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Lupac, Lenette C.

September 9,2020
JD2 – Legal Medicine Dr. Alvin Guloy

1. ABC, 25-year-old, male, residing in the City of Manila was brought to the Emergency
Room with a stab on the chest (see red arrow in Figure 1). Describe the location of the
stab wound. (5 points)


Site of stab wound

Figure 1

Answer: The stab wound is located in the anterior chest wall, 3 rd intercostal space, left
midclavicular line.

2. DEF, 30-year-old, female, residing in Pasay City was brought to the Emergency wound
with a gunshot wound. Describe the location of the wound seen in Figure 2. (5 points)

Figure 2

Answer: The stab wound is located in the Right Upper Quadrant of the Abdomen.
3. The injury in Figure 3 is situated

a. Anteriorly
b. Posteriorly
c. Obliquely
d. None of the above

Figure 3

Answer: This is the dorsal aspect or the dorsum of the hand, thus, the injury is situated
posteriorly. Letter B.

4. A 35-year-old, male, residing in Batangas City was brought to the operating room with a
gunshot wound. The point of entry was located on the right hypochondrium and the point
of exit was located on the left flank. Place an “x” on the location of the point of entry and
a “o” mark on the point of exit min Figure 4. (5 points)


Figure 4

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