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Quarter 1
Quarter 2
 Have you ever considered the significance of chemistry in our

daily lives? I used to ask myself this question, and after years of

studying chemistry since junior high school until today, I've gradually

come to realize its significance in our lives. The world around us is

filled with chemistry! It's in the food we eat, the clothes we wear, the

water we drink, the medicines we take, the air we breathe, the

cleansers we use... You name it, we've got it.

        It helps me comprehend why studying matter, chemical

reactions, and substances—that is, elements and compounds—is vital

in our daily lives throughout the first semester. Matters assists me in

comprehending that without it, everything would be meaningless.

Everything in the world revolves on the concept of matter. Even we,

people, are composed of matter, as are the foods we consume, the

clothes we wear, and all necessary items such as pencils, brushes, and

cutlery. Essentially, matter is everything that exists around us.

Chemical reactions also assist me in comprehending the nature of

materials. I can grasp and describe how the natural world works by

studying chemical reactions. Chemical reactions transform food into

fuel for your body, cause pyrotechnics to burst, change the texture of

food when cooked, remove filth from soap, and much more.

       Chemistry and chemicals are present in everything we hear, see,

smell, taste, and touch. So, even if we don't work as chemists, we're

performing chemistry, or something related to chemistry, in almost

every aspect of our lives. When we cook, use cleaning detergents to

wipe down our counters, take medicine, or dilute concentrated juice

so that the taste isn't as strong, we are engaging in chemistry.

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