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Part 1

Set 1.
I live in a posh area (é ri a) of Dong Thap. I love my house because it is located in a
very good place in the city. My house is in the suburbs ( sớ-bờ-s) and it is a very
peaceful area. There are no commercial buildings near my house and I am very happy
because of this.
The thing which I like the most is that there is a small park right across the street, so
whenever feel like walking or jogging (tró – gìn) I simply got to the park and get some
fresh air.

On a whole (ho) I am quite satisfied from my neighborhood but there is no hospital

near my house which has caused (ko-z) great distress(đì – chét) to not only me but
also to the other residents of the area. I think that there should be a hospital in my
neighborhood because 2 days back one of my neighbor met with an accident on his
way to home and we had to travel 30 kilometers to find a hospital. This is causing a
lot of pain to the people in the area.
I am an extrovert(ét -strơ-vơ-t) I am meet new people and want to share my views
with people. My neighborhood is actually helping me meet new people as there is
also a club in the neighborhood where I go and meet new people and feel ebullient (ì
bíu li ơn-t) because of it.

Set 2
Presently, I live in a city. My house is not very big but has three bedrooms and some open
space in the front and back. But, it is a quite noisy and congested ( cần-chét-tịt) area because
on the right side of my house is a primary school. My dream house would be in the suburbs
of my hometown. There I would get the best of both worlds, near the city and the surburb
too. I would be near the facilities (phơ-xí-lơ-ti) of the city as well as be able to enjoy the calm
and peaceful atmosphere (át-mọt-s-phia) of the village. I would not like to live in a big house,
because live in a small house make me feel more homey. My house would have three
bedrooms, a lobby (ló-bi), a kitchen, a small lawn in the front and a kitchen garden in the
backyard. I would grow mint, rose, rosemary, daisy... I would use only organic (o-rá-nịt-k)
fertilisers (phớ-ti-lai-zơ-s), such as home made compost from the kitchen waste. All the
rooms of my house would be well lit and warm. I would have solar panels(pan-nô-x) set up
on the terrace (té-rợt-x) to take solar energy. I would like to welcome and entertain (en-tơ-
tén) friends and relatives (ré-lơ-điu-v) in my house. I hope to live in such a house one day.

Set 3
I have been lucky to have a number of memorable journeys over the years. So, thank you
very much for offering me this great opportunity (o-pơ-tíu-nơ-ti) to share the experience of
one of those journeys which I probably would never forget.
This journey, one of the most memorable ones of my life, took place when I just started
university. It was to the coastal (thấu-xồ) city of Nha Trang, which is also a very famous
tourist destination (đét-xti-nấy-sần). So, naturally, I was pretty(rí-ti) excited. The excitement
grew even bigger when my father informed me that we would make the journey with a train.
We were told that it was going to be a 5 to 6 hours journey. I can still remember the
incredible (ìn-rét-tơ-bô) view through the train's window. So, it was a whole new experience
for me, and I could not wait to board the train as soon as I arrived at the station.
When we came to Nha Trang, We got to try out so many new things such as swimming,
surfing, and diving to see the coral. This place has one of the most beautiful beaches in
Vietnam, with deep blue water. Also, the food there was so unique (díu-nịt-k) and delicious. I
think the most memorable moment of that trip, though, was definitely (đép-phi-nợt-li) when
we bought fresh seafood from a local market and grilled them by the beach. Sitting there by
the fire on a breezy (rí-zi) night with the delicious smell of freshly barbequed fish was a
fantastic (fan-tác-tịc) experience. We enjoyed it, and we will go there again if we have a

Set 4
Well, when it comes to an unforgettable (un-phơ-gét-tơ-bô)event of my life, my last
birthday party immediately springs to mind. It was taken place in May, the previous
year. My birthday was organized at my home, which was the venue (vén-ju) for
important events of my family. In order to surprise me, everyone prepared a birthday
cake and presents in there and keep this in secret until I came home after school.
Such a big surprise! I was just happy and, you know, so emotional(ì-mấu-xồ-nồ). That
is the most memorable birthday I've ever had because all of my beloved (bì-lớp-vịt)
ones were cute. Being loved, I feel so happy.
The party had just 6 people, but it was very warm in my house.

Set 5
I consider myself a technophile (tét-nơ-fai-ô), so it is hard for me to live a day without
using technological (tét-nơ-ló-ry-cô) devices (đì-vai-xịt), especially(ì-pét-xô-li) my
smartphone. It was a present from my parents to congratulate me on my high school
graduation two years ago, and it has come in handy ever since. It was the latest IOS
phone at that time with lots of cool apps and functions(phăng-xanh-x). My phone is
with me most of the time, and even though I know it is not good for my eyesight, I
cannot help but use it on a daily basis and for more than 6 hours a day. I cannot deny
that this multifunctional(mấu-ti-phăng-xành-nồ) device has a big influence on my life,
both positively and negatively. I no longer need dictionaries, notebooks, a camera, a
music player, or a TV because now I can look up new words, take notes, capture
photos, listen to music, and watch films on my phone.
In replacement of a heavy(hé-vi) bulky laptop, my pocket-sized phone also allows me
to create or edit documents on the move. I like to play games with my friends on the
mobile phone too. It is super convenient(cần-ví-ni-ân). On top of that, it saves me a lot
of time and money going to stores thanks to online. However, the drawback(ro-bẹt) is
that I am somewhat overdependent on it. If my phone suddenly runs out of battery or I
forget it at home when I am outside, I may feel vulnerable(vấn-nơ-rơ-bô) and lonely.
This phone has helped me a lot with my work and study, but I am thinking of reducing
the time using it for my well-being.
Set 6
Well, when it comes to the website I often access(á-sẹtx), Facebook immediately
springs to mind. Facebook is a website that is popular with people worldwide, and I
am no different. It allows users to post pictures, video clips on their own accounts(ờ-
cao-x). Moreover, it's also a means for people to keep in touch with beloved ones,
friends, etc. People mostly use this application for a lot of reasons. Facebook-ers
wander on this application for entertainment in their spare time, reading news about
various aspects(át-pẹt-x) of life, or even for studying…

Set 7
Well, the person I would like to talk to you about is a very good friend of mine, Nhi. She must
be one of the most sociable and most down-to-earth individuals (in-đi-ví-chơ-ô-x)I know.
If I were to describe how she looks, I would say she is a very gorgeous(gó-chợt) and charming
girl, who always attracts a lot of attention from men. Like most teenagers, she pays a lot of
attention to her appearance (ờ-pía-ren-x) and likes dressing in the latest and most unique
fashion. I do not think I have ever seen her in a plain old T-shirt or jeans.
And with regards(rì-ga-x) to why she became my bestie, well, I guess the main reason is that
we hit it off right from the start, and we also see eye to eye on a lot of things such as fashion,
sport, and even video games. She is my closest friend, so I feel like we can share everything,
from schoolwork to our love lives. The thing I admire (ẹt-mai-ờ) most about Nhi is that she is
protective and likes to look after people.
As a normal human being, however, Nhi also has her shortcomings. She is never on time and
is sometimes quite absent-minded. But for me, friendship is the most important thing in the
world, and I am proud to say that I have such a loyal(lói-ồ) and helpful friend – she is one in
a million.

Set 8
I want to talk about a high school called Nguyễn Khuyến, which I attended from 2017 to
2020. Being located at the heart of one of the best cities in Việt Nam, this high school
attracted students, both boys and girls, from all origins(ó-rơ-chin-x) and backgrounds as well
as from all walks of life.
It has one four-storey building and one two-storey building, a big playground in the front, a
spacious canteen and a little park with a lot of trees in the middle of the playground.
If I remember correctly (cờ-rét-ly), around two hundred students used to attend this great
high school when I was studying there. Anyway, what I really liked about my high school was
that the teachers were really qualified and very helpful. The school management was very
friendly also. Besides, there were extra classrooms for community tutoring groups that were
accessible for all weak students. Finally, I would never forget about the unique uniform that
we needed to wear.
If I could change my decision, I would still choose Nguyễn Khuyến as my favorite high school

Set 9
In my opinion, a promising career is not only a job that can offer me a good income to
afford my living but is enjoyable as well. That is why I think a job in the Marketing
field will suit me well. I had spent a great amount of time defining my strengths and
weaknesses as well as asking for advice from other people. After that, I came to the
conclusion that my outstanding skill is writing, which I have an inborn talent for.
Since I was 9, I was found out to be gifted in Literature by my teachers. They
contributed a lot to develop my set of skills. During years of study literature, I was
often considered to be among the best students. Along with my writing skills, I think I
will utilize(díu-tơ-lai-z) my analytic(a-nơ-lí-địt) skills and creativity(rì-ây-tíu-vơ-đi),
which I acquired(ờ-quái-ơ) studying at my university to dig into customers' behaviors
and then develop a good campaign to get more customers. After all, I still have a long
way to go before knowing it inside out. I also hope that I can be good enough to get
some promotion in the near future.

Set 10
I would like to talk about a team project that I was involved(ìn-vo-ô-d) in during(đú-rìn) my
final term at my university. There were four of us on the team, and our task was to work with
a local company to research a new market for one of their products or services. Our objective
was to produce(rì-điu-x) a report and give a presentation.
The first thing we did was split into two groups of two. We had been assigned a company
that produced a range of bicycle accessories(ờ-xét-sơ-ri-x), so two of us spent some time
getting to know the company while the other two researched the market and the
competitors(cờm-pé-ti-tơ-x) in the target country. In the end, I think it was a successful
project because we managed to identify(ai-đén-ti-fai) a possible gap in the market for one of
the company's products. Our group presentation also went really well.
Until that point, the course had been all about theory(phía-ơ-ri), so it was quite a learning
experience to work with a real company. I felt a real sense of accomplishment when we
handed in our report and delivered our presentation, and I think all of us were proud of what
we had done.

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