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Yar. Doç. Dr. F. Neslihan Ekmekçioğlu


Yüksek Lisans 1977 İngiliz Dil Bilimi ( Hacettepe Üniversitesi)

Tez Başlığı: “Bilingualism”
Master (M. A )1986 İngiliz Dili ve Edebiyatı Bölümü ( Hacettepe Üniversitesi )
Tez Başlığı: “The Concept of Time in James Joyce’s Major Works”
Tez Danışmanı: Doç. Dr. Nurdan Sümer
Doktora ( Ph. D. ) 1993 İngiliz Dili ve Edebiyatı Bölümü ( Hacettepe Üniversitesi )
Tez Başlığı: “The Theme of Ambition and the Implied Counterpoints as Revealed by Some of
Shakespeare’s Characters”
Tez Danışmanı: Prof. Dr. Engin Uzmen

Sanat Uygulatıcısı Devlet Konservatuvarı TİYATRO Hacettepe Üniversitesi 1980- 2013
Yardımcı Doçent İngiliz Dili ve Edebiyatı Bölümü Çankaya Üniversitesi 2014 –

YABANCI DİL: İngilizce, Fransızca, İtalyanca


Proceedings olarak basılan Bildiriler:

1. “The Dilemma of Odysseus between Calypso and Penelope as a Recurring Theme in Fowles’ s
Work” Proceedings of the Eighth METU British Novelists Seminar, 7- 8 December 2000. Ed. Dr.
Dürrin Alpakın Martinez Caro. Ankara: METU, 2003: 27- 34.

2. “Symbolic Reflections of Light and Darkness in D.H. Lawrence’s The Rainbow and Women in
Love” Proceedings of the Eleventh METU British Novelists Seminar, 18-19 December 2003. Ed. Dr.
Nurten Birlik. Ankara: METU, 2003: 87- 93.

3. “A ‘Seeming’ Reconciliation: Silence” Proceedings of ‘Reconciliation in English Literature’, The

24th All-Turkey English Literature Conference, 15-16-17 October, 2003. Van: Yüzüncüyıl University.
Ed. Dr. Hasan Boynukara. Van: Yüzüncüyıl University, 2003: 25- 36.

4.“Being Nothing: The Dual Aspect of the King’s Existence Leading to Existentialist Approaches in
Three Different Productions of Richard II” Selected Papers from the (Re)reading Shakespeare in Text
and Performance Conference, 12-14 May 2004, Oya Başak Conference, Boğaziçi University, İstanbul.
Ed. Aslı Tekinay. İstanbul: Boğaziçi UP, 2005: 338- 346.

5. “ Shakespeare’s Creative Disfigurement of Death” Proceedings of the Third International IDEA

Conference,16- 18 April 2008, İzmir, Ege University. Ed. Rezzan Silku, Aylin Atilla, İdil Aydoğan
Biçer. İzmir: Ege UP, 2009: 85- 93.

6. “The Nostalgic Search for the Past: The Desperate Journey to the Dark Realm of the Unconscious in
Murdoch’s The Sea, The Sea” Proceedings of the Sixteenth METU British Novelists Conference, 15-
16 December 2008. Ed. Mustafa Kırca and Şule Okuroğlu. Ankara: METU, 2009: 93- 102.

7. “The Jungian Idea of Shadow as Subversive in the Dynamic Interdependence of King and Clown in
the Shakespearean Canon” Proceedings from the 6th International IDEA Conference, 13- 15 April
2011. Ed. Patrick Hart. İstanbul Kültür University, 2012: 125- 135.
8. “The Mirrors Refracting Images and Doubles in Charlotte Bronte’s Villette” Proceedings from
theMETU British Novelists Conference: The Bronte Sisters and Their Work, 12- 13 Aralık 2013. Eds.
Nil Korkut- Naykı, Şafak Altunsoy, Merve Aydoğdu,Ankara, METU, 2015: 97- 102.

Hakemli Dergilerde Yayınlanan Makaleler:

1. “ Zaman Bilinci, Bellek ve Beklentinin Soyut Üçgeni: Samuel Beckett” 3P Dergisi: Psikiyatri,
Psikoloji, Psikofarmakoloji Dergisi, ‘İnsan Yaşamı ve Godot Beklentisi Özel Sayısı. Cilt:5 Sayı:2,
Haziran, 1997: 25- 27.

2. “The Fragmented Self as Reflected within the Dark Shadows of Consciousness and its Break with
the Sense of Reality and Time in Beckett’s Short Dramatic Works” Journal of British Literature and
Culture. No: 13, 2006: 33- 54.

3. “Roles Disguising the Ontological Being in Rule: Theatricality in Role and Rule” Journal of British
Literature and Culture. No: 14, 2007: 7- 30.

4. “The Self-Fashioning Mirror of the Dandy in Wilde’s The Picture of Dorian Gray” Special Issue:
‘Le Dandysme et ses Représentations’ THYRSE N: 5,
Université de Nice- Sophia Antipolis, La Collection du CTEL, Paris: L’Harmattan, 2014: 75- 84.

5. “Maternal Matrix in Jamaica Kincaid’s Works”. Journal of British Literature and Culture. No:
17, 2010: 51- 62.

6. “The Influence of Music on Samuel Beckett’s Art” .One Day, Samuel Beckett (ed. by Prof. Dr.
Burçin Erol) Irish Writers Series: 3: 2014: 55- 70.

7. “The Use of Musical Imagery and the Dramatic Function of Music and Songs in Shakespeare”.
Shakespeare 450 ( ed. by Prof. Dr. A. Deniz Bozer) 2014: 77- 93.

8. “The Subverted Nature of Oscar Wilde’s Fairy Tales”. One Day, Oscar Wilde (ed. by Prof. Dr.
Burçin Erol) Irish Writers Series 4: 2016: 95- 109.

9. “The Haunting Spectres within Consciousness: Melancholia, Memory and Mnemonic Entrapment
in Shakespeare and Joyce” Joyce Studies in Italy 18: Shakespearean Joyce / Joycean Shakespeare
( Ed. by John McCourt) 2016: 153- 162.

E-Dergi Olarak Yayınlanan Makaleler:

1. “ The Apollonian-Dionysian Conflict in Peter Shaffer’s The Gift of the Gorgon” Hacettepe e-dergi,
2002. Ed. Dr. Ender Ateşman.

2.“Sylvia Plath’s Mirrors Reflecting Various Guises of Self” Plath Profiles Summer 2008, Vol I.
Indiana University E-Journal.Ed. W.K.Buckley.

3. “The Unfolding of Truth and Self- Representation within the Cracked Mirror in Shakespeare’s
Richard II” VERSITA. Gender Studies DOI: 10.2478/genst- 2013- 003. 32- 51.

4. “The Uncontrollable Mnemonic Fragments within Consciousness Reflecting Ophelia’s and Lady
Macbeth’s Disturbed Minds” De Gruyter. VERSITA Gender Studies. DOI: 10.1515/ genst- 2016-
0003. 33- 47.
Uluslararası Konferanslarda ve Sempozyumlarda Sunulan Bildiriler:

1.METU British Novelists Seminar: John Fowles and His Work, Metu University, Ankara, 7- 8
Aralık 2000 .‘The Dilemma of Odysseus Between Calypso and Penelope As a Recurring Theme in
Fowles’ The French Lieutenant’s Woman and The Ebony Tower’

2- 7th Shakespeare World Congress İspanya, Valencia University, 18- 23 Nisan 2001.
‘The Theme of ‘Seeming’ and ‘Being’ Employed as a Machiavellian Device to Maintain Power in

3- 24th All-Turkey English Literature Conference Türkiye, Van, Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi, 15- 17
Ekim 2003. ‘A ‘Seeming’ Reconciliation : Silence’ Shakespeare’s Measure for Measure’

4- METU British Novelists Seminar: D.H.Lawrence and His Work, Metu University, Ankara, 18-
19 Aralık 2003.‘Symbolic Reflections of Light and Darkness in D.H.Lawrence’s The Rainbow and
Women in Love’

5-The Shakespeare Conference ( Oya Başak Conference ) Türkiye, İstanbul, Boğaziçi Üniversitesi
12- 14 Mayıs 2004.‘Being Nothing’ : The Dual Aspect of The King’s Existence Leading to
Existentialist Approaches in Three Different Productions of Richard II’

6- Ist IDEA Conference Türkiye, İstanbul, Boğaziçi Üniversitesi, 24- 26 Nisan 2006.
‘The Fragmented Vision of Self Emerging from the Shadows of Time in Beckett’

7- 2nd IDEA Conference Türkiye, Ankara, Hacettepe Üniversitesi, 17- 19 Nisan 2007.
‘The Connection Between the ‘I’ of Identity and the ‘Eye’ of Vision in Shaffer’s Drama’

8- Sylvia Plath 75th Year Symposium İngiltere, Oxford Üniversitesi, 25- 29 Ekim 2007.
‘ Sylvia Plath’s Mirrors Reflecting Various Guises of Self’

9- 3rd IDEA Conference Türkiye, İzmir, Ege Üniversitesi, 16- 18 Nisan 2008.
‘ Shakespeare’s Creative Disfigurement of Death’

10- Ruskin,Venice and 19th Century Cultural Travel Conference İtalya, Venedik, organized by
Venice International University, The Ruskin Center, Lancaster University and Universita Ca’ Foscari
Venezia, 25- 27 Eylül 2008.
‘The Magical Play of Sunlight in Venice: An Enchanting Source for Ruskin and Turner’

11- 33rd ASAT Conference Türkiye, İstanbul, Boğaziçi Üniversitesi, 8- 10 Ekim 2008.
‘The Nostalgia Concerning the Maternal Matrix in Jamaica Kincaid’s Narrative as a Problem for
Cultural and Psychic Adaptation’

12- METU British Novelists Seminar: Iris Murdoch and Her Work, Metu University, Ankara, 15-
16 Aralık 2008. ‘The Nostalgic Search for the Past: The Desperate Journey to the Dark Realm of
the Unconscious in Murdoch’s The Sea, The Sea’

13- Role and Rule: History and Power on Stage Conference İngiltere, Londra, Globe Theatre , 6- 8
Şubat 2009. ‘ Theatricality in Role and Rule: Roles Disguising the Ontological Being in Rule’

14- Style in Theory/Styling Theory’ Conference Malta, Valetta, Malta University, 26- 28 Kasım
2009 ‘Language as Reflector of the Mindscape: Style as Revelator of the Uniqueness of the Psyche’

15- 5th IDEA Conference Türkiye, Ankara, Atılım Üniversitesi, 14- 16 Nisan 2010.
‘Memory as Psychic Landscape in Joyce’ Ulysses or Ulysses as an Odyssey of Memory’
16-Gilles Deleuze-Guattari Konferansı Türkiye, İstanbul, Bilgi Üniversitesi, 8- 10 Temmuz 2010.
‘Resonances: Messiaen’s Transposition of Nature’s Cosmic Music to Human Scale’

17- ASAT Konferansı, Türkiye, Alanya, 3- 5 Kasım 2010. ‘Blues and Jazz as a Rhythmic Language
of Freedom and Cultural Expression in Langston Hughes’ Jazz Poetry’

18- METU British Novelists’ Seminar: Jane Austen and Her Work, Türkiye, Ankara, METU, 16-
17 Aralık 2010. ‘A Room of One’s Own’: Fanny Price’s Integrity and Development of Mindscape in
Mansfield Park’.

19- Société Française Shakespeare Konferansı, Shakespeare and the Arts of the Table Conference
Fransa, Paris, SFS, 17- 19 Mart 2011.
‘Banquet Scenes in Shakespeare’s Macbeth as a Space of Transgression and Torture’

20- IDEA Konferansı Türkiye, İstanbul, İstanbul Kültür Üniversitesi, 13- 15 Nisan 2011.
‘The Jungian Idea of Shadow as Subversive in the Dynamic Interdependence of King and Clown
in the Shakespearean Canon’

21- 9. World Shakespeare Kongresi, Çek Cumhuriyeti Prague, Shakespeare and the Visual Arts
Seminar Group, 17- 22 Temmuz 2011.‘Ekphrasis in Eros and Thanatos: Pictorial Representation of
Death and Female Erotic Power in Shakespeare’s Plays’.

22- Akşit Göktürk Konferansı Türkiye, İstanbul, İstanbul Üniversitesi, 28- 29 Kasım 2011.
‘Mythopoeia of the Old Aztec and Maya in D. H. Lawrence’s The Plumed Serpent

23- Shakespeare’in Fırtına Oyununun 400.Yılı Konferansı ‘Dashed all to Pieces : Tempests and
Other Natural Disasters in the Literary Imagination’ Portekiz, Porto, Porto Üniversitesi, - 1- 3
Aralık 2011. ‘Tempests and Shipwrecks Reflecting Transgression and Transformations in their
Spatial Ambiguity in Shakespeare’s World’

24- ESSE Conference Türkiye, İstanbul, Boğaziçi Üniversitesi, 4- 8 Eylül 2012.

‘Spectral Traces and Mnemonic Trauma in James Joyce’s Ulysses’

25- Mask İstanbul Türkiye, İstanbul, İstanbul Üniversitesi, Haldun Taner Tiyatro Araştırmaları
Merkezi, 21- 23 Kasım 2012.‘The Dramatic Function of the Mask and Disguise Theme in the
Tradition of Commedia dell’Arte’

26- Dandyism and its Representations Fransa, Nice, Université de Nice Sophia Antipolis, 6- 7
Aralık 2012.‘ The Self-Fashioning Mirror of the Dandy in Wilde’s The Picture of Dorian Gray’

27- ‘The Viewing of Politics and the Politics of Viewing: Theatre Challenges in the Age of
Globalized Communities Conference’ Yunanistan, Selanik. Aristotle University, 18- 20 Nisan 2013.
‘Memory Theatre and Postmodern Aesthetics on the Contemporary Stage: Heiner Müller’s

28- The Third Shakespeare Conference: Shakespeare’s Cracked Mirrors: Broken Female Bodies
and Savage Male Minds Londra, İngiltere. The Romanian Cultural Institute . - 6- 7 Haziran 2013.‘
The Unfolding of Truth and Self-Representation within the Cracked Mirror in Shakespeare’s
Richard II’.

29- ESRA Conference: SHAKESPEARE AND MYTH Montpellier, Fransa, Université de

Montpellier 3: Paul Valéry, 25- 29 Haziran 2013.SEMINAR GROUP 11: Shakespeare and The
Feminine. ‘Cleopatra as the Goddess of Love, Venus: The Most Ambiguous Image of Femininity
in Shakespeare’s Antony and Cleopatra’.
30- Beckett Conference, Ankara, Türkiye, Hacettepe Üniversitesi, 29 Kasım 2013.
‘The Influence of Music upon Samuel Beckett’s Art’

31-METU British Novelists Conference : Bronte Sisters and Their Work Ankara, Türkiye, METU
Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi., 12- 13 Aralık 2013.
‘The Mirrors Refracting Images and Doubles in Charlotte Bronte’s Villette’.

32- James Joyce Conference. Roma, İtalya. Universita di Tre Roma, 6- 7 Şubat 2014.
‘The Reshaping Power of Memory and Imagination: Surrealistic Images within Consciousness as
Seen in Joyce’s Ulysses’.

33-SHAKESPEARE 450 Conference, Paris, Fransa, 21- 27 Nisan 2014.

PANEL 10: Shakespeare and Natural History. ‘The Tempest in Prospero’s Mind and in the Outer
Space Reflecting the Creative Imagination of the Artist and the Natural History of the Time’
SEMINAR 5: Shakespeare and Visual Arts ‘Ekphrasis in Shakespeare’s Two Scenes of Drowning:
Ophelia and Clarence’s Dream’

34-Shakesyear Conference, Hacettepe Üniversitesi, 21- 27 Nisan 2014. ‘The Use of Musical
Imagery and the Dramatic Function of Music and Songs in Shakespeare’

35. One Day, Oscar Wilde Conference, Hacettepe Üniversitesi, 29 Kasım 2014. ‘The Subverted
Nature of Oscar Wilde’s Fairy Tales’

36. James Joyce Conference, Roma, İtalya, Universita di Tre Roma, 2-3 Şubat 2015 ‘The Esoteric
and Mythical Symbolism in Yeats and Joyce’

37. METU British Novelists Conference, Zadie Smith and Her Work, 26- 27 Mart 2015 The ‘
Fusion of Verbal, Musical and Visual Artistic Domains: Rembrandt’s Paintings and Mozart’s
Music Evoking Self- Reflection in Zadie Smith’s ‘On Beauty’

38. International F. Scott Fitzgerald Conference, Ankara, Türkiye, Başkent Üniversitesi, 7- 8 Mayıs
2015. ‘Symbolic Patterns, Disintegration of Identity, Sense of Alienation and Melancholy in F.
Scott Fitzgerald’s Tender is the Night’

39. ESRA Conference, Worcester, İngiltere, Worcester University, 29 Haziran- 2 Temmuz 2015.
SEMINAR 6: European Women in Early Modern Drama. ‘Subversion in Gender Roles,
Transgression in Power and Ambiguous Motherhood as Seen in Margaret of Anjou in HenryVI
and Richard III’
SEMINAR 7: ‘Now gods, Stand up for Bastards’: Illegitimacy in Shakespeare. ‘Edmund, the Child
of Nature: Villain or Victim or the Vengeance of the Goddess of Nature upon Transgressive

40. THE FIFTH SHAKESPEARE CONFERENCE: Shakespeare: Memory and Commemoration.

Londra, İngiltere, Romanian Cultural Institute, 6- 7 Kasım 2015. ‘The Uncontrollable Mnemonic
Fragments within Consciousness Reflecting Ophelia’s and Lady Macbeth’s Disturbed Minds’


Joycean Shakespeare, Roma, İtalya, Universita di Roma Tre, 2- 3 Şubat 2016. ‘The Haunting
Spectres within Consciousness: Melancholia, Memory and Mnemonic Entrapmant in Shakespeare
and Joyce’

42. IDEA CONFERENCE, İstanbul, Türkiye, Boğaziçi Üniversitesi, 14- 16 Nisan 2016. ‘The Role of
the Shadow and Anima upon the Psyche in Hamlet’
43. THE 27th SEDERI CONFERENCE: Cervantes+ Shakespeare 1616- 2016, Valladolid, İspanya,
Universitad Valladolid,3- 7 Mayıs 2016.
‘Delusions of Grandeur, Madness and Intertexuality between Erasmus’s The Praise of Follie,
Shakespaere’s Hamlet and Twelfth Night and Cervantes’s Don Quixote within the Context of

44. 2016 WORLD SHAKESPEARE CONGRESS, Stratford- upon- Avon ve Londra, İngiltere, The
Shakespeare Institute, The King’s College, 31 Temmuz- 6 Ağustos 2016.
SEMINAR “Cosmological Bodies”. ‘Music, Magic and Medicine in Pericles’

45. Shakespeare Lives in 2016, İzmir, Türkiye, Yaşar Üniversitesi, 4 Ekim 2016. ‘Madly Tossed
between Desire and Dread’: Erotic Desire and Destructive Passion in Shakespeare’s ‘The Rape of

46. The Xth James Joyce Italian Foundation Conference, Roma, İtalya, Universita di Tre Roma,
Dipartimento Lingue Letterature e Culture Straniere, 2-3 Şubat 2017.
‘Contrasting Representations of Intersubjective Self- Perception and Gaze in Joyce’s Ulysses’

47. Shakespeare and the Jews Conference , Londra, İngiltere, University of College London, 28- 30
Mart 2017.
“Shakespeare and Aemilia Bassano Lanier: A New Perspective upon the Women in the Old
Testament and the Passion of Christ Reflected in her Poem ‘Salve Deus Rex Judaeorum’”


İzmir, Türkiye, Ege University, 10- 12 Mayıs 2017.
‘The Trauma of Existence in Beckett’s Drama’


ISA International Shakespeare Association; SFS Société Française Shakespeare; ESRA European
Shakespeare Research Association; BSA British Shakespeare Association

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