO3-) and Carbonate (CO32-) anions are (Bicarbonate-Chloride), G4 Sodium (bicarbonate-
formed by the reaction of carbon dioxide with water, sulfate), G5 Calcium (bicarbonate-sulfate), G6 Sod-

El-Sonbati1et al.

Table (1): Physicochemical properties of different water samples collected from the Luxor area. For surface water
(SW), shallow water (SH.W), and ground water, the minimal, maximum, and average values were estimated

Measured values
Quality Measured
Minimum Maximum Average
Parameter Parameters
pH 6.59 6.45 6.53 8.54 8.53 8.59 7.78 7.15 7.35

T °C 26.00 18.00 18.00 28.00 23.00 21.00 26.50 20.80 18.90

TDS (mg/l) 183.4 374.94 1502.59 633.92 4445.93 5374.45 366.1 1600.89 2688.8
EC (μS/cm) 265.89 598.32 2370.56 1103.34 714521 8945.45 608.28 2526.64 4213.97
Na+(mg/l) 13.87 58.45 350.74 71.78 1065.2 1421.64 39.80 346.43 689.93
K+(mg/l) 4.24 3.46 6.52 9.34 10.54 22.43 6.31 6.06 11.68
Ca2+(mg/l) 17.93 12.16 90.65 85.71 398.72 310.46 39.32 124.25 152.43
Mg2+(mg/l) 6.73 4.27 32.59 27.53 99.43 133.82 15.38 50.57 65.51

CO3−(mg/l) 3.51 8.56 9.54 24.23 49.23 16.63 12.5217 15.99 13.07
HCO3- (mg/l) 89.24 92.38 137.41 321.23 450.34 392.34 188.62 291.54 271.3
SO42- (mg/l) 15.94 30.35 296.63 56.46 291.54 1502.5 36.483 318.82 593.77
Cl− (mg/l) 11.62 36.25 427.52 47.56 1494.64 1721.56 19.84 429.152 863.35
NH4+(mg/l) 0.01 0.7 0.12 3.20 4.30 3.4 1.5703 2.85 1.71
NO3- (mg/l) 0.03 0.8 12.12 11.00 21.00 32 1.7431 10.95 23.52
PO43- (mg/l) 0.01 0.03 0.04 0.41 0.56 0.61 0.068 0.1744 0.3108
Reliability check 1.07 1.39 1.075 5.94 5.98 5.46 2.96 2.86 2.31

Table (2): Correlation coefficient matrix of physicochemical parameters for the Luxor area

TDS EC pH Na+ K+ Ca2+ Mg+2 CO32- HCO3- SO42- Cl-
EC 0.995 1
pH -0.55 -0.554 1
Na+ 0.99 0.988 -0.491 1
K+ 0.79 0.765 -0.349 0.787 1
Ca2+ 0.92 0.918 -0.672 0.874 0.728 1
Mg+2 0.93 0.924 -0.584 0.891 0.747 0.882 1
CO32- 0.01 0.021 -0.454 -0.015 -0.162 0.097 0.03 1
HCO3- 0.64 0.639 -0.909 0.574 0.355 0.763 0.672 0.472 1
SO42- 0.98 0.981 -0.439 0.989 0.802 0.851 0.877 -0.078 0.504 1
Cl- 0.978 0.986 -0.52 0.987 0.802 0.919 0.932 -0.021 0.612 0.967 1

Table (3): Water-type at Luxor area based on anions classification.

Anions Cations Water type Dominance Ions Sample No.
5, 13, 14, 15, 16, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 33, 34,
Cl- Na>Ca>Mg>K
G1 Na+ Ca2+ Na-Cl- SO4 35, 37, 38, 40, 41, 42, 44, 45, 48, 51, 56, 59,
SO42- Cl>SO4>HCO3>CO3
60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 66, 68, 69, 71, 73 and 74
Cl- Na+ Na>Ca>Mg>K
G2 Na - Cl- HCO3 25, 26, 29, 30, 31, 32, 53 and 57
HCO3- Ca2+ Cl>HCO3>SO4>CO3
Na+ Na>Ca>Mg>K
G3 HCO3-,Cl- Na - HCO3- Cl 6,8,11 and 21
Ca2+ HCO3>Cl>SO4>CO3
HCO3- Na+ Na>Ca>Mg>K 1, 4, 7, 10, 12, 28, 36, 46, 47, 49, 50, 52, 55,
G4 Na- HCO3-SO4
SO42- Ca2+ HCO3>SO4> Cl>CO3 67,76 and 77
HCO3- Ca2+ Ca> Na>Mg>K 2, 17, 18, 19, 27, 39, 54, 58, 65, 70, 72, 75,
G5 Ca-Na- HCO3- SO4
SO42- Na+ HCO3>SO4>Cl> CO3 78 and 79
SO42- Na>Ca>Mg>K
G6 , Na+ Na--SO4-HCO3 3
HCO3- SO4>HCO3>Cl> CO3
Cl-,SO42- Na>Ca>Mg>K
G7 Na+ Na-SO4 -Cl 43

Hydrogeochemical Facies Investigation Resources at West Luxor Area of

ium (sulfate- bicarbonate) and finally G7 Sodium similar origin. The first cluster (G1) comprises 33
(sulfate-chloride) water type. Water types sampling sites and the second cluster (G2) contains 46
hydrochemistry (Table 3) controlled by dissolution sites which are divided into two subgroups SG 2-1 (6
and leaching processes of evaporite deposits in clay samples) and SG 2-2 (40 samples), SG 2-1 divided
minerals, higher levels of HCO3- concentrations into two other subgroups SSG 2-2-1 (22 samples) and
compared to chloride and sulfate in most water SSG 2-2-2 (18 samples) as displayed in Figure (9).
samples infers mineral dissolution in addition to Group 1 is characterized by TDS that ranged from
excessive fertilizer as a result of extensive irrigation 183.4 to 633.92 mg/l, high bicarbonate, sulfate, and
and anthropogenic activity at Luxor area. low chloride concentration with Na-Ca-Mg-HCO3
water type. The relatively low concentration of TDS is
indicative of short residence time. All water samples
of this group are characterized by surface water type.
Sub-group 2-1 is characterized by TDS values from of

Figure (7): Water-type classification of water samples at the Luxor

Figure (6): Box plots of major ion concentrations in the studied area.
water samples at the Luxor area. A, Cation; B, anion. 4445.93 to 5374.45 mg/l, high chloride, sulfate, and
Cluster analysis bicarbonate concentrations with Na-Cl-SO4 water
The classification was achieved by (HCA) based on type. The high concentration of TDS is indicative of
long residence time, and high concentrations of sulfate
similarity and euclidian geometric distance among
and chloride are indicative of pollution. Most water
observations using Ward’s method as the linkage rule.
A total number of 19 water quality parameters are samples of this group are specific for groundwater
clustering as follows: [TDS, EC, pH, T°C, Na+, Ca2+, samples. Sub-Sub Sub-groups 2-2-1 is characterized
Mg2+, k+, CO32-, HCO3-, SO42-, Cl-, PO4-, NH4+, NO3-, by TDS values from 1875.05 to 2857.88 mg/l, high
Fe, Mn, and Pb]. The results as a dendrogram (Figure chloride, sulfate, and bicarbonate concentrations with
Na-Ca-Cl-SO4 water type. A high concentration of
8) depend on visual exam-ination where there are two
TDS is indic-ative of long residence time, and very
clusters group for physicochemical parameters.
Cluster 1 included EC and TDS, while cluster 2 was high concentrations of sulfate and chloride are
separated into two subgroups which were divided into indicative of pollution. Most of the water samples of
other subgroups. SG1 (3 Parameters are included; Na+, this group are characterized by groundwater samples.
SO42-, Cl-), SG2 was divided into [ a- SSG2-1 (12 Sub-Sub groups 2-2-2 are characterized by TDS
values from 3940 to 6112 mg/l, very high chloride,
parameters are included; WD,T °C, pH, k+, CO32-,
sulfate, and low bicarbonate concentration with Na-
Ca2+, PO4-, NH4+, NO3-, Fe, Mn and Pb), b- SSG2-2 (2
parameters; HCO3-and Mg2+)]. SG2 may be explained Ca-Cl-SO4-HCO3 water type. The high concentration
by combining mixed sources while the other of TDS is indicative of long residence time with
elucidation dissolution of these minerals was contact with soluble minerals such as limestone, marl,
conducted under slightly basic to basic conditions. silts, evaporates deposits, and clay. Very high concen-
trations of sulfate and chloride are indicative of high
SG1, including Na, SO4, and Cl-, since Na especially
results from cations exchange while SO4 and Cl have pollution from extensive use of fertilizer with
resulted from leaching of fertilizers from the soil anthropogenic activity. Most of the water samples of
horizon to the aquifer and it reflected the influence of this group are characterized by shallow samples.
domestic and agricultural pollution. Other HCA, Geo-statistical analysis
which rendered 79 sampling sites into two statistically The prediction maps for hydrochemical parameters
significant clusters at the sites, categorized into are created by changing parameters of the Kriging
individual clusters that behave similarly and/or have a method to estimate the spatial variation of

El-Sonbati1et al.

extensive use of fertilizer or mixed with human

pollution from sewage systems.
Prediction maps of TDS and EC indicated that
deepwater has high salt content over-irrigation area.
Prediction maps at Esna indicated a high concentration
of TDS and EC with salt content (Na +, Cl- and SO42-)
which is in agreement with the aquifer formation of
Esna which comprises highly permeable sand and
gravel with variable thickness and a semi-confining
layer consisting of clay and silt. Recharge components
include the deep percolation of irrigation surplus and
seepage losses from irrigation canals. Prediction maps
indicate a high concentration of Na+, Cl- and SO42- at
new reclamation land that showed an external source
of these chemical constituents which may be using
Figure (8): Dendrogram for cluster analysis of water parameters. chemical fertilizers.
Water sample tests found a high percent of HCO3-
and CO32- concentrations spatially in Luxor and Esna.
This is owing to the presence of urban settlements,
various services in tourist locations, and floating
hotels on the western bank of Luxor and Esna. These
factors contribute to increased photosynthetic absor-
ption of dissolved inorganic carbon by plankton.
Heavy metals
Heavy metals exist throughout the earth’s crust as
naturally occurring elements. Anthropogenic activities

Figure (9): Dendrogram for cluster analysis of classified water


hydrochemical parameters with achieving the principle Figure (10): Prediction maps of WD and pH of water bodies at
that the mean errors and root-mean-square errors are Luxor area.
close to 0 and 1, or lower values as possible. The
prediction kriging maps for distributing pH, water deep
(WD), major cations, and anions of water bodies at the
Luxor area are shown in (Figures 10, 11, 12, and 13).
The geostatistical prediction results indicated the
hydrochemical parameters are generally increasing in
concentration from east to west, where groundwater
and shallow water have high salts content (Ayman et
al., 2013; Masoud et al., 2010; Salman et al., 2019). A
deep prediction map indicates the level of groundwater
increased systemically from the east to west and the
deep increase as far from the quaternary aquifer. This
result matched with that obtained for the topography
and geology of the study area (Figures 2 and 3). The
distribution of pH values indicates no standard interp-
retation for a geological process that means a primary Figure (11): Prediction maps of (EC) and TDS of water bodies
indication of pollution sources. This may be due to in the Luxor area.

Hydrogeochemical Facies Investigation Resources at West Luxor Area of

Pleistocene-Holocene rocks). These results were

similar to those reported (El Tahlawi et al., 2016; El-
Aassar et al., 2016; Asmoay, 2017; Salman et al.,
2017; Salman et al., 2019) who concluded that the
pollution of water forms at the study area with these
metals could be related to the widespread tender of P-
fertilizers, which contain extensive concentrations of
Cd and Pb. Mn and Co are present in the ferroma-
gnesian minerals in the sediments of the west Luxor.
As shown in Table (1), the recorded concentrations
of nutrients (NH4+, NO3-, PO43-) were within the
permissible level (EMH, 2007). The prediction kriging
maps for nutrients of water bodies at the study area
were displayed (Figure 14).

Figure (12): Prediction maps of major cations of water bodies in

the Luxor area.

Figure (14): Prediction maps of nutrients for the collected water

samples in the Luxor area.


It can be concluded that according to the Piper

diagram, dominant hydrogeochemical facies of water
bodies showed that the Na-Cl type covers large parts
of the eastern and central sides of the Luxor area and
changed to the Na-Cl-HCO3 and Na-Cl-SO4 types in
the shallow water. Surface water has a mixed type of
Na-Ca-Mg-HCO3. The Gibbs plot indicated that the
hydrochemistry of water in the Luxor area was mainly
Figure (13): Prediction maps of major anions of water bodies in the controlled by the weathering of minerals and
Luxor area. evaporation. The excessive sodium concentration may
such as industrial production, mining and smelting be due to the mixed mechanism of weathering of
operations, domestic and agricultural use of metals, silicate rocks, and evaporation which leads to CaCO3
and metal-containing compounds result in most precipitate caused by the combination of Ca 2+and
environmental contamination and human exposure HCO3− in addition to ion exchange between calcium
(Bradl, 2004). As clear from Table (5) it was found and sodium of clay minerals. High concentrations of
that most of the examined water samples have high SO42- and Cl- may be due to huge quantities of
levels of ( Fe, Mn, Cd, Ni, Co, and As ) in some irrigation water contaminated with fertilizer which
locations according to Egyptian Standard Limits Law lead to an increase in groundwater levels, hence
No. 458 (EMH, 2007), indicating contamination of increasing evaporation and inducing salinization.
water with industrial, mining, domestic and agriculture Based on the hierarchical cluster analysis, water
fertilizers, accredited to anthropogenic activities samples were classified into two major groups (G1
(tourist activities in Luxor and Esna, factories, sugar and G2) and three subgroups (SG1-2, SSG2-2-1, and
factory of Arment city), as well as natural processes SSG2-2-2). Based on Piper classification, it was obser
(such as changes in precipitation inputs, erosion, ved that these subgroups of water samples of Luxor
weathering of Paleocene-Eocene, Pliocene, and fall in Na-Cl, Na-SO4, mixed type with Na-HCO3 and

El-Sonbati1et al.

Table (5): Concentration of heavy metals of the studied water samples of Luxor.

Measured values
Minimum Maximum Average
Parameters ESL (2007)
Fe (mg/l) 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.91 0.81 0.85 0.24 0.3 0.34 0.3
Mn (mg/l) 0.1 0.26 0.12 0.86 0.78 1.20 0.33 0.48 0.53 0.4
Pb (mg/l) 0.06 0.12 0.01 0.47 0.56 0.24 0.30 0.30 0.05 0.01
Cd (mg/l) 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.03 0.03 0.10 0.016 0.01 0.04 0.003
Cu (mg/l) 0.1 0.1 0.13 0.25 0.27 0.13 0.18 0.14 0.13 2.00
Co (mg/l) 0.02 0.05 0.07 0.32 0.32 0.16 0.15 0.16 0.11 0.04
Ni (mg/l) 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.33 0.26 0.16 0.17 0.12 0.05 0.02
As (mg/l) 0.9 1.10 0.02 4.21 3.20 0.51 2.25 1.75 0.15 0.01

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‫‪Hydrogeochemical Facies Investigation Resources at West Luxor Area of‬‬

‫التحقيق الهيدروجيوكيميائي لموارد المياه السطحية والجوفية في منطقة غرب األقصر‪ ،‬مصر بإ ستخدام التقنيات‬
‫المكانية واإلحصائية‬
‫مرفت السنباطى‪ ،1‬مى الجمال‪ ،1‬احمد الزينى‪ ،2‬محمد جبريل‬

‫‪ 1‬قسم العلوم البيئية‪ ،‬كلية العلوم‪ ،‬جامعة دمياط‪ ،‬دمياط‪ ،‬مصر‬

‫‪ 2‬قسم الدراسات البيئية ‪،‬الهيئة القومية لألستشعارمن بعد وعلوم الفضاء‪،‬القاهرة‪ ،‬مصر‬
‫‪ 3‬قسم الدراسات الجيوكيميائية ‪،‬المعامل المركزية‪ ،‬الهيئة المصرية العامة للثروة المعدنية‪ ،‬الجيزة‪ ،‬مصر‬

‫الملخص العربــي‬

‫أدى زي ادة اإلستخدام لمصادرالمياة ومماراسات إداراة األراضى فى منطقة غرب األقصر الى تدهور نوعية المياة وامكانياتها‪ .‬لذلك هدفت الدراسة‬
‫الحالية الى مراقبة العمليات الهيدروجيوكيميائية للمواراد المائية بمنطقة غرب األقصر‪ -‬مصر‪ .‬تم جمع ‪ 79‬عينة من مختلف مصادر المياة بمنطقة الدراسة‬
‫والمتمثلة فى المياة السطحية والضحلة والجوفية فى الفترة اغسطس ‪2021‬م ‪.‬تم استخدام ثالث طرق تحليلية احصائية فى هذة الدراسة تتمثل فى التحليل‬
‫الهيدروجيوكيميائى اإلحصائى الكالسيكى والتحليل اإلحصائى العنقودى والتحليل اإلحصائى المكانى‪ .‬تم رسم خرائط خصائص المياة بأستخدام طريقة‬
‫كريجنج كأداة جيواحصائية من ادوات برنامج ارك ماب ‪ .10.4.1‬وأظهرت النتائج المختبرية التكامل بين مخطط بايبر والتحليل الهيدروجيوكيميائى العنقودى‬
‫وخرائط التنبؤ الجيواحصائى‪ .‬كما اظهرت النتائج هيمنة شوارد الكاتيونات بالترتيب اآلتى )‪ ) Na+> Ca2+ > Mg2+ > K+‬وهيمنة شوارد األنيونات بالترتيب‬
‫اآلتى (‪ .)Cl->SO42->HCO3->CO32-‬تبين من النتائج ان سحنات المياة الشائعة من النوع (‪ )Na-Cl‬واألنواع المختلطة (‪Na-Cl-HCO3), (Na-Cl-‬‬
‫‪ .(Na-Ca-Mg-HCO3) SO4),‬أظهرت نتائج التكامل بين خرائط التنبؤ والتحليل اإلحصائى الهيدروجيوكيميائى الى ان عينات المياة الضحلة والجوفية‬
‫أعلى من الحدود القياسية المصرية المسموح بها لجودة المياة لعام ‪ 2007‬م لمحتوى األمالح والمعادن الثقيلة )‪ )Fe, Mn, Co, Ni, Cd, Pb, As‬فى حين ان‬
‫المياة السطحية سجلت قيم مرتفعة من الرقم الهيدروجينى ونسب ال (‪ )HCO3-, CO32-‬مما يشير الى وجود مصادر لتلوث المياة ‪ .‬وهكذا‪ ،‬خلصت هذه‬
‫الدراسة إلى أن التكامل بين التحليل اإلحصائي الكالسيكى و التحليل اإلحصائي الهيدروجيوكيميائي العنقودى والتحليل اإلحصائى المكانى قد أعطى تحقيقا‬
‫جيدا لكل من عمليات المياه الطبيعية وكذلك نوعية المياه في منطقة غرب األقصر‪.‬‬


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