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Shayne; say the mechanics- introduce the speakers.


SHAYNE (MODERATOR): --QUOTE-- The abstraction of individualism/collectivism or

independence/interdependence have received considerable attention throughout different domains of
psychology during last decades. According to Markus and Kitayama (1991), In psychology, these two
variables affects perception, motivation, affect regulation and social behavior of an individual.
Furthermore, it is the fundamental political conflict in America today, individualism vs. collectivism.
Now, I asked you, does the individual belongs to him- or does it belong to his group, society or state? Let
us judge, Individualism vs. Collectivism, debate begins in 3,2,1!

----flashes the screen—INDIVIDUALISM FIRST SPEAKER

SHERYL ( 1ST SPEAKER-A): Good day everyone! Ladies and gentlemen. At the time when my father ends
his breath, it is the time that I begin to be independent. At a very young age, I became a working student
and raise myself independently. In that experience, I have learned to stand alone that makes me
stronger in life. And now here I am, getting stronger as I have goals to pursue with the fact that no one
can do it for me, but only myself. We believe that self-reliance is one of the most important attributes of
personal freedom and development. Today, as the first speaker, I stand that individualism is where the
individual’s life belong to. To start with, let me define individualism. According to Meriam Webster,
individualism is defined as the belief that the needs of each person are more important than the needs
of the whole society or group. It is a freedom to do what we want as independent people. Being
individualistic enable us to pursue our goals that will make the society stronger as a whole. Doing things
with freedom will make a person to have self-reliance in which it is important traits that human can
have. We believe that human beings are by nature distinct. Each of us have our own mind that is directly
connected in our own body. As Frederick Douglass said "I am myself, you are yourself, we are two
distinct people". Individualism is also essential for the personal development of each individual, which in
turn leads to economic benefits for society. Research claims that individualism has increased by roughly
12 percent worldwide since 1960. This increase appears to be due mostly to increasing socio-economic
development, including higher incomes, more education, urbanization, and a shift toward white-collar
jobs. This is already proved by countries such as the United States, Germany, Ireland, South Africa and
Australia in which they centralize individualistic culture. Finally, if everyone is responsible for their self
their own actions and behaviors then our society will have development. It gave us a high advantage not
only to life of an individual but also in the society as a whole. And for our society to improve, we should
start it to ourselves as, you, me are basic the unit of human life. It all starts in us!
SAMRA( 1ST SPEAKER-B) Question: As what you have said. Individualistic enable us to pursue our goals
that will make the society stronger as a whole. Then how could you make that society stronger when no
one is with you? Can you do it by your own self? Without the help of others?

SHERYL (1ST SPEAKER-A ) Answer: Being individualistic means you are independent and do not rely
yourself to others. I can make the society stronger by looking for opportunities in our community where
I can devote a little time, to cause where I am passionate about. Freely to do things what makes my
mind wants and to show my interest and talents in which it can make a huge a contribution to the
society. Group work is often lauded for improving collaboration and innovation, but it can also be
distracting. Even trying to focus on more than one thing at a time has been shown to dramatically
reduce overall productivity. Imagine, if our society will centralize the concept of self- reliance then
everyone will work hard to survive and achieve its goals, in which he do not only develop itself but also
his community. The achievement of each individual is a development of its environment. If we mind our
own business together then everyone will have the freedom to do its interest without the permission
and judgement of others. And if every individual feel the freedom of its value and life then he will do
great things that can impact the society to become stronger and develop its economy. As my previous
claim, individual is the basic unit of human life. If we are freely do our interest, talents and skills then
everything surrounds us follows. What each individual do will benefit all.

SAMRA ( 1ST SPEAKER-B ): Have you already heard the saying, "no man is an island" whatever standing
in life, rich or poor we can't get along without everyone. I, as a first speaker in opposing team, I strongly
disagree that individualism is where individual's life belongs to. It should be in collectivism or
interdependence. To start with this contradiction, let me first enlighten you. According to Wikipedia,
collectivism is a value that is characterized by emphasis on cohesiveness among individuals and
prioritization of the group over the self. Collectivism is the idea that the individual’s life belongs not to
him but to the group or society of which he is merely a part, that he has no rights, and that he must
sacrifice his values and goals for the group’s “greater good.” We believe that teamwork and helping
each other to lift up is the product of all knowledge. You cannot gain any perceptions and idea without
learning it to others. Individual has only the mind, eyes, ears and senses but they do not have the
knowledge and experiences that only in society or group can have. According to anthropology, Paul
Grey, "Human being are social animals, our lives depends on other human. We develop and learn about
the world around us through the filter of other people. Erik Ericson claims that life doesn't make any
sense without interdependence. We need each other, and sooner we learn that, the better for us all.
Collectivism attributes gives us true happiness with moral and doing things ethically which we always
choose to do what's the best for everyone. With this, we will feel the true sense of personal fulfillment.
As China collectivism culture claims that people are considered “good” if they are generous, helpful,
dependable, and attentive to the needs of others rather than an individual who only focus to himself, in
which this interprets to be like selfishness. Helping each other can easily solve complex difficult tasks
and do growth productivity. In collectivism each one take care and help one another to fulfill a certain
goal, fostering interdependence and group success and also act as a part of a larger group, were it make
collective action easier because individuals internalize group interests to a greater degree. If one of the
member in a group is weak, everyone help him to be stronger, in which it will inspires the development
of the individual and also the capability of the group. If we are in the reality of world, it is impossible to
live without the help of each other. Teamwork is better than individual. We believe that
interdependence has the higher value of morality than independent.
SHERYL (1ST SPEAKER-A ) QUESTION: As you claim, collectivism is the idea that the individual's life
belong to group not to him, that he has no right and that he must sacrifice his values and goals for the
greater good of others. Don't you think that being too reliant to others will degrade your freedom to do
things on your own and capabilities?

SAMRA (SPEAKER 1B) ANSWER: Definitely no, relying to someone doesn’t degrade the freedom and
capabilities of an individual. This concept of collectivism will make ourselves to possess ethical and
principle values. Having no rights doesn't mean having no freedom. This restriction serves as our guide
in the team to prevent doing immoral behavior. We believe that not every interest, desires and wants of
an individual are good, that is why we need someone to help us to assess our actions and learn from it,
for us to develop ourselves in good value. In fact, this will lead us to boost our capabilities because we
are taught to show our interest in a good manner. Relying and consulting to others such as our family
and friends help an individual to assess and do the best for all. Letting others help you will make you
open from ideas which are beyond your idea. You will be more experienced, more realizations and gain
more knowledge that you could not imagine in which it came from people around you. We gain
knowledge to others, letting them help you means you freely accept their judgment for greater good of

FARHAINIE ( 2ND SPEAKER-A): I strongly disagree, relying to someone will degrade your freedom and
capabilities because it keeps you to stop yourself to do what you want, as you know that every action
has limitations and people in the group is watching you. It is obviously shown, that there is no freedom,
and having no freedom will cause an individual not to show his capabilities as he is afraid of judgement
and rejection. Philosopher once said, there is no right or wrong; no good or bad as it all depends on the
perspective of the person defining it. In short, it is all through yourself. We are distinct in all aspects. You
do not need others to assess your actions. It is in our nature and we have our own conscience. We
should be independent as being independent do not need any sacrifices and judgment of others. We
just continue to enrich and develop our talents and capabilities. Remember, that without an individual
there is no knowledge. It all starts in basic, our life itself. Individualism is where individual’s life belong.

TERESSA (2ND SPEAKER-B): I am not agree, being independent is a way that you put space to others and
everything that surrounds you. That space will lead you to selfishness and you just limit the knowledge
in yourself. What if the knowledge that you know will come to an end? What will you do? Basically, you
seek for the help of others. Your knowledge that you gain from people that surrounds you will continue
your improvement as an individual. As an individual, we need someone to fulfill the true happiness of
life. In collectivism, each individual in the group has the freedom to help each other to accomplish their
goal together. Your family, friends and community will make you realize your true value. Sacrifice means
unselfishness and it gives us joy and advantage not only for you but also for the group. Collectivism is
where individual’s life belongs to.

AMRAIDA (3RD SPEAKER-A): It is now my pleasure to summarize the claims of individualism.

Individualism is defined as the belief that the needs of each person are more important than the needs
of the whole society or group. It gives us the freedom to focus our own goals and express our own
interest without thinking of others judgement. Huge and powerful countries such as United States,
Germany, Ireland, South Africa and Australia proved us that possessing individualistic culture increase
the education and growth of the economy. Focusing of each other’s goals and not depending to others
will make life easier. If everyone will centralize the concept of self- reliance then everyone will work
hard to survive and achieve its goals. Being independent will make every person to be strong in life and
determined in life. Without individual there is no knowledge, individual is the basic unit of human life.

ELLAMAE (3RD SPEAKER B): For the last time, I will summarize the claims and rebuttal of opposing topic.
Collectivism is the idea that the individual’s life belongs not to him but to the group or society of which
he is merely a part, that he has no rights, and that he must sacrifice his values and goals for the group’s
“greater good.” It is focusing on the goal of the group rather than individual’s privileges. In collectivism,
it develops and learn about the world around us through the filter of other people. Knowledge is a
product of helping and sharing each other’s thoughts. Every individual cannot stand alone as they need
someone to rely on, someone will help them to assess decisions that are best for all. . Letting others help
you will make you open from ideas which are beyond your idea. Teamwork is better than individual.
Interdependence has the higher value that independence.

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