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Oral communication is one of the most essentials in our live.

It is how we express thoughts,

feelings and share ideas/information to others. It gives people the ability to empower, inspire,
and motivate those who listen; and it allows people to share knowledge and traditions, as well
as build their self-esteem. Moreover, it saves time by letting us convey our message directly to
the other person and getting their response immediately. It's the most secure form of
communication for critical issues and important information. It helps us to resolve conflicts with
One of the latest news is that every candidate president was interviewed,
Being able to communicate is vital to being an effective educator. Communication not only
conveys information, but it encourages effort, modifies attitudes, and stimulates thinking.
Without it, stereotypes develop, messages become distorted, and learning is stifled.

Understanding how to communicate effectively with peers sets the stage for positive
self-esteem. Students feel empowered when they can “talk the talk” in their social lives.
Effective use of oral communication also allows students to advocate for themselves.

Good communication enables students to assimilate more from the learning processby

empowering them to ask relevant questions and discuss doubts. Effective verbal communication
nurtures the process of socialization by facilitating new friendships and these in turn aid the
learning process.

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