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- Individualism emphasizes personal freedom and achievement. Individualist culture, therefore,

awards social status to personal accomplishments such as important discoveries, innovations, or great
artistic achievements.
-Individualism is commonly seen by both its proponents and opponents to be the creation of the
modern Western world, a development of Enlightenment liberal values.

Values -Individualist values include autonomy, freedom, self-fulfillment, assertiveness, and a sense
of personal uniqueness.
- All values are human-centred, the individual is of supreme importance, and all individuals are
morally equal

The Pros of Individualism

1- Freedom - having a sense of individualism is having a concrete set of beliefs about yourself. You
know what you want and what you don’t. Because of this, you get to do the things that you love without
worrying what others may think that free us from too much emotional attachment in our surroundings.
2- You’ll Enjoy Life More - who will not enjoy being free? From a sense of freedom to a sense of being
fulfilled. Waking up each day full of happiness because you’re not trap from people’s expectations and
3- Learning New Things and Skills - Individualism is also inclined to Self-Improvement. The more you
know about yourself the more you are willing to improve yourself. You’re more likely to engage in some
activities to develop skills that you are interested in.

The Cons of Individualism

1- We are lost in too much freedom- too much freedom loses our capacity to be a better member of the
community as if we don’t belong at all. Individualism gives us freedom to be unique which sometimes
disallowed us to communicate with each other and build barriers between the members of the community.

2- Life with Less Meaning - my individualism was fully based in self-interest believing that I have to build
foundation within myself first to be a better person. Well, it’s true but kind of misguided. Our ideals to
be a better person only manifests that we are searching for deeper connection with life. Finding
purpose, finding meaning.

3- Self-Centeredness - too much individualism may develop to Self-Centeredness. We may forget others,
we may forget that we are a nation. We can be trapped in a place where we only see and think about
ourselves. We may be encouraged to put ourselves first because we believe too much in self-love but
we have forgot that love is best when shared.

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