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One o f us is lying

Chapter 19
Brief Summary:
Nate wonders how he will tell Bronwyn the truth about his mother, she was a coke addict. Since the
truth was so painful, he simply found it easier to tell people that his mother died. Nate decides to try
to talk to his mother, who apologizes for her actions and tells him that she is taking medication that
allowed her to finish rehab. He leaves and heads to a party, where a girl offers to go upstairs with him
and “trip for a while.” He knows that everyone thinks he’s a drug addict, anyway, but then he
remembers that Bronwyn sees him differently. Instead of hanging out with the girl, he answers a call
from Bronwyn. Bronwyn sneaks Nate into her basement so that they can talk. She asks him why he
didn’t tell her the truth about his mother. He told her that he wasn’t sure how to “unsay” such a lie
but that he hasn’t lied to her about anything else. He promises that he isn’t dealing drugs and that he
didn’t kill Simon. Bronwyn believes him and asks for him to tell her about his mother. She then asks if
he’s in “casual” relationships with other girls, and he tells her that he isn’t anymore. The two kiss and
then watch a movie together on Nate’s phone as they stay wrapped up together.

Plot related questions:

How would Bronwyn’s parents react if they saw them together?
We know that they hate Nate as a person but thing will always come out sooner or later.

What was the reasoning behind Nate’s mom’s arrival?

She wanted to see her son but she didn’t think of all the concenquences she did to him and
why he hates her now

Why did Nate give up everything for her?

He gave up most of the bad things to become a better person and why? Because he found
someone he actually cares about.

Should we believe that people “had changed“ ?
Is forbidden love romantic or something that just shouldn’t have happened?
Why does it only take one person to change yourself as a whole?

Dictionary work:
ragged /ˈræɡ.ɪd/ untidy, dirty, and wearing old, torn clothes

endorsement /ɪnˈdɔːrs.mənt/ the act of saying that you approve of or support something or

grouch  /ɡraʊtʃ/ a person who often complain

Stop wasting our time with meaningless speculation that you can't prove, and that wouldn't
be actionable even if you did.
-Robin, 223

God, his eyes. They're ridiculous.

-Bronwyn, 227

"You're doing better than me. I never stop thinking about kissing you."
-Nate, 227

Honestly, I don't care what we do. I just want to stay wrapped around him for as long as possible,
fighting sleep and forgetting about the rest of the world. –Bronwyn, 228

Moan(expression of a feeling) Women moan during sex to
communicate to their partners they’re enjoying what they are doing Think
of it as a nudge in the right direction, a pleasure-filled response that a
partner is doing all of the right things. And let’s be real: It’s often an
involuntary response to all that physical exertion. Some research says the
deeper you are into the sexual experience, the less inhibited your sounds
may be

male: “agggggghhhh“
Girl: “uuuuuuhhhhh“
PG(guidance)Derived from the abbreviation for "Parental
Guidance", PG is used for describing something rude or
potentially offensive for which the conversation participants
may require adult supervision.
Rehab(place/addiction)An expensive but life-saving haven
where rock-bottom addicts can finally sleep in a bed and eat
something other than corn chips. Five percent of these regain
their freedom, health, families, homes, jobs, and drivers licence
by learning to change. The remaining ninety-five percent of
these are just resting-up before their next binge.

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