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Career Development International

Personal development plans: unlocking the future

David Taylor, David Edge,
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David Taylor, David Edge, (1997) "Personal development plans: unlocking the future", Career Development International,
Vol. 2 Issue: 1, pp.21-23,
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Personal development plans: unlocking the future

David Taylor
Employee Development Manager, Anglian Water, Cambridge, UK
David Edge
Works Manager, Anglian Water, Cambridge, UK

Reports on a change process Conventional thinking suggests that secure consistent basis the release of potential
at Anglian Water using per- people perform and insecure people do not. locked in the organization.
sonal development plans However, it is in the nature of business today It can be argued that the dogged determina-
(PDPs). The plan encourages that people perceive themselves as less secure tion of motivated individuals to better them-
staff to think of their whole (and with some justification). We believe that selves is a vital ingredient in the development
life and their hopes, ambi- the personal development plan (PDP) can process and therefore why should the organi-
tions and expectations.
help by moving ownership of a career from zation become involved? The justification for
Explains the PDP process.
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the company to the individual, en route trans- encouraging all employees to think about
Dimensions of the PDP
include job skills, the wider forming insecurity into opportunity or at personal development is the belief that it is
business, the home and least flexibility. possible to widen the pool of talent available
personal life and the wider There is nothing like living through a by enabling people to think in different ways
community. major reorganization that has involved the of what they have to offer. It is in this way that
loss of 900 jobs to bring into sharp focus the the personal development process can help
paradoxes inherent in the relationships link individual and corporate interests.
between individuals and organizations. On We now recognize that the skills and experi-
the one hand there is the employee with his ence many employees acquired beyond the
or her aspirations and potential and on the organization have equipped them with skills
other there is the company with its vision, that are valuable within the organization. For
objectives and finite resources. The challenge example, during the 1994 business re-engi-
we face is to identify the framework within neering, it was recognized that the loss of 900
which the paradoxes can be worked through jobs would be highly traumatic for almost all
and the common ground identified. the workforce. Therefore the business
Over the past three years Anglian Water embarked on a programme of counselling
has been engaged in the task of transforming training to enable managers to help employ-
itself from an effective but bureaucratic com- ees or to recognize when extra help was
mand and control organization with a local needed. This process uncovered a large num-
government background to a business that is ber of people who were practised counsellors
more efficient, customer-focused and less and who now make up a network at the heart
risk-averse. Less risk-averse in this context of the counselling provision within the busi-
does not mean jeopardizing public health – it ness.
means being prepared to seize the business
opportunities that arise in our rapidly chang-
ing world. The personal development plan
The authors of this article have both been
involved in this transformation process and The PDP is a process through which the indi-
have lived with these dilemmas. In recent vidual prepares a training and development
months we have come together to work on a plan, and for which the individual takes
vital element of the development framework – responsibility. The development model used
the personal development plan. It is becom- to widen people’s thinking beyond mere job
ing clear that the personal development plan skills is set out in Figure 1.
provides a useful starting point for establish- Section 1 of this model is structured and is
ing a dialogue between individuals and the related to the qualifications, skills and experi-
organization. ence necessary for any particular role within
It is important not to dismiss past achieve- the organization. While the modern career
ments and it is essential to draw from the path is much flatter and more likely to have
lessons of the past. There are numerous large horizontal components there will
examples within the organization of people always be a need to define the capabilities
Career Development
International whose progression has been aided by the required for a role in terms of academic
2/1 [1997] 21–23 organization or enlightened individuals achievement. This is, however, a limited view
MCB University Press within the organization. What has been seen of the contribution that an individual can
[ISSN 1362-0436]
to be lacking is a process that facilitates on a make.
[ 21 ]
David Taylor and David Edge Figure 1
Personal development plans: The personal development model
unlocking the future
Career Development 1. Job skills
International Manager
2/1 [1997] 21–23 2. Wider business
Clerk Director competences
Craftsman Company goals
Scientist/engineer Mentor
Conceptual thinking
Technician Networker
Developing others
Operator Expert Innovation
Counsellor Champion
Customer service
Team leader Flexibility
Guide Coach Initiative
Union rep. Change
agent Team working
Trainer Interpersonal
Facilitator understanding
Safety rep.
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Traveller Gardener
Musician Jobbing builder

3. Personal objectives/family

Club organizer Sports coach

Counsellor Representative

4. Wider community contribution

Section 2 recognizes the wider competences job roles and associated skills and compe-
that are valuable to the organization and tences within the work group. Following
exhibit themselves in a range of off-the-job that exercise, work groups are gathered
roles and responsibilities. The nine compe- together for a half-day session during which
tences on the right of the block are those they are introduced to the plan and the
identified by Anglian Water as being key for process.
the business of the future. This is followed, after two or three weeks,
Sections 3 and 4 are included in recognition by a session with their manager, during
that the roles played in the family and wider which the manager’s expectations, and the
community enable people to exhibit compe- individual’s aspirations are discussed and set
tences and abilities that can resonate within into a realistic organizational context. After
the organization. about a month the individual has the oppor-
Thus in developing their PDP, individuals tunity to discuss development of wider busi-
are encouraged to think of their whole life ness competences with an in-house training
and their hopes, ambitions and expectations. facilitator and talk to an external careers
In that broader context they put together, and guidance counsellor with whom career
own, a plan which will sustain them either opportunities and learning opportunities can
within or beyond the organization. be explored. A draft plan is then prepared
which is discussed with the facilitator, man-
ager and with the budget-holding team and
The process the means of delivery determined.
The plan is developed through a series of The preparation of a plan with clear and
stages. The first being the identification of the measurable objectives is then only the start of

[ 22 ]
David Taylor and David Edge Figure 2
Personal development plans: The personal development plan process
unlocking the future
Career Development
International Define job
2/1 [1997] 21–23 skills and PDP workshop

Meeting with

Meeting with facilitator
and/or external
Execute plan
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Draft plan
Agree this year’s
plan with budget
holding group Determine with
manager, facilitator,
counsellor, optimum
delivery route

the process, As with all learning, the

processes of reflection and review are critical Delivery
and must be sustained by a commitment to It is key to the process that the delivery of
regular updating of the plan. The process is development does not only take place in the
illustrated in Figure 2. training course environment. There are
many ways to skin the development cat and
participants are encouraged in discussion
Figure 3 with manager and guide to find the appropri-
The dimensions of the personal development plan ate means of delivery. A model has been devel-
oped which shows the four dimensions of
development in a new arrangement (see
Knowledge Understanding Figure 3). This model shows the dimensions
of personal development and shaded in are
some of the delivery systems which are sup-
ported by Anglian Water.
Coaching and on- It is stressed that ownership of the plan is
the-job training with the individual and that Anglian Water
Job skills Wider business will support that training which results in
competences business benefit. The definition of business
benefit is broad as the encouragement of a
Skill training learning culture means that evening classes
Development are supported in order to encourage the prac-
Practice training Organization tice of learning skills.

Individual Community
Evening classes Conclusion
We believe that the PDP transfers the owner-
ship of personal development back to the
individual for both the benefit of the individ-
Personal and Wider community ual and for the benefit of the organization.
family contribution The challenge for the individual is to lose that
dependence on an organization as a means of
defining a career or more properly a vocation.
The challenge to the organization is in utiliz-
ing the energy that we expect to be released
Family Home
by the PDP process.

[ 23 ]
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1. Andreas Jaeger. 2017. Achieving business excellence through self-assessment for personal and professional excellence. Total
Quality Management & Business Excellence 1-21. [Crossref]
2. Robert A. Roe. Using Competences in Employee Development 303-335. [Crossref]
3. Sanne Nijs, Eva Gallardo-Gallardo, Nicky Dries, Luc Sels. 2014. A multidisciplinary review into the definition,
operationalization, and measurement of talent. Journal of World Business 49:2, 180-191. [Crossref]
4. Karen Becker, Nicholas Antuar, Cherie Everett. 2011. Implementing an employee performance management system in a
nonprofit organization. Nonprofit Management and Leadership 21:3, 255-271. [Crossref]
5. Albert Renkema, Harmen Schaap, Theo van Dellen. 2009. Development intention of support staff in an academic organization
in The Netherlands. Career Development International 14:1, 69-86. [Abstract] [Full Text] [PDF]
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7. Nicholas Clarke. 2004. HRD and the challenges of assessing learning in the workplace. International Journal of Training and
Development 8:2, 140-156. [Crossref]
Downloaded by ABE, Miss Claire Siegel At 10:26 27 September 2017 (PT)

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