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E Copyright GE1990 03-90
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03-90 EE Copyright GE 1990
Protocol Name: LUNG(PERF)

Purpose : Perform a static Lung perfusion study.

Prerequisites : The patient file has already been created and is currently selected.

Data Files Created : Anterior 128 x 128 word, 3 minutes

Posterior " " "
Left Lateral " " "
Right Lateral " " "

Listing :

; To perform a static lung study of 4 images.
; Version 2.2: Release 2 forms and PACQ command added.
; PTXT commands added
; Text added to final display
PTXT 2, 4,10,Standard Static Lung Perfusion Protocol;
Tc_99m; Call sub-protocol (from ENERGIES) to set 20% window
SETUP_STUDY LUNG PERFUSION,Standard study; Sub-protocol to define study
; Define four static 128 views to terminate after 3 mins:
ASTA Ant ,128,W,3;
ASTA Post ,128,W,3;
ASTA L Lat ,128,W,3;
ASTA R Lat ,128,W,3;
PTXT 0, 8, 5, The four standard views have been defined and are being |
Position patient for imaging.;
ACQU all; Queue them all
EXTRA128 3,,,A,; Call sub-protocol for extra images if required.
; To display the first four images in quadrants
PACQ; Wait for queue to become empty
DISP Ant ,1,4;
DATX A3,11,21,Anterior;
DISP Post ,2,4;
DATX A3,40,21,Posterior;
DISP L Lat ,3,4;
DATX A3, 9,42,Left Lateral;
DISP R Lat ,4,4;
DATX A3,38,42,Right Lateral;

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EE Copyright GE1990 03-90
FLID; List files that have been acquired
;End of protocol

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03-90 EE Copyright GE 1990

LVQ - 1
EE Copyright GE1990 03-90
LVQ - 2
03-90 EE Copyright GE 1990
Protocol Name : LUNG(V_Q)

Purpose : To record a ventilation/perfusion study carried out using Xe_133 gas (to
measure ventilation) and Tc_99m micro-spheres to measure perfusion.
Prerequisites : The patient file must already have been selected.
Data files created : 3 ventilation files (2 static images and 1 dynamic sequence), plus 6
perfusion images.
Listing :

; To perform a lung study of:
; 3 Xenon views (including a set of dynamic images)
; 4 to 6 or more Technetium views (all static).
; Version 2.1: Release 2 forms and PACQ command added.
; PTXT commands added
; Text added to final display
PTXT 2, 4, 5,Xe and Tc Lung Ventilation and Perfusion Protocol;
Xe_133; Call sub-protocol (from ENERGIES) to set 20% window for Xe
SETUP_STUDY LUNG VENT PERF,Xe and Tc Study; Sub-protocol to define study
; Define the Xe images - 2 statics and one dynamic:
ASTA Initial ,128,W; Unlimited termination
ASTA Equilib ,128,W,3; Terminate after 3 mins
ADYN Washout ,128,W,15,20; 15 s/frame for 20 frames (5 mins)
PTXT 0, 8, 1, The three Xe views have been defined and are being queued.
The procedures for each image are:
Initial: first image with breath held: press ACQ STOP and ACQ STORE to |
Equilib: acquisition finishes automatically after 3 minutes\,
Washout: dynamic acquisition lasting 5 minutes.;
ACQU all; Queue the three files for acquisition
PACQ; Wait for queue to become empty
;PTXT 2,1,1, ; Clear text screen
Tc_99m; Call sub-protocol (from ENERGIES) to set 20% windows for Tc

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EE Copyright GE1990 03-90
; Define six static 128 views to terminate after 3 mins:
ASTA Post Prf,128,W,3;
ASTA Ant Prf ,128,W,3;
ASTA L Post O,128,W,3;
ASTA R Post O,128,W,3;
ASTA L Lat ,128,W,3;
ASTA R Lat ,128,W,3;
ACQU Post Prf,Ant Prf,L Post O,R Post O,L Lat,R Lat; Queue them all
PTXT 0, 8, 5,The 6 Technetium views have been defined and are being |
Position patient for imaging.;
EXTRA128 3,,,A,; Call sub-protocol for extra images if required.
; To display the three Xe and the posterior Tc images in quadrants
PACQ; Wait for queue to become empty
DISP Initial ,1,4;
DATX A3, 5,21,Initial Ventilation;
DISP Equilib ,2,4;
DATX A3,32,21,Equilibrium Ventilation;
DISP Washout ,3,4,n,20; Display last (20th) frame.
DATX A3, 5,42,Ventilation Washout;
DISP Post Prf,4,4;
DATX A3,34,42,Posterior Perfusion;
FLID; List files that have been acquired
;End of protocol

LVQ - 4

03-90 EE Copyright GE 1990

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