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5 Minute Questions.

Multimodal: this was probably the best project out of the three for me. This class taught me what
it meant for something to be “multimodal.” A presentation with enough pictures and information
could’ve passed as multimodal, but I’m someone who doesn’t like taking those boring routes.
So, I chose to use my favorite videogame to display the information I was giving. It didn’t turn
out perfect due to words not displaying how I wanted but I was overall happy with it.

Feedback: I only received feedback on the writing project. I expect peers to be harsh in a critical
way or else you wont end up improving anything. The feedback I got on peers somewhat was
and I think it did help me out in the end. For my final draft, during the feedback session I was
told all these things that would help improve my essay, but to be honest, I’m someone who is
comfortable with getting a good grade since chasing a few points wouldn’t change much.

Content: I am still not a big fan of writing rhetorically. It's still something that takes me forever to
do. I don’t expect to do it in 2-3 hours, but the ideas and words come to me slowly and I end up
revising my sentences at least one time because it doesn’t make sense grammatically. Or
sometimes I can’t distinguish between rambling or commentary. Learning about literacies was
interesting the way it was described as “any languages you know.”

PR: Honestly for a first semester, I was fighting for life with all these classes. I had half my
classes in person and the other half were online. For context, I have a scholarship for my first
year and it requires me to take 15 hours each semester (I took 16), and almost every single day
I had an assignment due. I am really appreciative of your 2 day extension because without it,
weekends would’ve been a nightmare. Only bad habit I can think of is waiting til the evening to
do my assignments, I want to start doing this much earlier.

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