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Symbolic Convergence Theory

Groupthink Theory
Adaptive Structuration Theory
Organizational Culture Theory
Persamaan dari Symbolic Convergence,
Groupthink, Adaptive Structuration &
Organizational Culture Theory
• Ketiganya membahas mengenai proses
pembentukan ikatan dlm kelompok.
Case Study
• Rani adalah seorang guru di sebuah kursus Bahasa
Inggris. Ia mengajar di kelas intermediate yg terdiri dr
15 peserta kursus. Tiap ia mengajukan pertanyaan,
selalu saja ada 2 siswa yang menjwb & saat Rani
mengajak mendisskusikan jwbn 2 siswa tsb dg siswa2
lain, siswa lain selalu meng-”iya”-kan jwbn 2 siswa
vokal tadi. Siswa2 di kls yg Rani ajar ini jg memiliki ciri
tersendiri: istilah khusus u/ menyebut siswa kls lain, &
terlihat berminat pd gaya hdp yg sama (jenis musik,
pakaian, merek gadget yg cenderung seragam)
Symbolic Convergence
• the central explanatory principle of symbolic
convergence theory (SCT): Sharing group fantasies
creates symbolic convergence
• Sharing common fantasies transforms a collection
of individuals into a cohesive group.
• Symbolic convergence occurs when group
members spontaneously create fantasy chains that
display an energized, unified response to common
• A fantasy theme analysis across groups can reveal a
rhetorical vision that contains motives to enact the
joint fantasy.
Dramatizing messages: Imaginative language by a group member describing past, future, or outside events; creative interpretations of there and- then.

• They help the speaker, & sometimes the

listeners, make sense out of a confusing
situation or bring some clarity to an uncertain
Fantasy Chain Reaction

• Group member always share common fantasy.

• Fantasy: The creative & imaginative shared
interpretation of events that fulfills a group’s
psychological or rhetorical needs.
• Fantasy theme is the content of the fantasy
that has chained out within a group
• Fantasy themes are indexed by a symbolic
cue: “an agreed-upon trigger that sets off the
group members to respond as they did when
they first shared the fantasy.”
• Symbolic cues can be a code word, nonverbal
gesture, phrase, slogan, inside joke, bumper
sticker, or any shorthand way of re-
establishing the full force of shared fantasy.
• Symbolic convergence usually results in
heightened group cohesiveness — members
attracted to each other and sticking together
through thick and thin. But not always.
Groupthink Theory
• Highly cohesive groups promote high
• Group problem solving is primarily a unified
• Groups & group decision making are
frequently complex
Conditions of Groupthink (image taken from:
Conditions of Groupthink (lanjutan)
• Groupthink is a condition when most the
group member believe uniformity is the best
for their group.
• Usually apply in small groups.
Symptoms of Groupthink (model taken from
Ways to Prevent Groupthink

1. Require oversight & control: Develop resources to proactively

monitor ongoing policy ventures; establish incentives to
intervene; link personal fate to fate of group members.
2. Embrace whistle-blowing: maintain the ability of group
member to disagree & debate when no satisfactory answers
are given.
3. Allow for objection: Provide for group members’ exits;
acknowledge private concerns about ethical issue in the
4. Balance consencus & majority rule: Avoid subgroup to
develop, not giving pressure to group member in a
minority position
Adaptive Structuration Theory
• Adaptive Structuration Theory is useful in
providing an understanding of how the
structures that are created in groups
influence communication and decisions.

• Groups and organizations are produced and

reproduced through the use of rules and resources.
• Communication rules serve as both the medium for,
and an outcome of, interactions.
• Power structures are present in organizations and
guide the decision-making process by providing us
with information on how best to accomplish our
Elements in Adaptive Structuration Theory:
Agency & Reflexivity
• Agency is the specific activities/behaviors that human
do, that guided by the rules and contexts in which
interactions take place (Contoh: sistem pembelajaran di
• Agent is the person who do these activities/behavior
(Contoh: pelajar yg mengikuti sistem pembelajaran tsb.
• Reflexivity is the ability an agent has to make
appropriate changes on the agency system if needed.
Elements in Adaptive Structuration Theory:
Duality of Structure
• Are the rules and resources used to guide organizational
decision about behaviors and actions.
• AST explains rules and resources fulfill dual functions in
• According to duality of structures element, members of an
organization depend on rules and resources to guide their
decision about the behaviors or actions that they will
employ in their communication.
• However group member will chose to follow/not to follow
those rules. This will results in a change of those rules in
the future interaction of the group.
Structuration & Group Decision Making;
the 2 variables
These variables have an impact on the ability of a
groups to arrive at a decision effectively:
• Objective factors: factors that are use to describe
the attributes associated with the task. Contoh:
ketersediaan informasi & peraturan yg jelas u/ dpt
menyelesaikan tugas kelompok.
• Group factors: Factors within the groups, contoh;
pengalaman/kepribadian anggota kelompok,
kebiasaan berkomunikasi antar anggota kelompok.
Organizational Culture Theory

• People are like spiders who are suspended in

webs that they created at work.
• An organization’s culture is composed of
shared symbols, each of which has a unique
• Examples of the culture of an organization:
stories, rituals, language (jargon).
Organizational Culture Theory: Assumption 1

Organizational members create & maintain a

shared sense of organizational reality, resulting
in a better understanding of the values of an
- Values: standards & principles in a culture.
Values tells organization members what’s
- Examples of Values: ?
Organizational Culture Theory: Assumption 2

The use & interpretation of symbols are critical

to an organization’s culture.
- Symbols in organizational Culture: Physical
(design/logo/dresscode, etc), Behavioral
etc), Verbal (jokes/jargon/history, etc).
- Examples of symbols in organizational culture:?
Organizational Culture Theory: Assumption 3

Cultures vary across organizations, & the

interpretations of actions within these cultures
are diverse.
Organizational Culture Theory:
Communicative Performances

• Organizational members act out certain

communication performances, which result in a
unique organizational culture.
• There are several types of communicative
performances, sometimes each type will overlap
with other types.
Organizational Culture Theory:
Communicative performances types:
- Ritual Performances: Routines
presentations/action in the workplace. Cth:
rutinitas rapat mingguan, rutinitas staff gathering
- Cth: Passion Performances: Organizational
stories that employees share within the
organizations. Cth: kebiasaan menceritakan
kesuksesan/kegagalan dlm organisasi.
- Social Performances: Organizational behaviours
intended to demonstrate cooperation &
politeness with others. Cth: kebiasaan menyapa
Organizational Culture Theory:
Communicative performances types: (lanjutan)

- Political Performances: Organizational

behaviours that demonstrate power/control.
Cth: kebiasaan mengintimidasi karyawan baru,
kebiasaan bersekongkol melawan bos.
- Enculturation Performances: refer to how
members obtain the knowledge & skills to be
contributing member of the organization. Cth:
pemberian training bg karyawan, learning by
doing, dll.

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