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Rich kylle Lauren G.

Dela Cruz December 4, 2021


After a few weeks ago I learned a lot in the topics we already discuss by ma’am Janine. I
am thankful because every lesson there’s a realization and lesson about our life’s and we
experience. Also, the purpose of ethics in life is a set of rules that helps us distinguish between
what is right and what is wrong, what is good and what is bad. Moreover, in every day we are
tested as individuals to make the right choice. How we view ourselves as individuals and how
others view us are directly correlated to our moral decision-making. That’s why I will choose
Moral Dilemma because in my life this topic is related to my journey which means I can apply
this in everyday living, and I also experience having two difficult situation or problem that I just
must choose one and my choice that must be decisive and accurate. Because every choice there’s
a consequence.
In my daily life, when every times wake up I have doubts about what I am doing now
especially in my IT course and currently I am still having a dilemma even though I am on the
first floor of the IT course and because of the dilemma. My dilemmas arise all too frequently.
There is rarely a simple answer to the question of what is good and wrong. Some people must
rely on own principles and ideals to manage such circumstances rather than external norms. So,
in my life having choices is so hard because every choices has a consequence and every choices
involves making the right decision. So having experience in moral dilemma situation is so
challenging but it’s difficult to choose like choosing course in college. In this situation is so
tricky because I want course is marine, but my mother disagrees because a year she won't see
me, so that why I choose IT because my father said it this is in demand, but I feel sad because I
didn't fight for my dream, and I told myself that when I finish BSIT I will become a seaman
someday. When Roy T. Bennett said, every choice comes with a consequence. Once you make a
choice, you must accept responsibility. You cannot escape the consequences of your choices,
whether you like them or not.
In addition, In my life, I've learned that once a decision is made, it's important to explain
it to people who may be affected by it. Be alert and responsive to new developments in the
circumstance that may need a change in your line of action. It will also help you think on your
previous acts and determine whether there is anything you can do to avoid repeating the
situation. Furthermore, facing a dilemma is the question of what will be more useful in our
decision making compared to our life, which we frequently experience, especially when we
return home to the reality of life. In other words, when we are in the middle of a situation where
we must stay calm, and we need to think carefully about our decision because it has a big impact
on our journey in life because we can take it into the future. The most important things that I
have learned is that life is all about choices. On every journey you take, you face choices. At
every fork in the road, you make a choice. And it is those decisions that shape our lives.

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