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54 Lessons

From Grandmaster
Jiang Yu Shan

By VAHVA Fitness

About These Lessons

In 2018, we travelled from Australia to Taiwan to meet a man known

for his extreme level of hardening skill.

We originally discovered him when we were still in our teens thanks

to a connection in the martial arts world. Almost a decade later, we
decided to search him but he was nowhere to find.

What made it exceptionally difficult was that he wasn’t even known

for his birth name Hisham Al-Haroun but by his Chinese name that
was spelled “江⽟⼭".


Luckily, due to Samuli’s knowledge in Chinese language (he used to

live in China), he was able to find Jiang Yu Shan’s Monkey Fist school
in Chinese and we were able to contact him.

Needless to say, the first few days we spent with the master were
mind blowing to say the least. We came to learn about harden bone
skill but to our surprise we learned a lot more than we expected.

Little did we expect that this first trip would start a long and deep
relationship with the master which has lasted for 4 years now.

Now, I have visited Taiwan for 4 times and spent months learning
with the grandmaster 1-on-1 or 1-on-2 not to mention countless
phone and video calls we have had over the Internet.

I have grown very close to Taiwanese culture having met former

mafia, military personnel, police officers and influential people thanks
to the vast networks of grandmaster Jiang Yu Shan.

In 2020, we were awarded 1. Dan black belts in the grandmaster’s

system in both Qigong and Self-defence.


This relationship has been very fruitful and has had a great impact on
my training and life in general.

Our dinner conversations have been epic at best and it has been a
pleasure to learn from a master of this caliber.

Qigong is an essential part of my training regimen and I have taken it

very seriously over the years trying to reach for the highest possible

We have made pages and pages of notes with the master over the
years and today I would like to share a lot of them.

These methods and lessons can completely change how you see
your body and how you approach training.

However there is only so much that can be explained in a bullet point

list, so I recorded an over 2-hour video where I went through each
point and expand on all of them.

Let’s call the video “The Ancient Qigong MasterClass.”

You can get it here - it’s exclusively for the people who signed up for
these notes.

It has literally taken 4 years and hundreds of hours of learning and

practice to acquire and reach the conclusions of these notes.


We spent a lot of time taking these notes and cleaning them up so

you could have them for free, because we felt a lot of people could
benefit from them.

If you think other people should have access to these notes, please
share the link with your friends and

I hope these notes will help you and the lessons will help you as
much as they have helped me.

WARNING: The methods discussed in the notes should not and cannot be practiced based on
these notes alone - you need proper guidance! You also have a responsibility to use this
knowledge for the good of human kind.


54 Lessons from Grandmaster Jiang Yu Shan

• Prospects
Focus on doing, not asking questions - Inside our private Inner Door
group which is for members only, the
members are not even allowed to ask questions before they first prove
themselves and show that they have practiced the techniques, forms and

• You cannot know the hard without the soft - Grandmaster Yu Shan
always critiqued many qigong masters for only knowing the soft aspects of
qigong and soft aspects of Kung Fu.

• There are extraordinary benefits with extreme volume and

duration - In many methods of ancient Qigong, you really start to only
begin after 5 minutes. The Grand Circle for example is a set of postures you
hold for long periods of time and the results are incredible.

• Harden bone skill works and very few have witnessed it - Prior to
meeting grandmaster Jiang Yu Shan, we didn’t believe in the harden bone
skill 100%. Oh boy, we were wrong.

• Your postures and stance affect your neurochemistry by a great

deal - What we learned from the grandmaster was mind-blowing. The
ancient masters had figured different stances and postures that could
impact your mind.

• Your breath is the most important thing to master- Breathing is

more than just breathing in-and-out, there are many ways to impact
different parts of the body and affect different functions. Ancient Qigong
goes very deep into breathing and more than people think.

• Your breathe has many different powers and ways to affect your
health and performance - Prior to meeting GM Yu Shan, we already


knew a lot about breathing but ancient qigong according to Health &
Fighting Qigong took everything to the next level

• The breath of mental power is the fundamental breathing

technique everyone should know - We consider The Breath of Mental
Power one of the most fundamental and powerful techniques to master. It’s
literally the foundation for everything.

• Sexual transmutation is a real thing and can boost your vitality

and mental strength - There is a reason why old school boxers and
fighters would avoid sexual intercourse and ejaculation for a week or longer
before their fight. In Health & Fighting Qigong we will learn the art of sexual

• Qi and energy is a real thing but hard to quantify - The modern

medicine does not believe in Qi because they cannot quantify it but it’s in
fact very real and easily proven…

• You need focused qigong cycles to enhance your abilities and

recovery - Everything in life happens in cycles. Similarly your body goes
through different cycles all the time. In ancient Qigong, we utilise different
cycles to heal and prepare the body for different seasons of life.

• IfThisyouis what
are not cruel to your enemies, you are cruel to yourself -
the grandmaster teaches in Internal & External Kung Fu course -
the mindset behind real combat.

• Strike the vital and weak points to gain an advantage - You can use
these vital points to your advantage. There are many in your head and neck
which you should be aware of.

• Condition your mind for carnage using the Four Ends - This
technique taught by the grandmaster is something else and something that
feels almost illegal. It almost feels like this level of masculinity and danger is
not allowed in a modern society since over 100 years.


• Prepare your body for combat and performance activities with

Warrior monk Neigong - Lohan Gong can be considered the
elementary form of Hard Qigong (that is extremely effective), meanwhile
the Monkey Fist Door 24 Warrior Set is an advanced form for the serious

• Harden your entire body to absorb hits and increase durability -

In ancient qigong and especially the ancient Golden Bell, we will harden the
body with many different elements to withstand hits. When you can absorb
hits from an iron hammer, do you think padded gloves will do you any

• Body hardening and hardened limbs are not just physical but
psychological weapons - When we first saw GM Yu Shan’s fists and his
students’ fists, it was a scary sight. Swollen, bruised and hardened limbs are
a sight to be hold.

• Focus on being different to gain an advantage - One thing

grandmaster Yu Shan mentioned was that he never wanted to move and be
like everyone else. When you see him practicing ancient Qigong forms
almost no one knows, he stands out. The same goes for fighting.

• Move and stretch your spine to stay young and vital - One thing
Qigong is actually the best at is stretching and mobilising the spine. You do
this with very sophisticated and small movements - the big ones rarely

• YuHerbal medicine works and is necessary for hardening skill - GM

Shan is also a real expert on herbal medicine and he cooks a lot of it by
himself. In modern medicine, they like to dismiss the value of herbal
medicine but it’s far more powerful and effective than people can imagine.

• You can heal yourself by just standing still - This is about The Grand
Circle. Sometimes the most powerful method is learning how to be still for


long periods of time. This is a form of standing MEDITATION.

• A proper qigong practice can lead to spiritual enlightenment

and transform your entire state of being - However, it’s not easy and
takes drastic measures. In The Grand Circle course we have a 100-day
qigong cycle that takes a lot from the individual to go through.

• You will learn to love pain and it will lead to great stress relief - GM
Yu Shan has said that you will learn to love pain and after body hardening
for example, you will just feel fantastic. Great for stress relief and relieving
tension in the body and mind.

• Ancient qigong taught by grandmaster has completely different

depth and meaning than most qigong in the west - The qigong in
the West has been watered down from the original form. The masters are
not bad people, they just don’t have access to the real knowledge that has
been well preserved like in Taiwan.

• Everything comes from the lineages - Grandmaster Yu Shan traveled

to Taiwan as a young man in the search of real kung fu. After years of
research and search, he found many masters. He became the holder of
Monkey Fist Door in Taiwan and he is also the 33th Shaolin disciple from the
lineage of real Shaolin.

• These techniques have been kept secret behind closed doors for
hundreds of years and the schools are still extremely secretive
today - Prior to us, there was very little REAL monkey kung fu or hard
qigong online. One reason was that it’s extremely rare but another is that
some schools are extremely secretive about their methods and techniques.

• Respect the knowledge and masters, you stand on the shoulders

of giants - Like mentioned before, everything comes from the lineages.
Your job is to preserve the knowledge but to also develop it further.


• Be the man people can count on and feel safe when you are in
the room - You can be the man everyone feels safe around and people can
count on for their protection. When a fight breaks out, you can solve it and
make sure no one gets hurt.

• Ancient harden skill and Kung Fu techniques apply well to MMA

if you know how - We see massive potential in harden skill and different
kung fu techniques in MMA.

• Opening energy channels of the body is a priority before

anything else - In ancient qigong, before you start practicing the forms
and techniques, you always open the meridians with different massage

• Form hunting is a waste of time without mastering the essence

and fundamentals - Mastering the essence and fundamentals is what
people are missing the most. They are moving from one thing to another as
fast as possible. Take your time and learn from the best to master this area.

• The
Use gravity to effectively stimulate your circulation and cardio -
Grand Circle has so many absolutely genius parts to it. One is how it
brilliantly sequences different hand and arm postures to change the
direction of the blood flow.

• Synchronizing movement, breath and contraction leads to

superior results - There's many levels of depth to qigong movements but
the more advanced you get the more you're able to synchronize and
integrate different parts to work in harmony.

• Let your belly relax and expand - In Qigong the stomach is the region
where all the energy is gathered. This area in the center of the body is called
Dantian. There are techniques to develop this area.


• There are levels to wrist strength - It's no wonder that there's lots of
wrist and grip strengthening in kung fu as it helps to support the arm when
hitting. There's also numerous gripping techniques that require a strong

• Old man Power comes through alignment, structure and frame

(Tendon strength) - The type of training you will learn in The Grand Circle
builds up unbeatable resilience to the tendons and ligaments which transfer
forces in the body and support the body structure. Combine this with the
understanding of the body-mechanics and you have the keys for longevity
of functional strength.

• There’s no kung fu without qigong - To every ancient kung fu style

there was a correspondent style of qigong and this is a necessity.

• You can remove or reduce trauma by consciously facing and

causing pain - Pain can be incredibly therapeutic and will dig deep into
your mind and emotions. Pain in general always brings you to the present

• You can gain incredible leg strength and endurance without

squats or jogging - Master himself had quite the tree-trunks and he didn't
do any squatting. Just hours and hours of standing practices.

• Our Internal muscles can be trained and it matters - There are

actual internal muscles invisible to the eye that are contracted and trained
during the practice. For me as a professional trainer it was also one of the
most interesting parts of connecting deeper to the body and the internal

• There’s a lot more to self massage than foam rolling - The self
treatment and massage techniques of Jiang Yu Shan were surprisingly
detailed and all-encompassing especially regards to the face, head and the
neck. There were techniques to massage the mouth and ways to even
cause vibrations inside the dome.


• The more rooting, the more power - All power comes from the
ground. Even when you're in air not touching the ground you wouldn't be
there if you didn't first spring yourself up by pushing on the ground.

• Ancient masters understood fascial chains - The Qigong masters

thousands of years ago understood how intertwined the body was and this
was reflected in the different forms and postures. How the Buddhist form
and Lohan Gong develop the body, is marvellous to say the least.

• Meditation is breathing, breathing is meditation - Jiang Yu Shan

repeatedly told us that the common meditation posture in lotus sitting is
just sitting while breathing. This isn't to lessen the importance of meditation
but to link it with its most essential part – conscious breathing.

• Human tissue is adaptable beyond measure - After witnessing the

hardened limbs of Grandmaster my perception of the potential of human
body changed. I realized that not just the hardness but the overall strength
and resilience of our bodies can be taken much further than what is
commonly thought or even accepted.

• The pain you experience you can give to your enemy - What ever
you receive during training you can give. By hardening yourself you will feel
a lot of pain, something that you have the ability to control during the
moment. This exact pain and more you can give to whomever is fighting
against you and without their control. Just imagine how it will feel to an
unprepared opponent.

• Hard qigong was ancient bodybuilding - The goal of Lohan Gong is

to prepare your body to be able to take hits and blows of the following
Golden Bell so you can imagine the level of hardness and pump required for
this. Of course, hard qigong is much more than just “simple pumping” but it
builds up the body extremely effectively nevertheless.

• Transmit the principle, not the skill - The principles are more
important than the skill - The external details of a skill can vary to a great
extent. It's much more important that the essence of the skill is present. This


is how you know it really works. When you have the principles you have real
understanding of the skill and are able to apply it in many different ways.

• Most kung fu is a lot more straight forward and practical than

what you see in the movies - In Internal & External Kung Fu, Jiang Yu
Shan demonstrated the fighting techniques for each of the foreign looking
kung fu techniques of the 10 Hands and 5 Element Fists. I'm sure many of
them would surprise you.

• Copying the moves is not enough if you don’t know the internal
processes - One of the reason Jiang Yu Shan was willing to share many of
his forms and movements to the public was that he knew that the “secret”
of the skills would not be revealed nevertheless.

• Seek to test your abilities as much as possible - Grandmaster Jiang

Yu Shan always emphasized practical applications and demonstrating your
abilities beyond just words. He himself tested his abilities in competitions,
breaking different objects and in his work life as a bodyguard and special
forces instructor.

• You don’t need to go and stretch to the extreme to open up your

body - While traditional stretches are part of qigong, the vast majority of
the health benefits and opening of the body come from movements and
positions that don't require any extreme ranges of motions from your joints.

• Ifhave
you cannot do it slow, you cannot do it fast - The navy seals of US
a similar saying: “Slow is smooth, smooth is fast”. Even Napoleon said:
“Dress me slowly, I’m in a hurry.”

• Become your own master. - Jiang Yu Shan has had many masters but
he also experimented a lot and tested everything by himself and ultimately
developed what he had learned even further.

Within the courses of that we provided with the

Grandmaster there are already tools for you to achieve a certain level of


mastership. After that it's up to you how far will you take everything you've

I hope you enjoyed these notes of the 54 lessons. If you want more
information and expand all of these by a great margin, get access to the
Ancient Qigong MasterClass here.

All of these methods are part of the courses available at, the big difference is that the grandmaster himself is
personally teaching everything in the video format.


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