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Polyantha V2 Marking System

The rst four roses on the bottom left tell you exactly which card it is.
You only need to look at the leaves on the rose stems.

The very rst four leaves on the rst rose stem tell you the exact suit
and the other twelve leaves on the next three stems tell you the number.

You can see that the second leaf on the very rst rose stem is a bit bigger
than the remaining three.

This tells you that you're looking at a Hearts card (rst red arrow).

The order is as follows from left to right:

if the top left leaf is bigger: Spades

if the top right leaf is bigger: Hearts (rst red arrow)
if the bottom left leaf is bigger: Clubs
if the bottom right leaf is bigger: Diamonds

Spades, Hearts, Clubs, Diamonds - that is the only order you need to
memorize to read the back design.

The remaining twelve leaves are the numbers from Ace (1) to Queen (12).
If it's a King (13) then all leaves are small. You can see that the twelfth leaf
is bigger then the rest - so you know, it's the Queen.

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