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Currently there are many types of food
which is available. From cheap
to the expensive one. Taste
today's society is different
People are also happy with
new and interesting snacks.
Dessert Box is a type
new snacks that are good and healthy.
The price is affordable and
it tastes good, makes a dessert box
have many fans. Not yet
more flavors like the original
chocolate, strawberry, green tea, taro,
Tiramisu and the toppings
as varied as cheese,
oreo, chococip, make dessert



II. Business Vision and Mission

- Sell the best food with more affordable prices
can be enjoyed by all, Never stop innovating
to give a taste with young tastes.
- Become a cake seller who owns
best quality and ready with
competition in the local market and
- Treating consumers
like a king so
always provide service

- Create packaging designs that are

unique and attractive so that consumers
more interested in our products.
- Serving in more time
fast so that consumers don't take too long

1.gambaran produk

The resulting products are:

This dessert has two layers of cake
which is sweet and creamy.
Soft mousse dough and
soft layer of ganache
make the dessert box dish taste
more delicious.
This dessert is made as a practical snack because the
box packaging is attractive and easy to carry, this food
is very suitable to be eaten in a delicious presentation
cold, later will be developed flavor variants according to
consumer tastes in the market

IV. Business plan

a. Preparation
In this Dessert Box endeavor,
raw materials in the form of flour and
biscuits. Own operating hours
from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m
9 nights every day. Available
online and offline purchases
who want to take it home.
b. Marketing strategy
1. Product
This product is in the form of a Dessert Box which
named Sweetdum Dessert. Dessert
This is made as a practical snack
because it has a box packaging that is
interesting, not boring, and
easy to carry.

2. Price
There are so many consumers who want to buy a
Dessert Box with
cheap price, interesting, and good taste.
Usually this Dessert Box
in the market sold with a price range of Rp. 65,000 to Rp.
75,000. But this dessert is sold at a price of Rp.

3. Place

For the location we choose to sell

in an environment that people often pass by and via
digital platforms, selling to relatives and family. and
provide reservations for big events such as birthdays,
social gatherings,


Method for introducing Dessert

with the following media:

- Word of mouth promotion with

give food samples to
neighbors, relatives, relatives.

Promote to social media

like twitter, instagram, etc

- Attend food fairs

Connect with go-food, grabfood and other platforms

- hold interesting promotions

-To maximize sales
can use services
endorsement, such as inviting
content creator or influencer
to try and market
its products.

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