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Table of Contents

Case Study Review....................................................................................................................4

Sundar Pichai’s Skill and Behaviour......................................................................................4

Impact of Pichai’s Skills and Behaviours on Google.............................................................5

Personal Skill Appraisal.............................................................................................................6

Personal Swot analysis...........................................................................................................6

Framework Evaluation...........................................................................................................7

Impact on Employability........................................................................................................7


Strategies for Personal Development.....................................................................................9

Action Plan.............................................................................................................................9

Determining the strengths..................................................................................................9

Identifying areas where I may need to improve...............................................................10

Considering the advantages of change.............................................................................10

Setting Specific Objectives and Maintaining Consistency..............................................10


In a world where there are hundreds of changes every minute and unexpected events,
personal effectiveness is about promoting the growth of all people and organisations. That is
why individuals need to be more competitive in both their professional and personal lives.
Along with personal effectiveness, we must mention emotional intelligence, which helps both
individuals and organisations grow. One of the most important improvements that
neuroscience has given to the realm of human performance is the importance of attention
management. Attention is the cognitive process of applying conscious mental activity in
response to external or internal input.
As a result, unlike time, attention is a resource that people can manage fully on their own.
However, in most circumstances, the methods or habits that individuals use to manage care
are highly improbable. The origins and effects of this should be a source of worry for every
organisation aspiring to be competitive in the twenty-first century. The corporation was
anxious that it will be regularly updated and prepared for future issues, but they had to figure
out how to apply this to their specific roles. Or, if required, to seek assistance from the
immediate superior. The ability of an organisation to continue in order to adjust to market
requirements determines its long-term effectiveness. This entails being able to deliver the
necessary products and services at all times. Normally, a steady flow of items that will be
introduced in the future is required for this. Short-term effectiveness is concerned with what
should be done, but short-term efficiency is concerned with how to achieve it (Voronina et al.
We live in a world that is always changing, with access to a vast quantity of information and
frequent diversions, both internal and external. In our world, it is nearly difficult to find time
to do everything we want to do.
The rest of the report is divided into four parts. In the next chapter, A case study Review will
be performed using a theoretical framework. Following that, a self-assessment test and
personal skill appraisal methods will be discussed. After that different strategies for
improving personal efficiency will be discussed, and that will be followed by a chapter
Keywords: Personal Development, Personal Efficiency, Organisational Behaviour,
Professional development.

Case Study Review

Sundar Pichai’s Skill and Behaviour

Sundar Pichai was appointed CEO of Google in 2015, following a restructuring of the
company's administrative organisation. He is now one of the world's most recognised
entrepreneurs, Because of his leadership abilities, "such as emotional maturity" and a
"dedication to the success of all people", "he has been able to steer Google to greatness.
Within a decade after joining Google as an executive, Pichai's swift ascension to the top was
attributed in part to his ability to generate new products and his leadership style. His
commitment to empowering and confiding people, as well as creating mutual trust via the
establishment of cohesive environments, has certainly made him a fantastic leader". Sundar
Pichai, the current CEO of Google, is the topic of this article, which investigates his
leadership style. The leadership style of Pichai will be examined, as well as the strengths and
challenges he encounters, as well as successful solutions to these challenges (McGain et al.
Sundar Pichai is widely recognised as a leader by his employees due to his focused and
pleasant nature. “Sundar Pichai's leadership style also includes a strong emphasis on youth
empowerment, with the central focus of Pichai always being on the quality education of
various individuals as young individuals concentrate on creativity and take more risks, which
will also be critical for the effective excellence of the various tasks that they may have
committed to (Banks et al. 2016)”. “Sundar Pichai, the CEO of Google LLC”, has supplied a
number of “opportunities for assisting school children, which supports them in achieving
their goals and encourages them to be considerably more original and distinctive in the ideas
they develop”.
Through the application of the "Transformational Leadership Theory," it was established that
managers are not intrinsically leaders, even if managers can perform many jobs correctly,
leaders develop many more traits and achieve the same thing in an efficient manner (Boak et
al. 2019). Pichai also worked to effect significant change by incorporating "Covey's 7 Habits"
into the heart of their organisational culture and urged their followers to put forth
extraordinary efforts in order to achieve their goals.
Because of his focused and nice personality, Sundar Pichai is highly regarded as a leader by
his staff. Sundar Pichai's leadership style also includes a strong emphasis on youth
empowerment, with Pichai's primary focus always being on the quality education of various

individuals as young people focus on creativity and take more risks, which will also be
critical for the effective excellence of the various tasks that they may have committed to
(Banks et al. 2016). Sundar Pichai, the CEO of Google LLC, has provided a variety of
options for supporting schoolchildren, which helps them achieve their goals and encourages
them to be much more creative and distinctive in the ideas they generate (Amanchukwu et al.
It is obvious that there are two such instances that might be used to define Sundar Pichai's
public persona in managing Google LLC's many businesses. To begin, Sundar Pichai
prioritises youth empowerment since he believes that today's youth are under immense
pressure to accomplish well and meet numerous objectives on time. Another incorporation of
the transformational leadership style, according to Bowles et al. (2016), is that he
continuously considers the various opinions of the employees operating in the firm, which is
good in inspiring them and raising their confidence, which also helps to make their efficiency
more commendable.

Impact of Pichai’s Skills and Behaviours on Google

Sundar Pichai's first major duty was to address sexual harassment amongst Google LLC's
female employees. There are two apparent examples that may be used to describe Sundar
Pichai's public persona while managing Google LLC's multiple businesses. To begin, Sundar
Pichai prioritises youth empowerment since he feels today's youngsters are under enormous
pressure to do well and reach several objectives on time. According to Bowles et al. (2016),
another feature of transformational leadership is that he constantly examines the varied
viewpoints of the people working in the organisation, which is helpful for motivating them
and increasing their confidence, which also helps to make their efficiency more respectable.
Sundar Pichai's first important responsibility was to address sexual harassment among female
Google LLC workers.
According to the preceding discussion, “Sundar Pichai is one of the greatest transformational
leaders who has directly influenced his various followers to make a positive difference inside
them and believe in their judgement skills in order to make them feel appreciated and boost
their motivation, allowing them to perform exceedingly well in the jobs they are assigned
(Eberly et al. 2017)”. “Sundar Pichai described his vision for the protesters in an online email
to various employees, and he also urged that supervisors take disciplinary action against those
who participated in the walkout. As seen by the entire situation, Pichai was unprepared for

the magnitude of the entire incident during the Deal Book visit. Sundar Pichai overlooked the
fact that women workers should have been invited to a conference to share their ideas, even if
it is a simple method of telling them that they are valued” (Hetland et al. 2018). It would have
boosted employee morale since it would have made them feel valued, and they would have
been pleased with Sundar Pichai's complete participation. In terms of compensation, on the
other hand, According to "The CEO Genome Project," for any entrepreneur or CEO to
maintain equality in the organisation, Pichai could have talked with the workforce and
increased the level of compensation for competent personnel, which would have helped them
improve their team spirit and achieve core competitiveness. According to the survey, Sundar
Pichai was characterised as a transformative leader, with Pichai's main focus being on
empowering the young and people to perform various responsibilities successfully.
Nonetheless, as Pichai noted, "Wearing failure as a badge of pride since it is through failure
that success is attained ( 2019)”. “As a transformational leader, you
should provide your employees or followers with the chance to share their thoughts since it
will help them perform better on various duties and increase their morale because they will
think that their opinions are recognised (Hoch et al. 2018)”.
As a consequence, it is possible to infer that management style is one of the most significant
qualities since it helps in inspiring diverse staff, which boosts morale, as well as optimising
operational productivity and accomplishing organisational goals. Pichai's path began with
many hurdles, but he conquered them all and was able to effectively construct a healthy,
pleasant working atmosphere in the organisation.

Personal Skill Appraisal

Personal Swot analysis

A sense of not being able to do everything and of being under constant stress. And we're
doing "knowledge work," as Peter F. Ducker put it. And this is considerably different from
what we are used to and are naturally suited for: manual labour. And there are significant
disparities between the two. Manual labour was visible, the action and goal were apparent,
and there was a clear balance between time and work to be done. Many duties in a knowledge
job are unknown to us; we receive them regularly via phone calls, emails, and crises... and we
always have more work than we can handle.

Performance and productivity are critical variables in ensuring a company's success.
Maintaining this level, on the other hand, is the product of a process of collecting smart
judgments and tough labour, an endeavour that involves everyone and necessitates
dedication. Organisations strive for business excellence, which can only be attained by
balancing efficiency and effectiveness. There are numerous strategies to achieve this aim in
this case. Some of the advantages of business efficiency include the creation of value and the
generation of wealth, the clear definition of objectives and the adaptation of plans to ensure
their achievement, a systematic way of operating applied to processes and systems, and
knowledge to satisfy the needs and expectations of its clients, the design of development
plans and continuous improvement, the promotion of work motivation programmes, and the
promotion of professional development (Samsudina et al. 2019).

Framework Evaluation

As a result, we need to focus on a talent for which we have not prepared ourselves more than
ever before: personal efficacy. And, sure, I'm referring to 'personal efficacy,' not 'personal
productivity,' though the latter is the more prevalent word. Productivity is concerned with
"doing more things at the same time," but effectiveness is concerned with "performing those
things that offer the greatest value in the time available in the most efficient manner feasible
The link between output and production capacity is the key to effectiveness. Covey shows
this link effectively by recounting Aesop's tale of the goose that lays golden eggs. A farmer
once had the good fortune to encounter a hen that laid a golden egg every day, according to
the fabulist. The farmer, not trusting what his senses told him, had the egg confirmed by
others. And he was able to demonstrate that the egg was golden. By the way, our farmer got
wealthy since the hen laid a golden egg for him every day. It wasn't long until his excessive
desires led him to believe that it was preferable to kill the goose once and for all in order to
acquire all the golden eggs once and for all. Indeed, he opted to shoot the goose that lays the
golden eggs without thinking. But when he murdered her and opened her, he discovered that
there was no golden egg within her. He had slaughtered the goose that lays the golden eggs
without regard for the repercussions. As a result, the hen's golden egg signifies output every
day, just as the hen indicates production capability.

Impact on Employability

An organisation's success is determined by the work efficiency of its workers. Implementing

a performance assessment system that allows you to scientifically measure people's
productivity and identify their advantages and areas for growth regularly is the best method to
ensure goal compliance and maximise team productivity. Although the assessment system
must be carefully planned, executed, and reviewed, it is indeed true that the easier and more
clearly it is, the higher its efficacy and utility. As a result, this report includes four key
performance indicators (KPIs) for measuring the work efficiency of the partners (Phan et al.
● Personal Goals
In order to assess firm success, every team member must set individual goals that adhere to
the SMART technique, which has five major criteria: be precise, measurable, attainable,
realistic, and have a time limit. Performance.
These characteristics enable people to accomplish their tasks with adequate information and
time to meet and surpass expectations. Here are five features of objectives that are
appropriate for the firm. In order to monitor the development of the goals, a quarterly
schedule of assessments must be established, as well as feedback sessions with collaborators
to review their outcomes and identify the necessary actions to capitalise on the recognised
improvement possibilities (Fashoto et al. 2018).
● Efficiency
A productive collaborator is one who can attain their best level of output without expecting
the most. This entails committing the fewest errors over the reviewed time, accomplishing,
and even exceeding, the specified objectives within the expected dates without losing work
quality. In a nutshell, perform an excellent job without suffering in the process.
In order to assess a worker's efficiency, conduct a 360o performance review in which their
managers, co-workers, and collaborators score their work and provide feedback on how this
individual executes their role. This enables a broader, objective evaluation and the use of
discovered gaps to optimise the efficiency of the system (Lu et al. 2018).
● Quality
Without a question, quality is superior to quantity, especially when it comes to staff
performance. Although meeting deadlines is vital, if the work is of poor quality, duplicating
or rewriting it can result in a waste of time and even money, as well as a delay in the agreed
work schedules. The measuring of job quality is an objective subject that is dependent on the

functions, positions, sectors, and specific activities done by the individual concerned.
However, the percentage of work completed that has been rejected or must be redone is an
appropriate indicator of job quality. Competency evaluations also enable the determination of
the assessed person's degree of quality and attention to detail.
● Training
Offering training and development programmes are critical for optimising job performance
and promoting employee professional progress. However, even if it is an investment for the
firm, these plans can be costly, and their adoption must be justified.
The first thing that must be examined is how many employees complete their training
schedule and which of them participate in these events. This requires the implementation of a
performance assessment system that provides for the verification of progress and the
demonstration of knowledge obtained in the areas in which the worker is being taught to
optimise their performance (Hu et al. 2018).


Strategies for Personal Development

Admitting our flaws is one of the best assets we can have. We all have areas where we shine
and others where we might improve. We may overcome our shortcomings and become more
balanced and hardworking persons by committing to personal and professional improvement.
Working on transforming our weaknesses into strengths does not imply pursuing perfection
or excessive self-criticism. It is, instead, a challenge that may be welcomed as a fruitful
project of personal and professional development, assisting us in overcoming negative habits
or inclinations that may be keeping us from attaining our full potential. There are a few steps
that I took, in order to improve on my weakness, using the Gibbs Reflective cycle as the
fundamentals, and they can be listed as follows. As a result, the company's success and
earnings are closely related to the performance of its employees. A company with disengaged
personnel will provide poor outcomes. Some of the keys to efficiency include competent
individuals who contribute value to the organisation, a sustainable company culture, a source
of united thought, and the execution of excellent work habits motivated by discipline. Given
that a corporation must be seen as the total of a great team's efforts, the work done by each
member of the team is critical (Ilin et al. 2018).

Action Plan

Determining the strengths.

We may be able to harness our strengths to assist enhance the deficiencies if we can
recognise them. Let's assume one of my talents is that I am strong at working with people; in
this instance, after I chose an area where I would like to develop, I recognize that having a
partner or partners is essential to success. I was able to collaborate with others, which
allowed me to use one of my skills to keep myself accountable (Priyadarshi et al. 2019).

Identifying areas where I may need to improve

It is also critical to analyse how those flaws may be harming my life or job. For example, I
am frequently late and as a result, I am anxious. Or maybe I'm just bad at writing, and my
emails and presentations are never as professional as I'd like them to be. Being truthful to
myself while without being damaging. I was analysing my flaws to learn how to improve my
life and job, not to punish myself (Sulaiman et al. 2021).

Considering the advantages of change

I spent some time visualising achievement since it may be a powerful and motivational
exercise. How may strengthening some of my weak points assist my life and career? For
example, I had difficulty communicating; this might be a vulnerability since I may be
perceived as tactless and/or untrustworthy.
One advantage of reversing that tendency was that I seemed more trustworthy and
responsive. This might provide me with significant social and labour benefits by boosting the
likelihood that people desire to be or work with me (Kirmani et al. 2019).

Setting Specific Objectives and Maintaining Consistency

I created clear goals to attain what I wanted to achieve after identifying what I wanted to
improve. Having a definite aim gives me a feeling of responsibility and provides me with an
end goal, which is beneficial for overcoming my shortcomings. It took time and persistent
work to see results, but I persevered and did not give up. I didn't notice the effects right away,
or even within a few weeks. However, as time passed, I was able to overcome and enhance
my weaknesses.
Many people feel that in order to thrive in life, we must focus on the people around us as well
as on financial wealth. Although everyone has their definition of success, personal growth is

frequently overlooked. However, if we want to accomplish our goals, we must first identify
who we are in order to improve our knowledge and talents. Personal development is the
culmination of an introspective process in which we attempt to understand our own identity
in order to explore our skills, better our health, make lifestyle adjustments, and do all required
to be in harmony with our mind and body.

In order to summarise, management style is one of the most significant characteristics
because it assists in inspiring diverse workers, which boosts morale, as well as optimising
operational productivity and accomplishing organisational goals. Pichai's path began with
many hurdles, but he conquered them all and was able to effectively construct a healthy,
pleasant working atmosphere in the organisation. Workers' performance improves
significantly because they strive to fulfil the goals set by the leader and the business as a
whole. A high level of inspiration and motivation on the part of the leaders allows the team to
respond to the demands of companies, which are becoming increasingly complicated. The
template significantly enhances its flexibility, allowing it to adapt to changes and work
efficiently under high strain. In order to practise transformational leadership, you must
outsource all repetitive and manual activities. These responsibilities take time away from
team management. How? Human Resources may be improved via digitalization and
software. Managers may save time by providing data and reports that will help the
organisation develop. Factorial aspires to empower both the company and its executives and
people. It cannot be applied to all sorts of businesses, nor must it be the most useful to the
When the environment changes a little, this is not the best strategy. The employees are
knowledgeable and like their jobs. In this instance, it is preferable for the organisation to
choose a different leadership style, such as transactional leadership. The transactional
approach encourages self-control and equilibrium, which is advantageous in a conventional
Individual efforts should not be relied on completely for professional growth. The
organisation has well-defined goals and can motivate its members to work toward them.
This has two effects: it prevents employees' efforts from being dispersed, leading them to
goals and fields that are alien to those provided by the firm, and it ensures that everyone is
well informed of the prospects presented by the organisation.

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